As an aside, I wish Naruto-related plot-bunnies would leave me alone.

For example: a DoS-style reincarnation as Kaguya Kimmimaro's twin, titled: "Bonehead."

Edit: you laugh, but consider the sheer difference it'd make to Kimmimaro''s character to not have been alone. To have had someone other than Orichimaru who accepted him that did so before Mengele-sannin.
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From reactions I'm seeing online, many feel Naruto is having too much trouble and want him to cruise through the story as a more perfect, effortless hero, when he's already extremely powerful and in control of most situations. A lot of people seem to want him to be more 'mary sue' than he already is, and seem angry when the narrative even suggests he has flaws, despite him supposedly not being the main character anymore. I hope Boruto doesn't get pushed aside in his own story like how Goku eventually over shadowed Gohan completely. There's a lot of fans devoted to Naruto as a character and icon, to a nearly religious fervor and ideal.
A lot of this also seems to cause many fans to bash Boruto and solely blame him for Naruto's problems. Many fans seem to emphasize Boruto's flaws, while forgiving the flaws of Naruto or even looking at them as a positive, I suppose because people have connected to Naruto a lot over hundreds of chapters already and invested a lot in the idea of him. Many also seem to feel any wins Boruto gets is unearned or forced.
I think this relates to IRL values a bit. Naruto, besides the connections many readers have forged with the character and idea, is an adult. People are used to adult characters being stronger, more capable and more mature. Boruto, being a child, is expected to be more foolish and less capable mentally and physically and less mature. Plus his tiny body makes it hard for some to take him seriously and believe he could overpower people. Historically also most children don't really accomplish much IRL before they become an adult.

I wonder if this is a vocal minority or a big part of the fandom thinks this way.

Hard to say, I haven't really kept up with Baruto but you are right that people are connected with Naruto and it's a bit of an issue.

Frankly, given how the original ended, it is hard to feasibly see how someone can keep up with Naruto without entering DBZ levels of absurdity with power scaling. Having a newish character offer some trouble for Naruto is going to rub some people the wrong way because of how he was built.

Which is a problem on the story end of things in my mind, more than anything.
Boruto Chapter 34: Right-Hand Man

Note: Current English Scans have mistranslation Issues, so I did some research to make sure I get the right words across
- Naruto goes into the crater to retrieve Delta. He reveals that while he could have killed her in the beginning easily enough, he really wanted her alive to interrogate. Well, he thought she should still be alive, but she's eerily unmoving

- Kawaki screams at Naruto to destroy her, doesn't he understand what they are capable of?! Naruto looks back in shock, and Delta emits a loud mechanical noise. Naruto rushes out of the crater and carries Boruto and Kawaki from the crater as Delta explodes

- Delta's drone watches for a moment before leaving, while Kono watches from his toad (maybe it functions similarly to her drone)

- Koji notes that while Naruto has utterly terrifying power, he's missing the key to Jigen's weakness... which Boruto has in the form of karma

- Katasuke is unable to regrow Kawaki's arm. The technology he has isn't capable for Kawaki's body. The best he can do is create a mechanical replicant, which would take some time

- Naruto asks why they don't just use the many spare arms they made for him? Because they only work by molding to the users chakra. Spares for Naruto wouldn't mesh with Kawaki at all

- Naruto thinks for a bit and says to get one anyways. He has an idea

- Naruto gets the spare, attaches it to Kawaki's arms and an aura of chakra leaks from Naruto into the Prosthetic, activating it. Kawaki looks on in wonder, and begins to move his hand like normal.

- Katasuke realizes that Naruto is basically imbuing the arm with his chakra, constantly kneading it for it to function for Kawaki. Boruto asks if that will tire Naruto out from doing so 24/7, but Naruto says it's not much more than a Shadow Clone. Won't work while he sleeps though

- Kawaki asks if this is really okay but Naruto smiles. Chakra is meant to connect others. This is just a literal expression of it lol

- Boruto admires the hand and Kawaki offers to blow off his hand as well, maybe solve the karma issue. Everyone laughs at Boruto's freak out

- Amado (Steve Jobs) is busy working when Delta's drone arrives. It lands on a spire in the middle of some sort of satanic cyber circle that connects to 3 pods. 2 of them are Delta and Amado helps it download Delta's consciousness into a new body

- Delta literally kicks the pod doors open and immediately begins plotting revenge on Naruto. Amado scolds her but she tells him to buzz off. He mentions his daughter(?!) has quite a mouth on her

- On her way out, Boro, the largest Kara member mocks her spoilt attitude. She kicks him and the wall, but he's just a hologram and laughs at her

- Delta continues to vow revenge but a new character, Code/Chord (who looks... flashy) says she'd never have a chance against Naruto. It's up to he and Boro to handle him

- Delta continues to whine until Jigen says to knock it off as she's being annoying. It was Koji's Mission anyways, so why did she disobey and where is he?

- Delta admits that Koji is in Konoha doing recon. Boris is annoyed, wondering what he was doing. Delta says that she was going to get Kawaki, but Koji just wanted more information

- Jigen pauses. "Information?" He looks at Amado, who merely smokes cooly.

- Delta then says that another person besides Jigen and Kawaki have karma, much to Jigen's shock. Code says that they investigated Naruto but saw no trace of Karma... did she mean Uchiha Sasuke has it now?

- Nope, but Boruto, Naruto's son does. Jigen is confused until she says she saw his karma resonate with Kawaki.

- Jigen now understands: Momoshiki left A vessel behind in Boruto at the moment of death... and we see a scary Momoshiki with an unconscious Boruto. Amado looks on in thought.

- Kawaki asks why they are doing this for him, and Naruto explains that it's partly because he protected Himawari and partly because he sees himself in the boy. Kawaki asks to be trained in Ninjutsu and Naruto agrees, while Boruto and Kawaki banter friendly

- That night, Kawaki considers the broken vase and glue as Naruto naps close by

- Kawaki meets the rest of the Konoha gang and they buy cards. He gets Minato, who he's unimpressed by, until he hears its Naruto's dad. Boruto gets another Naruto card lol

- Sarada can't believe the guys are at it again, Mitsuki notes Boruto is more open to Kawaki, and Chocho admires his looks

- Kawaki trades minato for Naruto awww and Sarada catches his expressions and tone

- Montage as Kawaki simultaneously trains with the kids and Naruto, while also repairing the vase/vessel (SYMBOLISM)

- He thinks it's finished, but as he fills it with water, it begins to leak because there's a missing piece (SYMBOLISM)

- As he moves from a sleeping Naruto's side, a voice tells him to stop and he meets... Kurama! Who tells a shocked Kawaki to sit his ass down for a talk.
