You know, little things like that. :/
In Shinji's defence, he does seem to have a bad habit of trying to kill those who love him most.
Well given Rei's protectiveness of Shinji and resentment of Kaworu for hurting him it makes sense why she wouldn't be keen on her best friend suddenly deciding to kiss him.
Primal Lilth urge to kill Adam... rising.
Asuka: "Uh, Kaworu?"

Kaworu: "Couch cushion and blanket forts aren't more comfortable?"

Asuka: "It wasn't what I was thinking of but that does look comfy."
Asuka looks up at Kaworu from within her blanket and pillow fort "Well... isn't the angel going to storm the Geofront?"
Asuka looks up at Kaworu from within her blanket and pillow fort "Well... isn't the angel going to storm the Geofront?"
Shinji walks in one day a week later to visit Asuka.... and finds her in a pillowfort, throwing multiple pairs of pants at Kaworu, who is fully entangled in them.

Kaworu: ".....I can explain."

Asuka, simultaneously: "This isn't what it looks like!"

Shinji: "Good, because I have no fricking idea what it looks like. Are you both high or something?"
Shinji walks in one day a week later to visit Asuka.... and finds her in a pillowfort, throwing multiple pairs of pants at Kaworu, who is fully entangled in them.

Kaworu: ".....I can explain."

Asuka, simultaneously: "This isn't what it looks like!"

Shinji: "Good, because I have no fricking idea what it looks like. Are you both high or something?"

Shinji: And then I walked in to see Asuka surrounded by pillows and Kaworu entangled in at least 3 pairs of pants.

Rei: I feel that I was wrong about Kaworu being dangerous to yourself or Asuka, the only person Kaworu seems to be a danger to is himself.
Rei: "Perhaps he and I have more ground than I thought."

Shinji: "What?"

Rei: "Never mind." She turns to walk away, and immediately trips because of the pants tangled around her feet.
Rei also has her habit of somehow being able to wrap herself into a perfect BuReiTo whilst sleeping :p

Later on

Kodama: Rei we need to talk, I know sometimes when couples sleep together one might have a habit of hogging the sheet.

Rei: I apologize in advance fo-

Kodama: But I have never heard of someone being able to steal the entire sheet and burrito themselves in it whilst sleeping before!

Rei: I am sorry but you did say I looked good enough to eat...

Kodama blushes: That... isn't... you know what I meant!
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"Well you picked a good curry to start with, some of them would probably kill you." I joke but see him look at me with a horrified expression.

"Really? A curry can do that."

Asuka: "Misato's cooking is a pathway to many dishes some consider to be unnatural."

Kaworu: "Is it possible to learn such power?"

Asuka: "Not from a cookbook."

Rei also has her habit of somehow being able to wrap herself into a perfect BuReiTo whilst sleeping :p

Later on

Kodama: Rei we need to talk, I know sometimes when couples sleep together one might have a habit of hogging the sheet.

Rei: I apologize in advance fo-

Kodama: But I have never heard of someone being able to steal the entire sheet and burrito themselves in it whilst sleeping before!

Rei: I am sorry but you did say I looked good enough to eat...

Kodama blushes: That... isn't... you know what I meant!

See the real trick is adding in Kodama to the Bureito.
Asuka: "Misato's cooking is a pathway to many dishes some consider to be unnatural."

Kaworu: "Is it possible to learn such power?"

Asuka: "Not from a cookbook."

*Meanwhile in Japan Misato stands triumphantly over a table containing a number of plates and bowls containing what can only be described as goop of various colour.*

Misato: And these ones are the vegetarian options for you Rei, I wanted you to have some choice.

Shinji: Misato I thought we agreed that you were to not cook

Misato: Nonsense! I neglected my duties as your guardian all those years ago, I have to make up for it.

Shinji (Quiet): But at least I was alive..

Misato: What was that?

Shinji: Umm... I said... I can't believe you made five... bowls of stuff I mean... and it does look... like stuff.

Before Misato can say anything else Rei has already taken two tentative spoonfulls from two of the vegetarian bowls onto her plate. She is thankful for once that her body cannot handle meat as that should make this marginally easier.

Shinji on the other hand prods at the meat on his plate, is it meat? He can't be sure, if it is then what meat? He isn't sure he wants to know. On his left Misato has already happily piled her plate up high, he turns to see something strange happening. As the five bowls combine on her plate he was certain he could hear a faint sound almost like drumming. It continued and so he looked towards Rei, she too seemed to be perplexed.

Misato: Can you two hear that?

Rei and Shinji: Yes

Before anyone could say anything further the sound of the drumming grew louder. Suddenly there was a bright flash, the source of it was Misato's plate. Shinji felt his head start to spin as the room filled with many different colours, for a brief moment he saw himself standing in a wasteland in a place that he could only describe as hell.

Before he could contemplate this bizarre turn of events there was another flash and he was brought back to the apartment. He looked to see horrified expressions on Misato and Rei's face.

Shinji: D-Did you guys...

Rei: The curry... It was...

Misato: That's ridiculous how can...

Rei: It told me... It spoke to me, It wanted the one who opened the gateway, the one who opened the doorway to worlds of horrors unimaginable. It spoke of wanting the formula to free itself from its prison. It spoke of you Misato.

See the real trick is adding in Kodama to the Bureito.

Kodama would be an excellent addition to the BuReiTo
Chapter 9 - Get At The Truth - 2: Shinji
16th​ September 2021 – Mid-afternoon – Misato's apartment
"I'm home!" I announce happily to no one in particular as the apartment door swings open. I peer into the hallway and start to try to bring everything I'm carrying into tight space. In one hand is my cello, tucked under that arm are a few papers from the session, held carefully in my other hand is a box and I have a backpack on. I shuffle carefully into the small hallway and almost manage to trip over a pair of Misato's shoes that were left there, fortunately I'm able to catch myself before anything gets damaged.

Now in the hallway I set the cello and other items down and start to remove my shoes. As I begin to do so I'm surprised to hear Rei's soft voice call back to me, "Welcome home!"

I smile to myself as I finish removing my shoes and I snatch up the box from the ground leaving the cello and session papers behind for the moment. As I make my way out of the hallway and into the living room I hide the box behind my back. I look around the room and see Rei is sat on the couch absent mindedly browsing something on her laptop.

I have to admit I'm a little bit surprised but happy to see Rei is back already. Mondays are usually when she volunteers at the school and she generally comes back later in the day. I actually wonder if everything is alright with her, it does seem unlike Rei to have skipped out on something like that and for most of yesterday and this morning she's seemed distracted and... sad I guess? I don't know why, I know she went out on a date with someone the other night but she said everything went well. Unless something has happened since.

As I enter the room and take a look at her I can see she still looked a little bit sad now. It would probably be hard for others to tell but I can. Her expression is one I recognize all too well, it's one I've worn myself on many occasions. Rei... It's weird to think I never saw it years ago but she does look a lot like me and shares a lot of similar mannerisms.

The thing is I know I can't just ask her directly what's wrong. I know that she won't tell me because that's another thing we share, she'll just evade it and pretend everything is okay. Eventually it'll build up inside her and I know from experience that it can only make things worse when that happens. It happened to me a long time ago and it felt awful.

The problem with this is that when I'm down and people can tell they'll stick with me and ask me what's wrong, they'll coax it out of me and I can't do that with Rei or other people. I'm just not very good at it, I don't know how to do that and I'm always afraid of upsetting them or annoying them. It's the same for everyone, I just ask them what's wrong and if they don't tell me I shy away. I've been like that with Rei, I've been like that with Misato and I was the same with Asuka when she was here.

All three of those people though they're good at doing that. Rei can be stubborn, she won't leave my side or she'll just hug me and not let go until I finally relent. Misato doesn't quite go that far but she gives me an opportunity to talk freely and without judgement.

Asuka… I smile as I think of her, she wasn't quite as nice with her method but she had a way of coaxing things out of me. She always had a way of getting me to see the bright side or just feeling better about a situation, she always kinda pushed me. I just wish I could have done the same for her and helped her out.

Whilst I might not be able to find out what is wrong by talking to her perhaps I can try to find out or at least cheer her up in other ways. What I have held behind my box is part of that. On the way home I bought her a cake from a bakery that I know she likes. It's a double chocolate sponge cake with a healthy amount of chocolate cream between the layers and a round profiterole sitting on the top.

"Are you okay Rei?" I ask her as I enter the room fully.

I see her nod, "I am fine, thank you.

I open my mouth briefly to maybe ask the follow up question, to ask her if she is sure or to point out that she is looking a bit sad but I simply can't do it. Instead I just weakly move the conversation along as if I can't tell that something is wrong.

"How were things at the school today? I noticed you're home early."

She looks across at me, "Yes, they were taking the students on a trip this afternoon so I only had to attend the morning classes. It went well. How was your session today, was it more comfortable than the last one?"

"Yeah! It… It was really good actually." I smile, "We got split off into pairs, I was paired up with a violinist and we seemed to get along quite well."

"Did you play anything?"

I nod enthusiastically, "Yeah! We didn't really have time to prepare anything so we decided it'd be best to just improvise. We decided on a key to play in and I just played some basic chords over a metronome, she would jump in and accompany me with a solo on her violin! It was incredible, I think people were actually impressed with us!"

Rei is smiling at this point so I continue, "The others were really good as well. Some of them already had an idea of what they wanted to play. We heard people play some things by Bach, some Mozart and one pair even tried to play some film themes. You should have heard them Rei!"

Rei smiles, "That is good to hear!"

"Yeah! After we each played for the group the conductor gathered us around and told us a bit more about what the performance he wanted to put on. He had this idea to do a history of music from the 18th​ Century onwards, composers like Bach and Beethoven but also move through to modern day."

I remember what he shown us and smile, "He gave us a potential playlist, I'm not exactly familiar with a lot of it. The classical stuff I know and like because it was what I grew up listening to but I don't know the modern stuff. He played a brief bit of some of it and it sounds quite complicated, I didn't realize the arrangements for some of the songs could be so complex, the time signatures used and the compositions are…"

I look over to see Rei almost grinning at me as I carry on speaking. I feel my face turning red realizing that I'm just talking and not really letting her speak, "Sorry, I'm… Anyway, It sounds quite complicated… I just hope I can do it."

My words seem to draw a faint smile from Rei, "Do not apologize, it is wonderful to hear you speak to passionately and I have absolutely no doubt that you will be excellent. You are extremely talented."

I can feel my cheeks glowing red, "I… I just practice a lot. I'm… not that good really, I still make a lot of mistakes and there are some things I can't play."

"And that is why you continue to practice so that you will be able to play such things and make fewer mistakes. I have heard you and you are very good, you should give yourself more credit."

I swallow down the words I'm about to speak to further downplay my abilities. It's a habit I need to get out of, that I'm trying hard to get out of. Rei is right, I do practice a lot and the reason I practice so much is so that I can play more advanced pieces one day.

I mean in many ways I already do play some complicated material. I also have a good grasp of the theory behind it. I'm able to read music, I can play in a variety of more complex time signatures with ease and I can handle transcribing music fairly well. So instead of downplaying it all I look at say and speak words I'm unfamiliar with when it comes to a compliment, "Thank you."

I shift awkwardly from one leg to another and decide now would be a good time to give Rei the present.

"Rei I… I got you something on the way home."

She looks at me in confusion as I bring the box around from my back and hand it to her. She looks at it for a moment before smiling, "You… I recognize this wrapper!"

"Yeah!" I nod, "You mentioned this place a couple of weeks ago and… well being honest I thought you seemed kinda sad this morning so I wanted to get you something to cheer you up."

"You went into the bakery and got this yourself?" She looked at me in surprise, "You were alright getting this?"

I nod, "Yeah… I mean it was still scary but my session went really well and I guess that helped me not be as scared of others. It was… pretty empty in there too so I didn't have to pass too many people and like I said I wanted to cheer you up, I don't mind doing something scary if it'd help you."

"Thank you!" She begins to untie the ribbon and opens it to reveal the slice of cake I've bought her. I smile as I see her eyes widen, "This looks delicious, thank you Shinji."

"I hope you enjoy it."

"I will." She replies, "Although I must inform you that you have nothing to be worried about regarding me. I am perfectly fine, you do not need to worry about me."

I can tell she isn't telling the truth but I just can't bring myself to say anything else. I'm just not very good at this sort of thing, if people come to me directly and tell me they're upset then maybe… maybe I sort of know what to do but I can't get people to tell me what's wrong. If they're being evasive like… well like I would be then I simply can't do it. I'm just scared of annoying them and them being angry with me.

So instead of saying anything else I just go back into the hallway and bring my cello and papers into the front room. I set them down behind the couch and see that Rei has already made a start on happily eating the cake. If I am going to say anything else then I should probably wait until after this, I wouldn't want to upset her now.

I sit down near to her and pull out my music player and the list of songs the instructor has given us. The idea behind the performance seems to be a brief history of music from the 18th​ Century onwards. This means some music I'm familiar with from the classical composers through to more modern material. I know a few of the more popular tracks but a couple I don't know, so I want to load it all onto my music player to listen to before next week.

I always feel strange using this player, it's been a constant companion to me since I received it on my birthday several years ago but it's also the only thing of Asuka that remains in this place. At first I refused to use it, looking at it upset me but over time I started to think about Asuka taking the time to buy it and leave it for me. She'd be angry if I didn't use it and so I've kept it close to me at all times.

As I search through the store and start to download each track I glance quickly at Rei and see her sat and quietly focused on eating her cake. It's so obvious to me that something is wrong, it's the same expression that I have when something is bugging me and my inability to just say something keeps eating away at me. Why do I find this so damn difficult? Misato doesn't have this difficulty, Rei doesn't and Asuka certainly didn't! What am I afraid of?

'Being hated and abandoned by them. Losing friends and family due to saying the wrong thing. Pissing her off so she yells and leaves.'

I hate my brain sometimes.

"You are still concerned about me aren't you?" Rei suddenly speaks.

I nod, "Yeah… You just… You look sad Rei."

"As I said before I appreciate your concern but I am perfectly fine." Rei smiles at me, "Tell me more about the performance."

She's being evasive, I know she is because it's the exact same thing I'd try to do. I open my mouth to protest or counter it but I just can't, "Well… He wants us to learn and play tracks from classical composers through to modern artists, he seems to like a lot of rock music so I'm interested in how we're going to perform those."

"Well it just be your group or will you have others accompanying you?" She asks.

I shrug, "I think it'll just be us but I'm not sure."

"Then that should be interesting, I was not sure if you would be playing with an actual band or not for the songs."

"I don't think so but I think he might get someone to sing the songs." I reply, "Hey… If this does happen you and Misato will attend right?"

"I would not miss the opportunity to see my brother play for anything. Of course we will be attending."

"Thank you." I smile, "It's a shame that…"

I stop myself immediately from finishing that sentence. She's been on my mind a lot recently so I guess it makes sense for me to think that. I guess with finding out about Kaworu being back I've been wondering about her as well. I wonder where she is right not, I wonder if she is happy and doing well for herself.

I look over to see Rei frowning, "I know Shinji, I would have liked that too."

"Do you miss her too?" I ask.

Rei nods, "Yes I do."

"Is that what has been bothering you?" I ask, "I know hearing about Kaworu being back probably brought… certain things back."

She looks over at me, "As I have said, there is nothing bothering me."

"Are you sure? You just see-"

Rei suddenly stands up and snaps at me, "Yes! I am absolutely certain! There is nothing wrong with me at all, you do not need to keep on asking. I am going to go and shower now, thank you again for the cake."

I am given no chance to reply as she moves swiftly past me and into the bathroom. I consider following her and saying something else but I know it'll only make things worse. Instead I simply sit there and silently curse myself for trying to press her further. Maybe I was wrong about the whole thing and nothing was wrong, I should have just said nothing. I guess I'm just not very good at this sort of thing.

The best thing I can probably do now is apologize to her when she comes out. If there is something wrong then Misato can probably deal with it, she's so much better than I am. I should have spoken to her first. What did I ever think I was going to accomplish with it?

I let out a sigh and stand up to take my cello into my bedroom. As I do this I hear the sound of Rei's phone going off, I turn around to see it sat on the coffee table and wonder if I should leave it or take it to her. I listen out for the sound of running water, I can't hear anything so it seems safe to take it to her now and maybe I can apologize as well.

I grab the phone from the table and the screen lights up immediately in my hand. I take a quick look at the top of the message preview just to see who it's from and I see that it is from a private number. It's likely to just be rubbish, in which case I probably shouldn't bother Rei. I quickly check the top of the message to make sure,

'Rei. It's Asuka, please call me. I know you're angry at me but you have to let me explain. I'm free all day today so just call me.'

I feel sick. My stomach is churning as I read over the message again. My head starts spinning and I feel my body start to break out in a cold sweat. My vision goes blurry as I slow my breathing and try to process just what it is I've read. That… can't be true, it has to be some sort of joke right? That can't actually be a message from Asuka.

It just… It can't be! Why would Asuka be sending Rei a message? How could Asuka be sending Rei a message? Asuka isn't… Rei doesn't… They aren't… No… No No No No No, this doesn't make any sense damnit. This has to be a joke because if it isn't then it means something I can't believe. It means that Rei is in contact with Asuka, it means that Rei has been lying to me and Misato and… Rei wouldn't do that, would she?

Questions rush through my mind about the situation. Is this why Rei has seemed out of it for the past day? What did Asuka do? What did Rei do? How long have they been in contact? Why didn't Rei say anything to me or Misato? Rei knows how I feel about Asuka, she knows how much Asuka leaving hurt me so if she knew where Asuka is or that Asuka is alright then why didn't she tell me?


I hear Rei's voice from behind me and my grip tightens on her phone. The churning in my stomach hasn't ceased and I start to fear that I might throw up. I slowly stand up straight and turn to face her. She shoots me a look of concern but then looks from my face to the phone clutched tightly in my hand.

"What are you doing with my phone, is everything alright?"

"Y-Your phone… You… A message, I didn't mean to read it. I thought it was junk but…"

"A message…" She looks at me directly in the eyes and immediately I see a look of fear spread across her face, "From who?"

"Asuka…" I reply as I feel the tears start to well up in my eyes, "I-Is it really her?"

Rei looks at me and opens her mouth halfway before closing it. She looks terrified and stands silently for a moment before lowering her head, "Yes… It is."

Her admission makes me feel like I've been punched in the gut. So it really was Asuka who sent that message, it really was her. I feel like I should be delighted that she is alright but all I feel is anger and sadness.

"H-How long have you been in contact with her?" I ask trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Just over three years…" She admits, "I… The first time I went to Europe was to track her down and I did…"

"Track her down! You mean you've actually met her?" I raise my voice as I ask her, "For over three years you've been in contact with her and not said anything to me?"

Rei simply nods her head, I can see a tear rolling down her cheek, "Yes."

"Why? Why would you hide that from me Rei? Y-You knew…" My voice starts to crack with emotion, "After what happened Rei, you hid this from me? Why?"

"I… I can explain Shinji, it isn't…" She almost sobs as she speaks, "I didn't want to hide it from you."

"But you did! Why?"

Rei seems to hesitate for a moment, "She didn't want me to tell you… It's…"

If the admission before felt like a punch to the gut this felt like a punch and a kick. I stare at Rei blankly and try to take in what she has just said. I wait for her to maybe add something else but she seems unable to do so as she stands there sobbing. I feel tears rolling down my own cheeks and anger within me, "She… didn't want you to?"

Rei shakes her head, "I wanted to but…"

"Then why didn't you?" I yell back at her, "I'm supposed to be your brother! You knew… You knew how I felt about her and you hid this from me! All those times you spoke about missing her and how bad you felt about her leaving and you were speaking to her all along."

"I-I know…"

"I trusted you Rei… I thought I thought I could trust you but you… You betrayed me, you're… you're just like him!"

"Shinji please!"

"No!" I shout back at her, "Just… Leave me alone."

I barge my way past her and back into the hallway. I have to leave, I have to get out of this apartment, I don't know where but I just know I have to get far away from here. Behind me I hear her call out and sob but I ignore it as I shove a pair of shoes on and rush out of the front door. I wipe away the tears from my eyes and run from the apartment as quickly as I can. I rush down the stairs and out onto the street, I jog onto another street and into a nearby alleyway to stop for a moment. My stomach is still churning and I worry for a brief moment that I might throw up but I manage to stop myself.

I look back towards the alleyway entrance to see if anyone has followed me. No one has, at least not yet. I take a moment to try to think about what has just happened. Rei found Asuka three years ago and has been in contact with her ever since. I still can't believe she would do that and not tell me, I think about what she said about Asuka not wanting her to tell me about it. Why would Rei agree to that?

I just don't understand and I don't think I want to. I just want to get away from here. I check my pockets and see I've got my transport cards and phone with me. I have to get away from this place and this. I need to be alone where no one can find me and work this out. I need to get away from Rei.
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I don't know why, I know she went out on a date with someone the other night but she said everything went well.
Rei... hasn't told him who she's dating? Huh. Has Kodama told her side? Anyone? Are they worried someone might get snippy about them going yuri?
I see her nod, "I am fine, thank you.
Missed the end "
"Yeah! It… It was really good actually." I smile, "We got split off into pairs, I was paired up with a violinist and we seemed to get along quite well."
You always play better with a partner, Shinji...
"Although I must inform you that you have nothing to be worried about regarding me. I am perfectly fine, you do not need to worry about me."
Yup, you're an Ikari...
'Rei. It's Asuka, please call me. I know you're angry at me but you have to let me explain. I'm free all day today so just call me.'

And Shinji hates being lied to...
When Asuka forgot her fieldcraft, called Rei in a panic, and Shinji picked it up, I figured that everything was going to come out in the open. But she froze, and in doing so, dodged the bullet.

...Not this time. And it's worse. If Asuka had given away who she was on the phone with Shinji, they'd have talked. Because Asuka never lied to Shinji - she just ran.


Well. I have an inkling of where Shinji might be going I hope I hope.
I just don't understand and I don't think I want to. I just want to get away from here. I check my pockets and see I've got my transport cards and phone with me. I have to get away from this place and this. I need to be alone where no one can find me and work this out. I need to get away from Rei.

Poor Shinji, things have swung from people ignoring your pain only to go to the other extreme where everyone tries to protect you because of the pain you've suffered. Also there is no getting away from Rei.

Rei... hasn't told him who she's dating? Huh. Has Kodama told her side? Anyone? Are they worried someone might get snippy about them going yuri?

It's something that hasn't really came up yet, Rei just told him she had been set up on a date and Shinji didn't really ask any questions as he didn't feel it was any of his business. Rei said it went well and no one really spoke about it further. Typical Ikari communication :p

And Shinji hates being lied to...

...Not this time. And it's worse. If Asuka had given away who she was on the phone with Shinji, they'd have talked. Because Asuka never lied to Shinji - she just ran.


Yeah the lie is the thing that is really going to get to Shinji and it wasn't like this is something that happened in the past month or something she has waited a couple of weeks to tell him. This has been happening for three years and in that time whenever the subject of Asuka came up Rei pretended she didn't know anything.

Of course we know why she lied because she also wanted to retain that friendship with Asuka and not hurt Asuka. She was trapped between the two and in her mind thought that everything would work itself out.

The big thing that is going to hurt Rei though is this line:
"You betrayed me, you're… you're just like him!"

Poor Shinji, things have swung from people ignoring your pain only to go to the other extreme where everyone tries to protect you because of the pain you've suffered.

Yeah this is something I kinda wanted to get across at points, that Misato/Rei have sort of gone from thinking he'd be alright to sort of being over protective and not wanting him to be hurt at all costs.


They all gonna need a lot of hugs.
Of course we know why she lied because she also wanted to retain that friendship with Asuka and not hurt Asuka. She was trapped between the two and in her mind thought that everything would work itself out.
Rei's too frozen in the moment and not good at communication anyway, but she really could have saved some pain if she'd managed to quickly say 'I didn't tell you because Asuka made me promise not to.' That would let Shinji know this wasn't Rei deliberately lying to him, just her obeying a requirement Asuka laid out for reasons Shinji can probably grasp. As it is, it looks like her just jerking him around, and he hates that.
Chapter 9 - Get At The Truth - 2.1: Shinji
Altered a bit of Shinji's scene, spoke to @Alex who said it might be a good idea to play up Shinji's enthusiasm with the cello and add in a bit more detail about that section. So I reworked a bit of the conversation between Shinji & Rei about the session and the instructors plans.


"Did you play anything?"

I nod enthusiastically, "Yeah! We didn't really have time to prepare anything so we decided it'd be best to just improvise. We decided on a key to play in and I just played some basic chords over a metronome, she would jump in and accompany me with a solo on her violin! It was incredible, I think people were actually impressed with us!"

Rei is smiling at this point so I continue, "The others were really good as well. Some of them already had an idea of what they wanted to play. We heard people play some things by Bach, some Mozart and one pair even tried to play some film themes. You should have heard them Rei!"

Rei smiles, "That is good to hear!"

"Yeah! After we each played for the group the conductor gathered us around and told us a bit more about what the performance he wanted to put on. He had this idea to do a history of music from the 18th​ Century onwards, composers like Bach and Beethoven but also move through to modern day."

I remember what he shown us and smile, "He gave us a potential playlist, I'm not exactly familiar with a lot of it. The classical stuff I know and like because it was what I grew up listening to but I don't know the modern stuff. He played a brief bit of some of it and it sounds quite complicated, I didn't realize the arrangements for some of the songs could be so complex, the time signatures used and the compositions are…"

I look over to see Rei almost grinning at me as I carry on speaking. I feel my face turning red realizing that I'm just talking and not really letting her speak, "Sorry, I'm… Anyway, It sounds quite complicated… I just hope I can do it."

My words seem to draw a faint smile from Rei, "Do not apologize, it is wonderful to hear you speak to passionately and I have absolutely no doubt that you will be excellent. You are extremely talented."

I can feel my cheeks glowing red, "I… I just practice a lot. I'm… not that good really, I still make a lot of mistakes and there are some things I can't play."

"And that is why you continue to practice so that you will be able to play such things and make fewer mistakes. I have heard you and you are very good, you should give yourself more credit."

I swallow down the words I'm about to speak to further downplay my abilities. It's a habit I need to get out of, that I'm trying hard to get out of. Rei is right, I do practice a lot and the reason I practice so much is so that I can play more advanced pieces one day.

I mean in many ways I already do play some complicated material. I also have a good grasp of the theory behind it. I'm able to read music, I can play in a variety of more complex time signatures with ease and I can handle transcribing music fairly well. So instead of downplaying it all I look at say and speak words I'm unfamiliar with when it comes to a compliment, "Thank you."
Rei's too frozen in the moment and not good at communication anyway, but she really could have saved some pain if she'd managed to quickly say 'I didn't tell you because Asuka made me promise not to.' That would let Shinji know this wasn't Rei deliberately lying to him, just her obeying a requirement Asuka laid out for reasons Shinji can probably grasp. As it is, it looks like her just jerking him around, and he hates that.
Shinji has spent too much of his life being led by the nose with the vague promise of someone's approval. Even if it was Asuka and not Rei who made the decision to keep him out of the loop it would still sting. Made worse by the fact that the people around him are all still treating him like a kid. Personally, I see him snapping a bit and rebelling just out of a independence, long-term that might mean tracking Asuka down, short-term I forsee Shinji staring at a bottle.
Shinji has spent too much of his life being led by the nose with the vague promise of someone's approval. Even if it was Asuka and not Rei who made the decision to keep him out of the loop it would still sting. Made worse by the fact that the people around him are all still treating him like a kid. Personally, I see him snapping a bit and rebelling just out of a independence, long-term that might mean tracking Asuka down, short-term I forsee Shinji staring at a bottle.
It would sting, yes, but he'd have a better chance of understanding it, which would at least be better than what he's facing right now, feeling purely betrayed by people he trusted. Not too much better, but some.
This is rebuild, but it's the only canon shot of her, so... how old do you think?

Hikari's birthday is 2/18/2002. She's the only one we know. Kodama was college-age and working as a coffeeshop waitress when Hikari is 13-14, so... maybe 18-19?
Okay this is bugging me. Why do each of the sisters have a different hair color? Hikari is brown, Kodama is a darker brown and Nozomi is black. Is one of them dying their hair?
Rei needs to learn to cry on command. If, when Shinji had confronted her, she'd said that Asuka made her promise, and then burst into tears, he would have backed down and they could have talked. That said that's a level of manipulation hard to come by in Eva. Not even A&T's Social Ninja would have done that.

Personally I'm still waiting to find out if Shinji's 'transportation cards' provide him access to funds or otherwise allow him to get to Germany.

Okay this is bugging me. Why do each of the sisters have a different hair color? Hikari is brown, Kodama is a darker brown and Nozomi is black. Is one of them dying their hair?

They have three different moms so that they can pilot three Evas?
It would sting, yes, but he'd have a better chance of understanding it, which would at least be better than what he's facing right now, feeling purely betrayed by people he trusted. Not too much better, but some.

Rei needs to learn to cry on command. If, when Shinji had confronted her, she'd said that Asuka made her promise, and then burst into tears, he would have backed down and they could have talked

I think for him the amount of time is also a factor in this, it's not like Rei met Asuka a month or two ago and has hid it. It's the fact that this has been going on for years with him being in the dark. When Rei told him about Kaworu after two weeks he was fine with that because he knew it must have been tough but this is something much deeper.

You are right though, if it had been Asuka who came to him first to explain or Rei had been able to tell him that Asuka made her promise then it might soften the blow. I think he'd have at least hung around to hear a bit more in that case but I do think he'd have ended up leaving just to have some time to himself.

Alex is right too, there is definitely a risk of him doing something like that.

Personally I'm still waiting to find out if Shinji's 'transportation cards' provide him access to funds or otherwise allow him to get to Germany.

Well his transportation cards cover bus and train travel but he does have a bank account with a large amount of funds in :p
I'm just saying~

If there's one thing Rei has established here it's that *ASUKA CAN BE FOUND*. She's in Germany. Kaworu is also in Germany. Fuyutsuki knows how to reach Kaworu.

If he wants some time to himself, he can get it on the flight.

He won't, mind you. He's probably still thinking about how Rei lied to him. But at some point he'll realize that Rei was able to go to Germany and meet with Asuka...
Hrm... just had another thought that just adds to why Shinji is so completely pissed at Rei for hiding this. Remember what Asuka said right before she left?
"I'm sorry for everything I did Shinji. I never meant to hurt you or anyone else like I did. I just hope you know that I never meant it when I said I hated you, I always liked... no... I always loved you Shinji, I still do and... maybe I always will but I just can't be here anymore so... goodbye Shinji and... Happy Birthday."
She may have said those in a near-whisper to a boy she thought was asleep.... but if Shinji heard that at all, it changes the picture now. Now Rei hasn't just been hiding her knowledge about Asuka, she's been hiding knowledge about the only other person besides Kaworu who has ever said 'I love you' to him. His feelings about Kaworu may be a tangled mess due to the betrayal and his being an Angel, but post-Impact Asuka... is not nearly so. Rei not telling him she knows where to find and how to contact the only other person to tell Shinji he's loved is... a much deeper cut.