Bleach: Derailed

Actually, from what I understand. Isshin / Ichigo's dad didn't desert. Not exactly. It's been implied in the Aizen fight when Ichigo was being taught the Final Getsuo Tensho /Slashing Through Heaven. The price of doing so was that it consumed the vast majority of his reishi and made Ichigo's dad effectivly normal.

He fell in love and had a family as he was very slowly recovering the reishi he spent. It's a good question if Isshin was at 100% when the Aizen fight took place.
Looks like someone hasn't read the "Everything but the Rain" sub-arc.
I mean, it's not a bad theory, but it's already been Jossed. If you want to find out for yourself, don't look in the spoiler box.
Some of Isshin's men die in the world of the living, and he decides to investigate personally. He encounters one of Aizen's Shinigami hollowfication experiments, code-named "White". The most notable things about White are that, a) its hole is filled in, and b) its mask is shaped exactly the same as berserk!Ichigo's. He also meets Masaki, a pure-blood Quincy with notably powerful defensive abilities. Masaki gets White to attack her, letting her defense tank the attack, so that she can shoot and kill it point-blank. However, her defense wasn't quite good enough, and she got scratched.
The next day, Isshin returns to thank Masaki again for her help. Unfortunately, Masaki had, by that point, fallen deathly ill (part of which involved the formation of a Hollow's hole). He takes her to the only person around who can help her -- Urahara. Kisuke explains that Hollow energy is extremely poisonous to Quincy, causing an imbalance in the soul, followed by that soul's destruction, a phenomenon known as Soul Suicide. The only way to save Masaki is for a Shinigami (i.e. Isshin) to bind himself to a special gigai which seals his powers and makes him effectively a normal human. In this way, Isshin's human and Shinigami aspects balance out Masaki's Hollow and Quincy.

Now, you may be thinking, if Masaki is some really powerful Quincy, how did a Hollow like Grand Fisher kill her? That exact day, all mixed-blood Quincy (save Uryuu) died, their souls absorbed by the progenitor of the Quincy. At the same time, Masaki lost all her power, and was unable to protect herself.

Another note: Ichigo inherited the abilities of his parents, as well as the seal on his Hollow aspect. As such, Isshin didn't regain his powers until Ichigo's Hollow aspect became too powerful to contain.
But the good news is Ichigo's dead so that seal should be gone and Isshin should be regaining his powers.
Rereading the Bleach manga, it does remind me that Rukia kinda has no idea of how daily life in the modern world works as well as Ichigo. I guess that's one possible way Ichigo might be paired up with Rukia or someone else since he does still remember about his old hometown.

Also Grand Fisher's unmasking was probably meant to be very important for him besides getting killed by Isshin to show off Isshin's shinigami reveal.
[x] What will be done about the arrancar organization

Seems a natural as beck thing to ask about. But at the same time, Kaien...
We should probably use a subvote to note that we're asking because Zangetsu won't let us use our Shikai to it's full potential unless we get Bankai in the next four months.
Actually, we can get that back too.
Better to not have them. Quincy powers destroy the soul of hollows they kill along with all the souls they've consumed, making them easily the closest thing to pure objective evil in a setting where souls, afterlives, and reincarnation verifiably exist even without the "undermines the balance of the worlds bringing everything closer to destruction" thing. As horrible as it was on a personal level the shinigami were right to wipe them out, and most likely every single one of them without enough regrets to linger and become a hollow themselves ended up in Hell rather than Soul Society.
Better to not have them. Quincy powers destroy the soul of hollows they kill along with all the souls they've consumed, making them easily the closest thing to pure objective evil in a setting where souls, afterlives, and reincarnation verifiably exist even without the "undermines the balance of the worlds bringing everything closer to destruction" thing. As horrible as it was on a personal level the shinigami were right to wipe them out, and most likely every single one of them without enough regrets to linger and become a hollow themselves ended up in Hell rather than Soul Society.
I'm pretty sure that I remember that SS sometimes purges parts of the Rukongai when they have too many souls around. And tbh a lot of the after life is fucking crap that's stuck in a shitty time period too. I'd rather have my soul wrekt than be shoved into the outer reaches or even inner ones. Soul Society is shit for the majority of people in it. Fuck Balance.

Also I'm very doubtful that shit actually works that way, what with energy and mass and science. Is the material make up of the soul also destroyed? Or does it be

Wait. Wait. Doesn't it all get funneled to My Stash Man? Or is that some fanon bs I picked up somehow?
I'm pretty sure that I remember that SS sometimes purges parts of the Rukongai when they have too many souls around. And tbh a lot of the after life is fucking crap that's stuck in a shitty time period too. I'd rather have my soul wrekt than be shoved into the outer reaches or even inner ones. Soul Society is shit for the majority of people in it. Fuck Balance.

Also I'm very doubtful that shit actually works that way, what with energy and mass and science. Is the material make up of the soul also destroyed? Or does it be

Wait. Wait. Doesn't it all get funneled to My Stash Man? Or is that some fanon bs I picked up somehow?
Stash gets the soul of all quinces, people who've made a deal with him, and from areas he's left a piece of his soul. You can tell how strong he is by the size of his beard. It might have been implied but was never really stated.
I'm pretty sure that I remember that SS sometimes purges parts of the Rukongai when they have too many souls around. And tbh a lot of the after life is fucking crap that's stuck in a shitty time period too. I'd rather have my soul wrekt than be shoved into the outer reaches or even inner ones. Soul Society is shit for the majority of people in it. Fuck Balance.

Also I'm very doubtful that shit actually works that way, what with energy and mass and science. Is the material make up of the soul also destroyed? Or does it be

Wait. Wait. Doesn't it all get funneled to My Stash Man? Or is that some fanon bs I picked up somehow?
I believe Mayuri did that precisely once, in direct response to the activities of the Quincy. The Quincy who get your soul absorbed by Yhwach when they kill you.
Ah, silly me, expecting something explained early not to get Kuboed later... :rolleyes:
Since the argument of the balance of souls has come up even on this threadt, can I say again that the very way Menosfication works disrupts it.Hollows that hunger for other hollows fuse into a Gillian, now every hollow that composes an average gillian is old and ate a shit-ton of other hollows that ate a bunch of souls, let's approximate it is composed of a 200 souls (more or less, probably more). Now a gillian is composed of what? A hundred hollows? That' 20000 souls sitting in Hueco Mundo waiting to be eaten by a self aware and that are cut out of the circle of reincarnation FOREVER. The only reason a bunch of Menos gets purified in canon is Aizen not bothering to lead his toy army properly, and that should upset the balance too because a nation of souls got reinserted in the circle with Starks death alone.

In sinthesys the balance of souls isn't a thing unless Kubo remembers it is
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Uh yeah no. It was explained by people who were working with incomplete information. Please to not correlate asspulls/retcons and twists/reveals. Characters are not always omniscient exposition machines.
I wasn't, Kubo was just really fond of pulling out those twists. (Insert "Since when were you under the impression that...?" Aizen meme here.)
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I wasn't, Kubo was just really fond of pulling out those twists. (Insert "Since when were you under the impression that...?" Aizen meme here.)
Nay, thing is as far as we can tell after the fact, Kubo actually had a pretty solid overall story.

Thing is though he'd get distracted from writing that overall story by getting bored of scenarios... then go make up random new CHARACTERS to fill in slots to help him along with actually writing said overarching story. (He once said that making new characters was specifically his way of advancing plot that wouldn't move for him).

I'm guessing there was a fair amount of improv as to 'Who did what'... but that over all he knew where it was headed.
Pretty much everything had solid foreshadowing. Everything. The crescent moon symbolism with Aizen is especially freaky.