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Topic: I Defended Myself against Nazis
In: Boards > News
Built_To_Last (Original Poster) (Verified Cape):
Posted on January 2, 2011
So, some of you may have heard of me, but if you haven't: I'm Ruggedizer, the tinker with a specialization in ruggedization, redundancy, and reliability. I've been selling a variety of products and services for people who want a lifetime guarantee to mean something. And before people say anything: No, I'm not violating Nepea-5.
Last night, the entire E88's cape roster and an accompanying entourage of thugs with guns rolled up to my workshop and declared their intent to kill me and steal my stuff.
Now, just because I'm not selling missiles or laser guns doesn't mean I haven't built any. I gave Kaiser a fair warning, and he still didn't back down. According to New Hampshire's self-defense laws, that meant I was well within my rights to employ lethal force to defend myself. So I did. With aforementioned missiles and laser guns.
Kaiser and his band of parahuman goose-steppers are now dead. Because that's what happens when you mess with a tinker in their workshop.
Anyway, I made this post to calm people down and reassure them that I'm not going to go around killing people, nazi or otherwise. Anyway, I'm going back to bed.
Link to the video Warning: I censored it, but it's still a video of people dying.
Link to New Hampshire's self-defense laws Warning: it's pretty dry reading.
Link to a list of my products Warning: the tinkertech isn't cheap. That said, you get what you pay for.
Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy In The Know):
Replied on January 2, 2011
A bunch of police cars and ambulances were sent to the location of Ruggedizer's base.
It's going to take a bit to identify some of the remains, but it looks like Ruggedizer really did get E88's entire cape roster.
Replied on January 2, 2011
Wait, isn't Ruggedizer the cape that fixed Fugly's ice cream machine? How did she take on the entire Empire Eighty-Eight and win!?
NameThatCape (Cape Groupie):
Replied on January 2, 2011
With missiles and laser guns, just like she said, duh. Watch the video.
Replied on January 2, 2011
And hast though slain the Nazi schlock?
Oh, Frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
...But seriously, though. this made my week.
Goodman (Verified Lawyer):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Great stuff! Love to see someone exercising their right to defend themselves!
And if the 'man' gives you any trouble, remember: "Better Call Saul!"
Lionel_Hutz (Verified Lawyer):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Puh-leaze! You want to sue the nazis? Better call Hutz!
Replied on January 2, 2011
...I was not expecting ambulance chasers in a PHO thread.
Can we get back on topic?
theincrediblebulk (Unverified Cape) (Verified Obese):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Ignore the sleaze, and they actually aren't that far off-topic. Ruggedizer posted the video to keep the PRT from arresting her for killing over a dozen people. Which... I dunno enough about the law to say whether it'll work or not.
Can we get someone who knows legalese to tell us whether it was actually okay for Ruggedizer to kill a bunch of people the way she did?
Gomez_Addams (Verified Lawyer) (Unverified Cape) (Verified Creepy):
Replied on January 2, 2011
This link here sums it up better than the link the Lady of the Hour posted.
And can I say @Built_To_Last: That was utterly artistic! It truly is a shame that the video had to be censored. my family has already watched it seven times.
AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape):
Replied on January 2, 2011
TLDR: blah blah, Castle Doctrine, blah blah, depends on the judge. I don't doubt that the PRT could come up with something to arrest her for, and would happily railroad her, despite the fact that she should totally be in the clear.
I mean, look at what they are doing to Bad Canary.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, ... 7, 8, 9,
(Showing page 5 of 11)
Replied on January 2, 2011
That's how many capes, gone in less than a minute?
Man, I know Brockton Bay has a reputation, but still...
Replied on January 2, 2011
This is definitely a red-letter day, even for the Bay...
WagTheDog (Verified Dog Lover):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Hell yeah it is! No more dog fights! No more lynchings! No more F***ing nazis!
It's time to celebrate!
NegativeNancy (Verified Party Pooper):
Replied on January 2, 2011
The gang still exists, you know.
WagTheDog (Verified Dog Lover):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Yeah? and what are they going to do without cape support?
NegativeNancy (Verified Party Pooper):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Oh, I don't know, shoot people? I live in the bay, and the thugs with guns and Molotov cocktails do as much damage as the capes, barring a few exceptions like Lung.
WagTheDog (Verified Dog Lover):
Replied on January 2, 2011
I live in the bay too, and I'm telling you, without cape backup, the gang isn't going to survive. Do you really think they are going to go out without a cape to protect them? The police will have a much easier time mopping them up now that they don't have to worry about death by Hookwolf.
Replied on January 2, 2011
I want to know what's Lung's reaction to this. I mean, on the one hand, his biggest rivals just all disappeared overnight. On the other hand, he wasn't the one who did it. I'm pretty visibly white, so should I keep my head down, or can I shop at the Asian markets again? (I haven't been able to since I moved here.)
It'd be nice if I could go to a restaurant that serves Dim Sum without someone in red and green accusing me of being a racist shitebag.
Replied on January 2, 2011
You're mom was Occidental.
Replied on January 2, 2011
Also, it's 'your' not 'You are'
Replied on January 2, 2011
Ignore the troll.
Also, I'd keep my head down for a while regardless of your ethnicity. An entire gang getting wiped out in a night is going to cause chaos.
Okay. That's the best I can do and I've got other stuff to do today.
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Topic: I Defended Myself against Nazis
In: Boards > News
Built_To_Last (Original Poster) (Verified Cape):
Posted on January 2, 2011
So, some of you may have heard of me, but if you haven't: I'm Ruggedizer, the tinker with a specialization in ruggedization, redundancy, and reliability. I've been selling a variety of products and services for people who want a lifetime guarantee to mean something. And before people say anything: No, I'm not violating Nepea-5.
Last night, the entire E88's cape roster and an accompanying entourage of thugs with guns rolled up to my workshop and declared their intent to kill me and steal my stuff.
Now, just because I'm not selling missiles or laser guns doesn't mean I haven't built any. I gave Kaiser a fair warning, and he still didn't back down. According to New Hampshire's self-defense laws, that meant I was well within my rights to employ lethal force to defend myself. So I did. With aforementioned missiles and laser guns.
Kaiser and his band of parahuman goose-steppers are now dead. Because that's what happens when you mess with a tinker in their workshop.
Anyway, I made this post to calm people down and reassure them that I'm not going to go around killing people, nazi or otherwise. Anyway, I'm going back to bed.
Link to the video Warning: I censored it, but it's still a video of people dying.
Link to New Hampshire's self-defense laws Warning: it's pretty dry reading.
Link to a list of my products Warning: the tinkertech isn't cheap. That said, you get what you pay for.
Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy In The Know):
Replied on January 2, 2011
A bunch of police cars and ambulances were sent to the location of Ruggedizer's base.
It's going to take a bit to identify some of the remains, but it looks like Ruggedizer really did get E88's entire cape roster.
Replied on January 2, 2011
Wait, isn't Ruggedizer the cape that fixed Fugly's ice cream machine? How did she take on the entire Empire Eighty-Eight and win!?
NameThatCape (Cape Groupie):
Replied on January 2, 2011
With missiles and laser guns, just like she said, duh. Watch the video.
Replied on January 2, 2011
And hast though slain the Nazi schlock?
Oh, Frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
...But seriously, though. this made my week.
Goodman (Verified Lawyer):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Great stuff! Love to see someone exercising their right to defend themselves!
And if the 'man' gives you any trouble, remember: "Better Call Saul!"
Lionel_Hutz (Verified Lawyer):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Puh-leaze! You want to sue the nazis? Better call Hutz!
Replied on January 2, 2011
...I was not expecting ambulance chasers in a PHO thread.
Can we get back on topic?
theincrediblebulk (Unverified Cape) (Verified Obese):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Ignore the sleaze, and they actually aren't that far off-topic. Ruggedizer posted the video to keep the PRT from arresting her for killing over a dozen people. Which... I dunno enough about the law to say whether it'll work or not.
Can we get someone who knows legalese to tell us whether it was actually okay for Ruggedizer to kill a bunch of people the way she did?
Gomez_Addams (Verified Lawyer) (Unverified Cape) (Verified Creepy):
Replied on January 2, 2011
This link here sums it up better than the link the Lady of the Hour posted.
And can I say @Built_To_Last: That was utterly artistic! It truly is a shame that the video had to be censored. my family has already watched it seven times.
AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape):
Replied on January 2, 2011
TLDR: blah blah, Castle Doctrine, blah blah, depends on the judge. I don't doubt that the PRT could come up with something to arrest her for, and would happily railroad her, despite the fact that she should totally be in the clear.
I mean, look at what they are doing to Bad Canary.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, ... 7, 8, 9,
(Showing page 5 of 11)
Replied on January 2, 2011
That's how many capes, gone in less than a minute?
Man, I know Brockton Bay has a reputation, but still...
Replied on January 2, 2011
This is definitely a red-letter day, even for the Bay...
WagTheDog (Verified Dog Lover):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Hell yeah it is! No more dog fights! No more lynchings! No more F***ing nazis!
It's time to celebrate!
NegativeNancy (Verified Party Pooper):
Replied on January 2, 2011
The gang still exists, you know.
WagTheDog (Verified Dog Lover):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Yeah? and what are they going to do without cape support?
NegativeNancy (Verified Party Pooper):
Replied on January 2, 2011
Oh, I don't know, shoot people? I live in the bay, and the thugs with guns and Molotov cocktails do as much damage as the capes, barring a few exceptions like Lung.
WagTheDog (Verified Dog Lover):
Replied on January 2, 2011
I live in the bay too, and I'm telling you, without cape backup, the gang isn't going to survive. Do you really think they are going to go out without a cape to protect them? The police will have a much easier time mopping them up now that they don't have to worry about death by Hookwolf.
Replied on January 2, 2011
I want to know what's Lung's reaction to this. I mean, on the one hand, his biggest rivals just all disappeared overnight. On the other hand, he wasn't the one who did it. I'm pretty visibly white, so should I keep my head down, or can I shop at the Asian markets again? (I haven't been able to since I moved here.)
It'd be nice if I could go to a restaurant that serves Dim Sum without someone in red and green accusing me of being a racist shitebag.
Replied on January 2, 2011
You're mom was Occidental.
Replied on January 2, 2011
Also, it's 'your' not 'You are'
Replied on January 2, 2011
Ignore the troll.
Also, I'd keep my head down for a while regardless of your ethnicity. An entire gang getting wiped out in a night is going to cause chaos.
Okay. That's the best I can do and I've got other stuff to do today.
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