I wonder if you'll ever tell Azula about guns. I'd imagine the thought of a weapon that can make the lowest commoner a lethal threat to even master benders would terrify her. It would potentially upset their entire society, especially with how most master firebenders run portions of the government.
I assure you that you most certainly did not say THAT. You said, and I quote, "No, there are benders in the colonies." Which can mean all sorts of things. You also don't believe that Fire Nation should pay for their actions over the course of a century of war. The supposed "surrender" is a damn insult for the lives they ruined.

The nation should have been beaten and taken over, the power elite all jailed and an entirely new administration appointed to completely remove the taint of what they did. Not just give power to the son of the madman that tried to repeat the Air Nomad attack. While leaving in place the entire power structure that supported him and allowing them to keep their war machine intact so they could start attacking again any time they liked.

And NO, I don't feel like looking for the information, it's YOUR statement. When someone says something they are the ones that are required to back it up. I can't just say "Fire Nation was headed by a pacifist that was forced into deciding to commit mass slaughter on Earth Nation EXACTLY like they did to Air Nomads. He's actually good guy, look it up in the wikia."

So you give me the information showing the wonderful life that Earth Benders share with the genocidal Fire Benders. Benders THAT STILL killed off every single air bender and every single southern water tribe bender except 1. Not the citizens but the actual benders.

No real need to though. Obviously my argument is unpopular so I'm dropping it. So I'm not replying anymore about this either way.


I was quoting a different post and forgot about that one that MinorGryph posted. I don't care. I hate Fire Nation and I'm not bothering with this anymore.
I am on my phone so I will give the info when I get home.
Also I did say that earth benders lived in the colonies.
There are a lot of earth benders who peacefully live in the colonies.
Edit: this is the link to the wiki and a short summary of the Comics plot. http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/The_Promise_Part_1
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"Gee, Brain, what're we gonna do tonight?"
"The same thing we do every night, Azula. Try to take over the world!"

I wonder if you'll ever tell Azula about guns. I'd imagine the thought of a weapon that can make the lowest commoner a lethal threat to even master benders would terrify her. It would potentially upset their entire society, especially with how most master firebenders run portions of the government.
Worth noting. . .

Fire Nation already has cannons.
(or will have cannons in a few years)
No real need to though. Obviously my argument is unpopular so I'm dropping it. So I'm not replying anymore about this either way.
Create an Avatar Morality thread and I'll address your points if you wish, but you are correct in one thing: You are just about the only one with said revanchist opinion. It's unpopular as hell.
Create an Avatar Morality thread and I'll address your points if you wish, but you are correct in one thing: You are just about the only one with said revanchist opinion. It's unpopular as hell.
Well, I was a little bummed that Ozai got to live and all those soldiers at the North Pole and the raid on the Northern Air Temple had to die. That's some bullshit comparable to Ezio letting Rodrigo Borgia live at the end of Screed 2.

I mean, I'm not one of these people who thinks Aang's a hypocrite for 'suddenly' not wanting to kill when it comes to main characters - I'm one of those people who thinks Aang is a thirteen-year-old boy who doesn't completely understand what is survivable for less talented benders/normal people and what isn't. It's not like the show didn't make a big deal about how he didn't want to have to go into the Avatar state, and that's when a lot of the kills he's personally responsible for happened. I'm more inclined to give credit for the deaths at the Battle of the North Pole to La (because of fucking course I am, the ocean scares the shit out of me).

Nonetheless. Ozai being allowed to live is not intellectually-satisfying for me unless he at least gets a trial where a jury made up of all nations decides he can live. Personality-wise I am very elementally-aligned with Fire; I want people I don't like to suffer horrendously and be deprived of any chance to hurt me or those I care about. But intellectually, I am perfectly aware that 'people I don't like' is not synonymous with 'people who actually deserve to suffer''. So what my thoughts offer my emotions as a compromise is the desire to see justice done - which interestingly enough is a hallmark of the Western conception of Air. And unfortunately, that means that while I loooooove that Aang stole Ozai's only real skill and left him a useless pathetic shell of a man, it's not enough for me. Either kill him so that there's no chance of him fucking with everyone ever again, or have a trial to decide what to do with him. Aang's a spiritual leader; he shouldn't be allowed to go making political decisions, he doesn't have the training for it. Ozai being allowed to live makes some sense (the Fire Nation would probably never stop fighting if Aang martyred him), but Aang being the one to make that decision on his own doesn't.

I mean, is this addressed in the comics? Am I being hopelessly optimistic?
Oh no, that much I can agree. The Lion Turtle was a complete cop out and him being kept alive, even without bending, creates some very problematic issues. Not to mention that of the Ozai is the only one currently alive who really went for what was an unambiguous warcrime (that is, he derped hard and decided on the bloody mind blowingly stupid plan of fucking burning a whole continent to the ground). I can get why Aang wouldn't do it, I just find the handwave they did to minimize the problem ridiculously annoying. From what I understand the comics do not really address this particularly hard, and have an even more simplistic view of Avatar's world morality and politics.

What I was talking about was just the idea that the Fire Nation should be dismantled and destroyed as a political entity and fucked over so hard it would make Carthage feel like it got a slap on the wrist.

But to comment on a few random particularlities of your post:
Aang is actually a political leader as well. The Avatar's world politics, at least up until Korra's time, kinda have the Avatar as a De Facto supreme arbitrator and ruler. There are millenia of tradition and precedent for Aang to say "This is how this shit is going to be, because I said so." and have it be so. Not to mention it's a bit like having a politically engaged Superman around. If he truly feels strongly enough on some subject, well, tough luck plus "respecting the legitimate government" is not a particularly strong element of the Avatar's basic package.

Furthermore: There's no way in hell Ozai would get a fair trial. The war have been gone too long, the resentments have gone too deep, the concept of fair impartial trials are not particularly ingrained in any of the major involved cultures (One water tribe is completely tribal, the other a somewhat large tribal/monarchy mix. In the Earth Kingdom most of the cities are ruled by some absolute gorvernor, from the guys that have "Just Us" justice, to the city with the completely insane overpowered absolute autocratic king, the city where the bloody Dai Li were the previously rulers, the Fire Nation is ruled by his traitorous son and that would push it either or even both ways). In all, the only discussion that there would be would be what kind of torturous execution would suffer, unless he'd get judged by the Fire Nation, in which case the discussion would be if the new FIrelord wants to quickly eliminate a possible future threat to his rule while keeping a veneer of legitimacy or if he didn't want his Father to suffer heavily and for the judges to discreetly punish him with the equivalent of "Exile in Elba" where he can live in luxury but be kept out of the way and from view.

That all said, I do agree that everyone kinda forgetting the massacre of Fire Nation soldiers in the North Water Tribe was pretty sad.

Worth noting. . .
Fire Nation already has cannons.
(or will have cannons in a few years)
Are those explicitely canon though? They might be some focusing apparatus to help improve the accuracy, range and power of firebenders, as well facilitate combining multiple firebender attacks in a single blast, so more of a flame thrower than a projectile weapon.
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Oh no, that much I can agree. The Lion Turtle was a complete cop out and him being kept alive, even without bending, creates some very problematic issues. Not to mention that of the Ozai is the only one currently alive who really went for what was an unambiguous warcrime (that is, he derped hard and decided on the bloody mind blowingly stupid plan of fucking burning a whole continent to the ground). I can get why Aang wouldn't do it, I just find the handwave they did to minimize the problem ridiculously annoying.
Better than Luke Skywalker just hoping for the best. I mean, that version of the trope was braver, but it was also stupider.
What I was talking about was just the idea that the Fire Nation should be dismantled and destroyed as a political entity and fucked over so hard it would make Carthage feel like it got a slap on the wrist.
I know, right? Say hello to the real Fire Nation Hitler for me when he visits in ten years, would ya, Earth Kingdom?
But to comment on a few random particularlities of your post:
Aang is actually a political leader as well. The Avatar's world politics, at least up until Korra's time, kinda have the Avatar as a De Facto supreme arbitrator and ruler. There are millenia of tradition and precedent for Aang to say "This is how this shit is going to be, because I said so." and have it be so. Not to mention it's a bit like having a politically engaged Superman around. If he truly feels strongly enough on some subject, well, tough luck plus "respecting the legitimate government" is not a particularly strong element of the Avatar's basic package.
Man, it's lucky the spirits picked a pure, incorruptible soul to be their spokesperson. Otherwise this could get really un- ahahaha, oh, wait, I forgot Korra exists. Yeah, spirits continue to be assholes no matter the universe, film at eleven.
Furthermore: There's no way in hell Ozai would get a fair trial.
See, just a second ago, you said:
If he truly feels strongly enough on some subject, well, tough luck
And that's my point. If the writers are gonna write a world where the Pope is the Pope in the middle ages rich-as-balls-King-of-Central-Italy-people-are-saved-or-damned-at-his-word-in-the-physical-world-as-well-as-the-metaphysical sense, and add in magic powers from Genbu On High just to clinch it, I am allowed to take issue with what the good-hearted and fair-minded teenage boy does with that power.
Are those explicitely canon though?
Featured in "The Southern Raiders"
Seen actually onscreen during an episode of the show.
How more do you need for canon status?

They might be some focusing apparatus to help improve the accuracy, range and power of firebenders, as well facilitate combining multiple firebender attacks in a single blast, so more of a flame thrower than a projectile weapon.
Not really how it appears onscreen.
Looks mostly like a cannon.
Can't say anything much about mechanism for certain.
And that's my point. If the writers are gonna write a world where the Pope is the Pope in the middle ages rich-as-balls-King-of-Central-Italy-people-are-saved-or-damned-at-his-word-in-the-physical-world-as-well-as-the-metaphysical sense, and add in magic powers from Genbu On High just to clinch it, I am allowed to take issue with what the good-hearted and fair-minded teenage boy does with that power.
The thing is, morally speaking he taking issue with something does not mean it would be fair, not if you don't subscribe to the idea that the avatar or the spirits the avatar speaks for are morally correct by definition. Hell, him forcing the issue to go the way he wants is pretty much reinforcing the "I'm actually the supreme ruler of this world" idea. :p

If the Avatar decided that Ozai needed to have a fair trial it would go something like Zuko's issue, but worse. Either it would have a kangaroo court with the decision being set as "whatever the Avatar says" (or worse yet, "whatever I think the Avatar wants out of the trial") or he would dispense of the farce and take a page from the "just us" guys and simply decide upon what he believes it's fair and proper (which was kinda what happened, without actually making it explicit).

Worst case scenario? He sets a trial, set up a bunch of judges, said judges reach a decision he doesn't like, he makes a mockery of the whole thing by simply going "not gonna happen, decide again, but this time reach the fair and correct verdict", which he's actually likely to do if the decision is to kill Ozai for example, simply because he's an immature 13 year old boy who was trained to be a pacifist all loving monk who doesn't quite get why it's a problem for him to interfere, even in such blatant way.

Essentially, the thing is, "things he feel strongly enough about". Anyone who disagrees with him, be them right or wrong, have different fundamental believes or not, are not going to be in luck, nor there are any recourse for them.

Taking Ozai case for example: It's quite possible that Ozai found that being strip of one of the fundamental parts of who he is and what defines him (firebending is not just a "random skill" specially for one like Ozai. It's part of their very core) , while putting him in quite precarious cell so he can see the work of his entire life and that of his predecessors, all he strove for, fought for, everything, all systematically destroyed by his treasonous son to please some pitiful foreigners might quite well be a fate worse than death and, in fact, needlessly cruel. To torture Zuko a bit he might even say that were not him to be the one there suffering he would be downright proud of such maliciousness and vindictiveness. :p

Featured in "The Southern Raiders"
Seen actually onscreen during an episode of the show.
How more do you need for canon status?
Ehh, I actually ate a couple letters. :oops: I meant to ask:
"Are those explicitly cannons though?"

The projectile launcher, not the official in-universe existence of them. :oops:
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The thing is, morally speaking he taking issue with something does not mean it would be fair, not if you don't subscribe to the idea that the avatar or the spirits the avatar speaks for are morally correct by definition. Hell, him forcing the issue to go the way he wants is pretty much reinforcing the "I'm actually the supreme ruler of this world" idea. :p
I'm clearly not explaining my issue very well, am I? -_-

I don't, in theory, have a problem with fictional settings where an individual is given supreme power to fulfill his personal moral mandate. What I have a problem with is said individual having a kind of shitty and ill-thought-out moral code.

It's the traditional Superman thing. A high standard is expected, and if it isn't met to my specifications, I'm gonna be disappointed. I'd actually prefer an explicit asshole using his status selfishly to someone who falls short of what I want; at least it would be a thing.

Doesn't ruin the show by any means, doesn't mean I think all fiction should be exactly what I want it to be, doesn't make Aang a fucking idiot, doesn't mean the worldbuilding is necessarily shoddy, certainly doesn't mean I don't still kinda like the ending. Just bugs me personally, that's all.
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"Let me dispel any and all stupidity,"
Already you believe yourself so powerful as to conquer that which is infinite? [Good, good...]

"... Thus I announce the founding of my Royal Order of the Crown's Inquisition."
Oh hell yes.


Just to clarify, you're begging realism from a world where people regularly spout fire from their knuckles at other people who kick boulders at them? Yeah... that's... uh... good luck with that.
I disagree. Ultimately, most stories about people, not about magic or technology or whatever—those things are just the what-if backdrop, part of the setting. Thus, realism about how people behave is usually much more important than realism about how inanimate objects behave. They're not really comparable.

As for AtLA being a story for kids, that's indeed a good point about not criticizing it too vehemently, and AtLA is indeed not terrible just because it has a superficial view of the world and morality. On the other hand, what we have in this thread is not that story and not that audience, so recognizing that there is much that is quite naive about AtLA can still be relevant.


*Waiting for Vorpal nitpick before posting on FFN*
Yes, ma'am!
"...I will also reallocate those applicable, with glowing recommendations."
Comma splice. Also, since she was just talking about becoming part of the royal retinue in the immediately preceding sentence, this makes it sound like she's talking about relocating those appropriate to being part of that retinue, which wouldn't really make sense. Perhaps 'those applicable to other tasks' or something similar would be clearer.

Then again, it's not like people generally speak with perfect clarity anyway... ¯\(o_O)/¯

Azula knows these facts and understands that the House Qiao is financing this venture not for its sake, but for the sake of becoming closer to the royal family.
Not actually a problem, but I suggest an intensifier for clarity: 'its own sake' rather than 'its sake'.

They have a ten-year-old, untested royalty as commander, of course they will worry.
Semicolon, since 'of course' is not a conjunction.

So why do we pull this on them then, if first to promise them rewards if they prove themselves, then remove the opportunities for proving themselves?
That first if probably shouldn't be there.

But their youth is here to be used against them.
Super-duper-extra-nitty: perhaps 'here their youth is to be used' instead of 'their youth is here to be used'? The way it's phrased now seems a bit strange, as if their it's the purpose of their youth to the used against them, rather than it simply being part of this particular situation.

They feet must ache as much as ours, to stand so still, for so long.
Their, rather than they? Comma splice. Also, the last bit is slightly awkward from going into the infinitive form. Perhaps 'from standing so still' instead of 'to stand so still'.
The Lion Turtle coming out of nowhere to give Aang the answer, along with "rock to back = avatar state" is what really bugged me- should have been more buildup.

My fix would be to have Aang subdue Ozai with Avatar State, which activated on his decision not to kill Ozai. Then poetic justice: Ozai immolates himself trying to escape, to the point where he can no longer firebend effectively (this could happen if he scars his lungs). Aang may save his life, upon which everyone would go WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST LET HIM DIE GDI.

Aang using his power to uphold his ideals is totally cool, even if he doesn't do this in a particularly wise fashion.


'You're not the dummy part of me. You're the boring part.' We groan—for different reasons—in unison. It isn't hard to be bored after spending the last eight hours reading reports—filled with words that I do not know how to read, I might add. The only solstice I can take in these piles of paperwork is how disillusioned with the world and humanity Azula is becoming with each case we deduce.

Touching my cheek with one hand with utter tenderness brings an entirely new sensation to our skin. You know that phenomenon when you touch your skin, you feel little because it's you, right? And if someone else touches that same place, suddenly you're feeling a hundred different things you aren't ready to feel… I don't even remember what it's called.

It works though, for us. If my influence moves that hand, I can feel the nerves lighting up as if on fire within us as a part of Azula's reactions. It's… I guess it would be weird to say that I felt like I was pleasuring myself, in a totally platonic way? How little human contact Azula must have, to be left shivering, breathing hard, and with butterflies and a quivering heart, just from such simple, tender touching? It helps that she's so young, and thus she has not yet lived long enough to be desensitized. 'Would the boring part of you really bring you so many new experiences? I'm the part of you that compliments you; we are marvelous already, but together, more so.'

"You say that, but all we're doing is depressing ourselves," Azula complains with a grumble.

We are in the main offices of the barracks, which we have on lease for the next week, before we set off on our first mission, whatever that may be. There is no one here, but if we speak loud enough, our adjutants Dai and Sho will charge in. Sho is still too eager and unbroken, and her older sister still acts too superior.

We will have to fix that eventually.

"Fine, fine, let's look back at the Omashu report," We turn back to the pile. This is the reports of new, dissident activity that is occurring, where there is also the greatest opportunity.

"Omashu…" Azula's eyes flicker over it. She reads faster than me. I am practiced in simplified Chinese, but the script being used to this day is still traditional, and thus I have to decipher so many words. Some do not even exist. Did you know badgermole in this language is not written as 'badger and mole', but as one entirely new word that does not exist in Chinese? Azula finishes skimming the page before I finish the third paragraph. "I see… not much. We haven't conquered the place, and it only sells a trickle of weaponry to the Red-Omashu Trade Company. What is it that I missed?"

'Money. Follow the money.' I point our eyes towards the profits.

'What of it? They make great profit for… so few shipments…' She begins to see, but not completely.

'And? What do they sell to Omashu?' I prod on.

'Cabbages and fish, but that isn't too strange. Omashu is mostly a mountainous region with little farmland, if it is closed off… but then they have their underground mazes for sneaking in.' Our forehead creases with a frown. 'So? They're extorting the enemy civilians. That isn't…'

I find myself chuckling, "Come now. Do you see the profit numbers? Converted on current market prices from the fish lost per shipment in the Crescent Island Pirates report, the price of the lost cabbages alleged by the cabbage merchant's complaints, and look at the profits… see this?" I scribble down some numbers in cursive Chinese. "With an operational input of 2,500 kilograms of silver and the costs of 15 kilograms per year, they issue a profit of 750 kilograms this year. They report it as… look, the Red-Omashu Trading Company has stock trading in the Capital, and it lists a constant growth of a three-year growth pattern of 33%, 35%, 28%, and 39% every quarter. This might be so for the first operating year, but for the past twenty eight years and consistently?"

"… What are you… what are we getting at?" Our eyes sharpen and squint.

I want to scream Ponzi scheme, but we have no proof. This can be big… because the company is making quite a few other established trading companies upset by shaking up the established, relatively peaceful way of things in the court, and with the new money flooding in from somewhere, they will need to take an aggressive stance on the war to maintain the façade, even if these are real profits.

No, people constantly pushing for war, and thus establishing a blossoming military industrial complex outside of our reach is never a good thing…

"We should investigate them," I mutter cautiously.

"That isn't easy. War Minister Qin is one of their major shareholders," Azula notes. But her interest is piqued. She licks our lips. "This can be interesting."

"If our intuition is right, then outing a corrupt bureaucrat will show our prowess to everyone in the court. This would not be fighting prowess, but the prowess of administration." I keep to myself that even if we don't find what we do go in for, there is the matter that they don't even use double-entry, so there's going to be someone laundering money. Considering that they are also a trading company that operates in a warzone which the Fire Nation only controls about 18% of the province…

Well, even if not this, we'll find someone doing something bad.

'This still feels like something beneath me,' Azula sighs after we pen in our intentions.

'Of course it is. But just because a bug is beneath you, it does not mean mosquitoes will not bite you.' When in doubt, agree. Always agree. Agreeing is the best way to show that you are so similar, in addition to sharing the same body and voice, even inside the head.

'We should squash the bug then.' Blue fire blossoms in our fingertip.

I quench it, having come to understand the usage of flames better now. At the very least, I can control the Qi within, even if I can't produce as powerful flames as Azula. 'If we go in, killing everyone, burning down all of their operations bases…'

'I'm not stupid,' Azula rolls our eyes. I'm so proud; she learned that gesture from me just after three times.

'But if we have irrefutable proof?' I ask, allowing her to form the idea on her own and believe it hers.

'Then father will allow us free reign over these traitors.'

Well, close enough.

Really, do we even have time to torture financial thieves, of all people? I sigh as we set to work immediately. There is a lot to do, after all, to coordinate our efforts.

The best skill which I impart onto Azula, or so I hope, is the ability to delegate and manage our resources. Of the one hundred and twenty members of our fledgling organization, forty-seven are fire benders. Fifteen of the one hundred and twenty are officers of one kind or another, logistics, tactics, cavalry, navy, night-fighting, resource management, paperwork and that sort of secretarial aide. It's a good number for training the rest.

Fifty of my girls are sixteen year old trainees entering for the sake of combat trained in fighting on ships, cavalry, and in darkness. Ten of them are non-bending archery specialists. Of the rest, fifteen are artists, artistic craftsgirls, secretaries, and the sort with miscellaneous skills. Ten more are originally career bureaucrats, from moderately well-off merchant families. These ninety are all educated finely with our Fire Nation's academies in combat, mathematics, scripts, history, and basic engineering and sciences, though some of them will not see combat at all.

The remaining thirty are more common girls chosen because they only attended basic schooling for mathematics and language, but their family had no money to pay for advanced schooling. They are our girlpower. I refuse to use the term 'manpower' for them! Anyway, they volunteer for several years in the local militia to have some funds for themselves, but now they have a purpose.

All of them have spent at least six years in informal training and four in formal training and drilling 'self-defense'. In the Fire Nation, our girls are as skilled in combat as our boys, after all. The entire structure of our numbers is that a vast majority of us are more educated than the average citizen. And that is what we want; we will use every force multiplier in every way available to us, for every operation. And it is such a waste to throw my girls into a meat grinder…

… And more importantly, with experience and training, we can become a much more formidable group operating within the system.

"Sho, Dai," We call. "Li, Lo."

They enter. Sho hops in, while Dai saunters in, as if she owned the place. I have little doubts that her family actually does own this barracks. The two older crones come to our side quicker, but no less haughty. It's also as if they are instructed to pressure Azula into working for impossible perfection.

"Princess Azula," They bow, as is customary.

I hold up the gold case, immediately giving my words the authority of the Fire Lord, rather than the Fire Princess. "Li, Lo, you will instruct, but not obstruct. Have twenty girls be given new identities, from every corner of the Fire Nation. They are to become employees in the Red-Omashu Trading Company. Get our officers to have dossiers made of everyone in the company, I want profiles of everyone from janitors to the Chairman Sato. I want to know what their vices are, when and where they sleep, and their every secret. Be discrete. This is on your heads."

Shenwu Li and Lo bow, receiving the word of the Fire Lord and do not dare question Ozai. I do not let go of the scroll, and thus they do not dare question us yet. But we know their questions. They will ask why do we target the complaint filer rather than the general in charge of pacifying the region, or just go straight for seeking out the rebels in the region. They think so small, and they think we do not read between the lines.

"Why bother?" Dai whispers to Sho.

They giggle like the teenage mean girls that they probably are. Or maybe they aren't, but they certainly picked it up somewhere.

Our glimmering, golden eyes dart towards them.

Something snaps within me.

They think just because they are older and stronger, they can expect any sort of groveling from me that they have had from all their underclassmen back in their little provincial island? Or do they think that they do not need to be serious, here in private, with a ten-year-old princess?

Azula takes us forward a step, but I nearly growl, causing blue embers to leak from the corners of our lips. "Dai, you seem to not understand the reports you brought me this morning. According to the intelligence gathered by the three neighboring trade companies, the Red-Omashu Trading Company earns every three months about as much as half of the city of Omashu does in a year. How long do you think it will take for them to have the money to simply buy the court into invading Omashu and expand to hide their indiscretions that will soon cause their entire structure to fall apart if they do nothing? I give them five years. Two years, if they aren't airheads like you two are acting like."

She titters back, as if I am speaking a foreign language to her.

Maybe I am.

"Then again, it seems like all I've done all day is spend my hours pent up in this office." Azula stretches us a little, making the most comfortable feelings to happen in our body. 'I'm going to do it.'

'… Fine. Don't overdo it. Scarring isn't pretty.'

'Of course!'

"Come, Dai, Sho," We beckon as we step into the courtyard where our girls are drilling. "It seems I must first prove myself. This can be a good learning experience for us all."

It certainly will be educational for every one of them.​
^That's mostly my reaction to every chapter so far.
I can't wait for the SI to realize this isn't a dream. I get the idea that the SI is reacting to it like a challenge where one is safe like a video game or similar.
^That's mostly my reaction to every chapter so far.
I can't wait for the SI to realize this isn't a dream. I get the idea that the SI is reacting to it like a challenge where one is safe like a video game or similar.
I'm not sure what people will think if it goes the way of Smeagol/Gollum, but I'm sure it won't go that way. Hm. What do you guys think will happen once that aspect is realized? Would it be believable that the SI doesn't react all that much? Or is it more believable at this point for her to burn everything?
If the SI discovers that all this is real after a long while, she would just review her actions and think about them for a bit, before continuing as she did before. Probably with either more caution, or more confidence.
I'm not sure what people will think if it goes the way of Smeagol/Gollum, but I'm sure it won't go that way. Hm. What do you guys think will happen once that aspect is realized? Would it be believable that the SI doesn't react all that much? Or is it more believable at this point for her to burn everything?

My precious...
IMO probably not Smeagle/Gollum interaction, though the image is amusing. You and Azula seem more the type to cooperate better.

If I remember your last SI correctly, I'd say(re-reads the second chapter of Escaping Phyrexia) ... you'd freak out if only for a while, though not try to burn everything (on purpose). Honestly though, either way would be believable since different people react differently.

An interesting question would be if Azula would notice your reaction and how she'd react to it.
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This is great.

So, the SI is forming her own Ordo Malleus? After all, the Fire Nation is an Empire, so it can reasonably be called the Imperial Inquisition.

Azula is by far my favorite character in the series. Also, the interactions are believable and Azula getting knowledge on things other than warfare, especially intel gathering will make her even more dangerous. Fire Lord Azula with a well-entrenched and widespread network of her Inquisition and control of the Dai Li? It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.