Blessed Homunculus into the Nexus

Did I miss something with the mutts? I don't recall them doing anything blurry. Might this be a phantom memory of some sort?
It's a different creature that I've been calling the Red-Mutt, and I think it was behind this from 0.2:
And then whimper a little wondering why I wasn't being torn apart as the sounds of hissing and mewling cries grew fainter instead of louder.

Sharia Shard '5BFM1Y' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'S0Jpll' Defeated
The Mutts had all left, I couldn't see them, only hear their alarmed cries and that same constant hissing following them. Perhaps some larger predator was chasing them off? I thanked luck for its small mercies.

Sharia Shard '6bgWbF' Defeated
Unarmoured +1 (14)
Unarmed Combat +1 (12)

Why did that keep happening? It definitely wasn't me, was I getting credit because I'd been a part of the fight?
There's also this from the start of that chapter, which may be a hint that it was around all along. Maybe herding them towards us as a test, or at least otherwise to wear us down.
Logic +1 (2)
Perception +1 (3)
Analysis +1 (2)

Where their 'feet' touched the branches, the pikes sunk into them like they were mushy soil and not hardened wood. Their movements gibbered left to right ever so slightly for no discernable reason and they seemed to yip and bark at unseen tormentors as they gave chase.

They also look different. Here is the description for the Mutts:
If you took a dog and thought that it randomly needed teeth growing out of its skin like a poor man's carapace and also bladed pikes instead of feet

Here is the description for the Red-Mutt:
As I briefly observed the four legged red-scaled thing before its occlusion quickly snapped back into place

Something to also note is this, which is further evidence that this thing lacks the same armor and endurance of the Mutts:
I wasn't done though. Following through on my spin, I did my best to put as much force behind a kick right into the centre of the blurred mass as I fell and it passed over me.

Unarmed Combat +1 (13)
Unarmed Combat +1 (14)

Whatever it was, it was not hardy. I thought I might have felt a bone break under my foot's impact.
This happened when Splitter's strength was 'only' 6.

I nearly missed it.

A slight whistle in the wind, a creak on a nearby branch I'd dismissed as too small for any sort of approach; but I was already in the habit of looking for blurry distortions, that was the only reason I lived.

Perception +1 (8)
When Splitter first could've encountered it, his Perception was only 3. When he did catch it, his Perception had raised to 8.

Also, it has some stuff going on.
Something about it also subtly encouraged you to look away, though it was much less pronounced now that I was well and truly aware of it.
A couple times it swiped at me with long scythe like claws, but those I didn't quite dodge seemed to slide across my skin leaving only shallow scratches, they mustn't have been that sharp.

There's also this, which we haven't really discussed.
High Sharia Shard '8K3fm2' Defeated
The regular Mutts were also identified as a 'Sharia Shard', but we really don't know what any of that means. What is 'Sharia', and why are these creatures 'Shards'? Why is the Red-Mutt a 'High Sharia Shard? Was it because of it's intelligence, it's level, it's magic, or some combination of all of this? We don't really have a way to get answers to these questions, but Splitter going hunting next chapter might provide additional context.

Of course, this entire scenario is suspicious in it's own way.
Life didn't magically erase injury, but even the half-hour I'd just spent (where I really only got the hang of it toward the last half) had done what I'd guess to be nearly a week's worth of healing.
If the Red-Mutt was herding the Mutts towards Splitter as a test and as a meat shield, and it killed the Mutts when it looked like he was critically injured, then why did it only come back after the alarm? Also, it didn't kill all of the Mutts. It killed 3 of them, when only 2 really injured Splitter, but when it came back there were 2 Mutts with it. They could be 2 new Mutts, but that was how many were left alive from the original group that cornered Splitter

I don't know, there's a lot here. This is the prologue, and Sly has specifically referred to this area as The Thinlands. But the summary says this:

'A small creature must struggle to understand the alien worlds it is forced to venture through on the whims of its merciless taskmaster.'

So are we to take this to mean that Splitter will go to a new world when the prologue is finished? Is going to a new world (insertion?) when we can respec Skills? The mall and the cave are from different worlds, and the Nexus will be universal for Splitter, so does that mean that the current world is like a hub? Or is this ROB, with the mall and the caves and all the other Homuns, just throwing things around for their own indecipherable reasons.

I know that you didn't ask for all of that lol, but I think those are the biggest questions right now and you're right to be suspicious.

For the moment, I am in favor of simply swapping Dual Wield and Improvised Weaponry for Death and Appraise, because I can easily see how those skills will be immediately useful and synergistic even WITHOUT an associated Perk. For the rest, unless and until we can get more information on what the exact missing pieces are, I'd rather hold off on randomly swapping out the skills for a potential Synergy Perk.
I get that, and I admit that I'm doing this for 2/3 personal reasons and 1/3 system investigation.

When it gets down to it, I'm hyped and all of these things that I've been picking at are like threads. They're just there if you look close enough, and I can just keep pulling and pulling.

I completely wrote off Carapace Magic and stayed with the assumption that I knew the way things were, and then I had time to think. Which lead to me wondering if I had things the complete opposite way, and writing things out is how I worked through it.

Then that doubt had me second guessing more things, because I spent time shitting on Memetics when I originally went for it because I thought it may be the last part of a combo that I was going for.

Really though, I've been subjecting you all to my barely edited train of thought. For that, you have my sincere apologies lol.

All that said, I totally get not going full bore. Right now Revelations and Internalisms are what's growing, and Esoticisms and Semblances will take a while before they start to level. Not to mention perks, prestige perks, and Reaches. Though for all of the stuff I just put out there, I do think there is some debate to be had on the specifics here.

If we go with the current plan as you've once again brought up, I still find myself not really valuing Mathematics that much. It's not the biggest deal in the world, since it's replacement that I would shoot for would either be a Semblance or a Reach (Still Magic and White). I think those two Skills in particular would offer more immediate pay offs, but again it's not the biggest thing in the world to me.

As for why I don't value Mathematics as much, well it really does seem to be quite the odd one out. Investigation is similar, but it kind of goes with Analysis and Logic. Which goes with Perception. All the while we also have Mentalism and are planning to get Appraisal. I feel like Mathematics has it's own domain with Skills like Management and Engineering and such. It'll offer some benefit, but I feel like Splitter's MEN Skills and raw stats will be more than enough for what we'll need most of the time.

Though, if you'll allow me to put my tinfoil hat on once more, this may be a situation like The Menocht Loop. But instead of a time loop, these are different worlds. So maybe there'll be 'levels' where Social-Fu will be the best, and maybe there'll be a 'level' where those back like type Skills are best.

Just to finish off this tangent I'll try to clarify my take on Language. I largely have it categorized similarly to Stealth. There's some potential combo stuff going on, but it also doesn't seem really necessary. But that utility makes it worth it, or at least more valued over other Skills.

Then there's the more wild thing I've got going on. If I'm right about the Bone Magic stuff, that's 3 slots open while keeping Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield. We can get Death, Appraisal, and throw in White or Still Magic. Then if we also get rid of Mathematics, we can get both White and Still Magic. Or two other Skills. This one is more options, it keeps Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield, all the while getting us the chance to get something I'm really interested in. But it's also the most crazy. I have no clue if the line of thought this decision is based on is compelling, and even so if it would be a wise thing to act on. Next chapter has us focusing on Bone Magic, and {Blue-Deadthink} is a super useful Skill that seems like it's heavily influenced by the Skills I'm tempted to swap out.

Really though, all of this could change next chapter. So I'm more focused on the less crazy idea, and am moderately for the idea of swapping out Mathematics.
Something I will say is that you should be careful dismissing certain Skills before seeing their initial perks. As you will see in the coming chapter, some skills gain a lot of benefit from their raw level, others become significantly more useful at each perk Threshold.
Also, I'll be initiating approx 12-36 hour moratoriums on both my quests from now on. To give a bit of time for discussion before votes start being accepted.
Something I will say is that you should be careful dismissing certain Skills before seeing their initial perks. As you will see in the coming chapter, some skills gain a lot of benefit from their raw level, others become significantly more useful at each perk Threshold.
I could try to get into this, since we really want Death and Appraisal which means getting rid of 2 Skills, but it largely seems like an effort in futility.

Part of me wants to start proposing we swap out Reaches and Semblances, like Memetics or Gestalt, just for now so we can keep our Revelations. But the next doot will probably change all of that, so I'll just have to sit with my uncertainty lol.
0.5 - Two feet on the Ground.
[X] [BonL] Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the potential Perks were too good to pass up.
[X] [CP] I selected 'Yes'.
[X] [ES] {Bone Magic} was a thing, and there were a lot of bones around…
[X] [TsmYisyM] Slippy had been nothing but a friend and support. She was naively innocent and genuine. If there was anyone in the world that I could actually trust with the truth, then it was her.
[X] [AC] Meditate on your life, and your Life. Remember what you were thinking of when {Green-Pixie} leveled up, and the significance of what form Green takes for you and Slippy. She isn't dead, and she seems totally fine. There are things you know about without having any idea of why or what they mean. The room, the voice, the portal, the alarm, your body and knowledge, this building and this cave system. Something's going on here.

Chapter 0.5 - - Two feet on the Ground.

Foraging +1 (4)
Athletics +1 (15)

In one of the last rooms we searched, we came across what must have been the last of those who came before to perish in this place. The door had been barricaded by tables and chairs jammed into the frame such that at one point in the past it would have been very difficult to force our way in from the outside.

Time rolls on however. The years since had rotted the formerly firm wood rather thoroughly and it did not take long for me to simply bash at the weaker segments until they dislodged and fell free.

Inside what looked like a lower-end shoe store, there were the typical huddles of bodies. Two stood out to me. One had a hole in their skull.

Woman. Was wife of a trained marshal. Shot in the middle of the night to end her constant coughing and seizures.

The other had a jaw that seemed smashed apart.

Attempted suicide after killing wife. Improper aim due to wracking cough. Bled to death from jaw wound.

Blue-Deadthink +1 (7)
Investigation +1 (9)
Anatomy +1 (4)

What a way to go.

'Hmmm?' Slippy asked, 'You figured out what happened?'

I pondered answering her as I bent down to claim the old weapon beside the skeletal corpse. A pistol, empty.

Foraging +1 (5)

I could evade Slippy's question, deflect. But… I didn't want to. I could admit the fact that she was the only person I could remember ever meeting right now was affecting my judgement, but I really did want someone I could talk to. The fact it would make it so much easier to pool our resources together more effectively was a not insignificant push too.

'Slippy?' I stood and looked directly at my gooey skinned acquaintance.

'Uh… yes?' She replied, shifting somewhat nervously at my formal inflection.

Do you want to join my party?

At that, I beamed my full unreserved understanding of what I was at Slippy. What Skills were, Attributes, the 'System', Caps, the 'Add to Party Y/N' situation, everything.

Psionics +1 (10)
Psionics +1 (11)

She staggered backward, almost knocked off balance by the weight of ideas. I couldn't send thoughts unaided like Slippy could, but I was learning quickly and was no longer limited to letting her only hear words.

So… like I said. Do you want to join my party?

Slippy seemed at a loss for nearly a full minute before she responded. I knew it was going to be an uphill battle to convince her to believe I was telling the truth and not some elaborate lie, but I was willing to take the time to-


Yes? That's it, no more questions?

Slippy's mouth-hole made a cute flapping noise as she breathed in and sighed.

You don't have any answers Splitter. But your tough and strong and smart and… anyway, the point is I want to be a part of whatever it is that is going on.

That was… both easier and more decisive than I was expecting. But, I'd already been leaning toward selecting Yes, Slippy being on board was all the confirmation I needed.

Slippy: Add to Party [Yes]!

Other than the subtlest sensation of some space inside me becoming a little bit used up, there was almost nothing different. Something had changed, but what? It was too soon to know.

'I feel… the same.' She seemed disappointed.

Only time will tell.

It felt a little like cognitive whiplash, I'd built up this idea in my head that telling Slippy about the system and convincing her would be this big thing. But she believed me immediately, not needing convincing, and didn't have any questions, because she knew everything I did.

With that anti-climax past us, all that remained was to finish our search.

- - -

Foraging +1 (6)
Foraging +1 (7)

The only thing of note the two of us found while looking around was a series of improvised weapons in the back of the shoe shop. Someone had somehow sharpened down some steel table legs into points rather than stubs, there was dried residue that looked like it was once blood on their ends, showing they had been used at some point before being abandoned.

Investigation +1 (10)

I considered trying to work upon {Improvised Weapons}, maybe swinging around two or more at once to have a go at {Dual Wield}. But the fact I had to choose between that and my current unarmed Skills made that a secondary priority. I certainly intended to level them when I had the time, but only after getting the level 20 Perks I suspected were waiting just a few Skill levels away.

Logic +1 (9)

The idea of luring monsters to me to essentially grind up my actual Levels remained a tantalizing possibility. But first, I wanted to aim for a lower hanging fruit.

I walked back toward one of the rooms we'd found where large amounts of bones were interred, one of the early makeshift cemeteries set aside before the inhabitants had simply starting leaving the bodies where they expired.

{Bone Magic}. Was what I was trying to do irreverent? I told myself that this is what these people would have wanted, for their deaths to mean something. The only other person here with me didn't argue, though Slippy seemed as uneasy as I was myself.

Kneeling down and laying my hands upon the stacked pile of bones thick enough to nearly obscure my view of the tiled floor, I tried to reach out and access the locked magic.

First, I tried to move them; to sense the bones themselves and perhaps work them to my will. Nothing.

Second, I tried to push energy into them; to make them into more than they were before. Nothing.

Third, I tried to think of who these people had been in life; to restore some semblance of what they once were. Nothing.

Fourth, Getting exasperated, I tried to feel and pull upon what bones represented; the core and foundation of a person. Finally, a tingle.

Bone Magic +1 (1)

It was hard, unfamiliar. Liking guiding myself through a dance I had read the steps to, but never practiced.

Bone Magic +1 (2)

I pulled upon the bones I was touching, sapping something primordial and alive somehow stored within them. I lacked the sense of what to do with it, and after half a minute felt one of bones I'd been touching disintegrate into powder; its potential wasted.

Bone Magic +1 (3)

I redoubled my efforts. I was taking something from these bones, something that could be redirected elsewhere. But what? I tried to feel it out, the energy, the sense of potential thrumming at my fingertips unharnessed.

Bone Magic +1 (4)
Bone Magic +1 (5)

It was several minutes and half a ribcage of powered bone later that I started to gain a sense of direction. If pulling from the foundation of a person was what had activated {Bone Magic}, then that was where the answer lay. What was I pulling this potential toward? What was my foundation? What represented the core of my Strengths?


Bone Magic +3 (8)

The epiphany hit me as a whole femur broke apart from my suddenly increased ability to siphon its essence. Attributes, Stats. I could see the path through the jungle now. For a moment, I could borrow the strength, the wit, the grace that people had had in life.

Power. {POW}. Taking another rib in one of my hands, I siphoned it while focusing on the literal strength they had possessed in life. For the briefest moment I felt raw undiluted force fill me. The full {POW} this individual had once had added atop my own. This wasn't just a guess, my intuitive understanding of my System Interface showed my {POW} stat temporarily raise from eight to fourteen.

Bone Magic +1 (9)

The rib disintegrated into dust a moment later, merely possessing the added strength was enough to powder it in seconds. Had I used it, I knew it would have given only a single punch or kick. I was so not done with this though. I clutched a whole femur between my hands, and pulled on {SPD}.

Bone Magic +1 (10)
Bone Magic +1 (11)

If anything this was even more potent than the last time. In my desperate pulling I had guzzled down on the bone's power, I realized that I could temper or accelerate the process, either savouring or ravishing a bone of its potential. This time I had pulled fast and pulled hard, my {SPD} shot up to nineteen for less than one second. It felt like more than a second though, in that lingering space of stretched time, it almost felt like I could pluck a bullet out of the air. With no reason to stop and a plethora of resources before me, I dove into my practice, spending the next half of an hour extending my new magic as far as it could go.

Bone Magic +1 (12)
Bone Magic +1 (13)
Bone Magic +1 (14)
Bone Magic +1 (15)
Bone Magic +1 (16)
Bone Magic +1 (17)
Bone Magic +1 (18)
Bone Magic +1 (19)

I learned a lot in that heady time of unnatural highs and disappointing lows. {END} felt like I could either briefly extend my overall durability, or have a bone tank part of a hit in my place. It also took longer to dissolve a bone being held on standby than the others. My {MEN} stats didn't feel quite so profound, though do smart people feel smarter? That said, it was during a period of repeatedly hiking up {CUN} that I realized I should take the time to try and push Life energy into Slippy given that I knew she was developing an illness. And use {Deadthink} on myself for that matter.

Life +1 (14)
Life +1 (15)
First Aid +1 (9)
Life +1 (16)
Life +1 (17)
First Aid +1 (10)
Life +1 (18)
First Aid +1 (11)

'Oh wow, that feels so much better,' She'd said after I finished.

Psionics +1 (12)

I'd felt a little foolish for needing to use Bone Magic to come up with that idea. In the end it hadn't even used up my reserve. Slippy had a reserve of her own she was unable to tap without having {Life Magic}, but it was essentially exactly the same as using my own. Deadthink had dropped its lines about infection when I checked again. Then, turning in on myself…

Has died. Central chest cavity highly vulnerable.

Blue-Deadthink +1 (8)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (9)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (10)
Analysis +1 (13)
Anatomy +1 (5)
Anatomy +1 (6)

I looked at myself, and the red opening in the centre of my chest that revealed my innards to the world. Saying I felt vulnerable (and daft for not recognizing such a glaring weakness about myself until now) would be a pretty big understatement. I'd thought being stabbed through my abdomen was bad, but now I had the sense that if that Mutt's bladed leg had gone in just a bit higher I may have outright died without even a gasp.

Anatomy +1 (7)

As far as Bone Magic was concerned, I felt I was getting to the point where I could holistically draw out more broad effects beyond just raw Attributes. Things like health and perhaps one day even lifespan did not seem unreachable. I also had an intuitive sense of the potential within each bone I now held before I starting pulling from it, which was kind of trippy considering I could feel the potential in my own bones too. That didn't seem like a bridge that would be wise to cross though. I hadn't managed to put anything that I took from a bone back even with other bones to drawn from, I didn't want to imagine what draining my own might cause. The only Attribute I hadn't temporarily been able to ramp up was {LUK}, simply because I hadn't found a single bone that had any. In terms of limits, it seemed that even if I ratcheted up my siphoning to its maximum strength, I could not go further than doubling my own attributes or pulling double of the base stats a bone had held in life; the limit was always whichever of those two were lower and at maximum pull a bone lasted less than half a second unless it was something massive like a femur.

The process of leveling had gotten slower and slower the closer I got to {Bone Magic} 20. Though Slippy insisted that it was 'stupidly crazy cool' how quickly I'd been able to pick it up, I still found myself getting frustrated.

When it seemed to stall at 19, I actually resorted to making light cuts in my skin and figuring out how to slowly close them by pulling from bones instead of using Life energy. It was a different process entirely. Whereas Life energy seemed to accelerate the natural healing process orders of magnitude faster, Bone Magic seemed to directly degrade the bone it pulled from to spontaneously manifest undamaged tissue. It was less all encompassing, Life energy for example would easily clear out an infection as part of its healing, whereas with what I pulled from bones it was almost easier to hack out a piece of flesh and regrow it than try and remove any foreign bacteria within.

First Aid +1 (12)
First Aid +1 (13)

Musing aside, my slightly more extreme grinding had the desired result.

Bone Magic +1 (20) CAP

Bone Magic (20) Perk! "Calcium on Tap"
[You may save up to one normal charge of Bone Potential to be released automatically or on command.]
[The exchange rate for replenishing this perk is BONEMAGICLVL% of your normal efficiency.]
[At level 40, you no longer need to pre-specify the type of use prior to reserving Bone Potential.]
[At level 50, you may now save up to two normal charges.]
[At level 100 you may save up to the total equivalent of your body's bone-mass in charges.]

I let the sweet sublime pleasure flow through me. 'Ahhhhhhhhhhh.'

That hit the spot.

With that done, it was time to bring Slippy around on my 'Gaining Levels' plan.

Oh, and go foraging for the best bones I could find.

- - - - -

Foraging +1 (8)
Foraging +1 (9)
Foraging +1 (10)
Investigation +1 (11)
Foraging +1 (11)
Foraging +1 (12)
Foraging +1 (13)
Foraging +1 (14)
Anatomy +1 (8)
Analysis +1 (14)

'Are you absolutely sure about this?' Slippy questioned cautiously as the lone Mutt stepped in through the broken front doors of the food court.

I clenched, ready. We were as prepared as we were ever going to be.

After capping {Bone Magic}, I had sought out and found a large hard-leather backpack that seemed to have weathered the passage of time intact. It was filled to the brim with bones holding the highest stats I could find across all the bone piles we had come across. More specifically, the highest {PHY} stats. It had been hard to find one that fit my back given that I was somewhere in the ballpark of eight feet tall. I had a small bandolier at my waist with some high grade {MEN} and {SOC} bones if I needed them. One of my hands was dedicated to just holding a collection of about 22 ribs entwined beneath my fingers split out into sixteen sub-tendrils to hold them all.

I'd fully charged up {Calcium on Tap} with {END}, focused on tanking a single moderate hit. At {Bone Magic} 20, it still took quite a bit of concentration to pull from a bone at any given moment, but the perk only required active attention during the prep time, making it into a potentially literal life saver. Thanks to the confidence {Unarmed Combat} 19 gave me and the extra thinking space Mentalism's {Plate Juggler} provided, I was just at the point where it was feasible to pull something like {POW} from a bone when I wound up for a punch. I definitely felt like that was my limit right now though. If I'd only had Bone Magic by itself, it wouldn't have been enough. Pulling {SPD} or {END} in the moment was likely not workable, I just didn't have the reaction speed and timing to do it quick enough; focusing on just using {Dodge} with my full attention was still the better bet there.

Feisty was standing by too, ready to play distraction if for whatever reason Slippy could not handle that.

Logic +1 (10)

I'm ready Slippy. Stick to the plan.

The 'Plan' was for Slippy to first lure a single Mutt to us with mental sensations of 'easy dinner' and 'females'. Then when it saw me and became aggressive, she would slam it with as much pain as she could right as I went in for a solid Bone Magic empowered strike.

Honestly, Bone Magic felt like cheating. It was admittedly punching above its weight right now because of the easy access I had to a plethora of the necessary resources, but having the ability to become temporarily superhuman at-will was a heady rush. Comparing my skills in general, at first glance it would seem my more fantastical powers like the Magics or the Colours were far more valuable than regular ones like {Perception} or even {Unarmoured}.

That said, earlier today I had engaged in hand-to-hand combat with an invisible predator and won. It didn't seem that significant at the time, but looking back on that moment, could any other unarmed combatant have even a slim chance of winning an encounter like that? I'd moved and struck with unnatural grace, I'd beat a monster to death with my bare hands.

They were less flashy, but my more 'mundane' Skills had a quality of their own that I shouldn't dismiss.

Analysis +1 (15)

As the Mutt smelled at the air before noticing and then locking its eyes on me, I couldn't help but wonder what pulling from its bones was going to feel like. What a crazy day it had been, that I could feel so confident standing against something that had represented mortal peril hours ago. Speaking of which, I did feel {Plate Juggler} sapping just a bit of my working memory to negate a post-traumatic fear response. I was thankful for the lack of distraction.

The Mutt snarled in my direction, digging the razor sharp points of its feet into the ground ready to propel itself forward and close the twenty or so metres between us. There was an open gap with no tables or chairs between us. I was an equal reflection of the Mutt, flexing and bracing my body and mind for what was coming.

In the best-case scenario, this wouldn't even be a fight. Crippled by Slippy's projected pain, the Mutt should shortly find itself utterly unable to resist in any way. But my desire for Perks and Levels didn't overshadow how dangerous this could be, nor the value of expecting the unexpected. So as four legs pushed and propelled the animal towards me, I was ready for a fight.

The best-case scenario was… entirely accurate. Right at the critical juncture of the Mutt's final bounding leap that would bring it to me, Slippy hit it with everything she had. Its coordinated gait fell apart into a scrambling insensate tumble, leaving the animal completely unprepared. I brought two fists down on its head while it was oblivious, the full force of a {POW} enhanced strike disintegrating two of my reserve ribs in exchange for the strength to create an audible crunch as I impacted its skull. It's bone-plates still dug into my skin as I drove my hands into its head, but not as much as I'd expected. In a single moment, the Mutt was dead.

Unarmed Combat +1 (20)
Unarmoured +1 (18)
Sharia Shard 'XDP9i1' Defeated

Unarmed Combat (20) Perk! "Distributed Load"
[All of your limbs automatically supply UNARMEDLVL% of their Attributes to any other limb (when unoccupied) that requires it. Efficiency of transfer from legs to arms or vice versa is halved until Lvl 50.]
[At Level 40, Armed Limbs can receive this bonus from Unarmed Limbs at half efficiency. Efficiency Malus is removed at Level 80]
[Maximum bonus cannot exceed UNARMEDLVL%x2 on any square inch of flesh.]

I basked in the warm glow of contentment that filled me as the Perk slotted into place. I could feel {Distributed Load} at work already. The Perk neglected to mention something I considered quite important, transferred strength didn't tire the limb that it was transferred from. It was effectively free energy. Even with a 50% malus to transfer between arms and legs, my three unoccupied arms were able to provide a cumulative 15% to my two legs. More than enough to stand up literally forever without tiring. Any time I punched anything while having at least one other empty hand, that was a free 20% harder strike for nothing. If I had to reach quickly to catch something, one of my arms could easily move faster than normally possible to get it in time. These were simple improvements, but collectively I wouldn't have been surprised if they made me twice the fighter I'd been just a single Skill Level ago.

'…Slippy' I beamed hungrily.



- - - - -

-Crunch- … -Splat- … -Splinter- … -Crack- … Squish-

Unarmed Combat +1 (21)
Unarmed Combat +1 (22)
Unarmed Combat +1 (23)
Unarmed Combat +1 (24)
Unarmed Combat +1 (25)
Unarmed Combat +1 (26)
Unarmoured +1 (19)
Unarmoured +1 (20)
Green-Pixie +1 (7)
Green-Pixie +1 (8)
Green-Pixie +1 (9)
Green-Pixie +1 (10)
Anatomy +1 (9)
Anatomy +1 (10)
Anatomy +1 (11)
Anatomy +1 (12)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (11)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (12)
Blue-Deadthink +1 (13)
Sharia Shard '41OuoG' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'iQ9Yld' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'I96oHU' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'itzJ66' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'skhkTc' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'A5002m' Defeated
Sharia Shard '3sA65u' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'b4Pv9T' Defeated
Sharia Shard '4v2ApT' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'xvdEvF' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'r59lmx' Defeated
Sharia Shard 'ICE4fn' Defeated
Sharia Shard '46HXBn' Defeated
Level Up! +2 Attribute Points
Level Up! +2 Attribute Points
Fiat Mutation Available!
Respec-Five Available!

Unarmoured (20) Perk: She's got Gruff

[You no longer suffer the doubled hit penalty from weapon -> flesh strikes and possess dermal layers that are a further UNARMOUREDLVL% tougher overall.]
[Your skin is UNARMOUREDLVL%*5 times more resistant to environmental effects and applied toxins.]
[You are immune to all damage that inflicts less than UNARMOUREDLVL%/10 of your total health pool per second.]

Crushing the last Mutt's foreleg beneath my foot before side-kicking its head in, I reflected on what had brought me to this moment.

It felt too easy. We'd made our plan, we'd executed it, but I'd kept expecting the rug to be pulled out from under me at some point.

It just kept working though. Mutt after Mutt, blow after blow. Just Skills and Perks and Levels, the sweet serenity of what I was collectively naming 'Numbers go Up'.

The 2nd​ to last Mutt had felt like it gave less than the others before it in contribution to leveling up, and the one I had just finished off gave nothing. Evidently, they were too low level for me now. My System seemed like that would be the kind of arbitrary logic it would work off.

Analysis +1 (16)

{Distributed Load} had made what was an already well-working plan into something almost effortless. After the first few Mutts I gave up on the pretense that there was any danger, they never even had a chance to take down my {Calcium on Tap} {END} reserve let alone actually hurt me. {Unarmed Combat} 26 made me feel palpably better prepared. It had taken significantly more effort after 20 to raise each level, but I had the feeling I was stepping into something truly profound.

I'd let Feisty get in on the action herself to try and raise {Green-Pixie} up a bit. Though it stalled at 10, I had the distinct sensation that the lack of any risk or true need for her help was what was capping her there, rather than any innate limit.

From examining the bodies, I had learned a bit from Deadthink on ways to hurt living Mutts easier in the future, pushing both it and {Anatomy} up in the process.

And then there was of course the Perk. {She's Got Gruff} was a tremendous icing on the cake. The best part was that I could feel it perfectly synergize with Bone Magic's {END} boosting, applying its bonuses to my temporary total rather than only my base. I had the distinct sense that {UNARMOURED} made me more resistant to damage as a passive effect anyway, {She's Got Gruff} just had an explicit additional bonus on top of that to my outer layers.

I felt powerful. Like I could take on the world. And this was only the beginning of what I could be capable of.

I'm not saying I was okay with being dumped in this place, but I could appreciate one hell of a silver lining when I found one.

Slippy was handling things decidedly less well. We hadn't taken many breaks, but I could tell she was less eager each time we resumed. To hear here describe it, she got a sense of the Mutts' panic the moment she mentally hit them. She kept saying she was fine when I pried, but I could tell she was building up to a breakdown. So we were taking a 'break' right now, but it was probably time to stop at least for the day.

Perception +1 (19)

Right now she was playing with Feisty, who had sensed by desire to cheer Slippy up. It really was easy to forget the little Fairy was an unconscious reflection.

I sighed, 'Numbers go Up' felt great, but we'd hit almost all the low hanging fruit anyway, at this point I'd need some real risk for most of the rest.

I'd put off allocating my four attribute points. The ease with which our plan had played out meant I'd had time to think rather than having to immediately dump them into what would keep me alive a few minutes longer, now I had decisions to make. There was also the 'Fiat Mutation' and 'Respec' prodding at the back of my mind. Unlike 'Add to Party', these did not feel like they would let me wait forever.

The oddness of my circumstances continued to occasionally strike me. For all I had discovered, for everything Slippy and I had shared, we both knew nothing. I found myself searching back through my memories for something to unearth, the feelings and sensations as each of my Skills had each revealed themselves for the first time. {Deadthink} said Slippy and I had both died, but knowing that fact didn't trigger any other memory in me. On the face of it, it just made no sense. If it meant we'd both been resuscitated from near-death experiences, that seemed like a deliberately obscure way to phrase it. Something more was going on… but I had no idea what that was. I was missing pieces, I was probably missing the pieces needed to even start to find the other pieces. Frustrated, I came to the same conclusion as always, it was a mystery.

Analysis +1 (17)
Investigation +1 (12)
Logic +1 (11)

My ruminations were cut short by a very familiar sound in the distance.


I looked over at Slippy who had previously been examining Feisty's wing, she had stopped with the noise, taking a defensive posture.

I hear it too.

Walking toward the frames that once held windows on the exterior wall of the food court, I looked out into the surrounding swamp. The night was nearly here, perhaps an hour more of proper daylight before it fell below the horizon. I waited, and I listened.


'That's definitely the drone that attracts creatures.' It was closer the second time too.

There is nothing coming. I would feel it by now.

The perpetually sickly wet tangles and knots that the various trees grew into seemed to draw closer and crowd in from the outside as my nerves grew tight. The shadows of the approaching twilight that had begun darkening the woods as the day grew late didn't help at all.


That one was significantly closer, only just beyond where we could see.

'There is definitely nothing there!' Slippy insisted frantically, gesticulating with her hands. I think we both knew the truth.

No, Slippy. Something is coming…

Skillsheet for 0.5

Choice Time:
Approval Voting is allowed.
'Allocate Attribute Points', 'Respec-Five' and 'Fiat-Mutation' must be presented as a Plan together. Other options may be voted on singularly.
Voting will open tomorrow morning GMT+10

Allocate Attribute Points: 4 to Allocate.
[ ] [AAP] Write In.

Respec-Five: You may drop 1-5 Skills, replacing them with an equal number. Dropped Skills are completely removed and reduced to 0, all benefits including Perks are lost. Added Skills start at 0.
[ ] [R5] I decided to leave things as they were, for now
[ ] [R5] Write In. (I.e. Drop: Unarmed, Unarmoured Add: Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armour)

Fiat-Mutation: Before investigating this option, I was a little curious. But when I looked into what it actually meant, my eyes boggled at the possabilities. Some of these had the incredible potential.
Robust Carapace: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 10
Your skin grows a thick rubbery scaled exterior carapace. You count as simultaneously unarmoured and lightly armoured (either or both, whichever is more beneficial) for the purposes of Skill use and Perk benefits. You gain an exterior armoured hp-pool that can count as either/both 'you' or 'armour' (whichever is more beneficial).
Superior Wings: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 10
Your wings reinforce and grow the necessary enhanced mass and lift to carry you into the skies.
Claws: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 5
The ends of your tendrils become able to taper off into sharpened tips. You may make piercing, slashing or blunt attacks with your limbs.
Large: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 5
You increase in natural size, adding between 50% to 75% additional mass, gaining all relevant maluses and boons.
Translucent: Prereq {PHY} ≥ 5
Your entire body can become a mostly obscured blurry form. It is easy for others to lose track of exactly how your limbs are moving and be blindsided by unexpected shifts. You have a large bonus to Stealth and other related DCs when sight is the primary detection factor used by an opponent.
Mind like Fire: Prereq: {MEN} ≥ 5
Your mind is innately incompatible with most mortal creatures. Even if your thoughts are successfully read or predicted, it will be a deeply painful experience for the one looking upon them.
Decentralized Consciousness: Prereq: {MEN} ≥ 5
Your mind is no longer housed within a primary organ but as several redundant sub-nodes. Hostile Mind-Altering effects that require direct interface with a brain will likely auto-fail.
Manifest Will: Prereq: {MEN} ≥ 5
Your concentration and focus become discrete forces akin to stamina, allowing you to 'sprint' with your mind for associated bonuses and penalties. Likewise, you can forgo things like sleep/etc indefinitely if you do not over-exert your mind.
Resonant Cadence: Prereq: {SOC} ≥ 5
Your voice sticks in their ear, a worm that cannot be dug out. They'll try to fight it, but no matter how much they resist, your suggestion can never be fully forgotten.
Pheromone Glands: Prereq: {SOC} ≥ 5
You can synthesise and disperse a broad cocktail of scents to encourage certain dispositions and emotions.
Changer: Prereq: {SOC} ≥ 5
You can take the face/form/voice of a person or thing for 24 hours after you eat them. Eating dozens of the same species allows you to mimic a generic example of one (plus any previously eaten forms) with no time limit. Mass must be roughly similar.
Eyes of Fortune: Prereq: {LUK} > 0
You can sense the force of Luck and its flavour as it acts upon the world.
Chaos Factor: Prereq: {LUK} > 0
The force of Luck turns capricious in your presence. Casting both superior and inferior shadows over events according to its fickle whim. (Those with twice your Luck or greater are immune to this effect.)

[ ] [FM] Robust Carapace (Requires {PHY}+2)
[ ] [FM] Superior Wings (Requires {PHY}+2)
[ ] [FM] Claws
[ ] [FM] Large
[ ] [FM] Translucent
[ ] [FM] Mind like Fire
[ ] [FM] Decentralized Consciousness
[ ] [FM] Manifest Will
[ ] [FM] Resonant Cadence
[ ] [FM] Pheromone Glands
[ ] [FM] Changer
[ ] [FM] Eyes of Fortune (Requires {LUK}+1)
[ ] [FM] Chaos Factor (Requires {LUK}+1)

///////////// \/ Plan not Required \/

How to use "Calcium on Tap":
[ ] [CoT] I figured I already had the right idea, being able to negate an unlucky hit was the best use for it.
[ ] [CoT] Actually, I could do better. (Write In.)

They Approach: Whatever was coming, the same thing that had endangered my life twice had chosen this as the third. It would be foolish to think this would be an easy affair. But what would we do?
[ ] [TA] We would stand together
- [ ] [TA-Stand] Trying to head them off at the entrance to the food court from the swamp.
- [ ] [TA-Stand] By retreating to and holding at one of the many stairwells up the highest level.
- [ ] [TA-Stand] Write in.
[ ] [TA] I ran.
- [ ] [TA-Flee] And I left Slippy in the dust. I only had to outrun her…
- [ ] [TA-Flee] And we tried to lose them in the vast complex of rooms and corridors we had explored today.
- [ ] [TA-Flee] Write in.
[ ] [TA] Write In.

Additional Considerations (Optional): Other things the MC should focus on doing or spend time on. Is only enacted if a sufficient proportion of total voters support it.
[ ] [AC] Write in.
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So I'm thinking 1 in Luck and then eyes of Fortune so we can get a sense of just exactly how much luck effects things before we put more points in it. Then put the other point in Men as it lets us understand the System and game it a bit better.

I would also like to change skills a bit to address that we have gotten party member early on, but there's not really a skill for friendship or partners in a nonromantic sense. Basically I want something that reflects our ability to deal with someone as an equal, which is what I think Slippy deserves to be at this point.
Not sure on things right now, but I'll lay out my thoughts as they are.

I'll start with the Mutation.

I really like the idea of Superior Wings, but it requires putting all of our points into PHY. On top of that it has it's own penalties. So if we're planning to put our stat points anywhere else, that means we need to look elsewhere. Out of those I find Claws, Translucent, Decentralized Consciousness, and Manifest Will as the most attractive. Though I think Decentralized Consciousness may be the one I'm least interested in, out of these, because the rest aren't permanent changes.

For Calcium on Tap, while people who know The Perfect Run might have more information, I think it's use is all about priorities. Prioritizing END gives that extra survivability, prioritizing SPD might give Splitter a chance to adjust to things mid fight, and prioritizing POW would enable an alpha strike. From this, we need to ask what would be best for the upcoming fight.

As for what we should do about the upcoming fight, well we fight. I don't know if running will be 'allowed', and while leaving Slippy as a sacrifice might let Splitter get away there are still other concerns. Night is falling and they'll need shelter, and Slippy is crucial for navigating the jungle and it's dangers. So, we fight. The question being how we fight. We can fight them in the jungle, we can fight them in the entrance, or we can try and use a bottleneck. I think one of the biggest concerns here is what, and how many, are coming. If we're facing many opponents, then a bottleneck is definitely desired. But Splitter won't be able to stop something from just bull rushing him. Going into the jungle doesn't seem smart, as even with Splitter's Skills and Translucent, that would be giving up the home field advantage. My current thought is to see if we can stack the playing field. Meet them in the entrance, but before they arrive try and scatter bones all across the entrance. So, while Splitter fights, he always has a bone at hand. To boost his hits, to give him more time to think, and to get him back in tip top shape if needed. Thoughts on that?

Circling back to attribute allocation. If we're not shooting for a big PHY mutation, then we can stick to the plan. But there's also the fight coming up, which could use more PHY. But we also have a capped out Bone Magic. So really, I think we should still put points into MEN. The only question then, is if we should also put some points into SOC or LUK. Right now I think LUK just isn't worth it. So that just makes it a deal of if we should put points into SOC, or if we should boost MEN up to 7. Which I guess I'm for, but thoughts?

Now, Skills.

I'm not for getting rid of Bone Magic. We can maybe refocus onto Blood Magic and Skin Magic, but I'm not really that invested. I really want to see where Improvised Weapons and Duel Wield can go, but the only other options to get rid of is Mathematics and something undefined like Memetics. So get rid of Improvised Combat and Duel Wield for Appraisal and Death. Though now that we'll be facing a much stronger, and completely unknown, enemy I really want Still Magic. The Red-Mutt had magic, and Splitter was able to steam roll it because he knocked it off balance and kept the advantage. So if Still Magic can even interfere with their abilities, then I think that'll be worth it. What Skill to swap out though. While I'm open to suggestions, I still think Mathematics is the odd one out.
I wouldn't want to get rid of Math, as it combos well with Logic and our ability to understand and manipulate the system.

Can probably either get rid of some of the magics we haven't made headway on like Divergence Effigy and Memetics which are seems like types that combo well but work better later on when we are more powerful.

I think I would like Leadership, Still Magic and Appraisal. Though Mad Science has appeal if for no other reason than messing with the System.
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I wouldn't want to get rid of Math, as it combos well with Logic and our ability to understand and manipulate the system.

Can probably either get rid of some of the magics we haven't made headway on like Divergence Effigy and Memetics which are seems like types that combo well but work better later on when we are more powerful.

I think I would like Leadership, Still Magic and Appraisal. Though Mad Science has appeal if for no other reason than messing with the System.
One of the things that makes all of this more difficult is the fact that Splitter was able to get Bone Magic to level 20 with seemingly minimal effort. I know it's extenuating circumstances with the supply of bones, and that some of our other Skills might've helped, but it still seems pretty crazy. We know Splitter grows fast, since level 20 is what people with that Skill reach with 4-5 years of experience. But the growth of Bone Magic is explosive in comparison to the other Skills we have that have been gradually ticking up, with occasional bursts. This makes things complicated, because it means that any Skill on our list (and even the ones on the full list) have the potential to become near instantly useful.

This makes it extra hard to get rid of things that have promise to them. There are good chances that Improvised Combat and Duel Wield will have some synergy. Mathematics, outside of being about math, may have some combos with our other Skills. Stealth hasn't seen any use, but it is a pure utility Skill. Same with Language. Divergence Magic and Effigy haven't seen any use, but they're a big part of this build and surely are a big part of Feisty. Yellow is a Spectrum and could be as useful as Blue and Green, but we have no clue how to even unlock it.

All that aside, I think the biggest question we need to ask ourselves is what Skills we do want.

I want Death for the synergy with Life, Biomancy, Bone Magic, Blood Magic, and Skin Magic. Which doesn't even mention Skills like Anatomy and First Aid.

I want Appraisal for the synergy with our mental Skills. Mentalism, Logic, Analysis, Perception, and Investigation.

I waStill Magic for two reasons. I believe that it has a place in the end game of this build, and it's description makes it out to have both potency and utility for offense and defense. All the while seemingly having little build up requirement, and being touch based should work well with being a hand to hand combatant.
Still Magic:
Touch based highly potent reinforcement and negation effects. Useful both defensive and offensively.

Those are 3 Skills I want, which mean I have to pick 3 Skills to get rid of.

It narrows things down if the common sentiment is to keep Stealth, Mathematics, and Language. On a personal level, I'm wary about getting rid of some Skills that haven't been activated. Blood Magic, Biomancy, Skin Magic, and Vital for the big combo. Divergence Magic, Gestalt, Effigy, Spirit, and Essentalism for the vision of the build and for things like Feisty.

I hesitate to get rid of Memetics and Plastic Magic, but I'm willing to give ground and let them be on the table.

That's all to say that I'm feeling like we can get rid of Improvised Combat, Duel Wield, and Yellow.

While I've already discussed getting rid of Improvised Combat and Duel Wield, at least with SilverKing, I haven't mentioned Yellow. I had hopes that it would unlock this chapter, and I know that it'll be useful to one degree or another, but it seems like we just go stupidly lucky with Green and Blue.

Though, I'm once more feeling like Stealth could really go. We have it on as a pure utility Skill, and it doesn't really have a place long term. But it hasn't seen any use. The Translucent Mutation would almost certainly go well with it, but that becomes a problem if we treat Stealth as something temporary. This would also reduce the amount of Mutations that have my attention.

I'm currently thinking like so:

I want Death, Appraisal, and Still Magic.

Skills that we can drop are Improvised Weapons, Duel Wield, Mathematics, Stealth, and Yellow.

Claws and Manifest Will are the most attractive Mutations for me.

I'll be back with more, but this is where I am now.
Manifest Will sounds absolutely broken:
- Bone magic can draw Health Points from bones. But how about Mental Points? Chug a bone like a potion to keep those gears turning.
- Sleep is the natural way to regain MP. Perhaps with levels and perks we'll be able to keep up mental sprints when not in danger? Be a genius => sleep => be a genius some more. Honestly just wondering if it works through elevating our mental stats. If it's not just quantative (faster), but also qualitive (better) improvements.
- We've got a number of MEN skills with unknown perks and interactions between them. For all we know, Mentalism has some combo-worthy perk.
- Even combat could use those smarts. Find the optimal strategy in seconds, resist a mental attack through greater effort?

So yeah, above all, I vote for Manifest Will. It opens up whole new dimensions.
First thing, attribute allocation.

Even with the incoming fight, I'm feeling like we should double down on MEN.

The PHY Skills we have, that we might use in the fight, have a cap of 32. Unarmed Combat basically got soft capped at level 26, because standard Mutts were too easy. Everything else we have is capped at 20, and while I'm uncertain about SOC I know we're getting close with our MEN. Mentalism is capped, Perception is 19, Analysis is 17, Psionics is 12, and Logic is 11. Which overlooks Foraging, First Aid, Anatomy, and Investigation which are all over 10.

I don't know. I can see how getting the PHY cap to 40 would be good, but this build is supposed to have a have a lot of MEN and we already have Bone Magic for PHY boosts.

So that's +2 to MEN.

For Mutation, I'm down for Claws or Manifest Will. I can see how both would be useful, but I'm not sure which is best.

I already talked about the respec, but I want to look over our strategy. As it might influence what's best.

First, Calcium on Tap.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like it doesn't require constant contact. Splitter held a bunch of ribs in one hand to fight the Mutts, but he had END on Calcium on Tap. So I'm thinking he can replace the SOC bones on his bandolier with PHY bones. That way he has two hands for the fight, and he can quickly grab whatever bone he needs during the fight. All while keeping END for Calcium on Tap.

For mutations, as with everything else I brought up I also see the points that Zephyr has raised.

I'm tempted to try some fancy write-ins, but here's my tentative plan.

[X] We Need Focus
- [X] [AAP] +2 MEN
- [X] [R5] Drop: Duel Wield, Improvised Combat, Stealth Add: Appraisal, Death, Still Magic
- [X] [FM] Manifest Will

[X] [CoT] I figured I already had the right idea, being able to negate an unlucky hit was the best use for it.
[X] [TA] We would stand together
- [X] [TA-Stand] Trying to head them off at the entrance to the food court from the swamp. Activate Manifest Will, boost {INS} with Bone Magic, and use {Deadthink} to examine the creature. Then, with {CUN} boosted by Bone Magic, use this information to formulate a plan of attack.
[X] [AC] You won't be needing SOC, so you should replace them with PHY bones on your bandolier to give you the use of your other hand.
[X] [AC] Translucent is very reminiscent of what the Red-Mutt was capable of. It's likely that animals also have access to Mutations.
[X] [AC] Slippy says that her range is 200 meters, and we have no reason to believe that she's wrong about that. That's huge, and she should be able to detect whatever is being lead here. Unless she has some other sort of Skill, then it's possible that Slippy will have to sit this one out. For her own good, and yours.

I'm tempted to use a write-in to get fancy with the show down. Remind Splitter about how the Red-Mutt reacted to Psionics, and that it may have had the Translucent Mutation. Also about all the Mutt corpses in the entrance hall, and how using their bones might help in the fight. But I imagine that Splitter already knows this, and if he doesn't the increased MEN plus the use of Manifest Will and boosts from bones should help with that. I'll be back in a few hours, but this is where I am.
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I think giving Superior Wings a pass would be a huge mistake we'd regret. Manifest Will is tempting, but the game system itself already opens up options and it's basically 'do stuff you do better'.

Flight just plain opens up options that completely trivialize tons of problems like navigation, travel time, hunting, and so forth while likewise opening up options in combat that can again trivialize many dangerous situations. The requirement for higher PHYS is hardly a problem, we probably want it higher anyway because those skills seem to level like crazy and that sets us up for the next skill threshhold on a ton of skills.

After we hit 10 on PHYS to get flight, we can start bringing up MEN.

Speaking of skills, I'd say if we DO take enhanced wings that lets us drop Climbing with Dual Wield and Improvised Weapons for obvious reasons. I don't think dropping Stealth is a good idea, especially if we take flight, because a lot of things do not look up. I do favor picking up Appraisal and Death, but I think Velocity is also an obvious winner.
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I think giving Superior Wings a pass would be a huge mistake we'd regret. Manifest Will is tempting, but the game system itself already opens up options and it's basically 'do stuff you do better'.

Flight just plain opens up options that completely trivialize tons of problems like navigation, travel time, hunting, and so forth while likewise opening up options in combat that can again trivialize many dangerous situations. The requirement for higher PHYS is hardly a problem, we probably want it higher anyway because those skills seem to level like crazy and that sets us up for the next skill threshhold on a ton of skills.

After we hit 10 on PHYS to get flight, we can start bringing up MEN.

Speaking of skills, I'd say if we DO take enhanced wings that lets us drop Climbing with Dual Wield and Improvised Weapons for obvious reasons. I don't think dropping Stealth is a good idea, especially if we take flight, because a lot of things do not look up. I do favor picking up Appraisal and Death, but I think Velocity is also an obvious winner.
There's a lot of stuff here, and there's a few ways to look at it.

Is Flight worth the sacrifice of leaving our other stats capped at 20? I think this is the most important question.

The highest PHY Skill is still 6 levels away from it's cap, and it has quite the lead with the next highest Skill being 12 levels away. Putting aside that a lot MEN Skills are less than 10 levels away, and some are even currently capped, there's still the question of utility. We still have room for our PHY Skills to grow, but I don't think being a bit stronger/faster/tougher will be the deciding factor in this fight. Though even if that's the case, just how useful would Flight even be in this situation?

We have two options. Fight, or run. For fighting, we can either face it at a bottleneck or we face it in the open. If we run, we run with the additional option of leaving Slippy behind. Splitter is 8 feet tall, and Superior Wings 'reinforces and grants the necessary mass'. Which tells me that it'll, at least, approximate natural flight. Which would be slow and cumbersome. Which, in my mind, makes Superior Wings most useful in the case that Splitter decides to run. You've got Velocity Magic, which would certainly help, but that runs into another issue.

My plan's name is referencing more than the increase to MEN. Getting rid of the Skills there, and avoiding the details, focuses our plan of action and the build. Velocity, while a utility Skill, is a complete gamble on wether it'll work or not while also not offering anything to the overall build as far as I can tell.

As for Stealth, I see it as something like a package deal. Translucent would certainly help activate and level Stealth, and this might even be true for Superior Wings as well, but that seems like a bad reason to keep Stealth and get those two Mutations. While we'll likely get more Mutations, we have no reason to believe that we'll be able to get rid of the ones we get. So forcing ourselves to take a sub-optimal Mutation, just to make use of a Skill that's only become less necessary overtime and hasn't ever activated, just doesn't appeal to me.

As far as why Manifest Will is better than all of that, there is Zephyr's post. Which I think could even be underselling the total capabilities. It's a Mutation that only has drawbacks when used, and it should scale as Splitter's MEN abilities and stats increase. Then, on top of all of that, as I've brought up earlier I think that Splitter being smarter is more likely to make a difference. Even if you disagree with these points, I'm under the impression that we'll be able to take another Mutation. We might get one every 5 levels, and Superior Wings doesn't seem like the type of thing that'd be a limited time offer.

On that note, I want to talk about Mutations and the enemy we might face. The Red-Mutt probably had Translucent, as I couldn't any other chameleon type Skill on the list. On top of that are it's claws. Splitter thought that the were weak, but it's possible they would've been sharpened with the Claws Mutation. That would put the thing at level 10, but the only other explanation would be some type of sharpening or severance magic. This is all to say that the monsters in the jungle seemingly have access to the same, or at least similar, Mutations. Which is a worrying proposition, if this monster is being deliberately guided towards us. What if this monster has Decentralized Consciousness, meaning that even Slippy's efforts to hinder will be useless? What if it's level 10 and also has Mind Like Fire, which might incapacitate Slippy? Or, if it's level 10, it could have some other MEN Mutation that's even more potent because it has a prerequisite of 10 stat points?

Oh man, this really puts this line into a different perspective:
That one was significantly closer, only just beyond where we could see.

'There is definitely nothing there!' Slippy insisted frantically, gesticulating with her hands.
Slippy can't even detect whatever this thing is. But, maybe it's out of range.

Except that this is a thick jungle, which means the clearing is small. If that wasn't enough, then there's this:
My range is over 200 metres, there are one or two animals that direction but as long as your memory is correct then they are not where the building is.
Her range is huge, and she should be able to detect it here.

I don't know if this is some sort of Perk, or if it's some sort of Mutation, but Slippy should be able to detect it. If she can't come up with some other magic that can help us, then she may have to stay back. Even if it's for her own safety.

This definitely needs to go into an AC, maybe the bit about the Red-Mutt as well.

- [ ] [AC] Translucent is very reminiscent of what the Red-Mutt was capable of. It's likely that animals also have access to Mutations.
- [ ] [AC] Slippy says that her range is 200 meters, and we have no reason to believe that she's wrong about that. That's huge, and she should be able to detect whatever is being lead here. Unless she has some other sort Skill, then it's possible that Slippy will have to sit this one out. For her own good, and yours.

I'll throw these into my plan. Also, just to make sure I'm getting this right, voting opens at 10am GMT?
GMT+10 is the timezone I live in. So I was saying I'd open the vote when I got up in the morning. For common reference, I'm about 10 hours ahead of England and about 16-18 hours ahead of America.
Huh. I didn't know that time zones were classified as such (GMT +_). Makes enough sense, I suppose, with the Prime Meridian being there. Greenwich England, center of the world.

As for the vote, until anyone else has something to add I'll throw in those Xs.
My problem with getting a physical upgrade is that I think it's only a matter of time before we are going to want to transition into something more humanlike to interact with others. If that's the case something like wings might be wasted.

[X] Fortunate One
- [X] [AAP] +1 MEN, +1 LUCK
- [X] [R5] Drop: Divergence, Memetic, Effigy: Appraisal, Leadership, Still Magic
- [X] [FM] Eyes of Fortune (Requires {LUK}+1)

[X] [CoT] I figured I already had the right idea, being able to negate an unlucky hit was the best use for it.
[X] [TA] We would stand together
- [X] [TA-Stand] Trying to head them off at the entrance to the food court from the swamp.
[X] [AC] You won't be needing SOC, so you should replace them with PHY bones on your bandolier to give you the use of your other hand.
[X] [AC] Translucent is very reminiscent of what the Red-Mutt was capable of. It's likely that animals also have access to Mutations.
[X] [AC] Slippy says that her range is 200 meters, and we have no reason to believe that she's wrong about that. That's huge, and she should be able to detect whatever is being lead here. Unless she has some other sort of Skill, then it's possible that Slippy will have to sit this one out. For her own good, and yours.
[X] [AC] Have Slippy try and limit the number of approaching targets by sending them away if she is able.

I think it's very important to get Leadership now that we are in a party. Sometimes a skill like that in games will give party wide benefits. Like I said I think the magics I am dropping are not useful now, so let's see what synergies the skills like dual wield and improvised have as they are more likely to be useful right now, also dropping Stealth with our current skills seems crazy. Later we can respec and pick up these magics again when we are better able to use them.

I always think Luck must be useful, Luck +1 and Eyes gives us a way to determine its effects and get a better idea before we commit to raising or not raising it. It lets us make an informed decision on Luck down the line which I value.
Having wings already offers options - it makes retreating up a bunch of stairs much less of an all-or-nothing affair. Given what little we've seen so far, I'm thinking taking a human/angelic form may be tough but Biomancy wshould make it doable. If this setting is like 'Worth the Candle' though, humans are just one of many races.

[X] Enter The Dragonthing
- [X] [AAP] +2 PHYS
- [X] [R5] Drop: Duel Wield, Improvised Combat, Climbing Add: Appraisal, Death, Velocity Magic
- [X] [FM] Superior Wings (Requires {PHY}+2)

[X] [CoT] I figured I already had the right idea, being able to negate an unlucky hit was the best use for it.

[X] [TA] We would stand together
- [X] [TA-Stand] By retreating to and holding at one of the many stairwells up the highest level.
[X] [AC] You won't be needing SOC, so you should replace them with PHY bones on your bandolier to give you the use of your other hand.
[X] [AC] Translucent is very reminiscent of what the Red-Mutt was capable of. It's likely that animals also have access to Mutations.
[X] [AC] Slippy should stay behind you so that whatever is coming has to go through you first. Your best option for now is to retreat to a more defendible area and try to get some information on whatever is coming.
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Since discussion has stalled out, and more has occurred to me since, I'm making another post.

I had a thought about the upcoming fight. Use Bone Magic to boost {INS}, while also activating Manifest Will and then {Deadthink}.

This has the risk of depleting Splitter's MEN stamina, but it's only a burst and the plan anyway is to raise MEN. I think that on top of INS, we have a lot of Skills that could trigger here. Perception, Analysis, Logic, Investigation, and the newly gained Appraisal.

There's a chance that Splitter's MEN stamina will be drained, and there's a chance that this creature will somehow be immune to this. But is that likely?

Thoughts on adding this to the stand and fight part?
Hmmm, Slippy might not be able to help through Psionics (though shoving some pain at the whatever-it-is just to see if it works might be something to try. Invisible doesn't always mean non-interactable), but she is fast and supernaturally mobile. She could try harassing it with thrown objects just to distract the whatever while Splitter dukes it out with it. Considering that Splitter is also a decent climber, and Feisty can fly, we might want to engage the thing somewhere that the vertical mobility would be an advantage... but honestly we don't know enough about our opposition to know if it is more or less mobile than us in that category.
Slippy might not be able to help through Psionics (though shoving some pain at the whatever-it-is just to see if it works might be something to try. Invisible doesn't always mean non-interactable),
I think the biggest thing is, that this creature might as well be nonexistent to Slippy's Psionics. Even with Mind Like Fire and Distributed Consciousness, the Mind is still there. So this means that there is some sort of Blank effect going on. I've wondered if Still Magic could become potent enough to disrupt this effect, and give Splitter and Slippy a window to Mind Whammy this thing. Though, a part of me wonders if it doesn't have a Mind at all. Like, this thing could be some sort of Kill Bot. But, there's just no way to know.
but she is fast and supernaturally mobile. She could try harassing it with thrown objects just to distract the whatever while Splitter dukes it out with it.
I've thought about this, and it just doesn't seem like it'd really do anything. Without Thrown Weapons there's no great way for her to even hit, and she may even hit Splitter in the attempt. Slippy all in all seems unlikely to have this Skill, and even if she does it doesn't seem like it'll be leveled very much. She's only been around for a few hours more than Splitter, and while she's also a Homun I have to wonder if her growth is more normal than Splitters. Though, if she did, it would really go against how her Psionics and {Anypath} leveled so quickly.

Maybe she can use that mobility to throw more bones into the arena or something, but I don't know how well that'd work. So that's why my AC is just about throwing the question at Slippy to see if she has anything else at all.
Considering that Splitter is also a decent climber, and Feisty can fly, we might want to engage the thing somewhere that the vertical mobility would be an advantage... but honestly we don't know enough about our opposition to know if it is more or less mobile than us in that category.
That really is the problem isn't it? This thing is likely high leveled, and it's in these jungles. So trying to fight in in the jungle, or otherwise with mobility, seems like it'd be counterproductive. But then there's the chance it's more of a tank, which would be more in line with a Kill Bot.
Actually, that's a thought. What if the reason Slippy can't detect its mind is because it doesn't have one? What if it's not a creature at all, but an automaton? We've seen jarring inconsistencies here already, a killer robot wouldn't be surprising. Now, this would make it immune to Psionics... but also probably very stupid and predictable.

...We really need some way to get more information on our opponent to plan properly.
Well, absent any information... Without Psionics, our crew is entirely melee combatants, so put the fight someplace any hypothetical ranged attacks possessed by our opponent would be useless. We can't work toward our enemies' weaknesses, but can at least emphasize our strengths.
We can't work toward our enemies' weaknesses, but can at least emphasize our strengths.
I'm think that we really have no way of knowing our enemies' strengths either.

Is it fast and agile? Use a bottleneck.

Is it strong and tough? Use the entrance.

As for our Strengths, there are two things that come to mind. Barring extreme circumstances, Splitter and Slippy should be smarter than some animal. In addition to that is Bone Magic. It can boost Splitter's stats by an incredible amount.

With that I mind, I think the way to go is to try and give Splitter the tools to figure out how to kill this thing.

I already brought up boosting {INS} with Bone Magic, but he can also boost {CUN}. Maybe boost that after he's already examined it with everything else, to try and formulate a plan.

Maybe something like this:

[ ] [TA] We would stand together
- [ ] [TA-Stand] Trying to head them off at the entrance to the food court from the swamp. Activate Manifest Will, boost {INS} with Bone Magic, and use {Deadthink} to examine the creature. Then, with {CUN} boosted by Bone Magic, use this information for a plan of attack.