Oh well, let me see to throw my own plan into the mix.

[X] Plan Preparation

Because we are not yet ready to actually start any major operation.

-[X] Soldiers in disguise
-[X] Steel Sentinels

Those for Martial, the first because upgrading the Golems sounds like a good idea and the second because I agree with everyone that we need some heavy hitters.
We can start hunting for Magic Cores the following week, when we have a baseline prepared.

-[X] Energy Farm

I would have preferred Teleportation Network, but this is a little costly right now. Securing our bases is more important and we are still good on money.

-[X] Demon Days

I think that this might be the only time-sensitive option currently available. Plus, we were actually asked to help out; all the other factions either do not know us or already have a good social link going, so there is nothing lost in not taking their options. With the demons however, I believe we could lose something important by not helping now.

-[X] Information Network
Intel is something we will desperately need. Our martial actions will already net us additional troops, so the ninjas can wait. Stealing artifacts now would probably gather too much attention for the moment.

-[X] Science Wing Exploration
I would rather know what our base is hiding for now. We are already powerful enough for the moment, so acquiring ninja-techniques can wait a turn or two.

-[X] Power of a Wish
-[X] Familiars

Well... now that Power of a Wish has 80% chance for success, it is time.
I also chose Familiars over the other options because those might be rather helpful in the long run.

-[X] Friends and Family
-[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai

Well... training with Yuudai will probably be only available in this turn, so I figured we might as well. Getting to know our people better sounds like a good idea. The Evetta-option can still be taken next turn. In fact, it would probably be better to do so because this gives Yuudai time to concentrate on learning his new powers.
The other option was... either Friends and Family or My Little Slime. But Cuddles can wait another turn, while I get the feeling that Jacob's family might get suspicious by now. Call it a hunch.

Overall Cost: 2850 EP / 5000$ / 60 Ebon Shadows / 10 Neo Shadows / 1 Wishing Stone
Remaining: 1290 EP / 24,300$ / 20 Ebon Shadows / 0 Neoshadows / 0 Wishing Stones
And yes, I put in the option for our own teleporting in my plan, and no, it doesn't invalidate my point. We need teleportation to make use of Ebon Sentinels, and they'll still be there next turn, and hopefully we'll have our own teleport ability that we can use to either cut down the network time, or use to create a remote teleporting ability thereafter. Thus making Ebon Sentinels useful, and not just sitting around our base, at best doing menial chores.

Because the first turn of making minions usually doesn't give us as much as the second turn based on the trend we've seen so far.
Action 1 is 'how do I do this/prototype stuff' and Action 2 is 'Now I make more of them or improve them'.

So... yeah, we want to start this turn to start making them, and then week 2 we can make more of them or upgrade them to fully utilize our transport network.
[X] Plan Low Profile Windup

For count cuddles
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jul 13, 2017 at 1:58 PM, finished with 41 posts and 19 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jul 13, 2017 at 3:55 PM, finished with 55 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Plan Low Profile Windup
    [X] Plan Preparation
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Steel Sentinels
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[X] Power of a Wish
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] Friends and Family:
    -[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    [X] Fallback: Anonymity is one of your greatest tools at this point of the great game. With the cash that you have, you can start making full use of it. You'll need secret identities to hide your civilian actions behind since doing Ebon stuff as Jacob is just asking for trouble. Your glamour needs an upgrade so that you can appear as more than just a guy in a black coat with glowing red eyes. You'll need to also make sure your base is extra secure since it's not actually that hard to break into. You need to truly hide all traces of your assets if you want to keep some nosy idiot from getting lucky and finding their way into your base. Cost: 300 EP, $20000. Upkeep: $1000. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Base properly hidden and secure. False identities acquired. Better Glamour. Loose threads severed. (Will be completed this turn)
    [X] Plan Substitution no Jutsu
    [X] Plan: SN94 T6
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army:
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[X] Friends and Family:
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Plan Upgrade
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army:
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Making Nice with Ninjas
    -[X] Ninja Corps
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Slow and Steady blindsides our enemy
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    [X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom​
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    [X] Familiars​
    [X] My Little Slime​
    -[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
What can we do with the wishing stones again? Is it Jacobs way of making loyal magical girls or something like that?
Who cares how hard Ebon Steel Knights would be to move around stealthily? They're fucking AWESOME!

But seriously, I doubt Beasts would be any more low profile. We already have shadows and the option of getting an army of ninjas so we're pretty good on black ops and infiltrators. Now we need something that serves as an immovable force and unstoppable object.

I'll vote for the leading plan that has Ebon Steel Knights in it.

And on another subject, does our ability to duplicate complex objects mean that if we can somehow get our hands on an M1 Abrams, we can make Ebon Steel tanks?
Because the first turn of making minions usually doesn't give us as much as the second turn based on the trend we've seen so far.
Action 1 is 'how do I do this/prototype stuff' and Action 2 is 'Now I make more of them or improve them'.

So... yeah, we want to start this turn to start making them, and then week 2 we can make more of them or upgrade them to fully utilize our transport network.
Ah, so you were coming at from the opposite direction than Karugus.

Yeah, I've also noticed that sometimes when we succeed at certain tasks that it gives us a bonus, usually temporary, toward a like task. So I'm hoping that by taking beasties and golems this turn, the beasties will synergize with golems giving golems a good form, and through doing two life altering tasks this turn, probably adding a temp bonus to our piety that we can use on Sentinels next turn to give us a decent base minion there. Long shot, yes, and requires Shibosho to continue doing what he's done to date in an at least semi-logic fashion... but if Shibosho says "Ha, ha, ha, ha; no." Then I'll probably switch golems with knights.
What can we do with the wishing stones again? Is it Jacobs way of making loyal magical girls or something like that?

Basically that, yes.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jul 13, 2017 at 2:22 PM, finished with 49 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Plan Low Profile Windup
    [X] Plan Preparation
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[x] Steel Sentinels
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[x] Power of a Wish
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] Friends and Family:
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    [X] My Little Slime​
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Information Network:
    [X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom​
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    [X] Slow and Steady blindsides our enemy
    [X] Plan Upgrade
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army:
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Making Nice with Ninjas
    -[x] Ninja Corps
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [x]Plan Warfare readiness
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[x] Steel Sentinels
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[x] The Mage Circle and the Cursed Junk
    -[x] Ninja Corps
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[x] Power of a Wish
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Plan: SN94 T6
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army:
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[X] Friends and Family:
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Plan Substitution no Jutsu
    [X] Fallback: Anonymity is one of your greatest tools at this point of the great game. With the cash that you have, you can start making full use of it. You'll need secret identities to hide your civilian actions behind since doing Ebon stuff as Jacob is just asking for trouble. Your glamour needs an upgrade so that you can appear as more than just a guy in a black coat with glowing red eyes. You'll need to also make sure your base is extra secure since it's not actually that hard to break into. You need to truly hide all traces of your assets if you want to keep some nosy idiot from getting lucky and finding their way into your base. Cost: 300 EP, $20000. Upkeep: $1000. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Base properly hidden and secure. False identities acquired. Better Glamour. Loose threads severed. (Will be completed this turn)
Shadows are your main combat units, weak individually but dangerous in large numbers. Can be upgraded to be much stronger and dangerous.

Golems are your infiltrators and minions. Most are not combat capable against the threats that you usually face but can handle mundane humans easily plus they're intelligent letting them perform complex commands. Cab be upgraded to have combat capable forms as well as allow larger objects such as tanks and cars to be turned into golems.

Beasts are your monsters. Chimeras, kaijins, beastman, mutants - that kind of thing. Lacking in intelligence but strong in combat and are quite durable.

Knights are your elites. Costly to create but are quite powerful. Made from near-indestructible metal that can only be harmed by magic or more potent version of Ebon Steel. Much more intelligent but also has a greater upkeep as well.

Magical Girls are your Magical Girls. Depending on how you look at them, they are either monster/demon fodder or Love-powered WMDs.

There are other unit types to be discovered and researched.
Beasts would be cool eventually, but the last things we need are kaiju that would put us on the radar. If we were going for the Black Sword right now then maybe, and building a reserve of them sooner rather than later is a good idea but we want intelligent and relatively subtle minions with a lot of combat potential- and in that Knights are fantastic.
. . . @LightMage,

I bring your attention to this They're both guaranteed to succeed. And both have the same risk of just how good a minion we get depending on the value of the roll. Ebon Sentinels just hit harder because Ebon Steel. (and aren't as splooshy if they get hit) But we come right back to how are we going to transport them to a/the fight without teleportation set up before hand (which we'll have to work on for two turns)

I admit that I missed that the beasts are 100% chance, but the rest of my point stands.

These beasts aren't nearly as subtle as I think you think they are. We are talking giant monster level.

Both the beasts and the knights are what we will use when subtlety has failed and all we're left with is total war.

And seeing as we're going after magic users now we need a minion that is magic resistant.

Also the knights are an automatic high tier unit. We needed research to even unlock the option. The beast option has been there from the beginning and probably leads to low tier units we'll need to upgrade later.

So knights now beasts later.
I admit that I missed that the beasts are 100% chance, but the rest of my point stands.

These beasts aren't nearly as subtle as I think you think they are. We are talking giant monster level.

Both the beasts and the knights are what we will use when subtlety has failed and all we're left with is total war.

And seeing as we're going after magic users now we need a minion that is magic resistant.

Also the knights are an automatic high tier unit. We needed research to even unlock the option. The beast option has been there from the beginning and probably leads to low tier units we'll need to upgrade later.

So knights now beasts later.
Beasts are your monsters. Chimeras, kaijins, beastman, mutants - that kind of thing. Lacking in intelligence but strong in combat and are quite durable.
Sheesh, and Shibosho just got done posting that too. The giant monsters are likely to be the researched variant. And, again, I'm hoping for a synergy bonus that'll ensure decent elite mook sentinels. Also, if we're attacking magical people without building up our forces first, then we're doing it wrong anyways.

So, slow your horses, stop gnawing on that thar fools gold, and stop dreaming of getting rich quick, please. We'll get around to getting sentinels when we get around to it. (hopefully not to many people will vote for the obvious shinny that we can't use right now) They aren't going anywhere, and we get bonuses on the new units for every base element we take care to look into first.
[X] Plan Low Profile Windup

Whatever, I'm done arguing. Get your low tier crap instead of focusing on high tier useful units.

At least we have an extra martial action so we won't waste too much time. I'll just hope we get a crit.
Whatever, I'm done arguing. Get your low tier crap instead of focusing on high tier useful units.
That 'low tier crap' is a very useful part of our forces.

shibosho has clearly stated so.
Shadows are your main combat units, weak individually but dangerous in large numbers. Can be upgraded to be much stronger and dangerous.

Beasts are your monsters. Chimeras, kaijins, beastman, mutants - that kind of thing. Lacking in intelligence but strong in combat and are quite durable.