Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] Plan Officer in Training

It'd be interesting to see an Avatar who's tied to a lawful authority and as Derek mentioned being an officer in Republic City would let us interact with all sort oof of people unless we chose the 'traveling the world' option. The problem with the Sand Militia is that it seems like we'll mostly be hanging around one place and not interacting with people much. Being able to understand all ways of life is an important part of being the Avatar since they need to be diplomats at times.
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[X] Plan Officer in Training

It'd be interesting to see an Avatar who's tied to a lawful authority
better than most authorities we could be bound to since the republic is essentially the avatar version of Geneva and it would be nice for an avatar to work with the system then being a Maverick
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@Birdsie I got 3 questions
1) You got any ideas for a system to allow combining of / interaction between the various bending disciplines? Like, Sandbending, when taken to it's full potential, seems like it would more resemble Water Bending and Air Bending. And that is a persistent theme in Avatar, learning of other bending styles allowing improvement in one's own.
2) How often are turns gonna be? 4 a year?
3) How many training sessions are needed to go up a rank in Bending?
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[X] Plan Officer in Training

most people dont get that, and also it took korra a hell of a lot of training that she only managed to do when she was on deaths door, a spiritual hotspot or with very much difficulty compared to aang who was good, as he had been a monk for most of his life. Also Korra had been a very public and international figure with a lot of good press but if were leading sand raider militia and the like then it will seemas if we are an avatar gone bad unless we make some very big friends.
Zuko isn't most people he knows about spirits and the like, that's why I mention him, and Korra had the spiritual awareness of a wall, while we're a natural.

Spiritually Enlightened: A deeper connection with the Spirit World from the average person. Grants narrative and story bonuses.

The raider thing? Now that is true, but the distrust of the world would be for that actions, not for initiating a civil war or fighting a queen, reputation is important, we have a good one, let's leave it like that.
1) You got any ideas for a system to allow combining of / interaction between the various bending disciplines? Like, Sandbending, when taken to it's full potential, seems like it would more resemble Water Bending and Air Bending. And that is a persistent theme in Avatar, learning of other bending styles allowing improvement in one's own.
2) How often are turns gonna be? 4 a year?
3) How many training sessions are needed to go up a rank in Bending?
1) I've been thinking about that a lot, actually. I have a training mechanic system written down with some detail (still working on it though - it's not perfect.) Sandbending training grants you bonuses to learning Waterbending and Airbending, but I'll give you a hint - focus on Earthbending for now, at least until you get to Level 4. Worry about other elements after that.
2) This year will have 4 turns for every season. After that, we will see.
3) Actually, one more will 100% be enough to increase your Earthbending to Level 3, but you likely won't get Level 4 for at least two turns unless you train it hard. You can actually max out Earthbending in a few years if you push it really hard.
but the distrust of the world would be for that actions
bad press is still bad press and we cannot displace an authority, especially one with a massive army and a habit of disappearing every dissident she can find with dai li agents, without great support and the help of other nations which building a militia will not likely do that
1) I've been thinking about that a lot, actually. I have a training mechanic system written down with some detail (still working on it though - it's not perfect.) Sandbending training grants you bonuses to learning Waterbending and Airbending, but I'll give you a hint - focus on Earthbending for now, at least until you get to Level 4. Worry about other elements after that.
2) This year will have 4 turns for every season. After that, we will see.
3) Actually, one more will 100% be enough to increase your Earthbending to Level 3, but you likely won't get Level 4 for at least two turns unless you train it hard. You can actually max out Earthbending in a few years if you push it really hard.
1) I'm asking mostly for plan-making purposes. I like planning ahead, and knowing how the various bending styles interact is rather useful.

Edit: Something I REALLY want to see, is some rather neat shit that can come up from combining various forms of sub-bending. Like Sand and Metal.

2) So a fair few turns, though only 2 training options per turn. Will the action economy grow as we get older?
3) Doesn't exactly answer my question. Considering all of the various sub-skills and what not for the various elements, not to mention new shit we might want to come up with, I'm sorta wondering how feasible it is to get everything. We gotta make up for our lazy Ancestors after all, apparently none of them have ever bothered to pick up some special form of bending.
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2) So a fair few turns, though only 2 training options per turn. Will the action economy grow as we get older?
Yuuup. There'll be a lot more stuff to do, more stuff to assign, and with every level up you get to spend Chi Points on various stuff. You can bet it will get more complex.
3) Doesn't exactly answer my question.
Ah, yes, sorry. The universal amount of training required is: (Style Lvl)x3.

Of course, various characters (like the MC) can have various perks to modify that. For an example, normally, you'd need 9 training to get Level 3 in Earthbending. You have Bending Prodigy, plus you are a native Earthbender, which lowers it to a measly 3.
Ah, yes, sorry. The universal amount of training required is: (Style Lvl)x3.

Of course, various characters (like the MC) can have various perks to modify that. For an example, normally, you'd need 9 training to get Level 3 in Earthbending. You have Bending Prodigy, plus you are a native Earthbender, which lowers it to a measly 3.
We also learn twice as fast thanks to Bending Prodigy, so does that mean we get 2 sessions per session?
Quick question @Birdsie, how old is Tié?

Also, what is with all this talk of a terrorist militias. All a militia is a defense force. We're not necessarily committing to fomenting a rebellion by wanting to create one. Chances are it will be a good long while before we ever even become important enough for the Earth Queen to notice us, and even then, there is no guarantee of her immediately seeing us as a hostile entity.

Finally, I understand not approving of Gilacorn hunting, but can we not be "that guy," who shows up to try and spoil everyone else's fun. If we're going to try and form this militia, we're kinda gonna want our peers to like us, since they'll probably be to people we're trying to recruit.
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All a militia is a defense force. Chances are it will be a good long while before we ever even become important enough for the Earth Queen to notice us, and even then, there is no guarantee of her immediately seeing us as a hostile entity.
You realize this is the same woman who saw all earth kingdom subjects as her property and wanted to reclaim all of the united republic because she saw it as technically hers by right
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Alrighty, time to project the future!
Earthbending requires 25 more sessions to master (since we are 0.5 sessions from achieving Skill 3), at once per turn that will take 1.5626 Years to Max.
Every other Discipline, assuming we automatically start out at rank 2 working our way to 3, will take 53 sessions, and take 3.3125 Years to master