Spirit Severing Ghastly Moron-Seeking Walrus, which was drawn to him because oh hey it turns out that walruses are part of Caniformia after all!
And his only thought will be "Sea pupper! :D"

But Xi Fu punching a hole in the boat would be too straightforward. Instead, his spear shall lodge in a great monster, and Xi Fu will have the honor of inventing the Nantucket Bird Talon Sleigh Ride.
But even the Absurd Shenanigans Constitution will be challenged by the enigmatic Dao of Humor, which Bing Meilu understands not, when Xi Fu accidentally spears a hole in the bottom of the boat and Ji Hui absorbs the essence of a Spirit Severing Ghastly Moron-Seeking Walrus, which was drawn to him because oh hey it turns out that walruses are part of Caniformia after all! Well, and because it's right there in the name.



The Fur Seal is known as Hai(sea) Gou(dog) in chinese.
As an addendum, Tengu are Tian(heaven/sky) Gou(dog)
It's a shame humanity didn't domesticate seals, so keeping one as a pet is bad for them.
Chapter 62: Preparations
Transmigrated back into the body of her child self, can the mighty Celestial Bing Meilu survive in a Xianxia world all the while staving off the advances of arrogant young masters and wannabe protagonists alike?

Why is life so hard for the Icy Beauty?

Any corrections or criticisms are welcome, I hope you enjoy Chapter 62: Preparations


The amount of money the BMFS Faction had was almost hard to fathom. Countless rare and expensive drake parts, Dragonblood Spirit Crystals, rare spiritual herbs, fruits and plants. Keeping a small portion for their own use and selling the rest, an endless torrent of Spirit Stones arrived at their doorstep.

Li Ji managed all of it, divining the Karmic Wealth flows with the Manyfold Good Fortune Dao-Enshrining Scripture, he perfectly navigated the marketplace, finding the best deals, and squeezing out huge gains from the desperate.

Thousands and thousands of jade messaging tablets were broken as he weaved deals, examined various auction houses, and expedited the process of liquidating the humongous pile of valuable assets.

Thankfully, even the backwater Bird Talon Continent had automated market systems that allowed one to transport and sell industrial amounts of resources in moments. Bing Meilu shuddered at how long it might take to sell if they had to physically transport it to stores.

In just a day, Li Ji reached the barrier of Core Formation and had to suppress his breakthrough because he was not prepared for the Tribulation. The path of Yin Metal was tied to money and Li Ji had finally gotten a taste of just how shameless the Dao of Wealth really was.

Months of bitter cultivation, absorbing dregs of Karmic Wealth from the air, had barely gotten him to the fourth stage of Foundation Establishment. A day of making huge gains brought him to Core Formation. This was, of course, a double-edged sword, but so long as his wealth kept expanding, so would his cultivation.

Li Ji took a short break from his sales, preparing the next level of his mastery of the Evading The Jade Palace Heavenly Steps. This time he would pursue an even more advanced and profound technique... he would fake his own death!

After all, you couldn't be punished when you were dead!

He found an open area for his tribulation and let it begin. Popping several defensive pills and donning expensive thunder-resistant armour, he waited.

A terrifying tribulation gathered above, and Li Ji watched as hundreds of searing lightning bolts shot down to embrace him. He let loose a shrill scream as the armour melted and his flesh burnt.

"Fuck! I didn't think this through- Ah! Why does it hurt so much more than last time?!" Li Ji whined. "Note to self; never make a plan that involves being hit by fucking tribulation lighting again!"

Bones poked out from his shoulders, charred black by smouldering lightning. He turned and twisted his body, moving in accordance with the Heavenly Steps. His whole form seemed to twist the air, until he disappeared, leaving behind what seemed to be a charred corpse.

Within his real body, countless Jade rivers melted and crumbled, pouring into the center of his Dantian, where a Jade Core grew outwards, filled with Yin Metal Qi.

Five-coloured lighting soared down, pouring into his 'corpse'. Compared to before, the attack was extremely gentle. A carcass did not need the full wrath of the tribulation. His body sizzled and burnt until it appear half liquidated. A desolate aura of death qi poured from him.

Satisfied its mark was extinguished, the tribulations cloud retracted, and Li Ji let loose a sigh of relief.

"I did it! Core Formation!" he cheered.


Meanwhile, Bing Meilu sat before the assembled members of the BMFS faction.

"As you may have heard, we will be auctioning out factions' loyalty to the highest bidder. Before the bidding starts, we're going to put on a little show, an advertisement of why our services are worth a high price. As such, we must maximize our power until then."

The leader turned to the nine members of her Outer Circle. Aside from the two who had been lieutenants when she joined, the lower seven were all at the peak of Qi Condensation.

She had warned them they would have difficulty surviving their tribulation, so they had been practicing constantly, strengthing their mastery of the Manyhearts Shield and Sword Formation. They were focused totally on increasing their combat strength and survivability.

"Show me your progress," Bing Meilu demanded.

The seven in Qi condensation formed into a formation, two lines, with three in the first line and four in the second. An invisible ripple of Qi spread across them. This was the Manyhearts Sheild Formation.

Bing Meilu created a spear of ice, launching it forward. It shattered uselessly against their barrier. She nodded. Stable enough.

'Utpala Lotus Palm!'

The white-robed girl leapt forward, her outstretched palm slamming into the stomach of one of the privates. An icy white light exploded outwards. The shield cracked but did not buckle.

She ducked as a massive Qi blade slashed at her throat. Several more appeared from bizarre angles, shooting toward her. Yin light gently shattered each blade. Bing Meilu stepped backwards, nodding.

"You're ready. Take a day to prepare your hearts and then breakthrough to the Second Realm," Bing Meilu said.

"Those of you in the Inner circle, I will be holding a lecture on the Dao. You will all attend."


Ji Hui, Xi Fu, Jiang Hu, Shen Xinyue, Li Ji, Xia Xuefeng and the Elemental Five all gathered beneath a tree, waiting for Bing Meilu.

Li Ji smugly smirked as he arrived, waving at his fellow slaves.

"Ah, if it isn't junior brother Xi Fu? I see you've finally reached the fourth stage of Core Formation? Impressive. Perhaps one day you'll catch up to me!"

Ever since breaking through to Core Formation, Li Ji's cultivation had rocketed forward unimpeded, constantly managing huge sums of wealth. He was already at the sixth stage of Core Formation and soon to reach the seventh.

Xi Fu raised an eyebrow, an aura thundering with Heaven-Defying Spear Intent pouring from him. A terrifying pressure locked onto the wealth cultivator, whose face turned pale.

"Hahah! I was just joking, Brother Xi Fu. Have a sense of humour!"

Bing Meilu flew down from above, landing upon a tree branch. She looked at the terrified Li Ji with a raised eyebrow.

"This disciple greets Master!" Shen Xinyue immediately bowed deeply. Xia Xuefeng joined her awkwardly.

"You're all here, good. Today, I will be giving you all a lecture on the Dao. It will be beneficial to your cultivation, so listen closely and try to comprehend my words."

Bing Meilu inhaled deeply before she began to speak, her voice low and serious.

"There are numerous ways, three thousand Daos. All who live follow their own path. Some say that every Way is equal, that all streams will one day reach the ocean... These people are utterly wrong! There is but one correct path. Mine.

Accumulation cultivators are all cowards who scamper at the sign of danger, Weapon cultivators are battle-headed idiots with no brains. The faces of Formation cultivators are always hilarious when you force them to fight you without a numbers advantage.

Those foolish Buddhists sit on their asses, preaching to empty air as if we care. Music cultivators are decadent wastrels with no resolve, and the less said about dual cultivators, the better.

Body cultivation is for idiots unable to comprehend the Dao and Body-Qi cultivators are fickle fools who can't commit to a single direction. Blood cultivators? You can't cultivate without other people around you. What a joke!"

Bing Meilu's voice rose arrogantly as she mocked every kind of cultivation. Those listening frowned and in confusion and offence, as their master spat on each and every one of their individual paths with complete disdain. Was this really their 'Dao lecture'?

"Throughout the three thousand Daos, there is but one correct Way! I, Bing Meilu, am an orthodox Daoist Cultivator. I seek comprehension of the myriad's truths so I might transcend even the Nameless. The masses may err, I cannot! Of all the countless paths and myriad ways, I alone shall reach the Peak. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honoured one."

Xi Fu tried to calm himself. What bullshit was this? She had encouraged him to seek weapon cultivation, but now she was spitting on it?

"What's the meaning of this? Is this Dao lecture just to make fun of us?" Xi Fu asked.

"You don't get it, Xi Fu," it was Ji Hui who spoke, his eyes closed in deep comprehension. "She didn't say her path is correct. She said My path is correct."

"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One. My path is correct, my path is true. The Dao of the Spirit Dog is alone, unrivalled, the one true way." He murmured.

Xi Fu blinked as he finally understood Bing Meilu's words. A cultivator had to have absolute faith in their path, to challenge Heaven. But what did it mean to say 'my path is correct'... If all paths were correct? If every way was equal, then it didn't matter which way you follow, no matter what, it would have been right for you. But... that was wrong!

Xi Fu couldn't imagine himself as anything else but a Spear Cultivator. This was His Path, His Way. It wasn't equal to others, in Xi Fu's eyes it was superior.

That was the Essence of Bing Meilu's words.

"There are countless types of cultivators... but all of them are beneath me. I alone am walking the true way... The path of the Spear... Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honoured one. I alone shall reach the peak." Xi Fu spoke hesitantly, imitating Ji Hui.

They had to have faith in their own path, to the point they could confidently and boldly declare every path inferior to their own. Only with that level of confidence was Xi Fu qualified to overturn the heavens themself. He felt like seeds of doubt were excised from his mind until only a single faith towards the spear remained.

"There are countless types of cultivators, but all of them are beneath me. I alone am walking the true way, the path of the Spear! Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honoured one. I alone shall reach the peak!" Xi Fu spoke, heart firm with determination.

Everyone fell into meditation, cultivations progressing, Daohearts firming.


A humble darkness rumbled, ever so slowly growing. It could make nothing of its own, but it nourished everything that was given to it.

Words drifted into it and the humble darkness nourished them too. Words grew into a seed, a seed into a spark.


The next day, Bing Meilu held a second Dao lecture. The area, a small grove atop a mountain near the port, had changed already. The spiritual energy had become denser, the nearby plants and flowers had all bloomed and grown. It was as if Bing Meilu simply speaking had brought numerous benefits to the landscape.

With everyone assembled, Bing Meilu began her second Dao lecture.

"What do you all think is the most important part of seeking the Dao?"

"In the Immortal Worlds, there is an old joke about young cultivators who think they know everything. Imagine a young alchemist, studying the numerous spiritual plants to master the Dao of Life. One day, he beholds a fungus growing from the corpse of a plant, and he cries in shock."

Bing Meilu gave an exaggerated gasp of shock, as if she had just uncovered the deepest depths of the universe.

"If there is life... There is death!!"

She seemed the perfect picture of a young genius who thought they had stumbled upon a deep and shocking truth of the world.

"Tell me, do you think these young cultivators have stumbled upon something profound? Do you think they are masters of the Dao?"

No one spoke, hanging on the girl's words.

"Ji Hui, you've begun to comprehend Taiji. Tell me, do you know what happens if I combine Steller Precept Fire Iron with a flower of from the Nine Purple Yin Lotus?"

Ji Hui shook his head.

"Xia Xuefeng, can you tell me the unique properties of the blood of the Crystal Heaven Dragon?"

The girl also shook her head.

"Xi Fu, can you name every type of spear?"

"No? But surely that's not a requirement for the Spear Dao-"

"Of course it is. The numerous spears under Heaven and Earth do not proceed from the Spear Dao. They are the Spear Dao. Every haft, every blade, every thrust and slash. The world is one with its laws, the laws are one with the world. To understand one is to understand the other. A painting is made up of every brushstroke, every drop of dye. Once you've comprehended everything, only then do you truly understand the art. Having never seen its ink, do you think you can know what the painting looks like?"

"This alchemist has not yet even come close to becoming a master of the Dao of Life... but he has just built a foundation. Every grand construction begins with a humble foundation. But you cannot stop there, you must build upon that. Real comprehension requires deep understanding. It means you understand the countless transformations, the endless interactions between numerous variations. Life can take ten thousand forms, and each one is but a fragment of the grand Dao. With every truth you learn, every transformation you've seen, you get closer and closer to a true understanding of the world."

"Daoist Earthheart, of the five phases, what element is drained by Earth?"

"Earth smothers fire in the Draining cycle, boss," the man replied.

"But do you know what would happen if I had a fire drained into Earth while at the same time, Fire generated Earth as part of the generative cycle?"

The man fell silent, pondering.

"It would.. cancel out? The earth would drain the fire until it disappeared, and then the generation would stop?"

"It would produce metal." Daoist Goldsnake spoke up.

"Earth bears metal in the generative cycle, and fire vaporizes metal in the overacting cycle. Therefore, the fire is suppressing the birth of metal, but when the earth smothers the fire, metal would be born," Bing Meilu nodded. "Now what would happen is I had water rusting metal per the draining cycle all the while I have Earth damming water per the overacting cycle, while metal is bearing water and earth is bearing metal and water is muddying earth in the insulting cycle?"

None of the Elemental Five answered.

"You have a good foundation of understanding in the five phases, but you have only begun to scratch the surface of the countless profound transformations. There is a vast and tall tower of true understanding waiting to be built. When I can ask you any questions about the interactions of the elements, and you can immediately understand, you'll have truly mastered the Five Bones of the Origin God."

"You've enlightened this lowly one boss!" Ji Hui declared, fires of dedication lighting in his eyes. " Before I was arrogantly and foolish, like a frog at the bottom of the well, thinking the sky is a tiny circle. Now I know the truth. Until the day I can recite the name of every Spirit-Dog in existence, I have not yet even begun to truly walk upon my Dao!"


Deep in darkness, a slow mind pondered. Its thoughts took ten thousand years, and its mind measured in eras.

Within it, a spark grew into a flame, then a blaze. Words growing into enlightenment, the first self-conscious thought flittered through the mind.

It could not create, but perhaps it could comprehend?... And so, a Continent began to cultivate.


The day before the auction began, the Elemental Five broke through to Core Formation. Far away from the Sect in a humble abandoned field, they all of them took the step together.

Gathered in the shape of the World-Genesis Procession of the Four Symbols, five guardian beasts appeared, representing the Five Phases, the Four Symbols. Around them floated the Eight Trigrams.,

Enormous power gathered above, five terrifying and destructive tribulations gathered, more power than the sum of its parts. No life force or love could be felt from the furious wrath of the skies.

Lighting and desolation rained down from above. I was all subjugated by their formation. Lighting swirled and poured into them, transforming into the energy of the five phases.

In the end, Heavenly wrath became nourishment for their advancement.
"Fuck! I didn't think this through- Ah! Why does it hurt so much more than last time?!" Li Ji whined. "Note to self; never make a plan that involves being hit by fucking tribulation lighting again!"

Bones poked out from his shoulders, charred black by smouldering lightning. He turned and twisted his body, moving in accordance with the Heavenly Steps. His whole form seemed to twist the air, until he disappeared, leaving behind what seemed to be a charred corpse.

Within his real body, countless Jade rivers melted and crumbled, pouring into the center of his Dantian, where a Jade Core grew outwards, filled with Yin Metal Qi.

Five-coloured lighting soared down, pouring into his 'corpse'. Compared to before, the attack was extremely gentle. A carcass did not need the full wrath of the tribulation. His body sizzled and burnt until it appear half liquidated. A desolate aura of death qi poured from him.

Satisfied its mark was extinguished, the tribulations cloud retracted, and Li Ji let loose a sigh of relief.

"I did it! Core Formation!" he cheered.
"Spending a year dead for tax purposes." :p

"What's the meaning of this? Is this Dao lecture just to make fun of us?" Xi Fu asked.

"You don't get it, Xi Fu," it was Ji Hui who spoke, his eyes closed in deep comprehension. "She didn't say her path is correct. She said My path is correct."

"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One. My path is correct, my path is true. The Dao of the Spirit Dog is alone, unrivalled, the one true way." He murmured.
...He gets it, and that's terrifying.

"There are countless types of cultivators... but all of them are beneath me. I alone am walking the true way... The path of the Spear... Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honoured one. I alone shall reach the peak." Xi Fu spoke hesitantly, imitating Ji Hui.

They had to have faith in their own path, to the point they could confidently and boldly declare every path inferior to their own. Only with that level of confidence was Xi Fu qualified to overturn the heavens themself. He felt like seeds of doubt were excised from his mind until only a single faith towards the spear remained.
It would explain why everyone's an idiot at these levels.

Power through sublime egotism. :p

"You've enlightened this lowly one boss!" Ji Hui declared, fires of dedication lighting in his eyes. " Before I was arrogantly and foolish, like a frog at the bottom of the well, thinking the sky is a tiny circle. Now I know the truth. Until the day I can recite the name of every Spirit-Dog in existence, I have not yet even begun to truly walk upon my Dao!"
...Bing Meilu has succeeded!

At a terrible, terrible cost.

Deep in darkness, a slow mind pondered. Its thoughts took ten thousand years, and its mind measured in eras.

Within it, a spark grew into a flame, then a blaze. Words growing into enlightenment, the first self-conscious thought flittered through the mind.

It could not create, but perhaps it could comprehend?... And so, a Continent began to cultivate.
This is the second most terrible cost.
That's gonna be exciting with Heavenly Tribulations.
Maybe this is how higher realms are created.
...Would the heavens even have the ability to give a proper tribulation to the continent? Would there even be a tribulation for a continent since they're Heaven trying to strike down humans?
The continent is part of the Earth, which is the opposite yin half of heavens, heavens will be so confused.
Did a reread, noticed some things about Xia Xuefeng.

"You know, you can't force people to like you, right? There is no 'correct option', where you suddenly say the right words and my opinion of your skyrockets."
More evidence that she might be an Isekai. Not so much the skyrocket line - xianxia isn't a setting in which fireworks are unknown - as the fact that her phrasing here strongly implies familiarity with video games.

"...Yes." the girl eventually said. "If it weren't for people willing to help others for no gain, I would have died a long time ago. The best I can do is pay the benevolence forward."
Xuefeng has been helped for no gain. And I don't think she means this in the sense of "my family loved me."

Given that we know she had a peaceful life raised by bakers, and that she (supposedly) came into a cultivation manual in an entirely peaceful manner... there are small gaps in her known history where she might have needed that help. "What lead to her getting hired by that merchant, anyway." Or possibly in the travel from her hometown to the "distant" town the uncle lived in.

If you think about it Blood cultivation is inherently predatory.
Another thing I caught looking back:

Feeling desperate, she reached into her own dribbling blood and attempted to refine it.


An utterly horrific pain rose up in her as her Qi went wild, explosively shaking around her meridian system. Before any permanent damage occurred, she immediately stopped, face pale and gasping for air.
There are obvious ways for trying to cultivate your own blood to fail, but it doesn't look like this is a case where it doesn't work because there's no energy coming in. "Explosively shaking her meridian system" says refining her own blood is too energetic, if anything.

Combined with crucifixion being, in this world, strongly associated with martyrdom rather than just torture, I think we might have a hint as to how Xuefeng turns things around on the Blood-Moon Spectral God and stops being predatory in a way she, personally, objects to being.
Chapter 63: Bing Meilu's Wondrous Slave Auction
Transmigrated back into the body of her child self, can the mighty Celestial Bing Meilu survive in a Xianxia world all the while staving off the advances of arrogant young masters and wannabe protagonists alike?

Why is life so hard for the Icy Beauty?

Any corrections or criticisms are welcome, I hope you enjoy Chapter 63: Bing Meilu's Wondrous Slave Auction


On the day of the auction, Bing Meilu created a massive frost stage right in the center of a street. A huge banner of ice characters grew up behind it.

"Bing Meiliu's Wondrous Slave Auction! All are invited! Cheap Prices, Strong Slaves! Don't Miss Out!"

Xia Xuefeng and Shen Xinyue were in seclusion, and Li Ji was still managing finances. The rest of her subordinates flanked her as she stood atop the auction stage, smiling serenely.

Xi Fu had a strange expression as he stared at the banner.

"Boss... Do we have to call it a slave auction? We could be mercenaries? Or a private army?" he begged.

"You're a slave, and I'm auctioning your services. Ergo, a slave auction. The name fits perfectly." his boss dismissed.

"Just give up, Xi Fu," Jiang Hu chuckled. "As far as Bing Meilu is concerned, we'll still be slaves even if we become illustrious Saints."

"When we become Saints," Xi Fu fist-bumped Jiang Hu.

Many stopped to gawk at the huge stage. A crowd slowly formed. Soon the first 'customer' arrived. It was Commodore Rampage Sword. He snickered at the sign. Flying over to land by the stage, he waved at Bing Meilu.

"A slave auction, huh? How much for that one?" he pointed at Jiang Hu. "He's a strapping specimen."

"We're not selling slaves, we're renting them. And it's an all-or-nothing deal," Bing Meilu said. "Whoever gives the highest price secures my whole faction's service. Pretty simple concept."

"Very well," the Commodore shrugged. He conjured himself a chair and took a seat in the air.

More random sect members arrived, gawking at the massive ice stage. Soon there were several captains watching silently, not interfering. None of the other Commodores had come yet.

Another Captain arrived, a frown on his face. He boldly strode towards the stage, eye narrowed. Unlike the others, he seemed intent on interfering.

"What is the meaning of this?" the Captain demanded.

"I'm holding an auction," Bing Meilu replied.

"And why are you holding it here? This is the residential district. If you wish to hold an auction, it must be done in the commercial section of the Port."

"Well, there are taxes in the commercial district, right?"

"Yes. Ten percent of all transactions."

"Well, I don't want to pay those. So I'm holding it here instead."

"That-that isn't how that works! You can't just hold an auction in the middle of the street to avoid taxes. This is completely against sect rules!"

"Citation please?"

"Port rulebook page forty-five paragraph three! No major transactions in the non-commercial areas of the Port! By the way, any transaction over five thousand spirit stones a day is a major transaction."

"Ahh- I see. Well, good thing I'm not here for any commercial purposes at all. I just happen to be standing on top of this conveniently placed auction stage, which I can assure you has nothing to do with me, so I can cool my feet on the ice."

"...Is- is that a joke? I, Captain of the Law Enforcement Hall, have never seen such a flagrant disregard for sect rules in my life. Either head to the commercial district and pay your taxes, or I'll be forced to arrest you this instant."

"For what crime?"

"For holding an auction in the middle of a residential street!"

"As I already said, I''m not holding any auctions. What evidence do you have that I am?"

"There's a sign behind you that says 'Bing Meilu's wondrous Slave auction!' Do you have a licence to sell slaves?"

The girl waved her hands, and the banner changed. It now reads 'innocuous Ice Stage! Nothing to see here!'"

"You-You can't just change the sign- I already saw it. It said you were holding an auction!"

"What utter slander! My good brother, Commodore Rampage Sword, did you ever see a sign that said there was an auction?" Bing Meilu asked, waving at the seated Nascent Soul. He snickered and nodded.

"Yup. I've been here for a while, that sign never existed." the man chuckled.

"See? I'm clearly innocent. As for your flagrant violation of sect rules, let's discuss that right now!" Bing Meilu declared, her eyes narrowed.

"E-excuse me?" he demanded, eyes narrowing.

"Slandering a fellow member of the sect, with such a ridiculous accusation that I was dodging taxes by holding an auction in the residential district! In flagrant violation of all morals of man and heaven, you maliciously sneered my name in front of the whole sect with no evidence, no doubt fishing for a bribe, you corrupt strumpet! Commodore Rampage-Sword, I demand you uphold justice and arrest this layabout immediately!"

The Captain fell utterly silent, too shocked to even know how to respond. No evidence? She had literally just told him her plan. He was actually just dumbstruck, staring at her in silence for several full seconds of sheer disbelief.

The silence was broken by uproarious laughter. Daoist Rampage Sword burst out laughing wiping tears of joy from his eyes.

"That's-haha-right? What do you have to say for yourself, Captain Fangtian?" Rampage-Sword chuckled. "It appears I'll have to disciple-haha-you?"

Of course, as a customer, Rampage-Sword also did not want any interference. A ten percent tax also meant he would have to pay that much extra.

"You can't do anything to me!" Captain Fangtian narrowed his eyes. "I'm a neutral party. If you dare act against me, you'll push me into the hands of one of your rivals. This girl has blatantly broken sect rules, and you know you can't interfere in my-"

"Oh? Do you think I got the nickname Rampage-Sword, by making rational political decisions? Or do you think I got it by killing fools who disrespected me?"

The jovial atmosphere disappeared from the Commodore in an instant, a sharp and dangerous aura rising in the air.

"So why don't we test if I'll do anything to you, Captain of the Law Enforcement Hall? If you don't leave in the next ten seconds, we'll see what can happen faster, you 'joining one of my rivals,' or me crippling your cultivation base?"

Bing Meilu almost thought the Nascent Soul was bipolar, with how fast his attitude seemed to change, from jovial to murderous in the blink of an eye. After a moment, Fangtian spat on the ground, and turned on his heel, striding away angrily.

"Good! Very good, Commodore! I'll remember this!"

Ordinarily, even a Commodore would not have the ability to act so blatantly corrupt as Rampage-Sword just had, dismissing the Elder of Law Enforcment's objectively correct accusation against Bing Meilu. The Armada had very strict rules of law enforcement and generally did not shy away from punishing high-ranking sect members.

Unlike most sects, who had to tread carefully against punishing their high-ranking members, lest they leave for a rival power, the Armada had no rivals anyone could leave to, at least, nor in the Bird Talon Continent.

However, law and order in Seventieth Port Snake had been slowly eroding over the years. As the rivalry between the four Commodores grew hotter and hotter, it escalated further, with more and more bold actions. With every incident the Divison Commander did not intervene in, the Commodores grew more unbridled in their competition and open acts of corruption.

Whether it be sabotaging each other, not providing resources to those aligned with enemy factions and more, the silent Division Commander had never intervened, and it eventually became clear he had a Laissez-faire attitude towards the rivalry of his successors.

Bing Meilu would never tolerate such internal infighting in any power she ruled, but she didn't mind it in Port Snake, since it was only to her profit.

"An auction? I hope brothers don't mind if I attend?"

A second Commodore appeared from thin air, flying over to hover by the stage. Flanked by several captains, this was Commodore Black Heartflame, the publically acknowledged strongest Nascent Soul in the Port.

Over the next hour, many more people arrived to see the huge event, and soon, all four Commodores and their factions had arrived. No one else tried to intervene, and so Bing Meilu began her auction.

"Greetings fellow Daoists. This one is Bing Meilu, a humble Lieutenant of the seventieth Port Snake. It just so happens I've come into possession of a large group of slaves, each of whom possesses incredible martial prowess."

She waved her hand, and Xi Fu stepped forward. His ebony-hafted spear in hand, a powerful piercing Qi erupted from him.

"Captain Xi Fu! While only at the fourth stage of Core Formation, his masterful Spear Cultivation leaves him a terrifying force to be reckoned with! Do any from the crowd wish to test their martial skill against Xi Fu? If you win, you can have him for free!"

"Captain Hong Fu of Rampage Faction will exchange pointers," Commodore Rampage-Sword snapped his fingers.

A scarred man flew into the air from the Rampage Faction. He had a sword by his side and wore green turtle shell armour over his captain robes. His looks resembled Hong Hui, whom Xi Fu had crippled. The two captains made their way out into the air, far away enough to be safe.

"Till surrender or inability to fight," Xi Fu said.

His opponent nodded, drawing his sword. He bowed and then attacked.

"Heart-Rending Slash!"

An arc of sword-Qi exploded, dancing towards Xi Fu in an instant. The Captain stood still, silently floating in the air. Then he thrust his weapon.

"Cloud Carving Spear."

The terrifying, dominating pressure of Heaven Defying Spear Intent erupted. Even miles away, many spectators began to sweat and wince at the pressure.

A huge river of Qi lanced forward from Xi Fu's spear. It tore through the sword-Qi and slammed directly into Hong Fu, who let loose a scream of agony. The green armour the man was wearing shattered, and his legs were sliced away, as the attack continued forward, unimpeded.

Xi Fu silently retracted his spear intent from Hong Fu's wounds, watching as the man fell from the sky, slamming into the ground and bouncing several times, before coming to a rest.

The Cloud Carving Spear shot downward, tearing a huge gash into the ground, several miles long. Spectators watched in silence and shock.

One move? It was over that quickly. Furthermore, it had clearly not taken much of Xi Fu's Qi. His burning aura still emanated from his like a star in the sky, barely diminished.

"Hong Fu was at the ninth stage of Core Formation!" someone said. "How could he fall so easily? To a fourth stage?"

"You actually awakened Martial Intent in only Core Formation?" Commodore Rampage Sword asked aloud in shock.

At the revelation, many looked at Xi Fu in awe. There was only one person with Sword Intent in all of Seventh Port Snake, the Sword Cultivator Rampage-Sword, who had awakened the Rampage Slaughter Sword Intent upon becoming a Nascent Soul.

Of course, Xi Fu had actually achieved Spear Intent while in Qi Condensation, and Embryonic Spear Heart while in Foundation Establishment. But Bing Meilu didn't feel the need to expose all her cards yet.

Silently, the spearman flew back to the stage. Many spectators clapped and cheered at the show.


"Why the hell was he so weak?" Xi Fu complained. "I was excited to fight another weapon cultivator- but he's actually just trash?"

"The Rampage Faction isn't as strong as it seemed to us back in the day," Jing Hu agreed.

"Yeah, we used to be their dogs, but if that is a representation of how strong their captains are- I think we could take 'em out," Daoist Seagreen nodded.


"As you can see, my dear customers, the proud fighters of the Bing meilu's Faithful Slaves Faction are all combat experts, forged in the fires of war. They can even easily win fights against those far stronger than them. Captain Jiang Hu!"

The tall, black-horned sabre fighter strode to the front of the auction stage, giving a dramatic bow.

"Jiang Hu, seeking pointers!"

This time no one from the crowd came out. After Hong Fu had his legs torn off, they no longer dared.

"Xi Fu, why don't you and Jiang Hu show us some moves?" Bing Meilu ordered.

The two of them took off, floating in the air. Both readied themselves for combat, Qi sloshing through their bodies.

Two world-shaking auras rose, more dangerous than any Core Formation should possess. Even the Commodores watching seemed shocked at the intensity of the Qi rolling from the two.

"Raaaaargh!" a piercing dragon roar split the air. Scales burst from Jiang Hu's skin and malformed wings grew from his back. The crushing aura of bloodline suppression erupted from him. Even watching from a distance, everyone could feel a natural instinct to flee before a predator.

"A-a Redscale clan member?" someone asked in confusion. "Since when has Crimson Saber Jiang Hu had such a bloodline?"

"I've seen Redscale before- I've never seen any of them who could do that?"

Fiery red light erupted around the sabre fighter like a fiery Heaven Star had appeared in the middle of the sky.

"Are you quite down?" Xi Fu smirked. "You don't have to show off so much?"

Jiang Hu chuckled, his voice eery and reptilian.

The two vanished and an explosive ringing pierced the air. Xi Fu's spear scraped against Jiang Hu's scales, like a nail against a chalkboard.

"So fast- I couldn't even see them move?" The strongest captain from the Tang Faction remarked in shock.

He looked to his Commodore, who watched the fight with intent eyes.

Jiang Hu's slashed outwards, a burning line of molten metal Qi erupting from his Redgold Bright Saber. Heat soared into the blade, which lit up like a blazing bonfire, growing shaper and shaper the hotter it became.

"Steel Slash Slays Serpent!"

"Cloud Carving Spear."

An enormous explosion ripped through the air, the shockwave pulverizing the ground and forming a crater like a meteor had fallen. As the smoke cleared, the two became visible, blurs repeatedly clashing with the sound of metal on metal.

'Their raw strength is already nearing the Nascent Soul realm?'

At that moment, all four Commodores came to the same realization. Whichever faction secured this auction... would definitely win! They had to have them!

"That's good enough. Get back!" Bing Meilu ordered.

The two came to a halt, looks of disappointed and restrained bloodlust in their eyes. They obediently flew back to the ice stage.

At that point, all eyes fell on Bing Meilu.

'Who the hell is she, who can control those monsters while being a Realm lower than them? How the hell did that happen?'

"But the BMFS faction does not just possess a few individual gems. We also have members who can work in concert with each other... Everyone give it up for the Elemental Five!"

The pentuplet walked to the front of the stage and gave their own humble bows, as their auras rose into the air.

"They're wearing Lieutenant robes... but all five are in Core Formation?"

"S-seven Captains? That's more than two of the main factions combined?"

Before now, there were only twenty captains in Port Snake. With Seven, the BMFS faction had already outpaced every other faction by a huge amount. Not to mention, the captains they did possess were clearly immensely powerful for their Realm.

"While only in the first stage of core formation, the Elemental Five possess shocking skill in working together. If any of the watchers, even the Commodores, can defeat them in three moves, you can have my faction for free."

That was a massive claim. Bing Meilu was directly asserting that none of the Four Commodores could defeat the Elemental Five in three moves. While Core Formation experts were impressive... They were nothing compared to a Nascent Soul. She couldn't possibly think five fresh Captains could survive the attack of a Commodore?

"I'll take you up on that offer!"

Commodore Black Heartflame appeared at the stage in a flash. The Elemental Five bowed in unison politely.

"Since I'm already lowering myself to fight some juniors, I'll just use one move," the Commodore said. "If you can block that, I'll admit defeat."

He teleported himself and the five dozens of miles away from the port, to a forest. At this point, only the other three Nascent Souls were capable of seeing the fight, with how far away it was.

Commodore Liyang waved his hand, and a spiritual projection appeared, allowing the other viewers to see what was happening. This was good etiquette when it came to being a peanut in the gallery.

In the forest, Commodore Black Heartflame floated above the Elemental Five. A black fire appeared in his hands. He thrust his palm forward, and the fire gently shot towards them, about the size of a small apple.

The strongest Core Formations could destroy cities. But even a weak Nascent Soul could erase mountain ranges and empty lakes. They were capable of permanently altering the world's landscape. In the Commodore's opinion, no matter how profound the formation, it could not possibly survive an attack from him. In fact, he would have to hold back to avoid harming the Captains.

As it approached them, the Elemental Five closed their eyes... and then the Commodore's attack disappeared.

"Wha-what the hell just happened?" someone asked in confusion. "Did- did he miss?"

After a moment, Heartflame appeared back on the stage, a desperate look in his eyes.

"You said I'd get three attacks right?"

Everyone fell silent in shock. he'd just publically said he'd only attack once... and now here he was, begging for a redo? It was an utter loss of face for the position of Commodore.

"Sure, I did say three. Feel free to try again," Bing Meilu waved her hand dismissively.

The Commodore teleported back away, appearing back in the forest. This time, a massive spear of black fire appeared in his hand, the length of three houses. He flew into the sky and hurled it down at the five.

The entire forest was immediately flatted as gale-force winds exploded outwards, tearing massive trees from the ground like they were but leaves. The massive spear, a full-force Fourth Realm attack- disappeared mid-air, like it had never been there.

Commodore Liyang's spiritual projection zoomed in on Black Heartflame, who had a look of complete shock and confusion on his face.

"It happened twice? How the hell are they doing that?"

"Hey! Look at the Commodore! What is he doing-"

"He's burning his essence blood?"
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"S-seven Captains? That's more than two of the main factions combined?"

So. Who's going to figure out first that this isn't an Auction, that this upstart faction isn't so much selling it's services as extorting tribute in return for the privilege of being the faction it usurps?

Even Bing Meilu's scraps are more than valuable enough to outweigh the loss of the faction, though, so even understanding what's going on can't be called reason to walk away...

So. Who's going to figure out first that this isn't an Auction, that this upstart faction isn't so much selling it's services as extorting tribute in return for the privilege of being the faction it usurps?

Even Bing Meilu's scraps are more than valuable enough to outweigh the loss of the faction, though, so even understanding what's going on can't be called reason to walk away...
Yeah, at this point she is more or less saying her faction is the strongest of the port, given her people can fight the nascent soul commodores.
"Captain Xi Fu! While only at the fourth stage of Foundation, his masterful Spear cultivation leaves him a terrifying force to be reckoned with! Do any from the crowd wish to test their martial skill against Xi Fu? If you win, you can have him for free!"
Fourth stage of Core, not Foundation.
"But the BMFS faction does not possess a few individual gems. We also have members who can work in concert with each other... Everyone give it up for the Elemental Five!"
Does not *just* possess a few indiviual gems.
You know, it'd be funny if the Commodore can clearly see that after this attack, a stiff breeze would defeat them but he's out of moves.
I think we're more likely to see the Five catch the attack, but not be able to make it vanish, so there's a moment of panic where they need to hot-potato it somewhere before it explodes on them and Bing Meilu needs to yell at them "Up! Throw it upwards, you idiots!" as everyone else scrambles for cover.

So, y'know, they'll look undisciplined and incompetent... except they'll still have just successfully defended themselves against the all-out attack of a Nascent Soul cultivator.
I kind of expect them to cycle the energy through a bunch of elements and then shoot it back up at him.
With a high-level core formation attack they probably could do that, but these are attacks from a Nascent Soul. Worse, a Nascent Soul with either bloodline or inheritance based unique flames.