Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest

Here is an idea for our humans with out straying too far from canon WHF humans.

[ ] Human
-[ ][BAS] Hominin
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Adaptable
-[ ][TRA] Universal Spellcasters
-[ ][TRA] Prolific
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I have. It says absolutely nothing about any of the bullshit you've been spewing, but sure I'm the one debating in bad faith here.
it doesn't matter , you've dismissed everything I posted before and that is fine its your right , but I am done arguing the matter with you since you don't wanna here it , its not gonna get us any where , lets level it alone
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This is the tenth post he's made at me since I posted my plan and he decided he found it objectionable, I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to be annoyed.

Yes, but I think the simple solution here is to just ignore him, no? No need to fill up the thread with annoyed responses. The same goes for both sides, mind you. I'd suggest @mmgaballah you also stop tossing responses towards him.
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[ ] Human
-[ ][BAS] Hominin
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Adaptable
-[ ][TRA] Universal Spellcasters
-[ ][TRA] Prolific
didn't humans have the capable of magic trait instead of Universal Spellcasters , I think the difference it with this every human can in theory learn and do magic but don't expect to have wizard lords any time soon , while the other means not every human can do magic but the ones that do assuming they specialize in one wind will get moderately to very powerful
I think it would be cool if we made a race attuned to each of the winds.

I went with a Flying Snake that eats lightning and is Aqshy Alligned.

Someone else came up with Bees that are Chamon Alligned.

The Moths are Hysh Alligned.

Mantises could work well with Ulgu Alligned?

Somebody came up with Humans that are Ghur Alligned as a way to have lots of Werecreatures too.

Hmmmmm.... Vampire Bat with Shyish Alligned maybe?

Did I miss any Winds?
[]Plan Mantis Girls
-[ ][BAS] Mantises
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Dexterous
-[ ][TRA] Gifted Spellcasters
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[ ][TRA] Chitinous Shell
-[ ][TRA] Queens
-[ ] Name: Faras Alnabii
-[ ] Description: Got the idea from these images and
-[ ] Location: Nehekhara

The general idea here is to make a race of murderous stealthy bug people who can create specialized individuals through their queens to take over territory quickly and hold it.

I liked this plan so I will places it here as a backup
[]Plan Memory Preservation Upgrade Package (Mantis)
-[ ][BAS] Mantises
-[ ][TRA] Universal Spellcasters
-[ ][TRA] Dexterous
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[][TRA] Inheritable Memory: Some amount of long term memory is backed up in the specie's gametes, and is inherited by the newborn. Either or both of the father's and the mother's memories can be inherited, albeit fuzzily. Only a few highlights are preserved with any clarity.
-[ ]Name: Mantis
-[ ]Description: A more esoteric genetic enhancement package for the Mantises, focused on improving their magical capabilities and on experimenting with other capabilities. Experience is accumulated not over one long life, but over multiple lives as the mother passes some of her memories to her eggs, allowing matrilines to specialize into different Winds of magic or other trades.
-[ ]Location: The Everwood
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didn't humans have the capable of magic trait instead of Universal Spellcasters , I think the difference it with this every human can in theory learn and do magic but don't expect to have wizard lords any time soon , while the other means not every human can do magic but the ones that do assuming they specialize in one wind will get moderately to very powerful
It seems to me to be a fairly straightforward tier system:

[ ][TRA] Capable of Magic: Their soul is able to (somewhat) safely channel and control a wind of magic with enough training. It does not make every individual a spellcaster, merely the possibility that they could become one. They will never hope to match the power of even a slann. Does not grant Natural Witchsight.

[ ][TRA] Universal Spellcasters: Every member of this species has the potential to learn magic with effort and training, however this does not grant any extra skill or prowess with magic. They can not channel multiple winds at once and require training to sense the flow of magic. It is incompatible with Attuned to a Wind, Capable of Magic, Gifted Spellcasters, and Magic Resistance.

[ ][TRA] Gifted Spellcasters: Nearly every individual is capable of spellcasting to some degree with little to no training and can easily sense the flow of magic, while being able to safely use multiple winds of magic at once. It also makes them very resistant to mutations and other harmful effects of magic. Extends lifespan.

There's also Attuned to a wind, which seems to be the specialization option.

Weird option: Extreme Phenotypic Diversity, plus Attuned to a Wind, might be able to make each individual attune to a different Wind on birth. But that's for the GM to decide.
didn't humans have the capable of magic trait instead of Universal Spellcasters , I think the difference it with this every human can in theory learn and do magic but don't expect to have wizard lords any time soon , while the other means not every human can do magic but the ones that do assuming they specialize in one wind will get moderately to very powerful
Universal Spellcasters is almost the same as capable of magic, but it is slightly better as it allows those with magic to use all of the winds just not at the same time. With capable of magic once an individual picks a wind to work with they can pick no other, but with universal spellcasters they are not forced to specialize in a wind to the exclusion of others. Every member may be capable but those that choose to delve deeper could become mage lords.
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Ghyran and Azyr. K von Carstein has falcon people for azyr, and I have ghyran attuned living exo-skeletons plan.
Also damn I just realized I mixed up Hysh and Shyish in one of my previous posts.

Ghyran can be anything in the Sea, anything Plant based too, I think Ghyran could include Rock/Sand critters too? I do like your Symbiote plan most though for Ghyran.
So I'm thinking something along the lines of

[] Born Underground
-[] [SER] Non-servant
-[] [BAS] Mammalian (Mole)
-[] [TRA] Cold-adapted
-[] [TRA] Strong
-[] [TRA] Dexterous
-[] [TRA] Magic Resistant
-[] [TRA] Keen Senses
-[] [TRA] Short
-[] Name: Krteslík/Morf (Mole Dwarf, it's cuter in Czech, trust me)
-[] Location: The Vaults


[] Suckled on a teat of snow
-[] [SER] Non-servant
-[] [BAS] Mammalian (Mole)
-[] [TRA] Cold-adapted
-[] [TRA] Strong
-[] [TRA] Dexterous
-[] [TRA] Magic Resistant
-[] [TRA] Hardy
-[] [TRA] Short
-[] Name: Krteslík/Morf (Mole Dwarf, it's cuter in Czech, trust me)
-[] Location: Mountains of Norsca

I couldn't decide between Hardy or Keen Senses, I just can't justify dropping Magic Resistant. Maybe strong? Idk, on the one hand Hardy+Strong+Short is the classic Dwarf combo, on the other hand these are mole men/dorfs.... Dexterous might not be as important as I think it is? They don't have to be master craftsmen...
Tbh it's also nonsensical to expect old ones creations to be perfect in any way, every single one of them ended up being a failure in some form besides de safe lizard servants.

Mallus races all were a experiment with their last attempt ending in the incomplete ogres, and if you go by 40k the Orcs too failed to protect them in the end since they got wiped out.
[]Plan Straightforward Upgrade Package (Mantis)
-[ ][BAS] Mantises
-[ ][TRA] Chitinous Shell
-[ ][TRA] Capable of Magic
-[ ][TRA] Dexterous
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[ ]Name: Mantis Aleph
-[ ]Description: A (relatively) straightforward genetic enhancement package for the Mantises, to bring them closer in line with the Luminaries. To maintain the lineages and cultural memory of the Mantises, the enhancements are delivered in stages, each stage breeding true with the previous, one every few generations to ensure full dissemination.
-[ ]Location:Starting in the Everwood, with the expectation that the upgrade package will spread itself planet-wide

[]Plan Memory Preservation Upgrade Package (Mantis)
-[ ][BAS] Mantises
-[ ][TRA] Capable of Magic
-[ ][TRA] Dexterous
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[][TRA] Inheritable Memory: Some amount of long term memory is backed up in the specie's gametes, and is inherited by the newborn. Either or both of the father's and the mother's memories can be inherited, albeit fuzzily. Only a few highlights are preserved with any clarity.
-[ ]Name: Mantis Inheritus
-[ ]Description:
--[]A more esoteric genetic enhancement package for the Mantises, focused on improving their magical capabilities and on increasing the general body of experience in the Mantis half of Luminary society. Experience is accumulated not over one long life, but over multiple lives as the mother passes some of her memories to her eggs, allowing matrilines to specialize into different Winds of magic or other trades.
--[ ]As in Straightforward Upgrade Package, the enhancements are to be delivered in stages to the existing Mantis population over several generations, maintaining their lineages and cultural memory.
-[ ]Location: The Everwood

Final drafts baring GM intervention. I'm probably not going to be awake when the vote lands, so if someone could present them for me that would be much appreciated.
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-[ ][TRA] Regeneration: This Species has stores of specialized stem cells that allow the body to heal more completely and rapidly in response to sudden physical trauma, with minor injuries healing in hours, with time increasing with the severity of the injury. This even allows the regeneration of whole organs and limbs, if one is willing to wait upwards of years and food enough to keep the process going.

Regeneration is not valid.

-[][TRA] Inheritable Memory: Some amount of long term memory is backed up in the specie's gametes, and is inherited by the newborn. Both the father's and the mother's memories can be inherited, albeit fuzzily. Only a few highlights are preserved with any clarity.

@Fission Battery, is this good?

Inheritable Memory is not valid.

You guys remember the trees? Remember how some are quite murderous? Remember how in the OTL (after Chaos traumatised all plant life and the world-roots went to heck) some tree-men and branch-wraiths and nature spirits just decided they'd destroy all things of flesh that enter their forests? Because I do.
So let's fix that! :smile: Please tell me if this doesn't work because planimal hybrids are impossible @Fission Battery, I looked for info on that with the search function and couldn't find anything, sorry if I missed it.

[ ] Little Green People
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin/Plant Hybrid
-[ ] Animal Empathy
-[ ] Amicable
-[ ] Universal Spellcasters
-[ ] Adaptable
-[ ] Diminutive
-[ ] Name: Sylvan(singular)/Sylvani(plural) (Might change later, please do suggest names!)
-[ ] Location: Lustria, where the green is plentiful and biodiversity is through the roof.
-[ ] Description: Picture a human, but slightly pointy ears, slightly bigger eyes, leaves, shrubbery and/or moss for hair (Desert dwellers have pointy hair like a cactus) and five fingers, but two thumbs, so a thumb on each end of the hand, but much more mobile than you'd expect too. Species varies a lot depending on where they adapt to live, skin is usually green but some in arid areas might become a lighter lime color. This happens because, generally, the darker their environment the more chlorophyll goes to their skin to catch more light, thus darker pigmentation. Some can grow bark, maybe if they live in more arid places or colder ones. They can grow flower petals in their hair if they're consistently happy/content/fulfilled.

Plant Hybrids or full plant creatures are not currently available, so for now it's invalid. They may become a possible option in the future. We are still really early in the quest, so research options won't be unlocked for a little bit. There's already so many options on the table. :lol:

Diminutive is valid. I didn't include something like it because I didn't think anyone wanted to make 2 ft tall creatures.

It seems to me to be a fairly straightforward tier system:

There's also Attuned to a wind, which seems to be the specialization option.

Weird option: Extreme Phenotypic Diversity, plus Attuned to a Wind, might be able to make each individual attune to a different Wind on birth. But that's for the GM to decide.

You have to pick which wind they are attuned to.
for Diminutive use the Short trait, its described as anything under 5 ft

edit: the Hardy Trait describes a slightly accelerated Healing, so we already have a discount regeneration trait
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can we ask why its not valid ?, warhammer trolls have extremely powerful regeneration so its not out of the question for the setting
it might be locked behind a research option later in the quest, likely behind Hardy
[ ][TRA] Hardy: A robust metabolism and immune system that makes them resistant to poison and diseases. Their diet will be widened, capable of eating a variety of foods others might consider inedible, and improve their body's rate of healing to recover from injuries easily. Extends lifespan.
it says it improves the body's rate of healing
[] Plan: Humanoid Magi
-[][BAS] Hominid
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Adaptable: It can adjust to new conditions with relative ease. That doesn't mean every single individual is filled with wanderlust, merely that on average they will travel far and wide and can survive in a variety of environments.
-[ ][TRA] Natural Witchsight: It allows them to readily detect the flow of magic, but doesn't grant spellcasting. Attuned to a Wind and Gifted Spellcasters can already do this. It is compatible with Magic Resistance.
-[] [TRA] Magic Resistance: They can't use magic, but are very resistant to its effects and mutations related to magic. That doesn't make them immune to spells, especially harmful ones, but gives them an edge in surviving them and any harmful effects magic might have on a creature. Incompatible with Attuned to a Wind, Capable of Magic, Gifted Spellcaster, and Universal Spellcaster.
-[ ][TRA] Prolific: As long as there's food and no active calamity, this species' population will continue to steadily grow. Species without this trait will trend towards small growth hoving above replacement rate overall.
-[ ][TRA] Lightning Absorption: This species can gain physical and metabolic power from lightning and other sources of electricity. It reverses aging, builds muscle, sharpens the mind, and extends their life. It is now known that when combined with Magic Resistance the creature acts as a living way stone, capable of shunting excess magical energy back into the Geometric Web. More research is necessary to learn more about its other interactions with magic.
-[ ] Name: Sapiens Sanguis
-[ ] Description: They are 5 ft tall humanoids with normal feet and hands and charming friendly smiles. Their hair color ranges from blue to gold, is very straight, and their skin ranges from dark tan to a lighter peachy tone.
-[ ] Location: Empire of Sigmar
[]Plan Beefstack
-[] [BAS] Mantis
-[] [SER] Non-servant
-[] [TRA] Dextrous
-[] [TRA] Muscular
-[] [TRA] Large
-[] [TRA] Resistant to magic
-[] [TRA] Hardy
-[] Name: Bogatyr, which in their language will mean "Strong Ones"
-[] Description: Like their base species, but bigger, beefier and healthier. Colour trend a bit brighter too.
-[] Location: Steppes of Southern Kislev

My plan. Very straightforward.
Oh wait I need to toss in my idea!

[ ] Plan: Return to Crab
-[ ][BAS] Spiders
-[ ][TRA] Aquatic: They have several adaptations that allow them to survive comfortably in the sea as well as the land. They're able to breathe in air and water provided they're kept moist enough and possess webbed digits to aid in swimming.
-[ ][TRA] Chitinous Shell: This species chitin is hardened to increase its durability and toughness while remaining lightweight and flexible. It acts like natural armour.
-[ ][TRA] Setules: The limbs of this species end in tens of thousands of small hairs that -through the exploitation of physics, let them hang off vertical and upside down surfaces with little issue, allowing for a natural state of three dimensional movement in certain environments.
-[ ][TRA] Cold Adapted: This species is well suited to living in colder environments, through some combination of thick fury, body fat, or a high metabolism. They'd quickly overheat in warmer environments without serious precautions.
-[ ][TRA] Secretion Glands: This species can secret a special saliva resin that hardens when mixed with other materials, allowing its spit to be used like mortar for construction. It needs to stay well hydrated to do it.
-[ ] Name: Decaraneae (Decapoda + Araneae, both order level classifications)
-[ ] Description: In need of a species who would quickly and easily take to building complex structures within the tall, narrow, and treacherous passes of the Norsca's many mountain ranges, several Old Ones set about using spiders as the basis for the task. However, the environment of the chosen land, with its deep fjords, bitter cold, and the storms of sleet, hail, snow, and rain blown in from the north necessitated adapting the species for cold and aquatic environments. After many iterations of design, the team had finally reached a satisfying product. Only to find they had made spider-crab-people. Carcinization had struck again. They have hard, pebbly shells of chitin and eight libs -six legs dedicated to locomotion with the final two able to work as hands or feet as needed. Their bodies lack clear distinction between the head, abdomen, and thorax, and come in an array of bright colors and patterns. Besides their eyes -eight beady black orbs that sit on stalks- and the chelicerae of their mouths, they look like hairy rocks with four limbs on each side.
-[ ] Location: Mountain passes, bays, and fjords of Norsca.

Anyway this was mostly made just for the meme, but I do kinda like these guys now.

@Fission Battery this has a proposed trait in the form of setules, the hairs that let spiders climb on walls.
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Oh wait I need to toss in my idea!

[ ] Plan: Return to Crab
-[ ][BAS] Spiders
-[ ][TRA] Aquatic: They have several adaptations that allow them to survive comfortably in the sea as well as the land. They're able to breathe in air and water provided they're kept moist enough and possess webbed digits to aid in swimming.
-[ ][TRA] Chitinous Shell: This species chitin is hardened to increase its durability and toughness while remaining lightweight and flexible. It acts like natural armour.
-[ ][TRA] Setules: This limbs of this species end in tens of thousands of small hairs that -through the exploitation of physics, let them hang off vertical and upside down surfaces with little issue, allowing for a natural state of three dimensional movement in certain environments.
-[ ][TRA] Cold Adapted: This species is well suited to living in colder environments, through some combination of thick fury, body fat, or a high metabolism. They'd quickly overheat in warmer environments without serious precautions.
-[ ][TRA] Secretion Glands: This species can secret a special saliva resin that hardens when mixed with other materials, allowing its spit to be used like mortar for construction. It needs to stay well hydrated to do it.
-[ ] Name: Decaraneae (Decapoda + Araneae, both order level classifications)
-[ ] Description: In need of a species who would quickly and easily take to building complex structures within the tall, narrow, and treacherous passes of the Norsca's many mountain ranges, several Old Ones set about using spiders as the basis for the task. However, the environment of the chosen land, with its deep fjords, bitter cold, and the storms of sleet, hail, snow, and rain blown in from the north necessitated adapting the species for cold and aquatic environments. After many iterations of design, the team had finally reached a satisfying product. Only to find they had made spider-crab-people. Carcinization had struck again. They have hard, pebbly shells of chitin and eight libs -six of them dedication to locomotion with the final two able to work as legs or feet as needed. Their bodies lack clear distinction between the head, abdomen, and thorax, and come in an array of bright colors and patterns. Besides their eyes -eight beady black orbs that sit on stalks- and the chelicerae of their mouths, they look like hairy rocks with four limbs on each side.
-[ ] Location: Mountain passes, bays, and fjords of Norsca.

Anyway this was mostly made just for the meme, but I do kinda like these guys now.

@Fission Battery this has a proposed trait in the form of setules, the hairs that let spiders climb on walls.

Spiders with Setules is approved.
[X] Human
-[X][BAS] Hominin
-[X][SER] Non-Servant
-[X][TRA] Adaptable
-[X][TRA] Universal Spellcasters
-[X][TRA] Prolific

(Did I vote right?)
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