Whatever, I'm done arguing. Get your low tier crap instead of focusing on high tier useful units.

That 'low tier crap' is a very useful part of our forces.

One man's low tier is another man's bread and butter.

More seriously, there isn't a "wrong" answer per say here. It just has distinct effect on our build.

Knights will be intelligent and a force to be reckoned with. But if they get wrecked, replacement may be more trouble then it's worth. Not to mention they will require some form of upkeep as per the DM's note.

Beasts will give us slightly less effective power, and won't be as smart. However, they will be much cheaper, and won't need much upkeep, if any.

Personal taste makes me want knights, but I think we may want Beasts for the interim. We can phase out the less effective units once we have secured a consistent and sizable flow of resources.
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Heh, watch it that our monsters end up growing... in numbers (without us adding to them) just like our shadows.

[Edit] *Sigh* And nobody~ got it. Damn I feel old.
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[X] Plan Low Profile Windup

Just a question, but do you think it is possible to upgrade our golems like, let's say we have a Ruby Rose plushy, we animate that pushy and it becomes our minion, after either us or the get enough ebon energy can the plushy become closer to the real thing. Like the more power, the larger it grows until we get a life sized minion with most of the chapters skills. Would that be possible or to bullshit to happen?
[X] Plan Low Profile Windup

Just a question, but do you think it is possible to upgrade our golems like, let's say we have a Ruby Rose plushy, we animate that pushy and it becomes our minion, after either us or the get enough ebon energy can the plushy become closer to the real thing. Like the more power, the larger it grows until we get a life sized minion with most of the chapters skills. Would that be possible or to bullshit to happen?
The bodies are just shells. Fury wouldn't get Ruby's skills unless we specifically wanted that.
1. Beasts of the black kingdom

If this was taken a few turns ago I would be all for it but not now. We have seen that unless we get a crit these starter options net us really weak minions who we have to upgrade. If you want heavy hitters (which we are going to need because filling the book will make us enemies) we should go with the Knights. They are already high level and guaranteed success.

I like getting more shadows. We will need a lot more to fill this book quickly.
They're stronger than shadows, but still cheap and dumb, I figure the shadows need their own escorts that don't fold with a sneeze if we start harvesting. Elites are somewhat premature, they are ideal for combating hostile elites, but if we're facing hostile elites this early we've done fucked up big, while elites are also poor at protecting multiple harvesting operations.

Either way, we need lots of dudes for both, but Beasts, followed by Golems are probably the safer start. Elites showing up tend to trigger other faction elites showing up by genre conventions
2. Magical girls

Are you sure about this? I like the idea of stealing energy from a faction that is already stealing energy, but if we get rid of them who are we going to blame our energy stealing on?

Not a large problem really, just wondering.
In theory by the time we destroy them we'd have plenty of energy already. But that's theoretically.
They're stronger than shadows, but still cheap and dumb, I figure the shadows need their own escorts that don't fold with a sneeze if we start harvesting. Elites are somewhat premature, they are ideal for combating hostile elites, but if we're facing hostile elites this early we've done fucked up big, while elites are also poor at protecting multiple harvesting operations.

Either way, we need lots of dudes for both, but Beasts, followed by Golems are probably the safer start. Elites showing up tend to trigger other faction elites showing up by genre conventions
Veekie- they're fucking Kaiju. If you think the intelligent elites are less notable than giant chimeric abominations that are stupid as shit- than I have a bridge to sell you.

Elites can move in smaller forces, are more responsive, independent, and flexible than the proverbial sledgehammer of giant fucking monsters.

Did it ever occur to you that our intelligent, likely magical, elites would have access to a glamor?Or at least a way of attracting less attention- than giant fucking rampaging monsters.

Or that our special forces, if they do come into conflict, can eliminate an enemy force quickly and potentially avoid escalation? Rather than put a literal Godzilla threshold on our operations?

Just. Fucking. Stop.

[X] Plan Substitution no Jutsu

Because low profile kaiju is the stupidest of oxymorons.
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Veekie- they're fucking Kaiju. If you think the intelligent elites are less notable than giant chimeric abominations that are stupid as shit- than I have a bridge to sell you.
Kaijin, not Kaiju. There's a significant difference.

Kaijin are one of the terms for Kamen Rider monsters, I think mainly used in the Showa era (the original series to Black RX), usually animal/insect themed, and they're human-sized.
Beasts are your monsters. Chimeras, kaijins, beastman, mutants - that kind of thing. Lacking in intelligence but strong in combat and are quite durable.
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Actually, I would think that Kaiju would be several tiers down the road, not the starting point.

Though yes, kaijin makes more sense.
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Kaijin, not Kaiju. There's a significant difference.

Kaijin are one of the terms for Kamen Rider monsters, usually animal/insect themed, and they're human-sized.
I stand mostly corrected- and for that, apologies @veekie. But there's a reason than 'elite' and 'relatively discreet' go hand in hand often. If we do have delicate operations we want under the radar, then the big stupid fighters are not the best path to go.
It is not so rare as to be unique to see a human walking into the Bar Peach Pit. However, it is still unusual to have one so openly declaring that yes, they knew that the supernatural existed, and assured of their own survival in potentially adverse conditions. Magic user, he had to be. On the other hand, well, he was willing to shell out for a round or three in the evening, so any possible threat was easily overlooked.

And Ebon was certainly a threat. True cloaking of one's power was a rare technique, showing a high amount of control, and therefore practice or teaching.

Mors idly swirled his drink around in his cup as the rogue across from him animatedly described the contract he had recently fulfilled, for one of the mortal organizations that managed to survive the attention of their betters, to the visiting human. The cloaked figure (who had fortunately upgraded his wardrobe to be less eye catching, an obvious plus for any actor on this stage) nodded amiably, asking questions about the series of events often enough to keep the other demon's attention and prove he knew something about what he was talking about.

As the events played out once again (Mors having heard this tale before and given what advice he could for the 'younger' demon), Mos started glancing at the human mage more and more often as the small tells began adding up. Now, he was not a entity that leaned towards subterfuge. He much preferred problems that he could fight with steel and wood, or suitable replacements, in hand instead of with an accounting book and knife in the night. But for all that, he could dissect a conversation about fighting, having been in more than a few in his days (which were many, by now, age having no purchase on those who were not merely mortal). And how one spoke about fighting gave clues as to how they thought of fighting. And Ebon? Was good, both mentally and thinking in terms of effectiveness rather than measuring his power.

Of course, it could be that he was an ambusher by nature, and saw the story through those lenses, but there were few mentions of power efficiency that weren't about what the other demon could handle.

Ebon recognized the few remarks Mors put into the conversation for the probes they were, however, and both found themselves at a side table with a new set of drinks. The smaller mage, for Mors even in his human guise was tall and ruggedly built, drummed his fingers on the side of his glass.

"You have a problem you wish me to solve." He finally decided, tilting his head to accentuate the declaration to invite a rebuttal.

"Yes." Mors answered, softening his tone from it's usual rumble and leaning back in his chair. "You hear of Hoch and Aver?"

"I can not say that I have." Ebon hummed. "I assume they are individuals?"

"Demons." Mors confirmed. "Who have caused..." He paused to mull over his words. "They will likely cause a war if they are not removed."

"Killed? Or bound and otherwise rendered powerless." The mage asked, sounding out what Mors might be asking him for.

"While this is a delicate matter, it is not so much in that way." Mors nodded, a slight scowl stealing over his features. "Their existence is forfeit, and besides each other they have no friends that would stand beside them in a confrontation."

"That is a powerful statement to make." Ebon observed.

"As of now, we as a faction stay under the noses of those who are able to fight creatures such as us." Mors scowled. "If these two get their way, there may be a shooting war between the more... Reactive of our respective circles. And it could only spread as allies and favors are called upon."

The mage's head dropped a fraction, indicating thought, before it shook almost imperceptibly and met Mors' gaze again. "I see. I will see what I can do to prevent this from occurring." He raised a hand. "I will not promise anything, however. I have quite a lot to deal with myself right now."

"I understand." Mors admitted grudgingly. And he did. After all, Ebon was not personally invested in the demon section of the city, and for all he knew could be a human with no interest of changing that. Standing, he extended one shovel sized hand to the smaller human, who accepted the shake without hesitation. "In that case, I will avoid taking up more of your time."

It did offend him that the more recent 'generation' (that being, demons that had only recently arrived on the mortal plane) were seeking to abuse their power over the mortals because they didn't realize that the state of affairs at the present was because that they could defend themselves, albeit in roundabout ways. And if this ill thought out 'hunt' went through, the kick back from the groups that made their living hunting paranormal entities would declare open season right back. And where demons could be more powerful or otherwise better than most humans... There were a lot more humans that would be eager to take their places.

Worst case, agents of one of the Four would swoop down to pick up what and who they could in the madness.
If we do have delicate operations we want under the radar, then the big stupid fighters are not the best path to go.
I do however have to point out that something like Fallout Nightstalkers, albeit maybe less outwardly overt, would be decent fodder, as they can move about almost unnoticed in the dark due to the human propensity for rationalization of inconvenient facts without hard evidence. And have different traits and weaknesses than our current Shadows.
I do however have to point out that something like Fallout Nightstalkers, albeit maybe less outwardly overt, would be decent fodder, as they can move about almost unnoticed in the dark due to the human propensity for rationalization of inconvenient facts without hard evidence. And have different traits and weaknesses than our current Shadows.
But they do very little to actually give us more fighting power, and don't necessarily address the issue of giving us muscle while staying under the radar.
I stand mostly corrected- and for that, apologies @veekie. But there's a reason than 'elite' and 'relatively discreet' go hand in hand often. If we do have delicate operations we want under the radar, then the big stupid fighters are not the best path to go.
But Elite and supporting a wide spanning harvest operation does not. Powerful, but one place at a time. Logistics.

We need the shadows backed with enough cheap muscle that they don't get taken down or captured by the D list mooks they prey on.

We put up the elites after, when heat rises enough for the B listers to take note
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But Elite and supporting a wide spanning harvest operation does not. Powerful, but one place at a time. Logistics.

We need the shadows backed with enough cheap muscle that they don't get taken down or captured by the D list mooks they prey on.

We put up the elites after, when heat rises enough for the B listers to take note

Hm... I understand that much. But would you mind changing Magical Girl Mayhem to Demon Days? I have the feeling that Demon Days is only available for this turn.
But Elite and supporting a wide spanning harvest operation does not. Powerful, but one place at a time. Logistics.
But elites as a rapid response force is the staple. Combine that with developing a teleportation network and holding a few elite response forces ready to rumble at the slightest sign of a fight is hands down better than the distributed defense unless we're being attacked everywhere simultaneously, at which point we're so compromised that shit has long gone down hill.

First of all, can you describe what exactly you expect our harvesting operations to consist of? For normies, it's just having our shadows hide in there shadows, for mages having elites on hand to subdue them ASAP/if discovered just makes more sense. A slower more systematic approach is more likely to work in our favor than casting the web wide across the entire city un