Ar Tonelico and * nosurge discussion thread



Healing-type writer
Translated Material for Ar tonelico
Translated Material for Surge Concerto
Game (re)translations
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In the harmonious land of ponies:
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Voice modulation, one of the upgrades Sylphira eventually gets. It's best stated as how I wrote it up in Chapter 18: "...a system unique to Origins known as 'voice modulation'. Although it can occasionally add a robotic element to your voice in high-stress situations, its true strength comes from its ability to alter songs and directly manipulate the tower with voice commands. When singing, you'll find that each word, every stanza will come out just a bit faster, a bit clearer—with more purpose. Over time as you adapt, you'll find that songs you create will become significantly stronger. It works by introducing intricate and subtle cybernetic systems to your mouth and vocal cords. These cybernetics would give your subconscious more precise control over the muscles that operate these body parts."
(^ This one may seem like a bit of a small detail, but it's actually quite important for Sylphira's character development later on.)

I think there would be no point to it given all the Origins can give commands to the Tower by just chanting Hymmnos Spells normally, or in the case of highly-synchronized ones like Frelia and Tilia by just thinking about it, not to mention the fact that the vocal cords themselves play no role in the execution of song magic or even in the Origins' own roles, as the Tower just compares their H-Wave spectrum against a stored value to determine if they actually have the proper security clearance to carry out these actions. In fact, that idea would be better integrated just by making the songs change on their own depending on the situation in the same way we have seen so far, like for example the change between Arphage's first and second halves.
After thinking about this for awhile, I realized that the frequency ranges a persons mind span, among other things, does have some effect on their singing, and what they can achieve. As can be seen by for instance Ionnasal in Ciel nosurge with Ra Ciel Fusor I believe.

So rather then a voice augmentation, is it possible that fixing or improving her mental structure might lead to additional ability? Or alternately or in addition, if the Song server really is a fairly bad one, could an improvement in its frequency range lead to benefits?

Tower's origin - In the case of this, I'd argue that the tower—being the focal point of this AU—means that technically the additional funds and resources to build it exist in this particular version of the universe. Would that be considered fair?
For the Tower, that could work, though I fear it could be a source of conflict when Tilia gets introduced due to the "they took almost all the budget Kurogane had for the Third Tower between the Second Tower and this?"
As I suggested previously in a different way, what if they'd already started building various experimental parts for towers before the disaster.

Then rather of an enormous amount of the budget being taken away during the disaster for this extra tower. It was in part a kit-bash affair of putting together the various things they already had lying around there for their previous not to well working project and weren't of as much use for the new towers they needed? It's even conceivable Elemia had some tower parts they'd meant for Ar Tonelico or Metafalls originally, but were no longer of use in the newer design required after the disaster.

You might still complete such a tower as all those expensive parts already exist and the additional cost might not be considered as bad any more for the extra living space and abilities such a tower might potentially bring in the more direct now. Of course such a tower might be partially flawed from its very inception then as well, which could carry forward with a variety of problems.
Ah yeah, and I forgot to add something in one of my previous responses: parts of a Pureblood Reyvateil that have been detached from her body (might them be hair or limbs) will remain as they are for as long as it remains within the Tower's range and the Reyvateil's main body stays alive. If any of these conditions aren't fulfilled, it will revert into biofluid.
Ah yeah, and I forgot to add something in one of my previous responses: parts of a Pureblood Reyvateil that have been detached from her body (might them be hair or limbs) will remain as they are for as long as it remains within the Tower's range and the Reyvateil's main body stays alive. If any of these conditions aren't fulfilled, it will revert into biofluid.
Is this also true for things like blood then?
Is this also true for things like blood then?

Yes, as Tsuchiya was saying "every part of the body" in response to a similar question in which the asker wondered if a Reyvateil's body parts would turn into biofluid or stay-as-is if they were separated from the body, and I don't think bodily fluids can't be said to be body parts in a sense too.
Okay, I'm home now! Time to start picking this apart.

But the way I see it, you have two options. You can leave the story as it is--ignore canon, do your own thing. That's certainly an option, although it would be worth to note deviations when they show up, and it wouldn't affect the quality of the story very much. AUs are a thing, and most readers wouldn't notice anyway.
Well, I fully understand that I'm gonna have to bypass the canon on at least a few things... but I'd like to try and keep that to a minimum. Even now I have a lot of re-writing to do, but I actually feel like it'll make things better and more fleshed-out than before. I'm cautiously hopeful.
What's wrong with D-Cellophane?
Nothing, I just didn't see this post before I made mine. I'm sorry. :(
For the Tower, that could work, though I fear it could be a source of conflict when Tilia gets introduced due to the "they took almost all the budget Kurogane had for the Third Tower between the Second Tower and this?"
You're channeling my story notes a little bit, actually. Even though Tyria's my favorite administrator, I'd been thinking that she and Sylphira would eventually butt heads, temporarily leaving her as a sort of antagonist. I'll go into more detail on my thoughts later when I hop into the IRC; but in a nutshell, they fundamentally disagree on what should be done to save the remaining humans and Reyvateils from the incoming planet ker-splosion. Because of [X PLOT EVENTS] that happen to the two of them, they basically end up as reflections of each other.

Ah yeah, and I forgot to add something in one of my previous responses: parts of a Pureblood Reyvateil that have been detached from her body (might them be hair or limbs) will remain as they are for as long as it remains within the Tower's range and the Reyvateil's main body stays alive. If any of these conditions aren't fulfilled, it will revert into biofluid.
This both amuses me and dismays me. On one hand, now I'm laughing because I'm picturing someone with a whole bunch of spare arms shoved in a back closet because they keep losing and regrowing them. On the other, I'm dismayed because that was one of the things I was really banking on. There's something really disturbing and visceral about having a body part go flying off, only to have it disintegrate seconds later—the fragility of one's existence and all that. I'm a little bit flabbergasted that removed parts would maintain their shape; after all, they're disconnected from their Reyvateil's Loop.

From here on out, I'd like to continue the discussion on IRC so I'm not filling the thread with spoilers—and so it's easier to discuss things.
Wow, its always amazing to see a massive project like this reach completion.

Taking a break after this, or got a new project planned?
and after that, we've planned to do a full translation for Ciel nosurge.
Huzzah! But how do you plan to distribute it? Unlike it's predecessor device, the Vita doesn't have a thriving custom firmware scene which allows running translation-patched games and such; you can't do anything of the sort unless you're on a low firmware from the early days of release, IIRC.
Huzzah! But how do you plan to distribute it? Unlike it's predecessor device, the Vita doesn't have a thriving custom firmware scene which allows running translation-patched games and such; you can't do anything of the sort unless you're on a low firmware from the early days of release, IIRC.
I heard that a few months ago a new hack was found for newer firmware versions. At the very least, enough of a hack that the whole thing about streaming stuff from your Vita to your console becomes usable for the games that forbid that feature.
So......was that the grand finale of the Ciel nosurge videos, or was this yet another fake out credits sequence, or are there a few extra post-credits scenes still to cover?
Thats's the end: there's nothing else left to see at this point, like blackraen said in the video's comments.

So yep, that means the video translation project has reached its end.

And additionally, I've also done some extra work on the Wiki by fusing the timeline pages into one, and also adding in the timeline from AT3, and the approximate dates where Ciel and Ar nosurge take place in: Chronology & Timeline
Thats's the end: there's nothing else left to see at this point, like blackraen said in the video's comments.

So yep, that means the video translation project has reached its end.

And additionally, I've also done some extra work on the Wiki by fusing the timeline pages into one, and also adding in the timeline from AT3, and the approximate dates where Ciel and Ar nosurge take place in: Chronology & Timeline
Ahh. I can't actually read YouTube comments, because for some inane reason, blocking from storing browser cookies makes the comments section never finish loading ever.

Congrats on completing yet another major project!
Ahh. I can't actually read YouTube comments, because for some inane reason, blocking from storing browser cookies makes the comments section never finish loading ever.

Congrats on completing yet another major project!

Thanks, but the one who actually deserves the congratulations here is blackraen. After all, he was who did most of the work there, while all I did was setting consistency and editing work.
Thats's the end: there's nothing else left to see at this point, like blackraen said in the video's comments.

So yep, that means the video translation project has reached its end.
Ah, congrats to you and blackraen! You've done marvellous work, allowing folks who can't read Japanese to understand that important title in the nosurge series. I'm also pretty happy to hear about that timeline fusing you've done - some of the dates in the game-specific timelines confused me in their seeming contradictions, IIRC from my last glancing at the pages.
If you read just the parts that are under the "Sixth Age" header, you should be okay, as the rest contain some heavy spoilers for Ar nosurge and the Ar tonelico games.
I'm already familiar with the storyline of all the Ar tonelico games, and have read through the settai books' translations. Its just Ar nosurge spoilers I'm trying to avoid.

Is it just the Seventh Age stuff that has Ar nosurge spoilers, or do the sections like History and Dimension Theory have spoilers too?
I'm already familiar with the storyline of all the Ar tonelico games, and have read through the settai books' translations. Its just Ar nosurge spoilers I'm trying to avoid.

Is it just the Seventh Age stuff that has Ar nosurge spoilers, or do the sections like History and Dimension Theory have spoilers too?

The Seventh Age section has the bulk of the spoilers, but all the other sections past it also have some spoilers for Ar nosurge in parts of them.
Well it's excellent news that another of the large projects is complete, for people who want to learn more about this world, it certainly is a big help.
Definitely. Perhaps I'll be able to continue Yuki Quest soon; I'm making my way through Ar nosurge as well, and it's been enlightening so far.

Still can't believe they released that game without its prequel.
And on a related note, here are the screenshots of the Sekailinked save for Ar nosurge Plus I made a couple months ago:

That said, while I've made the save files for it readily available for anyone interested, they can only be used on hacked Vitas. Also, this same procedure doesn't work on the PS3 version.
Still can't believe they released that game without its prequel.
I think it's because said prequel was on the Vita, and the Vita was functionally dead in the West by then. They'd have got very little money in return for localizing it, likely too little to be worth the effort.
That said, while I've made the save files for it readily available for anyone interested, they can only be used on hacked Vitas. Also, this same procedure doesn't work on the PS3 version.
Could you provide a link to the save? Or say where it is, and how to use it with a hacked vita?
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Honestly, the whole series seems like the kind of thing for which a (unenhanced, aside from making fixing the localization :V) Steam port would be decently successful. Plenty of other niche JRPGs have had very successful Steam runs (the Neptunia series comes to mind).