Explorator - lat. "scout"
= Explorer
Genetor - gr. "creator" in a biological sense "begetter", "father", ancestor. From the same root comes genos (lat. genus), which means family or species.
= Geneticist
Alchemys - chaemeia is the ancient greek work for egypt (black earth) and also means (black) magic. combined with the arabic article al-, it is the name of a mystical tradition in medieval latin, which (metaphorically) tried to transform lead (the soul) into gold (divinity) by using the philosopher's stone (wisdom).
= Chemist
Metallurgicus - metallon is greek for mine/quarry. -ourgos (from ergon, "work") means "someone who creates something from [stone]"
= Material Scientist
Logis - gr. logizomai means "to count, calculate"
= Mathematician/Logistician
Dominus - lat "Lord, Master" (btw gr. kybernetes is the helmsman of a ship and as a verb means "steering")
= (Robotics) Operator
Myrmidex - the greek Myrmidons were the tribe that Achilles was king of. It is derived from myrmaex "ant" because of their strength.
= Battle Magos (btw magos is the greek word for the persian sorcerer-priests)
Provender - lat. proventus is "harvest", a provendor would be a person who makes things grow.
= Agricultural Scientist
Hespherstari - Hephaistos is the greek god of fire and craftmanship, while hesthaen (from hennymi) means "to clothe, dress"
= Armorsmith
Vulpaxis - lat. vulpes is a fox (carnivorous/scavenger animal), lat. pax means peace and gr. olpes is is flask of oil used to conserve things
= Mortician
Lictanex - lat. licitatio is an "auction", combined with lictor (a servant of roman official who dealt with crowd-control) my guess would be
= Commerce/Communicational Scientist
Cordantor - lat. cor (gr. kardia) is the heart (seat of the intellect), cordatus means sensible, wise; could also be applied to the data-core of a machine-spirit
= Philosopher
Malagra - lat. malus/gr. malos is evil, ago means "to drive away"
= Judicator
Lachrimallus - lat. lacrima is the tear of drop of sweat, malleus is the hammer.
= Slave-driver