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The path you choose will determine the legacy of the Magi Ætheric.
The Machine God awaits your decision.
Mechanicum Factions
Okay, I will have to revise the faction lists.
Like an idiot I just put them there without doing proper research.

How embarrassing. :oops:

The proper list:

Explorator - lat. "scout"
= Explorer

Genetor - gr. "creator" in a biological sense "begetter", "father", ancestor. From the same root comes genos (lat. genus), which means family or species.
= Geneticist

Alchemys - chaemeia is the ancient greek work for egypt (black earth) and also means (black) magic. combined with the arabic article al-, it is the name of a mystical tradition in medieval latin, which (metaphorically) tried to transform lead (the soul) into gold (divinity) by using the philosopher's stone (wisdom).
= Chemist

Metallurgicus - metallon is greek for mine/quarry. -ourgos (from ergon, "work") means "someone who creates something from [stone]"
= Material Scientist

Logis - gr. logizomai means "to count, calculate"
= Mathematician/Logistician

Dominus - lat "Lord, Master" (btw gr. kybernetes is the helmsman of a ship and as a verb means "steering")
= (Robotics) Operator

Myrmidex - the greek Myrmidons were the tribe that Achilles was king of. It is derived from myrmaex "ant" because of their strength.
= Battle Magos (btw magos is the greek word for the persian sorcerer-priests)

Provender - lat. proventus is "harvest", a provendor would be a person who makes things grow.
= Agricultural Scientist

Hespherstari - Hephaistos is the greek god of fire and craftmanship, while hesthaen (from hennymi) means "to clothe, dress"
= Armorsmith

Vulpaxis - lat. vulpes is a fox (carnivorous/scavenger animal), lat. pax means peace and gr. olpes is is flask of oil used to conserve things
= Mortician

Lictanex - lat. licitatio is an "auction", combined with lictor (a servant of roman official who dealt with crowd-control) my guess would be
= Commerce/Communicational Scientist

Cordantor - lat. cor (gr. kardia) is the heart (seat of the intellect), cordatus means sensible, wise; could also be applied to the data-core of a machine-spirit
= Philosopher

Malagra - lat. malus/gr. malos is evil, ago means "to drive away"
= Judicator

Lachrimallus - lat. lacrima is the tear of drop of sweat, malleus is the hammer.
= Slave-driver

The Legio Cybernetica - Sacred orders of Tech-priests devolved into cohorts charged with the construction and use of Battle-automata, existing both as fully independent structures and sub-factions owing either pacts of mutual support or alliance with the Synods of major Forge Worlds.

The Munitoria Logis - Provender of Munitions and Wargear, Servitor and Drone Cohorts.

The Basilikon Astra - The division of the Machine God's servants tasked with the construction, use and operation of void craft and interstellar vessels. This order's divisions by their nature control the outer reaches of a Forge World's systems and so stand apart from the planetary synods, but are still tied to them by dependence and ancient tradition.

The Skitarius (Tech-Guard) - Ancient standing armies of elite cybernetically and genetically engineered troops, originating on Mars and principally loyal to the office of the Fabricator-General. The Skitarii, also known as the Mechanicum Protectors, are not members of the priesthood, but follow their own unique martial traditions and sub-cult of the Machine God.

The Legio Titanicus - The division of the Titan Legions, the Princeps and Moderatii of the Legio Titanicus are charged with the baleful right and onerous duty of mastering and maintaining the God-Machines that are the avatars of the Machine God's destructive wrath.

The Ordo Reductor - Mendicant order of Tech-priests devoted to the art of siege craft, demolition and mass destruction. The Ordo Reductor is essentially nomadic, gravitating to areas of intense warfare, but maintains links to major Forge Worlds for resupply and support.

The Macro Machina - The Institution of Military Vehicles and Transports.

The Lacyraemara - The Servitors, the Cannon Meat and those charged with them.

The Autokrator - The Main Army and Artillery.

The Bonded Cybernetica - Specialized Operations directly connected with the Machines.

Edit: Added the Magos Militant faction info.
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Tech Tree Progress
Ranks: (Non-Existing), (Primitive), (Crude), (Petty), (Basic), (Fine), (Intermediate), (Advanced), (Masterwork), (Imperial), (Divine), (War In Heaven)

Hexagramic Wards: (Crude)
- Strength: (Crude)
- Durability: (Crude)
- Scope: (Primitive)
- Manufacturation Rate: (Crude)
- Against Chaos: (Petty)
-- Against Khorne: (Basic)

PsyTech: (Non-Existing)
- Metaphysical Sciences: (Non-Existing)
- Psychic Craft: (Crude)
- Warp Craft: (Primitive)
- ??? Craft: (Non-Existing)
- ??? Sciences: (Non-Existing)

Machine Rites: (Primitive)
- Common Rites: (Crude)
- Soul Rites: (Primitive)
- Awakening Rites: (Primitive)
- Godly Rites: (Non-Existing)
- Rite ??? Efficiency: (Non-Existing)
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