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I hate you! (it's not against the rules!)
Mons Regius
I'm too impatient, so I'm beating people to the punch. Anyway, there might be a trailer or a teaser or something today based on this series of tweets by Brie Larson:

If the tweets can't show up said:
Brie Larson: Hey @EW I'm bored. Wanna break the Internet tomorrow?
EW: Yes! Meet us here at noon ET. We've got something Marvel-ous in mind. ;)
Brie Larson: It's a DATE!

Stay tuned I guess.
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False alert, it's just a magazine feature.

At least this thread is here for when the actual trailer arrives.
You know I was wondering what roles Ronan and Korath would play, but given that we're getting Starforce lol it makes perfect sense to slot them in as team members. Wondering if we'll get Minerva though, because I've always liked her.
Instagram with a bunch of photos, showing a younger Nick Fury, Carol's team, and Skrulls

EDIT: Couple more

The bad guy is Talos, leader of the Skrull Team
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Okay the fact she's wearing a Nine Inch Nails shirt is hilarious to me for some reason.
I can't wait for The Skrulls' debut album to come out. That cover art is on point.
Nice! Hopefully this (eventually) leads to Captain Marvel III / Photon becoming a character and eventually NEXTWAVE.

It's kinda messed up they introduce Carol by having her work voluntairly as an enforcer for the Prick Slaver Empire.
It's kinda messed up they introduce Carol by having her work voluntairly as an enforcer for the Prick Slaver Empire.

I suspect they'll change the Kree a bit for the MCU.

What really matters, what they absolutely can't change, is Carol's murderlust for the Skrulls. As long as that remains basically unchanged, I can live with a more ethically neutral Kree.
I suspect they'll change the Kree a bit for the MCU.

Kinda problematic as pretty much every Kree appearance in the MCU thus far has established them as being assholes, like them ignoring Ronan's butchering people because they don't care, Yondu was a child-slave forced into battle until rescued by the Ravagers, they created the Inhumans to serve as expendable slave-soldiers and there was a recent season of AoS where apparently one was a primary antagonist.
Carol is a menace! She punches kindly old grandmas!

Real talk though, happy to see our Skrull-hating captain in action. Looks like she might have forgotten her Earth past though.
I forgot how much I hate that dang helmet. Looks good otherwise, though Carol will always be Ms. Marvel to me and I do wish they would stop treating feminine signifiers like dirty words.
I am genuinely going to miss the black and green suit, I think - it looks awfully sleek. That said, the red-blue-gold colour scheme still looks good.
It's kinda messed up they introduce Carol by having her work voluntairly as an enforcer for the Prick Slaver Empire.

Looks like we got the answer to this, judging from the trailer it seems like the Kree brain-washed her or something.

I'm not really a fan of how it looks in the comics, but it seems fine here, somehow.

Probably because it has some actual structure and substances to it, making it look like an actual helmet; whereas the comic version usually just looks like more spandex.