Neither is this one. C'mon, nobody whines that we've had Bruce Wayne for seven movies or Clark Kent for six, what makes Miles so super-exciting that Peter's got to go?

Actually I think that the continued samey-ness of both is a weakness in their blockbuster portrayals that will probably contribute to audience fatigue as regards comic book movies, because saturation is a thing. There's also a cool bunch of stuff regarding Miles' differing treatment by figures in authority because of his race and how that plays into being your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, friend to coppers and people in power, but hey. Just another teen with spider powers right? Edit: there's definitely nothing interesting to explore in the relationship between unaccountable authority figures and race or anything, right?

Also having opinions isn't automatically whining just because you might happen to disagree lol

Edit: Also also no one's talking about e: how "Peter's got to go", I'm just talking about giving him and the audience a break after a five movie streak lol. Parker is safe from my evil grasp and will not be eliminated from The Marvel Canon or anything :V
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Actually I think that the continued samey-ness of both is a weakness in their blockbuster portrayals that will probably contribute to audience fatigue as regards comic book movies, because saturation is a thing. There's also a cool bunch of stuff regarding Miles' differing treatment by figures in authority because of his race and how that plays into being your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, friend to coppers and people in power, but hey. Just another teen with spider powers right? Edit: there's definitely nothing interesting to explore in the relationship between unaccountable authority figures and race or anything, right?

Also having opinions isn't automatically whining just because you might happen to disagree lol

Edit: Also also no one's talking about e: how "Peter's got to go", I'm just talking about giving him and the audience a break after a five movie streak lol. Parker is safe from my evil grasp and will not be eliminated from The Marvel Canon or anything :V
Wow, you jumped right off topic again the instant you had an opportunity.

Drop it all ready.
Wow, you jumped right off topic again the instant you had an opportunity.

Drop it all ready.

I'm replying to someone who quoted me. Do calm down.

Edit: on the Thunderbolt Ross connection, maybe they brought him in because the search for Banner will somehow tie into the whole registration thing, with Bucky's shenanigans as prime mover of plot? After all, Ross was chasing the most dangerous Avenger before he was inside the tent pissing out, surely he knows what he's doing? Edit2: Hell, he survived the Abomination. That can only be an extra selling point to whoever set him on the Avengers with instructions to give them a stern talking to.
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Well, we don't really know whether or not Ross was still Chasing the Hulk. The big green dude was in a known location for a while, and Ross didn't seem to give a fuck
I spy Thunderbolt Ross reading our heroes the riot act. How's he going to play into all of this?
Man you're late, he's there since the very first trailer lol.

As for his role, the Russos have directly compared Thunderbolt Ross's role in the film to Colin Powell, being a military general turned Secretary of State.
Wow, you jumped right off topic again the instant you had an opportunity.

Drop it all ready.
Maybe criticize the person who brought it up again instead ? :V
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Man you're late, he's there since the very first trailer lol.

As for his role, the Russos have directly compared Thunderbolt Ross's role in the film to Colin Powell, being a military general turned Secretary of State.

Maybe criticize the person who brought it up again instead ? :V

I know you're enjoying being smug, but I didn't say I'd only just noticed him ;)

That's p interesting re Ross's role, so the Avengers warrant the actual factual StateSec to give them a dressing down cum warning? I wonder what else he's doing now that he's moved up in life...

Well, we don't really know whether or not Ross was still Chasing the Hulk. The big green dude was in a known location for a while, and Ross didn't seem to give a fuck

I figure Ross was only put back on the scent when big green did a runner. *shrugs*. The Avengers seems like constructive work, probably no reason to pursue him and undo SHIELD's progress in taming him and/or start an inter-agency turf war that could actually include shooting.
So, was thinking about the numbers listed in the videos for the various fights:

Avengers: 74
Winter Soldier: 23
Age of Ultron: 177

So yeah, these are clearly too low to be the total casualties for the Invasion/events of the Winter Soldier/Ultron's attack. I'm pretty sure more then 23 people were killed on screen in Winter Soldier.

So, trying to make sense of this here, I can see two scenarios- either they're the number of dead in thousands, or they're the collateral damage casualties caused directly/indirectly by the heroes.

I could believe the Invasion of New York killed 74,000 people, and that the Flying city thing had a death toll over a hundred thousand, but I'm unsure about the fall of shield killing 23,000 people. Most of the Helicarrier wreckage seemed to fall into the Potomac, and given the footprint of the wreckage and the population density of the DC area, I don't think it'd kill that many.

So what I'm thinking is that the numbers are the Avengers collateral damage. That skiff Hawkeye shot down that crashed into a bus. That dude who got crushed when Hulk threw a piece of rubble. Look at the way Falcoln and Scarlet Witch flinch- like someone just pointed out where they had done something terrible. For Scarlet Witch, that's easy to justify- she arguably started everything by mindfucking Tony- but Falcon didn't do anything like that.

So yeah, I don't think those are the casualty count and costs of the entire event, I think they're the damage the Avengers personally caused. Just a theory.
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Also, looked up this scene:

So yeah, before the invasion of Giant Armored Space Worms, Loki killed at least 80 people in 2 days. So 74 definitely can't be the total casualty count for everything, though I suppose you could technically argue that Loki managed to kill more people in two days then an army managed to do when portal-ed into NYC.
alright it's a bit late but since apparently no one actually bothered to look it up, the reason why we can't have miles morales or a black spiderman or whatever isn't even in marvel's hands, it's in sony's: Spider-Man Needs to Be White and Straight, Say Leaked Sony Emails

it took me literally five minutes to look that up.
I recall reading a different Article about the same thing way back when, and it specifically says Peter Parker must be white and straight, not Spiderman must be White and Straight.
they probably told marvel "hey, use peter parker for the movie", or maybe marvel just went "hey, you know, there's been two origin movies already, why don't we introduce spiderman as peter parker, and then later on we can have a dramatic movie about the title passing on and milk some money out of it instead of doing another origin story inside of someone else's movie"
There is no way they are changing the character of Peter Parker without getting to run a "Death of Spiderman" as a major event.

(Also, so long as China remains the second biggest movie market in the world you will not see much in the way of LGBT characters in major blockbusters.)
they probably told marvel "hey, use peter parker for the movie", or maybe marvel just went "hey, you know, there's been two origin movies already, why don't we introduce spiderman as peter parker, and then later on we can have a dramatic movie about the title passing on and milk some money out of it instead of doing another origin story inside of someone else's movie"

Not even vaguely; it's a licensing thing. If Marvel makes a sufficiently different version of Spiderman they'll be able to claim more credit. Sony wants to keep Spiderman as exclusively theirs as possible; by letting Marvel use the one they have all of the rights to they preclude Marvel from doing what it did with Quicksilver and effectively getting the ability to use the character without infringing/paying Sony.

Edit: Morales is a teenager who's whole story has a ton to do with Peter Parker. He doesn't work as a stand alone character without the Spiderman Mythos coming before him, unless you want to completely change the character, in which case the reasons for it being Miles Morales rather than someone people who haven't read the comics will know are non-existent.

Also Movie Tony Stark would never throw a teenager into battle like that. It's pretty clear from the Trailers that they're having a hard enough time getting him to play the "bad guy" role from the comics, let alone something like that.

If there's ever an MCU Spiderman movie, Morales would be great for it, especially since Phase 3/Phase 4 is all about successors (see: Ant-Man). But he doesn't work as the first and only appearance, because he's only interesting with the rest of the backstory.
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[information=Official Staff Communication]I'm not sure your definition of Off Topic and the forum's definition of Off Topic align, my friend.[/information]
This is the thread for a Captain America movie, not a Spider Man one, correct? Talking about nothing but Spider Man, and not even how he's involved in the movie, sounds pretty unrelated to the topic of the thread to me.
Information: Official Staff Communication
This is the thread for a Captain America movie, not a Spider Man one, correct? Talking about nothing but Spider Man, and not even how he's involved in the movie, sounds pretty unrelated to the topic of the thread to me.
official staff communication We know he's in the movie and a major character. Don't debate this further.
The issue with Miles Morales is that you can't have him in a film continuity that hasn't already featured Peter Parker.

Or at least, you can't have a recognizable Miles Morales in such a film series.

I say this because Miles Morales does not – despite having been consistently in-print for five years now – have much of a personality outside of "the guy who replaced Peter Parker". There have been vanishingly few moments in his run so far that aren't rooted in Miles asking himself what Peter Parker would do, or blaming himself for Peter Parker's death, or being mistaken for Peter Parker's Spider-Man, or seeking out Peter Parker's old friends for advice, or being compared to Peter Parker, or meeting multiple different versions of the actual Peter Parker so they can directly explain to him What Spider-Man Do.

What remains of his stories mainly consists of other, more interesting characters in team books (like the female clone of, you guessed it, Peter goddamn Parker), Ultimate Universe Event Drama (whoops drop everything here's Galactus) and Dragon Ball Z powerups (boy do I wish that were more than mild hyperbole). His uncle – the evil version of Hobie Brown, who was the closest thing to a black Spider-Man in the main continuity – was his only original hook, and gee whiz did they kill him off as quickly as possible.

He's just been introduced into the 616 universe, and his first distinct plot-line is about how Black Cat intends to get revenge on Peter Parker through him. A proxy for Peter Parker! It's like a metaphor for how disappointing his whole existence has become.

I'd love a black Peter Parker. It's not like he's an especially "white" superhero, and a lot of his themes arguably resonate more with modern black issues than white kids. If you'd told me Donald Glover had been cast as Peter Parker, the resulting erection would have shattered my keyboard from beneath. Miles Morales, though, is boring as fuck. His costume's ugly as hell, but I'd rather have Miguel O'Hara, the Latino Spider-Man, who has the downside of being a cyberpunk character set eighty years from now, but has the benefit of "being an actual character".

As for whether Peter Parker's outstayed his welcome, well... if nothing else, they're skimming over the origin story for this one, because everyone knows who Peter Parker/Spider-Man is. Can't do that anywhere near as easily with Miles Morales or a new character.
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Side note - I know it's years off and it'll probably never affect most of us, but has anyone else ever wondered what happens to the 2099 line when we actually reach the year 2099?

A part of me actually wants to see the 2099 line being brought to the big screen in 2099 just for the hell of it.

The issue with Miles Morales is that you can't have him in a film continuity that hasn't already featured Peter Parker.

Or at least, you can't have a recognizable Miles Morales in such a film series.

I say this because Miles Morales does not – despite having been consistently in-print for five years now – have much of a personality outside of "the guy who replaced Peter Parker". There have been vanishingly few moments in his run so far that aren't rooted in Miles asking himself what Peter Parker would do, or blaming himself for Peter Parker's death, or being mistaken for Peter Parker's Spider-Man, or seeking out Peter Parker's old friends for advice, or being compared to Peter Parker, or meeting multiple different versions of the actual Peter Parker so they can directly explain to him What Spider-Man Do.

He's just been introduced into the 616 universe, and his first distinct plot-line is about how Black Cat intends to get revenge on Peter Parker through him. A proxy for Peter Parker! What a metaphor, Mark.

What remains of his stories is mainly occupied by other, more interesting characters in team books (like the female clone of, you guessed it, Peter goddamn Parker), Ultimate Universe Event Drama (whoops drop everything here's Galactus) and Dragon Ball Z powerups (boy do I wish that were more than mild hyperbole). His uncle – the evil version of Hobie Brown, who was the closest thing to a black Spider-Man in the main continuity – was his only original hook, and gee whiz did they kill him off as quickly as possible.

I'd love a black Peter Parker. It's not like he's an especially "white" superhero, and a lot of his themes arguably resonate more with modern black issues than white kids. If you'd told me Donald Glover had been cast as Peter Parker, the resulting erection would have shattered my keyboard from beneath. Miles Morales, though, is boring as fuck. His costume's ugly as hell, but I'd rather have Miguel O'Hara, the Latino Spider-Man, who has the downside of being a cyberpunk character set eighty years from now, but has the benefit of "being an actual character".

As for whether Peter Parker's outstayed his welcome, well... if nothing else, they're skimming over the origin story for this one, because everyone knows who Peter Parker/Spider-Man is. Can't do that anywhere near as easily with Miles Morales or a new character.

Between this and what @Ramenth posted, I now like the idea of Morales/heavily altered O'Hara taking over in Phase N after Parker is rendered indisposed/a corpse in Phase N-1. Also Donglover better get the part now that Danny Pudi was that technician in Winter Soldier (post-credits stinger: they rap badly in spanish whilst hanging out at SHIELD headquarters, because fanservice isn't bad if I like it :L )

Silly thought: Unless that bit was from a flashback, Bucky seems to have been cloned or something, as per trailer number 2. I predict that this doubling of the Barnes will cause an explosion in the minds of Steve/Bucky shippers everywhere, even though Steve's probably going to have to kill one of them. That, or the good one will sacrifice himself to take down the clone. Further prediction: the latter may spawn a fresh wave of shipping in the Bucky/Bucky mode. Tumblr knows no mercy :V

Edit: Senpai noticed me

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