It was some bleach quest when someone realised that the spirit world has a moon and it is composed of spirit particles. Which can be eaten by anything which can consume spirit stuff.
Hah. I really find it Ironic that the moon is spirit-stuff here too. And is a Fish.:D Is this Fate?
Welp, let it not be said that SVers don't take advantage of the resources they have available.
I am amazed at the continuous and flagrant willful ignorance of the Evil Overlord List.

"22. No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head."
- The Evil Overlord List.
Notes: Slight tonal change due to change of perspective and vague references to unhappy things.


Interlude – Yu Fei

Fei brushed back the salty grim upon her brow as she tugged the day's catch off the boat. It wasn't her boat, and it wasn't her catch, but it meant she would be eating this night. It was a good day. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she thought about what she might have been doing this day if her life had not taking the strange turns it had, but all she could do now was be thankful she wouldn't be sleeping cold and hungry.

Life seemed dull, gray, and monotonous. Everyday was the same repetition, and as much as she tried to put on a mask of a smile on her face—just to survive and be a part of the village—it never felt real.

How many lifetimes ago had it been since she saw the world in color?

It seemed so long ago, when she had just budded onto womanhood, when the realities of war truly hit her. They lived in a small fishing village south of Yu Island without a name, where the war was nothing more than a faraway concept. It was something that happened to other people, surely. Father, Mother, and Little Sister... she couldn't even bring herself to remember their names.

And then the Fire Nation attacked.

Was it really the Fire Nation?

It was late that night when the sounds of wails and dragged footsteps fell on their doorstep. Some of the people from the north who did not want to live under the Fire Nation's colonization companies left their homes and their belongings to sneak out into the night. It left her numb, why did Dad let the strangers share their home? It was supposed to feel nice helping someone in need, but she couldn't help but feel like it was the beginning of something worse.

Not a week later, the Fire Nation came into their village. The old mayor was a wise man of great integrity from what she could remember of her childhood, and he gave up without a fight. It was useless to fight, he had said.

Those soldiers in red who bent fire to their will left soon after, seeing nothing for them to take.

But in their wake, others came. Company men who sought only wealth, mercenaries who followed the armies' conquests, stragglers, bandits... martial law was in effect, yet the only law was 'don't cause trouble for us'. And sometimes, it was the enforcers who caused the trouble. On some days, it was the Fire Nation soldiers. On other days, they were rebels. Yet other still, they were Earth Kingdom soldiers, bandits, or someone else. They all acted like they were in charge, but who was the law?

There were sounds of fighting, of metal clashing, of earth rumbling and air burning into the night, everyday, all day. There was no peace in this world that seemed to lose color with each passing day.

Weeks passed, but they did not leave. It seemed like they were there to stay. The refugees hid under their floor boards, unable and unwilling to leave. Were they fugitives from the law? Were they deserters? Why did they harbor them?

She was young then, and she didn't understand.

When the soldiers came, she was the good girl, but it was the refugees themselves who gave themselves away. Their child could hold it no longer, and cried as he had done in many nights. Oh, he didn't have his one, favorite toy. Oh, when will he be able to eat again? Oh, oh...

They were dragged out, and she never saw them again.

The next day, more soldiers arrived to the village. Some, she thought were almost familiar, perhaps they were pushed back and beaten? Sounds of conflict haven't left in what might have been forever.

Houses of the village, which were once at least respectable, were now in ruins. Some because of the abuse laid on by soldiers, some because they were salvaged for war materials, and some due to the fighting.

She had begun staying in doors during the day some days ago.

It wasn't as if she had the strength to walk outside anyway.

At first, they shared food. But soon everyone ate from the same bowl, and then days afterwards, they ate what herbs and berries they could find.

The world outside wasn't safe.

She found she couldn't even react to the sight of Little Sister's face covered in the green mess from her eating grounded grass. She didn't have the strength for it. It didn't help that all she had on her mind those days were how tired, hungry and cold she was.

Soon, even herbs were hard to find.

Mice were raw, but they had more taste than stale rice.

How did the children have the strength to cry? Maybe if they didn't have to give the children all of their food, they would not... maybe... maybe...

She couldn't believe she was contemplating such things. She wasn't a bad girl. She couldn't be.

Fei died once inside her heart then.

The soldiers came that night, smelling of putrid alcohol and of piss and sweat. They were stragglers from the fighting to the west, and after kicking open their door, they fumbled around the house, taking whatever they pleased.

Her heart seized and she felt numb, shivering, and she felt so cold while huddled in the dark corner of the house with Father, Mother and Little Sister.

A soldier walked into the room they hid in, and grunted unintelligibly.

Words were exchanged, and she found herself being pried out of her fetal state by Father. Then Father handed her to the soldiers. She couldn't remember Father's name, but she could remember those words. "Please... please have mercy. Please spare us..."

She tried to struggle, she tried to scream, but gagged and dragged, she left the house.

There were five of them.

They smelled as if they had not bathed in months. Their rotten, yellowing teeth shone in the dark, under the single strand of light from the moon made by the door ajar. Unshaven and unclean, they held her down.

She felt as if she died again that night.

She was broken, unclean.

With streaks of tears not yet dry, she struggled to stand. Her knees gave and she fell to her feet. One of the drunk soldiers came back, and the abuse did not relent, simply because she was too loud. He wanted to sleep, he said, as he left her, bloodier than before, but no more bruised than she already was.

Shaking and hating herself with every fiber of her being, she wanted to kill them. Then she wanted to kill herself. But she couldn't find the will or the ability to do so.

Was it cowardice to snatch the soldiers' coins and run away?

She spent a night in the mountains, wishing and praying to the spirits of her ancestors, of the mountains and the rivers, and of the village's protectors to deliver her from this world that didn't make sense. This had to be a dream—a nightmare—so when was she waking up? Why wasn't Father or Mother coming to wake her?

Still covered in rags shredded by the brutish hands of the common soldiers, skin purple and red from abuse, she crawled home.

Nothing stopped her... but she had done something, hadn't she? She had the soldiers' gold, and didn't the refugees often lament that they could not go further without coin? She could save her family then. Fei had such hopes, as bleak as they were. It was addicting to hope, she felt.

But that way lied despair.

The door was ajar, just like the hovel the soldiers used when they used her.

There was a stench of blood and shit.

She found Little Sister's body first, mangled and cut up on top of a pile, with Father and Mother underneath. She had nothing.

Nothing to live for, she tried to cry, but no voice came out. Her throat was too hoarse from the nights previous. It had hurt so much to cry, so all she was able to do so uncontrollably was shake as the whole world was pain.

She had no tears left, no family left, and nothing was all she had.

Fei had thought about just ending it right then, but she was so... indignant. She felt angry and powerless, why should her family suffer when the soldiers, whoever they were, got away?

Revenge drove her like the hounds of hell, but she found surviving wasn't so easy either. Her goals felt lofty and out of reach; how could she possibly grow strong enough to fight back and sate her rage?

She moved south for a time, towards the great fortresses of the Earth. She sought the strength they had, but the road was perilous.

To survive, she had to steal. Sometimes, it was an old couple living with their only child. Sometimes, it was a family like hers used to be. Sometimes, it was a young couple, or a pair of siblings, or...

For food, for clothes, for supplies, she did things that made her feel dirtier than a thousand soldiers could ever make her feel. The coins only brought more trouble. There were thieves to escape at first. But as people found out, she found she had murderers and bandits on her heels.

The first time she killed...

She had to do it, didn't you see?

She had to, because it was either him or her. He was going to hurt her, he was going to... and she needed it. She had not eaten in two days, and the rock was so conveniently just within her grasp. When he pushed her down, she grabbed it with both hands and she did not relent in her fury until she collapsed, ragged and tired.

The food didn't even taste good. It had no taste, despite being covered in spices. The world felt dimmer by the day. It always looked like it was about to rain.

She ran and ran, but she couldn't escape the nightmares. She couldn't leave the sounds of battle, and she couldn't leave the wailing cries of the dead and dying.

Was this war?

Why did people want to do something so...

It felt like she was trying to climb up a mountain side with nothing to hold onto.

With each step, she fell more than she could rise.

It wasn't the last time she had to kill to live.

Eventually, she learned to fight. She learned to defend herself. She wasn't the best, but she thought she could kill her tormentors. Maybe then, the voices would stop accusing her of terrible things in her sleep. Maybe then, it'll all end.

She spent months tracking down the soldiers who ravaged her village.

She learned the way the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom both organized their troop movements. She learned how to read just to find the records of who went where. She followed the trails, watched from afar, pretended to be someone else, just to get closer to her prey.

The whole affair was monotonous and mechanical. By then her rage had burned out and left her empty. She had thought, after seeing the faces—or faces of those who she thought were they—that the ember of life would return to her heart.

Something akin to recognition might have sparked within her, but little else.

Perhaps, maybe, if she could just get her hands around one of their necks...

And then King Bumi brought a mountain down on the whole platoon. Well, it wasn't a literal mountain, but it was a hill larger than his city of Omashu. It literally rolled down one end of the valley and buried the men, making them finer than paste.

She hadn't fell on her knees in so long, but she did then. What was she to do?

Fei thought she'd have felt something like happiness. She thought she'd at least get a sense of joy. Yet this was... like ants struggling at the feet of a god, and she felt emptier than before.

Fei wanted to hate, but she couldn't bring herself to do so.

Looking back, was it because she took the coins that the soldiers returned and kill her family? Did they always plan on it? Why did Father offer up? The questions she never thought about came at her, even though she just wanted to forget it all.

She was tired of life and struggling, and she wasn't even a mother! She laughed herself hoarse that night, without a single shred of amusement. She laughed so hard that she felt as if tears might fall, but none did.

So she bore the cries in her nightmares and left.

She was used to it by now, and they fell to deaf ears, even if she still knew they were there.

She had escaped to the farthest reaches of the world, to a village so like her own.

Maybe here, she would start life anew?

Maybe she could feel again.

Yet in the nights, after she had worked herself to the point of exhaustion, she found she couldn't do anything but contemplate ending it all and cry when she found herself unable to do it. Why was she such a coward, she wanted to ask herself. She couldn't even voice the question aloud.

She shivered as the ocean winds picked up.

"Cold?" A voice asked from behind.

Fei turned about, and found a girl whose composer was so much like Little Sister. There was a similar mischievousness in her eyes that flickered about, just like Little Sister, before the war came to their village. "I'm fine," she replied.

How many times did she say that a day? A hundred? She ought to be below the concerns of others. She wasn't worthy...

"I don't think so," The girl drew uncomfortably close before Fei could react. "Your lips are so pale. You aren't eating well. Well... hey, you want to see a trick I learned recently on a ship?"


The girl didn't stop rambling, not even bothering to show that she did notice how uncomfortable Fei was to be cornered like this. "Learned it from a pirate, from a certain point of view. Come here," she grasped Fei's wrists before adding, "Out of five hundred tries, I got it right four times. It's almost a 1% success rate!"

It had been three years since anyone held her hands. It send her into goosebumps and shivers down her spine, and she tried so very valiantly to pull away, but it was almost as if a golden glow had grown around the girl's brow and her hands that kept her from struggling. It was almost blinding, and...

She cried for the first time in those three years. She hadn't thought she could, after the last time. She thought she was out of tears.

The golden flame beckoned, and she felt the fire inside her veins.

Inside her heart.

"... How?"

It would have seemed haughty of the girl, if she hadn't just done what she did. She turned aside as if in triumph, wiping a hand across her brow. "Bodies are not so hard to play with, once you've gotten around to learning what's where and what does what. It did take a few trials and errors, but it's all in the name of learning!" After a pause, she added under her breath, "Couldn't do anything about the cuts though. Still, makes for quick interrogations at least."

"Huh?" Fei blinked, not quite understanding anything the girl was saying. Nevertheless, she felt captivated by the... by... by this...

As if compelled, she fell to her knees, and her lips twitched upwards into an uncomfortable smile, as the unused muscles in her cheeks were once again in action. Euphoria and heat flooded into her body as if she were literally alight. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, so blinded by the golden light and tears.

"Never mind that," The words came as her wrists were released, but the corona of the golden halo never faded. "I'm bored, what do you do for fun around here?"

Fei couldn't hold out against the onslaught of unbearable weightlessness any longer and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body shuddered from being so brutally forced to feel... anything... again, it was pain and pleasure rolled into a convoluted veneer of golden light. Before she passed out, she saw the little silhouette before her grumbling something inaudible...
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Ok, ton was an exaggeration, they just jumped out at me, which is unusual as I tend not to notice that kind of thing.

Fei brushed back the salty grime upon her brow as she tugged the day's catch off the boat. It wasn't her boat, and it wasn't her catch, but it meant she would be eating this night. It was a good day. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she thought about what she might have been doing this day, if her life had not taken the strange turns it had, but all she could do now was be thankful she wouldn't be sleeping cold and hungry.

She hadn't fallen on her knees in so long, but she did then. What was she to do?

Looking back, was it because she took the coins that the soldiers returned and killed her family? Did they always plan on it? Why did Father offer her up?

Fei turned about, and found a girl whose composition was so much like Little Sister.

The girl didn't stop rambling, not even bothering to show that she did notice (might change that from "did notice" to just "noticed") how uncomfortable Fei was to be cornered like this.

"Bodies are not so hard to play with, once you've gotten around to learning what's where and what does what. It did take a few trials and errors, (I'd probably change this to "it did take some trial and error") but it's all in the name of learning!"
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