So Yu Fei will be appearing a few more times.

I may have missed it, but how old is she? What does she look like?

This is not the Yue from another part in the series. A movie.

What I mean is, I am curious as to what part she will play.

Yu Fei seems to be in a easily manipulable state of being currently..
Good chapter - now I want to see how it will develop. :)

One spelling mistake stands out though: "composer" -> "composure".

One observation - Yu Fei seems to be rather extreme example of person with blocked chakra. If "she saw the world in color" is as literal, as it seems to be, then it may be good idea to give a bit of background how does it work. If ordinary person can be so deeply affected by her chakra being blocked and subsequently be cured from it, then chakra influence on biology is important part of the described world. It would give general idea on how big part of popular medicine and person health is based around that. Without such background, Yu Fei situation, and reaction on Azula may be seen as bit over the top.
I think it was experimentation with 'Bloodbending'. From a certain point of view.

It had been three years since anyone held her hands. It send her into goosebumps and shivers down her spine, and she tried so very valiantly to pull away, but it was almost as if a golden glow had grown around the girl's brow and her hands that kept her from struggling. It was almost blinding, and...

She cried for the first time in those three years. She hadn't thought she could, after the last time. She thought she was out of tears.

The golden flame beckoned, and she felt the fire inside her veins.

Inside her heart.

"... How?"

It would have seemed haughty of the girl, if she hadn't just done what she did. She turned aside as if in triumph, wiping a hand across her brow. "Bodies are not so hard to play with, once you've gotten around to learning what's where and what does what. It did take a few trials and errors, but it's all in the name of learning!" After a pause, she added under her breath, "Couldn't do anything about the cuts though. Still, makes for quick interrogations at least."

It also makes me think of the Pirate and his mental state, also the interrogator asking a question. As someone introduced to a form of extreme BDSM.

"Was it good for you?"
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Leave it to SV and SB to munchkin any kind of super natural power... Then again we were planning on eating the moon.

So yeah.

Wait, is it just me or did Fishie imply that she tortured Jolt 500 times to learn how to do that.
Didn't the teacup explode? Guess she learnt the self-control needed to stop that happening. Wonder whether she could use that to make rudimentary tattoos via the application of burn tissue. Because SCIENCE! and FASHION!