Bardiel may have only physically crippled Toji last time, but now it can emotionally cripple him too!

It's still working on the spiritual part, though.
You want proof that O-Shinji is nothing like Gendo? Here it is. This is what happens when someone hurts Shinji's daughter.
Also, just how stupid was that guard anyway? What did he think was gonna happen?

Actually, this show of emotion is the most like Gendo that Shinji will ever really get.

Let's not forget that Gendo Rokubungi did get pissed off and end up in fights, and then after marriage, changed his name to Ikari. Then he faced off against the entire world to bring his wife back in any possible way, and showed lots of emotion whenever Rei was hurt or may have been hurt.

Also, he shut Shinji out of his life because he was convinced he'd do nothing but harm (depending on the continuity used; manga is different, but that actually came later).

Thinking that Gendo is an uncaring individual is definitely misunderstanding him, we just think of him like that because he doesn't do any of the things we'd expect caring people to do.

Also, like Yui said: "[he's] quite a sweet person, it's just that no one knows it."

That's not exonerating him or anything. Yui still goes for maximum disapproval for a number of reasons during 3I.
also, would it be too much of a spoiler to ask why Bardiel is so obsessed with Touji?
Yeah a bit. I will say that while it's more than just insanity, doing what Bardiel has done for as long as they've done it, can have very distorting effects on a person.

And there's why... Alt!Kodama would be able to 'see' Bardiel on sight, and blow the game, so it's smart enough to call Kodama first and give her a perfectly plausible reason to stay away for... however long Bardiel needs to do whatever they've got planned. And I can think of a lot of ugly possibilities, starting with Touji... it would be perfectly in keeping with Bardiel to force Hikari to stab her husband, then body-jump to someone else and watch the fireworks that start. :/
To be fair at this point Koda probably couldn't tell where Bardiel was, but never the less. Koda appearing would create conflict and risk she doesn't want right now.
"Don't know," Hikari admitted. "She just suddenly came down with something while she was visiting. I'll call you back when we know more. Don't visit yet. I know you might want to but Touji and the others, they're not ready to handle you yet."

Yeah, right.

"That was twenty years ago! He did kill me," Ria said as she pointed towards Shinji, who was standing in the back of Maya's office, "and you don't see me holding a grudge."

Better yet, he killed and ate her. Along with his mom.
If that isn't a recipe for a fucked-up family, I don't know what is. Now, consider this, Maya: their family is the most stable one in the cast. Ponder this and be terrified.:lol
Edit: to be honest, Mana's family is also pretty swell. But, I think we can count them as a part of extended Ikari-Soryu household in five or so years.

"Katasurgi has not rescinded the order. I suspect this is an oversight and not intentional on her part. I will ask her by the end of the day," Ayanami explained.

For the love of all that is holy, kill this abomination! ( I mean a spelling mistake, not Misato. )

"Stop Suzuhara abuse"? Really. Really?
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Some people in NERV just can't help to dial #1-900-CHOKEAHOE.... :p :lol (Another way of saying that they can't help but trigger Ria's buttons, and so, get their butts handed to them!)
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"At least Rei's never lied to us!"

"Oh, she told you that she's a half-Angel hybrid clone of your mother? That's great! It must've been great for her to finally get that off her chest."


"At least Rei's never lied to us!"

"Oh, she told you that she's a half-Angel hybrid clone of your mother? That's great! It must've been great for her to finally get that off her chest."



That would be hilariously awkward. Sadly, "Commander Ikari's orders" seems to cover that, too.
But still. Imagine the looks on their faces...
Chapter 16 Part 3
By the time they pulled Shinji off the guard, Shinji had broken several of the guard's teeth and his nose. The guards face was a bloody swollen mess. Shinji's remaining real fist was bloody and rapidly bruising.

It was hard to deny what had happened; one of the guards had, of his own accord, attempted to assassinate Ria Soryu.

Misato wanted to beat her head against the wall in frustration. She hated Ria, but this was absolutely the worst way to go about dealing with her. Sure she had manhandled Shinji, but even Misato knew that she wouldn't try anything against him.

The other guards' reactions left her even more troubled and frustrated. The offending guard was handcuffed, but the other guards were surrounding him, almost as if they were protecting him. All of them glaring hard at Ria. Who was sitting next to her father in the opposite corner of the hall, as medics looked over Shinji.

The Pilots were off to one side, watching with interest.

She approached the would be assassin. "Explain, now."

"Ma'am," he began. "I saw an opportunity to eliminate a major threat to WILLE and humanity. She had just threatened Pilot Ikari and I believe posed a danger to the others as well."

"They were arguing!" Misato groaned. "And she has a pardon! You just assaulted a government official, a direct emissary of the Empress, technically!"

"Exactly," the officer said with feverous intensity. "WILLE is under occupation. The government and the Empress have betrayed humanity. Removing that Angel is the only way we stand a chance at actually winning this war."

Misato was dumbfounded, what could have possibly led him to go to that extreme...

'This is my fault.' The thought washed over her like a cold wave. Everything she had done, attacking Matariel, making it clear that she considered Ria an enemy. At least some of the Security staff had taken it to heart and now took Ria's presence as boot at their throat.

She knew Ria was a threat, but not a threat for today or even this year. Whatever she had planned they didn't need to worry about it now. And attacking her would only make things so much worse. At best it would alienate Shinji and Asuka, at worst it would push Ria into joining Ramiel.

"Ma'am, we can't afford to keep an enemy so close to us. We need to strike now before-" the officer said.

"SHUT! UP!" Misato howled.

Security looked at her in surprise.

Misato's voice shook with rage as she spoke. "We have a truce with that girl, and until that truce is over none of you are to so much as look at her funny!"

"But Ma'am!" the officer protested.

"And you," Misato said, "have earned yourself an immediate dismissal and you'll likely soon be changed with attempted murder among quite a few other things, depending on how upset the Empress is with all this. Do not press your luck by speaking any further."

This was a mess. Worse, it was a mess of her own creation.

The older Shinji approached her. Misato braced herself for the worst.

"I know," she said. "Believe me, I know."

"This needs to stop." Shinji's voice was surprisingly calm but very firm.

Sub-Director Soryu walked in, rushing to her daughter's side. "Ria!"

"I'll make sure the rest of WILLE knows not to pull anything like this again, I promise," Misato tried assure him.

"No," Shinji said. "You need to stop this feud with Ria, period. As long as WILLE knows you hate her and think she's a threat, this kind of thing will keep happening. Yeah, she tried to kill you, and you tried to kill her as well. You were both pushed into that. She also saved you."

"It's not…," Misato hesitated, "It's not that simple, Shinji."

His frustration grew. "Why?! Why is that not simple? What is it going to take to convince you that our daughter doesn't want to conquer the world?! That all she wants is to be with her family and her girlfriend? For crying out loud, the most dramatic conversation we had this morning was making sure she got home tonight at a reasonable hour! She's not some heartless monster! She cares about us! You know this! You raised her as much as anyone, even more than me!"

"I know!" Misato shouted. "Goddamnit I know! That's what makes this so hard."

It had taken her a while to accept that any Angel could have human emotions, but it was apparent with Dimitri and Ria that they were in fact rather human in that particular regard.

"Then why on Earth are you doing it?" Shinji said, his voice pleading.

"Because of Kaworu," Misato stated.

"What?" Shinji was almost dumbstruck.

All eyes were on them now.

"Kaworu," Misato sighed. "Looking back now it's clear he cared for you, and you cared for him. But none of that changed what happened with him."

She hated Ria because Misato knew the pain she could cause Shinji and Asuka if something went wrong. She could in a moment rip out their hearts and leave them emotionally ruined for life. And nothing Misato could do would change that.

"That…" Shinji hesistated, tears forming in his eyes. "That's different. The Angels were drawn to Adam. They don't have the Call driving them anymore. Nothing is going to force her to fight us."

"What if something is, though?" Misato argued. "Every Angel we've fought, they have families, they have people who care about and they should have cared for in return! Why would they all abandon it for some plan they have no way of knowing will work? What if the Evas returning triggered something inside of them, something they might not even be aware of?"

Shinji shook his head "You're getting into outright wild guessing and conspiracy theories now. Okito had this planned since before they arrived."

"I know," Misato admitted. "But think about it. Okito's attack put everything he planned in jeopardy, Shamshel's attack made us aware they were in human form, something we never would have guessed otherwise. Why are they attacking us when their plan doesn't seem to need it at all? They screwed themselves over for no gain. What if something drove them to that? What if they're fighting because something's driving them to fight? I'm probably wrong but I don't want to wake up tomorrow and discover she suddenly has strong urge to fight the Evas or just conquer us and be caught completely flat footed by it."

"That won't happen!" Shinji all but screamed. "And if it did, she would warn us!"

"Really?" Misato questioned "She lied to you about being an Angel and is probably still keeping some secrets from you."

At that Ria glared harshly at Misato before storming off.

"She lied because she knew everyone would act like this!" Shinji gestured to the guard who had tried to kill Ria. "She knew you would do this because it's plain to everyone that you..."

Before Shinji could say anything more, Misato got a message through her earpiece.

"General, we have a problem." Ritsuko said. "Okito Suzuhara has just gone into cardiac arrest."
Author's Note: Short update I know, but I have an Omake in the works for you guys.
"No," Shinji said. "You need to stop this feud with Ria, period. As long as WILLE knows you hate her and think she's a threat, this kind of thing will keep happening. Yeah, she tried to kill you, and you tried to kill her as well. You were both pushed into that. She also saved you."
His frustration grew. "Why?! Why is that not simple? What is it going to take to convince you that our daughter doesn't want to conquer the world?! That all she wants is to be with her family and her girlfriend? For crying out loud, the most dramatic conversation we had this morning was making sure she got home tonight at a reasonable hour! She's not some heartless monster! She cares about us! You know this! You raised her as much as anyone, even more than me!"

"I know!" Misato shouted. "Goddamnit I know! That's what makes this so hard."
We've hit the strange place where Shinji Ikari is the most emotionally mature person in the room. @_@
"General, we have a problem." Ritsuko said. "Okito Suzuhara has just gone into cardiac arrest."
Well, fuck... If/when Hikari comes back to herself, she's... going to have a bad night, that she wasn't even able to be there if Okito dies.
Guys, guys, guys, you're all wrong.
The truth is very simple: Kaworu has annoyed Okito so much he just stopped his heart to prevent any further conversation.
Imagine. You are a bisected body lying in the prison, being experimented on and someone is nagging and nagging at you all the while.
Guys, guys, guys, you're all wrong.
The truth is very simple: Kaworu has annoyed Okito so much he just stopped his heart to prevent any further conversation.
Imagine. You are a bisected body lying in the prison, being experimented on and someone is nagging and nagging at you all the while.
Not just someone, but your father. What's the song title, "Come Sweet Death"?
Nah, It's just Okito's room service trick. stop your heart, the docs rush in because they think you're dead, and presto, breakfast in bed.
Here's an idea for a Bad Ending.
Some genius realizes that the best way to make Ria stop "pretending" is to hurt her parents, and so kills Old- Shinji and/or Asuka as "traitors to humanity" or some such nonsense. Result: Ria goes berserk and smashes for a while, jailbreaks Okito, planning to join Ramiel on the condition that "Leave Misato for me."
The Eva Pilots protest, maybe by threatening to stop working for WILLE or something.
Misato would either resign out of sheer depression, or make Gendo look like a Father to his Men.
Any other ideas on how this could play out?
What gender was Bardiel originally?

If they were female, I could see a strange sort of Yandere love for Touji-either romantically, or as a daughter.
"I know," Misato admitted. "But think about it. Okito's attack put everything he planned in jeopardy, Shamshel's attack made us aware they were in human form, something we never would have guessed otherwise. Why are they attacking us when their plan doesn't seem to need it at all? They screwed themselves over for no gain. What if something drove them to that? What if they're fighting because something's driving them to fight? I'm probably wrong but I don't want to wake up tomorrow and discover she suddenly has strong urge to fight the Evas or just conquer us and be caught completely flat footed by it."

You're making a surprising, almost unbelievable amount of progress there, Misato. You're admitting that they truly are acting on human feelings and emotions.

Now you need to take that a step further.

Something DID drive Okito to that.

It's called "having the emotional and mental facilities of a human teenager while also having power equivalent to a nuke."
Here's an idea for a Bad Ending.
Some genius realizes that the best way to make Ria stop "pretending" is to hurt her parents, and so kills Old- Shinji and/or Asuka as "traitors to humanity" or some such nonsense. Result: Ria goes berserk and smashes for a while, jailbreaks Okito, planning to join Ramiel on the condition that "Leave Misato for me."
The Eva Pilots protest, maybe by threatening to stop working for WILLE or something.
Misato would either resign out of sheer depression, or make Gendo look like a Father to his Men.
Any other ideas on how this could play out?
That's not going to end in Ria working with Ramiel. That's going end in Ria killing whoever murdered her parents, killing Okito, Killing Misato, and then immediately setting out to track down and slaughter Ramiel and Iruel. At that point there's is absolutely nothing Ramiel could offer than she would want.

What gender was Bardiel originally?

If they were female, I could see a strange sort of Yandere love for Touji-either romantically, or as a daughter.
Honestly that sort of thing could working with either gender.

But whoever Bardiel was originally is not something I want to spoil, I might later if it never comes up in the fic.
That's not going to end in Ria working with Ramiel. That's going end in Ria killing whoever murdered her parents, killing Okito, Killing Misato, and then immediately setting out to track down and slaughter Ramiel and Iruel. At that point there's is absolutely nothing Ramiel could offer than she would want.

Followed by Ria taking her own life -- unless Mari talks her down like quick. :'( Shades of Wounded Man and other stories like that....
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