Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Normally, I'd pop the update around now, but I have plenty of free time in the coming week, much in contrast to this one, and it seems the debate is still hot, or at least mildly lukewarm. I'll wait until tomorrow.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Mar 9, 2018 at 6:55 PM, finished with 1250 posts and 35 votes.
Normally, I'd pop the update around now, but I have plenty of free time in the coming week, much in contrast to this one, and it seems the debate is still hot, or at least mildly lukewarm. I'll wait until tomorrow.
Honestly won't mind it being closed now. If just because my head hurts enough to make me crave sleep.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 10, 2018 at 5:16 PM, finished with 1278 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Bend it like Beckham
    -[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    --[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his original name but also less attention grabbing.
    -[X] Yes, tell them.
    -[X] Dad.
    -[X] Hue-Sar.
    -[X] Bending.
    --[X] Earthbending.
    -[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    -[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    -[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    -[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Father Son Bonding
    [X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    [X] Plan Father Son Bonding
    [X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    -[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his origional name but also less attention grabbing.
    [X] Yes, tell them.
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Hue-Sar.
    [X] Bending.
    -[X] Earthbending.
    [X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    [X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    [X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] (-3 CP.) You find a book filled to the brim with proverbs. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Family Bonding, World Learning, Spirituality, and Travel Prep
    [X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    [X] Yes, tell them.
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Mom
    [X] Meditation
    -[X] Chakra Control
    [X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    [X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
    [X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Family Bonding, World Learning, Spirituality, and Travel Prep
he has no frame to properly judge himself as he has never had anything but those chains by freeing him he has a chance to experience life where he chooses instead of obeys a unfair decision by an old avatar
I get that but try to remember, we'd be a 7 year old boy explaining to a thousands year old spirit that he's being silly and he'll know better once he experiences the world a little.
Normally, I'd pop the update around now, but I have plenty of free time in the coming week, much in contrast to this one, and it seems the debate is still hot, or at least mildly lukewarm. I'll wait until tomorrow.
Maybe, but trying to free Hue-Sar still has a big lead.

Vote Tally : Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 46 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 1145-1232]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
No. of Votes: 21

[x] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
No. of Votes: 13

[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 35

So the debate isn't really affecting the vote.
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This isn't an argument against the write-in but I do think you do yourself a disservice too tightly linking this to human cases. Kinda hypocritical of me since I earlier mentioned euthanasia but this spirit isn't human. As far as we know, he won't die of old age. There are no support groups, no family and there are limits to deeply a spirit can integrate into a community, if he'd even want to. He also apparently feels nothing but contempt for his fellow spirits and is tired of the task set for him.

Once again, not an argument against offering. But it's a fallacy to write off his request as an ill thought out mistake just because humans often feel that way about their suicide attempts.
I, atleast, am not dismissing his desire. I covered it in my origional argument, that if his desire is true, then he can still seek it out, on his own terms. He right now requires us to do it, for we are teh first being with enough spiritual power to visit this place in forever, but when he has the ability to choose his own destiny, I'm perfectly willing to allow him to choose death. There are spirits out there more than strong enough to do the dead, and he'd have teh ability to piss them off to the point that they'd happily kill him.
But I think it's far too arrogant to suggest that the fact that simply because this being lacks our own experiences, they somehow don't have the right to make decisions for themself. This still isn't an argument against the write-in, but a rejection of dismissing the spirits right to choose.
Again, I atleast believe he does have a choice, what we are doing is giving him options. Right now, it seems like the only options he sees is "Death" or "Eternal Servitude". We are giving him more options, which he can choose from if he wishs, or he can stick to his choice and persue death.
I, atleast, am not dismissing his desire. I covered it in my origional argument, that if his desire is true, then he can still seek it out, on his own terms. He right now requires us to do it, for we are teh first being with enough spiritual power to visit this place in forever, but when he has the ability to choose his own destiny, I'm perfectly willing to allow him to choose death. There are spirits out there more than strong enough to do the dead, and he'd have teh ability to piss them off to the point that they'd happily kill him.

Did you miss me saying:
This isn't an argument against the write-in
Once again, not an argument against offering
? :V

My arguments were purely regarding what was quoted, referring to humans not needing purpose as an argument for him to live etc, not arguments against the idea of offering a choice.

Again, I atleast believe he does have a choice, what we are doing is giving him options. Right now, it seems like the only options he sees is "Death" or "Eternal Servitude". We are giving him more options, which he can choose from if he wishs, or he can stick to his choice and persue death.
And this was in reference to being told that the spirit's lack of experience means he doesn't know any better.

tl;dr: I have no argument against the write-in. I'm not voting for it because I don't think it'll make a difference but I think it's a completely reasonable option to take.
Son of the Chief - 5.6
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

"I will free you."

The tree brightened up, misinterpreting your words. "Thank you."

"I will free you of this forest and let you roam the earth," you add so Hue-Sar understands the real meaning behind your words. The tree brightens at that, you can't tell what emotion he is feeling. Brightness means positivity, right? Did he feel hope?

He is silent. You blink, realizing you put the tree into stasis. A long second passes and you sideways glance at Siph, just to see her own reaction. Your eyes meet for the briefest moment. She's anxious like you. You look back at Hue-Sar and a moment passes before the tree talks to you again. "Avatar Tié. Can you really do that?"

He's questioning it. You gave him hope, so now he seeks to confirm it. He wants to know whether that hope is real or a lie. "I'm not sure," you answer, very straightforwardly. "But if another Avatar did it, then I can probably do it too." You step forward, closer to the tree. You lay your hand on its bark, then close your eyes.

How does one enter the Avatar State? You were never taught. Can you control this? Your mom said to always meditate over your problems, so that's what you do. A quick act of meditative trance, even though imperfect. You clear your mind and the energy floods your body.

DC: 35
Roll: 1d20+4+14=36
+500 XP! +1 CP!

As it passes from the base of your spine, you feel a sharp pain in several points across your body, mostly chest, until they go up to your head, and then even beyond it. Is that even possible? Feeling pain that is localized outside of your own body? You're not sure, it's not easy to describe. You grimace at the pain, but keep your mind clear. The tree connects with you, helping you with what you do next.

DC: 50
Roll: 1d20+14+4+10+10=58
Critical Success!
+1,000 XP! +2 CP!

You open your eyes, but you're no longer yourself. Your eyes glow blue, and you feel the past in yourself. Those who once were, but are not anymore. The knowledge of your past incarnations floods your mind, allowing you to do the impossible.

A wave of energy spreads through the tree, originating at the point where your hand touches it. Very bright, light-cyan energy, brighter than the tree's own natural color. As the wave spreads, the tree begins to glow with a bright white hue, so bright that its original shape and color can't be seen underneath this color.

You blink. Your eyes return to their ordinary color, and you look up at the tree, almost perusing your work. The thought of having entered the Avatar State deliberately, even for as short a timespan as this, amazes you. You wonder if it will be possible to replicate this in the future.

The tree keeps glowing. You take a step back, until Siph speaks, reminding you that she's there. "What did you do?" she asks. You turn to look at her. She looks more calm than before, but still shaken after seeing you do what you just did.

"I don't know," you answer honestly.

You look at Hue-Sar again. The tree keeps glowing for a second. Suddenly, its shape diminishes. The glow shrinks, leaving behind empty space, as the tree disappears. The glowing light shrinks to form a humanoid shape and a small sapling, both separate.

Then, they both stop glowing. The sapling is just that, a small tree. The humanoid is a man with flowing brown hair and a beard, in his early forties or late thirties, wearing plain white robes. He has calm, almost sleepy eyes of faint cyan color. He looks distant and aloof, otherworldly.

He looks at you. Then he looks at Siph. He blinks twice in a short timespan, then looks at his own hands, closing his fingers. "I'm..." his voice is melancholic and tired, and it is one, very dissimilar of the one that the tree offered before.

"Human," you answer him. You quickly grasp what happened, "You're human like me, or like Siph!" You think about it, while Hue-Sar glances at you, almost feeding his eyes that now brighten with life. And then, you get an idea and offer, "And now you can come with us to the surface and see the world! Isn't that what you wanted? To leave this place behind."

"I'm..." he repeats, mimicking your words. "Human." The stunned realization on his face makes you grin. It's like seeing someone see an oasis for the first time, except ten times better. Hue-Sar steps forward. His first step, literally. He breathes out loudly with it, then comes to a stop. His feet become shaky. He looks up at you, his face afraid, like he's walking along a narrow edge or a circus rope and about to fall. "How do you do it?"

"How do I do what?" you ask.

"Walk," he clarifies with a discontented voice, "How do you do it? I can't understand." He shakes his head, still afraid to move forward. It's normal, you suppose. You can always get up, but falling on your butt is never pleasant.

"You, uhm, put one foot in front of the other," you describe. This feels weird. You're seven and you're teaching someone who is thousands of years old how to walk. "Here, let me help you." You approach Hue-Sar and take his hand. You cast a demanding look at Siph, at which point she approaches and takes his other hand. The two of you look and nod at each other, smiling.

You help him step forward again. His second step is less shaky and less fearful. You know that even if he fell, you can't really catch him. But perhaps the thought of having someone looking out for him brings some comfort to his mind.

His third and fourth steps are a carbon repeat of the second. With his fifth and six, his feet become more confident and stride at a careful, measured, but acceptable pace. With his seventh, eighth, and ninth steps, he walks more or less normally. And with his tenth, he stops and turns around slowly, finally noticing you let go at the seventh step. He smiles at you.

"Also, I think you'll need a new name," Siph exclaims. "Hue-Sar sounds ancient, it won't cut it."

"But I like Hue-Sar––" he opposes, but is cut off by Siph saying: "Your new name is Yiko!"

"Whoa, hold on there," you interject, folding your arms at Siph. You feel the inside of your chest heating up at the very concept of her naming someone! You point your thumb at yourself, "I created him, I get to name him!" You grin victoriously.

Hue-Sar's features sink into something that is not quite submission to the truth and not quite irritation, while Siph casts an angry glare at you. "Fine! Go ahead!" he says. Hue-Sar looks at you, awaiting his new, mortal name. Siph folds her own arms back at you.

You put your index finger and thumb up to your chin thoughtfully. "How about..."

Rename Hue-Sar.

[] A modern bastardization of his current name: "Huzzah."
[] "Yiko" is fine.
[] "Miko."
[] Write-in.

+3 CP!
+1,500 XP!
Level Up!

It takes ten minutes for Hue-Sar to get even a meter up the rope, at which point Siph decides to just create a floating isle of sand from the one she threw down previously, make him stand on it, and elevate him up to the desert that way. She then proceeds to climb the rope, with you following after her.

You make your way up, and notice Hue-Sar already making acquaintance with Bung and talking to him. Bung grants him the conversation. They appear to be talking about food tastes, with Bung being asked to say how various dishes taste and which one he recommends to try first. Bung wisely explains that different people like different things and he should find out himself which one he likes the most instead of asking. Hue-Sar thanks him for his kindness and wisdom, then strolls over to you.

Bung follows after him. He levels a look that says 'please, explain' at you. You grin back sheepishly and introduce the two to each other.

"Nice to meet you," Bung says. "But we should be going back, you guys. It's been an hour."

"Okay," you say. You approach the sand-slider, looking at Siph and your new pal to make sure neither of them is sharing the information that you are the Avatar to Bung. You sandbend the sand-slider out of the desert with ease and everything is nice and dandy.

Bung navigates the group back through the desert. On the way there, you describe what you've seen. Bung is disappointed that you couldn't persuade the spirits into letting people live there. You return to the village and introduce everyone to the mysterious man in the desert, who introduces himself with the name you gave him and interacts with the villagers happily and curiously. You go to your parents and ask if he can stay until he can build his own house. Your dad doesn't object, as he was welcomed into homes by many strangers on his travels and likes to return the favor to other fellow travelers. Your mom is skeptical. She...

DC: 14
Roll: 1d20=2

Doesn't give in, even after a short begging sequence with your sister. After that, you ask your dad to talk to her, making her concede to the stranger. She's never trusted strangers and it seems her belief in your good judgment has fallen slightly.

Tell your parents you're the Avatar this turn?
[] Yes, tell them.
[] No, don't tell them.

Currently: 165 AG, Winter.

Select two social focuses for the next season. You can select one option two times.
[] Dad.
[] Mom.
[] Siph.
[] Bung.
[] Hue-Sar.

Select three training focuses for the next season. You can select one option numerous times.
[] Bending.
-[] Earthbending.
-[] Waterbending.
-[] Airbending.
-[] Firebending.
[] Meditation.
-[] Meditation.
-[] Chakra Control.
[] Physical exercise.
[] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
[] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.

Select additional ambitions. (1 Short-Term.)

[] (Mid-Term) Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
[] (Mid-Term) Visit someplace outside the desert. (+5,000 XP, +7CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Get better at meditation. (+300 XP, +1CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to fit into society. (+600 XP, +1CP.)
[] (Short-Term) Get Hue-Sar to like you as a friend. (+500 XP, +1CP.)

LEVEL 5, +1 CP!
LEVEL 6, +1 CP!

: 7
May buy the same upgrade multiple times unless stated otherwise.

[] Don't spend CP.

[] (-2 CP.) +2 Strength.
[] (-2 CP.) +2 Constitution.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Dexterity.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Intelligence.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Wisdom.
[] (-1 CP.) +2 Charisma.
[] (-1 CP.) You learn to cook and make tea.
[] (-1 CP.) You hear an interesting rumor.
[] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
[] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
[] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-3 CP.) You find a book filled to the brim with proverbs. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-4 CP.) During meditation, something weird happens.
[] (-4 CP.) Make an additional training action this turn. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-5 CP.) Meet a group of travelers.
[] (-5 CP.) Your dad takes you to the Misty Palms Oasis on a trip. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-5 CP.) You find a sandbending scroll.
[] (-6 CP.) During a walk through the desert, you find a dying man and take him to the village. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-10 CP.) You can train once more every turn. (May only be taken once.)
[] (-10 CP.) You find an earthbending scroll.
[] (-15 CP.) You find a waterbending scroll.
[] (-15 CP.) You find a firebending scroll.
[] (-17 CP.) You find an airbending scroll.
[] (-50 CP.) Become one with the cosmic energy. (May only be taken once.)

Last edited:
HA! HAHAHAHA! AHAHAHA! Oh, this is glorious, Months of retries eating up our actions? No thanks, let's hit a crit on the first try
[X] Plan Father Son Bonding

[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
-[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his origional name but also less attention grabbing.
[X] Yes, tell them.
Would help explain our new guest

[X] Dad.
Haven't spent much time with him, and it will hopefully help with Earthbending
[X] Hue-Sar.
We just turned him Human, can't leave him hanging.

[X] Bending.
-[X] Earthbending.
-[X] Earthbending.
[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
Always good to know what the world around us is like, and we haven't spent much time with him, so doing this as well as the social will likely amplify our results

[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
Would go for the "Friends" one, but that feels like it will take longer. This one hopefully won't take too long.

[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
Gotta get her something nice.
[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
Teacher Get! Also, more social.
[X] (-3 CP.) You find a book filled to the brim with proverbs. (May only be taken once.)
Sounds interesting, who knows what bonuses it might provide.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Bend it like Beckham

-[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
--[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his original name but also less attention grabbing.
-[X] Yes, tell them.

We told Siph, we should tell our parents too.

-[X] Dad.
-[X] Hue-Sar.

-[X] Bending.
--[X] Earthbending.
--[X] Earthbending.
-[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.

I'd like to wait until we find a Waterbending teacher to get started on training it.

-[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)

-[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
-[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
-[X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs!

Having Siph to teach us until we reach her level will speed up training Earthbending nicely.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Family Bonding, World Learning, Spirituality, and Travel Prep
[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
[X] Yes, tell them.
[X] Dad
[X] Mom
[X] Meditation
-[X] Chakra Control
[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
[X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
[X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)

Why do mid term goals keep popping up when we are told to pick short term goals?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Mar 10, 2018 at 4:36 PM, finished with 1268 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Father Son Bonding
    [X] Plan Bend it like Beckham
    -[X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    --[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his original name but also less attention grabbing.
    -[X] Yes, tell them.
    -[X] Dad.
    -[X] Hue-Sar.
    -[X] Bending.
    --[X] Earthbending.
    -[X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    -[X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    -[X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    -[X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    [X] Plan Father Son Bonding
    [X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    -[X] Ask if he'd also be fine with "Huzzah", close to his origional name but also less attention grabbing.
    [X] Yes, tell them.
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Hue-Sar.
    [X] Bending.
    -[X] Earthbending.
    [X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    [X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    [X] (-3 CP.) Siph offers to teach you sandbending from now on. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] (-3 CP.) You find a book filled to the brim with proverbs. (May only be taken once.)
    [X] Plan Family Bonding, World Learning, Spirituality, and Travel Prep
    [X] Keep his old name, it is his choice.
    [X] Yes, tell them.
    [X] Dad.
    [X] Mom
    [X] Meditation
    -[X] Chakra Control
    [X] Geography, culture and history lessons with your dad.
    [X] Healing, weaving, and spirituality lessons with your mom.
    [X] (Short-Term) Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
    [X] (-1 CP.) You find a perfect present for Siph's upcoming birthday.
    [X] (-2 CP.) You obtain parts and pieces of a sand-slider in the desert. Time for repairs! (May only be taken once.)
Ugh. My head hates me so much. Tomorrow. I will write my next Omake tomorrow, hopefully.

It shall be "Tai's Thoughts: What is True Balance?"
[X] Plan Family Bonding, World Learning, Spirituality, and Travel Prep

Can't believe how easily that worked :lol