Oh hey, since this got bumped I'd like to let everyone know that Naruto/Sasuke vs. Momoshiki in ep 65 of Boruto is one of the best fights I've ever seen in anime.

Right up there with the very best ones from Naruto :D
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Oh hey, since this got bumped I'd like to let everyone know that Naruto/Sasuke vs. Momoshiki in ep 65 of Boruto is one of the best fights I've ever seen in anime.

Right up there with the very best ones from Naruto :D
It was a far more grounded fight than the movie. It wasn't Pain-Horseface/DBZ tier outrageous, but still quite a show of strength betwene top tiers. Then again, I had more enjoyment and entertainment from the movie fight than I did the TV Show, but I can appreciate the episode fight.
I'm pretty sure that the main theme of the series was about dealing with the psychological ramifications of being a victim of deeply flawed systems and figuring out how to fix them.

Man there is no way I'm gonna remember what state of mind and context I was in when i posted that 4 years ago so I can't even really say much on that. But I still think bonds is what was the main theme. Like your point can be a theme but i still believe bonds is still the theme.
Long running series have the realestate to have multiple main themes. Given Naruto's chapter count, it's little surprise that picking out a singular central theme is difficult.
What's the timeline on the manga and anime right now? Got the impression they seem to diverge from one another a bit.
Boruto 29- I am... really digging this. "Nah, making a shadow clone to beat yourself up doesn't make you feel better. I know, I speak from experience." -Naruto the mentor who's been there, done that, and actually faced a degree of depression himself works surprisingly well.
He's also facilitating great moments for Naruto

And it also facilitates conflict with Boruto because, one, he can see what a great dad Naruto can be, but two, he can't help but chaff a little at the new kid in his house and the fact Naruto's been somewhat neglectful of him at times. He's getting more face-time with his dad than usual but it's due to unusual circumstances. He's not being unreasonable about it, but he's still having to deal with it.
So let's talk the Shinobi Union.

Initially formed with 6 villages (Main 5 + Iron), we're told it now involves 10, of which Grass has been named. So 3 more additions after the series end, presumably including Rain and Waterfall as the other two next biggest. Only... there's more than 10 known villages! Getsugakure (which had some nin at the part 1 chunin exams) and Ishigakure (located between Suna and Iwa, just west of Rain) and Frost, two of those three are likely out. Maybe Getsugakure/crescent moon is just too small? Per a movie it's an island so maybe it just decided to stay ostensibly neutral despite being likely a Konoha all), and it does leave the question over whether Frost rebuilt or was just like, 'crap, no country, no point, let's join others.'

Sound reforms and seems like it's joining, but only around the Boruto era itself (Mitsuki is an exchange-ninja on a joint team), so that's not in the 10, it'd be 11. One of the novels includes a different non-Iron Samurai village who isn't involved. So the Shinobi Union isn't exactly everyone, but is gradually expanding kinda like the EU.
Boruto Chapter 31: Naruto vs Delta

- Delta and Naruto square off

- Naruto asks Kawaki if she's a part of Kara and he confirms it, saying she's an Inner and they are all monsters

- Boruto is shocked at Kawaki's sudden fear

- Delta speaks up, claiming that she's heard of Uzumaki Naruto "leader of the Shinobi...a Hokage right?" Iiiiiinteresting. She says it's an honor to meet him, but that he should step aside as she is only interested in Kawaki

- Naruto: "Nah." Delta: "Huh... guess I'll kill you then"

- Naruto saunters up to Delta and the duo take a moment to square up

- Rapid taijutsu attacks here, both of them calmly dodging and attacking. Naruto grabs Delta's leg and slams her into the ground

- He goes for the Rasengan to the face, only for her eyes to open and absorb the Rasengan into her irises. Naruto is shocked at the Kote in her eyes, and dodges just in time as a spear of flesh erupts from the ground beneath him

- Delta compliments his dodge and confirms that she has scientific ninja tools within her body, like Kawaki. The kids are shocked, but Kawaki says her eyes are "special"

- Delta charged at Naruto, who assumes one of his chakra modes, blocking the kick... only for her leg to expand into spears that penetrate the ground and Naruto's abdomen

- Delta mocks him, saying that it must be painful, to be stabbed with all her strength... only to be surprised by chakra arms rising up and smashing her leg apart. She's annoyed, calling him a "fellow monster" and regrows the damaged part of her leg

- Naruto grasps onto the still embedded spear for a moment before collapsing to his knees in pain. Delta is a bit let down at him collapsing so soon

- Boruto is about to rush in, but Naruto yells for him to stay back. When Delta casually threatens Boruto's life, Naruto warns her, earning a knee to his face

- Delta steps on Naruto (lucky bastard) and grinds into his wound, saying that she doesn't care about anyone other than Kawaki... though she will still kill Naruto on principle

- Naruto says, Kawaki falls under his protection and she shouldn't touch him with her filthy hands. Delta wonders why he cares about a total stranger who's just caused him trouble and Naruto asks the same, saying it's a desperate act to fly into enemy territory without any covert actions

- Delta ponders for a moment, then twists the spear within Naruto's gut before wrenching it out. She's rightfully pissed that Naruto is faking being weak to fool her into giving out information. Naruto smirks and says it was worth a shot. Hahaha he tried the "You got me monologuing!" Trick

- Naruto stands up, his wounds healing in seconds and Delta is surprised, once more asking what kind of monster he is.

- Delta decides to retract her earlier statement. As punishment for trying to fool her, she'll rip off his limbs before killing him

- Both of them seem to radiate intense chakra and they go at it a second time in taijutsu, creating gusts of wind with every blow

- Delta gets a kick in, sending him back, but Naruto recovers to catch her punch, only for his punch to be caught as well, the duo locked down in a struggle of strength

- Delta: "Oh yeah, you can have this back" *Launches Rasengan out of her other eye*

- Naruto dodges the Rasengan and roundhouse kicks Delta away. The two glare at each other while Boruto watches on in amazement

Delta is a bad bitch and I love her. She's cruel, she's crazy, she's got a hell of an ego.

As those who were worried, don't, Naruto is holding back (though not in the way you were probably expecting) and it makes sense why.
Can I just point out that in the Naruto v Delta fight Boruto nearly got Himawari killed by going in half-cocked despite Kawaki explaining in depth that his dad had it handled? For a supposed "genius," he actually might be even dumber than his dad was sometimes.
Yea, that was an incredibly stupid move.

Good thing Kawaki took one for the team.
Boruto Chapter 32: Dance, Dance

- Delta and Naruto continue to trade blows, each getting a punch and kick in. Delta uses her jet-boots to great effect, allowing her an aerial dodge and allowing her to extend her kicks into a barrage of giant stiletto attacks

- Naruto blows her legs off with a Lava Rasenshuriken, to her surprise, but her legs regen in a single panel (although it looks a lot different than the regen seen in the series before)

- Naruto notes that while her arms and legs seem to regen instantly, she seems to be protecting her torso. He wants to use ninjutsu but he's wary of her absorption limits. Delta glares at him in anger.

- Boruto wants to jump in and help, but he can't think of a trump move. Kawaki tells him to not even think about it, much to Boruto's confusion. Kawaki notes that Naruto is the one who's leading Delta around by the nose, or the lead in a ballroom dance

- Boruto, panicky, says that his dad seems to always be on the defensive! Kawaki asks if he's stupid: Naruto is purposely leading Delta away from the kids, analyzing her fighting style, and looking for time to use Jutsu.

- In Summary: Naruto is so much stronger than Delta, that he can afford to be letting himself be on the back foot... so long as nothing intervenes

- Delta and Naruto pause in their fight, glaring at each other. Delta sarcastically applauds Naruto's capabilities, and Naruto asks if that means she'll surrender.

- Delta: "Haha, no."

- Naruto dodges the energy beams from her eyes, and a section of the forest behind him is destroyed. Delta is pissed her aim isn't better.

- Kawaki informs the group that those beams aren't just powerful, they specialize in rapid disintegration of cells for regeneration powers, noting that not even Kawaki or Naruto's healing could heal it

- Naruto notes that it sure is scary... but that it must take an awful lot of chakra to use. Delta begrudgingly admits to that, but it doesn't matter since all she needs is one hit. Naruto states that it's impossible with her limits.

- Delta charges at him and a short scuffle sends Naruto to the ground, where she tries to beam him, only for him to duck to the side, landing a powerful kick to her gut.

- She escapes the follow up blow, but is fucking PISSED, calling Naruto a cunning old bastard. Naruto just plans to keep this going until she runs out of chakra. They clash once more in combat.

- Boruto looks on more and more anxiously

- Delta kicks Naruto to the ground again, and Boruto has had enough, activating Karma and launching a vanishing Rasengan much to Kawaki's horror.

- Naruto shouts out his name in shock.

- Boruto is betting on her having the same weakness as Momoshiki, unable to absorb what she can't see. Delta seems confused, until her Drone uses some sort of radar to pick up the invisible attack, absorbing it anyways

- Delta smirks, bum rushes Boruto with a punch to the face, and thanks him for giving her an idea (notable that she says this while he's falling through midair from the punch).

- She grabs Himawari and tosses her into the sky, launching her beams at her. Naruto shouts in horror and rushes to Himawari. An explosion occurs.

- Delta smirks... until it's revealed that Kawaki used his own arm as a shield to protect Naruto and Hima, much to Delta's shock. Naruto cradles Kawaki, asking him why he would sacrifice himself, while Boruto apologizes profusely for his fuckup.

- Kawaki says that if Naruto has gotten hit, the fight would be over... and that now he's even with Boruto about the vase, causing Boruto to smile. Delta is now SUPER PISSED
And prior to that, he first pretended to be on the losing end hoping to trick Delta into monologuing her plans like every other bad guy he's ever known, and then he was still limiting himself and fighting carefully to make sure a stray shot didn't hit the kids.
Naruto's Kid, you saw Boruto's Dad and Sakura's Husband beating the absolute tar out of an alien steroid user - you'd think he'd be smart enough to know he's got this, especially since just last chapter you saw your dad pull a fake out to get some intel
Naruto's Kid, you saw Boruto's Dad and Sakura's Husband beating the absolute tar out of an alien steroid user - you'd think he'd be smart enough to know he's got this, especially since just last chapter you saw your dad pull a fake out to get some intel
Especially since they did that while far from their best condition (Naruto had like half of his chakra drained and crossing dimensions is crazy costly for Sasuke).

Here Naruto is well rested and at full chakra.
Boruto Chapter 33: Naruto's Big Balls (Of Rasengans)

- Delta is pissed off at Kawaki, telling him that his body belongs to Kara and Jigen

- Kawaki's arm won't regen on its own, but she says Amado (Evilness Steve Jobs) will fix it.

- Naruto is also pissed, likely getting Orochimaru and Akatsuki flashbacks, and asks if Jigen is their boss

- Delta and Naruto basically talk shit to the other before colliding in a simultaneous punch. Delta recovers first, but Naruto lands a solid hit punch and roundhouse kick combo, smashing her into a crater. She rockets out with a headbut and they trade blows

- Boruto is shocked by how angry Naruto is, while Kawaki is silent

- Naruto sends Delta to the floor with a mean right hook, causing her to cough up blood. It's clear that Naruto is stronger, despite her enhancements.

- She notes that despite his surprisingly monstrous strength, he'll get tired eventually, and she just needs to land one good light hit

- Naruto begins to taunt her, "I said if you dared layed a hand on those children, I'd make you regret it till you die. You definitely heard me. It's already too late. Not just for you, but that bastard Jigen pulling strings behind the scenes. Because I'll make sure to track him down and crush him too!"

- Delta is shocked, but thinks he's let his guard down while he's angry. She waits for him to walk closer before unleashing the beams

- Naruto is unsurprised, and blocks it with a Big Ball Rasengan. Delta is surprised but taunts him and absorbs it... only for the ball to get bigger. No biggie, she absorbs it again... and it gets bigger. And bigger. Aaaand bigger. Aaaaaaand bigger.

- Delta realizes she has a problem, because she can't comprehend all this chakra output. Naruto points out that while not his first option, she had her downfall the moment she absorbed his first Rasengan. While a powerful tool, her tech doesn't just send the chakra someplace else, it keeps it within her. Furthermore, she can't seem to use its offensive properties at the same time.

- And then her eyes blow up (metaphorically) and she screams in pain, as they've lost their function. Even worse, the drone that she was using to help track Naruto is disconnected from her. Naruto says it's too bad for her; chakra has been his forte since birth.

- She screams at him to not look down on her and he just calmly leaps over her, carrying a Rasengan the size of a house.

Ser Serendipity said:
Well, that's disappointing.

-And while an agree, I think this makes up for the unoriginal idea:

- A close up of Delta's fucked up face, and Naruto relaxes. The kids celebrate his thumbs up and even Kawaki smirks
From reactions I'm seeing online, many feel Naruto is having too much trouble and want him to cruise through the story as a more perfect, effortless hero, when he's already extremely powerful and in control of most situations. A lot of people seem to want him to be more 'mary sue' than he already is, and seem angry when the narrative even suggests he has flaws, despite him supposedly not being the main character anymore. I hope Boruto doesn't get pushed aside in his own story like how Goku eventually over shadowed Gohan completely. There's a lot of fans devoted to Naruto as a character and icon, to a nearly religious fervor and ideal.
A lot of this also seems to cause many fans to bash Boruto and solely blame him for Naruto's problems. Many fans seem to emphasize Boruto's flaws, while forgiving the flaws of Naruto or even looking at them as a positive, I suppose because people have connected to Naruto a lot over hundreds of chapters already and invested a lot in the idea of him. Many also seem to feel any wins Boruto gets is unearned or forced.
I think this relates to IRL values a bit. Naruto, besides the connections many readers have forged with the character and idea, is an adult. People are used to adult characters being stronger, more capable and more mature. Boruto, being a child, is expected to be more foolish and less capable mentally and physically and less mature. Plus his tiny body makes it hard for some to take him seriously and believe he could overpower people. Historically also most children don't really accomplish much IRL before they become an adult.

I wonder if this is a vocal minority or a big part of the fandom thinks this way.