Turn 3
Turn 3

Your marriage to Zima happened on the eve of the new year, during the calmest winter that you had lived through. The snow fell gently that day, and you spent the majority of it with your bodyguards and friends. Rurik was proud of you, saying that the young boy he tutored was now a fine young man.

Everyone seemed to agree. And as you waited by the altar, all you could do was wait nervously. The assassin had put you on edge, made you scared and want to call off the entire ceremony. But Zima was against it. She wanted the whole world to see that she was yours, and you were her's.

When she walked down the aisle, she was led by one of her men, as her father was dead and none of her family wanted to brave the Russian winter to attend the ceremony.

She was beautiful, the flowing white gown she wore was simple, yet elegant. Her short hair was practically flowing and her veil only enhanced her beauty, as it hid any sign of dirt or grime. It enhanced her smile to the point where you thought she was Venus herself taking the form of your wife.

The ceremony was quick, as per your instructions and you both were hastily brought back to your palace to celebrate with your bodyguards, your council, Zima's men, and Fulk.

It may not have been much, you and Zima did not trust each other fully... but it was a start. And you felt happier then you had in years.

You were no longer alone in this cruel world.

Diplomacy: Since you have come of age, and have Stephan helping, it is time to make the Rus known.

(Choose 2)

[]Reaching Out: (The Sultanate of Rum): The Buffer state between the Persian Empire and the warring states in the Levant, Egypt, and Arabia, They do little to extend their diplomatic channels to anyone within the empire itself. But you need to establish diplomatic ties with them. You need to have people ready to negotiate if the Black Sea becomes contested. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 55% Reward: Foreign contact made, further diplomatic negotiations can be made.

[]Reaching Out: (The Sultanate of Egypt): The Richest of the warring kingdoms of the Middle East, they have vast swaths of cotton, grain, and influence. The Empire has long been allied with the easternmost kingdom of North Africa and has profited greatly from it. To tap into that wealth, you need to be able to talk. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 65% Reward: Foreign contact made, further diplomatic negotiations can be made.

[]Reaching In: (Random Province): Your father said that there are men throughout the empire who understood the dangers of the Frontier, and they are more than willing to meet and discuss its future and safety. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 70% Reward: Domestic lords met. New actions become available.

[]Call the lords of the Rus for a council: Your father is dead, and you needed to be sure they were loyal to you. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 70% Reward: Legitimacy and learning about the lords that serve under you. Less of a chance of rebellion occurring.

[]The House of Lords: The governing body whose authority is just below that of an imperial command, is something you despise. They're bureaucrats who think they know what's better for an entire empire. But at least one man knows what is brewing to the east, and you need his help in the coming storm… And to get your revenge. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 60% Reward: You meet the House of Lords representative of the Rus.

Martial: You are going to fight, and fight well, in all sorts of battle.

(Choose 3)

[]Temporary Reinforcements: Zima's Hussars will act as temporary Reinforcements until you can get the Emperor to send the forces he needs. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 60% Reward: Lose the 2000 Veteran heavy cavalry until Fulk gets the men he needs from the Imperial army.

[]Strategic Minds Make Formidable Minds: Nicholas examined your strategic style during a game of chess and said he was appalled by it. He wants to mediate it to make sure you understood the finer points of strategic thinking. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 70%/50% Reward: adds to martial skill. Nicholas relationship might increase.

[]Spar with Nicholas: You want to know how well that man fights. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You spar with Nicholas, Relation increase by 5 Chance for gaining Formidable Fighter:???

[]Spar with Zima: Zima asked if you wanted to spar. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You spar with Zima, Relation increase by 5. Chance for gaining Formidable Fighter:???

[]Drilling the Troops: You need your men in top shape. To be prepared for battle at any minute, and fight as well as any Imperial Infantryman. Cost: 250 Chance of success: 15% Reward: Troop quality of local troops will increase (Gain roll bonuses).

[]The Raids: You need to send a message to the Mongols who are raiding your territory. You are not going to tolerate their continued presence. Their transgression and the blood of your people will be paid with their own blood. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 25% Reward: The Mongols will not raid your territory.

[]Recruit More Troops: You need more able-bodied men in your army, and you know the Rus has a larger population to call upon. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 30% Reward: A D10,000 is rolled for soldiers recruited. Soldiers experience will be placed at (Recruits)

Stewardship: The Rus' economy is not that well. But you can make it better.

In progress:

[X]City Life… and All It's Shit: You have seen the state of your cities… The waste problem is killing your people, and you need to answer it. Now, before you get shit on you by some man who decided to dump before looking. Cost: 450 Chance of success: 70% Reward: You've seen some records of sewer systems in some of the more richer cities of the Empire, and decide to emulate it. (Note will finish this turn)

(Choose 1)

[]Tax Breaks: You need to ask the emperor if you can be exempted from the yearly taxes to the empire for next year so that you may use it for other projects. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 40% Reward: You do not need to pay the Imperial tax next turn. The Emperor and the House of Lords will not like you asking for it if it succeeds.

[]Imperial Funds: You can request for funds to improve the Infrastructure in the Rus. Though considering the Rus is not high on the empire's to do list, it will take a lot of political arm wrestling. Cost: 20 Chance of success: 30% Reward: You get a random (d2000) amount of money from the Imperial treasury to use as infrastructure funds for the next turn.

[]The Road System: You need to see the road system for yourself, and see what needs to be done. Cost 75 Chance of success 45% Reward: You learn where the roads need to be maintained and repaired.

[]The Wealth of a Nation: The Rus is poor, but it has great potential. You need to find that potential. Cost 150 Chance of success 35% Reward: You send surveyors to find those mineral resources, trade goods, and farmers to find ways to make the farmland more useful.

[]The Port: The Port of Novgorod has fallen on hard times. Its wealth from trade has dried up since the Mongols started raiding your homeland. But you need to get coin, and that port is the one way you can do it. Cost 0 Chance of success 35% Reward: You learn how many ships you have to defend your waters, and what you can do to increase profits.

Intrigue: Assassins should be the least of your worries. Now you are too scared to take a piss alone.

Choose 2

[]Spies...spies everywhere: You need to know who's keeping tabs on you...and whether you should leave them be or purge the sons of bitches to send a message. Cost:100 Chance of success 50%. Reward: You learn who might be spying on you.

[]What the hell is going on in the World: You need to set up an information network. Even a basic on to learn about other nations, The Empire, and especially the Mongols. Cost 100 Chance of success 55% reward: Spy's report and Rumor mill Unlocked.

[]Spiders hiding steel: Natasha is willing to get you some contacts within the imperial assassin network, as a thank you for killing Gavelo. Cost 0 Chance of success 30% Reward: You get assassins on your beck and call. Assassination rolls get a -10. New actions will become available when the time comes.

[]The Order of the Dragon: You have been invited to Wallachia at the behest of the Imperial Prince Alexander of Europa to discuss matters of national survival. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You meet the Order of the Dragon.

[]Spy on the In-laws: Zima was rather upset that her family didn't show up for her wedding. you want to find out why. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You learn why Zima's family didn't come to her wedding.

Learning: You may need to study more, even though you no longer need to.

Choose 2

[]Study your family history: You have never really bothered looking into your family's past, mostly because you always wanted to be a soldier. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You learn a bit more about your family that wasn't told to you as a child in stories.

[]Study at the Imperial Military Academy: You are now old enough to study military academy of Rome, a place where even the greatest military mind can learn more. It is also a good place to make friends with future officers and with the old guard. Cost: 600 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You get a d2 in all stats for 4 turns, and new actions become available. You also gain a specialization (Combat modifiers). Lose one action in all categories for the duration of Vasily's stay.

[]Specialize your tactics: You want to specialize leading a particular group of forces in your army: Cost: 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You get to choose your force specialization (Combat modifiers).

[]Workshops Galore: Rurik had an idea. Maybe you could hire some carpenters, metalworkers, and other skilled laborers and have them try to build whatever the hell they want and you get the device's patent for half of the cut. You were going to call him crazy until Jory said that was a great idea. And you didn't want to hurt the old man's feelings so you agreed to it. Cost: 200 Chance of success: 40% Reward: You get a workshop of skilled laborers and craftsmen experimenting on… stuff. What could possibly go wrong?

[]The Art of War: A translated book came to your desk from Fulk. He got it off a Chinese merchant when he was in Constantinople on leave. He said you would find it interesting. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 80% Reward: You read the art of war. ???

Personal: Zima has given you something that you did not think you would ever have. Someone to fight for.

(Choose 2)

[]The Circus is in Town!: There is a traveling show coming into Novgorod. It has everything, from singers to exotic dancers, to bears playing chess and being ridden on like horses. Cost: 10 Chance of success: 70% Reward: You have some fun at the Traveling Show.

[]Spend Time with Zima: You want to spend time with your lovely wife. So you can get to know her better. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You spend time with Zima, a potential for pregnancy rolls to begin.

[]A Night on the Town: So your bodyguards want to go out and drink, and want to bring you along. You'll go with them to shut them up. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: Interesting events might occur.

[]Walk the City: You want to walk the city and see how your people are doing. Maybe you can learn something your spies haven't told you. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: Interesting Events might happen.

[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.

AN: Okay so the dice gods are appeased and I have the turn ready... So here it is.

There is a Moratorium for 4 hours after this has been posted. Enjoy.
Turn 3 Results
Turn 3 Results

Your marriage to Zima happened on the eve of the new year, during the calmest winter that you had lived through. The snow fell gently that day, and you spent the majority of it with your bodyguards and friends. Rurik was proud of you, saying that the young boy he tutored was now a fine young man.

Everyone seemed to agree. And as you waited by the altar, all you could do was wait nervously. The assassin had put you on edge, made you scared and want to call off the entire ceremony. But Zima was against it. She wanted the whole world to see that she was yours, and you were her's.

When she walked down the aisle, she was led by one of her men, as her father was dead and none of her family wanted to brave the Russian winter to attend the ceremony.

She was beautiful, the flowing white gown she wore was simple, yet elegant. Her short hair was practically flowing and her veil only enhanced her beauty, as it hid any sign of dirt or grime. It enhanced her smile to the point where you thought she was Venus herself taking the form of your wife.

The ceremony was quick, as per your instructions and you both were hastily brought back to your palace to celebrate with your bodyguards, your council, Zima's men, and Fulk.

It may not have been much, you and Zima did not trust each other fully... but it was a start. And you felt happier then you had in years.

You were no longer alone in this cruel world.

Diplomacy: Since you have come of age, and have Stephan helping, it is time to make the Rus known.

(Choose 2)

[]Call the lords of the Rus for a council: Your father is dead, and you needed to be sure they were loyal to you. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 70% Reward: Legitimacy and learning about the lords that serve under you. Less of a chance of rebellion occurring. Rolled: 1D100 => 100

"MY LORDS!" The shrill voice of a child, a little boy silenced all the older men in the room. "You are all willing to throw away the loyalty that we showed to Alexei when he came to us in our hour of need! You dishonor yourselves with murmurs of treason because our Prince is a bastard! Alexi Aristov's blood runs through his veins. And he deserves all the loyalty that we gave his father, or we will all die alone to the fucking Mongols, and our motherland will be lost!" (Continued in Legacy of Greatness)

[]The House of Lords: The governing body whose authority is just below that of an imperial command, is something you despise. They're bureaucrats who think they know what's better for an entire empire. But at least one man knows what is brewing to the east, and you need his help in the coming storm… And to get your revenge. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 60% Reward: You meet the House of Lords representative of the Rus. Rolled: 1D100 => 63

Lord Alexy of The Volga rode to you when you called upon him, braving the snow storms of the February winter to reach you. He was honored to meet you, and that he was sorry that he could not come to your father's funeral.

He did, however, carry bad news from Berlin. More an more money was being funneled into the west and the Emperor was funneling, even more, troops to Iberia to head off a potential invasion from Mali, and the royal navy was preparing an attack on the Turks.

There are only a few men besides himself that care for the Rus and the rest of the frontier, and they are doing their damnedest to get you the troops you needed to defend your motherland.

Reward: Domestic lord met: Lord Alexy of The Volga. His Relation is at 70/100. New actions available.

Martial: You are going to fight, and fight well, in all sorts of battle.

(Choose 3)

[]Strategic Minds Make Formidable Minds: Nicholas examined your strategic style during a game of chess and said he was appalled by it. He wants to mediate it to make sure you understood the finer points of strategic thinking. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 70%/50% Reward: adds to martial skill. Nicholas relationship might increase. Rolled: 1D100 => 1+10=11

You left for the Academy before you could play your game, leaving him disappointed.

Failure: -5 to Nicholas' relation.

[]Spar with Nicholas: You want to know how well that man fights. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You spar with Nicholas, Relation increase by 5 Chance for gaining Formidable Fighter:??? Rolled: 1D100 => 2+10=12

You choose to decline the sparring session with Nicholas because you wanted to spend time with Zima. He didn't mind that much… Though he wanted to have a spar with you soon.


[]Spar with Zima: Zima asked if you wanted to spar. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You spar with Zima, Relation increase by 5. Chance for gaining Formidable Fighter:??? Rolled: 1D100 => 72+10=82, Formidable fighter roll: 1D100 =>94

Zima was the finest swordswoman you have ever had the privilege to spar against. Every day you went out into the training yard and dazzled the crowds that were watching as you both fought for hours at a time. Zima had more stamina, was much stronger with her attacks and could fight for much longer, but you watched her. You watched her footwork, her stance, the way her eyes told you when to strike. How she held the blade.

She enjoyed every moment fighting you. The thrill that was in her eyes gave you the feeling that this was the one thing that she lived for. You did too, and every time you either of you won you would shout "Again!" and the whole fight would start over.

By the end of the first month, you had fight multiple opponents just to work up a sweat.

By the end of the third month, you both had gotten so much better with a blade, that when you fought together, not even twenty men charging at you at the same time could stop the two of you.

And whenever you fought Zima, you fight so fiercely that you would break blades more often than not.

You enjoyed every exhilarating second of it.

Reward: Vasily and Zima both gain the trait: Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat) Zima's relation increased by 10.

Stewardship: The Rus' economy is not that well. But you can make it better.

In progress:

[X]City Life… and All It's Shit: You have seen the state of your cities… The waste problem is killing your people, and you need to answer it. Now, before you get shit on you by some man who decided to dump before looking. Cost: 450 Chance of success: 70% Reward: You've seen some records of sewer systems in some of the more richer cities of the Empire, and decide to emulate it. (Note will finish this turn)

Through the sewers did not carry the shit all the way to the Volga like you envisioned it… It still kept the city clean and the shit out of your street.

Reward: Disaster roll decreased by 10 for the next two turns. Whenever there is a disease in the city, it gets a minus 20 to its effectiveness roll.

(Choose 1)

[]The Road System: You need to see the road system for yourself, and see what needs to be done. Cost 75 Chance of success 45% Reward: You learn where the roads need to be maintained and repaired. Rolled:1D100 => 71+15= 86

The Roads outside of Novgorod were in disrepair, but not nearly as bad as anyone thought thankfully. It would take time, and a lot of coin, but you could make the roads better than even the ones in Rome.

Reward: Repair the Roads action is now available.

Intrigue: Assassins should be the least of your worries. Now you are too scared to take a piss alone.

Choose 2

[]The Order of the Dragon: You have been invited to Wallachia at the behest of the Imperial Prince Alexander of Europa to discuss matters of national survival. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You meet the Order of the Dragon. Rolled:1D100 => 60

Alexander gave a wry smile that sent shivers up your spine. "And trust me when I say, this Khan…" You froze when you heard that word. "We will not lose." (Continued in The Order of the Dragon)

[]Spy on the In-laws: Zima was rather upset that her family didn't show up for her wedding. you want to find out why. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You learn why Zima's family didn't come to her wedding. Rolled: 1D100 => 83

The reports from Poland were worse than you imagined.

Zima's male cousins, the ones who were in line for the Polish throne, were very glad to have her out of Poland. Their succession would not be contested by a woman that was popular with some of the nobles and that they only had themselves to worry about. But they were waiting for their mother to die before they stripped her of her lands, claims, and titles.

Her female cousins disowned her. Saying that her unwomanly pursuits to becoming a Hussar have made her dead in their eyes and that they would not send any of their children to her to be 'Corrupted by the filthy barbarian that you have taken as a husband'.

But the worst part was that her Aunt Zuzanna, the Queen of the Poles was dying. Some disease was slowly killing her. And that there was nothing any physician could do about it. They said she would be dead within the year, two if she was lucky… Three, if there was an act of God healing her. But she would die... Soon

When you told Zima about it, she broke down into your arms and cried.

Reward: You learn that Zima's cousins are plotting to strip her of her county and her claim to the Polish throne. Her Aunt, Queen Zuzanna is dying. Hatred for her family burns in your heart.

Learning: You may need to study more, even though you no longer need to.

Choose 2

[X]Study at the Imperial Military Academy: You are now old enough to study military academy of Rome, a place where even the greatest military mind can learn more. It is also a good place to make friends with future officers and with the old guard. Cost: 600 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You get a d2 in all stats for 4 turns, and new actions become available. You also gain a specialization (Combat modifiers). Lose one action in all categories for the duration of Vasily's stay. Rolled: 1D100 => 83

Arriving at the academy was a warm and welcome feeling. You would be at home in this place. You would learn much, and you hoped that one day, you could do much more.

Reward: For the next four turns Lose one action in all categories. You get a d2 in all stats for four turns and will gain a combat modifier at the end of four turns.

[]The Art of War: A translated book came to your desk from Fulk. He got it off a Chinese merchant when he was in Constantinople on leave. He said you would find it interesting. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 80% Reward: You read the art of war. ??? Rolled:1D100 => 9

Fulk's book turned out to be translated into Greek… You don't know how to read Greek, and you would rather not get read the book by Ionnos or Basilus… That would be too embarrassing.

Failure. Success rate increased by 10 for the next turn, as it has been translated into Russian and European.

Personal: Zima has given you something that you did not think you would ever have. Someone to fight for.

(Choose 2)

[]Spend Time with Zima: You want to spend time with your lovely wife. So you can get to know her better. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You spend time with Zima, a potential for pregnancy rolls to begin. Rolled:1D100 => 92

In Between sparring, spying and traveling to Rome, one thing was certain. Zima was always beside you. And when you arrived in Rome, you took her out to dinner and spent a night together you would never forget. (Continued in: A Night in Rome).

[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.
-----------[x]The Road System: You need to see the road system for yourself, and see what needs to be done. Cost 75 Chance of success 45% Reward: You learn where the roads need to be maintained and repaired.

Assassination roll: 1D100 => 7-15= (-8): There was not another Assassin coming after you. In fact, Natasha told you that the hit on you was called off.

Disaster Roll: 1D100 => 1: "I'm sorry Grandfather… But the empire needs new leadership if it is going to survive this new century… Goodbye." (Continued in: Long Live the Emperor)

AN: Enjoy.
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The Bonus Omake Writing List (And bonuses are in the AN)
The Bonus Omake Writing List (And bonuses are in the AN)

The New Spy in Charge: Godfrey had to die if the plot against the emperor is to proceed as planned. Howlett knew that, and he would not fail in making his old mentor disappear. But talking to him one more time, and letting him see the fruit of his labor strike him down is too much of an opportunity to pass up. And his tower still has that window.

The Old Guard: General Alanzo looks at his men with pride, and thinks about all the enemies, both foreign and domestic, he has defeated over the course of his fifty-year-long career as he retires to Rome to become an instructor. And how much the army has gained in reputation due to well-trained officers like himself.

The Hanseatic Prince: Otto Schnee know the dangerous game he is playing with his old rival, but he has every right to be confident. Evidence was evidence, even if it was stretching the truth.

The Fine Wine in Paris: Alva takes solace in the fact that she is with the man she loves. She may be trapped in Paris with no way home, but what more can one ask for when one finds fine wine and true love.

A Father's Pride: Godwin was proud of his daughter. He ignored the vial rumors that have been created because of her frequent absences at court, and her seeming disinterested in most of her suitors. It is because he knew she might have something in her workshop that requires her attention. Something to help the empire she keeps saying. She kept claiming she had made a device to help sailors navigate into port.

A Random Mistake: A bored smith messing around with a wine press, a few screw presses, and some business papers.

An Imperial Debate In the House of Lords: On the Growing Pirate Problem in the Eastern Mediterranean: Lord John George of Bavaria debates Lord Conrad of Lancaster on the growing pirate problem in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea and the restriction of using Imperial Naval ships to defend trading ships. Lord Lancaster is opposition.

An Imperial Debate In the House of Lords: On the subject of Military Spending and the continued Presence of 20,000 Imperial Troops in the Province of Britannia: Lord Pierre de Poute of Aquitaine debates Lord Sven of Stockholm on the continued presence of the of an entire army of Imperial troops in Britannia, and that they should be moved to areas that are at more risk to attack from foreign forces to justify the budget set up last year of ten million imperial Ducats. Lord Sven is opposition.

Recruitment Drive: Ten years ago in Prussia, An Imperial Recruiter is in the center of town Crying out for all able-bodied men to join the army to face the Mongol Menace, and the benefits that being in the army will entail. Thinking back to it, Fulk knew he made the right choice joining the army.

The Great Detective: Whenever there was a crime that needed to be solved in the dark streets of Berlin, there was always that insufferable genius of a private detective Malek Riley to help... with the assistance of his three children, Walter, Franklin, and Lucy.

The Survivor at Home: William could hardly sleep at night. What he saw across the world, from those barbarians, would never leave his mind.

Added 12/19/2017:

An Odd Pairing: A Viking Shieldmaiden and a disgraced ninja traveling the world. One energetic and boisterous, the other stoic and calm.

Letter to the Polish king: Vasily has words to the man who broke his wife's heart.

Cuddle time: Vasily and Zima love to snuggle up with their children.

The Byzantine Affair: Anne Kommenious is caught between a deadly crossfire that threatens her life and the life of her brother.

The Frech Connection: Harry Doyle, Guard Inspector in one of Paris's most dangerous burrows, is a man who gets the job done. He has his wit, his sword, and his determination to bring down the corrupt criminals that are making Paris rot to the core.

The London Caper: Abigail Godwinsdottier is enjoying a visit to her cousin in the City of London when men try to bomb the Imperial Naval Academy. Now she and her cousin George need to find the saboteur's before they bomb again.

BEAR CALVERY!: You have no idea why you thought bears were a good idea for calvary, but seeing them tear the Mongol's apart is surely a good way to spend your battle. After all, who would be crazy enough to use bears as calvary?

Summers in Spain: Prince Renaldo, heir to the Grand Principality of Espania enjoys the time he spends on the beaches in the Summer. Nothing will stop him from enjoying himself, not horrid weather, not cold winds, and not even assassins.

The Holy Grail War: Vasily was expecting a nice peaceful afterlife. He did not expect to be summoned to fight in a magical death tournament. And he really did not expect magic to exist either but that was the least of his worries. Where is Zima?

The Eternal Motherland: Vasily finds a book, detailing the history of his people, in a world without the empire... A world without him. but he takes solace in one thing, Russia still stands.

Welcome to the Neighborhood: Vasily and his wife Zima have finally settled down in Vasilgrad after Vasily's tour of duty with the army with their three children. Their new house needs work and they need to get used to having some new neighbors but everything is looking to be okay.

A Troubled Night: Vasily hears a noise and goes to investigate, and sees some local thugs trying to have their way with one of their neighbors. He decides to deal with them the only way he knows how.

Zima's Old Problem: Zima thought her time away from her family was enough to smooth tensions when she was invited back. But it seems that old grievances got worse as time marches on. But she would not take the abuse anymore.

Quality Time Together: Zima and Vasily love to spend time watching their children play. It reminds them of what they are building every day.

Meet The Neighbors: Vasily was a little hesitant about meeting the neighbors, but the Vodka helped settle those nerves.

Training from Hell: Vasily started the most vigorous and intense training regime that has ever been considered for an army. And is succeeding.

AN: I kept most of them vague to allow for input of original thought and so you all can have fun writing, and won't be confined to set limitations.

Each omake get's a roll bonus of 10 to a stat of your choosing when it gets posted. If you do not post the stat you want to get a roll bonus in (Or if you want to decrease the disaster roll) in an AN or telling me ahead of time in an hour of posting it, I will choose a bonus randomly.

Whether it will be canon or noncanon will be at my discretion.

If you have an idea or ideas that can be added to the Writing List, PM me, and I will put them on the list and you will get a +5 roll bonus for any stat you state in the PM for that turn.

If you have original fanart for the story and you post it here, you get a +30 roll bonus to the stat you state for 4 turns, or you can get a permanent +5 to the stat you state.
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Legacy of Greatness
Legacy of Greatness

There were many things that you had expected to go wrong with this council. You had delayed it for two years, and married a foreign bride. You had expected a disaster meeting your lords, having them gathered together in the city.

You were prepared for violence. Your sword was at your side and all your men were armed and ready to strike the moment steel was drawn. Zima wisely left you alone. It was an affair for the Russian lords, and her being there might damage your case.

But when your lords gathered into the great feasting hall, silence overtook the room. All eyes were on you. Waiting for you to make the first word so that they could tear you apart, or offer condolences. But two years was a long time. Would there even be enough pity for them to offer condolences?

"My lords." You paused and saw a few countesses in the audience in attendance. "My ladies. I thank you all for coming here from your homes-"

"Do not waste fancy words on me bastard!" There was a loud hand slamming on the table. A few lords shook their heads in disgust as the man who interrupted you stood up. The long, scraggly, grey beard, slightly tattered robes, and tunic betrayed the man's status. Lord Viktor of Moskva was one of your most powerful dukes that served under you in terms of military might. Though from what you gathered, he was poorer than all your other lords due to the Mongol raids. "You may call us here and treat us with pleasantries and allow us to dine on fine foods. But that does not change what you are." The words cut deep and you gritted your teeth. The paranoid side of you wanted to call on Jory or Gavin to kill the man right now for speaking out of line. But you maintain your cool. Murder was not the best solution to this problem… Not yet at least. "You have done nothing to assist your people from the Mongol raiders! You call yourself prince of the Rus, but do nothing to defend your people."

Then the clamor form the other lords came. Lord Pietro of Crimea spoke loudly. "AYE! You are not fit to sit on Alexi's throne!"

Clamors rose even more, as all your lords stood up and started shouting at either you or each other.

"Shut up!" An unknown voice said.

That struck a nerve. How dare he think you do not care about your motherland. "My LORDS!" You stood up. Although many of the lords were taller than you, your growl made him stand back in fear. Your attempts were met by even louder shouts of arguments.

But your voice was not the one who spoke in anger. "MY LORDS!" The shrill voice of a child, a little boy silenced all the older men in the room. You were surprised by it. "You are all willing to throw away the loyalty that we showed to Alexei when he came to us in our hour of need!" That caused many of the lords to look at the boy. The child had a mop of fiery red hair. He was small too, and from the look of his sole green eye, had seen and felt terrible things. You recognized his face. Lord Rodrik, Duke of Ruthenia, the one they called 'White Lightning'. "You dishonor yourselves with murmurs of treason because our Prince is a bastard!" There were murmurs, ones of support and agreement. "Alexi Aristov's blood runs through his veins. And he deserves all the loyalty that we gave his father, or we will all die alone to the fucking Mongols, and our motherland will be lost!"

Immediately the lords became silent again, all eyes were on you. "Say the oath! The oath to our motherland!" You turned to see Rurik standing next to his niece near the back of the room.

You took a deep breath. Like the oat you made to your father, you cut your hand open and let the blood drip from your hand. All the lords and ladies nodded in agreement, understanding what you were doing. "Mother Russia, hear my prayer. Let all those who face us in battle, in desires, and in greed, be faced by the brave sons and the noble daughters who will love this land like no other. For the Motherland!"

"For the Motherland!" Your lords and ladies shouted as they all stood, slamming their hands on the table in agreement.

The rest of the council continued without issue, as all your lords bent the knee to you. Many expressed gratitude. Many more were silent, giving their oaths of loyalty to you and leaving quietly afterward, to their homes. They would remain loyal to you.

Good. The Motherland was stronger together. And you had to keep them together through these turbulent times, or you would all die to the Mongol's.

Reward: The Russian Lords as a whole support you. Relation of the Russian Lords at 90/100

Key Domestic Lords of Russia Met:

Duke Pietro of Crimea. Relation 50/100

Duke Viktor of Moskva. Relation 40/100

Lord Rodrik, Duke of Ruthenia. Relation 100/100

New Actions Available

AN: Sorry it took so long. Sickness happened.
The Order of the Dragon
The Order of the Dragon

Answering the summons of an imperial prince was akin to political suicide. Trust was a very hard thing to gain with the emperor when he's trapped in Berlin by an ever-expanding bureaucracy. Either one had to get out and try to meet the needs of the people, like the good emperors of the past, or allow themselves to grow corrupt by the luxury and power. Allow the house of lords enriches themselves at the expense of the rest of the empire.

Maybe it was because you were cynical, that you had no trust in the empire that had sworn to protect your people all those decades ago. Maybe it was because you knew the threat of the Mongols that was at the borders and were angry that no one was coming to help you.

Maybe this meeting, this 'Order of the Dragon', might change your perspective, though you doubted it. You knew little of Prince Alexander, the only thing you did know for certain was that he was the presumptive heir to the throne of Europa. The rest were rumor or information you did not have a chance to verify. Information that you did not trust.

But if there was one thing that you liked about this prince, it was the location he chose for his meeting. Wallachia was close to the frontier, and the Mongols. While it did not get raided as badly as the Rus, it sometimes got attacked by the occasional opportunistic raiding party.

And you arrived at the location that he chose with little fanfare. The pouring rain and the thunder and lightning gave you a feeling of uneasiness. The citadel in the Gurghiu Mountains was a formidable fortress, built near the peak of one of the lower mountains, and surrounded by most of its sides by the cliff face. It was impractical, if you had anything to say about it. The roads were not maintained at all, and supplies would not be able to reach it as easily as if it had been placed at the base of the mountain. But maybe you were dismissing it because you had never fought in mountains before.

You were led through the citadel by a group of black-hooded men. They were not armed, at least not visibly, but that ambiguity left you very uneasy. However, you also had the shaking suspicions that they were not going to kill you.

A door opened and you could see a large table, with dozens of lords sitting at the table already. Some had armbands with a dragon's head on them while others, like you, did not.

"Ah!" One of the lords spoke with joy. "Our final member is here."

There was a spreading murmur from the rest of the gathering, and you felt uncomfortable by the stares. The words 'bastard', and 'boy' made you feel anger. You took your place next to another young man, a lord with hair as black as the night and brown eyes. You glanced and realized the boy was a child, not even ten years old, and was sitting on a few very large books to look like the height of his fellow lords.

"Hello." He said. You tried to ignore him, but he continued anyway. "My name is Stefen Tepes. I'm the Prince of Wallachia." There was a long pause, and you listened to the muted conversations that were going on across the table. Something about the Grandmaster of the Order being late.

Then Stefen nudged your shoulder. "Did you know the grandmaster of the order gives us all epithets? It's so amazing! He called me Sunfire and called my brother-"

"Do you ever shut up?" You stopped the boy's talking immediately, earning a glare from another man across the table. His hair was like Stefen's, black as night. But unlike the boy, he was older, about your age, and it showed from the long, cared for mustache on his face.

Stefen flinched in fear and looked away from your glare, looking at the man across the table who nodded. "Sorry… I'm-"

"A boy who does not belong here." You stated. Most of the men there were older than you by a fair few years. A child as a leader in an order that might influence the empire was foolish. He might be easily manipulated by the older members into doing things that would not be in the best interests of the order…. Or the frontier.

"If that is so Vasily Aristov, then you don't belong here either." A powerful voice replied. You turned to the head of the table. His hair was blonde, almost white in the bright light from the torches behind him. His eyes held a certain level of caution in them, but beneath the caution was a rash bravery and foolhardiness that you used to have. Alexander of House Europa.

The room became silent as the Imperial Prince strode into the room and sat down at the head of the table. "My apologies to you all. The storm was brutal and I wanted to be sure everyone was here." He glared at you and gave a smile. It was not a warm smile, it had something hiding behind it that you could not tell what it was.

"Why are we here prince?" One of the lords asked. "I severely doubt that his Imperial Majesty knows about this meeting."

"You would be correct in saying that. My grandfather knows nothing of this meeting." Alexander replied. "In fact, in coming here we are risking our lives and fortune." The room was silent, but there was nothing else said by the other lords. Stefen looked frightened, but the man across from him stood up and walked around the table and put a hand on his shoulder.

Alexander allowed the man who came across to stand next to Stefan. "But I am sure many of you received different messages from myself and from my men. But this matter is of the safety and security of the empire." He paused and let everyone gather themselves. "As you are all well aware, the Army of the Frontier led by General Fulk only has a thousand men, and with the death of Prince Alexi, our fears have been confirmed."

"And what fears would that be Alexander?" You asked. "Because from where I have been, the empire abandoned my people to face the Mongol hordes alone and my father paid the price for the empires negligence."

There was a murmur of agreement from the other lords, but Alexander nodded. "That is absolutely correct. My grandfather abandoned your people and still wastes gold and men to stand around and do nothing while your people are raided, defiled, and enslaved. But I am not my grandfather. And I am asking you to support me when I ascend to the imperial throne."

You wanted to protest. This arrogant prince didn't know shit about the frontier. But you caught your tongue and listened more.

"For too long the empire has robbed the wealth of the frontier and taken everything to the west, while your people struggle to survive. In a few months time, I can guarantee you this.There will be troops heading to the border. There will be more money going to building or rebuilding the infrastructure of the the Frontier. You have my word. All I ask, is that will you follow me when the time comes." Alexander asked.

There was not a single word that needed to be said that hadn't been said. But you stood up. "What you're asking is to back you in a civil war." You replied.

Alexander's smile fell, and he narrowed his eyes. "Maybe. It depends whether or not the old man is willing to die properly."

"And what if we lose?" You asked. "What happens if you fail and war breaks out."

Alexander gave a wry smile that sent shivers up your spine. It was a smile of a predator. "And trust me when I say this, Khan…" You froze when you heard that word. Most of the words froze as well. Your blood oath against the Mongols had spread through the easternmost imperial provinces. But that smile scared you more than the Mongols that tortured you ever did. "We will not lose."

You stood there in silence. "This meeting is dismissed. You are all free to go to your quarters and rest for the evening." he paused. "Except Vasily Aristov. I wish to speak to you."

Your blood felt cold as snow. But it was not fear that caused it, but rage. As the room vacated, you thought you could feel it get colder, as if hell itself was freezing over.

Soon it was only you and the prince in the room. You walked up nearer to him and sat against the table.

Alexander yawned in boredom before he rolled his neck. "Do you know why I asked you to stay here?" He asked.

"No, and I don't care." You spat. "Never call me Khan again."

"Why not Vasily?" Alexander asked. "I think it suits you."

Your eyes narrowed. "No, it doesn't. It's a filthy Mongol title."

"Yet, it is a title that inspires fear into the hearts of all that hear it," Alexander replied. The way he said it caught your attention. "It's a title worthy of a man like you."

That took you back. "Why do you care about the frontier? It means nothing to the empire besides being a buffer zone to the empire's wealthier regions and a pool of manpower to fight your wars."

"Maybe it's because I fear the frontier rising against us. Maybe I have no desire to send men to their deaths needlessly." Alexander looked at a candle. He picked it up and held it close to his face. "Or maybe because it is, when you delve into it, the one place keeping this empire together. And I have a duty to my people to keep this empire together. The Frontier is part of the empire, and its people are my people."

"And why do you need me?" You asked.

"You dedicated your life to the art of warfare. I speak no falsehood, you could be one of the greatest commanders the empire has ever produced. You'd stand amidst Caesar, Otto The Strong, William The Hammer..." He seemed to want to say more, but instead produced a piece of paper from his pocket. "This an Imperial Letter of Recommendation to the Imperial Officer's Academy in Rome, and the deed to a small family villa I am giving to you and your wife for your use. I know you have already sent in an application, but it is very hard to find a proper place in Rome without paying an exorbitant amount of money." You raised an eyebrow in confusion, which caused Alexander to say. "One of my tutors became the Headmaster of the Academy last year. He told me and this is insurance in case his subordinates didn't accept you."

You took the letter. "Thank you."

"Well, then Khan… I wish you a good night." Alexander said. "I hope the order will be to your liking."

Reward: Important Domestic lord met: Prince Alexander of House Europa. You are now a member of the Order of the Dragon. Epithet Gained: "Khan" New Actions available.

AN: Enjoy.
A Night in Rome
A Night in Rome

There were few things that you enjoyed on your long trek across the empire. The roads closer to Rome were much better than the ones that were in your motherland, so that made travel easier. But you hated how much the weather changed. The air got warmer the further south you rode from your home, so much so that you had to abandon your furs and wear something lighter to not overheat.

It was uncomfortable, no longer have to wear the familiar furs that you always wore to stay warm at home. You worried that you may freeze to death a moments notice, and were forced to wear lighter clothing. Thankfully, the imperial academy had given you some winter uniforms ahead of time. Two thick red shirts, with a brown robe and some extra thick riding pants. And a rather large pouch to carry money on the days a cadet gets paid.

It may not have been what you usually wear, but it made you feel more comfortable. And warm.

But there was one thing that you took comfort in. Zima's smile and joy as she walks next to you, taking in the city with joy. Everyday on your travels you stood next to her, to face whatever the day had in store for you.

When you finally arrived in Rome, you had something special planned, something that both of you would never forget.

"Vasily," Zima said as she looked out from the balcony of the villa to see the outskirts of the city. "We're finally here."

The city of Rome was unlike anything you had ever seen. The city looked like it was entirely made ofmarble. With large stone walls covering most of the inner city, but what you could see from the balcony was a sight to behold. There were people everywhere, on the streets minding their business, street performers tried to squeeze a little coin out of passerbyers, gamblers testing their luck, and criers shouting news and rumors from across the empire.

But now it was the time to ignore the alien feeling that this city gave you, and enjoy the time here with the woman you loved. "Zima, I think it's time to see the city." You examined Zima and took in everything about her. Gone were the heavy cloaks and armor, now she wore a thick gown with long green sleeves and a red and white cape draped over her back. Her hair had grown longer from the month of travel, it was past her shoulders.

"But we just got to the Villa." She stated. "And none of our equipment is here yet."

You waved your hand. "Let the servants deal with it. I want to have some fun with my beautiful wife."

Zima looked surprised, but you saw a smile creep up her face. "What kind of fun?"

Your smile was bigger than hers. "The kind that only Rome can provide."

You took her hand and led her through the Villa, still taking a moment to marvel the marble statues that littered the hallways. It was one of the few things that reminded you that this was a villa for the imperial family, on loan for your time at the academy.

The carriage and driver that was waiting for you greeted you as you walked out of the villa's front door. "Ah Prince Vasily, I take it that you and your wife are taking an evening out in the city?" The driver asked as he opened the door to the carriage.

"Yes, I am. Do you know any tavern or place of service that will be able to accommodate us?" You asked. "Something that a man going to the officer's academy will not look out of place?"

The driver nodded. "Aye, I know a place. Now please get in, your graces, so we can head out."

You and Zima both got into the carriage and your driver started taking you to where you wanted to go. Zima looked mildly uncomfortable, and you noticed. "Are you alright?" You asked.

Zima nodded. "I'm just more used to riding on my own horse than a carriage."

You chuckled. "Well, I'm used to riding my own horse too. Once we learn where everything is, we never have to ride this damn thing again."

You watched the people pass by you. Some stared for a moment before carrying on with their business, others just ignored you. One child even threw food at you, but it was probably because she was throwing a fuss at her mother. The ride progressively got darker as the sun dipped and night overtook the day.

Then the carriage stopped and there was a knock on the door. "We're here!" The driver shouted as you heard music and voices singing.

You looked out the window and saw a tavern sign with the Imperial army symbol on it. And painted beneath the symbol was the name 'Blood Eagles'.

The door opened and the driver offered his hand. "Well come on, while we're young." The driver complained. You hopped out and assisted Zima out of the carriage. When she was out, the driver said. "This place is a favorite among all the cadets. All of the lads who work there are former army men, so don't cause any trouble."

"Aye." You said. "We won't unless they start it."

The driver nodded. "Have fun. It's a real lively lot." And then the driver got back to his seat on the carriage.

Zima grabbed your hand and you led her through the door, and you saw one of the most energetic sights in your life.

Men in the summer garb of the academy's uniforms were chatting loudly with their friends on one side of the room, with a few more playing instruments. One was playing drums, while another played a lute, while the third man played a fine wooden flute. There were men singing a song, one of the cadences.

There were women there as well, seated with men who had their arms around them.

You stood by the door before a man walked up to you. He examined you for a moment and asked: "What the fuck are you doing wearing the winter uniform?"

That caught you by surprise. "I'm from the Rus. I like being warm." You replied.

The man then laughed. "Ha… Well, you're going to need to drop those layers and wear the summer uniform. It's hot as hell here in the city and if you don't want to pass out during parade, you'll want to wear the summer uniform. Also, there are fountains all over the city that have fresh water, drink some water whenever you see one. You've got to drink water."

Well… that was certainly good advice, if not a little repetitive. You learned that everyone needs water if they needed to stay well. "Thank you… Do have a table for two?" You asked.

The man looked a little surprised but saw Zima holding your hand. "AH! Are you newlyweds trying to get a night together before the academy term begins?"

You and Zima traded a glance. "No, we've been married since the year began." You replied. "And I asked for the best place a cadet like myself can find a place to eat, drink and be merry with my wife."

That made the man smile. "Ah, so night on the town… Follow me." He led you to a small table near the bar.

It had some candles and some fine wooden plates and tableware, with some letters of names surrounded by hearts.

"Valentine's table, always reserved for married cadets." The man stated. "We have some fine ale and beer, along with a great vegetable stew, some boiled chicken, and fresh bread from the bakery across the street."

"That sounds nice." Zima said.

"Do you have any vodka?" You asked. It was inappropriate for a Russian to drink without it. Your ancestors would be ashamed if you did.

"I think we might have some, but that will cost you a ducat." The man replied.

You reached down into your pouch and left five gold pieces on the table. "Be quick please."

The man's eyes widened in surprise, and he said. "I'll get you what you need."

The server then left and Zima was looking at you with a funny grin. "What?"

"This is your idea of a night out?" She stated.

"Do you not like it?" You asked.

Zima nodded. "It's wonderful."

Your food and drinks arrived shortly after, and it was exactly what the server said it was. Vegetable stew, some chicken, and some fresh bread. It was simple, and as you ate, the music of the tavern slowed down to give it a romantic undertone.

And you were not amused. "What the hell are you doing?"


That caused all the cadets and other patrons to laugh, and start clapping and drinking. You felt uncomfortable at that moment before the band started playing a very fast tune, one meant for dancing.

"Dance!" The patrons shouted as men and women started to take their partners to the center of the tavern. The tables moved and shifted to give the dancers more room to dance.

Zima smiled. "A dance before dinner?"

Zima's foot was tapping from the music's beat. You noticed and nodded. "Aye."

You took Zima's hand and took her to the center where all the cadets and patrons who had partners stood. You took Zima's arms and both followed this unfamiliar dance that the rest of the patrons were doing. It involved more movement than what you were used to, with less of an emphasis on style and grace. Instead, it was energetic and happy, movements being sporadic and random.

It was fun. You and Zima had worked well together sparring, and you both knew each other's movements well, that even though all the chaos of the other dancers, you easily outclassed all of them by your movements being perfectly in sync with each other.

By the time the tune was done, you had worked up a sweat, and you and Zima were the only ones still dancing. People were so surprised by the energy that you both had that they could only watch.

Once you stopped and sat down at your table again, your food was there, having just been set down by the server. And those beautiful bastards had Vodka!

Dinner passed quickly, as nothing of note really happened to catch your attention.

When you and Zima finished you tipped quite heavily, made sure that they would not speak of your presence publicly to gain more customers, and started walking the city.

"Zima." You said her name as you walked along the river. "Did you like it?"

"It was wonderful…" she paused, taking your hand. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." You replied. "So what now Zima? We have a beautiful night."

"I think I know exactly what we should do tonight…" Her smile said it all.

"I think a bed would be preferable to the ground." You said.

"Than let's find one."

Reward: Zima relation increased by 10. Pregnancy rolls will now begin.

AN: Enjoy.

Edit: added a line that was forgotten.
Last edited:
Long Live the Emperor
Long Live the Emperor

(Alexander POV)

You have waited for this day for a long time. Perhaps it would be catharsis to Philip, knowing that you were going to be the one who would end him. He spent his whole life-fighting enemies that he could never see and all the while, he thought that his family would support him in whatever mad scheme that he concocted.

You were the dutiful grandson for awhile, your own loyalty to your family made sure of that… Until you saw the seeds of chaos your grandfather was planting because of his actions. The lords hated him with a fiery passion. One that was only kept in check by their absolute terror of your grandfather's still formidable military mind and because of the massive sum of gold that was sent their way every year to placate them.

You knew what would happen if this continued. The empire would be bankrupt, and you would have to take loans. Loans that could not be taken, or else you would lose legitimacy and power.

And handing over your power to the house of lords at a time like this was not going to help save the empire, but doom it to the forces of the east.

The Mongols were coming, and if your spies were correct, they were getting supplies and intelligence from Chinese agents.

Although the Order of the Dragon were with you, you needed the rest of the empire to follow you, and the only way you could do that was to be emperor.

You looked at Howlett and gazed at the letter that he handed you. Everything was now in place. "Make sure you leave enough of Godfrey so we can say it was an accident." You stated.

"I'll try." Howlett replied. "The only thing I worry about is why you need to be the one to kill him."

"No one will know it was me." You replied. "And besides," You drew the exquisite dagger from your belt. "It was a Chinese assassin who killed him after all."

Howlett nodded. "Make it quick, the body we have needs to be there for our plan to work."

"I know." You replied with a disinterested tone. You than held out your hand. "Tonight we either save the empire, or doom it to die a painful death."

"Lets hope we save it, I like working for you." Howlett quipped. "Good luck."

"You too." You replied and both of you started walking towards your destinations. Howlett to the watchtower, you towards your Grandfather.

When you arrived at your grandfather's door, his usual cabal of bodyguards were there. Ever vigilant sentries that moved for no one. No one except you or your grandfather. You walked up to the men and growled. "Leave… I wish to speak to my grandfather alone."

The bodyguards looked at each other before your grandfather shouted. "Let him in!"

The bodyguards nodded and all of them marched towards their barracks. You opened the door and looked at your grandfather.

He was lying in his bed, his hand moving slowly in tiny circles. The majority of his body was covered by the sheets, but what you could see of his body made you feel a hint of pity. He was dying. You were slightly shocked by the revelation, but you remembered why you were here. What needed to be done.

This was not the man you idolized when you were a boy. This was not the man who raised you after your father died. This was a weak and feeble old man who was destroying everything that the empire and the institution of emperor stood for!

You shut the door and walked towards your grandfather. He started, his eyes vacant of all forms of lucidity. It was as if he was not even there.

"Do you know why I am here?" You asked.

Your grandfather frowned. "I do." Life returned to his eyes. "Do you not realize the mistake you are about to make?"

"No… This is not a mistake." You replied. "This is me saving this empire."

"YOU ARROGANT BOY!" Your grandfather shouted, raising his voice to scare you. But you drew the dagger and stabbed him in the stomach. He wheezed, trying desperately to draw breath. Than he coughed out blood, getting it all over your hand.

"The empire needs new leadership to survive this new century grandfather." You said coldly. "Not an old man who can barely discern what is real, and what is not real."

"I was trying to save you." Your grandfather wheezed.

"No. You were trying to save your own legacy." You stated. "And you shall be remembered, Grandfather… As the hero you once were. Not the old man you have become."

You twisted the dagger and pulled up, cutting open his chest like a butcher.

You let go of the dagger, leaving it in his body as his blood spilled all over his bed.

And you left without a word.

Reward: Alexander is Now the emperor of Europa. New action available.

AN: God help you. Also enjoy.
The Emperor!!
All hail the Emperor!

Name: Alexander Karlson of the House of Europa

Age: 26

Health: 5.0

Titles: Emperor of Europa, General of the Imperial Army, King of Germany, King of Bavaria, Grand Duke of Saxony, Duke of Pomerania, Count of Berlin, Lord Protector of the Imperial Provinces and the Frontier, Head of the Order of the Dragon.


Diplomacy: 24

Martial: 16

Stewardship: 15



Personal Combat:14


Grey Eminence: You are an absolute master of diplomacy, the epitome of statesmanship having fully mastered the art of diplomacy. (+12 Diplomacy, +4 to intrigue)

Brave: You are utterly fearless on the battlefield and off it. (+2 to martial stat and +2 to diplomacy, +2 to Personal combat.)

Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you with only your words. (+4 to diplomacy)

Deceitful: You were not what one would consider the trustworthy type. (+4 to intrigue, + 2 to personal combat -6 to diplomacy)

Attractive: You have a stunning visage and are a very handsome man. (+2 to diplomacy.)

Quick: You are brighter than most (+ 2 to all stats)

Skilled Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is well above the best-trained soldier in the empire. (+2 to martial. +8 to personal combat)
Turn 4
Turn 4

You were used to the hard lifestyle of soldiering. The marches, the drills, and the classes were all things you could handle. You rose above those challenges at every turn, impressing all of the officers that were observing you.

But you knew you could be better, and that was all you needed to keep pushing your mind and body to its limits.

Thankfully your wife had taken a liking to the grand city that you were now residing in for the next three years. She spent days at a time wandering the city, sword by her side to know where everything was. Meeting as many people as she could.

And at night all the stresses of the day evaporated when you were at home together… Nights that you both cherished with every fiber of your being.

Diplomacy: With you being at the academy, you are having a very hard time keeping up with the news from the Rus. But you have enough to get by.

(Choose 1)

[]The Imperial Coronation: Philip the Wise is dead, and Alexander is ascending to the imperial throne. You have been invited to attend his coronation in Berlin. Cost: 10 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You attend Alexander's coronation.

[]Reaching Out: (The Sultanate of Rum): The Buffer state between the Persian Empire and the warring states in the Levant, Egypt, and Arabia, They do little to extend their diplomatic channels to anyone within the empire itself. But you need to establish diplomatic ties with them. You need to have people ready to negotiate if the Black Sea becomes contested. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 55% Reward: Foreign contact made, further diplomatic negotiations can be made.

[]Reaching Out: (The Sultanate of Egypt): The Richest of the warring kingdoms of the Middle East, they have vast swaths of cotton, grain, and influence. The Empire has long been allied with the easternmost kingdom of North Africa and has profited greatly from it. To tap into that wealth, you need to be able to talk. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 65% Reward: Foreign contact made, further diplomatic negotiations can be made.

[]Reaching In: (Random Province): Your father said that there are men throughout the empire who understood the dangers of the Frontier, and they are more than willing to meet and discuss its future and safety. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 70% Reward: Domestic lords met. New actions become available.

[]Lords of the Rus: You need to make sure the Lords of the Rus are going to be on your side. Cost: 10 Chance of success: 50% Reward: Relations with the Russian Lords improved.

Martial: With all your training, skill and knowledge, you might be asked to teach at the academy when you are done. Thankfully the messengers you hired keeps you in contact with Nicholas and the others.

(Choose 2)

[]Force Strength, The Russian Lord's: You need to know how many men you can call upon your vassals to defend the Rus. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 35% Reward: You learn how many men you can call upon during an invasion and offensive.

[]Temporary Reinforcements: Zima's Hussars will act as temporary Reinforcements until you can get the Emperor to send the forces he needs. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 60% Reward: Lose the 2000 Veteran heavy cavalry until Fulk gets the men he needs from the Imperial army.

[]Spar with Zima: Zima asked if you wanted to spar. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You spar with Zima, Relation increase by 5.

[]Drilling the Troops: You need your men in top shape. To be prepared for battle at any minute, and fight as well as any Imperial Infantryman. Cost: 250 Chance of success: 15% Reward: Troop quality of local troops will increase (Gain roll bonuses).

[]The Raids: You need to send a message to the Mongols who are raiding your territory. You are not going to tolerate their continued presence. Their transgression and the blood of your people will be paid with their own blood. Even though you are not there to do it, you can Send Nichola Cost: 100 Chance of success: 35% Reward: The Mongols will not raid your territory. Disaster Roll reduced.

[]Recruit More Troops: You need more able-bodied men in your army, and you know the Rus has a larger population to call upon. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 30% Reward: A D10,000 is rolled for soldiers recruited. Soldiers experience will be placed at (Recruits)

[]Request Reinforcements: Implore the house of Lords to send more troops and supplies to the Border of the frontier. Your people's lives are at stake. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 45% Reward: Fulk gets some of the troops and supplies that he needs to defend the Frontier.

Stewardship: Axel is not too worried about the economy, it can only go up from here.

(Choose 1)

[]Repair the Roads: You order Axel to hire up as many men as he can to repair the roads of the Rus. Cost: 850 Chance of success: 55% Reward: The Roads are repaired. Troops of the Rus get a +10 to rolls when defending the Rus. Disaster roll reduction. +300 to taxes, +400 to domestic trade.

[]Tax Breaks: You need to ask the emperor if you can be exempted from the yearly taxes to the empire for next year so that you may use it for other projects. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 40% Reward: You do not need to pay the Imperial tax next turn. The Emperor and the House of Lords will not like you asking for it if it succeeds.

[]Imperial Funds: You can request for funds to improve the Infrastructure in the Rus. Though considering the Rus is not high on the empire's to do list, it will take a lot of political arm wrestling. Cost: 20 Chance of success: 30% Reward: You get a random (d2000) amount of money from the Imperial treasury to use as infrastructure funds for the next turn.

[]The Wealth of a Nation: The Rus is poor, but it has great potential. You need to find that potential. Cost 150 Chance of success 35% Reward: You send surveyors to find those mineral resources, trade goods, and farmers to find ways to make the farmland more useful.

[]The Port: The Port of Novgorod has fallen on hard times. Its wealth from trade has dried up since the Mongols started raiding your homeland. But you need to get coin, and that port is the one way you can do it. Cost 0 Chance of success 35% Reward: You learn how many ships you have to defend your waters, and what you can do to increase profits.

Intrigue: You can sleep easier at night, knowing there aren't any more assassins trying to slit your throat.

(Choose 1)

[]Spies...spies everywhere: You need to know who's keeping tabs on you...and whether you should leave them be or purge the sons of bitches to send a message. Cost:100 Chance of success 50%. Reward: You learn who might be spying on you.

[]What the hell is going on in the World: You need to set up an information network. Even a basic on to learn about other nations, The Empire, and especially the Mongols. Cost 100 Chance of success 75% reward: Spy's report and Rumor mill Unlocked.

[]Spy networking: You want to get agents out around the world, and the empire. Natasha knows people that can help, but it will take time. Cost 100 Chance of success 75% reward: International and Domestic espionage unlocked.

[]Spiders hiding steel: Natasha is willing to get you some contacts within the imperial assassin network, as a thank you for killing Gavelo. Cost 0 Chance of success 30% Reward: You get assassins on your beck and call. Assassination rolls get a -10. New actions will become available when the time comes.

Learning: Your time at the academy is taking up an enormous amount of your time. But it is worth it.

(In Progress)
[X]Study at the Imperial Military Academy: You are now old enough to study military academy of Rome, a place where even the greatest military mind can learn more. It is also a good place to make friends with future officers and with the old guard. Cost: 600 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You get a d2 in all stats for 4 turns, and new actions become available. You also gain a specialization (Combat modifiers). Lose one action in all categories for the duration of Vasily's stay.

(Choose 1)

[]Study your family history: You have never really bothered looking into your family's past, mostly because you always wanted to be a soldier. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You learn a bit more about your family that wasn't told to you as a child in stories.

[]Specialize in tactics: You want to specialize leading a particular group of forces in your army: Cost: 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You get to choose your force specialization (Combat modifiers).

[]Workshops Galore: Rurik had an idea. Maybe you could hire some carpenters, metalworkers, and other skilled laborers and have them try to build whatever the hell they want and you get the device's patent for half of the cut. You were going to call him crazy until Jory said that was a great idea. And you didn't want to hurt the old man's feelings so you agreed to it. Cost: 200 Chance of success: 40% Reward: You get a workshop of skilled laborers and craftsmen experimenting on… stuff. What could possibly go wrong?

[]The Art of War: A translated book came to your desk from Fulk. He got it off a Chinese merchant when he was in Constantinople on leave. He said you would find it interesting. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 90% Reward: You read the art of war. ???

Personal: Zima is the light of your life. Someone you could never replace.

(Choose 1)

[]Spend Time with Zima: You want to spend time with your lovely wife. So you can get to know her better. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You spend time with Zima, a potential for pregnancy rolls to begin.

[]Meet fellow Cadets: You decided to spend time with your fellow cadets, to see what they're like. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You meet fellow cadets of the imperial army academy.

[]The Old Guard: You decided to talk to some of your instructors and professors. They have plenty of stories to tell. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You meet some officers of the Imperial Army Academy.

[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.

AN: There is a Moratorium for 4 hours after this has been posted. Please discuss with each other about what to do.

Yes, some actions were removed because you all chose to go to the academy.

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Side stories of the Empire: Nightmares of Imperium by Lukepop
Nightmares of Imperium.
William's POV:

Another night. Another night and dreams followed him still.Spectres that haunted his restful hours and drove him to wakefulness. They were nothing though. Nothing in comparison to the fiends and puppet masters that pulled their strings… his memories.

Seizing him, pulling him through it again and again. The cloying, smoky scent of burning thatch and,beneath that, the clogging fog of charred flesh that settled on him like a haze. Above it all though was the coppery scent of blood. It drenched blades, coated garments and caked on exposed skin.

All his life his family had told him of stories of the mongols, barbarian raiders that savaged the frontier towns, making life hell on earth for the people of the Rus but always leaving those further west to themselves.

Then they were upon them. All too quickly did the soldiers arrive and all too quickly did they desperately try to prepare defenses and conscript the villagers. But most of the native people this far west were unused to war. A fair portion of their young men went off to fight on the frontier, certainly, but they were entirely unprepared for international violence to come to their homes.

It began with screaming. Whether it was in their language or just animalistic howling,he couldn't tell, though he suspected the latter. Then came the arrows, a sordid mixture of silvery razors and pinpricks of fiery light that came down like rain on the defenders. There was a moment of still silence when the first volley came and then his people fell like grain. Then suddenly there was shouting and screaming as his people ducked and ran for cover.

With shelter gained, there came the next phase of their assault. Much of the village was collapsed or collapsing, including the defenses. Their only warning was the steep but steady increase in the raucous sound coming their assailants and then they were upon them. A scant few moments before the two forces engaged and then weapons began to clash.

He tried to pick off a few of the savages but he was used to hunting game, not men. He only managed to nick one before they reached him. His contingent was quickly overwhelmed but somehow he managed to keep his feet against the oncoming tide. In any case, most of them weren't trying to engage the defenders. Their real target was that which they defended. As his axe ran with a red sheen and his shield turned into splinters he heard the screams and the crackling of thatch that signaled the mongols had reached the defenseless.

He remembered it now… Grit your teeth, heft it, reverse to surprise him. His enemy toppling over as another stepped up to take its place. Then two. Then three. Desperation and pure luck were his guardian angels that day, as the air became choked with ash and the screams of the afflicted. Dread filled him, even now. Years later he still felt fear stifling his throat and turning his nails into claws. The fight was slipping from him, his enemy was gaining the upper hand.

Then the battle shifted. In the time it takes for a pin to drop they stopped losing ground. The fight disconnected then. The two opposing forces faced up against each other as the mongols withdrew from the village and the defenders knotted together. He knew what was coming in the careful, languid movements of his enemy. Blades were sheathed and bows drawn, it was coming. The inevitable. The mongol leader paused and twisted in his saddle to look over the battlefield. Williams eyes followed him. It made him retch at the sight of it. Horses and bodies strewn across what remained of his village and the land just outside it. The fighting had been short but frenzied. He kept his eyes carefully averted from the village proper, there had been no fighting there, just slaughter.

Well, that was what he had thought. A rabble even more mismatched than those that had been pressed into service. Milkmaids and pre-pubescent farmhands, kitchen tools and stools their swords and bucklers. The two Imperial forces locked eyes, they knew they would all die here but at least they'd try and take a toll for their lives. The chieftain swung his gaze back to the main knot of defenders and William locked eyes with him. The cold gaze he had expected to see was not to be found. He saw in the mounted warrior a sight he had thought impossible of the steppe peoples. A broken and wracked leader who had led his people into a massacre. The price had been even steeper for the Imperial soldiers and citizens, certainly, but as a leader of a small tribe he could not truly afford to take these many losses. Strangely, despite the fact that the mongols had come to his village solely to loot and murder, william found himself empathising with the tribal leader. An understanding passed between them then, they had both lost too many and would lose too many in the fight to come, no matter who won. The tribe had needed the plunder from this raid to buy back the stock necessary to survive but maybe their reduced population would give their herd the respite it needed. The mongol waved to his warriors to stand down. One looked at him quizzically and he responded with a brief and emphatic burst of words. The other warrior nodded and almost in unison the tribe rode away.

Then the memory drifted away and he passed back into fitful sleep, his plagues vaccinated against for now.

Pale, golden light meandered through an opening in the door and William began to stir. Dawn meant the resumption of duties and getting half a night of sleep was better than being late. He reached for his coat, deep green and long-sleeved with a stubborn patch of darker green that would not leave. A crimson stain on a mortally wounded Imperial soldier, giving his coat to the young man that would be able to use it. Blistering cold and driving winds on the march to the nearest town. They had voted to abandon the village, for now at least. Too few of them remained to give it any chance of thriving as it had before and the memories of that night proved too difficult for most to stomach, especially those who had been given the grisly duty of burial. It came back to him in a burst that left him physically reeling. Coming into town, the last remnants of a village that had stood for generations. Receiving temporary room and board until they could find more permanent lodgings.

William had no desire to stay around here anymore though, not with the mongol hordes still on the loose, not with more innocent families being burned inside their very homes. There was a recruiter making his rounds three days after his people arrived in the town. Berlin, they called it. He felt drawn to the war, to fight the hordes. Another person in the square caught his eye though. A young man that made for the recruiter at the same time as him. William sped up to reach the army officer first. The other man did the same and the situation quickly evolved into a full-blown foot race, short though the distance may be. The two arrived together and scuffled, eager to be first. Eventually the other man won out and gave his name to the recruiter: "Fulk, sir."

William donned the old soldier's coat and slipped through the opening in the tent flap. The weather here was vicious but it still seemed nothing to compared that first march through the night. Striding over to the command tent he saluted the guards, no doubt having cycled their watch mere minutes before. Hunger was a gnawing pain but outward appearances were critical. He peeled open the tent opening and snapped to attention. Fulk's gaze snapped to his face and gestured for him to continue, a slight smile creased his features at the rigours of formality given their condition. William permitted himself a similar smile and continued. "Captain William Ackermann reporting for morning briefing, sir."

(+10 to Stewardship plz. I am so spooked by the roads.)
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