What a grossly incompetent legal system. Also, do they just not have the concept of people with blood affinities?
How absurdly unlike real life. Next we'll learn they criminalize people's sexual orientation!

(To be clear, yes it's incredibly stupid and awful to go after people for something they can't help being born with which doesn't have to hurt anyone... When people of more 'conventional' type are given a pass for their behavior despite being evil scumbags. But sadly that doesn't make it at all unrealistic.)
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Now, in all fairness, if a cultivator shows up at your doorstep covered in blood, there are grounds to investigate if this is one of those settings where cultivators who eat people for power are a thing.

The big question is in how she gets treated, and it definitely sounds as if she's being treated unjustly... But even a just city-state or whatever in this setting would want to do something to round up and keep an eye on any 'loose cultivators' who just show up one day all bloody and having feasted on who knows what.
It is already above average but like...its not remotely uncommon for the judge to just go with whatever gets the case off his table as quickly as possible.

Accuracy doesn't matter unless its a big shot accused or accusing.
You can't use a cultivation law called 'Blood Anthem of the Crucified' and then complain when people think you're a demonic cultivator.
You can use a cultivation law called 'Blood Anthem of the Crucified' to strike down the impudent student who's trying to kill you. And, well, it would be a shame for all this blood to just go to waste...
Also, with a little emphasis, even historical judges were fairly often more concerned with:
1) Sorting things out as quickly as possible. Nobody wants the court to hold session for days and waste everyone's time. Whatever evidence is on hand will have to do, barring point 2.
2) Sorting things out without drawing the attention of someone of higher status, who might get *ideas* and generally make a lot more trouble for everyone. This means special treatment to high status persons, like actually doing investigation and/or questioning more involved than yelling "You did it didn't you?" at people.
3) Sorting things out in a way least likely to bite them in the ass as possible. Generally this meant that the judgement has to be in line with what 'everyone' thinks is fair, or at least makes sure the one better at violence/higher status wins(i.e. duels/with champions)

Therefore when dealing with a random hobo covered in blood, just burying them somewhere without straight up executing them(potentially because said judge doesn't actually have the status to issue executions) is a normal level of effort to go to.

Actual legal standards was the rarity until things got a lot more bureaucratic, or high status people were involved
Who doesn't want to be looked down on by a Ice Queen with dainty jade feet? Don't be a closet degenerate, be a man of culture.

She doesn't "identify", she is a woman. I also hate the default male pronouns many people use but please leave your "wonderful person"(a certain 3 letter acronym starting with S and ending with W got filtered) outside SV.

Why are you starting shit with comments from 2020, my guy?
Therefore when dealing with a random hobo covered in blood, just burying them somewhere without straight up executing them(potentially because said judge doesn't actually have the status to issue executions) is a normal level of effort to go to.

Actual legal standards was the rarity until things got a lot more bureaucratic, or high status people were involved
It doesn't help that demonic blood cultivation is a known problem and bosses In Xianxia worlds aren't known for being good bosses so burying them somewhere while you either get someone who can actually determine if it is demonic cultivation or wait for it to blow over makes sense. The judge doing anything that could risk a demonic cultivator grow in power would be a really poor idea.

Given that human blood was a valid option that was abandoned for the sake of morality, Blood Anthem of the Crucified might actually be demonic cultivation and it just wasn't considered relevant because no one expected the plan to go so far off the rails.
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It's normal in most xianxia that any shady looking cultivation tehniques are labeled as demonic as an excuse for the "orthodox" sects to gang up on less numerous "unorthodox" sects.
That priest guy is our stereotypical self righteous thieving baldie. In xianxia, even the budhists or other monks are not the good guys, they just pretend they are.
She doesn't "identify", she is a woman. I also hate the default male pronouns many people use but please leave your "wonderful person"(a certain 3 letter acronym starting with S and ending with W got filtered) outside SV.
Obligatory warning:

Bing Meilu is a woman. This is because she knows damn well that she is a woman. In other words, she "identifies" as a woman, because that's what "X identifies as Y" means. It means this person X knows damn well that they are Y. Simple as that.

Use of the word "identifies" to describe the gender of a person is just accurate given how things work, for a basic well understood definition of the word 'gender.' It's not some kind of conspiracy theory invented by the Dread Ess Jay Double Yous. Whatever the Dread Ess Jay Double Yous even are, because i've never yet met a person who uses that acronym and has a clear definition of what it means except "person who called me out on bullying bullshit and I resent them for it."

Now, I've been on SV for several years, so I know how this plays out because I've seen it before.

SV does not have a policy of being patient with people who try to dump piles of burning transphobic garbage on the front doors of SVers. You can find plenty of evidence of this. So no, you can learn to behave yourself, which will involve leaving the transphobic garbage, or the hints of transphobic garbage, outside SV. A review of the forum rules and recent banning tribunals should make it fairly clear what the rules are here.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. You're in Rome. You can follow the rules, as many SVers have in the past, or get kicked out, as many jackasses have in the past.
Vast majority of people don't need to "identify". They simply are. If someone is gay or trans, good for them. I didn't say anything against them so don't put words in my mouth. I'm really thankful for your warning which you used to imply I was using hate speech, in a comment that would've been forgotten.
Nearly anyone who read that comment would be reading into it the same interpretation I did, because it's the obvious subtext given the times we live in. And it strains my suspension of disbelief to its limits that you didn't intend the transphobic reading. Especially since you are now doubling down on the same stuff by ranting about how much you hate those nebulously defined "radical leftists" for, uh, saying things and using words, surely that's all the problem really is.

If you're trying to keep up a pretense of civility, ranting about the cultural Bolsheviks or whatever is not a good way to keep up that pretense.

If someone is demanding that we call them a unicorn one day, a duck the next. They are people who feel insignificant and powerless amongst billions, so they demand to feel special.
See, right now you're ranting about something you've actively made up, a construct of your imagination, a figment.

If there is a single person in all the world who does this, they are one compared to tens, hundreds of thousands who are simply saying "just deal with me as I know damn well I am, instead of how you want me to be because of how important it is for you to assert control over my life by carving your initials into the language you use to talk about me."

But from a certain point of view, one might want to focus on the person who demands to be called a unicorn or a duck and can't make up their mind, whether they exist or not, whether they're as fictional as Reagan's "welfare queens." Because it's easy to dismiss them as obvious sad lunatics, and by dismissing them as such, one gets a pretext for ignoring or sneering at all the others, comparing them to the one sad lunatic by implication.

You can't order me how to speak(it's against the law duh), especially not while pushing your radical leftist bullshit while labeling anyone who criticizes it, as misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, a Hitler, a Stalin...
It's insane, yes people have been called a Hitler over daring to speak against this dogmatic propaganda.
And people have been called a Stalin for daring to say "Quit calling Patty 'sir,' dammit!" Because to a sufficiently pathetic person with a weak enough sense of perspective, that counts as 'tyranny.'

It's sad; I think some people wish for tyranny and try to see themselves as tyrannized when no tyranny exists, because of that wishful thinking.


On an unrelated note... How do you decide what is 'dogmatist' and what is not?

Because it sounds to me like you bust out words like 'dogmatist' to throw at me because I say something that disagrees with you.

What does that word even mean to you? What distinguishes a dogmatist from someone who just knows things or has opinions?

But people shouldn't casually throw bombs into conversations and expect everyone to just smile and wave at them with no pushback.
Chapter 26 - The Might of Foundation Establishment
Transmigrated back into the body of her child self, can the mighty Celestial Bing Meilu survive in a Xianxia world all the while staving off the advances of arrogant young masters and wannabe protagonists alike?

Why is life so hard for the Icy Beauty?

Any corrections or criticisms are welcome, I hope you enjoy Chapter 26 - The Might of Foundation Establishment


Bing Meilu thrust her spear forward with indomitable power. Harsh steam exploded as the Boss slammed a flaming fist into her spear, shattering it into an explosion of dust.

"Courting Death!" he shouted, bronze skin erupting with a swirling red flame.

His leg shot out towards her stomach, blazing with a red, draconic aura. Bing Meilu's feet gracefully slid across the ground as if made from ice, strafing around the body cultivator.

"Grand Frozen Xia Matrix!"

Swirling Runes of ice appeared around her palm, forming the shape of a fractal snowflake. She slammed her hand into the man's back, skin steaming as her ice met his blazing flesh.

The rune matrix glinted and attached to the man's skin as he twisted around with a mighty roundhouse kick. Her body boiling with Qi, Bing Meilu ducked under the kick. Only a split second later he smashed a flaming fist into her jaw, sending her flying with a mighty crack.

Her body slid across the grassy ground, leaving a trail of ice across it. Bing Meilu stood, eyes staring coldly at the faction leader.

The man's face was sweltering red with rage at her lack of reaction. "Such incredible arrogance! Who the hell do you-"

He paused, as a white aura began to pulse around Bing Meilu, rising to clash with the man.

It was killing intent. Whereas the man was fiery and wild, like a feral beast ripping apart its prey, hers was cold and impassive and all-devouring, like an apocalyptic snowstorm that sought to snuff out all life and yet was empty and impassive.

"A killer at your age?" the man said, face serious. "What the hell are they feeding the kids this generation?"

"Boss!" one of the two Lieutenants spoke up, only to be cut off.

"Don't interfere, Liu. If I can't even defeat a child in Qi Condensation alone, then I might as well just kill myself because I'd have cultivated for nothing!"

This wasn't only meaningless pride. Cultivator psychology was of utmost importance. They had to have absolute certainty in their own strength or they would falter in face of tribulation. Relying on the strength of others might only weaken that resolve.

"You're incredibly strong for your cultivation rank, little girl." the man nodded, skin glinting with fire. "So let's make this a real fight. My name is Jiang Hu, leader of the Crimson Dragon Faction and Lieutenant in the Sky Swallowing Gulper Armada."

"You're not worthy to learn my name, but you may call me Master, Lady, Queen or Goddess. Whichever you prefer, mortal."

This was a sign of Bing Meilu's tentative and slight decrease in her disdain towards this mortal. Back in her days as a mighty Celestial, even being addressed directly by her would be an honour people would kill their own mothers for.

Unable to comprehend the depth of her magnanimity, the man simply scowled at her, as if disrespected. Sadly an ant like him could not comprehend how little respect he was due.

"Red Dragon Fang!"

The largest difference between those in Foundation Establishment, like Jiang Hu, and those in Qi Condensation, was the regulation of one's Qi by their foundation.

It allowed them to manipulate and condense their Qi to a degree categorically beyond those of a lower cultivation realm. With it, complex and powerful forms of Qi Manipulation and magical techniques could be unleashed.

Two blazing fangs of fire formed, one in each of Jiang Hu's hands. The air thrummed with heat at the incredibly dense fire Qi blazing in his hands.

"Saber Art - Thirteen Strikes!"

Jiang Hu exploded towards Bing Meilu. A poleaxe axe of blue crystal appeared in her hands as she met him for battle.

His wild blows slammed into the haft of her pole axe, parried. She deftly swung the long weapon, bashing away the blitz of sabre swings.

Each time the weapons clashed, Jiang Hu's attacks increased in speed, until it was as if he was a blur, launching barely visible swings.

A drop of sweat poured down the back of Bing Meilu's head as she began to be forced back, unable to deflect the flurry of attacks.

Even with her incredible reserves of Qi reinforcing her senses to the max, she could barely keep up with the man. Still, she was not worried. Only slightly pressured.

"Aaargh!" Jiang Hu's body weaved and whirled as his twin sabre swung and slashed down at the retreating girl.

His right dragon fang lashed out against her, cracking her icy spear in twain with a hiss of steam as fire met ice. His left blade stabbed forward with brutal intent, trained directly toward her stomach.

"Grand Frozen Xia Matrix!"

The formation of runes that clung to his back suddenly glinted, as Qi poured through the air, from Bing Meilu into runes affixed to the faction leader.

Ice was of Yin, and Yin could manifest itself in myriad fashions. After all, everything in heaven and earth was born from the marriage of Yin and Yang - The Liangyi. Yin could represent reversion, the retreat of all things.

And so the Runes on the man's back harshly tugged him backwards. His blade froze an inch from the flesh of her stomach, before flying backwards, as the man rolled over the ground towards the spot where Bing Meilu had initially branded him with the matrix.

The runes began to shudder as flaming Qi poured from him, assaulting them. However, one thing Bing Meilu had to spare was Qi. Cultivating the Crystal Providence Absoilute Tome, each aperture point in her meridians was akin to a full system of meridians. She had the qi of nearly seventy-two cultivators of her rank combined.

Qi endlessly drained from her, constantly repairing the Rune Matrix. The man gave up after a moment, leaping at her, ground cracking as he exploded into the air, only to pause, before flying back down to the ground. The incredibly complex Rune Matrix couldn't be subverted so easily.

However, stopping his attacks couldn't win a fight by itself. Bing Meilu had to take offence as well.

"Not that you deserve this honour, but you'll be the first person I use this weapon against!"

Being only in Qi Condensation, Bing Meilu's attack options were fairly limited. Nearly all of the offensive techniques she knew would be fairly useless at this level. A normal Foundation Establishment cultivator she was confident she could beat with weapon arts, but Jiang Hu was a body cultivator and would likely just ignore attacks of that level before counter-attacking.

Perhaps she could overcome said defence via a battle of attrition she would win, but this victory had to be decisive enough to make him submit. A 'cowardly' tactic would earn less respect than crushing an enemy with lethal force.

"Xin Shui, come out."

A silvery metal poured from her sleeve, coiling around her fingers and hand to form a small orb.

Bing Meilu had pondered what kind of soul-bound weapon to create. In her near-infinite years, she had mastered near every weapon conceivable. She was particularly fond of long polearms, greatswords and javelins.

So the answer was obvious, in the end. Her life-bound weapon would be- All of them!

"Greataxe form."

The silver metal bulged and expanded, slowly taking the form of an entirely metal, seemingly liquid great axe. Ripples spread out across the surface of the implement as she gripped it in two hands.

She graced him with a polite smile. His defeat was inevitable.

"Great Dragon's Conflagration!" Jiang Hu roared.

His belly swelled and he leaned forward, mouth opening to erupt with a river of sticky flaming fluid. The white flaming fluid danced through the air, homing in on the still girl.


A white light exploded from her as her mighty frosty Qi filled the air. The flaming liquid froze and fell to the ground, uselessly shattering.

The Grand Frozen Matrix was activated once more. Only this time the reversion was towards the origin of the Runes, Bing Meilu's left hand.

Jiang Hu was tugged through the air, He hefted his sabres, preparing for a devastating slash. Bing Meilu did the same.

Then she swung. Her axe momentarily met his flaming daggers- then she pushed forward. An explosive crack filled the air as her weapon cracked down on Jiang Hu's back. His torso caved downwards, bending and deforming as if made from bronze rather than flesh. A wheeze, unable to even be called a scream tore itself from his mouth as the air was driven from his lungs and his body was driven to the floor.

It only made sense. Xin Shui was a Soulbound weapon, containing fragments of Bing Meilu's own soul and spirituality. Compared to a measly Qi COnstruct, it was far better. Rather than simply being formed of her power, it actively enhanced her strength to a great degree.

Bing Meilu stared down the wheezing Jiang Hu.


His body and shoulder shook as he slowly pushed himself up, eyes blazing with rage.

"I-I'm not doone-"

Bing Meilu's axe slammed down onto the back of his neck, and he froze, as the blade tore through flesh, only to pause just before his spine.

"If I even lean forward slightly my axe will sever your spine," Bing Meilu stated. "At your stage of Cultivation, that would be fatal. Concede."

The former faction leader stared up at her, eyes red with unwillingness. After a long silence. he inhaled, gathering his resolve.

"I- I con... -I concede."

Bing Meilu smiled politely.

"Wonderful. Then why don't we go get you some medical treatment? It wouldn't do for my subordinate to be so badly injured, now will it?"


Jim Hu, a worker at the sect ranking office, frowned at the reported victory. This had to be a bug, or a case of cheating. How else could a mere Qi Condensation cultivator defeat someone so much higher in rank?

All fights within the sect were carefully tracked to properly rank and promote disciples on the basis of strength. Occasionally you would get some wealthy scion 'cheating' by paying a stronger disciple to lose on purpose, in hopes they would still get promoted. The Armada didn't look too kindly on those who did such a thing.

On the other hand, there were genuine geniuses capable of defeating those much stronger than them...

"Case Nineteen. Send an investigator to question a newly joined disciple, rank of Private, one Bing Meilu."
Man, I hate it when people delete posts. If it reaches the point of people responding to you then at least have the guts to leave your words for the records.

Anyways! On to the update.

I really like how different the different cultivation methods are from each other even if they can all be generally mapped to the same cultivation ranks.
strafing around the body cultivator
I know body cultivation is what he does, but the sentence as is is a tad hard to read, since my first instinct is "is a word missing? Is it the body of the cultivator?" especially since it's near the start of the chapter and we aren't reminded of his cultivation type before.

Minor nitpick, I know. Great chapter as usual otherwise.
I know body cultivation is what he does, but the sentence as is is a tad hard to read, since my first instinct is "is a word missing? Is it the body of the cultivator?" especially since it's near the start of the chapter and we aren't reminded of his cultivation type before.

Minor nitpick, I know. Great chapter as usual otherwise.
The fact that I didn't have the same instinct at all tells me I probably read too many cultivation stories. I need to go reflect on my life choices.
Jim Hu, a worker at the sect ranking office, frowned at the reported victory. This had to be a bug, or a case of cheating. How else could a mere Qi Condensation cultivator defeat someone so much higher in rank?

All fights within the sect were carefully tracked to properly rank and promote disciples on the basis of strength.

Always useful to keep track of Protagonists so you can arrange to be somewhere else.
Man, I hate it when people delete posts. If it reaches the point of people responding to you then at least have the guts to leave your words for the records.

Anyways! On to the update.

I really like how different the different cultivation methods are from each other even if they can all be generally mapped to the same cultivation ranks.
I assume the mods deleted it, as they should. I'll happily argue politics all day on the appropriate board, but bringing that kind of thing into a story thread is just rude to the author.