Blessed Homunculus into the Nexus

That said, what would you say Bone Magic's functionally would be? Carrying pieces of bone into combat to use as consumables? Or, even when proficiency is gained, it's something that has to be 'refreshed' every once in a while. Like setting aside some time to turn pieces of bone into consumables.
Exactly that about consumables. Stuff like bone bandoliers, or draining your own bones... which is a bad idea right now, but Life could replenish them? It could also be done in WTC with bone copy-pasting from other body parts.
I wouldn't be surprised if first levels were something else (and weaker), before splitting off into WTC Bone Magic and Menocht Loop magic as possible paths.
That said, I feel like getting the Perks for Unarmed Combat and Unarmored would be more instantly effective in increasing Splitter's effectiveness. Though that may be my hesitancy speaking.
Problem is... we don't have enemies here and a high level already. Slippy certainly isn't a good (or willing) sparring partner. Also, we'll quickly gain those in combat itself.
On the other hand, very low chance of just gaining initial proficiency in Bone Magic on the fly, unless we are pressed for an unconventional solution.

Also, both Bone Magic and Yellow magic may require preparation (and/or concentration) to be useful, which would mean downtime may be the only time we can actually level them up.
Problem is... we don't have enemies here and a high level already. Slippy certainly isn't a good (or willing) sparring partner. Also, we'll quickly gain those in combat itself.
On the other hand, very low chance of just gaining initial proficiency in Bone Magic on the fly, unless we are pressed for an unconventional solution.

Also, both Bone Magic and Yellow magic may require preparation (and/or concentration) to be useful, which would mean downtime may be the only time we can actually level them up.
Totally, and that's why my plan focuses on leveling Green and also has the Additional Consideration that it does. Mentalism is capped, which sucks, but I feel like the write-in covers enough bases to potentially trip a lot of stuff. Green, and maybe Blue. With Logic, Analysis, and Mentalism working over the different angles. While Life might get some progress, which I doubt because it's not practice, I feel like Yellow is the type of thing that can't really be unlocked through brute force. Which I suppose was also true for Blue and Green.

I suppose this puts us back where we started lol. I think what's keeping me from jumping in on Bone Magic is that I really want to see results with Green, and I'm unsure if the Additional Considerations is enough to carry all of that on it's own.
[X] [BonL] Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the potential Perks were too good to pass up.
[X] [CP] I selected 'Yes'.
[X] [TsmYisyM] Slippy had been nothing but a friend and support. She was naively innocent and genuine. If there was anyone in the world that I could actually trust with the truth, then it was her.
[X] [ES] {Bone Magic} was a thing, and there were a lot of bones around…
[X] [AC] Meditate on your life, and your Life. Remember what you were thinking of when {Green-Pixie} leveled up, and the significance of what form Green takes for you and Slippy. She isn't dead, and she seems totally fine. There are things you know about without having any idea of why or what they mean. The room, the voice, the portal, the alarm, your body and knowledge, this building and this cave system. Something's going on here.

A few reactions:
  • Slippy seemed to detect when the Attributes were applied. We might be able to see if she can determine some things about our skill system (i.e. why we turn from confident killer to bumbling novice the moment we pick up a weapon).
  • I don't think the System is going to try to pull a Battle Royale with Slippy (particularly not if we have her join our party). I wonder what advantages we'll gain when that happens.
  • Well, the "Brain Blast" was certainly something. It seems that the System views Mentalism as more of the defensive stat for such attacks than Psionics, so someone with no Psionics but a well-trained mind isn't totally defenseless. I'm not sure if the "critical hit" was more of a function of a lower MEN stat than the monsters (really?) or if Splitter simply reacts poorly to new forms of attack.
  • Familiar! Also, it seems that Slippy has some knowledge of overlapping skill like Green, but not the Game System to interpret things.
  • Welcome to the Isekai Mall! Where being rude AND weak is a poor survival combination! I wonder if the Game Master was trying to unlock latent abilities, or was just seeing how quickly Lord of the Flies happens.
  • Hey, Splitter, try using Blue-Deadthink on yourself! It'll be fun!
  • Yellow is...probably more likely to be unlocked by accident through new experiences rather than "thinking Yellow thoughts." The trick is that based on The Perfect Run which Slyvena referenced, Yellow is usually associated with abstract, wild card powers like astral projection, bad luck, and gaining powers based on what costume you're wearing. Fortunately, we managed to figure out Green and Blue through encountering new things, so hopefully Yellow will be similar.
I wonder if Splitter obtaining Green magic from Slippy is what caused/influenced the classical fairy look the power took. If Slippy learned Blue magic from Splitter's own, would that influence how the power expressed itself for Slippy?

[X] [BonL] Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the potential Perks were too good to pass up.
[X] [CP] I selected 'Yes'.
[X] [ES] {Life} was a… well it was a lifesaver. I should spend my spare time trying to get it to 20.
[X] [ES] {Blue-Deadthink} was mostly not that useful this exact moment, but what if I could get it higher?
[X] [ES] I should try to find a way to keep improving my {Green-Pixie}
[X] [TsmYisyM] Without all the nitty gritty details, it would be helpful to hear Slippy's ideas on how to best ensure our mutual survival. Her having at least a rough idea of how things worked for me was an important part of making that possible.
If Slippy learned Blue magic from Splitter's own, would that influence how the power expressed itself for Slippy?
Well, each Context is unique to each individual.
Red – Energy: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Orange – Matter: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Yellow – Concepts: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Green – Life: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Blue – Information: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
Violet – Spacetime: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence.
White – Meta: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward affecting either your own or other's powers in some way.
Black – Inversion: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward massively upscaling risk/reward structures. Highly unstable powers with dramatic effects and little self-protective common.
We see that Feisty's appearance is ripped from human stereotypes of fairies.
I could see that she took after the classical fairy trope in every way you'd assume. A porcelain white body adorned in pink tutu and translucent rainbow coloured butterfly wings. A tiara adorning her blue-green streaked blonde hair. Her face looked like a… human, whatever they were, but with four noticeably large razor-sharp fangs. Their placement somehow made her more cute rather than being jarring.
Even with the fangs, I imagine that they're present, because of, and that Splitter thinks it's cute because of his altered state of being.

As for why Splitter's Green manifested as {Green-Pixie}, and why Slippy's manifested as {Anypath}, it's also because of their own state of being.

Splitter has Skills in Memetics, Divergence Magic, and Effigy so it makes sense that it would manifest as a separate entity. For a more obvious example of this, there is what Feisty wields as her weapons. She has a whip in one hand, and a spear in the other. That's Duel Wield, and the unconventional nature of it might signify that it's also Improvised Combat.

As for Slippy, well she seems like an Isekai stereotype. A sheltered and sickly girl, who has been confined to her hospital bed for a long time and eventually dies. Only to wake up in a new world. I think that would explain why {Anypath} let's her go basically go wherever she wants. This, in combination with her name, is something we could use to start guessing on her other Skills.

Though a part of me wonders if these base desires influence how each Homun turns out. Slippy wants connection and to be able to walk, so she gets Psionics and {Anypath} and such. Maybe the ROB decides to 'grant' that wish, or it could just be automatic. I feel like this could also explain why all the other Homun's were so PHY focused. If someone is ill for a very long time, it makes sense that most people's first priority would be their physical ability.

Thinking about this, I wonder how long it'll be before Splitter and Slippy come across such a Homun and how it would go. Would they fight, or could they be brought into the Party and made an ally?

Worst case scenario would be if they put all thirty of their points into PHY, and it looks pretty daunting.

{POW}=15: Natural Peak
Every movement you make is filled with the confidence that more than often than not everyone else will need to move out of the way. You are an instrument of strength, and a dangerous foe to anger within arm's reach.
{SPD}=15: Natural Peak
You have the kind of reflexes that would dub you 'quickest draw in the West' in an old-timey movie. Sometimes it feels almost as if you are moving before you even think. Even a professional athlete might struggle to keep pace with you.
{END}=15: Natural Peak
You pull off those 'crazy survival story' moments every Tuesday. You are on the edge of the blatantly supernatural even without the benefit of any esotericism. It is not unthinkable for you to be shot a few times and keep on going as if unharmed.
This would make their PHY nearly double Splitter's, and it's noted that raw attributes can just overpower Skills. Though Psionics is still a thing. Would shaving zero MEN make them a vegetable? Or would it just be raw instinct, anger, hunger, fear, thirst and so on? If so, would it create effect where they're immune to Psionics? Or would it make them extremely sensitive to it?

Lots of questions, including what Slippy's interactions with the other Homuns she's come across have been like. I'm actually tempted to put that into the AC. Splitter can always try it. It might hurt the flow of the current one, but I don't know if that matters.

What do you guys think?
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Yellow is usually associated with abstract, wild card powers like astral projection, bad luck, and gaining powers based on what costume you're wearing.
It's hard to guess what they'll manifest as because they're unique to the individual. I could try to guess what it'll be like, using what we've learned of Green and Blue, but I really don't think much will come of it. But it's not Black, so it seems to me that it'll be useful in one form or another like Blue and Green are.

That said, can you tell me more on what the other Spectrums are typically like? I suspect that I'll have to withhold any real conclusions, but I'm curious.
Slippy seemed to detect when the Attributes were applied.
Maybe Splitter's physique noticeably changed?
Strength filled me all at once. I felt more sturdy, the air felt crisper and less damp; clenching my fists, I was surprised at how firm my grip had become.
That said, there could also be more going on
'Whoa! How did you do that?' Slippy beamed into my mind, the concept of surprise with subtle undercurrents of concern flavouring her mindtone.

Ah, I didn't think of that.

In truth seeing her fragility
There are still a lot of questions here, let me lay them out. I have to wonder what her stats are like. She's survived for hours and has leveled her Psionics up a lot. But she wouldn't have made it anywhere without her Psionics, so I would guess that she started out unbalanced. With MEN, and maybe SOC as well, being higher than PHY. Maybe her PHY was so low that it's how she unlocked {Anypath} so quickly? Or maybe she already had it when she started, because of her stats and her past?

But in this case, is I'm wondering if people would get behind an AC about Slippy. Maybe just asking her how she started and how things have been going. Also asking about the other Homuns while we're at it.
Is only enacted if a sufficient proportion of total voters support it.
It seems like an approval voting thing. So if everyone also votes for such an AC, then it should go through as well. Right?
Spread out ACs just means Splitter may not do all of it. If everyone votes for MC to try and jump to the moon he'll try.
Plus it seems likely to be a pretty minor thing. Slippy has been very forthcoming, and it's possible that these thoughts could merge with the existing AC.

So, thoughts on editing the AC to include this?

E: Something like this?

[ ] [AC] Meditate on your life, and your Life. Remember what you were thinking of when {Green-Pixie} leveled up, and the significance of what form Green takes for you and Slippy. She isn't dead, and she seems totally fine. There are things you know about without having any idea of why or what they mean. The room, the voice, the portal, the alarm, your body and knowledge, this building and this cave system. Something's going on here. Ask Slippy about her own experiences, about the others like you she encountered. Perhaps the added perspective will aid you.
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But in this case, is I'm wondering if people would get behind an AC about Slippy. Maybe just asking her how she started and how things have been going. Also asking about the other Homuns while we're at it.

I don't think editing the AC at this time would be worth it, particularly since I suspect Slippy's going to be a LOT more open with us once we tell her about our powers and add her to our party. I feel that as Splitter explains his powers, Slippy will be inclined to explain hers.

I'll try to review some of the examples of the Spectrum I recall for reference and present it soon.
That said, can you tell me more on what the other Spectrums are typically like? I suspect that I'll have to withhold any real conclusions, but I'm curious.
I'll try to review some of the examples of the Spectrum I recall for reference and present it soon.

You can look at this,
"The Perfect Run" Author-made Power example doc

Powers in that author's world don't grow unlike Worth the Candle and Menochant Loop ones, so they are the most heavily altered by me to function within the Nexus.
I also will only use powers from the actual story or that example doc in rarer cases. Normally I just invent them wholesale.
Thanks for the reference, Slyvena. I wonder if we would ever get the option to pick another Green or Blue ability in a slot (although it will probably behoove us to diversify rather than double-down). Still, it's good to have an idea of the possibilities of what other Spectrums we may end up picking from, all the way from Red to B̵̛̤̔̽͘l̸͍͙̙͒̀̍̂ǎ̶̼̲͈ć̶͇́̍̈k̸̙̇̐ White. Yep, all the colors we would ever need.
I also will only use powers from the actual story or that example doc in rarer cases. Normally I just invent them wholesale.
I appreciate the link anyway. As much as you seem able to do with systems, I don't think you'd completely disregard the general idea of what those Skills are like.

Though it is sort of funny, that it looks like there are three people in this thread and each of them has read one of the material for inspiration. Silverking has read The Perfect Run, PurposefulZephyr has read WtC, and I'm reading The Menocht Loop.

Though I'm not even close to caught up, it's sort of a blessing to and a curse. There are so many things I want to read, and I'm balking at the idea of even trying to catch up to WtC. Ugh, my reading list. It needs to be culled.
I wonder if we would ever get the option to pick another Green or Blue ability
Yeah, it's an interesting question how such Skills will change. All of the Spectrums are unique to the individual, but Spiltter can switch out his Skills. For example, Feisty. She at least using Duel Wield, and it's a Skill that I've been wondering if it could be swapped out.

On that note, I've been chipping away at the Primaries and Secondaries of the Skills currently on our list. I've worked my way through most of the Revelations, and while I'm skeptical of how much I'll be able to wring out of the magic I'll give it a try. In doing this I'm learning more about the system, but I'm also hoping that it'll help guide us in the future. Knowing how and why Skills level up should help us use them and train them, and knowing all of the Primaries and Secondaries will help us manage our caps.

When I finish what is in our list, how much do you want me to post? I have notes, but I haven't been taking quotes from the story and the Informationals. Though I could always just drop the list without any additional comments.
I'm also here occasionally... And haven't read any of those three. Whee for going in blind!
I've read some of WtC, but not the other two..
I think I made it to chapter two or something. It was when he met the girl for the first time. It's been years, and boy doesn't that make me feel old and like I have to go and cut down my reading list.
I'm also here occasionally... And haven't read any of those three. Whee for going in blind!
I probably never would've picked The Menocht Loop up again if it wasn't for this story. I tried it when it first got really popular, but because my expectations were so high I found myself kind of disappointed by the writing. It's not a chore to read, but I'm also getting a lot of enjoyment from participating in this quest.

For everyone that's just following along, I encourage questions and observations. It all helps, and it'd be good to hear what people are feeling.
I had never heard of The Menocht Loop or The Perfect Run before this quest, but I've been able to catch up to both series now. I had gotten partway through WtC, or at least enough to recognize some of the Semblances (don't take Gold Magic, it's a scam).

I think one interesting development in this quest will be finding out how each power "reveals" itself.
  • It seems that Revelations are self-evident by their description but require "learn by doing".
  • Spectrum abilities are completely hidden until unlocked, at which point Splitter suddenly gains a sort-of holistic understanding of how the powers work and how they can develop.
  • Affinities (like Life) seem to require the right mindset to activate, which implies that progress may be more a function of epiphanies than merely practicing.
  • My concern with Semblances is that they may require either instruction to learn the rules of how they work, or some form of "trial and error" to figure out ("Do I wave the bones in the air for Bone Magic? Do I eat them?").
  • I'm not sure where to even begin with the Reaches.
At any rate, it will be interesting to see how progress is made with these abilities, and what synergies they may eventually unlock.
I had never heard of The Menocht Loop or The Perfect Run before this quest, but I've been able to catch up to both series now.
Oh man, you must be some sort of machine lol. I just did the math, and I'm only 23% of the way through The Menocht Loop.
I think one interesting development in this quest will be finding out how each power "reveals" itself.
This is also one of the things that I've been using when trying to figure out Primaries and Secondaries. Which will help train stuff, as well as help us decide where to put our stats to manage the Skill caps. I'm a bit over half of the way through Splitter's Skill list, but I'd like to get some input.

Stealth is the last of the Revelations I have, and it's the first one where I can't even make some sort of educated guess. Here's what I have from my notes:

*Stealth: This one's description doesn't give much, but we know it gained exp in 0.2. But the only place that makes sense for it is right at the beginning. But there's no level up because he only used the Secondary stat, or because the Mutts still kept track of him. Maybe a combination of both. SPD kind of makes sense, but figuring out the what else is even harder. It could be CUN, or it could be CHA and Stealth is meant to be used like an Assassin from DnD. Problem is that these are all in different categories, so it very much matters.*

I'll go and quote the scene from 0.2 where I think this happened.
I ignored the pings in my head as I kept making my best pace through the canopy. The sounds that had been coming for me had, for the most part, stayed where I'd left them. There was even growls and yips that implied a few predators may have found themselves in a confrontation of their own fighting over a missing meal.

What concerned me however was that some the sounds through the branches hadn't grown more faint, but in fact seemed to be getting rapidly closer. It was hard to make them out, the occasional scritch of a claw against bark, a subtle groaning bend in a branch that couldn't be explained by wind. There were things out there, and they were gaining on me.
So yeah, while I'm still not sure on what is the Primary and Secondary I think it comes down to what kind of Stealth this is. Like a Grey Man 'they may see me, but the never see me' deal, or a more plain 'they never see me unless I want them to'. Thing is, no matter how this Skill functions in WtC it comes down to how Sly wants to treat things here. That's to say, while I'll welcome a second perspective on what little information we have, but this seems like the type of thing that'll remained inconclusive until we know more.
I've been sitting on this post for a while, but I figured that it wasn't going to get anywhere until I actually tried laying things out. So, here I am and I apologize with how off the cuff this will be.

First, my work on primaries and secondaries. I decided to only do Revelations, and leave the more esoteric stuff until we learn more and have more in-chapter context for things.
Here's the list, and some of my thoughts:
-Acrobatics=SOC/PHY (CHA/SPD)
-Analysis= MEN/MEN (CUN/KNO)
-Anatomy= MEN/MEN (KNO/CUN)
-Athletics= PHY/PHY (SPD/END)
-Climbing= PHY/PHY (POW/SPD)
-Duel Wield= MEN/PHY (CUN/SPD)
-First Aid= MEN/MEN (KNO/CUN)
-Foraging= MEN/MEN (CUN/WIS)
-Improvised Weapons= MEN/MEN (CUN/KNO)
-Investigation= MEN/MEN (CUN/KNO)
-Language= SOC/SOC (INS/CHA)
-Mathematics= MEN/MEN (KNO/CUN)
-Mentalism= MEN/MEN (WIS/KNO)
-Perception= SOC/SOC (INS/POI)
-Psionics= SOC/SOC (INS/POI)
-Sleeping= MEN/PHY (WIS/END)
-Stealth= PHY/MEN (SPD/CUN)
-Unarmed Combat= PHY/SOC (SPD/INS)
-Unarmored= PHY/MEN (END/WIS)

PHY= 12 (6P, 6S)
MEN= 22 (11P, 11S)
SOC= 8 (4P, 4S)

So it looks like most of our Revelations only have a cap of 20. Which tells me that we can afford to let that surplus of PHY sit at 8, and work on keeping up with all of the MEN Skills. While this has seemingly bucked the trend for Revelations, I expect things to fall more in line with what's expected in other Skills. Two of which have a lot of MEN, and the last having SOC as the most common.

Also, what are the odds that each category would have the same amount of primaries as they do secondaries? I didn't even notice that until now lol.
There are only a maximum of 17 possible combinations for each Skill (if my understanding is correct), which isn't that much considering the circumstances. Trends may help a bit, but from what I've been through here I'm not willing to trust it.
Working on this, it got me focused once more on builds and what we should be considering when we gain the opportunity to respec. I know that this is all quite premature, but we know more now than when we started and I think having some sort of understanding will make the eventual vote less confusing and hectic. Maybe that's not sporting, or something, but I don't know why we shouldn't be able to talk about it.
To start off, I'm feeling like we should get Death affinity. Even though Sly has said that things won't be one-to-one, I still think there are good reasons to get this. I don't know if all of these appear in WtC or The Perfect Run, but if not then I would guess that the Decemancy seen in The Menocht Loop is maybe broken up into Semblances to one degree or another. Blood Magic, Bone Magic, and Skin Magic. Even if Death doesn't synergize with these plus Anatomy, First Aid, Biomancy, and Vital, there is still Life. At the very least, they're opposites and will have some sort of combo.
Well, the next question would be what Skill do we replace. Considering this, there is a lot to analyze on our current Skill list.

Acrobatics has only leveled two times, but both of them have been rather clutch.

I hit something hard that bent my back at a horrible angle on the way down, settling off another pulse of wracking pain through my injuries.

Unarmoured +1 (10)
Unarmoured +1 (11)
Acrobatics +1 (1)

Before I slid off, I at least had the presence of mind to blindly hold onto the branch I'd presumably just struck.
Detaching from the branches I was holding onto and twisting in the air, I narrowly avoided its transparent slash through where my head had just been.
Dodge +1 (5)
Dodge +1 (6)
Dodge +1 (7)
Unarmoured +1 (15)

I wasn't done though. Following through on my spin, I did my best to put as much force behind a kick right into the centre of the blurred mass as I fell and it passed over me.

Unarmed Combat +1 (13)
Unarmed Combat +1 (14)

Whatever it was, it was not hardy. I thought I might have felt a bone break under my foot's impact. Though I didn't have long to think on that as I needed to focus on arresting my own fall and landing on the branch below without falling straight off.
Acrobatics +1 (2)
Athletics +1 (10)

Maybe things wouldn't be dramatically different without this Skill, but it still another safety net. Of course, I've guessed that it's primary is SOC which is the one we have the least amount of. Though maybe the Semblances and Aspects on the list will counter balance that. Then again, what's most important now is what Skills have the most synergy for our build and what Skills offer the most utility to us in this moment.
On that note, Acrobatics has the potential to synergize with Athletics, Climbing, Dodge, and Unarmed Combat. Maybe even Unarmored. As for utility, while it doesn't seem critical it also doesn't seem totally useless.
Medicine is the next step here, and I'll admit to being interested in what it offers. Though I am skeptical, due to how it might relate to things like Mad Science, Alchemy, and Pill Magic. That direction is certainly an option, but I really don't see it being where this build goes.

Treatment and Creation. You understand how to heal and restore. A Surgeon, Doctor and medical Developer all in one.
Mad Science:
You don't know what you are doing and neither does anyone else, but sometimes it works.
Apply precise measurements and constraints of given materials to accomplish feats that exceed the natural.
Pill Magic:
The creation of small pills which when imbibed grant dramatic benefits and equally dramatic withdrawals.

Of course, there is an entire discussion on what builds are even possible to achieve effectively. Even if we don't end up taking Medicine, I'm considering wether or not we should hold onto Improvised Combat and Duel Wield. I originally theorized that those Skills held potential synergy with shapeshifting, and Essentialism's apparent Perks makes me believe that there is something to this.

Essentialism (80) Perk: Essential Equivalency
You may substitute meta-physics and magics for related components at an efficiency cost of [Essentialism]%/2 each degree of separation. For example, using blood/bone/skin/carapace magic on blood/bone/skin/carapaces, or using biomancy on mechanical implants and prosthetics or using Remorse and Psionics interchangeably. The degrees of separation for the previous examples would be a half, three and one respectively.

I could totally be having a dumb moment here, but even if this doesn't extend to Improvised Combat and Duel Wield there is enough here that I can believe it. Using Biomancy on prosthetics is of particular note, because Cybernetics initially held some interest when I was first constructing this build. Similarly is Programming. It seems like it could be incredibly useful, but it would make more sense to go with skills like Enchanting and other crafting type Skills.

Familiarity with the modification and use of augmented body types.
Ability to recall and create novel code for practical purposes. Can be applied to non-electronic contexts.
Familiarity with digital systems.
Enchanting: (Esotericism)
Apply and imbue known magics into physical objects and places.
So there's two things here. First, any potential synergies with these Skills seems like it'll only happen at very high levels. Which is to say that, even if they're the best fit for this build (which I'm doubting) then they could be taking up space for more useful Skills until that undefined point. Second while there may be some degree of crossover for potential synergies, there are clearer combos that get more immediate use out of a lot of Skills.

All this said, I'm only currently confident in cutting Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield. Maybe something will happen that'll change this opinion, but those two extra slots can go to Death and Medicine. Then, taking this further, getting rid of Stealth would open a slot for Appraisal. Which seems like the last it might pair with Logic, Perception, Analysis, Psionics, and Mentalism. If that doesn't sound good, then how about leaving out Medicine and taking Appraisal.
Examine and perceive. Learning more from your senses than every before.
I don't know, but I'm excited to see where things go. I guess, while we're here, there's also Mathematics. Which isn't a purely mental Skill like Appraisal, and looks like it's more in line with Skills like Engineering, Management, and Logistics. Again, I don't know. That'd be one more slot for Medicine or something else, but I'm less inclined to get rid of it than Improvised Combat and Duel Wield.

Essential for nothing. Helpful for almost anything.
Theory and Practice is one. Build solutions to your problems.
Direct resources and assets not your own. Make the best of partial liquidity for maximum short or long term benefit.
Administration and Organization shall be like the air you breathe.
So, just to wrap up, what are your guy's thoughts on switching out Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield?
I think having some sort of understanding will make the eventual vote less confusing and hectic
Well next chapter is nearly finished and you will have the option to Respec up to 5 Skills. So its worth talking about.
That said, you'll also have a fair bit of new info and specific options that would influence such a choice.
Going through some of your reviewed skills one by one:
  • Dropping Improvised Weapons: I am very much in favor of this, because I feel that if we make the decision to commit to training with a weapon (to the point where we are willing to forego our Unarmed bonus for a while), I would want it to be something permanent. Wielding a golf club or whatever might help get us out of the swamp, but when the wider world opens up, I would prefer "picking up whatever's lying around" to NOT be a go-to strategy.
  • Dropping Duel Wield: ...Gosh, it's frustrating, because multi-limbs and duel wield would go so great together. But a fighting style is only as good as the weapons to wield it, and until we find someplace with an armory or blacksmith, we're back to the "are we willing to commit to something that may not be permanent?" problem.
  • Taking Death: I think this could be a good addition to our set, particularly synergizing with Bone Magic and Blood Magic. It may also pair well with our new Deadthink skill.
  • Taking Medicine: ...I don't see this being helpful to Splitter in the short term. Maybe if we get access to a steady base of operations, it might be something to invest into, but right now I'm envisioning him as a "frontliner" of an adventuring party, so I'm somewhat prioritizing skills that will keep him fighting and keep him alive in the field.
  • Taking Appraisal: Oh, why hello, Isekai's favorite skill! Yes, I think getting more information about the items we find will be helpful no matter which path we take (it may also have some surprising synergy with Deadthink).
  • Dropping Stealth: Even if we never specialize in being an assassin, I don't think it's necessarily wise to drop this skill. We may end up encountering monsters we aren't able to face head-on, and I'd rather have the option of running away rather than just "you got caught, roll for initiative".
Part of the struggle (as always) is lack of information of exactly what opportunities lay ahead of us. What levels of civilization we may encounter, the skills of Slippy and other future party members who will be able to cover up Splitter's weak points (and thus allow him to specialize), and the unlock conditions for our more esoteric Skills (what the hell are Reaches and how do we turn them on?)

Progressing Splitter is going to be an iterative process, but hopefully he's up to the challenges he'll be facing while we figure it out.
Well next chapter is nearly finished and you will have the option to Respec up to 5 Skills.

I'm looking forward to it, and good to know. I'm wasn't expecting to get a respec so soon, and I'm extra glad that I started this discussion now.
Maybe it's because Splitter hit level 5. It's possible, but if it's the case I doubt that each respec happens at every interval of 5. Unless you guys think that the level ups will slow enough, or that Splitter managed to jump to level 10. Either way, there's no way to know for sure and we'll be getting some sort of clue shortly. Personally, I was assuming that our first respec opportunity would be when we finished the tutuorial.

That said, I think it's best that we try to avoid finding excuses to reach that cap of 5 Skills. If we reach it we reach it, but we shouldn't try to force it. If that makes sense.

we're back to the "are we willing to commit to something that may not be permanent?" problem.

Yeah, that's the biggest issue here. Both Skills have gained exp, and they have a lot of potential, but I just don't think the cost of it taking up a space justifies what benefit it'll give us right now.

So when I deployed my right wing from completely folded into my back into a fully stretched slam toward the side of the first Mutt
Bringing two merged pair-arms down on top of its head was accompanied by a wet splintering squelch as its skull partially caved in.

These two seem like the times where Improvised Combat and Duel Wield would've got that experience. Though that second quote was in chapter 3, and Duel Wield only gained exp in chapter 2.

my wing pulled away whilst one of my arms reached from the other side to wrap around one of the Mutts idle legs and yank.
I however definitely did not forget and slammed a merged arm-pair into the side of its temple during the creature's now uncontrolled leap.
On some reflex I didn't think I had, I attempted to push against their jaws to divert their own mouths from chowing down my arms or legs.

These are all the other places that I could think of that might've given Duel Wield exp, particularly that last one.

This shows that there is at least some degree of utility in these Skills already, but I only see it becoming less relevant as Unarmed Combat levels up more. There's that promised potential, and we will be looking for fights next chapter, but as of right now I'm thinking 'maybe later' with these Skills.

it might be something to invest into, but right now I'm envisioning him as a "frontliner" of an adventuring party,

I agree on the whole. While Medicine probably does offer some benefits, it's definitely more of a crafter/support Skill which isn't where we're heading.

I don't think it's necessarily wise to drop this skill.

That's fair enough. It's sort of an odd man out situation, but that's true for other Skills and it could synergize with stuff like Climbing. But it's useful enough in principle, and I feel there's good chances that it might be of use next chapter when Splitter is on the hunt.

I would like to continue speculating, but there's just so much uncertainty here. It seems like we have two slots open for Death and Appraisal, but maybe this next chapter changes our minds on Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield.

I'm currently lukewarm on Stealth, but maybe this new chapter will change that.

We have no real way of knowing what Yellow will manifest as, how to manifest it, or even when it'll manifest. Maybe Orange would be a better fit with stuff like Blood, Skin, Bone, and Plastic Magic. Plus Biomancy, Life, Death, and Vital. But maybe that's not how Orange really works, and it wouldn't mess with all of that. Then there's White. It's attractive enough, but seems like a total wild card and like something that'd sit inactive until we stumble upon it. All to say that, when it comes to Spectrums, it's very much wait and see. Wait and see what Yellow is like, maybe Orange would be good, and White might be great once we actually know more.

The only other Skills that I'm really questioning right now is Mathematics (for the reasons I outlined in my previous post), and Sleeping.

So, on that note, what do you think about possibly switching out Mathematics?

Though, even if we agree these Skills don't fit, it doesn't mean we'l agree on what's best to replace them. From here on, let's assume that we only have a maximum of 3 slots. Death and Appraisal replace Improvised Combat and Duel Wield, and 3 out of Stealth, Sleeping, Yellow, and Mathematics are also switched out.
First is Mirror Magic, which was something that was in my original build.

Divergence Magic(Sem) + Mirror Magic(Sem) + Effigy(Reach).
Almost, this is missing one.

We already have Divergence Magic, Effigy, Gestalt, Spirit, and Memetics on top of all the other MEN Revelations. So I would think that Mirror Magic would at least contribute to this combo.
From there, Glow Magic is the next thing that grabs my attention

Glow Magic:
(Aura) Extend the impact of your soul, magics and body beyond their usual reach. Draw others influence toward you also.

After this, the last thing I can really think of is Bullet Magic.

Bullet Magic:
Rip off tiny segments of your lifeforce and propel them as meta-dimensional projectiles. Largely considered to be practiced only by those with a death-wish.

Both seem like they have the potential to be powerful, and they seem like they'd fit the current theme.
Of course there is also Carapace Magic, which is mentioned in the Essentialism Perk example along with Blood, Bone, and Skin Magic.

Carapace Magic:
Sacrificial Magic that uses carapaces as its source material.
But this just seems really lackluster, so I'm not at all inclined to try and grab it. Seems like a combo that would go better with something like Occultism, or otherwise ritual magics rather than what we have going on.

So t recap:

Get rid of Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield for Death and Appraisal. Get rid of 3 out of Mathematics, Sleeping, Stealth, and Yellow which opens us up for Mirror Magic, Glow Magic, and Bullet Magic.
That said, there's still a lot of uncertainties and there's always this:

Some Skills might just be so immediately and universally helpful that you should pick them regardless of any other factors.
Which, taken with everything else we've discussed, makes me alright with staying with these Skills for now. Sleeping and Yellow are both very much in a 'maybe good, find out', and Stealth is at 'useful, but not a perfect fit'.

All to say, I'm thinking we sit on those Skills and the ones I'm most comfortable on switching out are Improvised Combat, Duel Wield, and Mathematics. Taking Death, Appraisal, and Mirror Magic in their place.
I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, and I've got some nervous energy, which got me thinking about things from a new angle.

When we were talking about the respec, I wrote Carapace Magic off as something that would make more sense for a different type of build. Something to do with Occultism and rituals in general, as opposed to my vision of shapeshifting. But what if the original quote I took this from was referring to that type of ritual stuff?

Bone Magic + Vital + Blood Magic
A few more along these lines make one of the most potent synergies that exists.

What if that synergy is more like this:

Alchemy, Occultism, Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Carapace Magic, Skin Magic, Pustule Magic, Curse Magic, and Necromancy. With at least a Death affinity, and Vital as an Aspect.

Apply precise measurements and constraints of given materials to accomplish feats that exceed the natural.
Apply the right materials and ingredients, recite the correct lines. Call upon outside forces 'safely'.
Blood Maigc:
Hyper-realise the tangible and symbolic properties of blood.
Bone Magic:
Draw upon the characteristics of living things from their bones, giving and taking. Heal, Empower, Enhance, Drain.
Carapace Magic:
Sacrificial Magic that uses carapaces as its source material.
Skin Magic:
Inscribe magical tattoos to harness innate hidden magics within the body. Once-off and semi-permanent effects available.
Pustule Magic:
Through dedication and effort, store once-off and semi-permanent effects scaled up from microscopic magical bacterium.
Curse Magic:
Extremely easy to catastrophically backfire. The art of permanent hexes upon locations, objects and people. Most practitioners claim they study it as a form of self-defense… most are lying.
Embody dead forms back into moving objects of utility. More concerned with dead material than departed souls.
Death: (Internalism)
Control Death Energy. Esoteric applications at high levels.
Vital: (Aspect)
Unlock the innate magics of bodies organs.

While this may not be how things are, thinking like this lets me look at our current build and see what might not be necessary. Of course, even if I'm anything close to right, this is all a distant consideration. We have more to learn, and I'm okay with the plan for next chapter with what we already discussed. That said, I do want to play around with this a bit. Just see what we might be able to do if we refine our build, and cut out all the minutiae of pure utility Skills. So everything below is primarily a thought exercise.
We can maybe cut out Anatomy, and Memetics might not be the best fit. That's 5 slots open, and I'll work on the assumption that Improvised Combat, Duel Wield, and Mathematics were switched out for Death, Mirror Magic, and Appraisal. Dropping Stealth and Foraging would give us 7, and while I like the idea of keeping the other movement and combat Skills we may be able to drop First Aid for 8.

I just to clarify with Memetics first though.

Memetics: (Aspect)
Master the Meme. Or more likely, die trying.

'Proponents describe memetics as an approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer. Memetics describes how an idea can propagate successfully, but doesn't necessarily imply a concept is factual.'
I was initially looking at this through the lens of Divergence Magic and Effigy. With the idea of consciousness, but I have to wonder if this Aspect is just more socially focused. If so, I feel like it can be dropped.

Here's what I've been thinking on.

White, Glow Magic, Bullet Magic, Still Magic, and maybe Astral Magic. Abandon and/or Possessor might go well with the Divergence Magic stuff, but I'm uncertain about them. So I'm thinking just Possessor.

White – Meta: (Spectrum)
Unique expression interacting with your own existence. Particularly geared toward affecting either your own or other's powers in some way.
Glow Magic:
(Aura) Extend the impact of your soul, magics and body beyond their usual reach. Draw others influence toward you also.
Bullet Magic:
Rip off tiny segments of your lifeforce and propel them as meta-dimensional projectiles. Largely considered to be practiced only by those with a death-wish.
Still Magic:
Touch based highly potent reinforcement and negation effects. Useful both defensive and offensively.
Astral Magic:
Step beyond the confines of the physical. Interacting with reality both near and far.
Abandon: (Aspect)
Let go of humanity, become less and more.
Possessor: (Aspect)
Natural mastery of hierarchy and control.

So that's something like 6 slots filled out of 8, but there is always this:

It is possible to one day have more than the 36, but that would be a long-term project.
We already have 37 slots because we went all out the first time, and it looks like there is at least room for 40 on the table. So, going all out, it's more like we have 5 more Skills we can fit.

My first thought is to throw Improvised Combat and Duel Wield back in. From there we could get more Spectrums, like Orange and Red, but some of the Contexts look better to me. Namely Reverb, Revit, and Imply.

Reverb: (Context)
Make simultaneous instances of the same magics or effects have a reduced or no interaction with each other.
Revit: (Context)
Make magics or effects 'stick' to what they interact with like glue. Concentrate rather than propagate.
Imply: (Context)
Make certain magics or effects 'always on' at a low level for no cost.

That's only 39 (if we leave out Abandon). So, since we still have Language, we can maybe keep Memetics. Or we can keep Anatomy, or First Aid, or Foraging, or Stealth. Options. Then again, what use would Language and Memetics be if we have a fully effective Psionics? Though if we're getting rid of those 2, that means we'd have to fit 2 more Skills. Even more options.

Final build, with 40 Skills, would look like:

Acrobatics, Appraisal, Analysis, Athletics, Climbing, Dodge, Duel Wield, Improvised Weapons, Investigation, Language, Logic, Mentalism, Perception, Psionics, Sleeping, Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Life, Death, Biomancy, Astral Magic, Bullet Magic, Divergence Magic, Glow Magic, Essentialism, Plastic Magic, Still Magic, Spirit, Effigy, Gestalt, Memetics, Possessor, Vital, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Reverb, Revit, Imply
Still have nervous energy due to anticipation, so I figured I would lay out my current thoughts about the coming respec.

Depending on what we learn, I'm thinking of 2 different paths.

We get rid of Improvised Combat and Duel Wield, as discussed previouslyfor Death and Appraisal. Getting rid of Mathematics would allow us to get some of those other magics, of which I feel like Mirror Magic, Still Magic, and White are our best choices short term. Mirror Magic for the combo with Divergence stuff, Still Magic for it's flat benefits, and White because it's a Spectrum.

The second option is if it seems like I'm on point when it comes to my ramblings about Blood Magic and Bone Magic and everything. If we go this direction we can probably just keep Improvised Combat and Duel Wield. Blood Magic, Bone Magic, Skin Magic, and Mathematics makes 4 slots open. Death and Appraisal take up 2. We could go with both Still Magic and White, but next chapter could throw a lot of things at us that'll warrant some flexibility.

So I guess the biggest question would be if I'm right about the Bone Magic stuff.

That said, what if respecs mean we have to level up or Spectrum Skills from 0? They're unique to our build, and so I wonder if they'll transition smoothly or if Splitter will have to regain his familiarity with a slightly different ability.
Now that I've been looking at the build and second guessing things, I find my attention turned towards this.
Divergence Magic(Sem) + Mirror Magic(Sem) + Effigy(Reach).
Almost, this is missing one.
Divergence Magic:
Split into short-lived duplicates. You are all of them and none them.
Mirror Magic:
Access the mirror dimension. A dangerous and alien place. Perhaps learn how to utilize some of its secrets here too.
Effigy: (Aspect)
Draw from and create Facsimilies. Finding power in liknesses.
I think I went to Memetics as the last part, but I don't know if that's the case anymore.

I think the key part here is 'finding power in likeness'. Divergence Magic creates duplicates, Mirror Magic (presumably) grants access to duplicates, and Effigy creates copies and allows power to be drawn from those copies.
Prestige [Spirit|Mentalism|Essentialism|Psionics] (80) Perk: The Anywhere Self
Your entire being can exist and project separate to your physical body for no penalty. You can use Skills and Magic from either or both as if they were your full self. If you inhabit and destroy the being of another body, you may choose to permanently possess that physical body instead of your own.
You may regenerate your body from your being or your being from body if either are destroyed automatically every (lowest of) 80/[Spirit|Mentalism|Essentialism|Psionics] weeks.
This was part of what I was going for with Divergence Magic and stuff, and they might have some crossover, but I don't think this is how we should be looking at things.

Create links between associated things. Mimicking effect and cause. Rainbow splashes that spread Instinctive Collective voting system of where damage/healing finally resides.
Familiar Magic:
Bind to a random animal somewhere within the planes of existence. It will begin to make its way towards you to come serve you. You cannot control which animal, save for picking a new one upon the first's death. You can empower your familiar in unique ways.
Star Magic:
Build permanent connections between different areas and perhaps even worlds.
Maybe Conjoinery? A Familiar is bound, but I don't know if it really fits. Star Magic is about connections, but it doesn't seem like 'likeness' really plays a part.
Unity: (Aspect)
Take belief and legend and use them as a ladder to the impossible.
Totem: (Aspect)
Stake your claim in the ground. Build a following.
Abandon: (Aspect)
Let go of humanity, become less and more.
Possessor: (Aspect)
Natural mastery of hierarchy and control.
Unity, Totem, and even Possessor seem to be far more about leadership in a mundane sense rather than similarity.
Reverb: (Context)
Make simultaneous instances of the same magics or effects have a reduced or no interaction with each other.
Solemn: (Context)
Massively extend the duration of any magic or effect so long as it does not need to compete with anything else within the same (or a greater) order of magnitude.
These two seem like they might have some synergy with each other, but I don't think they're a part of the Effigy combo.

Conjoinery seems like the strongest, but I really don't know. I went with Memetics initially, and I don't know if it fits. I know that we'll learn more eventually, but does anyone have any thoughts?
Vokivas, I am rather impressed at the degree of forethought you've put into this, but at this point I am a bit more focused on arranging our skills to better fulfill the current quest ("Survive the night") .

1. I believe that while the ability to swap out skills will be arriving next update, the ability to actually unlock further skill slots won't be coming until some further point in the future.
2. We may eventually get additional resources (books, audio logs, teachers, etc) that will provide more detailed information about some of the more esoteric Skills, which will hopefully be able to allow us to better strategize on how to best get synergies.
3. While the Perks are indeed juicy, they also require our skills to level up FAR beyond our present stat-caps, and thus won't be coming into play for quite some time.

One theory I have in terms of abilities we may be able to swap out is that some of the Revelations like Mathematics and Languages can be leveled up to a point where Splitter is at a good baseline with them before potentially swapping them out. I think for those skills, having them will help Splitter learn about them faster, but I feel that losing them afterwards won't mean he suddenly forgets how to count or speak. If we can determine which of our abilities can be helpful in the short-term, but that we can afford to lose later, that might be helpful in strategizing about swaps.

For the moment, I am in favor of simply swapping Dual Wield and Improvised Weaponry for Death and Appraise, because I can easily see how those skills will be immediately useful and synergistic even WITHOUT an associated Perk. For the rest, unless and until we can get more information on what the exact missing pieces are, I'd rather hold off on randomly swapping out the skills for a potential Synergy Perk.
This is a really great quest, I love Sly's writing.

Not going to make any skill votes, but Slippy is nice and I want to be nice to her. Also, what a lovely design she has.

A slight whistle in the wind, a creak on a nearby branch I'd dismissed as too small for any sort of approach; but I was already in the habit of looking for blurry distortions, that was the only reason I lived.
Did I miss something with the mutts? I don't recall them doing anything blurry. Might this be a phantom memory of some sort?
New Quest! "Whip me Harder"
[You've discovered a path to power beyond combat. Convince ten different entities to subject you to harm in your search for the autonomy to defy creation. Grow. Advance. Consume. 1/10]
[Reward: Secret Skill]
i for one support our new kinky abomination protagonist

[x] [CP] I selected 'Yes'.
[x] [TsmYisyM] Slippy had been nothing but a friend and support. She was naively innocent and genuine. If there was anyone in the world that I could actually trust with the truth, then it was her.