So Adam's dead. I'd be a lot happier about it if it wasn't for the revamp making him a decent person (compared to his canon self, anyway), but I suppose thems the breaks. The White Fang lost their base in Vale, with survivors knowing that it was Love who slaughtered the lot of them. Combined with the fact that the Queen of Hatred is waking up and things are moving along quite nicely.
Jaune is one of our nuggets now. He's like Urban Plague Philip, but far less adept at the Joestar Family Secret Technique. Hopefully, we'll get to hit him with the character development bat now that his dream's ruined.
[X] Do it yourself
Poking an Abnormality's Soul with your Soul seems like it might be a bad idea. Binah is, by the most basic definition, human so there shouldn't be any complications.
I was going to go with Sable, but I suppose you have a point. Roland managed to Synchronize with all of the Abnos here without a problem, but he's
Roland, so.
[X] Do it yourself
well other than having similar sentiments to Roland and angelica it's not like we have any new info on her
Vale is Vale sounds a lot like, it is what it is, which would be the anglicized version of Roland and Angelica's "thats that and this is this"
also Binah says this is similar to the mindset city dweller have...
honestly i'm hoping she's their daughter and not angelica, i mean how big of a loss would it be for roland to reunite with his wife but shes both an amnesiac and an adolescent, it be very creepy. y'know?
kind of...
She's older than two years old, so if Ash is Roland's miraculously living daughter there's either some TimeTrack bullshit going on.
Library of Ruina update: Star of the City is going slowly and steadily. Mostly because I insist on mathing out the dice rolls on everyone's pages and making a cheatsheet before the Stageplay begins. It helps a lot but it's hard to start.
I can't defeat the Blue Reverberation yet, so I told him to take a raincheck and he went off to yeet Cane Office at me and collected the Crying Children into his Ensemble instead. On the plus side, I got new Cane Office and Liu Section II stuff to mess around with.
My current plan for beating him is to use Netzach's Floor and equip everyone there with recovery Passives, which means I'll have to grind up Cecil and Mei Keypages first. If all else fails, I'll get E.G.O. Pages unlocked and kill the bastard with those.
With the decimation of Section II, Big Bird has woken up. Threw on some random charge pages on Binah's Nuggets and watched them all get killed before they could do anything. I'll actually have to put some thought into it, either cards with better dice on them or a lot of Haste.
Actually, should I try and make Binah's Nuggets based on Ash, Roman, and Jaune? I'm not sure if their names are available on the list I'm given, but I could probably make them look close enough.