I love the way Cap fights gets more visually impressive, without going too far, in each film. Real sells the Super Part of Super Soldier.
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I love the way Cap fights gets more visually impressive, without going too far, in each film. Real sells the Super Part of Super Soldier.
To think, the Super Soldier Serum made Steve into Peak human condition....

While Bruce Wayne in the Golden Age got to this level with freaking YEARS of TRAINING and hard work. Or something.
A Toyota Hilux has a curb weight of 1420 kilograms. Anybody care to calc that kick?

To be fair, though, in this case the Hilux is only the middle part of a human Newton's Cradle. Did you see how far that dude on the other side went flying? Easily a good 3-6 metres there. The truck ending up 4 feet from where it started is just waste energy.
Well, a Hilux is insanely durable, so there is that. Also, it's far heavier than a person.
Actually, you guys know what would be the biggest twist and heartbreaker? Tony is the one who dies as a consequence of Cap's action to save his best friend Bucky, he'll cause the death of his fellow Avenger.
So it's averaging at 8.8/10 so far which does give a good initial impression. I was worried about initial reviews saying that the airport fight was the best part of the movie, it brought back memories of BvS reactions saying that the fight was the best part of the movie.

I'm glad to see those two and a half hour are not filled padding just for the fight scenes.
Maybe Crossbones shoots Steve, who tries to save Tony from getting shot, ending up really messed up but alive?
Time for a news report:

Stories at the bottom:

European manufacturered daily supplement to help correct the adverse effects of staring at a mobile device for hours each day.

Miami marathon sees new record set: runner cites Captain America as inspiration.

One of the most controversial figures of our time left us with more questions than answers, who was Alexander Pierce?

US Vice President begins global outreach trip with stops in Sokovia and South Africa planned.

Lt. Gen. Thaddeus Ross announces retirement from the army.

Also something about artists in Nashville and online distribution, but that's not important.
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