Ah, so Fish takes her first steps to going mad with ambition. [Approval intensifies.]

I'm glad to see Ozai fleshed out a bit as a person with his own quirks and foibles, and just as a monolithic Big Bad. Having him poison his relationship with his son through mutual non-understanding rather than malevolence is both more interesting and more tragic.

"The court acknowledges Governor Qiao," one of the servant sages intones. It is left unsaid that the man rising from his knees is one of those within the Bureaucrat Faction, which supports Ozai because they see him as a better candidate for the throne than General Iroh, who is supported by the Sage Faction.
Hmm. Ozai is already Fire Lord. Would the Sage Faction really rock the boat at this point, which amounts to declaring that the reigning Fire Lord should be replaced with someone else? Is it an intentional statement about the power of the factions that they could do that, or was what meant was that this was the situation during Azulon's reign? If the latter, past tense would un-confuse things.

'But there are more ways to win a war than to fight. Wars can be won with money and food, and some out-of-context solutions.'
I wonder how many of Fishzula's out-of-context solutions will end up being someone else's Outside Context Problems.
... the kind of problems "most civilizations would encounter just once, and which they tended to encounter rather in the same way a sentence encountered a full stop."​

I press a little, and stand.
This doesn't need a comma because the last part is not an independent clause that makes sense on its own.
He leans back, and watches impassively.
As above.

Ah, haha, why would they know no fear? XD
Ichthyophobia will keep them strong enough not to fear anything else! :V
(More seriously, I am also curious about The Plan.)
To be honest, Zuko doesn't matter all that much. I think after some convincing, Azula will--instead of tormenting him--attempt to turn him into a faceless mook, from then on, he would not really be one of the characters or something. If such a fourth wall breaking thing is possible, of course. Yeah, it's not like the SI will freak out when she realizes she isn't waking up...
To be honest, Zuko doesn't matter all that much. I think after some convincing, Azula will--instead of tormenting him--attempt to turn him into a faceless mook, from then on, he would not really be one of the characters or something. If such a fourth wall breaking thing is possible, of course. Yeah, it's not like the SI will freak out when she realizes she isn't waking up...
Truly the cruelest fate of all, to become the redshirt.
Well, Zuko may have a better claim to the throne. And there are always assassins available if Azula breaks him to the point he's no longer willing to match her by himself.

I think the best way to avoid all that fuss is to split the colonies into their own nation. That way, she can either ship of Zuko, or if things look tenuous for Azula, go there herself and turn that mess into a morally superior melting pot of cultures where every man and woman, no matter their nation of birth can vie for prosperity. Azula would make a great George Washington.
Why is there so much terror in the comments for this SI?

You guys make it sound like she's planning on killing Aang or something and that's just silly because I'm sure the SI doesn't want to promote GENOCIDE on the Earth benders or to do something crazy like killing the god fish, thus destroying the Water benders and making fire the only element and conquering the world, right?

Cause that's... horrible. This is an SI, not a nameless horror from the deep. She doesn't want people to think she's some crazy killer just waiting to get the power to murder everyone, does she? Bad enough the Air Nomads were wiped from the planet. Surely the SI isn't going to do this too more times?
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Why is there so much terror in the comments for this SI?

You guys make it sound like she's planning on killing Aang or something and that's just silly because I'm sure the SI doesn't want to promote GENOCIDE on the Earth benders or to do something crazy like killing the god fish, thus destroying the Water benders and making fire the only element and conquering the world, right?

Cause that's... horrible. Bad enough the Air Nomads were wiped from the planet. Surely the SI isn't going to do this too more times?
There are a lot of earth benders who peacefully live in the colonies.
This....this is amazing, as I've told you before. :p <3 Let me go into more detail.

The premise, a mind in another mind/body, is a fascinating premise that can go many places. Are you truly Fishie or are you just part of Azula's mind that thinks she's another person in order to allow her subconscious mind to vent? Or, if you are indeed another mind in Azula's body, how did this situation come about? Did your mind just attached or is there spirit junk involved? Is the current state of Azula's psyche remaining dominant going to remain? Will Fishie's technically older mind overwhelm Azula's in time? Will they merge? Can Fish be excised from Azula? There's just so many ways this idea can go, I love it!

The way you are bringing about changes to Azula's currently malleable mindset is interesting as well. How long will this go on before she starts to shove back? Or, as long as Fish's advice doesn't bring failure, will she be a secret adviser?

People bitching about Zuko shouldn't. Boy needs to leave the palace to get any kind of competence, as meager and tiny as it may be. Plus spirit bullshit may be involved. Always suspect spirits being involved in shit like that. Heck, just seeing how spirits and those sensitive to them will interact with Fusedzula will be worth the wait if nothing else.

But if I did have some concerns. Does Fish know where she is? If not, why does she seem so....on point? Preachy? Long winded? One or all of those. Also the dreaming thing. By the end of the third chapter, some idea of 'oh crap I'm not dreaming' should have shown up. I can get why it isn't; wanting to get the character interaction more than the inevitable freak out of the situation right away but if you keep ignoring it and going with the dreaming thing, its going to be annoying for readers. Doesn't have to be long, can just be a mild freak out before getting 'over' with it and going back to what you were doing.

This has some super potential and I'm looking forward to more. Consider this thread followed! ^o^
The colonies are integrated; both firebenders and earthbenders live peacefully there.
Yes. That's what i meant.
Why is there so much terror in the comments for this SI?

You guys make it sound like she's planning on killing Aang or something and that's just silly because I'm sure the SI doesn't want to promote GENOCIDE on the Earth benders or to do something crazy like killing the god fish, thus destroying the Water benders and making fire the only element and conquering the world, right?

Cause that's... horrible. This is an SI, not a nameless horror from the deep. She doesn't want people to think she's some crazy killer just waiting to get the power to murder everyone, does she? Bad enough the Air Nomads were wiped from the planet. Surely the SI isn't going to do this too more times?
This can't happen.
Yes. That's what i meant.
This can't happen.

*cough* Sozin's Comet *cough*

You remember that? It can happen. It HAS happened. That's how they ALREADY committed genocide on the Air Nomads. This comet also was the power behind their plan to do a scorched earth policy on Earth Nation.

Also, those people aren't benders, they are normal people. That are being integrated into the fire nation. The way that the second series is going, the implication is that culture decides what sort of benders you have. Otherwise, the restoration of the Nomads is impossible, without an extreme breeding program, since all the new Nomads are actually Earth citizens.

If they kill/imprison every bender of a different element and then take the remaining populations and turn their citizens into fire nation people. Destroying the culture of their previous people, how is that NOT genocide?

The south pole bending was wrecked and they would have done the same to the north if they could. They TRIED by killing the source of their bending, so no water bender could ever exist again. The people were left in a fraction of their former glory. I can well imagine the South Pole once being as strong as the North before Fire Nation destroyed it.

Fire Nation makes me sick. They launched an aggressive war on the world for centuries, killed an entire nation, destroyed the prosperity of others, and wiped out all bending that wasn't their own. They got off too lightly in this series. Far, far, too lightly.

If this SI wants to encourage one of the worst members of Fire Nation to act on her evil impluses... I have a hard time believing that she would really be that cruel without her undergoing some sort of mindscrew. Might want to change it from being an SI to some nameless demon.
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Fire Nation makes me sick. They launched an aggressive war on the world for centuries, killed an entire nation, destroyed the prosperity of others, and wiped out all bending that wasn't their own. They got off too lightly in this series. Far, far, too lightly.
Well I see someone missed the central message of ATLA.

If this SI wants to encourage one of the worst members of Fire Nation to act on her evil impluses... I have a hard time believing that she would really be that cruel without her undergoing some sort of mindscrew. Might want to change it from being an SI to some nameless demon.
Leadership is an evil impulse? Dear god, the SI is encouraging Azula to become a politician. :mad:

"Let me dispel any and all stupidity," I say once I have their attention. This happens quickly with the gold plate encased scroll in my hands, a mandate from the Fire Lord to form this company. "I have a list of you, and gathered the best of you at my disposal. Best and most promising in your fields, varied and spread out as you are. You thought you were going to learn from a master and go on, on your own, with barely any purpose? So... some of you think you're going to be a royal retinue. This may be so, once you prove your competence and loyalty. I will also reallocate those applicable, with glowing recommendations."

It is tradition for the armies that royalty serve in and lead in to be brought higher honors, but it is also easily deducible that those officers who become a part of a royal retinue face no chance of promotions. To career soldiers, this is the death blow to their advancement and what kills motivation to get ahead. For those who are smart enough to read between the lines, they know what I am offering: a golden ticket to greater promotions.

Azula does not actually care; she didn't even want to add that additional line, originally. It does not benefit her to have loyal and competent soldiers leave her service.

She does not understand building a network, having only learned at Ozai's knee.

She understands building a core team. I do too. You can't achieve anything without a group of people. No one can do anything alone. But Azula does not understand a lot of things.

Azula isn't stupid. She knows and understands that the officers and junior officers of this experimental company are provided by and provided for by House Qiao, a minor merchant family that rose to prominence three generations ago when their grandfather tested into the top one hundred and gained the administrative rulership of a small town as its bureaucratic magistrate. Since then, and since bureaucratic titles are not hereditary, they have been growing to the rulership of a colonial island in the southern Earth Kingdoms region. Azula knows these facts and understands that the House Qiao is financing this venture not for its sake, but for the sake of becoming closer to the royal family.

What Azula does not understand is why I am bothering subverting these eighty girls' loyalty when the Fire Nation's advanced propaganda machine already insures they obey us. Why do I bother spending these extra specks of time for these insignificant plebs?

In a phrase, I am playing the long game while she only lives the short one.

After all, what is the cost of writing a letter, giving a smile, and speaking a few extra words to another loyal servant? This is my dream, and if by this means I raise each and every one of them to a point where I can know all of their faces and names, then all of them are raised above faceless minions.

But that is just one of the many reasons and motivations at play.

"We will see combat," I add. "But we are not a part of the military structure, even if we are organized in part like one. Ladies, as much as I might love war, we are not in that business."

This causes more stirs than the first announcement. It has nearly caught Azula by surprise too, but she sees my reasoning, and ultimately agrees.

In this, we see eye to eye.

Some girls are relieved to not be in the frontlines. They have a ten-year-old, untested royalty as commander, of course they will worry. Some express their emotions with frowns, because they want to earn promotions. Or perhaps they just like fighting and have been expecting it.

So why do we pull this on them then, if first to promise them rewards if they prove themselves, then remove the opportunities for proving themselves? We both see easily into their train of thought this way.

"You will see trade." Azula then speaks, "But we are not a trade company, even if we will see profits like one. We all want to see our great Fire Nation prosper, but it is not through trade."

Then what are we to do?

Why, there is much to do, and none of this is to spread our talent widely like we have so far laid out.

And this is where things get tricky, and Azula leans on me.

"So let me dispel these rumors. You are not a military police, an internal squad like the Earth Kingdom's whispered Dai Li. You are not courtesan spies, or any other such a force. We will do those things, perhaps, when the opportunity allows. You will spy, you will police, you will administrate, but this is not an organization for any of those individual things!" I then ask, "So tell me, ladies, what is our business? What is the business of the Fire Nation?"

They are young still, even the officers. None of them are older than twenty, and all of the graduates are but fifteen years old. Azula wants to assert her dominance, by finding the strongest of them, pushing them to challenge her authority, and utterly and brutally destroy that girl in an Agni Kai that will cow all of them into submission. But their youth is here to be used against them.

To be so young, they must have, at most, only a taste of war. They have not yet been subsumed into conflict—to be on the other side of the world, fighting in ditches or swamps or snow, smelling only the worst excrements of humanity and sleeping with rats and insects, fighting without actual food or cleanliness for weeks on end—only a few battles close to home at most. They still believe in the propaganda of the Fire Nation.

They still believe in us. They want to believe in us. Everything that they are tells them they need to believe in Azula and her righteous cause.

So let us give them one.

'But that is so amateurish, to do that alone. It can be a part of the plan, but the plan is larger than just that,' We discuss, not for the first time. I wonder if I am actually arguing with myself sometimes, being in this dream of mine.

'And what does the other side of me say?' Azula asks, also not for the first time.

"A surgical strike force is not a new thing; we have the Yu Yan Archers, we know the Dai Li, and espionage is not new to us. So we take things one step further, we make a better model of operations and we use our resources to link it all together to not just have a surgical strike force, but also find exactly what sort of touch is necessary. We have but one business that we have set out to accomplish a hundred years ago. It is a noble goal that brings prosperity to all peoples and that goal has guided us to become the strongest and richest in the world. I have in my hands a mandate from the Fire Lord, endorsed by the Sages, the Bureaucracy, and the Generals." I hold up the golden case that holds the scroll of Ozai's script. It is embossed with the dragon and the phoenix, and its sheen catches every eye in the barracks courtyard. "'We who are the head of the body of the Fire Nation dictate the founding of this company, answerable to only the Royal Princess Azula.' So, we have but one goal. It is that which brings the world into one union."

Our eyes sweep over the girls. Somehow, through Azula's natural and trained presence than from any action on my part, we have their undivided attention. They feet must ache as much as ours, to stand so still, for so long.

So we declare, "Girls, we are not in any of individual aspects of the parts of our fine nation, as important as they may be. We are a whole and representing the best of us all. We are in the finest business in the world, the only business that we have worked for, for a hundred years. We are in the business of world domination. You will train to be the best, you will prove yourself loyal, and we shall strategize and plan and seek opportunities, without limits and with a single purpose. Thus I announce the founding of my Royal Order of the Crown's Inquisition."​