Blessed Homunculus into the Nexus

We can remember, that Telepathy was a separate skill from Psionics in the skill list. There's nothing saying that Slippy has Psionics, just Telepathy.
I don't see it, these are all of the Skills that I could see:
Weave tapestries worthy for a king.
Thrown Weapons:
Throw for effect. Thread the needle where you need something to land, or just pulverize something out of the way.
Two-Handed Weapons:
You know how to stab and jab.
Tree Magic:
Circumvent circumstances through circuitous cedar connections. Trees can take the fall for your mistakes among other uses.
Technopathy: (Aspect)
Control and Extend the function of technology in minor and dramatic ways.
Temperance: (Virtue)
Maybe I missed something though.
Hmm, I might be wrong. I thought I saw it, but might have seen Technopathy instead or something.
This is the last thread I expected rampant shipping. You're all horrible. :V

[X] [AAP] +1 MEN, +1 Luck
We're not at a point where we're going to hit our skill caps before the next level up, and I'd prefer to keep things reasonably balanced at least at this level.

[X] [AAP] +2 PHY
We're actually a lot closer than I thought, with only one MEN skill that's really close, and our two most used skills at 17 and 19 capping at 24. It's likely they'll both hit that next we see combat.
[X] [HVimE] Trust, but Verify. I allowed her to approach, ready to attack at the first sign of treachery.
We just got dumped into Magic Predator land, let's not just throw ourselves into an alliance before we at least talk to her and see what she wants. Considering how the hounds shit their pants as she approached I'm not super worried about her outright attacking us since she probably could have just done that without bothering with subterfuge, but that isn't the same thing as trusting her.
[X] [HVimE] Cautiously optimistic. She could represent danger, she could be a trap. But she represents potential information, food, shelter, and companionship. Maybe I can speak back with Psionics, like with the Red-Mutt, try to project these feelings.
Also going to approval vote this one.
[X] [AN] If she was 'Slippy', then I guess I was 'Splitter'.
Suitably snappy to work as a name at least, and I am terrible at coming up with names.
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[X] [AAP] +2 MEN
[X] [HVimE] Where one falls, two might thrive. I took her word at face value. I suggested we go to the building I'd seen. As a telepath, she could tell me if anything was already inside before we sought shelter.
[X] [AN] Wheat.

We have proven ourselves to be Wheat instead of Chaff. Not much of a fan of Splitter, it sounds a little too much like her name.
We're not at a point where we're going to hit our skill caps before the next level up, and I'd prefer to keep things reasonably balanced at least at this level.
If we get in anymore fights then I expect that we'll be hitting that cap soon. Much sooner than MEN and SOC Skills. Unarmed Combat went up by 7 this chapter, though I recognize that such growth is partly due to fighting the Red-Mutt. That said, Unarmored went up by 3 this chapter. Which puts Unarmed Combat 5 levels away from the cap, and Unarmored is 8 away. Not super close if there isn't anymore fighting, but it's closer than any of the other skills.
Considering how the hounds shit their pants as she approached I'm not super worried about her outright attacking us since she probably could have just done that without bothering with subterfuge, but that isn't the same thing as trusting her.
I'd really like to know what you think of my write-in.
[X] [HVimE] Cautiously optimistic. She could represent danger, she could be a trap. But she represents potential information, food, shelter, and companionship. Maybe I can speak back with Psionics, like with the Red-Mutt, try to project these feelings.
If you think it's too wordy, or just unnecessary, let me know. Because I wouldn't mind consolidating on the Trust, but Varify if you preferred that.
Maybe a Bigger Fish?
I have nothing to do with this.

[X] [AN] Homun

[X] [HVimE] Cautiously optimistic. She could represent danger, she could be a trap. But she represents potential information, food, shelter, and companionship. Maybe I can speak back with Psionics, like with the Red-Mutt, try to project these feelings.
This is the last thread I expected rampant shipping. You're all horrible. :V

Oh, Dawn, don't you know? Two is company, you need at least three for proper shipping.

How about this ever-hungry hunk showing up, threatening to steal Slippy's affections?

Or this saucy metamorphing minx who's only got compounding eyes for Splitter?

Swamps, stats, and the ever-present fear of death are so passé! Shipping wars are the REAL nightmares we've all been waiting for!
If we get in anymore fights then I expect that we'll be hitting that cap soon. Much sooner than MEN and SOC Skills. Unarmed Combat went up by 7 this chapter, though I recognize that such growth is partly due to fighting the Red-Mutt. That said, Unarmored went up by 3 this chapter. Which puts Unarmed Combat 5 levels away from the cap, and Unarmored is 8 away. Not super close if there isn't anymore fighting, but it's closer than any of the other skills.

I'd really like to know what you think of my write-in.

If you think it's too wordy, or just unnecessary, let me know. Because I wouldn't mind consolidating on the Trust, but Varify if you preferred that.
It's kind of a slightly more detailed trust but verify but it is slightly less hostile in tone so I don't mind voting for it. The emphasis on communication could be useful.
Oh, Dawn, don't you know? Two is company, you need at least three for proper shipping.
I've been reading Divided Loyalties lately and the first thing that came to mind when I saw this was "Two is war, three is peace." And you know what? I prefer the Skaven version.
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Seeing that the Attribute Allocation vote is split 4 ways, I figured that I should shill my position and provide my reasoning.
Five levels, four after this, will give a cap of level 40 for Skills with a PHY primary. Which I think is a safe bet for what we used most, and will likely continue to use most for the time being. Unarmed Combat is level 12, Unarmored is 14, Climbing is at 9, and Athletics are at 8. All of the other skills we have also have a cap at 20, since we balanced our stats. So I figure working on our PHY right now is, at least, just as good as the others.
This is after chapter 2.
I want to push our PHY Skill cap up to 40, and my reasoning as a whole hasn't really changed from last chapter. Unarmored, Unarmed Combat, Athletics, Climbing, and Dodge are all PHY skills and are really important right now. Plus there is Perception, Mentalism, and Psionics which are also seeing some use now in the PHY category. Even though I suspect that these Skills have a MEN stat as their Secondary, that cap is already at 30 and getting PHY to 8 puts the highest cap possible at 32.
My fears about Slippy also contribute to this train of thought.
What I'm trying to say with Slippy is that we're seemingly at her mercy. Maybe she's a horror with her Psionics, and it's almost guaranteed that she has a higher PHY stat than us. So while we might as well go along with her, I don't think we should even try to beat her at the Psionics game at this point. It's only at level 5 right now, so I don't see a pressing need to raise it's cap right now in comparison to PHY as a whole.
This might make her something like a succubus, and it brings to mind an episode of Love, Death and Robots. Where this creature disguised itself as a person from the mc's past to give him a false sense of security and keep him in an illusory world. This is to say, what if 'Slippy' is just the cover for some other creature that just has high Psionics and hunts like an anglerfish or something? Of course, assuming that this is true this creature still would've had to have seen enough Homuns to know how to interact with them and craft something they would see as beautiful. Meaning there has to be a degree of frequency of Homuns being dropped here, which in turn means that it's possible that a few of them survive like Slippy apparently has.
There's more in the original posts, but I think that these are the most important points.

Though I do wonder about how we should go about Attribute Allocation in the future. Even outside of the short term, I think some of the biggest questions would be about what's necessary and what's not. Take SOC for an example. For our build, Insight looks really good and maybe Poise as well. But if we're splitting our points between those two, we might as well put them in SOC and raise all three sub-categories up. This would be where it's important to know Primary and Secondary stats for Skills. They dictate the Skill cap, but to different degrees.
A Skill cannot exceed 4 times it's primary stat and 6 times its secondary stat.
If we know the Primary and Secondary stats for our Skills, it would let us plan on what to invest in and what can be set aside. Like if there's a lot of our Skills that have one sub-category as a Primary or Secondary, and some Skills that we don't use much are related to another sub-category, we can choose to leave those Skills we don't use alone.

I expect this to be super involved, and I don't know how much we can trust the table Sly made to accurate represent those Skills (maybe just the Primary stats), so I'm not going to dive in right now. Maybe later today I'll be able to look over the past two chapters and the Skill increases, the Skill list, and the Skills and Stats Informational to start making some guesses.
[X] [AAP] +1 MEN, +1 Luck

[X] [AN] Homun

[X] [HVimE] Cautiously optimistic. She could represent danger, she could be a trap. But she represents potential information, food, shelter, and companionship. Maybe I can speak back with Psionics, like with the Red-Mutt, try to project these feelings.
Now we have a two way tie lol

[ ] [AAP] +2 Luck
[ ] [AAP] +1 MEN, +1 Luck

Can I ask why Luck has such support? I suppose I'm not against it, but I just haven't seen any planning for it. It seems like we might get some benefit from individual points, but I don't know if we'll get the full threshold bonus until we get it to level 5. Which would mean 3 more level ups devoted solely to it.

My own take on it would be... maybe. We can't reallocate stat points, so each one is important. But having just a bit more Luck might be more helpful now than it would be once the rest of our Skills level up. But high Luck will always be useful, it's something that can be the center point for entire builds. I just don't know if that's what we want to do right now, and I don't think average Luck has to be any sort of handicap. I mean, if we start getting terrible Luck then I'll be for it. But for now we seem to be doing alright not terribly.
Now we have a two way tie lol

[ ] [AAP] +2 Luck
[ ] [AAP] +1 MEN, +1 Luck

Can I ask why Luck has such support? I suppose I'm not against it, but I just haven't seen any planning for it. It seems like we might get some benefit from individual points, but I don't know if we'll get the full threshold bonus until we get it to level 5. Which would mean 3 more level ups devoted solely to it.

My own take on it would be... maybe. We can't reallocate stat points, so each one is important. But having just a bit more Luck might be more helpful now than it would be once the rest of our Skills level up. But high Luck will always be useful, it's something that can be the center point for entire builds. I just don't know if that's what we want to do right now, and I don't think average Luck has to be any sort of handicap. I mean, if we start getting terrible Luck then I'll be for it. But for now we seem to be doing alright not terribly.

I mean we don't have any right now, so I wanted drop one in there. But I'm not planning on focusing it, just every now and then, certainly not all the way to 5 right now. Changed my mind.
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It seems like we might get some benefit from individual points, but I don't know if we'll get the full threshold bonus until we get it to level 5. Which would mean 3 more level ups devoted solely to it.
There is no such thing as a threshold bonus. There may be threshold Perks, but the 5/10/15 etc descriptors are just a general summary of the feats and capabilities you should expect from a human in that rough ballpark.
edit: LUK is like an omniscient autopilot. You will make the right choices more often, and when you make the wrong choices you will execute them in a way that minimises the harmful consequences more often. It is also an external force pulling random chance into your favour.
It's not that a coin will turn up heads more than 50% when you throw it, it's that you can choose to flip heads more often than tails.

You can expect LUK to be more directly potent than the base three, because only a select few hidden skills have it as a Primary or Secondary Attribute. But likewise, can expect it to raise essentially none of your current Skill-caps.
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I mean we don't have any right now, so I wanted drop one in there. But I'm not planning on focusing it, just every now and then, certainly not all the way to 5 right now.
Yeah, I get that. Sly just said that thresholds are primarily descriptors for progression, and the 'bonus' is the Perk requirement and availability. That said, I'm still okay with having the Luck of an average person. Here's the first two thresholds for Luck:
{LUK}=0: Baseline Human
Reality does not favour you in any measurable way.
{LUK}=5: Exceptional
Remarkable Luck. You frequently gain an instinct on how to move moments before death, in addition to a more mild general danger sense steering you away from unfavourable places or things.
I mean we don't have any right now, so I wanted drop one in there. But I'm not planning on focusing it, just every now and then, certainly not all the way to 5 right now.
This is to say I'm not currently worried about having zero Luck. I'm not against something like +Luck, but I really do think working on getting PHY up is important right this moment. Wether we settle for 8, or leave it at 10, the longer we take the longer it'll be. If that makes sense.

I doubt I'll be able to dive into Primaries and Secondaries until maybe Monday, but here's my general focus. Get PHY to 10, then work on MEN and SOC. For SOC I'm tempted to leave Charisma and Poise alone and focus Insight, but that's something I can decide on when I know more and when we get there.

So I guess my question to you guys is this. Do you think pushing for PHY 10 right now is too early, inefficient, or otherwise unnecessary? I'd like to know what you guys think about that, because all I can do is guess. Which at this point I'm assuming that it's because our current build is MEN and SOC heavy, with the magic. I see that, and eventually want to get there but I'm trying to get some breathing room with PHY. Which is something I was planning to do from the start, my original stat distribution was 7/5/3 (PHY/MEN/SOC). I still don't know how well that would've worked, especially now that Slippy is here, but I settled on being balanced. So is this another situation where people want to be more balanced, or I'm hyper focusing PHY beyond what's reasonable?
Changed my vote to +1 MEN, +1 Luck in my original post. I'm leaning towards being a little more balanced at this point, since I think we're still rather far from hitting a skill cap, we're still experimenting with what our powers can do, and because I want to see if Splitter can detect any noticable effect when Luck is raised.

Also, after meeting Slippy, Splitter definitely going to want to get lucky THANK YOU thank you I'll be here all week!
Yeah, I get that. Sly just said that thresholds are primarily descriptors for progression, and the 'bonus' is the Perk requirement and availability. That said, I'm still okay with having the Luck of an average person. Here's the first two thresholds for Luck:

This is to say I'm not currently worried about having zero Luck. I'm not against something like +Luck, but I really do think working on getting PHY up is important right this moment. Wether we settle for 8, or leave it at 10, the longer we take the longer it'll be. If that makes sense.

I doubt I'll be able to dive into Primaries and Secondaries until maybe Monday, but here's my general focus. Get PHY to 10, then work on MEN and SOC. For SOC I'm tempted to leave Charisma and Poise alone and focus Insight, but that's something I can decide on when I know more and when we get there.

So I guess my question to you guys is this. Do you think pushing for PHY 10 right now is too early, inefficient, or otherwise unnecessary? I'd like to know what you guys think about that, because all I can do is guess. Which at this point I'm assuming that it's because our current build is MEN and SOC heavy, with the magic. I see that, and eventually want to get there but I'm trying to get some breathing room with PHY. Which is something I was planning to do from the start, my original stat distribution was 7/5/3 (PHY/MEN/SOC). I still don't know how well that would've worked, especially now that Slippy is here, but I settled on being balanced. So is this another situation where people want to be more balanced, or I'm hyper focusing PHY beyond what's reasonable?

I did end up changing that. I'm worried about over focusing on phys because our magic skills are anemic right now and being limited later, but right now Unarmored/armed are keeping us alive so I'm in favor of at least keeping ahead of the cap until our other skills begin to pull their weight. PHY also encompasses endurance and speed, which will never not be useful even if power becomes less central to our build. Next level up I'd probably want to spread them around a little unless we're super close to the cap again.

Changed my vote to +1 MEN, +1 Luck in my original post. I'm leaning towards being a little more balanced at this point, since I think we're still rather far from hitting a skill cap, we're still experimenting with what our powers can do, and because I want to see if Splitter can detect any noticable effect when Luck is raised.

Also, after meeting Slippy, Splitter definitely going to want to get lucky THANK YOU thank you I'll be here all week!
Lol now we have a three way tie. Also boooooo. I want to sleep tonight.
We are actually extremely close to a cap. 24 is our phys skill cap and Unarmored is at 17 and Unarmed is at 19. There's almost no chance we don't cap that next fight.
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Is this like Musical Chairs? Or is it more like Hot Potato? I don't know, but I'm getting a good chuckle at how things keep swinging back and forth.
I still like 2 Mental better, as with another person our int is going to be how we contribute.

[X] [AAP] +1 MEN, +1 Luc
[X] [AAP] +2 MEN

But of the leading options this is closest to what I want.
We have Slippy. If we take her into account as one part of our party. Us gearing for physical combat would make sense. Slippy seems like she's a MEN SOC build. If true then if we'd go PHY that'd cover for her shortcomings, making the 2 of us stronger together then we'd be alone.

But I don't understand this stat system, and I don't understand what stat dependencies our skills have. So who knows. And then re-speccing our skills to fit our stats is an option as well. so... hmm. It's far too complex for me to even begin understanding it.
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We have Slippy. If we take her into account as one part of our party. Us gearing for physical combat would make sense. Slippy seems like she's a MEN SOC build. If true then if we'd go PHY that'd cover for her shortcomings, making the 2 of us stronger together then we'd be alone.

Yeah, I was thinking down those lines as well. But I also think that what separates us then from her Henchman? Based on the little interaction we had with her she deals treats those who can't talk worse, would that be us if we had a low starting Men?
Yeah, I was thinking down those lines as well. But I also think that what separates us then from her Henchman? Based on the little interaction we had with her she deals treats those who can't talk worse, would that be us if we had a low starting Men?
I would say that isn't the biggest thing to worry about, unless we do chose to respec all of our Skills to go with an increased PHY stat. Which is an option, but who knows how far out that opportunity will be. We may be the punchy guy in this hypothetical party, but he also has some good support magic. Life, Biomancy, Blood Magic, and Bone Magic all seem like this that he could use to boost himself and others. Which is before any Divergence shenanigans.
I'm thinking that it might be best to compromise here, for +1 PHY and +1 MEN. Though maybe +1 PHY and +2 INS.

I don't know.

I want to keep pushing our PHY Skill cap up, but it's not so straightforward. Having higher PHY stats will be helpful keeping us alive, and it can serve as a good foundation when we start to invest in SOC and MEN. But thresholds aren't complete bonuses on their own, and we can work towards them. But each stat invested provides a boost, so it matters.

In this situation INS would be good in making sure we can figure Slippy out, and WIS seems like it might provide some protection against mind altering stuff. Do we do +1 PHY/+1 WIS/+1INS? Or would we be better off boosting either WIS or INS to 7? Or maybe putting raising all of MEN, or all of SOC, by one point would be better because that's three subcategories for the price of two.