Bleach: Derailed

Ichigo beats/ties with Kenpachi pretty early at the show before he gets Bankai. Winning is probably largely a matter of getting Zangetsu to give us a big enough power boost. Still whatever training we can get beforehand would be good since Kenpachi probably has good odds on killing us if we underperform.

That was more of a sucker punch than a win, really. Ichigo ratcheted up the power really suddenly and caught Kenpachi with his figurative pants down. I think we could pull a tie if we train hard, and not die, but I don't think we're coming out of this as Captain Kurosaki-Shiba.

Or we might. I know I'll definitely vote as though I expect victory to be a possibility when we get there. Positive thinking and all that.
I mean, someone explained Persona 5 to me as "Pokemon, but also Inception as written by sociologists" and that was it for me, I was doomed.
I mean, I liked Persona 5, but I also disliked some bits. For example, the shoehorning in of people- even adults!- consistently identifying the problems in society as 'Rotten Adults', rather than 'Rotten People,' seemed to be very forced to me. The fact that the game actually tried to address questions of ethics and morality at all was pretty cool though, even if I sometimes felt like they hadn't gone into as much depth as they could have.
I mean I'll be the first to admit it's not perfect, though that specific gripe I'm willing to put down to translation error or just poor word choice on the part of the writer.

That said, it hits some really good points really well: the Kamoshida arc kicks everything off great by taking that relatable situation and escalating it to a degree that most of us haven't experienced personally, Madarame (and yes I am talking about the painter and not the gangster) is pretty interesting study on the psychology of perceived debt, and Okumura hits greed and dehumanization right on the nose. And that's not even mentioning Futaba, who was perfectly executed with regards to internalized blame, the unreliability of memory, and the tendency to actively fabricate memories if you're told of certain events enough.

For all of what I didn't like about the game (Freaking mementos), there was so much more I did like. And not everything I liked was written perfectly: that second arc was one of the weaker parts of the game in pretty much every regard but I still found something good in it.

It's not a perfect game but it's one of my favorites so *shrug*
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I mean, I liked Persona 5, but I also disliked some bits. For example, the shoehorning in of people- even adults!- consistently identifying the problems in society as 'Rotten Adults', rather than 'Rotten People,' seemed to be very forced to me. The fact that the game actually tried to address questions of ethics and morality at all was pretty cool though, even if I sometimes felt like they hadn't gone into as much depth as they could have.
That's part of the whole, you know, originally Japanese thing. Knowledge of Japanese culture and how things are over there can potentially make, or break, your enjoyment of certain elements in Persona as a whole. A ton of people in the West just don't seem to understand Akechi in particular because of this. The localization did not help either.
I mean, someone explained Persona 5 to me as "Pokemon, but also Inception as written by sociologists" and that was it for me, I was doomed.
Lol. It's more Carl Jung than Inception though. Literally what if Carl Jung was right combined with SMT.

But this Bleach so unless TPK wants to address Societal and Cultural issues of Japan, which would be fukin amazing considering Soul Society is chronologically regressive in at least aesthetic to Modern Japan, the most we will see of the topic is Ichigo's experience growing up ginger. Arguably mildly Albino.
I was going to say that I was pretty sure Ichigo isn't a ginger, but after looking at his picture with gingers in mind, I now cannot unsee it.
I could never see that as a hair color the hairs never the right shade of red always some kind orange
Well, "strawberry blond(e)" is the name for a hair color between red and blond, so orange is what's to be expected. The "strawberry" part is a modifier to the "blond," as in "too reddish to be really blond," not "hair red as a strawberry." That... basically doesn't happen without dyes involved.
Well, "strawberry blond(e)" is the name for a hair color between red and blond, so orange is what's to be expected. The "strawberry" part is a modifier to the "blond," as in "too reddish to be really blond," not "hair red as a strawberry." That... basically doesn't happen without dyes involved.
The joke here, that Ichigo means strawberry, and strawberry blonde is close enough to his (natural) orange hair.
Honestly I was kinda hoping that when Ywach broke Tensa Zangetsu Ichigo would just lose it and go into Ressurreccion again.
Honestly I was kinda hoping that when Ywach broke Tensa Zangetsu Ichigo would just lose it and go into Ressurreccion again.
Kubo: "Well too bad. You got time travel instead."
*ignores the giant red button labeled 'TIME TRAVEL BITCHES' on his desk*
Kubo: "Yep. Too bad."

Disclaimer: I am not Tite Kubo. His views are not mine.
To be fair, while Ichigo's power up never appeared again. Neither did Sequnda Etapa.


That at least had an excuse:

Hollows don't really coordinate or cooperate or have any sort of civilization due to their nature. So where Shinigami have people to show newbies about Bankai safely, Hollows might achieve Segunda Etapa but it's likely that any other Hollows that see it are dead shortly afterwards. So, there's no framework for Hollows to share that type of info, because they might be empowering future rivals.

Plus there's foreshadowing in Arrancar being Vizard counterpoints, coming from the opposite angle, and having the potential for a Bankai equivalent.

As opposed to Ichigo's "Vasto Lorde" equivalent...

*howls in rage that it appeared once just to poorly justify Ichigo winning even though he got his ass kicked by Base Ulquiorra, Ressurrecion Ulquiorra, and THEN Segunda Etapa Ulquiorra*
