Blockton Bay [Worm/Minecraft]

Oh well. It's hard being a GM/QM. Part of me wants to burst out, "What about this!? You know what'll happen if you choose that? :V:V" and the other is all like, "No, no. Rikki, let them go to their downfall. Even if it's not what you would have chosen, they are the questers. You must follow their wims. No matter how much cooler and awesomer another choice would have been."

And now another part is insisting we can make any choice cool and awesome. Well, I hope I don't disappoint.
I know, right? I just started mine, and I find flexibility gives you more options in the awesome department. The urge to please within the confines of player whims is interesting and fun as hell CX
Tbh, I magically lost interest somewhere around 20, and in reading Atonement I just got super busy and became oddly disinterested later. I'm hoping this quest might fix that.
20? That's when she's about to get her cover blown! I honest to god whooped when Taylor talked about it being a low blow. There. Just went back and re-read the chapter. It's pure adrenalin! Seriously! One of the best pieces of Worm.
"Low blow, Dragon," I said, finally. "Outing me? I thought you were better than that."" *Chills*

Atonement? Not familiar. Link?
Oh well. It's hard being a GM/QM. Part of me wants to burst out, "What about this!? You know what'll happen if you choose that? :V:V" and the other is all like, "No, no. Rikki, let them go to their downfall. Even if it's not what you would have chosen, they are the questers. You must follow their wims. No matter how much cooler and awesomer another choice would have been."

And now another part is insisting we can make any choice cool and awesome. Well, I hope I don't disappoint.
after that omake you just set up yourself to high expectations across the board dude. Seriously high expectations. I hope you deliver :)
Well if I remember correctly there is a clone mod for minecraft that essentially allows you to have several back ups of yourself that you can jump to.
Well if I remember correctly there is a clone mod for minecraft that essentially allows you to have several back ups of yourself that you can jump to.
I'm too in love with the Spider Consort right now. Anything else is sounding too drab ATM. Backup clones? Meh. Greg could totally do that too. Plus, you know, be Greg. And give us spider room. And marry us. And rule over the world with us. Emma? She'll probably mean we aren't skitter. So, there. :/ *feeling bummed*
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20? That's when she's about to get her cover blown! I honest to god whooped when Taylor talked about it being a low blow. There. Just went back and re-read the chapter. It's pure adrenalin! Seriously! One of the best pieces of Worm.
"Low blow, Dragon," I said, finally. "Outing me? I thought you were better than that."" *Chills*

Atonement? Not familiar. Link?
Hmmm, must've had the number wrong... It was when they met with Accord., archive from SB by Cerulean
Well if I remember correctly there is a clone mod for minecraft that essentially allows you to have several back ups of yourself that you can jump to.
Morph Plz; the potential to transform into anything from Ghasts to Endbringers to maybe even other capes sounds uber-broken. Perfect for breaking the norm of Worm
I'm too in love with the Spider Consort right now. Anything else is sounding too drab ATM. Backup clones? Meh. Greg could totally do that too. Plus, you know, be Greg. And give us spider room. And marry us. And rule over the world with us. Emma? She'll probably mean we aren't skitter. So there. :/ *feeling bummed*
Haha, well you can still do the spider room. You know, if you aren't afraid of spiders. Surely Taylor isn't. I mean she went to a Nature camp. Spiders are part of Nature, right? Right? Right.

There, there. I'm disappointed as well, but it's okay! I think I may just randomly do Greg omakes throughout the quest, that sounds pretty fun. So, you'll still be Greg in another universe!

What you could have been. Is is better than you are now? Then again, that might make you even more sad. :V:V
Haha, well you can still do the spider room. You know, if you aren't afraid of spiders. Surely Taylor isn't. I mean she went to a Nature camp. Spiders are part of Nature, right? Right? Right.

There, there. I'm disappointed as well, but it's okay! I think I may just randomly do Greg omakes throughout the quest, that sounds pretty fun. So, you'll still be Greg in another universe!

What you could have been. Is is better than you are now? Then again, that might make you even more sad. :V:V
Yes it is better than what we are now. And likely better than we'll become. And I'm now officially sadder (is that even a word?). But fuck it. Spilt milk and all that crap. We are going to Emma the shit out of this. Who knows. Maybe prolonged exposure to SV controlled Emma is nocive enough to qualify as her trigger event allowing her access to the Admnistration Shard. Or, better yet. Our mom telling us about Taylor being here? She is coming in from her nature camp to tell us all about her trigger event that let her control creepy crawlies. And just after that mess with the ABB unlocked our powers as well! Truly, this QM is worthy of praise.
A Minecraft/Worm quest. Yes. I suggest Ars Magica 2, because it works in very nicely with the fact that she has to research mod ideas in order to use them. The other mod that does that is Thaumcraft and it's many, many addons, but you've already included it...
Bees, we need those bees. Glorious glorious bees. And the mod with lots of tree breeding.

And maybe that meido mod for the cute minions that are adorable and cute.
You hug Taylor, glad that she's finally back. If anybody can help you, it's her.

"Emma!" she laughs as she hugs you back.

"Taylor!" you say, happily, "How was camp?"

"Oh! It was amazing! You would not believe how old the trees are out there. They even had a treehouse! And…"

You lead her up to your room while she babbles excitedly. You swear you're listening, but honestly, Nature Camp? Why Nature Camp? Why not something cool like Fashion Camp?

You daydream for a bit about the things you could learn in Fashion camp. Is there even such a thing? You'll have to look it up later.

"...and the water rafting! Emma? Emmmmaaa!? Are you even listening?" Taylor looks at you with a frown.

Well, she'd say it's a frown, but to you it's more of a pout.

"I was totally listening, Taylor. Nature camp. Exciting." you say, completely deadpan.

"It really was!" she insists.


She rolls her eyes, "Well, what about you? How have you been? You still need to tell me what happened with that one phone call... You just cut out! I was worried."

You grimace at the mention of that fateful call. You had hoped that she had forgotten about it. At least, part of you did. The other part reminds you that you can't tell her about your powers without telling her about how they came to be.

"Well…" you hesitate, before frowning in annoyance. Taylor has always been there for you, don't hesitate! "We kind of... got attacked by the ABB?" you say with a questioning tone, before wincing internally. Wonderful job, Emma. Perfect.

Taylor stares at you, eyes wide.

You see her taking a deep breath and hurriedly cover her mouth, before starting to babble, "But it's okay! I'm fine! Dad's fine! I only got a little scratch and that's been fully healed for ages! This vigilante was there, Stalker or something, and she kicked their asses. She was kind of a bitch though. I mean, she was just sitting there waiting. Didn't even help until after they cut me…" You hear Taylor groan and cringe.

"But it's okay! See? I'm fine now," you smile at her, though it comes out as more of a grimace. She just stares at you, wide eyed.

Right, well, you expected something like this. At least she's not yelling.

She makes a muffled noise from under your hand. Oh, right. Your hand. You smile sheepishly as you take it away.

She looks you over and you pout. You weren't lying! You're fine.

"I don't see a scar…"

"Oh, yeah... did I mention that I kind of got powers?"

Taylor stops her examination to stare at you, "Powers?"

You smile winningly, hoping in vain that it will distract her slightly.

She just frowns, "So, you're really alright then?"

"Yes, Taylor. I really am. Went to sleep that night and woke up without a scratch."

Her eyes brighten and you smile more genuinely. Your Taylor's such a geek.

"Oh! Healing powers! That's amazing! How fast does it work? Can you heal other people? What…"

"Taylor. Taylor!" you try to interupt, but she just starts muttering to herself. Is she really listing all the capes that can heal?

You grin mischievously, then head over to the desk and punch it twice. The desk drops to the floor with a faint plop.

You look over, and see that Taylor missed your awesomeness. "Taylor. Taaaylor. TAYLOR!" you finally shout.

Taylor looks up, opening her mouth to say something, but you just point to the floating desk and lamp.

"... What."

"Yeah, I know."


"It's pretty cool though, look." You move toward the items and they fly into you. You scroll over and replace the desk and lamp.


You frown at the silence and look over, only to see her just staring blankly at you. Uh-oh. You really hope you didn't break her. You walk over to her and poke her cheek, "Taylor?"


Another poke.


Poke. Poke.

"... bullshit."

Ah. You grin, "Yeah. I know, right?"

She suddenly shakes her head and laughs, "Such bullshit. How does that even…"

You interrupt her, "No idea. Don't think about it too much. Seriously. I think it'll hurt."

She nods, "Yeah, I'll try, but... man." The next thing you know, she's spun and grabbed hold of your shoulders, giving them a little shake. "What else can you do?" she says in a slightly terrifying tone.

Only slightly though. Slightly.



No seriously. How does she speak like that? Wow, you learn something new everyday.

Dear Diary, today I learned Taylor is secretly terrifying. You never thought the animation she showed toward capes could be bad, but now…

Taylor makes a noise you're not even going to try and decipher, but you quickly decide you should start talking lest something happens.

Totally not scared. At all.

"Right!" you say nervously, "Well, I can hit objects and they shrink and float like the desk and lamp did…" Where did she get that notebook and pencil?

She stops writing and looks up, "Keep going."

"And if I go near items like that, they float inside of my inventory…"

"Inventory?" she interrupts.

"Yeah, well. It's like a sub-dimension, or something. Not here, but here? I just call it an inventory. Simpler."

She nods like your explanation makes total sense and motions you to continue.

You go on for a bit, explaining what little information you found out earlier. You had been hesitant to experiment too much, since on that first day you had decided to see if everything could turn mini like the desk. You're really glad the wall was easily placed back without a scratch.

Even so, you have this surety that you can do anything. It's just a matter of time and resources.

She finishes writing with a nod, "Alright. So you definitely have some sort of Tinker aspect, you said you feel the need to make a...mineshaft?" she finishes with a question.

"Yeah. I just know that there are resources below the ground I can use to craft stuff." you reply. It isn't a burning need, but more like an itch. One you really wanted to scratch.

"Hmm. Well there are a couple of things…" she trails off, then seems to wilt.

"What? What is it?"

"Well. I mean. They're your powers. So. I shouldn't…"

It dawns on you, "No! Taylor!" You pull her into a hug before looking into her eyes, "I love you. You are my best friend. I really have no idea what I'm doing and any help you can give me would be so appreciated. You have no idea."

She smiles, her eyes a bit watery, "Really?"


She wipes her eyes and straightens, looking determined. "Right well, there are a few options..."

"Shoot," you grin in anticipation.

"One: Make a mineshaft. You say it'll give you resources and that's definitely a big thing for Tinkers. Two: Join the Wards. They'll have experts to help with power training and resources to help, and you'd be safe. Finally, you can think about things a bit more. You say there's a research component of your powers? Let's make a list and research a bit.

"Those are the ones I can think up of the top of my head. I'm sure there's many more things you could start with, but…"

"Those are wonderful starting options, Taylor." You smile at her with a mixture of relief and happiness. At least one of you knows what to do, but now you have to choose. Hmm. The beginning of your cape career. How should you begin?

[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.
[X] Call the PRT for information about the Wards. Come to think of it, you'll have to tell your family about this...
[X] Research! Brainstorm with Taylor and try to figure out what things you can do.
[X] Write-in

Again, big thanks to @LegacySC for betaing this. I was originally going to post it only half beta'd, but the fixes and advice given were just too good. So, hopefully the wait was worth it. I'd like to think so. ;)

Pick any 2 mods you want to instinctively know, @LegacySC.
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[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.
[X] Research! Brainstorm with Taylor and try to figure out what things you can do.
-[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.
[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.

And then we enter the aquifer and discover it's full of Creepers.
[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.

Research means nothing without the means to make it! FOR GLORIOUS LOOT WE DIG
Thaumcraft, if I recall correctly, grants an extensive magical tech tree. Mystcraft has a whole dimension-creation system.
Fool girl, you don't start with a mineshaft.

You start by punching trees!

[x] Go find some trees to punch first. You need wood, a lot of it.
Once we have resources, let's find somewhere to call our territory, and litter it with ever-burning torches, expanding the border every day. Those things are gonna look CREEPY.
[X] Begin a mineshaft!

There are too many mods to pick from. I don't know any of them. Sorry, looks like I won't be able to vote for these aspects of the quest.
[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.

And then we enter the aquifer and discover it's full of Creepers.
[X] Begin a mineshaft! You really need resources if you're going to do anything.

Here's hoping that we can respawn. We're not in hardcore mode, are we?

Oh, and we should totally go for Thaumcraft first. It starts off with some neat items, and early on there's a free furnace that gives extra ore nuggets from smelted things, though it does require nether materials, and if you break it you can spawn a blaze. And when we get some vinteum ore, we should make calefactors from Ars Magica, because those generate more vinteum dust when they work, and even using the etherium generator (Called the Obelisk) that uses vinteum to run it still generates more than it requires. Vinteum can also be used instead of coal in the torch recipe, and that makes them blue, as well as giving them some very cheap thaumcraft aspects (1 Lux, 1 Praecantatio) that'll be useful later on. And I just accidentally a paragraph. Woops :V
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