Capitalism ho! Let's Read Kengan Asura

hahahahahaha oh my fuck ahahahaahahahahahahahahah this is genius

this is sandro taking the piss, right? he developed self-awareness, right? he isn't expecting us to take Raian seriously right now, right???
And here is where the first season of the anime ended, and thus all the cuts are finally explained as them wanting to end on a triumphant note. Which I can get, because there was 0 indications that they would ever get another season, so cutting out stuff that seemed to only serve as set up for a payoff that would never come makes sense.

Of course then they did get a continuation but that's for another day.
Ohma having apparently forgotten how his moves are actually supposed to be used is kinda funny, especially since this is actually how we first saw this move get used. Remember, all the way back in chapter 28? It was indestructible's introduction, but the posture used for the way Ohma annihilated Jerry's hands and face were exactly the same as Flashing Steel: Blast. That weirdness aside, I suppose it could be explained as muscle memory applied without much thought so it's not stuff accounted for in future battles. Or we can assume there was no Flame Kata element in that fight, since Jerry was doing all the moving and Ohma just stood his ground. It's not the strangest beat, given the prior setup of Ohma's memory damage and his use of the Advance as a crutch, and I do like it. But it does clash weirdly with certain moments.

This I believe may be more intentional than it appears. On top of the mentioned fact that it was the introduction to Indestructible (specifically Indestructible, with no mention of Flame yet), I think it's more tying into the beat of Ohma performing the moves correctly now from 117, how slight corrections in posture and tactics can make all the difference. When he used it on Jerry, he made Jerry ram his fists into his side and that caused a direct blow back from Jerry's own momentum; his elbow didn't even touch him until the follow up, and that almost seems accidental. Contrast here where he instead grabs Raian's arm to redirect the punch instead of tanking it and to arrest the upcoming blow back for the follow up, and sends his elbow directly into Raian's chest to devastating effect.
And here is where the first season of the anime ended, and thus all the cuts are finally explained as them wanting to end on a triumphant note. Which I can get, because there was 0 indications that they would ever get another season, so cutting out stuff that seemed to only serve as set up for a payoff that would never come makes sense.

I do think that their choice of ending the first season with this makes sense, even if I think it's a weak sort of sense. It's treating the story as Ohma's, which, yeah, it is. But it's also a bit of missing the point, in my opinion, since Kengan has consistently been most interesting when it's the story of all these fighters as a massive ensemble cast.

Your edgy boy, everyone.
Yeah this is kinda driving me to the limit, like I enjoy Onega what it is and trust I know it's flaws, but there are good moments.

But this is pushing it here as Raian is trying so hard to he a discount/rip off of Vergil from Devil May Cry.

Also, unrelated, but Otakemaru is a name/reference to the big three yokai. Just thought it be fun.
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I do think that their choice of ending the first season with this makes sense, even if I think it's a weak sort of sense. It's treating the story as Ohma's, which, yeah, it is. But it's also a bit of missing the point, in my opinion, since Kengan has consistently been most interesting when it's the story of all these fighters as a massive ensemble cast.

Oh absolutely. And I want to believe in a world where the anime had an appropriate budget, it would have been done incredibly faithfully. Baki proved adaptations like that can be handled if they want to.

But shows are made on the budgets they get, not the ones they need, alas.
hahahahahaha oh my fuck ahahahaahahahahahahahahah this is genius

this is sandro taking the piss, right? he developed self-awareness, right? he isn't expecting us to take Raian seriously right now, right???
Fun fact, the fight Raian lost that made him re-evaluate himself happened entirely off-screen. Presumably so Sandrovich wouldn't have to draw his pretty princess losing.
Fun fact, the fight Raian lost that made him re-evaluate himself happened entirely off-screen. Presumably so Sandrovich wouldn't have to draw his pretty princess losing.

Picturing Sandrovich tap-tap-tapping a little Raian figure around on his desk and brushing his plastic hair. You know, like kids do with My Little Pony figures
Honestly, seeing Raian described as Manic did made me unable to stop thinking about another edgy unflappable manga antagonist: Ryomen Sukuna.

He was cool, once upon a time: terrifying and uncontrollable, a presence that only occasionally appeared and made everything worse when he did. But ever since chapter 237 he's just been in-fucking-sufferable. An endless parade of characters throwing themselves at this guy, getting the shit beaten out of them, and tagging in other characters to get the shit beaten out of them in turn, all while the narrator chokes to death on both of his two cocks at the same time. Utter drudgery.

This refusal to let a pet villain ever be anything but untouchable, unflappable, the coolest ever, reminds me very much of Raian.
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It's interesting to go back and read reddit threads and comments reacting to this fight. It seems like throughout the earlier chapters of the match there was a persistent belief that Ohma would lose. Just like, straight-up fail the stat check, and get bodied into unconsciousness. The thought there was that Ohma would figure his shit out during the rest of round 2, and then sub in for Cosmo in round 3 for the immediate runback.

I'm glad that didn't end up happening, because Raian doesn't deserve to make it to top eight, and I really don't want to see him vs Ohma AGAIN. I don't find him particularly odious as a character, honestly, and I'm not really sure why. I just think he's funny, I guess? Not intentionally, but he comes across as very funny. Consider the fact that he's a World of Darkness OC now. Incredibly funny. My GOAT.

At least now we know, kinda sorta. Ohma *can* defeat someone with a temporary supermode like him. He's got more in the tank than just Advance.





*points back and forth between the two while continuing to laugh helplessly*


3. Kure Raian is never, for any reason, anything less than the coolest dude



Fun fact, the fight Raian lost that made him re-evaluate himself happened entirely off-screen. Presumably so Sandrovich wouldn't have to draw his pretty princess losing.

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A big strong man, constantly validated by the narrative, clearly the author's favorite, gets unearned laurels placed about his neck for simply breathing, is under no circumstances ever not allowed to be the coolest guy in existence? Hm.

Somehow this captures all of the reasons I dislike Solomon David.
The thought there was that Ohma would figure his shit out during the rest of round 2, and then sub in for Cosmo in round 3 for the immediate runback.

This does sound like an interesting idea, having Ohma take a loss and have to go back into it again. But it would mess with the structure of the tournament something fierce, as well as fuck up the fact that Ohma is also fighting for Yamashita.

Plus Kenzo would die if Ohma lost here, I suppose.
A big strong man, constantly validated by the narrative, clearly the author's favorite, gets unearned laurels placed about his neck for simply breathing, is under no circumstances ever not allowed to be the coolest guy in existence? Hm.

Somehow this captures all of the reasons I dislike Solomon David.

Seems a smidge unfair considering his paternalism and narcissism are repeatedly called out, at one point explicitly causing his loss to a fighter he could have obliterated with one finger because he felt compelled to humiliate her, and his empire dissolves into infighting because of it upon his exit.