Kinda problematic as pretty much every Kree appearance in the MCU thus far has established them as being assholes, like them ignoring Ronan's butchering people because they don't care, Yondu was a child-slave forced into battle until rescued by the Ravagers, they created the Inhumans to serve as expendable slave-soldiers and there was a recent season of AoS where apparently one was a primary antagonist.
My guess is that her turning on the Kree as she rediscovers her humanity is going to be a big part of the plot.
My guess is that her turning on the Kree as she rediscovers her humanity is going to be a big part of the plot.

If they go that way, it won't be a clean break. She's still wearing the Star of Hala on her blue and red uniform, so at least some part of her is probably okay with the Kree, or her history with them, or something.
Looks like we got the answer to this, judging from the trailer it seems like the Kree brain-washed her or something.

Probably because I never read the comics, but my impression from the trailer was that the Earth memories were fake ones implanted for an intended infiltrator, but the download went wrong. (Said implant helps her realize that she likes earth culture better than the alium one)

So that Exiles thing people mentioned sounds rad, where can i find it?
Legally, Comixology if you want to buy it online, your local comic shop if you want to pick it up physically. Past that for obvious reasons I can't really advise you on how to read it :V
Most comic book runs are a tangled mess that I have a hard time figuring out though. Any issue/volume number references to help me find the relevant sequence?
Most comic book runs are a tangled mess that I have a hard time figuring out though. Any issue/volume number references to help me find the relevant sequence?
I don't know what the trades look like, but it's a fresh numbering, so you just start at no. 1. It looks like this:
Probably because I never read the comics, but my impression from the trailer was that the Earth memories were fake ones implanted for an intended infiltrator, but the download went wrong. (Said implant helps her realize that she likes earth culture better than the alium one)

So that Exiles thing people mentioned sounds rad, where can i find it?
To be honest, while this takes a fair few inspirations from the comics, it rather looks like this, like most MCU properties, will deviate quite significantly. Whether that is a good or bad thing will be seen when it comes out.

So that Exiles thing people mentioned sounds rad, where can i find it?
Most comic book runs are a tangled mess that I have a hard time figuring out though. Any issue/volume number references to help me find the relevant sequence?
Exiles is thankfully one of the more clutter-free ones, having very distinct boundaries between runs. The orignal from the 00s ran for 100 issues and was extremely consistent until Claremont coming onto the book proved to be a terrible call, but is otherwise generally thought of as one of the best comics of the era, possibly in western comic history. That ended back in 08, though.

The current run of Exiles is a resurrection of the same format, but is largely- oh I've been beaten to the punch I see. :oops:

But anyways, strongly recommend picking up the original sometime - if I recall there's trade paperbacks and complete collections and so on of the whole thing.
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Probably because I never read the comics, but my impression from the trailer was that the Earth memories were fake ones implanted for an intended infiltrator, but the download went wrong. (Said implant helps her realize that she likes earth culture better than the alium one)

Hm, maybe! They're probably drawing from or setting up for the Secret Invasion storyline, where the Skrull empire started infiltrating Earth, using their shape shifting powers to undermine the superheroes.

The Kree aren't great, morally, but they get to be the good guys because the Skrulls have done so much worse they come off as decent by comparison.

I could see the Kree using Carol as an infiltrator of their own for the MCU, absolutely.
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On one hand, happy to see this movie being made.

On the other, what clips I have seen from the trailer don't look too promising, at least a glance. Especially what we got out of Wonder Woman as well, that's the bar.
Carol has two kinds of smiles: The fake one she has for the public, to be a good role model and trusted hero-

And when she's about to go very fast or punch someone-

Which isn't to say that she's totally joyless- just a serious type-A who holds herself to seriously high standards.
The reason she isn't smiling is because she's yet to have a chance to go all out on some Skrulls.
I don't know the comics. I don't know what the deal is with the Kree and the Skrulls. I don't know this Ms. Marvel vs. Captain Marvel mix-up.

All I know is that they had me at Blockbuster.
So based on this article, it seems like Carol will probably be pretty close to Kelly Sue DeConnick's interpretation of the character.

"Carol falls down all the time," DeConnick says, "but she always gets back up — we say that about Captain America as well, but Captain America gets back up because it's the right thing to do. Carol gets back up because 'Fuck you.'
Jesus, judging by those trailers and pictures I could put Brie Larson under a Voight-Kampff test and she would fail, hard.
How about power levels?

Is she gonna be a strong woman or a flying blaster punk who is afraid of melee?
Jesus, judging by those trailers and pictures I could put Brie Larson under a Voight-Kampff test and she would fail, hard.
I'm really not seeing it. Yeah, she's not Tony Stark levels of constant emoting or Cap's wide-eyed idealist Goodest Boy, but she's playing a military hardass. With amnesia. And we've still seen a good range of emotion from her in facial expression and variations in vocal tone.

What, did you need her to smile more?
I'm really not seeing it. Yeah, she's not Tony Stark levels of constant emoting or Cap's wide-eyed idealist Goodest Boy, but she's playing a military hardass. With amnesia. And we've still seen a good range of emotion from her in facial expression and variations in vocal tone.

What, did you need her to smile more?

Oh lord no, the smile is almost as awful. I'd rather she frown, or glare, or quirk a curious eyebrow, or crinkle her nose, or look sad, or anything else, really. Shock or surprise would be a bonus.
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How about power levels?

Is she gonna be a strong woman or a flying blaster punk who is afraid of melee?
Ideally kinda both. Much like Superman, Carol has both super-strength and a ranged lazor option. At least in the source material.

Have some cheesy '06 diablo-style gameplay from Marvel Ultimate Alliance:
To set the mood.