Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest

While we wait, here are a couple plans for next turn, if anyone's interested. Advice appreciated.

[] Plan Wolves of the North
-[][SER] Non-Servant
-[][BAS] Mammalian (humanoid wolf)
-[][TRA] Cold Adapted
-[][TRA] Obligate Carnivore
-[][TRA] Keen Senses
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Dexterous
-[] Name: Fenrir
-[] Description: A great, bipedal wolf, standing slightly taller than most men. Covered in thick fur over most of their body, they are well suited to the cold forests of their home. Though a social race with tight instinctive bonds to their own, they are vicious fighters capable of staggering speed and power. They are created with the intent of dwelling in the forests and wild places of the Fated World, inevitably bringing them in conflict with the Cloven Ones (not that the Old Ones know that yet).
-[]Location: The forests of Norsca.

The plan I've been workshopping for a while. Large has been replaced with Muscular, sacrificing size for greater pound for pound strength. Other than that the idea is the same - a werewolf inspired race, made to be good at living in forests and unclaimed wilderness and protect technology/infrastructure dependent races from the Beastmen once they appear. A possible change I've been considering is replacing Obligate Carnivore with Capable of Magic. Please give your two cents on whether you think that's a good idea or not.

[] Plan Sky Guardians
-[][SER] Non-Servant
-[][BAS] Write in: Avian (Base Trait: Wings)
-[][TRA] Wings
-[][TRA] Attuned to a Wind (Azyr)
-[][TRA] Dexterous
-[][TRA] Keen Senses
-[][TRA] Adaptable
-[] Description: A falcon that stands upright at around five feet tall. It has six limbs, with it's unusual third pair armed with a set of talons capable of acting as hands. Intended to spend their lives in the great mountains that dominate the Old World, they are universally capable of channeling the Lore of Heavens, though they are more skilled at it's elemental effects than the esoteric skill of divination.
-[]Location: The Mountains of Mourn

The Forces of Chaos have long had the advantage in canon of better access to aerial combatants. This plan is designed to change that paradigm. In addition to shutting out Harpies and Furies, they are intended to be able to use pack tactics against larger monsters to drive Manticores and the like back.

[] Plan Sea Shepherds
-[][BAS] Hominid
-[][TRA] Aquatic
-[][TRA] Animal Empathy
-[][TRA] Hardy
-[][TRA] Thick Hide
-[][TRA] Prolific
-[] A race of humanoids who lie in the depths of the sea. Easy to mistake for a man from a distance, their smooth, pale blue, dolphinlike skin and webbed hands and feet soon reveal their more distant relation (they are not mermaids). With a close bond to the beasts of the ocean, they are a great ally for any seafaring race - and their worst possible enemy.
-[]Location: The sea around Bretonnia.

In canon, the seas of Mallus were... basically empty on both sides. Neither Chaos nor Order really had anyone down there. Decided we might want to change that, hence this plan.
The plan I've been workshopping for a while. Large has been replaced with Muscular, sacrificing size for greater pound for pound strength. Other than that the idea is the same - a werewolf inspired race, made to be good at living in forests and unclaimed wilderness and protect technology/infrastructure dependent races from the Beastmen once they appear. A possible change I've been considering is replacing Obligate Carnivore with Capable of Magic. Please give your two cents on whether you think that's a good idea or not.

Re: Capable of Magic, I'd be worried about Chaos resistance while in close contact with Beastmen. Resistant to Magic may actually be a better fit.

Although either instead of Obligate Carnivore would lose a bit of the wolf-man character.

...there is also the problem that there might be mantises already living there and they will come into conflict. Although Obligate Carnivore will help sort the Fenrir into a different niche.

EDIT:One possibility would be to swap out Muscular--again--for Resistant to Magic, and rely on pack tactics and Fabian strategy. Resistance to magic could--maybe--be extended to scrying resistance, and Beastmen still need to forage for food.
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Re: Capable of Magic, I'd be worried about Chaos resistance while in close contact with Beastmen. Resistant to Magic may actually be a better fit.

Although either instead of Obligate Carnivore would lose a bit of the wolf-man character.

...there is also the problem that there might be mantises already living there and they will come into conflict. Although Obligate Carnivore will help sort the Fenrir into a different niche.

EDIT:One possibility would be to swap out Muscular--again--for Resistant to Magic, and rely on pack tactics and Fabian strategy. Resistance to magic could--maybe--be extended to scrying resistance, and Beastmen still need to forage for food.
Hmm. Good points. I'll likely leave the plan as is, in that case, though losing potential acess to Ghur and Ghyran magic hurts a little.

I'm less worried about the Mantises, because the Fenrir are starting off in Norsca. I don't think the Mantises will be doing very well in Norsca. It's not a very friendly place to live.
I definitely want our next race to be like, one of the 'main races'. Whether it's an upgraded human, an elf analogue, a dwarf analogue, or something else entirely (Platypusses? Platypusses. Or Platypodes. Not Platypi, it's Greek not Pretentious-Ancient-Italian.) Something in the ocean would definitely work, but landbound would also be fine by me.

Ulthuan is afaik 'empty' of indigenous races because it's artificial, so that'd be a good place to plop something, but maybe not immediately? I have a hankering for dwarves of some description, whether they're baseline hominid Dawi like canon or something fancier like

[] Born Underground
-[] [SER] Non-servant
-[] [BAS] Mammalian (Mole)
-[] [TRA] Cold-adapted
-[] [TRA] Strong
-[] [TRA] Dexterous
-[] [TRA] Magic Resistant
-[] [TRA] Hardy
-[] [TRA] Short
-[] Name: Krteslík/Morf (Mole Dwarf, it's cuter in Czech, trust me)
-[] Location: Mountains of Norsca

EDIT: Actually thinking about it, they should have Keen Senses somewhere (Moles are cool, though idek if it's possible to fit in paralyzing saliva...). I'd hate to sacrifice Short, though... If/when I make it into a proper plan I'll deal with it.

Could you imagine like, a baseline European mole dorf that's like cute on its own but then there are like, the ones who eventually go south and/or to Lustria and they end up being like STAR-NOSED MOLE DORFS? BY ROCK AND STONE I NEED IT

cough Anyway, when the next round of race voting comes around, I'll absolutely be down for any Dorf-esque plan.
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Hmm. Good points. I'll likely leave the plan as is, in that case, though losing potential acess to Ghur and Ghyran magic hurts a little.

I'm less worried about the Mantises, because the Fenrir are starting off in Norsca. I don't think the Mantises will be doing very well in Norsca. It's not a very friendly place to live.
Yeah, I would leave the plan as is. It's a cool idea and the Fenrir could make up for their lack of magic with pure ferocity and warlike nature. I'll definitely vote for this plan when it comes up!
Thank you! I was a little worried because I don't often get much response to my ideas in quests, so it's good to know it isn't a completely horrible idea.
Not a problem! Honestly, this plan, the Hardy Halflings, and the Mole Dwarf plan that just came up are very appealing to me. Now all we need are Elves( I'm more partial of a more "Fair Folk" interpretation of Elves).
an Improved Human species should be one of the last races introduced, allowing the prolific trait to have them fill out any unexploited niches that remain without out competing the other races for resources.
Since everyone is writing their ideas, I might as well write my own. So here are the prototype elder things/stellaris!
Now with a slightly updated Description.

[] Plan: Elder Starfish
-[][BAS] Sollasina cthulhu (a real extinct ophiocistioid from sillurian)
-[][SER] Non-Servant
-[][TRA] Adaptable
-[][TRA] Aquatic
-[][TRA] Magic Resistance
-[][TRA] Wings
-[][TRA] Hundred-limbs
-[] Name: Stellaris
-[] Description: Stellaris look like mobile polyps with muscular tentacles for walking at their base, thinner tentacles growing out of the front of a ribbcage like structure for manipulation, two specialized tentacles for flight on their backs, and the last tentacles ending in specialized eyes and circling a smaller set of tentacles covering a lamprey like jaw at the peak. Having 'evolved' from bottom feeders, stellaris are capable of sustaining themselves on a wide, omnivorous diet, though most prefer a carnivorous one by choice. With their strange metabolism and unigue temperature regulating coral like chitin, the stellaris can thrive in almost any environment. Dry or wet. Cold or hot. And while their body chitin in deceptively weak, it does provide great protection from the effects of magic. Living in the barren wastes of the southern continent and reproducing asexually, stellaris come together and form small family-esque groups of like-minded individuals which them unite with others to form complicated societies and settlements. These can be located anywhere from underwater reefs, ancient iceberks, rocky tundras or the peaks of mountains. Most of these these structures are located mainly underground for the protection of the young and stellaris' livestock from the elements and the ancient predators of the deep south.
-[X] Location: Southern Wastes

With them being based on a prehistoric sea cucumber, the Aguatic Trait is a must. Usable Wings and Hundred-limbs are also needed so that they can become elder things at all.
From then on I'm a bit on the edge. We still don't know what happens when something has six traits. And the original elder things were really tough. Not to mention nearly immortal, as far as we know.
In the end, I gave them the Adaptable Trait, partially because the originals colonized the entire planet at one point and also because I didn't want to necessarily imprison them down in the south.
And then the Magic Resistance. Elder Things were the only ones who fought against Cthulhu and fought him to a standstill. So I gave mine the ability to resist the incoming eldritch monsters while giving them the possibility to maybe create their own magical cuneiform-style runes. Illustration and recordings were pretty important to them, judging by their historical carvings at the Mountains of Madness.
I could still give them another trait, although we don't know what that will do. Maybe make them Hardy, give them actual Chitin, or make them have longer lifespans? What do you guys think?
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after reading your plan @Scurra456, I have to point out that if you want to have your species to reproduce asexually you have to give them the Parthenogenetic trait
I knew I missed somethin important. Update!

[] Plan: Elder Starfish
-[][BAS] Sollasina cthulhu (a real extinct ophiocistioid from sillurian)
-[][SER] Non-Servant
-[][TRA] Adaptable
-[][TRA] Aquatic
-[][TRA] Magic Resistance
-[][TRA] Wings
-[][TRA] Hundred-limbs
-[][TRA] Parthenogenetic
-[] Name: Stellaris
-[] Description: Stellaris look like mobile polyps with muscular tentacles for walking at their base, thinner tentacles growing out of the front of a ribbcage like structure for manipulation, two specialized tentacles for flight on their backs, and the last tentacles ending in specialized eyes and circling a smaller set of tentacles covering a lamprey like jaw at the peak. Having 'evolved' from bottom feeders, stellaris are capable of sustaining themselves on a wide, omnivorous diet, though most prefer a carnivorous one by choice. With their strange metabolism and unigue temperature regulating coral like chitin, the stellaris can thrive in almost any environment. Dry or wet. Cold or hot. And while their body chitin in deceptively weak, it does provide great protection from the effects of magic. Living in the barren wastes of the southern continent and reproducing asexually, stellaris come together and form small family-esque groups of like-minded individuals which them unite with others to form complicated societies and settlements. These can be located anywhere from underwater reefs, ancient iceberks, rocky tundras or the peaks of mountains. Most of these these structures are located mainly underground for the protection of the young and stellaris' livestock from the elements and the ancient predators of the deep south.
-[] Location: Southern Wastes
[] Plan Sky Guardians
I have a very similar plan

[ ] Plan Flighty Falcons
-[ ][BAS] Falcons
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Attuned to a Wind (Azyr)
-[ ][TRA] Lightning Absorption
-[ ][TRA] Cold Adapted
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[ ][TRA] Wings
-[ ] Name: Hiérax (it's just « falcon » in Ancient Greek)
-[ ] Description: they have the body and size of a man, with a falcon head and feathery wings At birth their feathers are white, and darken towards blue when getting older. The oldest have midnight blue colours.
-[ ] Location: Mountains of the Mourn

I like yours, but I think a very good synergy is possible between Lighting Absorption and Attuned to Azyr.
[] Plan: Winglies
-[][BAS] Mammalian: Hominid
-[][SER] Non Servant
-[][TRA] Gifted with Magic (Free Witchsight)
-[][TRA] Adaptable
-[][TRA] Wings (Qhaysh Energy Wings)
-[][TRA] Dextrous
-[][TRA] Keen Senses
-[][TRA] Prolific
-[] Name: Winglies
-[] Description: A Bipedal Humanoid Race with Biology that naturally siphons ambient forms of Magic, filtering and processing it, before then wefting Magic together as Qhaysh, which expresses itself in the form of an instinctual Ranged Blast of Magic for offense or defense, in addition to a passive ability to form Magical Wings of Light that glow radiantly for flight. To use Magic for other things requires active focus with skill to shape and cast Spells. Winglies are Bigendered, have Hair in a variety of metallic pale colours, such as Platinum, Golden, Teal, Turqoise, Pink etc, their skin is pale and their eyes range from Red to Golden to Green, their height range is of 5ft to 7ft, both genders have a flexible yet lithe build, Winglies are highly agile and very fast on foot or on wings, most Winglies have White/Blue Glowing Wings of Energy, but the most powerful have Golden/White Energy Wings.

Why have Elves when you can have Winglies from Legend of Dragoon!

Yeah, and I've already had enough of randomly importing video game races instead of trying something original or even just actually making the canon ones. Also, "Winglies" might be the dumbest fantasy race name I've ever heard.

They ripped the Soul out of a God and used it as a Power Source to make their Cities Fly in the Sky.

They subjugated their World for thousands of years, developed Magitech, devised ways to select only the most magically powerful Souls to be born, built a City to take control of the Afterlife and were only defeated because of internal dissent and a faction of Winglies aiding Humans and other Races to gain power from Dragons and access Magic of their own.
They ripped the Soul out of a God and used it as a Power Source to make their Cities Fly in the Sky.

They subjugated their World for thousands of years, developed Magitech, devised ways to select only the most magically powerful Souls to be born, built a City to take control of the Afterlife and were only defeated because of internal dissent and a faction of Winglies aiding Humans and other Races to gain power from Dragons and access Magic of their own.
This makes them sound kinda Sueish, ngl.