Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest

Bear With Me Here
[] Ursunite Bears
-[][BAS] Mammalian(Bear)
-[][SER] Non-Servant
-[] [TRA] Cold Adapted:
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Hardy
-[][TRA] Large
-[][TRA] Thick Hide
-[] Name: Warbolg
-[] Description: Large Bipedal bears with thick hides and thick fur, they live in the harshest environments and form into social structures following whoever has proven themselves the strongest whether by hunting a dangerous animal or by defeating the previous "Big Bolg"
-[] Location: Kislev

[] The Tall Men
-[][BAS] Hominin
-[][SER] Non-Servant
-[][TRA] Adaptable
-[][TRA] Large
-[][TRA] Gifted Spellcaster
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Prolific
-[]Name: Goliath
-[]Location: Tilea

[] Education

Bear With Me Here

It was a close decision in the end. The allure of beastial creatures roaming the Fated World, unmatched in physical prowess, was appealing to many members of the Committee. The fact that they would be so close together was seen as a positive to them too. The two would either work together or clash, providing interesting results on which was the superior design and more worthy to inherit the frigid reaches of the north pole. However, the Chairman's reasoning won over enough members of the Committee that the tall men would sneak into second place by a single vote. The wolves lost out to the bears, perhaps sparing the lives of the primitives which lived on the peninsula that would have been their home. The strange living alchemical lizards had seen a great deal of popularity too. They would have been on the front lines of dealing with the remaining greenskins, a task they no doubt would have been up for, had they won, but they did not, so they exist only in the minds of the Committee.

On the matter of names, ogres felt ill fitting. It was a brutish guttural word. It didn't suit what was supposed to be the refined successors of the elves. Select members of the Committee discussed possible alternatives, until they settled on goliath as a new name for the species. It was much nicer, conveying size and strength with only a few syllables. It was short, to the point too, which worked out nicely. With that settled, resources were designated to be evenly split for the creation of the two species. The facilities were spooled up as the Old Ones laboured with their servants to bring the designs to life.


The bears were a rather simple task. The species chosen already possessed impressive musculature, a strong robust immune system, large size, and tough hide. There required no introduction of new elements, only a strengthening of existing features until it could turn away metal blades and shatter stone with repeated blows from its clawed fists. Even introducing bipedalism was a relatively simple task given that the creatures could already do so in a limited capacity. Their large paws were reworked to possess grasping thumbs, claws somewhat shortened so that they didn't get in the way of grabbing things, but still enough left that a swipe could cut deeply.

The Old Ones in charge of overseeing the production of the "warbolg" were rather impressed with the final product. It was relatively easy to produce and do so in short order. In fact those in charge were pleased with how smoothly the process went. It was almost casual, a nice assignment compared to the fine tweaking previous species required. Emerging from the spawning pool was a furred beast standing over ten feet tall, hulking body carried forth on powerful legs. Its keen eyes and nose surveying its surroundings with only a few quick glances and sniffs. The attending servants toweled it off as more began to emerge, the first generation of warbolg.

Overall, those in charge spoke highly of the durability of the supersoldiers. Their hardy biology meant they'd easily live for over a century, provided their potentially violent lifestyles didn't cut it short first. While lacking the versatility or numbers of the goliaths, the bears were pound for pound tougher than their sibling species. The Old Ones in charge were excited to see how they would take to their new frigid woodland homes, and what interactions would emerge between them and the moths.


Meanwhile the team overseeing the goliaths started with the elf template as the base. They stripped out the superfluous genetics that didn't really matter much to the Old Ones. The goliaths did not need near everlasting life or the ability to speak with the beasts of the world on an intuitive level. The elves were fine, but their slow life cycle gave them limited numbers, which they fittered away with song and dance or petty schemes against rivals for meaningless titles. Such useless gifts squandered by ungrateful children.

That is what the Chairman himself realized. It is what he convinced the Committee of. The only thing that made the elves worthwhile was their gift with magic. Their souls were greater than their peers, allowing them to tap into incredible power few mortals could comprehend. Even the moths with their paltry tricks with hysh would pale in comparison to the strength of a mobilized elven army of battlemages. However, the elves would never amass such armies. It was the curse of their flawed existence. They would be guardians of the world, yet reactive ones unable to make the difficult decisions to prevent problems from arising in the first place.

If the moths were the disappointing elder child, and the elves a promising middle child who failed to live up to expectations, then the goliaths would be the prodigal children of the Old Ones. Everything that the Old Ones had learned thus far would be poured into the very soul of the goliaths to produce the finest species they have ever yet created on the Fated World.

The gift of magic, a soul beyond compare, was married with abilities that'd make the full use of their gift without squandering them on pointless pursuits. Their minds and souls subtly shifted to be more flexible than their peers, allowing more divergent futures to open up before them, while their reproduction cycle was increased so that every new generation would be larger than the last. The key ingredient however was what they weren't given: nigh immortality.

They would grow frail with age, dying after two and a half centuries, perhaps three if they pushed their bodies to its limits with the aid of magic. That finite lifespan was the secret that'd drive the goliaths to achieve greatness unmatched by any other creation. Their lives, however long they might seem, would end. Their bodies will fail like any other beast, yet with their gifts of mind and body they will be compelled to make their mark upon the world. The fear of death would motivate them, even the lowest of servants to the highest of sages had to find meaning within their lives.

It was such a beautifully cruel gift to bestow upon a species.

The Chairman himself watched with grim impassivity as the first generation of goliaths marched from the spawning pools. Their bodies glistened with fluid as it ran down their muscle figures, tanned skin shining in the light of the temple room and wet hair clinging to their heads. They stood over eight feet tall, toned bodies heavy with breath as they filled their lungs for the first time. While their souls burned like a raging inferno within them, gathering strength from the blowing winds.

In them he saw the future of the Fated World, held in the palm of their hands. It was clear that no matter what the future brought, it was the goliaths that would play a pivotal role in it. Much like the elves, destiny was written into their very DNA. History would be shaped by their hands, that Tlazcotl was sure of.


The strangest thing occurred as the Committee convened to discuss their newest creations' education. A bear appeared in attendance, a bear god to be exact. The glowing white furred god had arrived unannounced and uninvited, but had to the gall to take a seat among the Old Ones. It paled in comparison to the Old Ones, yet sat upon a hovering metallic throne without a moment's hesitation or sense of shame. Threats to remove it by force were met by measured arguments that it had a right to weigh in on the discussion.

Was Ursun not God of Bears? Was He not the Lord of the Frigid North? He argued that he had indeed been invited for if the Old Ones did not want his presence they should not have so boldly invoked his dominions. They had all but said his name, summoning him to their conference room on the moon. The warbolgs were his children, perhaps not by creation, but by adoption by his divine right to guide all bears. The arguments were not well received by many on the Committee who found the idea of haggling with a weak god beneath them.

Ursun argued that he had been a fair and kind neighbour to them. Had he not held his tongue when they unfroze the world and pushed back his primordial borders to the far north? He respected their strength like one would a fellow predator, but he would remain unbowed by their threats. He insisted that he be in attendance, if not to speak then to observe. There were a few that did not disagree with the idea. They were amused that the bear god had found a way to their inner sanctum. Tlazcotl was neutral on the notion, demanding that Ursun adhere to procedure and not disturb the proceedings of the Committee.

He agreed to abide by the Committee's rules. It was put to a vote: by slim majority Ursun was allowed to stay as a temporary member until the warbolg's education was complete. Once that was settled, Tlazcotl opened the floor for proposals. Ursun began by proposing that the education of the warbolg's be turned over to him. The bears were his children. He would take them off the Committee's hands to raise them on the Fated World himself, while they could devote their full attention to the goliaths.

It'd mean the Committee would have little say in the education of the warbolgs. Ursun claimed that he would teach them the ways of the frigid woodlands that made up his domain. They would become adept herbalists and hunters in equal measure as defenders and lords of the land. They would hew great villages from the trees and raise many crops from the fertile fields in the short growing season of the north. Their shamans will carve symbols of Ursun into their flesh to look like their runic bear god. They would spread beyond the mountains into the icy poles, until they reached the steppes and forests of distant lands. They would be wise beyond their years yet carry within them a savage strength to crush their enemies; free and untamed compared to whatever the Old Ones could create.

If the Committee agreed, the warbolgs would be taught to respect the Old Ones. They would treat their creations with respect, but not deference, as the warbolgs had the right to defend themselves. It was an understanding between Ursun and the Old Ones. Keen members of the Committee countered that they could do all that and more without Ursun. What would he do if they refused his proposal? Would he make enemies of the Old Ones? Usun's curt response was that he would live with the outcome, aware that it was outside of his control. Regardless, it was put to a vote to settle the matter…


Ursun's Proposal

If the deal is accepted then the warbolgs will be educated by Ursun, freeing up the Old Ones to focus exclusively on the goliaths. The word count for the culture vote will remain 500 words and allow for the inclusion of a minority culture taken from the runner up plan in addition to the majority culture.

However if the proposal is refused then the culture vote will be limited to 300 words and only 1 culture plan may win per species. The culture vote will be handled one species at a time to avoid confusion.

[ ][URS] Accept

[ ][URS] Refuse
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[x][URS] Accept

I like this guy. And this gives us more room for the Old Ones to be eventually disappointed by their new this-time-it's-totally-perfect guys creation.
[X][URS] Accept

Maybe we should make a living tree species next, dump them in Athel Loren to see what happens, test putting an adapted species with one naturally predisposed to the unique metaphysical environment.

See if Athel Loren reacts in response.

Or an equine predisposed to living in water and put in the rivers of Bretonnia, see about provoking a similar reaction.
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[X][URS] Accept

The Warlbog would've most likely been taken under his wing had we chosen orphaned but now they're being freely given to him while still giving us respect
[X][URS] Accept
-[X] send a Delegation of Axolotls and Varanus with the bears, if only to have news on their development.

It will help us to move things faster and more efficiently, but I still hope he still sponsors the humans of Kislev.
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[X][URS] Accept
-[X] send a Delegation of Axolotls and Varanus with the bears, if only to have news on their development.

edit: just realized saurus are cold blooded, maybe send Varanus' instead, they should be growing as they age and act as living waystones, so lets draw any unused magic into the geomantic web up north.
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[X][URS] Accept
-[X] send a Delegation of Axolotls and Varanus with the bears, if only to have news on their development.

Professional interest. And they're more-or-less a peer power to us, so we ought to open an embassy.

EDIT: Edited to match @*name* 's vote.
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I'm not sure I like this, if just because it feels like he was waiting in the wings for this and came to scoop up our Warbolgs for nothing in return. He wants super soldier worshippers? He should trade for them.
I'm not sure I like this, if just because it feels like he was waiting in the wings for this and came to scoop up our Warbolgs for nothing in return. He wants super soldier worshippers? He should trade for them.

To be fair he is right in that we practically invited him by making the Warbolg.

In fact one of the reasons they were created was because of the touch of the divine in their design.
So are the Warbolg's going to be educated on the Moon by Ursun or are we outright dropping them onto the world so he can take care of them?