Bloody Evolution (RWBY / LoR)

The Head Gang's Reactions (29. Accord) (Omake)
: Annndddd we are connected.
: Are you sure we should do this while on the job, Zena? (*Explosions occur in the background as the Claw nimbly avoided death blows*)
: Shush will you? Just keep killing that dumb tax-evading distortion. I can't possibly miss Bin- Garion's screen time.
Baral: 'She let it slip for a moment there...'
Luda: 'She's still stuck on the name?'

Binah's conversation with Mysteryman and the conversation afterward.
Luda: I still question why she does not simply force her way to this 'mysterious man' and simply get the answer out of him. Why waste time with such a pointless request?
: Heh. It's nothing more than a pointless whim of hers. Why shouldn't she indulge in her desires after finally being freed from that dumb bimbo machine? That world is far too dull, a bit of disaster would certainly make things far more amusing to-
Baral: (*Punches the Distortion straight through the dimensional wall with Serum-W as the two of them disappeared for a split second then reappeared with the Distortion being very injured and beginning battle again*)
Luda: She's discussing with that Courage Abnormality and Ash girl regarding how to minimize casualties.
: Wat.
Luda: It's on the feed right now. 'These...E.G.Os and Abnormalities of think they have been hiding such interesting items from our eyes.'

: (*Watch as Bi- Garion seemingly gives up and follows the whim of Courage and Ash*) Tch. Of course. Even now they try to hold Garion back. That damn blue bimbo's toy and her dumbass servant's offspring. See? This is why the Head is so much better than them.

Singularity testing and Ash's return home.
Baral: (*Finally manages to lodge his Claw into the core of the Distortion, and with a Serum combination, split the thing into 17 pieces in a blink of an eye*) Next time, please, don't try to make a tax evasion scheme. (*Began walking over to Zena and Luda*)
Luda: It's interesting how this particular singularity works. It reminds me of that one L-Corp singularity. Only a bit more versatile.
Zena: Do you believe it is possible to replicate this one from what we can see?
Luda: Hm...perhaps. We could try to jump Binah through whatever method of returning to that Library of her she will use. Though I wouldn't bet on it, given how strange Lobotomy Corportation's singularity is.
Zena: I see, a pity then. The ecosystem in the City could be stabilized if we introduce such an interesting mechanic to the ecosystem.

Baral: Target exterminated.
Zena: That took you strangely long, Baral. Are you sure you aren't getting sloppy?
Luda: It would've been far quicker had you helped out you know?

Baral: So the offspring of the Black Silence is coming back then.
Zena: Indeed.
Baral: A pianist offshoot.
Luda: She seems troublesome. Should we add her to the list of things that the robot, Angela, could bring to the table?
: An interesting tool if nothing else. Add her to the list of "assets" we can capture. I imagine she would make both an excellent test subject and a good hostage.

: There is also a chance their 'friends' from that foreign world will come over too. That library is getting more troublesome by the day.
: We shall deal with them when the time comes regardless. The Head's rule is absolute for a reason.
Interesting happenings and Roman's conversation.
Luda: Hm...they are going behind her back.
Zena: The price of working with 'free thinkers'. They don't understand the hierarchy.
: Zena, we do that all the time...We are literally going behind the Head's back right now.
Zena: Shush! It's different when we do it!
(*Roman conversation*)
Luda: Huh. So she enjoys his company?
Baral: It appears so.
Luda: By the way don't have the death gaze singularity equipped, though even if you did, I would request you not destroy B-Corp equipment by glaring at it to death.
: Damnable bastard is getting too chummy with someone who should be his goddess.
Binah contemplating.
Luda: Hm. What plan do you think she will arrive at? (*Looks over at Zena who is now drinking calming tea*)
Zena: (*Puts the teacup down*) Something not her own. She is relying on those voices in the light far too much for my liking.
Baral: They certainly are troublesome.
Luda: Ah right. You did talk with one of them recently right Baral?
Baral: Indeed. About a restaurant called HamHamPangPang. 'Hm...perhaps this is a chance to introduce these two to it.'
Luda: They will probably make some idiotic plans where they try to be smarter than the Arbiter in the room.
Baral: Possible, with how they have been trying to steer Binah around for as long as we've observed them.
Zena: Fools who think they have the right to dictate fate, to exercise their will upon those who are better than them.
Luna: Still...
(*Footsteps, stomps and slitherings sounds can be heard behind them as the three Head agents turn around and face a group of monsters born from a Distortion they are hunting*)
: We should be wary of these unknowns.
: (*Brandishes his Claw as he prepares for another battle*) We have let them slip through our claws before. First, Binah, then our own choice regarding their expulsion.
: And those who rebel against the Head aren't the only ones who can learn from their lessons. (*Lines began to appear around her as she hold a Shockwave in her hand*)
All three: They will fail all the same.
(Art by Kankan33333)

Baral: (*Cleaning his Claws of the blood that clung to it even after the original Distortions died*) Do you think Binah will succeed at accomplishing her goal in that new world?
Zena: Without a doubt. Even with those 5 deadweights and that annoying hivemind in the light holding her back. Even as a failure, shes still an Arbiter for a reason...Though...
Baral: Hm?
: It is a bit annoying that she is taking so long to finish her damn job. Even if it's that of the blue-haired metal bimbo.
: (*Sweat drops*) 'You just want to have more tea time with her...'

AN: Since the theme has been going on for a couple of chapters now, I decided to straight up just make The Head Gang's shenanigans as a React Omake in each chapter. So look forward to seeing these three again! Or not. That works too.
E: Grammar and sentences.
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My thought is whether it would be a good idea to frame Penny as the one behind the attack if we can? At least to Ironwood's eyes. Ironwood would have to choose what to do with his seemignly rebellious AI in addition of dealing with his saving his reputation.

Hard no, we are not framing the innocent cinnamon roll for this attack.

And giving a visible way out to Ironwood that includes a *hard decision* is also a no, his semblance makes it so that he won't even hesitate to take said way out, if you want to have him have problems with the choice, you can't make it a moral problem, he is *immune* to them.
Plan ideas, please improve if necessary:
-[] Contact Penny is a horrible Lair, so would it be possible to get her to doubt the atlasian security system and hopefully (ineffectually) warn Ironwood of.

-[] Send a text message to Oz and ask him if you can leave any message for his ex if you encounter her.
-[] Send a text message to Oz and ask him if you can leave any message for his ex if you encounter her.

Unfortunately, we do not know that Salem's his ex.

Ok, I think it's time to begin prototyping plans, wouldn't want to be caught with our pants down when the moratorium ends:

[] Plan: We are innocent, I swear!
-[] Binah begins at the Nirvana, wouldn't want people to be suspicious of a fast response. Teleport to Penny after some delay to help her take control of the situation with her semblance.
-[] Courage also begins at Nirvana to give access to the teleport, will go to the paladins right after to help.
-[] Ash will be at the colosseum, to have her music calm as many peoples as possible in one go and makes it so that there are no Grimms.
-[] Ask Saffron to go to a place out of the way, wouldn't want Miltia to be hurt and lead to the king getting out at the worst possible time.
-[] Ask Roman if he can have Neo be conveniently close to the paladins, allowing her to act fast, tell him she will receive reinforcements if he hesitate.
-[] Call Penny right as the attack is about to begin, distract her a little when it begins by casting some doubts on Ironwood, make sure she doesn't stop it in the cradle but try and make her the hero of the day, maybe she can take control back from the flagship? Do make sure it doesn't happen too fast though.

So, this hope and try to make it a medium amounts of damages, leaning towards less rather than more, using Penny and Neo to make it seems as if outside actors and non trusted parts of the atlesians where more effective at reacting than the actual soldiers, side goal is make Penny the hero of the day and push her in the spotlight as someone who could have prevented things but was slowed down by the lack of confidence.

Name is because we absolutely are innocent of any wrong doings, obviously.


Do not hesitate to propose variations or totally different plans, this is a prototype and we are not in the Giant robots genra, with all it's super prototypes far better than everything else. :V
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-[] Call Penny right as the attack is about to begin, distract her a little when it begins by casting some doubts on Ironwood, make sure she doesn't stop it in the cradle but try and make her the hero of the day, maybe she can take control back from the flagship? Do make sure it doesn't happen too fast though.
Depending on how lenient Naron is, this step can either go very wrong or very right. Since we're basically trying to trick her into believing something wrong about a man who she knows for a while now. Ironwood is basically her uncle Qrow.

Of course, if tricking her was the only part, then I wouldn't think much of it. But Binah also has to try to make sure she isn't doing it as fast as possible. When the girl herself has a Hacking Semblance, while also knows the layout of the battleship like the back of her hand.
Lock will probably be the most important part of this particular step. But I think we can just leave Binah to her own autopilot on this one.

-[] Ask Roman if he can have Neo be conveniently close to the paladins, allowing her to act fast, tell him she will receive reinforcements if he hesitate.
What do you mean by "she will receive reinforcements"?
Also, isn't that a bit risky? Since Roman and Neo could get thrown under the bus if Ironwood decides to pursue the line of thought that those pesky criminals are behind this hacking attempt.

-[] Ash will be at the colosseum, to have her music calm as many peoples as possible in one go and makes it so that there are no Grimms.
This might actually lower the amount of flak Ironwood will get. Though that part depends...

@Naron, in canon, Ironwood managed to keep his position even after Vale literally imploded.
I presume that Ironwood will get a lot more flak in comparison here, even if it is something minor like an attack on Vale due to the robots being hacked, as it would be logically right?

Because if things went out like canon, we would need a lot of carnage to actually make Ironwood step down.
@Naron, in canon, Ironwood managed to keep his position even after Vale literally imploded.
I honestly have no idea how he kept his position in canon. Which is fun because I never realised until right now that this is yet another plot hole. Not only did Ozpin die and Beacon get ravaged under his watch, his own machines shot at civilians. He should have been sacked from at least his position as General. But because the writers needed him to be the big military man, they seem to have forgotten that these things are supposed to have consequences.
I honestly have no idea how he kept his position in canon. Which is fun because I never realised until right now that this is yet another plot hole. Not only did Ozpin die and Beacon get ravaged under his watch, his own machines shot at civilians. He should have been sacked from at least his position as General. But because the writers needed him to be the big military man, they seem to have forgotten that these things are supposed to have consequences.
Nyarky's plan should work then. If only he would clear up a couple of points more.

But generally speaking, from Binah's pov, Nyarky's plan is pretty decent.

One thing I want to see is what happens if Weiss confronts and asks Courage about this. Since the dynamic of the Servant and the Friend would be switched in this case. With Courage betraying Weiss's country literally for basically nothing.
What do you mean by "she will receive reinforcements"?

This part of he vote:
-[] Courage also begins at Nirvana to give access to the teleport, will go to the paladins right after to help.

Courage will move to the paladins after sending Binah to *help* Penny. As such, reinforcements for Neo fighting them.

Depending on how lenient Naron is, this step can either go very wrong or very right. Since we're basically trying to trick her into believing something wrong about a man who she knows for a while now. Ironwood is basically her uncle Qrow.

This is the part in most need of refinement in my eyes, I have my end goal: *Penny, Hero of Atlas! Denouncer of Ironwood!* but am not absolutely sure on how, the important parts are to make her doubt Ironwood and save the day, preferably not too fast, but I am willing to err on the side of caution.

This might actually lower the amount of flak Ironwood will get. Though that part depends...

@Naron, in canon, Ironwood managed to keep his position even after Vale literally imploded.
I presume that Ironwood will get a lot more flak in comparison here, even if it is something minor like an attack on Vale due to the robots being hacked, as it would be logically right?

Because if things went out like canon, we would need a lot of carnage to actually make Ironwood step down.

The part about him being difficult to topple via pure casualties is part of why I want to have *outsiders* help more than his soldiers, Ash will calm the crowds better than he can dream of, Neo is there before he even really reacts, Penny is the one to save the day, I don't want a massacre, I want him to be shown as an incompetent, not worthy of his rank.

I honestly have no idea how he kept his position in canon. Which is fun because I never realised until right now that this is yet another plot hole. Not only did Ozpin die and Beacon get ravaged under his watch, his own machines shot at civilians. He should have been sacked from at least his position as General. But because the writers needed him to be the big military man, they seem to have forgotten that these things are supposed to have consequences.

My guess? Corruption, he is mister *two seats on the council* already, he don't need much people in his pockets to sidestep consequences, or at least, that could be an explanation if the level of failures he had reached was lower... given that we are talking about the fall of Beacon, yeah, he shouldn't have kept the rank.
just past down the blame.
you pushed robot soldiers? your assistant and Scientists told you yes. So you did it.
Your robot killed civilians? It's all programmers and scientists fault! Don't look at me. I didn't program those robot myself! I never even went to the factory!
As shameless as it is, it is a good strategy, The only damage to you is your publicity and pride.
Even if the government decided to punish you, it will only be a slap on the wrist anyway.
and i highly doubt ironwood at this state is not grabbing the government by its balls.
Courage will move to the paladins after sending Binah to *help* Penny. As such, reinforcements for Neo fighting them.
Ah. You made me think of it as a threat, because of the
part. Might want to re-word it to be clearer.

This is the part in most need of refinement in my eyes, I have my end goal: *Penny, Hero of Atlas! Denouncer of Ironwood!* but am not absolutely sure on how, the important parts are to make her doubt Ironwood and save the day, preferably not too fast, but I am willing to err on the side of caution.
I personally feel we shouldn't pursue this side at all. Mainly because if Penny doesn't want it, then we shouldn't force it on her.
Penny being the Hero of Atlas, is good enough. The Denouncer of Ironwood part shouldn't be pushed onto her if she doesn't want to do it. It just feels like we are trying to force her to work back on the lesson Binah taught her about being free to do her own thing.

My guess? Corruption, he is mister *two seats on the council* already, he doesn't need many people in his pockets to sidestep consequences, or at least, that could be an explanation if the level of failures he had reached was lower... given that we are talking about the fall of Beacon, yeah, he shouldn't have kept the rank.
It could also be because people trusted him more in canon. Since Atlas just got dealt a critical blow. Ironwood is probably someone with a shit ton of PR in Atlas (Due to his own skills, history, and connections). Alongside the fact that the fall of Vale could literally all be blamed upon the "evil" faunuses of the White Fang, and the incompetence of the scientists behind the paladins/robots.

As for corruption...well that is true, but honestly speaking, James just doesn't fit that character mold too well. I'll just personally chalk it up to James being re-used by the writers because they didn't want to make another Atlas-based Villain.

Anyhow. In the first place. I don't think we will successfully destroy Ironwood as hard as people hope we will with this stunt.
Especially since there are so many pieces in place to minimize (and maybe even prevent) civilian casualties, Ironwood will definitely get a hit on his reputation and get an "I told you so" letter from Ozpin.

But generally speaking, the scenario Watts wants will probably not happen, which is for Ironwood to watch in despair as everything around him fall apart.
One thing is for sure though. Courage should be poked at about betraying Weiss's trust like this. Not because it's good. But because I wanna see what happens when you flip the Abnormalities' perception.

Though personally, I'm far more worried about this.
At the same time, something is keeping the magical girls occupied. All four of them seem to vanish from time to time, reemerging hours later. They know they can not hide their troubled expressions from Binah, but not a single one of them actually breaks and spills whatever they are talking about. No one can get them to reveal it, including Weiss. Courage remains tight-lipped whenever prompted on the subject, as does Anemone. Love, well aware of her penchant to babble, took to not speaking at all in Binah's presence.

It is a curious little conundrum, though sadly not one Binah can put her full attention to at the moment. Going by the fact Love has not yet challenged Binah and does not seem upset by her presence, Courage did not tell them about what will happen soon.
This is far more worrying than whatever else the whole stick with Atlas is.

and i highly doubt ironwood at this state is not grabbing the government by its balls.
Personally speaking, my headcanon is that he isn't doing that. Because James isn't racist. And the Government of Atlas is racist.
James' men probably also stepped up to defend him. The man is a good person after all, and good generals like him are probably few and far between.

The Soldiers probably don't want to have James Ironwood be replaced with some dickhead to treat people like toys and think that "100,000 casualties" isn't something to worry about.
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just past down the blame.
you pushed robot soldiers? your assistant and Scientists told you yes. So you did it.
Your robot killed civilians? It's all programmers and scientists fault! Don't look at me. I didn't program those robot myself! I never even went to the factory!
As shameless as it is, it is a good strategy, The only damage to you is your publicity and pride.
Even if the government decided to punish you, it will only be a slap on the wrist anyway.
and i highly doubt ironwood at this state is not grabbing the government by its balls.

The best way to try and remove that possibility is going very public on making Ironwood the bad guy, shape public perception so that he is the one responsible, I'm sure Binah can find a way, she is an info broker, she can manipulate the medias.

This is far more worrying than whatever else the whole stick with Atlas is.

My guess is that they found the Jester and are taking care of them.

Nothing to fear, I'm sure.

Might want to re-word it to be clearer.

It is supposed to be a reassurance if he hesitate, not a threat to forces him to...

I personally feel we shouldn't pursue this side at all. Mainly because if Penny doesn't want it, then we shouldn't force it on her.
Penny being the Hero of Atlas, is good enough. The Denouncer of Ironwood part shouldn't be pushed onto her if she doesn't want to do it. It just feels like we are trying to force her to work back on the lesson Binah taught her about being free to do her own thing.

The denouncer of Ironwood can be via implications, we need something to push on the narrative of him being responsible, otherwise he might indeed dodge by blaming others.

So, slightly changed plan to make some things more clear:

[] Plan: We are innocent, I swear!
-[] Binah begins at the Nirvana, wouldn't want people to be suspicious of a fast response. Teleport to Penny after some delay to help her take control of the situation with her semblance.
-[] Courage also begins at Nirvana to give access to the teleport, will go to the paladins right after to help.
-[] Ash will be at the colosseum, to have her music calm as many peoples as possible in one go and makes it so that there are no Grimms.
-[] Ask Saffron to go to a place out of the way, wouldn't want Miltia to be hurt and lead to the king getting out at the worst possible time.
-[] Ask Roman if he can have Neo be conveniently close to the paladins, allowing her to act fast, reassure him she will receive reinforcements if he hesitate.
-[] Call Penny right as the attack is about to begin, distract her a little when it begins by casting some doubts on Ironwood, make sure she doesn't stop it in the cradle but try and make her the hero of the day, maybe she can take control back from the flagship? Do make sure it doesn't happen too fast though.
-[] After the attack, try to find as many ways to blame Ironwood as the one responsible, manipulate the public opinion before he can try to find his bearings.


-Reassure instead of tell in the Neo section to make sure it doesn't appear to be a threat.
-Added a part about what to do right after to push our narrative.

Frankly, I am not above pushing him down to make sure he drowns, I disagreed with the *allows him to rise if he can!* part of the previous vote and am going to disregard it to make my plans.


Here's a snapshot of my thoughts about Ironwood and what I want to do to his reputation:
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I personally wouldn't be opposed to letting Ironwood rise again.

The man is a decent but somewhat paranoid person who just got fucked over by things he lacks knowledge of.

I made the mistake of assuming all characters are the same as canon before with Adam, so I'm not gonna go and do the same thing with Ironwood here.

Plus, I do not believe that whoever replaces Ironwood will be easier to deal with than he is.

E: In fact, I disagree so much that will make a shorter less complicated plan just so we won't have to micro-manage. I got rid of the unnecessary steps that don't really make sense.

[] Plan: We are Innocents.
-[] Binah stays at Nirvana. Teleport to Penny after some delay to help her take control of the situation with her semblance.
--[] Courage also stays at Nirvana to give access to the teleport and will go to the paladins right afterward to help out.
-[] Ask Saffron to go to a place out of the way so she and her girlfriends would be safe.
-[] Ask Roman if he can have Neo be conveniently close to the paladins, allowing her to act fast, and reassure him she will receive reinforcements.
-[] After the attack, try to find as many ways to frame Ironwood as the one responsible, and manipulate public opinion before he can try to find his bearings.
-[] Ash will be at the colosseum, to have her music calm as many peoples as possible and lessen the impact of negativity.
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Draft for my plan. I'm presenting it here for critique since I won't be awake to see the Moratorium expire and need to finish it before then

[] Plan: Clerks Don't Count
-[] Ask Watts if he can have the robots maximize collateral damage instead of casualties without arousing suspicion
-[] Ask Watts to have the robots rebel when they are near the Nirvana
--[] Stop the attack on Nirvana as a preface to why you are interfering
--[] Once Nirvana is safe, go out and stop the rebellion under the pretense of payback
--[] Make sure your clerks don't die, but having them be injured is fine
-[] Ash and Courage should start at Nirvana when the rebellion starts
--[] Send them out to calm the masses once your clerks are safe
---[] Before the attack happens, have Ash and Courage plan out places to teleport between as inconspicuously as they can.
-[] Suggest a venue where the attack wouldn't be much of a problem for Saffron's date
-[] Once the attack begins, contact Love and Anemone as necessary to not arouse suspicion
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Ok, I've smoothed out a few details. Having full control over how the incident starts makes orchestrating things very easy. I can see why villains always have the upper hand in Act 1.

[] Plan: Clerks Don't Count
-[] Ask Watts if he can have the robots focus on combatants and maximize collateral damage instead of casualties without arousing suspicion. Having the robots focus on combatants and perform scorched earth tactics should maximize collateral damage while minimizing civilian deaths. We can deal without this, but it makes things go significantly better.
-[] Tell Watts to monitor the robots and start the rebellion when the patrols cross in front of Nirvana, are away from Safron's date, and once Penny is away from the main ship.
--[] Binah, Ash, and Courage will stop the attack on Nirvana and prevent the clerks from getting hurt too badly
--[] Once Nirvana is safe, go out yourself and stop the robot rebellion under the pretense of payback
--[] Send out Ash and Courage to calm the masses after Nirvana is safe
---[] Before the attack happens, have Ash and Courage plan out places to teleport between as inconspicuously as they can
-[] Act so as to not attract suspicion to yourself. Contact Love, Anemone, and Safron only as necessary to not arouse their suspicions.
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I'm hoping that she's fighting in the Vytal Festival like in canon. She should be with her team there.

Edit: @Naron Do we know where Penny is being grounded, btw?
Right, she's also on the flagship. With the server that controls all the Knights.

Well shit. Hopefully, someone figures out a way to fix that, cause I need to sleep now.
That 's why I have *distract Penny at the beginning* as one of my parts in the plan, we can't do anything if she makes it go like a very wet firecracker.

No matter what you want, including a part for that is necessary to not simply fail at launch.
I wonder if we could just have Binah come up with her own plan. Surely, she has experience at causing chaos, right?

[ :V ] Plan: Outsourcing
-[:V] Binah makes a plan and implements it.

In all seriousness, the best course of action is probably a combination of some of the plans. I'm not great at making plans, so here's my take.

[] Plan: Interruption at Teatime
- [] Invite Penny to sneak out and watch the festival at Nirvana. If she accepts, have her warn Ironwood, but in a way such that he doesn't believe her. Otherwise, teleport to Penny when the attack starts after some delay to help her take control of the situation with her semblance.
-[] Ask Watts if he can have the robots focus on combatants and maximize collateral damage instead of casualties without arousing suspicion. Having the robots focus on combatants and perform scorched earth tactics should maximize collateral damage while minimizing civilian deaths.
-[] Ask Watts to have the robots rebel when they are near the Nirvana
-[] Teleport to Penny after some delay to help her take control of the situation with her semblance.
-[] Courage also begins at Nirvana, then go to the paladins right after to help.
-[] Teleport Ash to the colosseum after the robots at Nirvana are repelled
-[] Ask Saffron to go to a place out of the way, wouldn't want Miltia to be hurt and lead to the king getting out at the worst possible time.
-[] Ask Roman if he can have Neo be conveniently close to the paladins, allowing her to act fast, reassure him she will receive reinforcements if he hesitate.
-[] Act so as to not attract suspicion to yourself. Contact Love, Anemone, and Saffron only as necessary to not arouse their suspicions.
-[] After the attack, try to find as many ways to blame Ironwood as the one responsible, manipulate the public opinion before he can try to find his bearings.
I kind of don't like the explicitly pushing Ironwood down, because it will make it harder Binah to pull him up again.