Blockton Bay [Worm/Minecraft]

This missing-the-point of yours is burning red! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory! ERUPTING! BURNING! WE-MIGHT-AS-WELL-JUST-LET-THEM-ANALYZE-OUR-RIDICULOUS-POWERS!

More seriously, however, that is basically the logic that is going into your stance here. Heck, with that logic we might as well just give all the things that we make to Tinkers, no matter how they work, because they might get something out of it. I'd rather not.
Not really. I'm just advocating the food, because food is awesome, and really helps the world. If they figure out something else in the process, alright, but odds are their first discoveries will be related to food production.
I'm not against throwing some super-metals her way though. We aren't giving it to tinkers everywhere, we are giving it to dragon. The only real downside, is that in giving it to her, we might end up giving it to Saint as well, but I think Dragon can do more good with it than Saint will bad.
What I got from this was that Kid Win could go Armsmaster's route and follow his specialty, but then you turn right around and say that following his specialty by making tech smaller, even if it's some other persons tech, is somehow not following his specialty, despite that being exactly what he's doing. :S
No, what I'm saying is that Armsmaster whole thing is miniturization, and that's what he does. He does invent some stuff of his own, but that is not his thing, he normally just miniturizes tech that is already a thing.
Kid Win, however, focuses less on Modularization, and more on inventing things that happen to be modular (or even not modular, before he learned what his specialty was).
Meaning, Kid Win does not need to invent things to use his Modular Specialty. He could always work with tech that already exists. But he does. He makes things that are new, and seemingly (from our perspective) very complicated, like that non-lethal flame-thrower.

Now I'm getting ideas with our Modular Power Suits, mixed with Kid Win.
When does Kid Win trigger, do you know?
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Not really. I'm just advocating the food, because food is awesome, and really helps the world. If they figure out something else in the process, alright, but odds are their first discoveries will be related to food production.
I'm not against throwing some super-metals her way though. We aren't giving it to tinkers everywhere, we are giving it to dragon. The only real downside, is that in giving it to her, we might end up giving it to Saint as well, but I think Dragon can do more good with it than Saint will bad.
...okay. Fine. We'll give them some seeds. No metal, though, because, as you said, the Dragon Slayers will get the metals too, and they're quite likely to sell them because they're mercenaries, and now the underworld has those metals too, which means any sufficiently rich villain gets them.
Now I'm getting ideas with our Modular Power Suits, mixed with Kid Win.
When does Kid Win trigger, do you know?
I'd rather not work together with him, if only because he's a canon character who we'd have to deal with two years before he was him, and I don't want to put Rikki and her Glacial editor through that (how do you think that they come out so slow? Rikki prints out the post, sticks it under a glacier, and then submit the changes made when it's done going over it).
...okay. Fine. We'll give them some seeds. No metal, though, because, as you said, the Dragon Slayers will get the metals too, and they're quite likely to sell them because they're mercenaries, and now the underworld has those metals too, which means any sufficiently rich villain gets them.
Eh, if you say so. I still think Dragon/Armsmaster would do more good with them than the Dragon Slayers would do bad.
I'd rather not work together with him, if only because he's a canon character who we'd have to deal with two years before he was him, and I don't want to put Rikki and her Glacial editor through that
Given we would be interacting with him, I'd rather doubt he would ever become who he was cannonically. He's had some of his personality traits from cannon, but what is pretty much up to Rikki.
Is there any reason beyond that that you don't want to work with him? I've only read up to when Leviathan first attacks (I just have so many things to read/watch/play, that I keep not getting back to it), so I only have a vague picture of his personality, but what I got doesn't seem that bad.
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Given we would be interacting with him, I'd rather doubt he would ever become who he was cannonically. He's had some of his personality traits from cannon, but what is pretty much up to Rikki.
Is there any reason beyond that that you don't want to work with him? I've only read up to when Leviathan first attacks (I just have so many things to read/watch/play, that I keep not getting back to it), so I only have a vague picture of his personality, but what I got doesn't seem that bad.
Eh, two's a Party, three's a crowd. I just don't feel like having to deal with sharing our party with anybody else. Yan~
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Two is a pretty small party. Three is generally the minimum, where 5 can cover all the roles rather well. (not very good reference to D&D (and other types of Role Playing Games) Parties)
You missed my point again. :V

I don't want to have to work together with anybody but Taylor.

Just us and Taylor. Yan~

That's all...

After all, it'd be awfully easy to sneak a mole into our group, if there were anybody in our group but Taylor.

Because we can trust Taylor.

We've known her since forever, after all. She's our Best Friend.

Get my (half-joking) point?
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You missed my point again. :V

I don't want to have to work together with anybody but Taylor.

Just us and Taylor. Yan~

That's all...

After all, it'd be awfully easy to sneak a mole into our group, if there were anybody in our group but Taylor.

Because we can trust Taylor.

We've known her since forever, after all. She's our Best Friend.

Get my (half-joking) point?
I got the point. I just don't entirely agree with it. Yes, we can trust Taylor, and don't have to worry about her betraying us. But without us getting really big, (The undersiders didn't get one till their 5th member, and even then Taylor took a while to follow through), only taking in people we trust, we don't have much to worry about.

And I do see the yan, and can guess what you mean, but lets put off romantic aspirations till we are at least 16, joking or otherwise
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I got the point. I just don't entirely agree with it. Yes, we can trust Taylor, and don't have to worry about her betraying us. But without us getting really big, (The undersiders didn't get one till their 5th member, and even then Taylor took a while to follow through), only taking in people we trust, we don't have much to worry about.

And I do see the yan, and can guess what you mean, but lets put off romantic aspirations till we are at least 16, joking or otherwise
Eh, the Undersiders didn't get a mole because they worked for the guy most likely to send them out. If we were to have somebody join, then it'd have to be before we'd gone out more than once or twice.

There ain't no rule that says we can't be platonic about it...
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Eh, the Undersiders didn't get a mole because they worked for the guy most likely to send them out. If we were to have somebody join, then it'd have to be before we'd gone out more than once or twice.

There ain't no rule that says we can't be platonic about it...
That very well could happen. Or we could find a new trigger, and decide to be nice. Or one of our friends (believe it or not, Taylor isn't our only friend. We are pretty much the social queen of school. She's just the very best friend) triggers. Or who knows what.

I know, but I meant we would be getting ahead of ourselves. We are barely into puberty. Let things settle down some before we get any ideas for life partners. At least clear up that business with the Endbringers, and figuring out of Scion actually will go homicidal on his own or not, and dealing with him if he would
I'm kind of hoping that we don't get her triggered, both from a balance standpoint and a "I don't want my bestest friend from back before I could even remember things suffering through a traumatic experience as bad as a trigger event is, having lived through one ourselves" standpoint. :V

Video game caring potential, after all. I can't even lock villagers in their houses without feeling upset, much less hit them.

She'll probably get the tech mods if we wanted to stay with just minecraft powers, and we would give her magical invisible armour to wear over her clothing during the day just to ensure her safety, among other things.
Really? So you'd rather they die to the zombies then? every village i visit that i don't block off the doors ends up a lifeless waste with no doors at all.
Really? So you'd rather they die to the zombies then? every village i visit that i don't block off the doors ends up a lifeless waste with no doors at all.
Oh, I just surround the place with a fence, a whole bunch of torches, and lots of golems, when I can. It's not to say that I don't or won't so much as I just don't like doing it.
i play on hard, where the zombies break wooden doors. the easiest way of keeping villagers safe is to stick a block in front of their doors
You know, I was always kind of disappointed about how easy it was to defend a base. You could just build it in the sky, or underwater, or surrounded by cactus, and they wouldn't even be able to touch your walls. And that's not taking into account how just dirt could stop them from entering an area. Hardcore mode should let monsters dig, and sink, and ride their chicken mounts into the air.
My second minecraft game I found a village nearby in a desert. I explored it a bit then found out that right beneath one of their farms was a underground building. I was amazed by my find and descended to find myself within some kind of ancient temple, beneath which was a pit leading into a den of horrors.

Beneath this random desert village was a temple of evil from which they would secretly sacrifice the unsuspecting to the monsters, explaining how they could survive on their own.

It was amazing and horrifying.

So yeah, desert temple beneath a village.. somehow. World Generation is neat.
...for some bizzare reason. I just thought of you making a huge Mystcraft portal before the fight with Leviathan, and linked it to your Snowman factory. And out came millions of snowmen and they all threw snowballs at Leviathan.

I don't even know.

Holy shit, Dice. Wow.
So, I wasn't going to make an omake about this, but then I heard some music and couldn't help myself so...
And I know that I've already done a scene involving Emma screwing with Leviathan after he comes out of timestop, but I don't care; this one is far more cracky.

Also, in Honor of the sheer crack of that roll, I've decided to give this omake two different flavors! That's right, you decide how it goes (for a given value of decide, because they're both the same basic premise, just with varying levels of silliness in different areas)!
The frosted streets of Brockton Bay were soiled by Leviathan's rampage, sea water having washed away the snow placed by Yuuki's minions. Some of them wandered almost forlornly through the wreckage, freezing water and replacing the fluffy bed of snow that was their hallmark. A few, the ones closest to Leviathan's frozen form, had started chucking snowballs at the beast, a sight that the surrounding capes would have found almost comical were it not for the grim air that characterized this lull in the battle. As the heroes collaborated on what to do, the snow golems had begun to converge on a spot not being used by anyone but slightly elevated; some capes remarked that their positioning of themselves, the first sign of any higher intelligence controlling the constructs beyond their infuriating ability to find new places to come from if their old ones were quarantined, almost made it seem as if they were about to start singing.

It stopped being as silly sounding a few seconds later,

when they began producing instruments out of ice; what looked to be violins, trumpets, drums, and a particularly large bell. That was nothing compared to the look on the local's faces when they began to play, however. A massive arch of ice, lined with an odd, glowing blue crystal began quickly rising out of the waters of the bay, stretching an easy hundred meters in radius from it's center. As the bell started chiming, it's rate of growth increased, almost seeming to hurry so that it could be completed before the next part of the song for dramatic effect. A small humanoid shape could be seen at the top, shaking slightly, whether from effort or laughter no one could as yet guess.

As the trumpets began to sound, the arch flared with a glacial light, freezing the water between it and the bay into an icy road. Snow golems, more than had been seen in the entirety of the last two years combined, began flooding out, radiating an aura of power that seemed to be slowly freezing the air itself. If the golems they had seen before were just the "normal people" of whatever odd organization they hailed from, these were the capes, and all ten thousand of them looked ready to do business with the guy who had invaded their town.

As Leviathan unfroze, he was pushed slightly back by a shot from one of the stupider snow golems who hadn't joined in to play the music, flashing a slight red as he did so. The other golems smelled his weakness and rushed forth as fast as they could towards him (it helped that he was too busy trying to figure out what had just happened to move, and that the capes were wondering the same thing, otherwise he could have just walked away). In a matter of minutes, Leviathan was surrounded by these snow golems, no, these Snow Men, and they began to all fire as one, lifting him off of his feet while the knockback prevented him from doing anything to stop them. As seconds turned into minutes, he had reached a good three hundred meters in the air, the Snow Men's attacks not succumbing to the forces of gravity like their lesser cousins, and the cape on the Arch began to speak (well, yell, but everybody could at least hear her, so it counted).

"You think that your mastery of water extended to it's other physical states? That you could control other lifeforms just because they were composed of a simple molecule? Such folly! Whenever evil rears it's ugly head, we'll be there, ready to put it back down! Wherever injustice would take flight, we'll be there, ready to freeze it in it's tracks! Because that's Snow Gurren! That's Golem Lagann! OURS IS THE SNOW PILE THAT REACHES THE HEAVENS!"

Everybody else, Endbringer included, was too flabbergasted by the ridiculous and obviously badly cribbed speech to realize that while the mysterious cape (presumably Yuuki, the name given to the so far unidentified cause of Brockton Bay's snow and Pumpkin surplus) had been yelling speaking, her minions had increased their rate of fire, turning a few hundred feet of elevation a minute into a few thousand, and then a few tens of thousands. As Leviathan shot into space, propelled by enough snowballs to blanket Mars, his last thought in Earth's gravity well was "Where did I go wrong"?

when the snow golems were suddenly wearing gear straight out of a Spaghetti Western. Instruments appeared in some of their hands/sticks, while others got to work decorating the street leading from the monster's position to the bay, which had now frozen into a scene that looked more fitting outside of a desert in the Wild West, save that everything was made of ice and snow. A gate, two simple poles holding up another one, from which a sign hung, was spewing forth ice, and more snow golems, dressed as settlers with nice hats, were quickly extending the natural street way from the edge of the bay to the gate and constructing buildings made of snow and shingled with ice to keep up the theme. A particularly enterprising group of the mindless constructs began building a Church out of their staple materials.

Capes who had been glancing at their watches would have noticed that it was two minutes from High noon when the snow golems had begun their impromptu reenactment of a Wild West Town (complete with icy porches and snow golems in Snowtsons looking at the streetway that they had just constructed as if in anticipation). Capes who had been paying any attention at all to what was going on at all would have noticed the Snow-formed clock tower saying the same thing. Capes who had watched Clint Eastwood movies would have had a pretty good idea of what they were getting at when the band started up and the gate spit out two more entities. But even those deaf, dumb and partially blind could figure out just how deep this ridiculous rabbit hole went when a Snow Golem the size of Leviathan, dressed like a sheriff, equipped with actual legs, and accompanied by a little snow lady of normal proportions (one who wasn't, for a change, wearing a pumpkin as some sort of headgear, and who promptly walked towards the nearest porch to cheer him on silently from the sidelines) walked out of the Snow gate and dug his see-through spurs into the street.

Leviathan unfroze when the Sheriff's feet touched the ground, but instead of doing the smart thing and running away, or resuming his slaughter of the relatively helpless capes, he instead gathered his water shadow around himself, completing the scene in the guise of a giant Bandito. At this point, the Protectorate had given up on any hope of sanity and just retreated to the nicely furnished sidelines, sharing space with the regular snow golems and sampling the ice water.

The two gargantuan figures walked towards each other as the clock counted down, and stopped with ten seconds left. They both reached towards their waists, ready to draw (although Leviathan just had some water in the shape of a gun), and then, as the bell tower tolled



Leviathan was shot! The Sheriff spun his guns around his fingers twice each, blew the sublimating nitrogen off of the tips, and walked slowly back into the portal with Emma as the titan behind him slumped and then fell towards the ground face first, two big holes in the area at the base of it's tail. The rest of the golems stayed behind long enough to finish the song, and then went back to patrolling the city and annoying criminals with snow balls.

Edit out moar typos!
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"Alright, I've got it figured out," you announce after a minute or two. You're pretty sure it hasn't been much longer than that at least.

"We're going back inside to wait for dinner?" Taylor asks hopefully.

You look at her incredulously. "What? No! I'm going to mine out a small area a few blocks down, and we can move all this stuff down there," you say, gesturing towards the crafting table and workbenches. "I can easily seal up the staircase each time we leave, so that way on the off chance my parents or sister come in here, they won't find anything."

Taylor stares at you with a small frown, before saying, "You can do that after dinner can't you? You've mined out a lot in three hours, and you gotta be hungry by now. Aren't you tired too? I know my feet are a bit sore from all that walking."

You open your mouth to say that of course you're not tired, before realizing that it's not quite normal. You internally shrug to yourself after a few seconds and say to her, "It doesn't seem like it. I feel pretty good, aside from being kinda hungry."

She pouts at that and replies, "Well, there's no need to make yourself even hungrier."

"Taylor, come ooon!" you whine, "I'd like to throw all this stuff in a chest in a somewhat nice room before I stop."

"And I don't see why you need to do that now but fine," she says, throwing her hands in the air with the last word.

You smile a bit at her annoyance, "Honestly, it probably will only take a few minutes, maybe ten, tops."

"I suppose you do mine pretty fast."

"Yeah, and it's not like the hunger will kill me," but just as you finish saying that, you get a strong suspicion that it could, and shiver. "Best not let Taylor know about that epiphany," you think to yourself, "and it won't take that long anyway. I'll be fine."

You turn toward the workbenches and crafting table, moving towards them with your fist cocked back. A few seconds later, you realize you didn't think your plan through. You place them back down.

"Why'd you put them back?" Taylor asks, "Did you change your mind about going inside?"

"No, no. But I forgot about my limited inventory space," you say with a sheepish smile.

Taylor just chuckles, shaking her head.

You go to the crafting table and use a few pieces of your rapidly dwindling wood supplies to make two chests. Once you finish, you go down into your mine. You go down just enough so that you have a bit of a buffer for the ceiling of your room. You wouldn't want to expand upward and end up destroying the floor of your shed after all.

As you thought, it takes you only a few minutes to mine out a room. You place the chests down at the end of it, and quickly place all your building blocks in one chest and ores, gems, and shards in the other. Saying a quick 'be right back' to Taylor, you move past her, up the stairs, and grab your workbenches and crafting table before returning to your mini-base.

You see Taylor peering inside your chests. While she's busy looking, you place down your workbenches next to the wall to your left. Once you finish, you lightly nudge her to the side, and place the crafting table in between the chests.

You look at Taylor and see her blankly staring with her mouth slightly open at the open chest. You look at the open chest, and see a bunch of floating cobble arrayed inside. You look back at Taylor, not seeing the big deal. After poking her a few times with no response, you quickly shut the chest and wave your hand in front of her.

She shakes her head a few times, before frowning and pointing her finger at you. "That's just bullshit!" she hisses.

You raise your eyebrows, before rolling your eyes, "Yeah, I thought we established that already."

"But this is just... ugh!"

"Taylor, I also thought we established that we shouldn't think about it."

"How can you not think about the fact that there is… how much cobblestone did you mine again?"

"Seven hundred and sixty-eight."

"...Seven hundred and sixty-eight cubic meters of cobblestone floating in a small chest!?" she finishes in a whisper-shout.

You lift a finger up to your chin in mock thought, "Bullshit powers are bullshit?" you question with a grin.

Taylor just raises her arms and makes strangling motions with her hands in your direction.

You just shrug and turn back around to look at the crafting table. You need to make a furnace to smelt some of this ore. Not all of it, of course -you have some ideas about doubling your yield- but just enough to get started on some magical basics. Maybe craft your first wand?

After you make a furnace, you turn to place it down. Taylor is alternating between glaring at your chests and you, but you ignore her and place the furnace down to the right of the entrance. You place two pieces of iron ore in the top slot of the furnace, and throw a piece of coal in the bottom.

Once the coal lands it bursts into flames. Some of the flames flicker out of the furnace, but they don't bother you. Although...

"Be careful around the furnace okay, Taylor?" you say. "I'm not sure if the flames will hurt you or not."

Taylor moves closer to you, and you see her wince. "Yeah, that's a bit hot. I won't get close."

You fidget slightly. Mining out the space and moving everything over only took about ten minutes. You really shouldn't be surprised the furnace is taking so long to make ingots. You're not exactly sure how it works, but it has to be refining it or something, right?

Taylor pokes you, and you glance at her. She gestures to the furnace and says, "So, what are you cooking, exactly?"

"Oh, some iron. I'm thinking of making an iron wand."

"Wand. For magic?" she breathes out.

You chuckle a bit, "Yup. It's taking a bit longer than I hoped, but it should only be a minute or two more, I think."

She tenses next to you, and demands, "Wait, what is it making from the iron?"

"Iron ingots," you say looking at her in confusion. What else would it be making?

She relaxes almost instantly, "Oh, good. I thought you were going to say it's making the wand for a second there."

You scratch your chin, thinking about it. Automatic crafting...? You shake your head and peer into the furnace. You see two iron ingots floating on the top shelf and reach in to grab them.

You still have twenty minutes before dinner, but you figure it might be pushing it to come through the door exactly at six o'clock.

"Well, I think we can head back to the house now," you say.

"You're not going to make the wand?" Taylor asks in confusion.

"Nah, I'll save that for later. I really am pretty hungry. Maybe we'll get lucky and dinner is ready already?" you say wistfully.

"I'm not sure whether to be happy to rest or sad we're not starting on magic," she says with a laugh.

You laugh with her and lead her back to the surface. You replace the floorboards of the shed you dug up to start your mineshaft after Taylor is through. "There, now they won't notice," you say in satisfaction.

"Yeah, I certainly can't tell there's a staircase and a mine below us."

"Now, to foooood!" you say dramatically, and skip to the house.

Taylor follows you, laughing.

Dinner ends up being a salad with spaghetti and meatballs. You opt to drink some strawberry lemonade, while Taylor grabs a coke. You eye the coke enviously, but your modelling agent has given you a list of food and drinks you should stay away from to keep your figure.

You haven't thought about your modelling career since discovering your powers. How is being a cape going to affect it? You shake your head. Thoughts for later, perhaps.

You clean your plate and consider asking for seconds, but your mother speaks before you ask, "I made some pie today. Would anyone like some for dessert?"

"What type of pie," your father asks suspiciously. He hates pecans, and you're not sure why he thinks your mother would make pecan pie, because surely she knows that, but your mother just smiles at him.

"Pumpkin pie," she says brightly.

"Mom, it's not even November," you say in confusion.

"Well, it's a crime that pumpkin anything is regulated to Thanksgiving," she responds firmly. "Do you want some or not?"

"I'd love some pie, Mrs. Barnes," Taylor says from beside you.

You nod and quickly say, "Yes, please. Pie would be great. Thanks Mom." No way are you going to risk losing out on pumpkin pie.

Your father just rolls his eyes and nods with you.

After each devouring a piece of pumpkin pie, you and Taylor help your mother put the dishes away. Once finished, you start to drag Taylor up to your room, but before you get to the stairs the doorbell rings.

You father answers the door and you hear, "Danny! It's great to see you, how's work going?"

You look at Taylor in horror and whisper, "You're not spending the night!?"

She looks at you guiltily, whispering back, "I hadn't planned on it. If I'd known..."

"Taylor, ready to go home?"

Both you and Taylor jump at the voice and turn to look at Mr. Hebert.

"Can Taylor spend the night tonight?" you blurt out before you can stop yourself.

Mr. Hebert looks surprised, looking at Taylor who looks at him with hope. "Well," he says hesitantly, "Taylor only just got back yesterday night..."

You slump slightly. Of course he'd want to spend time with her after she just got back.

Taylor looks at her dad with a small frown. "Maybe I can spend the night tomorrow," she suggests.

Mr. Hebert just smiles at her. "Of course you can," he agrees.

You hug Taylor then. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Maybe right after breakfast?" you ask with a glance at your father.

He just raises an eyebrow. "If your mother agrees to go pick her up. We don't want to make Danny late for work," he says in response.

"Oh, it's alright. I don't mind..."

You father interrupts him, "Danny, our house is completely out of the way from the Association. If Emma wants Taylor here that early, she'll have to ask her mother or wait until lunch."

You turn to look for your mother, only to find her standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She smiles at Mr. Hebert.

"Danny! How nice it is to see you," she exclaims, and walks over to hug him.

"Mom, can we go pick Taylor up tomorrow morning after breakfast?" you ask after they finish greeting each other.

Your mother turns and frowns. "I know you haven't seen Taylor in a while, honey, but you'll have to wait until noon," she says.

"But-" you get cut off.

"No buts."

You start to pout, but your mother just rolls her eyes at you. "Don't give me that," she snaps. "It's not like I'm forbidding her to come over completely. Honestly, Emma. Waiting a few hours won't kill you."

Taylor pokes you and shakes her head, so you stop pouting with a sigh. You hug her again, say goodbye and watch her leave.

You narrow your eyes at your mother, but she just narrows her eyes right back.

"Should I call Danny and tell him that Taylor won't be able to come over tomorrow, Emma?"

Your eyes widen and you quickly apologize, before fleeing to your room.

Hunger: ■■■■■■■■■■

Great, no Taylor for hours. What'll you do? [9-10 hours until dawn. 11-12 hours until your mom wakes you up for breakfast]

[X] You found out quickly after you got your powers: You don't need to sleep. You can sleep, but you don't need to. It doesn't effect you at all. Use the time everyone is sleeping to...
- [X] Sneak out of the house to mine some more!
- [X] Build something, you have plenty of cobble. BUILD!
- [X] Browse the internet for Cape information. Maybe find a map of Brockton Bay so you can figure out where your totally-not-a-villain base will be.
- [X] Research...[You can split this up if you wanted]
-- [X] Hunger
-- [X] Beauty/Tinker's
-- [X] Armor, you need some to be a proper cape, don't you?
-- [X] Magic Wands!
-- [X] Magic Spells!
-- [X] A new thought popped into your head, pages?
-- [X] Write-In
[X] Sleep after all. You'd rather do this stuff with Taylor.
[X] Write-in
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[X] Sleep after all. You'd rather do this stuff with Taylor.

I think that I would like to read this more than power-leveling.
I was surprised too.