Chapter 27: And Together By Sweat, It Was Earned

Chapter 27: And Together By Sweat, It Was Earned

It's weird, being here close to this Earth. Seeing the seas all in red so close to me. It's so… surreal, in real life.

I'd like to see Village-3 sometime soon. Who knows. Maybe Paris goes quickly. Maybe it doesn't. But Mayumi, Ichigo, and I agree that, if we ever do retire for a while, we'd do it there. Or at least somewhere like it.

And hey, at least we get to vacation in Paris, in a distant, weird sense. I'm sure that it'll be less romantic than I intended our first trip there to be, but it's going to be energetic, for sure.

- From the personal journal of First Lieutenant Kensuke Aida of HERZ

Village-3, March 28th, 2028

Daniel woke up in what was now comfortably familiar surroundings as the last rumbles of thunder from last night's storm sounded, rubbing his eyes in the darkness of the early morning. It was probably only about 5 AM, and few except those that tended to livestock would be up at this point.

The house was silent as he rose and got dressed for the day. A quick trip to the Val to grab his tools, and a few spare thoughtful items, made sure of that fact. He went to a corner of the room, crouching down to open a small box of wood and blocky metal inlays and take out his current project, along with his tools.

The tools were two rods, one stout and hexagonal, the other slender and seemingly made of twisted wires halfway through its length in an octagonal shape. They were all he really needed, the best tools one could get in the Worldsea for personal-scale work.

They were a gift, given long ago, from the first person he'd interacted with that had actually ended well after his breakaway from Hamar'ramah. And now, they would help him connect with the woman he loved.

His work, or works rather, were a pair of rings, made from a gleaming metal that Asuka Ikari-Soryu had made appear. In the darkness, the pattern that was within them, a swirling damascened thing, was barely visible as he suspended them in the air, the rings floating close to each other as he took the hexagonal rod and twisted it at the middle of its length, separating the Frame imager into two halves that he placed over the rings, tapping them and sending them a mental command.

As they activated, the Frames of the rings became clear to him, overlaying the rings and then lifting away from them, growing as they did, until he had a clear view of them. There were Frames connecting them to each other, few in number and not enough for what he wanted to do, and a few nubs added to the structural Frames of the metal.

He got the octagonal rod, the Frame weaver, and activated it, the twisting wires beginning to bloom apart making clusters of them that formed four arms surrounding a central fifth that glowed at each of their tips. He raised the weaver to a nub that he'd made to mark where his work would need to go, and watched the slowly working outer arms work at spinning up Frames to be deposited on the nub, slowly building out the connection between the two rings.

As he worked he imagined the concepts that these Frames would use for their purpose: connection over distance, close bonds, the support and care that such things would bring, and worked them into the Frames that he made and attached. This imagining, the process of imbuing the Frames with the truth of such things, was key to the process of making something Frame by Frame, and Daniel found himself lost in it, as he always had before. It was… magical. Wondrous, even.

He blinked and found that he'd completed a few more connections as he heard the birds chirping and smelled whatever Shinji and Hikari were putting on. He deactivated the Frame weaver and the imager, stowing the project away as he exited his room.

He looked to his right, and saw Asuka emerging, finishing tugging on a shirt as she regarded him in turn. Daniel smiled slightly. "So, get some good sleep?"

Asuka rolled her eyes. "What little I got, sure."

Daniel chuckled as she continued toward him, and the kitchen beyond him, pausing for a moment to give him a quick side hug. "Thanks," she said quietly.

"The pleasure's mine." Daniel chuckled. "But I'm sure it's actually Shinji's."

Asuka snorted as she passed by, Rei and Kaworu coming out of their room a little more prepared than Asuka was, but still no less mussed. He nodded to the pair as he followed Asuka into the kitchen, most of the rest of the house following in short order.

As they all sat down and began to eat, Hikari looked out into the hallway for a moment. "He's taking longer," she said, worry evident on her face. "This is the latest he's ever been."

She stood, bowing slightly to the rest of the room. "I'm sorry. Let me go get my father."

Hikari left the room, and the mood was left more somber for it. Eventually, however, both Bunzaemon and Hikari returned, Bunzaemon grumbling all the way. "You didn't have to stop eating just because I took my time."

As the meal continued, Shinji looked over at Daniel. "So, where have you been the last couple of days? Has Hikari or Toji put you somewhere they need help?"

"No, actually." Daniel smiled as he leaned on the table he ate on. "I've been working on a project with young Shinji and Asuka."

"Oh?" Asuka arched a brow. "And what would that be?"

"I'm having them forge their own swords."

It was silent for a moment, then Rei, of all people, chuckled softly. "I see Misato continues to inspire you as to the… interesting nature of your plans."

"Oh, this is well before Misato's time." Daniel was quiet for a moment. "In all honesty, it's just a way to help them open up, in one way or another. Face their guilt and fears in the metal just before they strike it." he shrugged. "It worked for me. It worked for many others. It might work for them, too."

The atmosphere of the room was contemplative for a moment, then a knock on the door before it opened drew their attention. "Hello! I'm home!"

"Finally," Bunzaemon grumbled as a boy in a t-shirt and pants, carrying a rectangular package under his arm, appeared in the dining room entryway, pausing for a moment. He was thin, but strong, with a face with familiar gray eyes under a mop of black hair.

"Grandfather?" The boy was clearly confused as he stepped in, setting the package aside. "Who are all these people?"

"These are guests from WILLE, young man," Bunzaemon replied. "And where have you been all this time, young Mr. Kaji?"

The room went fully silent as young Mr. Kaji chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Well, they needed a little extra help at the Pillar farm so I stayed for a day on-site. Then Nozomi wanted me to give a picture she's been working on to you. She said she was almost done last night, then said I could spend the night. She didn't want me coming home empty-handed."

Young Mr. Kaji paused, then looked around the room with a slight expression of embarrassment. "My apologies. I'm Ryoji Shinji Kaji. It's nice to meet you."

"It's…" Kaworu began after a moment's silence. "Nice to meet you finally."

"It was only a matter of time really before you guys met Ryoji Jr.." Toji said, seeming to do his best to break the strange tension in the room. "And besides, I'm sure that Natsume had nothing to do with you staying the night." he continued with a grin.

"Uncle Toji…" Ryoji Jr. blushed even as he went to retrieve what was most likely the painting in question.

"Here, Grandfather," Ryoji Jr. unwrapped the painting, showing a landscape portrait of a vast, round lake, pale white buildings sticking up from underneath like pointing fingers framed by a somewhat shaded white building that took up three sides of the painting, the top showing the open sky. "Nozomi did this one by the old NERV base ruins. Said it was a nice place to get away from it all."

Bunzaemon nodded as he studied the picture, taking it from Ryoji Jr. "I know that much well enough. It's beautiful, as always."

"So, is that Nozomi's hobby?" Asuka asked.

"Well, actually, she does painting and drawing for a good chunk of the village," Hikari replied. "Not just artwork and murals and things, but drafting blueprints for structures or projects, posters for announcements, and all sorts of other useful stuff."

Ryoji Jr. nodded. "I guess you guys haven't been out and about to see some of Aunt Nozomi's work." he paused for a moment. "I, uh… don't think you got the chance to introduce yourself. Who are you?"

Daniel stood and walked over to the boy. "I'm Daniel Theisman of HERZ, and WILLE. These kids are… well…"

Daniel glanced up at the clock that hung above the entryway. "I'll let them introduce themselves. I've got to hurry over to the blacksmith if I want to catch Shinji and Asuka. I'll probably see you at dinner tonight. Have a good day."

With that, Daniel was out the door, leaving Ryoji Jr. to look at the gathered Children with a somewhat bemused expression on his face. "Who are you?" he asked Shinji after a moment.

Shinji smiled slightly. "I'm part of your namesake from another universe. You might want to sit down for this."

. . .

Young Shinji Ikari got dressed for the forge with something that approached familiarity, sure that Asuka was doing the same. They had something new to look forward to today, at least. The folds for both of their swords were finally done, and they were moving on to actually working the blade into shape.

Shinji waited by the door, looking back as he absentmindedly chewed on a granola bar breakfast. Asuka soon emerged from her room, and they began to make their way to the blacksmith. They walked alone, Daniel having begun to wait for them at their destination.

It had given them space for… something. Shinji wondered if Daniel had done that on purpose. Knowing what he did now, he didn't seem the sort to just do things on a whim.

But what would he fill that space with? The question led him, rather inevitably, to another. One that he'd been resolving to ask Asuka for a while now.

"So, Asuka…" he paused for a moment even after she looked over at him. "What's up with you and Kensuke? You seem… friendly with him, in a way that's different from everyone else."

Asuka's brow furrowed, and a part of him cringed away from a hit that could have been coming. Then she sighed quietly. "It's not like that, in case you're wondering. Ken-ken's not a pervert. And besides, I'm not really interested in him, anyway."

She paused for a moment. "But after so long where I was treated more and more like a tool in the fleet… he's the first person in this day and age that treated me like… a normal human being."

Shinji nodded. "I see," he said quietly.

Asuka looked back to where they were going. "Then there was you…" she said absentmindedly, the words pitched almost too low for him to hear.

Shinji didn't know what to say, or even if he should say anything at all. Had she meant to say that out loud? Had she truly meant it? After what he'd done, to him, it seemed almost impossible for her to even tolerate him. So, there was only silence afterward, a razor-thin yet still impenetrable barrier rising between them.

They began making their way across the rice paddies, the people at work thankfully ignoring them as they moved on. Then, in one of the paddies close to them, Shinji saw Ayanami, sitting and taking a break from her farming. Somewhat shockingly, as she noticed him in turn, she waved.

It caught both of them off guard, it seemed, Asuka pausing right alongside Shinji as they nearly gaped at the display. Ayanami took the time to stand and make her way over to them. "Hello, Shinji. Pilot Shikinami."

The both of them blinked. "I, uh…" Shinji began as his brain tried to make sense of what had just happened. "I'm glad to see you're learning about things. How's farming going?"

"It is different from my usual duties," Ayanami replied. "Sharing sweat with those I work with has been an… interesting experience."

The two of them shared a befuddled glance before Asuka spoke up. "Well that's one way of putting it, I guess. Are you sure you're cut out for this sort of work?"

"It is the only other work that I have done besides piloting the Evangelion. I am…" she paused for a moment as she seemed to search for the words. "Expanding my experiences."

Shinji and Asuka nodded. "I see," Shinji said. "Speaking of expanding, how is that book coming along?"

"It is a rather… cryptic text. However, with Rei Nagisa's assistance in understanding the contents of it, I find it rather fascinating, as it explores humanity through those it reveres as heroes and gods."

Asuka nodded, an oddly thoughtful look in her eye. "Sounds like something Mari would enjoy." then she shrugged. "Well, Ayanami, I think we've got to go. Daniel's waiting on us at the blacksmith, and you've probably got some work to do as well."

"Ms. Lookalike!" one of the children that were with the group Ayanami had come from shouted as she waved. "We're getting back to work!"

Ayanami nodded. "Very well. I am needed. Farewell."

"Wait, Ayanami." Shinji held out his hand as Ayanami began to turn away. "Do you have a name yet? Besides Ms. Lookalike."

"Not yet. Though I believe that I am growing closer to finding one."

With that, Ayanami turned away and walked back to the paddies, Shinji and Asuka going on their way as well. They soon arrived at the blacksmith, a few of the regular workers waving to them as they made their way to the back.

"Just in time, kiddos!" Daniel called, and Shinji and Asuka, once again, came to a stop as they watched him, alone, heft an anvil onto a raised platform made of what looked like dark crystal, right next to the anvil they'd been working with for the past few days.

As Daniel took a step back, taking a deep breath, he smiled. "Good to see you both back. Now we get to the somewhat more exciting portion of bladesmithing; drawing out the blade. This one falls to you guys more than it does to me. Thus, I'll be supervising you two while you work the blades into being."

Asuka shook her head as she stepped forward to examine the base of the anvil. "So we'll be working on these mostly on our own?"

Daniel nodded, and Asuka looked back at Shinji. She had a slight grin on her that Shinji found somewhat… exciting. "Bet that I'll finish mine before you."

"Didn't Daniel say that it wasn't a competition?" Shinji asked with a quiet sigh as Asuka hurried to get her bar of metal ready to be put into the forge that Daniel had lit.

"He never said we couldn't make it a competition, and you're just as much of a rookie as I am. But I think while you can cook, and you've done decently so far, I'm going to stand on my own two feet and get this done in a few days."

The challenge of it would have frightened him, once. It still did, to some degree. But with what he'd done alongside Asuka, the glimpses that he'd gotten into something greater than that brash, crass girl he'd met so long ago… a part of him was excited.

"Well, we'll see about that," Shinji replied as he went and took his own bar of metal, adjusting his strength as Daniel had taught him to.

Asuka's brows shot up as she looked back from putting her metal in the forge, and that grin, for the briefest of moments, became a genuine smile. "Well, there's hope for you yet."

After a moment, Asuka pulled her metal from the fire, Shinji inserting his in short order as Asuka put her metal on the new anvil, taking a hammer proffered by Daniel.

"Fuck you, you useless hunk of metal," Asuka said nonchalantly. She'd begun to say that the second day that they'd been folding the metal. Shinji glanced over as Daniel sighed quietly, Asuka wincing even as she rolled her eye, likely remembering what Daniel had said before. He'd told her off for such language when he'd heard it aloud.

"Now, imagine the finished blade as you work." Daniel began as he extracted the hot metal from the forge, setting it on the anvil as he grabbed a proffered hammer. "It doesn't need to be exact at this very moment, but at the very least decide on the general shape. Broad, thin, what have you."

Shinji looked down at the metal and wondered for a moment how something like what Daniel described could emerge from something so unassuming. Then he thought about the words Daniel had said when they'd begun. "This metal is you."

'Is that what Asuka thinks of herself? That she's useless?'

The idea of it seemed impossible to him as he began to hammer out the metal. Even after 14 years, she was still aggressive, brash, and blunt, though that fire he'd first met had subsided somewhat. But he'd only ever seen her as a pilot. He'd never seen her be anything even approaching a normal girl, except for here and on Borneo, where she'd been closed off from him and nearly everyone else.

'What can I do about that?'

He pondered the question all the way until they finished for the day, and got ready to go to lunch.

. . .

Aboard the Wunder, 3 Days Earlier

Vice-Captain Ritsuko Akagi leaned on the table, looking intently at Mariah Marlowe, apparently the daughter of Mari Makinami from another universe, as she casually manifested a sphere of Spear material, no smaller than a finger-length in width, which landed in the palm of her hand before she set it down with a quiet breath.

"This…" Maya said quietly, her eyes as wide, if not wider, than everyone else's. "This changes everything."

Ritsuko nodded. "The combat applications alone are evident enough, even with how many there are. But the utility and civilian applications…"

"What did you have in mind, Ritsuko?" Ryoji asked.

"The metal and sound… what did you call them, Mrs. Theisman?"

"Aspect Cores, ma'am," Eleanor replied calmly, her relaxed expression only part of the range of evident emotions her pilots displayed.

"Yes. Those alone could help us do amazing things. With the plant-based and light-based Aspect Cores, we have access to foodstuffs on demand, and the light to help them grow at all hours. Fresh water for Safe Zones, on-site cooling to temperatures we've only dreamed of… even without the Cores, the abilities that being so connected to the soul entails are incredibly valuable."

"Now hold on a moment," Eleanor said, holding up a staying hand. "There are some limitations to that too. We're all just individuals, and there's Flux to worry about as well."

"And what would that mean?" Ritsuko asked, almost madly jotting down notes on a pad.

"Flux is a product of activating Metos, the element that makes up the soul," Hikari said. "Think of it as an equal, opposite reaction to the action. There's only so much Flux a human body can tolerate, and there are dangerous consequences to letting it build up."

Ritsuko paused for a moment. "Can you explain them to me?"

Hikari sighed quietly. "Well, there's Flux Daze, which entails nausea, intense short-term synesthesia, and a peek into the Mental Realm, and then there's Flux Crush, which can break parts of your soul and render body parts useless. It's a pain to remove without proper training and without the one accruing Flux making special vents for it to be jettisoned from the body."

Ritsuko paused, somewhat taken aback by the knowing tone of the latter words that Hikari had said, and a silence fell over the room. Into that silence, Misato sighed quietly. "How do these powers influence your Evangelion's ability to control an Impact? Can they produce it on their own?"

The words were quiet, hard things, and the tangential question sent a shiver running through Ritsuko as she cursed herself for not thinking about it earlier.

Again, it was silent for a moment, the atmosphere tense as Ritsuko regarded the now serious Eleanor intently. "They can help us initiate an Impact event, yes. Just like anyone can with our sort of power."

"Anyone?" Chief Tennison said somewhat incredulously. "The only things I've seen able to do it are someone in an Evangelion or an Angel. Even whatever Unit-13 was is still technically an Eva, with how Shinji initiated Fourth Impact. And Daniel helped end it in his."

"You've got the right idea, simply the wrong perspective." Eleanor leaned forward as she scanned the command staff. "You think about the Evangelions as the keys to Instrumentality, the sole producers of the Impact, like a bullet from a gun, with the pilot as the finger on the trigger. But it's more like a focus, a lens for the power and intent of the soul. I could do it myself, given the time and resources. Hikari, Toji, Mayumi, or Kensuke here could do it. Even any one of you, perhaps hooked up to the S2 Organs on this ship, could use it to create an Impact."

The revelation hit Ritsuko like a bucket of ice water, and she leaned back in her chair with a wide look in her eyes as she looked at Misato, then Maya. "All this time researching for Project E, and we never could have come to this conclusion like this…"

Her mother would have been shocked if she were here. Hell, everyone who had been involved likely would have been. To think it was so close… how much power did one person need to do something like that? Surely, the Flux, as they'd said, would overwhelm anyone who tried. 'But with enough preparation…'

"This has been… enlightening." a clearly perturbed Toph said, the silence breaking again. "But we're here to talk about how those capabilities are going to link up with ours."

The tension, if not fully broken, was at least relieved somewhat as Eleanor nodded. "True. So, let's start with our most currently prominent asset: The Val. I'm not exactly the owner of the ship, but I've been working around inside of it for more than a little while. Enough to explain that she's probably one of the greatest non-Eva force multipliers WILLE's ever going to see."

"What kind of weapons are we talking about?" Ryoji asked. "From what little review footage we were able to catch of it, it's got quite the arsenal."

Eleanor nodded. "She's a warship through and through. For main batteries, she's armed with 12 Metos Lances. Variable-length beams can make it like a phaser for sustained damage, or discrete rounds for more punching power. She's also armed with four missile bays and three prow-mounted torpedo tubes, each equipped with a Variable Constructor to make tailored missiles and torpedoes."

"And what about those wacky shield things that started eating whatever was thrown at them?" Mari piped up. "Those were properly weird."

"Those were the result of Aegis Drones. Most Seabreakers don't exactly have passive 'force fields', with so many attacks that can simply phase through them. So we have an active defense system that targets and neutralizes incoming attacks. They also have anti-small craft weapons integrated into the pods."

"And what happens when part of that array of drones gets destroyed?" Toph asked. "It probably doesn't mean anything good, I'm sure."

"We put out as many as we need to fill the gap. Each military Seabreaker comes with at least several dozen of them. We can't make them quickly enough to do it in the middle of battle, however, so if the array gets a hole in it and we can't fill it, we're relying on armor. Good armor with Frame-laminate dispersed through it, but still just armor."

"Then it's a good thing we can cover you for the most part," Misato said. "The Evas that you have on hand certainly don't hurt, either."

Eleanor nodded. "And you've got well-trained pilots to go with them. Just about every pilot here has gone through an extensive training course and plenty of live fire action."

"Wait a minute," Maya said as she leaned forward, her eyes wide. "All of you fought against the Angels?"

"Well, technically yes," Mariah said as she put her elbows on the table and nodded to the Suzuharas. "They're the only ones who actually took part in the Angel War. That ended well enough. Myself, Mana, and Mayumi were originally SEELE goons for their backup plan. We had a bit of a scuffle, nearly caused Third Impact."

Mariah paused for a moment, then grinned as she shrugged. "Water under the bridge now. We got better thanks to our fair Doctor's help."

Eleanor nodded. "Then there was the Incursion, where several massive-scale threats that very much weren't Angels got tossed onto our world to wreak havoc, once again as part of a plot by SEELE."

"Really?" Misato said, her brows arched. "Like what?"

"Godzilla, for one."

It was a shocked silence that settled over them for a moment as Ritsuko processed memories from ages ago, and Eleanor began to grin slightly at Misato. "You were a little more shocked than that when Daniel shook the monster's hand."

The pilots at the table, sans Mari, began to laugh softly at the utterly befuddled looks on the command staff's faces. "It was dicey at some points, but we pulled through well enough," Mana said, Mari nodding along surely with a grin on her face. "It was quite the learning experience."

"Helps that at least one of those big beasties was on our side when Azazel came around." Mari piped up, and the smiles soon fled from the HERZ members' faces.

"Azazel?" Misato asked. "I thought you'd said you dealt with all the Angels."

"We did," Eleanor replied. "But Azazel was different. In a lot of ways. SEELE used the souls of several million of the recently dead, with them at the helm, to puppeteer an ancient, deceased Angel that they'd mixed with Lilith's DNA and some very powerful weapons. Then, they used LCL and Corite to create an army of Angels using the souls that they'd taken."

Again, Ritsuko felt a chill crawl down her spine as she took in the mere idea that there could be such a thing as an army of Angels. "How many were there?"

"Well, it wasn't a single soul to an Angel copycat, thank god." Mayumi finally spoke up, a quiet, somewhat timid voice that still held a core of certainty within it. "But the final count before we engaged them at the 38th Parallel was 6,478."

The number almost didn't register to Ritsuko, then her eyes went wide. "That many…" it was a horrified whisper that left her mouth. "And they didn't just start an Impact then and there?"

"They didn't try," Eleanor said. "They were headed to Tokyo-3 in order to do it, likely because they anticipated a rather docile Lilith to integrate with and have a greater chance to pull it off. SEELE's penchant for dramatics also being what it is."

"Shame for them then that Lilith decided to show up on our side ready to throw hands," Mariah said, her grin a wide, mischievous thing. "It was a right beautiful sight."

Ritsuko was finding herself getting disturbingly used to having shocking information dropped on her and the others, and looked over at Misato and Ryoji. "I think we're going to need some time to process what we've just learned."

Misato nodded as she stood. "I agree. Let's get some lunch, take some time to let this all sink in."

The others stood, and the room soon began to empty. As Ritsuko made her way to one of the mess halls, Maya soon caught up to her. "Senpai," she began, "I have some questions about what we'll be doing when we reach Paris."

"Is it perhaps about the fact that NERV-Euro's staff specifically hard-locked their prototype Core Material Clearance Pillar?"

The name of the device had been about all they'd been able to get from the scrambled database copies of NERV-Euro's computer systems. Maya nodded. "We're going to need to hard-link into the pillar itself in order to activate it. And with us being so far into the core material, we can't afford to stay out there for very long. I'm not fully sure how we're going to keep the technicians safe."

"I've considered that." Ritsuko sighed quietly. "And the solution to our problem is, while somewhat strange, a familiar one."

"And what would that be?"

"I've used the resources of the ship and the miscellaneous materials lying around in the Burbank storage facility to craft a small number of Plugsuits for the technical teams."

Maya raised a brow before Ritsuko continued. "The Plugsuits have had a built-in Corporeal Protection System left over from the days when their design forebears were designed to protect against the effects of the Contact Experiments. You'll recall how Shinji Ikari went into battle against the 10th Angel in plainclothes. And how that ended."

Maya's brow furrowed, then she nodded as she put the pieces together. "It's going to be… interesting, trying one on after all this time."

Ritsuko sighed quietly. "Yes, Kouhai. It certainly is."

. . .

Kaworu Nagisa sighed only somewhat dramatically as he sat down from his work on a bank, his legs still in the water. He'd been part of the planting team in this particular rice paddy, and the work, while menial, was still satisfying enough to convince him not to tap into his Interfacing. The sun was high in the sky, a fact that made him quite grateful for the straw hat he wore even with the rather pleasant day.

Rei sat down next to him, and their hands met for a moment before they retrieved their lunches, prepared by Shinji and Hikari. They were simple things, built to be carried easily and eaten quickly, but they were delicious nonetheless. Ayanami ate hers away from them, amongst a group of children that had become enamored with her hair and eyes.

"This is perhaps the strangest work that I have ever done," Kaworu said offhandedly.

"I would imagine such would be the case for a battle-hardened pilot that's also something of a demigod," Rei replied, her smile slight but telling.

Kaworu chuckled, then looked out across the fields. "There's a beauty to it, fostering life like this. It makes me understand why Mr. Kaji made a hobby out of his watermelon patch."

Rei nodded, and her smile disappeared. Kaworu knew how uneasy the silence was. His senses of perception, even without the boost of Interfacing, had with time become fine-tuned. Even then, he knew what she was pondering. They'd talked about it recently enough.

"You're wondering about a child."

Rei nodded. "Seeing Tsubame in the flesh, instead of on a screen… it brings back old questions. Old longings."


The word was familiar. They saw it all around them. Yet even now, after all they'd done to come closer to that ideal, it still seemed impossibly distant.

"Yes," Rei whispered. "I've wondered what it is like to be a mother. Long before I had gained my full freedom."

"Perhaps it has something to do with Lilith's mission to spread life? Part of you is still attuned to the Vessel."

"That is a possibility." she didn't seem terribly convinced of that.

It was silent between them for a moment. "Do you…" Kaworu began before he faltered. "Do you think that Interfacing could, perhaps, grant us our wish?"

"I think that it could. Interfacing is simply a manifestation of the desires of the soul." Rei paused for a moment. "But even if it does… we do such dangerous work. Strive against foes that seek to destroy everything. I fear that, even if we were able, we simply would not have the time to do it properly."

They ruminated on such things silently for a moment, again reaching for each other's hands and holding each other.

After long moments, Kaworu's gaze turned to Ayanami, who conversed quietly with the children around her. "Does she have some ideas as to a name yet?"

Rei nodded. "Some. She seems quite partial to Athena, as one of the few gods that treat those around her with any great deal of sympathy."

"A goddess of wisdom." Kaworu smiled slightly.

Then, they were reminded of the mortality of Ayanami. Who knew how long she had left without the medical care that she had in the Geofront? The records they'd seen had made it seem like several days, perhaps even months had gone by. But did they have that much time?

"Mr. Nagisa! Mrs. Nagisa!"

They turned to see Ryoji Jr. waving at them. "Do you think you could spare a moment and come with me? Aunt Nozomi wants to meet you."

Kaworu and Rei looked at each other in surprise for a moment, then Kaworu looked at Ms. Shinkawa, their general manager over this work.

She chuckled as she waved them off. "Don't worry about us. With your help, we've gotten ahead of schedule anyway. Take the day and enjoy it."

Kaworu and Rei nodded, lifting their legs from the water and removing themselves from the boots and overalls that had kept them at least mostly dry before putting on their shoes and following the boy through the village.

As they walked, they noticed the people staring at them, whispering to one another if they were with someone else. Well, at least more than they usually did. "I assume word of our abilities has gotten around somewhat," Rei said levelly.

"Well, yeah. I talked to Aunt Nozomi earlier this morning after I talked to you. There's a lot of people that see her for things too, so…"

Ryoji Jr. shrugged, and the Nagisas contented themselves with the explanation. Soon enough, they came to a stop in front of a decently sized home, two stories tall with an open-air balcony on the upper floor facing out toward the paddies that they'd come from, its windows screened against any tiny intruders. Across the walls of the ground floor was a swirling mural of flowers on a field under a blue sky, a sun painted around one of the windows of the second floor. Over the door, a sign was nailed on, bright and bold colors making up the words 'Ms. Nozomi's Lovely Arts, Crafts, and Drafting'.

"I quite like the aesthetic of the house," Kaworu said with a smile as Ryoji Jr. went to the door. "Did she paint this?"

"Yeah," Ryoji Jr. said as he knocked on the door, "but Natsumi and I helped."

Before he could go further, the door opened, and a young woman, maybe 18 or 20, appeared, her brown hair done up in twin tails, an easy smile framing brown eyes and a dusting of freckles across her nose. The apron she wore over her capri shirt was splattered with paint, and she waved at Kaworu and Rei. "Hello! You're finally here! Come in, I've been so excited to meet you."

Kaworu and Rei walked in after Ryoji Jr., and unsurprisingly found the walls festooned with paintings and drawings. Most were landscapes, showing what was likely the surrounding area. A few looked like draft blueprints, several buildings that they had likely seen around town prominent among them. Another theme that manifested itself was several different kinds of trains, scattered around the walls and especially centered on the staircase that led them upstairs.

"Can I get you anything? Some water, a snack? Ryoshi here said you were working with Ms. Shinkawa in the fields all day, and I think I saw you while I was drafting up some plans for some new windmills." Nozomi was clearly quite concerned as they went up the stairs, taking off her apron and hanging it on a peg near the top.

"We're fine, thank you," Rei replied with a slight chuckle as they turned toward the doorway at the end of the hallway that led to the balcony. "May I ask what you called us here for?"

"Well," Nozomi smiled as they emerged onto the balcony and she took a seat next to one of four easels, "I hear one of you makes stained glass and the other makes ink. Which is which?"

"I can control ink," Kaworu said. "Rei creates the glass."

Nozomi nodded slowly. "So, what kinds of ink can you create? Color-shifting? Iridescent? Ooh, could you even do any color at all?"

Kaworu opened his mouth for a moment, then shut it as he tilted his head. "Come to think of it, I can. I've simply… been content with the colors most inks are."

Nozomi shrugged. "I guess it's what you get for settling with what's already around you. I understand."

She stood, walking over to her easel, which contained a canvas panel with an unfinished sketch "Come on, let's start flexing those creative muscles of yours."

Rei smiled as Ryoji Jr. took a seat next to her, watching as the two of them studied the sketch, that of a statue of some kind. "This is going to be going in the town square somewhere," Nozomi explained. "I wanted to liven the place up a little, give the workers going on their way something nice to see when they started their day."

"What is it going to be?" Kaworu leaned in slightly as he took in what few details were there, then gave a quiet 'ah'. "I see…"

"It's going to be a statue of a few of the founders of WILLE," Nozomi said quietly. "We owe so much to them. The town council agreed with my proposal, so I'm trying to figure out who to put there. I want Captain Katsuragi, Doctor Akagi, Captain Ibuki… but I'm wondering if it's enough to have it be just them."

Kaworu nodded slightly. "I see," he said quietly. "What about the pilots? Asuka and Mari?"

It was quiet for a moment before Nozomi nodded. "Yeah. That sounds good. Now I just need to think up a composition for all five of them…"

Kaworu smiled. "I can help draw. And unlike most artists, I can reclaim my ink and leave a blank page."

Nozomi looked at him and grinned. "You and I are going to have a lot of fun, you know that?"

Kaworu smiled in turn. "I have a decent idea of it, yes."

As Kaworu and Nozomi got to work, Rei sat back and watched the near-joyous process of creation, her darling husband making ink ripple and flow across the sketch as they conversed. Time began to slip away, and she glanced over a time or two to see Ryoji Jr. similarly mesmerized. 'He's always at his best when he's creating like this…'

She blinked as she heard someone coming up the stairs, turning to see a girl, about Ryoji Jr's age, stop in the doorway, a bag in her hand. She was thin, but fit, with a bob of black hair and curious brown eyes that lit up slightly as they landed on Ryoji. "Oh, hello. I didn't know we had visitors. Who are you?"

Nozomi and Kaworu turned away from what was getting close to a final draft of the statue, Nozomi smiling. "Hello, Natsumi. Are those the paints that I asked for?"

Natsumi nodded as she stepped into the room. "Yes, Nozomi."

Nozomi stepped forward. "This is my little sis Natsumi. Natsumi, this is Kaworu and Rei Nagisa."

Natsumi gave a slight bow. "Nice to meet you."

She smiled slightly at Ryoji. "Good to see you again."

Ryoji Jr. blushed slightly as he smiled and waved. "Good to see you too."

'Ah,' Rei thought with a slight smile as Natsumi handed Nozomi the bag, 'young love.'

Nozomi extracted a few bottles of various colored paint, looking back at the sketch with a slight pout. "As much as I like what we've done with the statue, it's still probably going to be a dull grey or bronze with metal and such. That's so... boring"

Then, her brow furrowed for a moment before she looked at Rei, her smile slowly beginning to return. "Say, could you do stained glass inlays? That should really spice it up a bit."

Rei smiled in turn as she looked over at the statue, Captain Katsuragi flanked by Maya and Akagi, with young Asuka and Mari sitting at Katsuragi's feet. "I can do better than that."

She stood, walked to the small table that sat beside the easel, and focused, glass swirling with color flowing from her palms to the tips of her fingers as she worked. It didn't need to be a perfect replica of what she saw in her mind's eye and on the easel, just close enough.

A plate of glass, about half as long as her forearm, swirled into being, the statue slowly growing out of it as she made the Plugsuits of the pilots, the red jacket of Captain Katsuragi, the white lab coat of Doctor Akagi, Maya's beret, and the skin and hair tones that went with them.

After long moments, she stepped back, the glass disappearing from her hands as she found herself nearly surrounded by Ryoji Jr., Natsumi, and Nozomi, Kaworu standing to the side and smiling.

"This glass will be harder than any metal you can think of," Rei said, letting just a little satisfaction into her voice. "And its gleam won't fade away either."

Nozomi looked at her with utter envy. "Oh, where have you guys been my whole life?"

"In another universe, naturally," Rei replied.

. . .

Eleanor chewed slowly on the MRE that she ate, pondering what had been talked about. It was quite a leap for everyone involved. Mari and Mariah had broken off before they'd made it here, so she, Ymris, Toph, and the rest of the pilots ate in relative silence.

"So…" Toji said after a moment, looking at Ymris. "I recall hearing you were with the Scions back where we were."

Ymris nodded silently.

"Will we have to worry about anything from you?"

"Toji." Hikari scolded.

Ymris shook her head. "No. It's been a long time coming that I step away from Tavis' sphere of influence. I want to see this world become better. And the best way to do it is to help you all."

Toji was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. Good to know. Figured I should ask."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ymris," Hikari said sympathetically. "We're aware of the progress you've made since we found you again. It's just… with the Scions…"

Ymris nodded. "I understand. He has every right to be suspicious. You all do."

It was silent again for a few moments, then Ymris sighed. "It's going to be interesting, hooking Unit-02 up to this 'Jet Alone' thing. We've got so little to work with."

"How much of Unit-02's left here? I know Ms. Eleanor helped try to contain things." Kensuke asked.

"Not much. Head and chest, and the right arm."

Kensuke nodded even as he winced. "I see. I wonder…"

Eleanor, along with the others, began to look over at him. "Got an idea, Mr. Engineer?" Toji said.

Kensuke nodded. "I'm wondering if we could use LCL to try and heal Unit-02. It would be the same process as forming the Frame Titans, just… taking something the rest of the way."

Kensuke looked over at Eleanor. "Would that work?"

Eleanor nodded slowly. "There's no reason I can think of that it shouldn't. All it's going to take is time."

"How much more time?" Toph asked pointedly. "We don't exactly have the chance to just dawdle around while we wait for this stuff to work."

"Not much, especially with most of us being Interfacers." Eleanor pondered for a moment. "If I'm doing my math correctly, the only lengthening of time would be in adjusting the Jet Alone to be an armor set instead of a connective prosthetic."

Toph and Ymris looked at each other, then nodded slowly. "Sounds like a plan to me," Ymris said. "I'll float it past the command staff and let you know what they say."

Eleanor smiled. "Either way, I think we can make it work. After all, it doesn't matter which Asuka we're talking about. Both of them would be apoplectic if they saw Unit-02 like that."

"I mean, our Asuka watched it on a screen," Mana said. "She seemed pissed off enough, and it wasn't even her Eva."

"So…" Ichigo, who had been quietly holding Kensuke's hand. "I imagine we should expect fireworks when Shikinami finally gets to see it."

"That's understating it, dear," Mayumi replied. "She might melt the gantry. I know our Asuka would still do it."

Ichigo nodded slightly. "Either way, it's going to be interesting."

Before anyone could continue, Eleanor's clear-pad began to ring. She saw that Percival, her ship's soul, that was calling. She answered quickly. "What's the matter, Percival?"

"A Scion ship just slipped past me and broke through the atmosphere before going into silent running." a soft, deep voice said, each syllable distinct. "Its last trajectory put it on a path toward Paris, though some of the energy patterns before it cloaked indicate a personal transport effect. Whoever was on that vessel could be anywhere in the world at the moment."

Silence fell over the room for a moment, then Eleanor sighed. "Thank you, Percy. We'll be ready for it."

"I'm sure of that, ma'am." The tone of the words was just a little warmer than before. "I'll keep you informed in case anything changes or if I'm able to crack their transmission security."

With that, the line closed, and Eleanor sighed quietly as she set the pad down on the table. "Well," Ymris said, a grim expression on her face, "at least we know."

. . .

Young Shinji and Asuka sat under a tree by Daniel, calmly eating their lunches as they looked out over the village.

"You've both been doing well." Daniel began. "You pick this up quickly."

"Of course, we pick things up quickly," Asuka said nonchalantly. "If we didn't, then the world would have ended long before this point."

Shinji simply nodded. There was something stirring in him. Something that the pounding of the metal had stoked in him. A fire in his chest that he'd felt before. That he was afraid of.

"What is it, Shinji?" Daniel said quietly.

"I… I hate…"

His father? The Angels? Himself? Where did that anger go? What could he do with it?

"I understand."

Shinji looked up at Daniel, confusion evident on his face. "What do you mean?"

"You want revenge. Against the world, against your father, against all the forces that put you here. Against your own weakness. The metal rebels against those he thinks forge him. But they're simply… part of the process. Some of them are even refined and forged themselves in the process. Most of them are as much a part of the thing as you are."

"And… is that really bad?" Shinji said, a hint of defiance reaching his voice that caused Asuka to look over at him. "Can I not want to do something about it? Even if it sometimes risks ending the world?"

"Of course not, Shinji." Daniel's expression grew sad. "But you have to be careful. You can't let rage consume you. Let it focus you for a moment, but let it go."

"What's the point of letting it go if it focuses you, then?" Asuka asked, quietly. "It's such a hole. How do you even fill it?"

Shinji's brow furrowed as Daniel pondered the question for a moment. "You fill it with purpose. If you're brave enough, you fill it with compassion. Courage. Love. But you have to be careful with all of those, too."

Daniel set his lunch down, then stretched out his arms, constellations of luminous stars tracing and swirling over his outstretched palms and cascading down them toward the ground, fading to blacks and grays and a few whites as an image began to flow out and coalesce into an image.

It was massive, stretching across all three of their laps as it became nearly as broad as their legs. A handle wrapped in rough white cloth over leather, a single, thick link like on a chain, and…

It couldn't have been a sword. It was too big, too thick. It was a slab of metal given edges, and it looked like it would have been even longer if it hadn't had a melted, slanted portion that interrupted its length.

"What is that?" Asuka asked, and Shinji was sure that there was a hint of both awe and not-so-subtle envy in her voice.

Daniel's face was like stone. "It's a reminder of what letting vengeance, emotion, rule you all too often ends in. This sword's owner went through so much, from his birth. He was a good young man, dealt perhaps the worst life I've ever seen. Then, someone who he'd called a friend took everything, everyone, from him, and sacrificed it in order to gain power alongside ancient demons. He dedicated his life to slaying the man that betrayed him."

"And…" Shinji felt a creeping sense of dread, a certainty of what came next, and wondered if Asuka felt it as strongly as he did. "What happened to him?"

"He died succeeding," Daniel whispered. "They killed each other in the middle of a massive battle." he paused. "Maybe, once this is all done, I'll tell you the rest of the story."

It was contemplative for a moment, Asuka's expression subdued from before. "So, what happened to the rest of it?"

"The upper half is currently serving as a tombstone. A reminder of a world that died."

The words sent a shiver through Shinji even as the image of the blade disappeared. "I'm keeping the part I showed you just in case."

"In case of?" Asuka asked.

"If I run into him again. It's his, after all."

Shinji found himself confused. "But you said that he… died."

Daniel nodded as he stood. "Again, this is part of that story that comes later." he took a deep breath. "Besides, we have better things we could be doing than sitting and stewing in depression."

He was silent, then he smiled. "Follow me. There's someone I want you to meet, Shinji."

Shinji nodded as he stood, looking over at Asuka, who arched a brow at him. "What? Are you expecting me to come along?"

"I mean, if you want to," Shinji said somewhat uncertainly. "I could just meet you back at Kensuke's house."

Asuka humphed as she stood. "Are you assuming that I'm not brave enough to go into the village like I think we are, Shinji? You must have forgotten I'm the best Eva pilot around. I'm not scared of something like that."

It was bluster for the most part, Shinji had come to realize, but he found himself grateful that she was coming along anyway. He didn't miss the brief smile Daniel gave them as he walked, and they followed.

"So, who am I going to see?" Shinji said as they entered the village.

"Someone who's a lot like you, so I'm told. Someone that you should have known about far too long ago. But why spoil the surprise now?"

They walked through the somewhat busy streets, and Shinji glanced over at Asuka. She hid it well (the eyepatch helped), but she was… uncomfortable. Like she was expecting some sort of attack. Why?

Questions for later, at the very least, as they stopped in front of a house that was wild with colors across its walls. "Alright," Daniel said, clearly both satisfied and somewhat cheeky. "Our presence has been announced."

Shinji was confused, then he realized it was likely Interfacing that led to the older Rei opening the door for them. "Come in. He's expecting you."

Shinji sighed quietly at the dramatics of it all, then followed Daniel into the house and up the stairs, emerging onto a closed balcony. At its center stood a statue, Misato, Doctor Akagi, and Maya stood on a platform that Asuka and Mari sat on. They looked like they were made of stained glass, the representations quite life-like.

"Aw," Asuka said only somewhat sarcastically. "All this for little old me? I mean, it could be a little bigger, but it's decent, I'll give it that."

The people there, the older Kaworu and who must have been Ms. Nozomi, chuckled slightly. The boy and girl that sat on the couch, on the other hand, looked at him in particular with some curiosity.

"Are you…" the boy began as he stood, walking over until they stood face to face. He looked a lot like him, with dark hair, thin but fit. Who was he?

"I'm Shinji Ikari." Shinji began, wondering if this was who Daniel wanted him to meet. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ryoji Shinji Kaji. I'm named after you, I think."

Shinji felt a flurry of emotions even as the boy raised a hand to him. "It's… nice to meet you," Shinji said as he shook the proffered hand.

"You too." it was silent again for a moment, and Shinji could sympathize with the slight awkwardness between them. "So… what do you do?"

"Not much, right now. I forge swords. But that's about it."

Ryoji Shinji's brows rose. "Really? That's not quite what I expected. I expected an instrument."

"I do play the cello."

Ryoji Shinji smiled. Shinji could see both his father and his mother in that smile. "Nice. I wish it was here. There aren't many instruments around here. I think it would be nice to hear you play."

The thought of playing for someone, for a moment, filled him with hesitation. Then he remembered the concert on the Wunder, interrupted though it had been. It had felt… good to play.

"Yeah. I think it would too."

. . .

Mariah Marlowe found it strange to be talking to her mother like this. It was like talking to a mirror, almost. "So, what's it like living onboard the Wunder? I've got a general idea of shipboard life myself, but there are always some quirks, right?"

Mari Makinami put a finger to her chin as she thought for a moment. "Well… this one does make some weird noises. It's kind of alive. Rei seems to have a finger on the pulse of that far better than anyone else."

She paused for a moment. "Otherwise, it's MREs, not so well-divided unisex showers, and getting comfortable with passing people down the hall. I swear I've even seen a bike around here somewhere."

Mariah nodded. "Ah. That kind of makes sense on a ship this big. On mine, need to get somewhere quick, and you can teleport like that." she snapped her fingers for emphasis. "Terribly handy, that."

Mari's eyes went wide. "Wow… that's so cool!"

It was silent for a moment, which was surprising to Mariah, then Mari got a gleam in her eye and a grin on her face. "So, that Mana. She's a real sweetie. You two an item?"

Mariah shook her head. "Nope. She doesn't swing that way, though the offer's on the table. There's plenty of good-looking, nice boys and girls out there anyway. I'm sure I'll find someone."

Mari nodded. "And what about your Unit=08? Did you always pilot that, or did you have a Unit-05, too?"

Mariah opened her mouth, then closed it after a moment. Old, bad memories came back to her. She'd thought she'd dealt with them already. "Well, yeah. But… not quite how you'd think it."

Mari nodded slowly. "Right. You piloted for SEELE. Why, though? Why go with the bastards that want to end the world?"

"They took bits of our soul, mum. Scooped them right out of our heads and made it so our brainwashing was as normal to us as breathing. I wasn't even the worst. Mana was nearly a robot from their scooping around."

"Mariah…" Mari put a hand on Mariah's shoulder. "I'm so sorry." she shook her head. "I wish there was more I could say."

A wan smile tugged at Mariah's mouth. "Like I said, don't sweat it. We got better. And now, we're the good guys fighting to save the world. I can think of worse origin stories."

Mari nodded. "So can I."

They shared a chuckle, then Mariah finally asked the question she'd been bottling up since they'd met. "So, I'm your daughter, but you look like me. I mean, my mum looks a lot like me too, but not as much as you. How's that figure?"

Mari's expression became sad, and she sighed after a moment. "It's… complicated."

"Mum, I've stopped the end of the world. Complicated has a whole different meaning to me. Go on."

Mari sighed again. "I knew Gendo and Yui. They were my friends. I was gutted when, before I'd had you, Yui had her Contact Experiment. So… I tried again. Tried to do it and find a way to come back. I'd seen how it gutted Gendo to lose Yui. Julius wasn't a fan of it, exactly."

"A few arguments, then?" Mariah said softly.

"That's putting it lightly. They got worse after you were born. Bad enough that he left. A part of me wishes he didn't. That he'd had the heart to try and stop me. Maybe he would have succeeded."

Mari paused for a moment. "It took years of study, of trial and error. I didn't want to even set foot into the machine before we were absolutely sure." she shook her head. "Gendo had already left us behind by the time I first got it right."

"So, as a final test, I was going to dip myself into a core, then come right out. It went off without a hitch. Well, mostly."

She went silent again, and Mariah could see Mari's face twisting in anguish. "Mum… what happened?"

"You somehow got into the room. And we went into the core together."

Mariah's eyes went wide as Mari continued. "The computers couldn't figure out what was what. We'd only ever programmed them for one person going in and out at a time. So, when I came out… I was 5 years old. I was in your body, with a few spare modifications, it seemed. I was a little smarter than your average toddler."

The words hit Mariah like a truck. "Mum… I can't even imagine it fully."

Mari nodded. "I was moved into the care of the IPEA, and I had to watch damn near helplessly as GEHIRN, then NERV, classified, then destroyed my research. All that work, gone. For what?"

"So…" Mari said with a sad smile as they emerged into the gantry that held Unit-08. "This has been my life. Synching with Unit-05, then Unit-08, being the closest I can get to holding you again."

Tears began to well up in Mari's eyes again. They were still red and puffy from the meeting. "I… I've missed you so much. And you aren't even my universe's version of you."

Mariah took Mari in a side hug that shifted into a full one, and they stood there for a moment in front of the Evangelion as Mari wept into Mariah's arms again.

Then, Mariah got an idea. One that she'd heard from Daniel about the later days of the Angel War when the souls of the Evas became just a little more public. "Mum?"

Mari stepped back, wiping tears from her eyes. "Yes, Mariah?"

"I've got an idea. Get ready, 'cause this might feel a little weird."

She connected her soul to Mari's, then turned to look at the chest of Unit-08, the soul within its core a distant star. She dove soul-first towards it, taking her mother along for the ride as they got closer and closer. Finally, Mariah extended a Frame to this world's Mariah Marlowe, and she became aware of the two of them.

"Hello?" the voice of a young woman said. "Who's there?"

Mari said, both aloud and in her soul.

Mariah was almost bowled over by the waves of emotions from both of them, joy and sorrow and wonder and relief swirling around her like a whirlpool.

"Mother, it's been so long." this world's Mariah said, and Mariah was sure that there would have been tears in her eyes if she had them. "I've missed talking to you so much. There's… so much I know now."

"I know, darling,"
Mari said, her attention turning to Mariah. "You have this version of yourself to thank. She's from a whole other universe!"

"I'll let you two have a moment together,"
Mariah said, smiling. "This has been too long in coming."

Mari said. "Thank you. I can't ever thank you enough for giving me this chance."

"Yes… me."
The other Mariah was still a little uncertain. "Thank you for connecting us with our mother again."

"Oh, please,"
Mariah replied, "This is a basic trick. I'll have Eleanor show you the ropes of how to do it yourself before we get to Paris."

"Now go on. I got my moment of reuniting with my mum. I won't spoil yours."

She pulled somewhat away from the connection, letting the two of them have their privacy. It was… beautiful to watch their souls interact, a light show that nothing else could ever top.

She thought back to her first meeting after she'd pulled her own mum free. It felt… wrong in comparison.

"Mum… it's okay. SEELE won't hurt us anymore."

"But the plan. The plan! We can't escape it. We can't escape them. The old men want it, and they'll get it!"

They never did. It had taken time to convince Mari Makinami to trust Gendo and Yui. That they weren't figments of a tortured imagination. But… it was worth it. Just as much as this was. 'I wish you could see this too, mum. I think you'd like it.'
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Chapter 28: In the City of the Iron Lady

Chapter 28: In the City of the Iron Lady

It's close, now. We're going to leave after this.

I've gone over the decision in my head over and over again. How much it's going to hurt her. How much it's going to hurt me. But it's for the best. I think we've both needed the space to process things. Not make a hasty decision just because of our time together.

If nothing else, I have Village-3 to look forward to while I wait for them. It's beautiful. And it's been so long since we've stopped there. I wonder how they've been doing. Eleanor and Daniel talk somewhat briefly, both of them focused on such wildly separate missions, and she and I speak to each other more briefly than that.

In all… I'm ready to simply breathe, and be somewhat at peace for a moment.

- From the personal journal of WILLE Captain Maya Ibuki

Village-3 Schoolhouse, March 31st, 2028

Ayanami looked up at the whiteboard, and still couldn't quite figure out the lesson that Mr. Aida was trying to teach. It had something to do with mechanical engineering, and there were only a few in the classroom who were paying attention to it.
Mr. Aida was very invested in his lesson, however, and it looked like something to do with the work in the paddies. Thus, she tried to take in what information she could.

The children that she worked with had invited her to school today, and she'd gotten permission from Ms. Shinkawa to attend the day before. She had said something about 'getting more experience living normally'. That was before some of the other women had chimed in on her state of dress. And her state of cleanliness.

Thus, they'd first taken her to what they called a bathhouse, a stout building on the western edge of the village. Kaworu had not accompanied them, but Rei Nagisa had. She wondered why they'd been so insistent on unburdening themselves of their clothes inside of the establishment or keeping her from undressing at the paddies. It made little sense to her to wait until they had gotten to the bathhouse itself to prepare themselves.

A lesson of Lilin feelings on propriety from Rei as they made their way to their destination that evening had made some sense to her, but still left her baffled. Why be so concerned with what was underneath clothing? It was just a part of their bodies, after all.

Regardless, it was a strange feeling she experienced as she dipped herself into the warm, slightly steaming water. It was almost like the LCL that she'd been immersed in since she'd first come into existence. But she felt no healing from the slight, but inevitable unraveling that she'd felt begin after their first day in Village-3.

"So," one of the older women said after a sigh, "how do you like this?"

"It is both familiar and strange at once," Ayanami replied. "Unlike the LCL that I am used to."

"LCL?" their other older companion asked as she tilted her head.

"I require semi-regular immersion in LCL in order to maintain my existence." it was simply a fact of life. She would degrade once the mission was complete and she was no longer needed. It was the way of the world. And nothing could change that.

It left the women disturbed somewhat. "What happens if you don't dunk into this LCL stuff?" the first woman asked.

"I will lose cohesion to my form and break down into LCL, as I have been designed to do."

Both women's eyes had turned to Rei at that point. "Is that going to happen to you too, Mrs. Nagisa?" the other woman asked.

Rei shook her head. "No. I do not have such requirements. And…"

Rei looked at Ayanami intently. "We will find a way to ensure your continued existence, Ayanami. I can assure you of that."

Ayanami found the idea of having no knowable end… complex. Confusing. Even, as her emotions had become more and more realized, somewhat frightening. Even still, to hold little Tsubame, to help foster life, to see what this world had to offer…

"I see. I do not know what will come of your efforts, but… thank you."

Rei smiled at that. "You're welcome, Ayanami."

"Speaking of Ayanami…" the first woman said, her eagerness to change the subject clear even to her. "Have you found a new name for yourself yet? Calling you 'Ms. Lookalike' all the time is a mouthful, and you deserve a better name than that."

Ayanami considered the question. There were so many different names, each with different levels of meaning. She'd asked those around her, quietly of course, what their names meant. Most had little idea other than simply 'it sounds nice'. A few were deeper than that. But few truly resonated with her.

Except… Athena. She was a beacon of compassion in the stories that Rei told her, a shining light in the darkness of a powerful, petty world. A goddess that had sprung from the head of a god, fully formed to fulfill her purpose. It was, at the very least, fitting. And perhaps she could live up to the name, with whatever time she had left.

"I am… Athena Ayanami."

"Asia?" the second woman said. "I guess you've liked the geography books."

"Athena," Rei said clearly, her soft smile evident. "As in the Greek goddess of the old myths."

The first lady nodded. "I see. It's a good name."

Afterward, they went to the clothing dispensary, to give Athena what they deemed a fitting attire for her day at school. Baskets full of clothing surrounded them, and a few of the children that she worked with in the paddies peered in as they went through one set, then another, then another.

Finally, Rei found a school outfit, seemingly tailored to her, that ignited memories of a vision. One she had seen when floating deep within the Geofront. "Can I try that one on?" she asked, pointing to the dress that Rei held.

Rei looked down at the dress with a slight, warm smile, and Athena could feel something warm and familiar in her emotions. "Yes, certainly."

A white shirt, a blue skirt with an attached vest, and a red bow with sturdy shoes were soon on, and it felt… right.


She blinked, and she found her focus back on lunch, sitting in front of a young man who, if she recalled, was Ryoji Shinji Kaji. Next to her was Natsumi Horaki.

"My apologies. It seems that I was lost in thought." Athena said as she continued to eat.

"That's alright. We all space out sometimes." Natsumi said with a sympathetic smile and a shrug.

"Also," Athena said after a moment, "my name is now Athena."

"Oh!" Ryoji said with a slight smile. "That's a wonderful name."

His smile faded, and Natsumi's expression grew concerned as she put her hand on Ryoji's. "Ryoji… what's on your mind? You've been worrying more and more the last couple of days. Spit it out! Bad thoughts are like a bad cough. No use keeping it in."

Ryoji tried and failed to smile. "It's Grandfather. He hasn't even gotten out of bed now, he's gotten so weak. I don't know how much longer he has left to live."

Athena found herself slightly confused. "I was not under the assumption that regular humans succumbed to catastrophic disintegration."

Ryoji and Natsumi looked at her with some confusion. "Well… no, I guess not. But people…" Ryoji said, swallowing as he trailed off.

"People can die in a lot of different ways." Natsumi picked up. "Sometimes they're violent like I'm assuming this disintegration thing is. But sometimes, we just get sick. That's the biggest one, and that's kind of what Grandpa's going through. Either way… we can't last forever."

"But that's kind of the point, isn't it?" Ryoji said. "We have to treasure what we've got before we go. Grandfather's told us all about that. He likes to talk about how things were before Third Impact, and when he was a young man before Second Impact."

He chuckled. "It's been crazy to hear about some of the things he's talked about. I mean, at one point, all the water on Earth was blue. Could you imagine that? Not just a lake or a stream, but the whole ocean being like that?"

Ryoji's expression grew distant, wondering. "And if you look at some of the books in the library, they talk about all sorts of different animals that used to live there, too."

Athena considered the image for a moment, overlaying it on the memory of passing by the bay as she'd walked to Village-3 with the others. Imagined it teeming with life. It seemed… impossible. Dream-like, as she'd heard Shinji Ikari describe it.

"I see," she said quietly. "Thank you for enlightening me on this subject."

Natsumi smiled. "It's not a problem, Athena. It's not every day you make a friend that you can show the whole world to."

"We are… friends? What is a friend to you? I have heard the younger children referring to me as such, even though I have only had limited contact with them."

"It's someone you like to spend time around," Ryoji said, his smile small compared to Natsumi's but larger than it had been before. "Someone that helps you grow as much as you help them do the same."

Athena nodded slightly. "I see. I am thankful you are all my friends."

And she felt herself unravel a little more.

. . .

Daniel Theisman waited quietly at the door of Kensuke's house, his project and tools a reassuring weight in his pocket now for whenever Eleanor sent the bridge crew over.

It had been a few days since he'd shown up to walk with them to the forge. Call it one of life's little bits of randomness. But he had a greater reason to be here than simply keeping his pupils on their toes. That he'd put this off this long was, frankly, terrible of him.

'We all needed a second to not be in our Plugsuits and relax.' he thought to himself. 'I needed my tools as well. I can't do the sort of miracle work that Eleanor can.'

The door opened, and Asuka Shikinami arched a brow as Shinji nearly collided with her. "Been a minute since you've been here, Daniel. Got something to tell us before we go and hammer on metal for several more hours?"

"Well, something a little more than just that. May I come in for a moment?"

They stepped aside, and Daniel looked around the small, comfortable space. "Doing well here, Shinji? Sleeping okay?"

"The futon's comfortable enough." young Shinji replied.

Daniel nodded, looking at Asuka as she sat down on said futon, looking up at him expectantly. "Good. If you want to take a seat, Asuka, we'll go ahead and finally do something about that damned Choker of yours."

Asuka's hand began to go to her throat as her eye narrowed at Daniel, who sat beside her and began to dig through his jacket. "Isn't that going to piss off Captain Katsuragi?"

"Seeing as she ordered Ritsuko to take them off Rei and Mari, I have my reservations as to that," Daniel replied as he pulled out his tool, simply blinking on his Sight as he activated the Frame weaver. "Eleanor and I had a wonderful discussion last night. She knows that our team name courtesy of our Misato is now GEIST, and I know that they're about to enter what used to be French airspace, DSS Choker free."

Asuka nodded slightly as she watched the weaver unfurl its arms, the ends glowing a slightly different shade than their usual prismatic heartbeat. Now, they would pull Frames apart, weakening the structure of the collar without setting it off. "This isn't going to take forever, right?"

"No more than a few minutes." Daniel touched the weaver to the Choker, the arms slowly extracting glowing Frames and breaking them apart. "Then, we can start working on the final shape of our blades and putting in an edge."

"Huh," Asuka said quietly after a moment. "This is going to be… weird."

She glanced at Daniel. "And you're sure that the Angelic corruption isn't going to spread after this?"

"Bardiel is contained. Without the influence of his soul, the physical corruption can't grow." Daniel was silent for a moment. "When I'm able to get him out…"

He trailed off, recalling the end that was more likely than not still coming. A giant of light, born from Unit-02…

"When you're able to get him out?" Asuka asked archly. "What ungodly reason would you have to keep that bastard in my head?"

"It's… complicated. And has to do with this world's potential future." Daniel replied, the last Frames grasped in the weaver's clutches. "If I didn't have to worry about that, he wouldn't have been sealed away, he would have been out already. I'm sorry, Asuka."

Asuka looked away, and Daniel didn't need the Sight to see that she was unsure of it, even a little sad. But what his Sight did reveal to him was that there was fear layered underneath all of those emotions. Fear of whether removing Bardiel failed or succeeded, he couldn't tell.

"So, is that another story you'll be telling us?" Shinji asked as Daniel severed the last Frame of the Choker, the section beneath the weaver going from black to a decayed gray. "I know you started with… Guts' story last night." He was still a little unsure of how someone could be named that, Daniel could tell.

"Perhaps. The future has already changed radically enough due to our actions in the present that showing you what I saw of this world might not change much. But I'm still going to be careful. Little actions like that have led to dire consequences before."

Daniel deactivated the weaver and gently grabbed the Choker, tearing the dead strip as easily as a piece of paper and lifting the now deactivated Choker away. "Congratulations. Welcome back to freedom. At least, as much freedom as I can give you right now."

Asuka rubbed at her neck, the place where the Choker had been still somewhat red as blood finally flowed fully through it. "Thanks, Daniel," she said quietly. "It's been a long time since I've felt like this."

Daniel nodded as he stood. "Of course, Asuka." he paused for a moment. "How is Bradley doing? I haven't heard from her for a while."

Asuka chuckled as they began to make their way out the door. "It's a rare moment we're not talking to each other. She's been begging me to send her images of what I see, even if the eyepatch gets in the way."

"I see." Daniel looked over at Shinji. "And have you talked to Kaworu yet?"

Shinji looked away. "Not yet. After what happened…"

"I understand. Take your time, and don't rush it. Healing will come with time and patience."

Daniel turned and walked to the door. "Take whatever time you need to get ready. I'll meet you two at the blacksmith."

With that, he was out the door.

. . .

Shinji watched for a moment, then sighed quietly. His link to Kaworu was there in the back of his mind, and the marble which allowed for such a thing sat in his pocket like a weight. Could he talk to him? He could at least try after they were done today.

Asuka stretched. "I don't know about you, but I'd like to get on to the rest of my day. So let's get this metalwork out of the way, how about?"

Shinji followed her out the door, and once again, they were alone as they walked to the forge.

Shinji couldn't help but think about what Asuka had said a few days ago. "Fuck you, you useless hunk of metal."

"Asuka…" he ventured, and she looked over at him with curiosity.

"What is it?"

"A couple of days ago…" this felt stupid. More likely than not, she was going to smack him, regardless of whether or not she hit the metal in his place. "You started calling the metal useless."

"Yeah. So?"

He could see that she was… defensive about it in a way that she never showed at the forge. "With Daniel's lesson being that the metal is us… does that mean you think you're useless?"

She stopped on the path, Shinji stopping in turn as she regarded him with a single, intense gaze. "You never knew what I was, did you?"

Shinji blinked. "What do you mean?"

Asuka sighed as she continued walking again. "I'm not your average kid. I didn't have any connections to NERV like you did through your father and mother. Technically speaking, I wasn't even born. I was made to pilot the Eva."

Shinji's eyes went wide. "Like Rei…"

"Yeah. I mean, Ayanami, Shikinami. If you really looked at it, it was kind of obvious."

The uneasy smile that had accompanied her words faded away. "But I'm not piloting the Eva. Hell, the last time I piloted, I blew up Unit-02 even with Bardiel's stupid help. And now I'm here, hammering on a piece of metal in a place I'm supposed to be protecting. I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm…"

She scoffed quietly. "Well, useless."

"I…" Shinji was quiet for a moment. "I get the feeling."

"Well, at least I've got that much."

"So… what do we do about it, then?"

Asuka glanced over at him. "Do you really think either of us actually has any idea right now?"

Shinji opened his mouth, then closed it. "Well… no, not really."

"That's what I thought." Asuka paused for a moment. "Tell you what. I'll be thinking about it while we're working with these swords. You do the same, and if you figure something out, tell me. It'll probably be better than nothing."

Shinji nodded after a moment. "Well, it's a deal. As long as I don't have to tell you before you finish your sword."

Asuka smiled slightly. "No. A few days of thought, as good as it is, isn't going to be enough to suddenly figure out our problems."

"At least we've started acknowledging that we have problems."

"Y'know what, Shinji? You're not wrong on that."

. . .

The AAA Wunder, Southern French Border

Vice-Captain Ritsuko Akagi shrugged on the Plugsuit in one of the locker rooms of the ship, an olive green attire with an orange stripe following the shape of her collarbone, and clicked the cuff buttons, wincing slightly as the suit clung to every part of her body. She was grateful that she'd managed to keep in decent enough shape that it wasn't too unseemly.

Maya was in much the same position, her suit a bright yellow, nearly golden affair. Even still, she took a few moments to move around in the suit, her brow furrowed slightly. "I guess this is what the pilots felt like all the time, then," she said as she finished moving.

Ritsuko did her best to get used to it herself. "Indeed. It's a little… liberating. If revealing."

"Well, it's either that or we disintegrate into LCL, so I'll take the momentary discomfort."

"I imagine that the men who will be going with us have a little more to worry about," Ritsuko said with a slight smile.

Maya rolled her eyes. "That's their problem to deal with, Senpai. I'd rather not think about it too hard."

"Uh, Vice-Captain?"

Volunteer Kitakami, their lookout for this mission, rounded the corner, wearing a lavender Plugsuit that almost, but not quite went with her pink hair as she held the attendant helmet under her arm. "What prompted you to choose these colors, if I may ask?"

"I didn't," Ritsuko said with a sigh of exasperation. "In fact, these are some of the tamer colors that were readily available onboard. I'm having a more… subdued design manufactured for after the mission."

"For a ship intended to be crewed by Ayanami clones," Maya said from behind her, "Commander Ikari seems to have lost all sense of decorum."

"I doubt this was Ikari's doing," Ritsuko said as she grabbed her helmet. "Deputy-Commander Fuyutsuki might be testing us, or acting out against Ikari."

"Or, perhaps," she continued with a weary sigh, "Commander Kaji was simply enjoying some antics when he toyed with this ship before we commandeered it."

They exited the locker room with their helmets, taking in the equally garish suits worn by the men as they emerged from their own locker room. One was a maroon color, another hazard orange, and the last was an actually decent teal.

The technician that wore it wasn't necessarily impressed. "Honestly, I would have just preferred straight black to this."

"That's the color that's being manufactured for general use Plugsuits," Ritsuko said as she continued down the hallway toward the briefing room.

"General use?" another man groaned. "Are we really going to be worrying about turning into LCL that much?"

"We might," Maya warned from behind her. "We're picking up a slow increase in background emissions from the core material fields, especially around where Eva-type units are being stationed. If we're going to deal with NERV, we'll have to be prepared for such radiation to possibly penetrate the ship in the middle of a battle."

That had answered all complaints, it seemed, and Ritsuko looked over as Maya walked up to her side with a quiet sigh. "These sorts of young men…" she muttered.

"You don't exactly seem terribly excited yourself," Ritsuko said with the ghost of a smile.

"But I got my complaining over with. At least for now."

Ritsuko chuckled softly as they entered the briefing room, a table with a screen inlaid on its surface. Surrounding it were Misato, Ryoji, Mari, and Helmsman Nagara representing WILLE, and Eleanor, along with Kensuke and two other pilots, Hikari Suzuhara and Mariah Marlowe, representing HERZ.

Ryoji's brows rose, at least before everyone else's did, as he took in their garish outfits. "Well damn, Ritsuko. That's… quite the get-up," he said with a chuckle.

Her theory that these colors were Ryoji's fault was becoming more credible by the second. But they had more important matters to worry about. "We're ready. That's all that matters right now. I'd like to go over the plan one more time."

Ryoji's amusement faded as Ritsuko looked down at the table, showing the general layout of Paris, the entrances to NERV-Euro's base there outlined. In the near center of the city, near the Arc de Triomphe, stood a tall black dot that was NERV-Euro's last defiance before their people were evacuated: a massive version of an ACC Pillar which, if activated, would allow them to begin carving out a new European Safe Zone. And allow them access to the valuable stores of Evangelion parts and what remained of the Jet Alone project. They would need to be lowered in a special capsule to get them on top of the Pillar, which the technicians would then link up to in order to finish the process of activating it.

"Mari," Misato began, "has there been any contact from Fuyutsuki?"

Mari sucked her teeth for a moment. "Well, sadly, Sensei has some bad news for us. They noticed the bad guy's ship on its way here too. So, Ikari sent a squad of 06Hs, a flight of two more squads of Mark.44As, and another 4444C to back them up from a cache in Moscow. Even managed to snag us some schematics for the big one."

Mari tapped on her tablet, then an image of what was likely the Mark in question appeared. It had four drill-like tentacles, leading up to a spherical body under which hung another, smaller sphere. At its top were four Evangelion torsos holding up what was obviously an iteration of the massive positron rifle that she remembered from operation Yashima, all those years ago. Behind it, 10 attendant charging stations on two pairs of legs, the Marks designated 444B, trailed like a procession.

"About as directly military of an application as anyone could make an Evangelion." Misato mused. "The Vatican Treaty signers would have a fit if they were still around."

"Even still," Eleanor interjected, "the Scions, more likely than not, are going to be a prime distraction while we do our work. As long as we can keep them tangled up for enough time to activate the pillar, then we can deal with them in full force."

"Yeah," Kensuke began, "but the fact of the matter is that interference in Paris is at a level that it's interfering with communications and teleportation. If we clear the Corite away while that ship's still functional, then we might risk some really bad reinforcements."

"That's a fine balance to walk, then." Ritsuko mused as she cupped her chin in thought. "We can't afford to stay on top of the Pillar for long. If we're caught out, there's a good chance the core material, Corite as you call it, will spread to our landing craft. And the Corporeal Protection systems can only take so much strain over a given length of time before failing."

"Alright, then." Eleanor leaned slightly on the table as she looked down at it and continued. "Our targets will be, in priority order, the Scion Seabreaker, the 4444Cs, and the 44As. With our forces, we should be able to make that list work."

"Especially if they're messing around with each other," Mariah said with a smile.

"Well, it's as good a plan as any," Kensuke said. "I've heard of, and been a part of, wilder ones."

He looked over at Eleanor. "Should the Val be a part of this? I know a little shipboard artillery would probably go a long way if the Wunder is on the field."

"Not unless we really need it," Eleanor replied. "If the Scion ship sees another Seabreaker, it might do its best to break off and get reinforcements the old-fashioned way. Have the Val stay on the periphery, out of sight if possible. She can catch up if she needs to."

Kensuke nodded, and Ryoji nodded in turn. "Well, let's not waste any more time, shall we? Heaven only knows what those Scions are there for."

. . .

Mari Makinami settled into her piloting rig, the startup process to Unit-08 now nearly rote. She felt the thrum of connecting with the Evangelion, that sensation of growing bigger than you were.

Accompanied by that, however, was something greater. Something that meant more to her than any chance to pilot her Evangelion.

"Hello, mother." her daughter said, happiness thrumming through the connection between them. "I see we're going out into battle again."

"You've got that right, kiddo,"
Mari replied. "We're going to Paris today. Having a little action and excitement in the City of Love!"

Mariah paused for a moment, confusion pulsing through the name. "Why is it called the City of Love?"

'I forgot how little she actually knows.'
Mari thought with a pang of guilt. Even if she came out in Mari's old body, she'd still have the mind of a 5-year-old.

"I'll have the other version of you help me explain it when we're able to. It's supposed to be a romantic place. Or at least, it was supposed to be that."

"Even not remembering what it looks like… it sounds like a nice place."

"It is. I hope after we're done, you can see it."

The conversation faded as a screen showing Sumire Nagara appeared. "Hello, Mari." Sumire began. "I'm about to hook you up to the ship's tether system. Stand by."

Mari arched a brow. "Anyone else going trapezing with me?"

Sumire shook her head. "Not any Evangelions. It seems we're putting a lot of strain on the system with Unit-08 and the battleships we've got running as mobile cover. Besides, your main task is…"

She was interrupted by something off-screen, and Sumire was clearly quite confused as Rei stepped into the picture. "Hello, Ms. Nagara. Mari."

"Hey, bluebird," Mari replied. "What are you doing on the bridge?"

"The ship guided me here. Perhaps there is something that I can do to help that does not require an Evangelion. May I?"

Sumire leaned away somewhat as Rei studied the controls, then began to type. Her brow creased slightly in focus as the typing grew faster and faster. Sumire's eyes went wide. "Is that… wow… a 45% increase in control and speed? How did you do that?"

"I am not entirely certain. I have never operated a computer system this complex before. The ship guided me without words to do what I just did."

Sumire looked back at where Mari knew the command platform was. "Did you see that, Captain?"

"We did." Captain Katsuragi''s voice replied. "Rei, do you have any theories as to how you did that? Does it have anything to do with your synch score?"

Rei shook her head as Mari felt the slight shake of the gantry beginning to get her into position. "I do not think my synchronization score has any bearing on my feat." she paused for a moment. "This ship was made to be staffed by clones of myself, correct?"

"If I remember the schematics correctly," Ryoji replied, "yeah, actually."

"Perhaps the ship was designed, much like an Evangelion, to create a link between ship and crew in order to more efficiently conduct ship operations."

"Looks like we've got a proper ship's wizard, then," Mari said with a grin. "That's going to make things interesting."

"We're about to enter the mission area," Hyuga interjected, focusing Mari immediately. "We're getting a visual on the enemy. It looks like we're going into a hot combat zone."

The gantry slowly opened, and Mari looked down at the DSRV, the pod that the technicians were cocooned in, and grabbed it, the claws gently clunking as they secured the precious payload.

Then, she, and likely everyone else, heard the buzzing howl of what had to be one of the 4444Cs. Mari looked up to see the cannon tilted up, an AT Field springing to life as several brilliant, disc-like rounds slammed into it. The Field held, but barely.

Around them, the Mark.44As swirled, Lance copies just barely missing something that all of them obscured. Mari focused as she heard the flash and bang of the HERZ Evas forming on top of the ship's hull, and found flashes of white and gold intermixing with green in the midst of the now teal-colored 44As. Then, a claw of glowing gold dragged its way through a line of 44As, the explosions fading away to reveal the two Herald Units, seemingly shot through with filaments of gold that shaped their heads into masks that had horns like rays of sunlight.

They wielded this gold stuff like an extension of their bodies, weapons and armor flowing out of them as they dueled with over a dozen 06Hs, a few of them bound down by the gold stuff like ropes.

"Looks like Tavis has been busy," Eleanor said as a comm panel popped up. "That ship doesn't look like it was originally military. Must be some sort of Q-ship or converted freighter."

"Either way," Captain Katsuragi interjected, "we're about to be over the Pillar. Mari, are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be, ma'am!" Mari replied, hoping that the smile covered her unease.

"Alright. Begin descent."

Mari began to descend, slowly at first, the Shield ships beginning to weave down in front of her like stiff whales. Far more graceful were the Evas that jumped over them, weapons appearing in their hands as they arced through the air and slammed down nearly in the middle of the chaos, getting everyone's attention as most of them charged through the curtain of 44As, two of them hanging back to provide fire support.

Mari glanced back up at the ship that was currently trying to take down the Evas below it. It was a utilitarian, boxy thing, rectangles growing more and more as the ship went further back. Spaces on the ship's hull were decorated with what looked like religious symbols, letters in a language she didn't have time to try and interpret.

"Good luck, guys!" she said to Eleanor and the others. "Try not to let too many bad guys try and get at us."

. . .

Ritsuko Akagi waited in the darkness of the DSRV, listening to the sounds of battle going on outside. Not being able to see anything in her set her on edge. She kept it beneath a calm facade, however. It wouldn't do for everyone to see her be fearful when she needed to lead out on this.

She sat close to Maya, however, her hand on top of Maya's. She didn't know when she'd see her again. A part of her hated that today had come seemingly so quickly. After today, she had no idea how long it would be before she saw her Kouhai again. She kept that beneath the facade, too.

"While living in this world's like a long trek up a hill, what's not important is how long you live, as long as you didn't go off the path of truth…" Mari was, unsurprisingly, singing. Whatever song it might have been, the words struck Ritsuko.

'The path of truth…' Ritsuko shook her head. How long had she been straying from that path?

"Touchdown in 30 seconds."

Maya's proclamation, along with withdrawing her hand to gather her tools, shook Ritsuko out of her thoughts as she gathered her tablet and sealed her helmet. The lab coat, a piece of surety in this chaotic world, fluttered as she stood, holding on to one of the handholds as the DSRV thudded onto the surface of the Pillar, Mari's song finishing alongside it for a moment.

"We're good to go. Move quickly." Ritsuko was first out the hatch, descending down the ladder and gripping it for a moment as a shockwave, dulled by the buildings that surrounded them, still buffeted her.

She got out of the way to allow the other technicians to exit, turning to study the battle before her through the circling Shield ships.

"It's been a long time since I've visited," she said to no one in particular as the HERZ Evas battled the Herald Units, the golden filaments that seemed to reinforce their bodies a potent armor, and powerful weapon. "To see the City of Flowers in flames like this…"

She shook her head as she saw the technicians pull off the access panel and plug in their computers, beginning to type madly. "We don't know how much time we have before we're noticed. Let's make the most of it."

. . .

Eleanor Theisman, pilot of Unit=10, really would have appreciated it if they could at least deal with the ship.

She leaped out of the way of the Seabreaker's cannonade, the rounds slamming into the flying Marks or the ground with little resistance. The Herald Units, caught in the explosion, seemed to shrug it off with geometric shields composed of lines of gold, cones and octahedrons sending the energy flying into the air for a moment before it dissipated.

Massive roots broke from the red ground, the green of sprouting leafs a stark contrast as Toji's Expression tied up one of the 06Hs that was still free, Hikari charged forward with a lance of pale blue light, spearing through the Mark with ease before she withdrew it to block a jab from a 44A, batting it out of the way.

"These things are damn tough!" Mariah said as she shoved off one of the Herald Units, Mana tag teaming with her as they switched between the two pale, golden Evas. The one that faced Mariah at the moment used prominent claws to try and tear through her defenses, while Mana sparred with one that was seemingly a little more civilized, wielding a massive mace, more of a hammer really, that it used to batter away Mana's claw and spear.

She glanced to the side and saw the brilliant flash of 444Bs arcing power to their master, the barrel of the 4444C's positron cannon glowing from within. "Scatter!" she shouted, and she darted behind a Corite-encrusted building as she raised her AT Field, the howl of the Positron cannon firing accompanied by a lance of brilliant blue light that slashed up across where they'd been standing moments before, the 44As moving out of the way seemingly on command, and the Shield Ships that dived in to block the beam, thankfully, only had to stand fast for a few moments before the beam vanished.

Another positron cannon shot stabbed up into the sky, striking at the Scion ship and slamming into the interceptor fields of one of its Aegis Drones. The beam skewed to the left slowly, soon hitting the drone dead on and eventually piercing through it, the drone exploding just before the stream of positrons stopped flowing. Eleanor waited for a moment to see if another drone would take its place. None did.

'Well, the ship might be easy to deal with soon, then,' she mused as she turned her focus back to the situation on the ground. The Herald Units, only slightly singed for the beating they'd just taken, once again tried to press forward toward the 4444Cs, running into the stiff resistance of the 06Hs that met them, both parties hard-pressed to fend off the attacks that her pilots charged at them with.

She felt a prickle of cold land on her Unit's back that could only be Borealis, and heard an explosion behind her as she turned to see a spear of ice pointing into the air, what few pieces of the Mark.44A that tried to charge her spiraling away. "I've got your back, Eleanor," Mayumi said from beyond the perimeter, a slight smile on her face.

"Good to know that's literal," Eleanor replied as she charged back into the melee, picking a 06H that just barely batted away her ax with its Lance copy, an AT Field flashing to life for a moment. These things had gotten smarter even since the last time they'd engaged them on the way here. Some sort of machine learning, perhaps? There could have been actual pilots in the Plugs, but Gendo wouldn't waste that sort of time if he didn't need to…

"Uh, guys? I think we've got a problem here."

Mari's words shook her out of her fugue, and Eleanor looked up to see the 44As all rippling out from the dome that they'd made surrounding the ship and the Herald Units, all of them seeming to head straight for the ACC Pillar.

"Sumire, Rei," Mari continued, "I'm trusting you guys with my wire-whoaaaaa!"

Unit-08 shot up into the sky, swooping through the air and nimbly dodging the Marks that tried to slam into her, Mari doing her best to shoot her pursuers. She made an admirable lure for the 44As, all of them following after her and giving her a nice target-rich environment.

"I'd appreciate some help!" Mari said as she nearly danced through the air, twirling and tumbling while she continued to destroy the 44As that chased after her. And, as Eleanor looked up to see the Scion ship turning to face the Pillar, those wouldn't be her only problems.

"I'm on my way, mum!" Mariah replied as two rods of metal, almost like sheathes, appeared on Unit=08's hips, a pulse of sound accompanying Mariah flying into the air.

Eleanor turned her attention back to the Herald Units, who held off those 06Hs that weren't tangled up with the other pilots. Behind them and to her left, the two 4444Cs, their several attendant 444Bs once again charging up. The one behind them began to swing its gun toward the Pillar and the ship that hovered above it, the other remaining tilted down to try and annihilate the enemy Evas on the ground.

In a moment, she saw the potential advantage of having two of these damnable things in the battle zone could be. "Pin them down!" Eleanor said as she rushed forward. "If we can get them exposed to the cannon, we might only have to deal with NERV!"

. . .

Mari Makinami was very thankful that she couldn't feel everything as she flew through the air, letting the thunder of the guns act as a beat to a wordless song. Back and forth, back and forth her arms went, each pass leaving dozens of brilliant purple stars gleaming in the sky for a few moments.

But regardless, they just kept coming, wave after wave seemingly intent on snaking toward her. And behind them, that big ship that Eleanor said was from the Scions was getting just a little too close to the Pillar for her comfort.

"Doc!" she said to the audio-only comm panel that went to Doctor Akagi's headset. "How much longer are you going to need me up here?"

There was a brief pause that still felt too long. "We need 350 more seconds before the Pillar activates."

"Got it!" Mari said as she watched another positron cannon shot slam into the ship behind her, gouging deep into its hull now and slicing across the belly of the ship.

Before she could think of anything else, however, the barrels of her cannons, glowing red-hot as she kept her fingers firmly on the triggers, finally burst, the muzzle brakes flying off, the sight and sound sending a spike of fear into her chest. 'Damn it!'

She ejected the now useless hunks of metal and watched as the 44As flowed into making a dome around her, swirling around her for the briefest of moments. "Well, then. Many a small bird drives away a hawk, huh?"

"Good news!"

Mari's smile picked up as she saw Unit=08 soaring through the air toward her, a red-edged sword in hand. Then, the shockwave hit her right after hitting the Marks, and Mari realized it was a song.

"You want a song, mom, this is how you do it! Let's get to work!" Mariah said as she swung past Unit-08 to slash at the disoriented Marks.

Mari smiled as she swung forward, her power claws a far sight from how effective Mariah's sword was right up to the moment she broke off a Lance copy from one of the Marks and used it as a crude dagger. Mother and daughter, though from separate universes, danced together in the sky, their sweeps and graceful tumbles leaving stars in their wakes that left the world just a little brighter for a moment.

The Marks, finally, began to scatter, the cage breaking as they seemingly fled the twin Evas. Mariah whooped in triumph. "Now that was flash! You're awesome at this, mum!"

Mari couldn't keep the laughter that bubbled up within her inside. "That it was! It's been ages since I've listened to Queen."

Then, they looked at where the few remaining Marks were heading and watched the first ones going up as they raced toward the Scion ship, now almost dangerously close to them and the Pillar. The ship was firing wildly now, cannons and smaller munitions lancing out to desperately try and fend them off, Mari and Mariah dodging a few shots that slammed into the base of the Eiffel Tower, sending it tumbling to the crimson earth.

For a moment there, it looked like it might actually make it. Then, one 44A slipped through its defenses, slamming into the hull and glowing for a moment before exploding. The dam broke after that, several more diving into the hole and sending the ship slowly towards the earth below it, the drones that still surrounded it falling much faster. Much as the Shield ships below tried to dodge out of the way, the falling ship still clipped two of them at their tips, creating a bow as it fell.

Then, the positron cannon aimed at the ship fired again, a beam of blue slamming into the Scion vessel amidships. 'Oh no… please hold…'

The side of the vessel facing the Pillar glowed red, then white, and the positron beam tore through it in a moment, scoring the Pillar for terrifying seconds. Then, it shut off just before the ship exploded, Mari and Mariah throwing up AT Fields to shield Doctor Akagi and the other technicians on top of it.

"Damn it!"

Mari blinked before she realized that it was Doctor Akagi who'd sworn so fervently. "We have to call off the mission! The Pillar's been damaged to uselessness now. Mari, we're going to board the capsule. Pick us up and get us back to the ship as quickly as possible."

"No!" Eleanor shouted, and Mari caught Unit=10 dashing away from the battle with the remaining 06Hs and the Herald Units. "I'm on my way!"

"There's only so much Interfacing can seem to do, Mrs. Theisman. What tricks do you have up your sleeve?"

"I can fix this. Trust me, and I'll explain more later. Just don't leave yet!"

. . .

Eleanor felt her heart pounding almost in time with her Eva's feet as she slid to a stop in front of the Pillar, an AT Field flickering above her head to shield her from whatever falling debris there was left as her Sight flashed on almost by instinct, allowing her to survey the damage.

It was bad, especially where the beam had struck and the surface had borne the brunt of the explosion. The Frames were still whole, thankfully, battered by the sympathetic damage their physical extension had suffered, but still repairable and useable to heal this utterly eldritch construct.

She placed Unit=10's hands on the Pillar, sending her own Frames in and willing the Pillar's Frames to activate, bring the physical image back in line with the Pneumaic.

"I'm going to need cover from…" she began as she looked back at the Herald Units, surely finishing off the last of the 06Hs. She paused as she saw mist, glowing golden from deep within, dissipating to show the stunned HERZ Units and the four remaining 06Hs. Mayumi and Ichigo were the first to regain their wits, catching the Marks off guard with a blast of aurora-like energy and a massive terra-cotta tiger sending two of them tumbling to the ground, the others falling on the last two in short order.

Eleanor's glance went up to the 4444Cs that now began to adjust their firing arcs. "I'll need the 4444Cs off my back. I need the ability to focus on this."

Confident her pilots could make that happen, she turned back to the Pillar as it slowly began to mend itself, and hoped that the data Ritsuko's team was working on wasn't corrupted. 'What I'd give to have our Maya here to make sure…'

. . .

First Lieutenant Hikari Suzuhara was, unsurprisingly, the first one to take charge. "Alright. First question, can we take both of these cannons out at once?"

"That's probably a little much to ask for," Mayumi said as she fired an experimental shot at the one closest to them, the beam slamming into an AT Field that was likely bolstered by the 444Bs surrounding them.

It was a tough situation. But like the unruly classroom she'd managed to tame, there was, unsurprisingly, an unorthodox solution they could at least try. "Mana, Mayumi, Ichigo, see if you can take out one of the cannon's group of 444Bs. Toji and I will try maneuvering the remaining cannon to fire on our other target."

"Wait a minute," Toji said, pausing as they all dodged two baleful lances of positrons, AT Fields keeping them safe from the grazing edges of the beams. "I thought this sort of plan was Misato or Daniel's gig. When did you stop trying to be sensible?"

"When our enemies decided to, dear," Hikari replied levelly. "Let's get to work!"

Mana and Mayumi turned aside, dashing toward the still charging 4444C as Mayumi fired and sent Borealis ahead to take down another, the relatively weak AT Field it put up brushed aside as it exploded. Mana pushed her way through the 4444C's AT Field before she dodged away from one of its drill-like tentacles. From behind the Marks, a griffon, painted in startlingly real colors, appeared from the ground, tackling a 444B to the ground, another Spirit inhabiting a cobra-like body getting to work on a fourth.

Hikari and Toji turned to the other 4444C, aimed at their friends' backs and charging up, but still not firing. "I'm going to have to be the bait, aren't I?" Toji asked, dread tinging his expression.

"Well, it can only shoot at what it can see. So… sorry, darling. I'll get there as quickly as I can."

Toji smiled slightly. "I know you will."

Unit=04 stepped forward into a clear view of the 4444C. "Hey, idiot!" Toji shouted through his loudspeakers, tossing a hastily made javelin of thorny vines that bounced off the thing's AT Field. "Come and get me!"

Unit=04 dashed to the side as a drill tentacle slammed down on where he stood, and a rifle appeared in the wooden titan's hands as he fired, mostly for dramatic effect, at the massive Mark.

Hikari smiled slightly as she bent the light around her, the form of Unit=03, sans some comparatively small eyes to allow her to see normally, disappearing as she snuck up to the back of the 4444C, at least as best as one could in a giant robot.

The forward drill tentacles writhed and lashed, Toji dancing out of the way and making it far too close for Hikari's comfort. Even with its focus on him, she kept a careful eye on the back two, glancing between them and the rapidly falling 444Bs across the way.

The 444Bs beside her began to charge their master, lines of light that were all too familiar to her arcing toward the sphere hanging under the 4444C as it aimed at the other pilots. "Are you ready? I'm going to get on this Mark soon!"

She watched as her comrades hurried out of the way, only two of the ten 444Bs remaining for their target. "Take the shot!" Mana said, jumping over a tentacle that swiped at her and Mayumi, Unit=09 sliding under on a sheet of permafrost.

Hikari wasted no time leaping into the air assisted by her AT Field, arcing through the air gracefully as the Mark below her finally noticed her, the four legless Marks that held up the cannon making an eerie howl as the charging finished. She landed deftly on the fan at the back of the cannon as its muzzle began to glow, the cables around her (at least she dearly hoped they were cables) glowing with energy that had to be released.

Lashings of light on her forearms, prismatic like her AT Field, became vambraces before twin cords shot out to wrap around the barrel of the cannon. She pulled with all her might and braced herself as the cannon fired.

A baleful stream of positrons flooded out, brushing aside her target's AT Field and melting it in short order. The stream ceased, what remained of the 4444C crashing to the ground as now lifeless limbs and body lost all strength.

Hikari released the Expression and jumped past the grasping tentacles, her AT Field smothering the 4444C's with ease. She landed, dashing over to the others as they regrouped, and winced as she heard the 444Bs charging their master again.

"Eleanor," Hikari said as she looked over at the Pillar, "how are the repairs going? Should I assist you?"

"I've almost got it repaired," Eleanor answered levelly, her expression tense with concentration on the comm panel. "Right now, just take out that last cannon, and we'll be free and clear."

Hikari nodded and turned back to see the 4444C aimed at them. "AT Fields!"

They braced themselves, AT Fields layering on top of each other as it fired at them, the beam bearing down on them as it broke through one Field. Then another. Then another.

Hikari's heart was pounding from fear as much as it was from exertion when it finally stopped, the beam shutting off as the 444Bs began to charge again. "How are we going to defeat this one?" Ichigo asked, her Unit settling into a ready stance as dark clay began to stain its fingers.

"Same general idea," Hikari replied. "If it worked before-"

"Excusez-moi, Eiffel!"


Hikari looked toward Mari and Mariah, and her eyes went wide as she saw the Eiffel Tower, at least a good portion of it, swooping toward the 4444C. "Get ready to tear this thing's AT Field apart!" Mariah said with a wide grin.

"Sumire," Mari said, "get us a distraction!"

"Got it."

Sumire said nothing more as a ship, one of the ones that had been damaged by the Scion Seabreaker, flew back into the air, slowly arcing toward the 4444C. Hikari and the others moved back as it moved a tentacle up to bat the ship aside, doing it with ease.

As it did so, the HERZ Evas smothered its AT Field as best they could, the barrier that it threw up as it saw the rapidly approaching spear of the Iron Lady seemingly paper-thin as the Tower punctured through it, the barrel of the cannon disappearing in short order as the Eiffel Tower embedded itself to the base of the cannon.

The Mark shuddered, then fell backward, its tentacles writhing as the Evas backed away, the 444Bs behind it not so fortunate as they found themselves swept off their feet.

"Contain the blast!" Hikari said, putting up an AT Field dome around the floundering Marks. The others followed in short order, and a baleful ball of purple energy consumed the Marks, the prismatic Fields warping the color as it shifted into white-hot intensity. Even still several phantasmal crosses, glowing with a pale pink light, reached through the Fields into the sky.

Hikari waited patiently for the explosion to dissipate, then let her AT Field down with a quiet sigh. It seemed that, at last, the operation was over.

Hikari looked over at Eleanor, who approached them from a Pillar that was now beginning to glow, red lines moving on its surface and making geometric patterns as the Pillar activated. A wall of white, a shimmering rainbow at its base, bloomed out from the Pillar, washing past them with a warm feeling that left Hikari's skin sympathetically tingling.

"The operation is complete," Ritsuko said over a comm screen that appeared in Hikari's view, almost obstructing the sight of Mari and Mariah touching down. Her voice, steady as it was, was filled with relief. "We'll go ahead and proceed to the entrances of the NERV-Euro facility."

"And thank goodness!" Mari chirped. "I'm ready for a pair of arms that have actual hands again."

"We'll even be able to rebuild Unit-02 even more quickly," Eleanor said with a smile.

"If your LCL manipulation is effective, I'm sure," Ritsuko replied. With everything she'd seen of Mending, Hikari thought, surely that seemed only a little more challenging. "Otherwise, we're more than capable of restoring Unit-02 to combat effectiveness."

"Say," Mayumi interjected, "Mari, Makinami I mean, said that there was a place in Moscow where some of those Marks came from?"

"Very astute, love," Mariah replied. "Maybe we hit there after we're done securing our new old house?"

"Not before we repair Unit-02 and Unit-08," Misato interjected. "Then we might consider something after retrieving Asuka."

"Well, it's a start," Mariah said with a shrug.

Hikari sat back in her seat, wiping her brow which was soaked with sweat. Not dealing with it was one of the few things that she missed from being immersed in LCL, she'd come to find. She was sure the others felt the same.

"Good job, Hikari," Eleanor said with a smile. "I didn't quite expect something like that from you."

"Well, if there's anything I've learned," Hikari replied as the Frame Evas began to deform, "it's that the stranger the solution, the more effective it can be. Especially in this line of work."
Chapter 29: Reunion

Chapter 29: Reunion

I'm still getting used to the idea of rebelling against the Scions. Those people that I knew and cared for. I still hope that Kauri and Aaminata, as much as I'll be working against them, are doing well. There's a part of me that wants to reach out to them. Give them the choice that I was given. I don't know if I'll ever get it, though.

But with the new arrivals… it's always hard to trust strangers. Especially when those strangers are working with what Tavis has become. Or was he always like that?

- From the personal journal of Ymris Joranna

Village-3, April 2nd, 2028

Daniel couldn't help but find himself a little giddy as he waited at the edge of the village and took a deep breath of the crisp morning air as he looked at a space that was, for the moment, empty. Standing beside him, amused but equally expectant, were the Ikari-Soryus and Nagisas.

The morning sun was still somewhat low on the horizon, and everyone else was getting to work that day. He'd made sure that young Shinji and Asuka got their rest with a day off of making their swords, and Rei and Kaworu had told him that Athena (a lovely name, that) was also going to be assisting the Suzuharas and Bunzaemon around the house after school.

'Amazing,' he mused, 'that she's become so normal after so long shackled under Ikari's command.'

He was grateful at the very least that her days, however numbered they may be, would be ones of relative comfort and happiness.

Then, a swirl of water appeared between two spikes of coral on the grass in front of them, stretching into a line the size of a large doorway before a curtain of water rose into the air, the top edge stopping just above their heads before the curtain parted, revealing one of the mess halls aboard the Wunder. Within it stood Eleanor, smiling slightly as the bridge crew surrounding her looked around in wonder. Mari Makinami stood by Mariah and waved excitedly, Rei Ayanami simply smiling slightly.

The first to step through, however, was the Suzuharas and the Aidas, all of the HERZ pilots and crew soon trading hugs and hands on shoulders as they reunited after far, far too long.

Daniel stepped through them, holding his hands out as the bridge crew stepped forward. "Well, welcome to Village-3. We're glad you could make it."

"We're… well," Maya said after a pause, "we're glad that it's here where we'll be staying."

Daniel nodded slightly. "I understand."

"Hey, Daniel," Midori said as she lifted the cello case in her left hand, another bag with her laptop and MIDI keyboard slung over her right, "where's Shinji? I was hoping to get him his instrument."

"He's taking the day off today, so you can give it to Shinji Ikari-Soryu here if you want. He'll make sure it gets where it needs to go." Daniel smiled slightly. "With how I've been working him and Asuka Shikinami, they deserve it, frankly."

"Oh?" Mari Makinami said as she waltzed over to Daniel's side, leaning over to gaze at him with a grin. "Will you finally tell us what mysterious arts and crafts the Puppy and the Princess have been working on?"

Daniel returned Mari's grin as he sighed dramatically. "Well, I suppose the jig is up. I'm helping them forge their own swords."

Mari blinked in surprise, and Daniel saw as Eleanor chuckled softly. "Well, then… the dutiful mentor and the patient blacksmith all in one. A fairy tale combination if ever I've seen one."

"It's been known to happen," Daniel said with a shrug. "I've known plenty of them. Godo, Andre of Astora, Celebrimbor…"

"Shut up. You know Celebrimbor?" Mari said, her eyes wide.

Hideki's brows rose. "When did you interact with him? Before or after he forged the Rings of Power?"

"It's a story that's worth telling when we aren't all standing around," Daniel replied as the HERZ pilots under Eleanor's command began to cross back over to the Wunder. "The others will get you situated in the village. There isn't much space to go around, so you'll likely be bunking with each other here. Hardly vacation spacing."

"Please." Koji scoffed. "I don't have to worry about an alarm getting me up any earlier than I want to. That's already more vacation than I've gotten since Borneo."

The bridge crew streamed past him, and he took a few steps forward, his feet hitting the deckplate as he stood in front of Eleanor. "God, I wish you could come with me," he said quietly.

"I know," Eleanor said everything else she needed to with a tender, all-too-quick kiss. "But I assume what you've got for me is supposed to make up for that."

Daniel nodded as he took a ring, one of the two that he'd been working on as he took Eleanor's free hand. "With this ring," he said with a grin as he slipped it on her free ring finger, "I thee link."

Eleanor studied the ring for a second before glancing back at Daniel with some suspicion glinting in her eyes. "How many days have you actually slept since you've been here?"

Daniel opened his mouth, then shut it before chuckling. "Any amount I say is going to be too few, isn't it?"

Eleanor sighed. "I assume this is there to help?"

"Just to feel like you're close to me, and for you to feel like I'm close to you." Daniel smiled slightly. "Just for now."

"Just for now," Eleanor promised.

"Well," Eleanor said after a moment's appreciation between them, "I've got to get going. We're going to be repairing Unit-02 in Burbank for the next little while. We'll be coming to get Asuka, and the rest of you, once it's done."

Daniel nodded. "I hope that Unit-02 goes quickly. Though, with the state it's in… that might be asking a bit much."

"Well," Eleanor said with a smile, pulling Daniel into an embrace and kissing him again, the moment lasting just long enough to leave both wanting when they parted, "you'd better let me go then, so I can be quick."

"As you wish," Daniel said with a smile.

Eleanor chuckled. "Take care of the bridge crew and Maya, alright? They're probably going to have some tremendous jet lag hit them in the face."

Daniel nodded. "I'll do something about that. I'll… see you tonight, I guess."

Eleanor arched a brow as the curtains of water began to close. "I don't need to be sleeping too, right?"

"Nope. Just… keep a weather eye out for me, alright?"

"As if I wasn't already?"

With that, the curtains drew shut, and Daniel looked out at the sun, rising on a new day in Village-3. Daniel took a deep breath, turned away, and followed after his friends.

. . .

Young Shinji Ikari looked down at the marble in his hand and could swear that it was heavier than it should have been. Did a soul have a weight, or was that simply his mind objectifying his hesitation?

Shinji took a deep breath and tried to connect with Kaworu's soul. It was still an imprecise thing, feeling almost like grasping around blindly to grab something. But his time out of an Evangelion hadn't dulled his skill. He found that feeling, that connection, and strengthened it.

"Hello, Shinji."

The first words Shinji had heard from Kaworu since he'd arrived at the village were weaved with weariness. "It's been some time since we last spoke."

"I know, Kaworu. I… needed some space, is all. Things have been confusing, and I've needed to think about it."

"I understand. I have done some pondering myself."

"Did… did you know that was going to happen? That you were going to get killed?"

"I did. And I accept that I will do it until I can assure your… happiness."

The words trailed off, Kaworu seeming to lose the vigor those words carried. "Then again, my efforts have always led to the destruction of the world you care for. Perhaps… it would be best for us to part ways. This world is broken, but you have the will to fix it. I simply… seem to stand in your way."

Shinji was silent for a moment as he considered the hopelessness in the words, and felt Kaworu begin to shy away from their connection. "No, Kaworu."

He felt the surprise that Kaworu felt as he continued. "You gave me the strength to at least try, even if all I could do was fail. If you didn't believe in me, I'm not sure I would have even been able to do that. And then what would my father have done?"

"And you were kind to me, even if you had your reasons. Even after being isolated from my other friends, you were a friend to me."

"I'd hardly call someone who trapped you in a cage of an AT Field a friend, though."

"Maybe. But… we can build from that. We can turn ourselves into something better."


Shinji considered the question, so quiet and yet so desperate, as he saw Asuka rounding the corner, rubbing her eye as she shook off the last of her drowsiness. "Maybe… you could meet some of the people I call my friends. They're the reason I tried to fix the world. Maybe… having some other friends will help you, too."

It was silent for a moment as Asuka noticed him, pausing as she lifted a granola bar to her mouth. "What're you looking at?" she asked levelly.

"Sorry. I'm talking to Kaworu." Shinji struggled with what to say next. "He needs friends."

He could feel both Asuka's physical stare and Kaworu's metaphorical one boring into him, and he fought the urge to shrink back. Then, Asuka shrugged. "I mean, I guess. Probably going to be kind of difficult when his soul's in that marble of yours."

"Ms. Shikinami raises an excellent point," Kaworu said. "It seems I cannot speak to anyone else without making a connection with their soul. Something which I seem to be currently incapable of doing."

"We can talk to Daniel about it," Shinji replied to both Asuka and Kaworu. "He's the one who made this thing, after all. He should be able to do something about that."

Before anyone could continue, there was a knock at the door, drawing everyone's attention. Shinji, surely surprising Asuka, stood to answer the door before her.

He opened it to see Daniel, accompanied by… "Ms. Midori?" Shinji said incredulously. "What are you doing here?"

Midori, a familiar case in her hand, sighed quietly. "Well, Shinji, some of the bridge crew…" her words were smothered for a moment as she covered a huge yawn. "Decided to do a little protest. What happened to you, and all the pilots…"

She looked away, clearly embarrassed. "We let that go on for too long. So, now we're here, partially to say sorry, and partially to give the Captain and others something to think about."

"But here!" Midori said, a wide, easy smile returning as she held out the cello case. "We managed to snag this for you before we came here. We appreciate your music. Maybe you should come and play with us sometime."

Shinji took the cello case gingerly, looking down on it with what could approach reverence. "Maybe…" he looked up again, watching Midori stifle another yawn. "When you aren't about to fall asleep?"

"Damn it," Midori said as she rubbed her eyes. "It was nearly midnight when we decided to leave. Now… man…"

"If you'll allow me?" Daniel put a hand on Midori's shoulder, and she blinked, all tiredness seeming to flee from her.

"Wow," Midori said after a moment, blinking again as she looked at Daniel. "You can just… do that?"

"It makes time zones a lot more trivial," Daniel said with a slight grin.

"I imagine." Midori nodded. "You'll need to do that to the others, or we're going to be the next best thing to useless."

"My other kids will take care of that," Daniel assured her.

"Um, Daniel…" Shinji interjected, pausing for a moment as Daniel returned his attention to him. "I have a question about Kaworu. This world's Kaworu, I mean."

"How can I help you?" Daniel asked.

"Well, we were talking, and… I don't want Kaworu to just be here alone. He's had enough of that already. I just… want to give him the chance to meet new friends. Could… could you do that?"

Daniel smiled warmly. "Of course, Shinji. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

"Of course." Daniel paused. "Still, take the rest of the day. Talk to him a little more before he starts branching out. I'm sure Athena might be interested in meeting him."

"Athena?" Kaworu asked.

"Ayanami's new name. It's from the book that you helped me get. It's… nice."

Kaworu was contemplative for a moment as Shinji gave a farewell to Daniel and Midori and closed the door. "Yes. Yes, it is," he said quietly.

Shinji regarded the instrument in his hands for a moment. It felt strange to have it so near.

"So," Asuka said, stirring him from his thoughts, "can you play that just on its own?"

"Well… yeah," Shinji replied, unsure of what the look in her eye meant.

"Got something to play?" she continued. "It'll be a decent change of pace from all this silence I get to hear so much."

Shinji sat on one of the chairs, opening the case and preparing the cello with practiced ease. Like riding a bike, as he was sure Daniel might say.

He considered his options for a moment, then nodded as his bow touched the strings. Yes. That would do.

Slowly, he began to play Bach's Cello Concerto No. 1 for Asuka and Kaworu both. And for a moment, they all experienced peace.

. . .

The day, spent in rest (at least somewhat, with settling the bridge crew in the village), soon drew to its close, the night sky shining down on the quieting village.

In the household of the Horakis though, more than a few crowded around the prone form of Bunzaemon Horaki on his cot as he coughed again. His skin was clammy, his pulse drifting dangerously low at times.

Hikari Suzuhara fretted over her father, Toji, Nozomi, Natsumi, Ryoji Jr, Daniel, the Ikari-Soryus, and the Nagisas staying back as best they could to give her her space. There was a solemn air in the room as Hikari patted her father's forehead with a cool, damp washcloth.

Athena kneeled in front of the rest of the group, looking intently at Bunzaemon as she cradled Tsubame. The baby had taken a shine to her, much to Hikari and Toji's amusement, and Tsubame was as much in Athena's hands as she was in Hikari's.

Normally, such a thing calmed the baby down. But now, she sensed the tension, the fear in the room. And so, after a particularly nasty cough, she began to cry.

Athena rocked the baby gently, as Hikari had shown her, but the child wailed even still.

Hikari looked back at her baby, stretched to the point of breaking as tears slid down her eyes. "Oh, Tsubame…"

"Stop worrying about me for a moment," Bunzaemon said, his voice low and weakening. "Take care of your child."

"But father…"

"If you'll allow me, Hikari?" Daniel said quietly, and Hikari looked back to see that Daniel had cleared an impossible space, an acoustic guitar in his hands.

He began to pluck the strings, and Tsubame's crying became less urgent, Athena turning to allow her to see Daniel as he began to sing softly and quietly in English.

"In the beginning of time, from the dark there emerged one true light we would hail as the prettiest star… with a reverence that will endure… that we'll use as a spiritual guide for all time… in the glow of its halo of trust we exalt, in its shadow we harbor all fear…"

As Daniel sang, Tsubame's eyes began to shut, and as the song continued past words, she drifted to sleep, Daniel finishing the song with a quiet flourish.

Hikari breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Mr. Theisman."

"Of course." Daniel smiled slightly as Athena carried Tsubame out of the room for a moment, sorrow still gleaming in his eyes as Bunzaemon began to cough again.

"Hikari…" Bunzaemon said, gripping the sleeve of her dress. "I want you to listen closely. All of my family."

The Horaki family gathered closer, and Asuka Ikari-Soryu stood. "We should probably let you guys have your moment…"

Bunzaemon put out a staying hand. "It's alright, young lady. I'm not going to be too cryptic and personal."

As Asuka took a seat next to Shinji, silently taking his hand, Bunzaemon continued. "Hikari, Nozomi… it's been amazing to see you two grow up into such beautiful, amazing women. Fujiko would be so proud of you both. I know you two have such brilliant futures ahead of you."

"Toji," he said after a moment, "it's been an honor to get to know you as the brave, smart husband of my daughter. I can't ask for a better man to take care of her."

His head turned slightly. "Natsumi, you should know, even though she's gone, your mother was an amazing daughter as well. You look so much like her. Share some of her best traits. You'll go far in life with that drive of yours."

"Ryoji…" Bunzaemon sighed, a process that took just a shade too long for anyone's liking. "I've met both your mother and your father before."

Everyone saw the somewhat incensed look on the boy's face as Bunzaemon continued. "I understand you're confused, even somewhat resentful toward Captain Katsuragi. Honestly, you have every right to be. But your mother bears the weight of the world on her shoulders. She's made her decisions to the best of her knowledge and made her mistakes, just like every parent does. That doesn't mean you should outright forgive her when you next meet. Just… keep it in mind."

"And you all," Bunzaemon said as he regarded his houseguests, "thank you for making these last days eventful. I will admit… one of my greatest fears was dying alone. Now… I can go see Fujiko again… wherever she may be…"

Bunzaemon smiled slightly. "Now all of you go to bed. You need your rest for tomorrow. I'll be fine."

It was still a long time before anyone left, the Nagisas the first to stand up and leave, followed by the Ikari-Soryus. Daniel stood last, walking over to Toji and putting a hand on the man's shoulder.

Toji flinched slightly, turning back to see Daniel's expression of sympathy. "If you need help… we're here," he said softly. "Any kind. Any time. Just find us. That goes for all of you."

Toji's eyes went wide, tears welling in them, then he nodded. "Alright." his was a choked whisper.

Daniel nodded. "Good night, Toji."

With that, he exited the room, making his way to his own room and gently closing the door.

He turned to the space. It was a funny thing, sometimes, how darkness, the muted colors of the night, became so much more pronounced by tragedy.

Then, before he could settle in for the night, a clear tone, a gentle hum, snapped him back to alertness. That was the alarm for Kensuke's house. Who was there this time of night?

. . .

Young Shinji slept. As he slept, he dreamed. He hated doing that.

He was back in the Geofront, on that day when he'd first nearly ended the world. The fact that he was cognizant of that surprised him somewhat. The world was dark here, and all was silent. The silence itself seemed to press on him, making whatever gaze the 10th Angel might have leveled at him inadequate to surpass such quiet.

"It's a shame, isn't it?"

Shinji blinked, the voice unfamiliar, and he turned to regard a young lady, from where he wasn't sure. She had tanned skin and long black hair, a simple dress of purple draped over her frame. "Who… are you?"

"That really doesn't matter right now."

The girl walked past him, towards the mist and rubble, before she paused and looked back at him. "Well, aren't you coming?"

Shinji frowned slightly, then took a step forward, following after the girl. Somehow. "Where are we going?"

"Far away from here." the girl replied. "After all, what good is it to simply stand in the ashes of dreams?"

Shinji found himself confused, but somewhat intrigued. He was surprised how much he was interested in this sort of conversation. "Well," he began, "aren't failures just a chance to start over?"

"Sometimes." the girl smiled as they emerged from the Geofront into the ruined city. Shinji hadn't seen the aftermath, but he was pretty sure this was where the dream took things and ran with them, buildings twisting into odd shapes, their fronts breaking up into fractals as the pair passed. "But some dreams are big enough that it takes a sacrifice to start again."

"Don't I know it," Shinji muttered.

"You and I, Shinji," the girl continued, "we're two of a kind. We want something for ourselves, so we strive to do whatever it takes to make it a reality."

"But I didn't do this, or anything else, for myself." Shinji objected. "I did this for the people I love."

"Did you?" the girl asked airily as they passed beyond the city limits in the blink of an eye. "Or did you do it so you could feel better about the things you'd done?"

"I wouldn't be so selfish! The whole world was in my hands, and everyone depended on me. I can't afford to think like that."

"That's the thing, isn't it?" the girl said. "The whole world depends on you. Doesn't that give you the right to be a little selfish? To ask for something you want every once in a while?"

Shinji pondered on the question for a moment. "I wish it worked like that," he said quietly.

"Well, what's stopping you then?"

Shinji shook his head. "Well, a military organization, once. Now… I just want to help my friends."

"Is it really so altruistic as that? Are you sure you want nothing else in return from them?"

Shinji considered the question for a moment as they walked across roadways and sidewalks. This must have been a dream for them to cover so much ground so quickly. "Well… I do, really."

"Then take it. Don't be afraid to stand up and demand the change you want to see in the world. Passivity only ever brings you to regret."

Shinji shook his head as he stopped. "Who are you?"

The girl turned to regard him with a grin. "Someone who could be a friend. Maybe even a teacher…"

"Now that's quite enough of that." a voice boomed, seeming to echo across the whole landscape

With that, the night sky fell over them all like a blanket, and Shinji couldn't see anything for a few moments,
blinking his eyes to find that he wasn't, in fact, dreaming anymore.

He was out in the middle of a wide road covered in core material, the sun almost at its noonday apex, a Failure of Infinity striding away from him and the girl… except she wasn't a girl anymore. She was a young woman, rising to her feet in that self-same dress, a vest and belts filled with vials and pouches that weren't there in the dream, and sighing quietly.

Looking beside him, Daniel stood with arms crossed and an unamused glare in his eye as he regarded the woman. "Now, Shinji's in the middle of something, miss. I don't exactly appreciate you taking him out of the village unannounced."

The woman sighed. "Well, it's not as though I was simply out to get him. He's got places to be, solutions for this world to get help with."

Daniel arched a brow. "And let me guess. He needs to be at Matsushiro."

The woman held up her hands. "Well, you've got me, guilty as charged. It's not like he was doing much in the way of productive work where we came from."

"He is in the middle of healing himself. You are disturbing it." Daniel shook his head slightly. "I don't even know who you are."

The woman rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. "Well, I suppose an introduction is in order. I am the grand priestess of Supai, lord of darkness and dreams, Yzma, here currently of the Scions of Unity."

She gave them a somewhat over-dramatic bow, looking meaningfully at Daniel. "And I know who you are, of course. The little lost lamb of the pack, at least so Tavis tells."

Daniel's other brow shot up. "Yzma?" he said incredulously before sighing quietly. "Of all people…"

"Do you know this person?" Shinji asked Daniel as he saw the man shake his head slightly.

"I know of her," Daniel replied as Yzma put her hands on her hips. "Somewhat," he added almost as an afterthought.

"Well, as glad as I am to know that I'm a known quantity," Yzma said glibly, "I do have my own work to get to. Work that requires young Mr. Shinji here."

"I have an idea of what that work is," Daniel said, interposing himself between them. "And I won't let you take him."

Yzma sighed as she rolled her eyes. "It's always a game of cat and mouse with you young men, isn't it?"

She shrugged. "Well, at least I have a little backup."

As she spoke, an arch of green fire flared to life beside her, a man stepping through it as if going on a stroll, hands behind his back. He seemed to be Asian, probably Chinese, with a rounded square of a face that was host to long white hair pulled up in a simple bun, a long mustache and beard, and discerning eyes that shifted from color to color. He wore rather ostentatious robes of red, yellow, and blue, and smiled slightly as he saw Daniel.

"Well, well. If it isn't Daniel Theisman." the man said in a calm, clear voice. "And here I thought I might have been done crossing paths with you."

Daniel looked concerned. It was not a look that Shinji felt comfortable seeing at the best of times. "I don't believe we've met before."

"Oh, but we have." the man's smile broadened, and a symbol appeared on his forehead, two hands cupping underneath a blooming rose, as he bowed slightly. "I am Shang Tsung. The, quite usually, Silent Gardener."

Daniel's eyes went wide with shock. "So the man…"

"Simply a soul that appeared useful to my ends." Shang Tsung straightened from the bow. "Not that he allowed me to accomplish my mission. My acquired tools can only take me so far, especially when I'm constrained by fools to conceal my true power."

"Isn't that the way?" Yzma said with a roll of her eyes. "It's like they're afraid we'll let the power go to our heads or something."

Daniel took a deep breath, a crystalline pistol that hummed quietly flowing into his open left hand as he leveled it at Shang Tsung. "Last chance, you two. Walk away and let me deal with you later."

"Oh," Yzma said, voice dripping with sardonicism as she looked over at Shang Tsung. "Look at him. He's such a hero, isn't he?"

"It's all the same, wherever you go," Shang replied as he settled into a stance, whisps of green light flowing into his hands as twin pistols, ghost-like in their transparency, formed. "People throwing themselves away for what they think is just instead of actually doing something worthwhile."

Shang Tsung wasted no time leveling his guns and firing, Daniel curving the bullets away from them as he returned fire, a shield of deep green crystal forming as he switched targets every once in a while. Shinji turned and ran towards a barrier dividing the road, diving behind it and peeking out as Yzma simply let the rounds pass through her, appearing almost bored as the wisps of smoke that spiraled up disappeared almost as quickly.

Shang Tsung dashed forward, the two pistols becoming tomahawks as he pressed the attack, Yzma smiling slightly as she sank into the ground, Shinji watching her shadow swoop around Daniel before she reemerged, throwing away an empty vial.

As Daniel turned to face her, she stepped forward and threw a straight punch at Daniel's face, sending him sprawling in a plume of red as Yzma coughed for a moment. Shinji's eyes went wide as the dust cleared to show a dazed Daniel struggling to get up.

"What do those even taste like anyway?" Shang Tsung said nonchalantly as the tomahawks became a massive hammer, its striking ends almost like a tenderizer as he hefted it and smashed it down on Daniel's chest, a pane of crystal shattering in place of his ribs.

"Well, this one at least is cinnamon, roast hazelnuts, and a little bit of the titan's blood that leaks through those," Yzma replied. "It's an acquired taste."

"I'm sure," Shang Tsung replied as the hammer became a sword, plunging toward Daniel's heart before the man barely caught it. "Go get the boy."

Yzma nodded as she turned to Shinji, a sympathetic look on her face as he backed away from her.

"Now I understand you're probably feeling a bit… overwhelmed," she said, rummaging through her vest as she walked through the barrier, her lower half turning into smoke before reforming as she pulled out another vial, an almost glowing teal liquid in it. "But this stuff's nepenthean essence and mint. It'll calm you down quick as a flash…"

She seemed to loom over him now as he stumbled and fell onto his back, looking up as Yzma began to kneel down.

Then, Yzma saw something behind him, her eyes going wide as she shouted in surprise. Her head became smoke as something that gleamed orange zipped through it. Shinji looked back and saw two figures standing behind them, one pointing a pistol made of some orange, glass-like material at Yzma, the other holding in their right hand a shield that began to float apart.

Both of them wore armored suits, helmets covering their faces. The one that had shot Yzma had a helmet with two orange ovals for eyes, connecting in the middle of its face and making a line that went down to its chin. The other had a purple visor, twin curving lines at the corners of its eyes that had one line going up and another going down.

"Step away from the boy." the one with the pistol said, and Shinji's eyes went wide at the familiar voice. "I won't warn you again."

"And who are you?" Yzma asked as she grabbed Shinji's arm, jerking him to his feet as she pulled out a knife, its blade utterly black. "His father?"

"Not his specifically." the man replied. "But the difference is meaningless."

With that, the man charged forward, the pieces of the other person's shield flying apart as he charged. Yzma snarled as she slashed the dagger into the air ahead of her, tearing open a portal of shadow.

The man paused as two beasts emerged from the shadow, four-legged and snarling as needles of prismatic light shot into them from the pieces of the woman's shield. Whatever wounds they received as they slammed into the man, however, seemed fleeting as more shadow flowed from the portal to fill their spots.

'Where is Daniel?' Shinji wondered, trying to look past himself while struggling against Yzma's still apparently strong grip.

He saw two more figures dashing past, one slamming into Shang Tsung with a frosted-over mace as the other sprayed the man down from short range with a pitch-black submachine gun. It felt odd how… quiet it all was. Grunts of exertion, the odd whoosh or crackle as weapons clashed and fired.

And yet, here he was, watching the man who was charging toward them brawling with the beasts with glowing orange gauntlets, and remaining restrained. 'What am I still doing here?'

He had an AT Field. And now, he decided to use it.

Shinji focused on the spot behind his back, between him and Yzma, and pushed, the AT Field flaring to life behind him catching Yzma completely by surprise as she went flying away, her grip on him slipping as she landed and slid.

Shinji wasted no time as several pieces of the other person's shield flew past him, stretching out his arms almost to embrace the tear in reality. His AT Field flickered around the tear, and the flow of shadows halted as the man and his companion began to tear them to bits.

As the shadows dispersed Shinji squeezed his AT Field, the crack in the air disappearing after a moment as he let out a deep, exhausted breath.

"Damn it all…"

Shinji looked back at Yzma as she stumbled to her feet, the front of her dress covered in liquids that were beginning to smoke and bleach the fabric. She looked over, and Shinji with her, at a hole of fire that Shang Tsung dropped into, Daniel holding the two others back from chasing after him as it disappeared.

Yzma rolled her eyes. "At least he knows basic math," she grumbled, grabbing something from inside her vest and throwing it to the ground, multi-colored smoke blooming around her with a bang before blowing away to reveal that she too had disappeared.

The skirmish, as it were, was over. And Shinji sank to his knees as he took deep, quick breaths. How had he not killed her with that push? Kill… the push…

Images, memories of the battle in Terminal Dogma flooded into his mind, the ground before him fuzzing in and out of focus. 'Damn it… why now…'

"Shinji? Are you alright?"

The words, coming from that voice, were utterly nonsensical. Was that…

The man kneeled in front of him, his helmet disappearing, revealing the face of Gendo Ikari. Even with the all too familiar chinstrap beard gone, the circle beard and mustache couldn't conceal his father's face. And those eyes, so much like his… where were the glasses? Why did they show so much concern… they shouldn't be doing that.

It was then that Shinji promptly fainted.

. . .

Daniel took a deep breath as he rubbed his face, looking over at his rescuers. "Well, now's as good a time as any to come swooping in."

Misato Kaji stepped up, her helmet disappearing to reveal a braid of her dark, nearly purple hair falling down her back after being freed. "Of course, Daniel. Keeping an eye on Matsushiro, as important as it has been, has gotten kind of boring."

Ryoji nodded. "I can agree with that." he paused for a moment, looking between Daniel and Misato. "Are you both sure that it's a good idea to take your helmets off in this?"

"For now, yes," Daniel replied. "We'll want to get back to the village soon, though."

Ryoji nodded as his helmet flashed out of existence, revealing a wry smile. "Either way, it's good to see you again."

"Mr. Theisman," Gendo called out, drawing the attention of all three of them to him and Yui as Gendo lifted the limp form of Shinji in his arms. "He appears to be stable. Yui and I will see to him as we go."

"Alright," Daniel said, staring down at his pajamas with a quiet sigh. "Let's hurry back. Shinji needs to be back at Village-3, and I need to get ready for what remains of the day."

They wasted no time making the long walk back toward the village. As they walked, Yui frowned as she held a hand to her ear. "Nothing. The comms here are terrible. I'm surprised the Pneumaic interference hasn't torn you two apart yet."

"If we weren't Interfaced," Daniel said with a grimace, "we might have been."

"Did you Interface the Children of this world as well?" Gendo asked.

"Well… it's more complicated than that." Daniel decided on. "Were you able to watch this world's Receptor movies?"

"Not really," Ryoji said with a shrug. "We didn't have access to them or anything else related to our world on the Errant, which is strange considering how otherwise comprehensive it was. All we really have is what you told us about what's just happened."

Daniel sucked his teeth as Misato's expression darkened, right alongside Gendo's. He'd need to talk to Eleanor about an update after this. "Shinji spent nearly a decade and a half trapped in Unit-01's core alongside Rei number 2. The process of initiating Near-Third Impact Cracked Shinji and Rei's souls. I just pieced them back together."

"Cracked?" Yui asked. "I'm guessing that's your term for the interstitial stage of linking one's soul to Pneumaity?"

Daniel nodded. "That's right. In essence, the process is almost like making the world's most powerful omelet. Just… putting the egg back together, in a sense."

"Your analogies could probably use a little work," Misato said, a deadpan look on her face that couldn't disguise the gleam of amusement in her eyes.

"Well, when you've heard as many of them as I have," Daniel said with a shrug, "they get a little… muddled, so to speak."

Then, in the distance, five other figures appeared, Daniel smiling slightly as he waved at them. All but one of them returned the wave for a moment, the last doing so after one of the two behind them put a hand on their shoulder and said something.

"Well, hello," Daniel said with a slight grin as the five joined them. "Decided to miss the party, I see."

"Hardly," Ritsuko said as her helmet came off, revealing a head of brunette hair streaked through with blonde. "With the five of you, we figured things were well in hand."

"Well, at least when the others showed up, yeah," Daniel said, massaging his jaw. "Yzma apparently can pack a hell of a punch."

"Did you say Yzma?" Maya piped up. "What's she doing here?"

"Likely part of a fleet of Scions that are scattered around the solar system right now." Daniel looked over at the young lady that walked between Ritsuko and Maya. "Kyu, could I trouble you for a status report on Matsushiro? I think I could use a little succinctness and small word use right about now."

Kyu Akagi's helmet came off, revealing her eye-catching white and gold hair as she retrieved a clear-pad. "Matsushiro is, by all rights, a normal community. Religiously active, unsurprisingly, with a prominent chapel in the center of town. Several farms, a blacksmith, and a mechanics shop are also prominent fixtures."

"How did you get through the barrier?" Daniel asked. "As far as my contact says, it's a rather… dicey prospect."

"With a little vision, Mr. Theisman," Gendo said meaningfully.

"That is correct." Kyu continued. "Using Mr. Ikari's Interfacing to ascertain a path through the mist, it was trivial to stay somewhat distant from the settlement itself."

Daniel nodded as Kyu scrolled through several pictures, walking over to him and expanding the screen to allow him to see. "We captured these photos of what appear to be important persons in the town itself."

An older man with a weathered face and robes with the Scion insignia on them. A woman talking to a group of what appeared to be farmers. And an all too familiar woman, the right upper half of her head replaced with a glowing, carved stone resemblance.

"Well, I'll be damned…" Daniel muttered.

"What is it?" Ritsuko asked.

"This is Kodama Horaki. I'm sure of it." Daniel grabbed the clear-pad from Kyu and showed it to the others. "She's… man, that must not have been pretty for her to need that."

"What significance does having her be in Matsushiro hold?" Kyu asked quietly.

"Because her daughter is in Village-3. No one knows where Kodama went after Near-Third Impact. And for all intents and purposes…"

He paused as the village came into sight. "Kodama Horaki may have just missed her father's passing," he said quietly.

It was a somewhat somber mood that rested on them as they passed through the ACC Pillars and back onto the grass, passing trees and a small stream as Daniel called Shinji Ikari-Soryu's clear-pad. "Hey, kiddo," he said with a smile. "In case you were wondering, I managed to go and get Shinji."

"Oh, thank god," Shinji said with an apparent sigh of relief. "What happened? We woke up this morning and you were just gone."

"That's right!" Asuka's voice cut in as she likely wrestled away the pad from Shinji. "You had us worried sick! Even Shikinami was all agitated this morning, and she came down from Kensuke's house to say as much."

Daniel began to reply before Misato raised a hand, a slight smile on her face. "Mind if I butt in?" she asked quietly.

Daniel smiled as he put on speaker mode and held it out to her. "Go ahead." he mouthed.

"Well, Asuka," Misato said sweetly, "Daniel caught the kidnapper and drove them off. With some help of course."

"Oh hey, Misato," Asuka said, the surprise in her voice not fully masking her happiness. "You're with Daniel?"

"The whole old guard is here, Asuka." Ryoji piped up. "Fresh from a little spy work in Matsushiro."

"Where are you?" Shinji asked after a moment's silence, his voice happy, but somewhat sober. "We're… well, we're going to help with Mr. Horaki's funeral."

"So he did pass last night," Daniel said quietly, sadly.

After a moment he sighed quietly. "Well, we're just about to the village limits. We'll see you soon."


With that, the call ended, and they began to walk on the road, the rest of the old guard's armor disappearing to show plain clothes as they passed people on their way to or from lunch. It wasn't hard for Daniel to find the way to the Suzuhara residence.

As they approached, they saw several people waiting on the doorstep for them. The Ikari-Soryus and Nagisas, Athena and Shikinami next to them, smiled slightly as they approached, Daniel smiling at their puzzlement with the last couple, thus far mostly silent, and their appearance. Toji, Hikari, and Nozomi studied them with red-rimmed eyes, curious even in their grief.

And Ryoji Shinji Kaji, Natsumi by his side, had his gaze locked on Misato and Ryoji as they approached. Slowly, he faded away from the group, Natsumi looking back in confusion before she stepped into his place

They came to a stop in front of everyone, and Daniel sighed quietly. "I heard the news," he said, equally quiet. "I'm sorry. Please, give me a moment to get dressed, and I'll come and help."

Hikari and Toji nodded, and Daniel made his way past them as the two groups slowly met.

"Hello, Mother," Shinji said with a smile, hugging Yui tightly for a moment before stepping back. "Father."

"Shinji," Gendo said levelly. "It's good to see you're doing well."

Shinji nodded. "Is this world's Shinji okay?"

"Besides fainting at the sight of me, yes."

Asuka couldn't help but stifle a slight chuckle, Shikinami rolling her eye. "Y'know," Asuka said, "it's a shame that you didn't get to meet this world's Gendo. I'd have loved to see you punch him in the face."

"With how things have transpired here," Gendo said, his expression serious, "that has every possibility of happening."

As the Ikaris continued their conversation, Kyu approached the Nagisas and Athena, nodding to them. "Rei, Kaworu. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Rei smiled slightly. "And you as well. How has your 'field research' been?"

Kyu sighed quietly. "It has been as arduous as one could expect. But I've gained many different insights, as can be expected."

She paused as she looked at Athena. "And what is your name?"

"I am Athena Ayanami. I am… searching for my own purpose."

Rei nodded as she put a hand on Kyu's arm. "I have a question for you and your parents concerning her. Could you walk with me for a moment?"

Kyu nodded, and they went a little ways away from the group. "Many of the villagers don't know of it yet, especially Natsumi and little Ryoji, but Athena has been made as a Frame Knot. She will disintegrate into LCL… fairly soon, as far as I can tell."

"And you wish me to forestall that," Kyu said with a sympathetic look.

"I do. You and your parents are perhaps the best people I know to try and solve something like this. And as much as we aren't really sisters…"

She looked back at Athena, Kyu following her gaze. "She deserves what we've gotten as well. A family. So… as a sister?"

Kyu considered it for a moment, then nodded. "I'm unsure what my capabilities as an older sibling are. My experience as an only child may hamper my endeavors."

Rei smiled. "Well, it's a good thing that we'll be learning together. I'll fill you in on my… research, as it were."

Kyu smiled in turn. "And I'll make sure my parents are aware that they'll be taking care of another child."

Rei nodded, then regarded the couple that stood somewhat apart, speaking briefly as they took in the village around them. "What are Ms. Akagi and Professor Fuyutsuki doing here? I didn't expect them to accompany Misato and the others from our home."

"Neither did we." Kyu gave her what could be considered a conspiratorial grin, slight though it was. "But Mr. and Mrs. Fuyutsuki were adamant that with a world like this, it would be a prime location to do some advanced studies on LCL and Corite."

Rei nodded. "Such studies…" she paused, blinking. "Ms. Akagi married Professor Fuyutsuki?"

Kyu nodded. "Indeed. I not only have a grandmother, but a grandfather-in-law as well. It's a strange family I have. But I love them for it."

Before Rei could reply, all eyes turned to Daniel as he emerged from the house, tears fresh in his eyes as he wiped them away. "Alright," he said quietly to Hikari and Toji. "I'm ready. Let's give him a proper funeral."

. . .

The rest of the day was spent preparing Bunzaemon for his rest in the earth, atop a hill that had a commanding presence over the graveyard. The plot had been prepared for him some years before now, and all Daniel, Toji, and Shinji Ikari-Soryu had to do was dig it up. It was quick work.

After the body, wrapped in rough linen, was lowered in, the dirt covered him in short order, and the three men stepped back to take in the work, Hikari stepping forward to lean on Toji.

After a moment spent staring at the ground in mourning, Ritsuko stepped forward, putting a gentle hand on Hikari's shoulder. "May I do something?"

Hikari nodded, and twin disks of stone swirled in Ritsuko's palms as she held out her hands, a thick rectangle of granite rising from the earth, stopping as it reached about 2 meters tall. She pointed and drew in the air, black stone flowing from the grey like pen strokes, spelling out the name 'Bunzaemon Horaki'. It was a simple marker, for an equally simple man.

Ritsuko stepped back. "He's a kind man where I'm from. He was here, I'm sure," she said quietly.

She looked back at Maya and Kyu. "Come on. Let's not get in the way of their time here."

"I'll be along soon, Mother," Kyu said, drawing Maya's attention to her. "I have some things I would like to speak to Athena and the Horakis about."

Ritsuko nodded. "Alright. Come on, Maya. Let's find someplace to stay. I think we'll be here for a while."

With that, Ritsuko, Maya, and the Fuyutsukis walked away, leaving Daniel, the gathered Horakis, young Shinji and Asuka, Athena, and the Kajis along with her.

Asuka Shikinami side-eyed Misato, who returned the glare with a weary expression. "I'm sorry. For what it's worth," she said quietly.

Asuka looked back at the grave. "At least I have that much."

Daniel sighed quietly as he regarded the grave marker, silence descending on them for a moment. "I've always been impressed with Mr. Horaki's wisdom and his kindness. Your father's a decent friend to me where I'm from. Every time we went over to his home to have dinner, which was more than a few, he made sure I was always involved in helping clean up. Strange thing, having a guest do the dishes, right? First time I asked why, he said, 'You told me about the life you lived before all this. It's far away now from what I can tell, but you have to remember it. The people and purpose you had in it. It keeps you grounded, humble. That's why I ask that you help clean the dishes.' Because I was a dishwasher before I had any of this power."

He paused, chuckling at the ridiculousness of saying it out loud. "I'm sure this world's version of Bunzaemon Horaki had that same wisdom. But now, it has left us along with him, and the stars burn a little dimmer for the loss."

Hikari sighed quietly. "Thank you for the words, Mr. Theisman. They mean a lot, actually."

She looked back. "I wonder where Ryoji's been. Father treated him like a grandson," she said, her tone distracted. "Maybe he just needs some time alone to process it…"

"Um…" Ryoji said as his brow furled. "I'm right here. Unless…"

Hikari looked over at them, then her eyes went wide as she seemingly noticed Ryoji and Misato for the first time. "Wait a minute… he must have seen you…"

"The boy?" Misato said. "Is he…"

"Your son," Daniel said quietly. "Ryoji Shinji Kaji."

Misato and Ryoji went pale. "Don't tell me…" Misato whispered. "I…"

"Did your best to not hurt him after Ryoji died." Daniel fully turned to face Misato and Ryoji. "He's old enough that he remembers his mother. And it wouldn't surprise me if he's resentful that she left him, regardless of how well-intentioned she may have been."

"What you do with that information…" Daniel shrugged. "Well, that's up to you. I want you guys here though. With what's coming, we'll all need to be ready."

Ryoji and Misato looked at each other, then Misato nodded to Daniel wordlessly before they turned and walked away, speaking quietly to each other.

Daniel had no intention of intruding on their conversation as he turned his attention back to Kyu as she stepped over to Athena. "I do not believe I properly introduced myself when we first met. I am Kyu Akagi. Along with my parents, I will be assisting Rei Nagisa in ensuring that you do not break down into LCL."

She held out a hand, and Athena shook it. "I see. I… hope that you will have success in your endeavor." Athena said quietly.

Kyu nodded, looking back at Daniel. "Would you prefer to share our findings from Matsushiro, or shall I?"

"You've been to Matsushiro?" Nozomi asked, stepping forward to admire Kyu's hair. "What was that like?"

"Well…" Daniel began, taking out his clear-pad and going through the photos from Matsushiro. "My team found someone there. Someone you've been wondering about."

He turned the screen to show the gathered Horakis, and Hikari and Nozomi gasped, Natsumi walking over to look at the screen. "That's Kodama…" Hikari said in a strangled whisper.

Natsumi's eyes went wide. "What happened to her?"

"We're not sure." Daniel gave the pad to Hikari, and they continued to study the picture. "But what we do know is that she's alive. And that we're going to get her out of there."

Daniel looked over at the headstone. "If only, at least, to say goodbye to her father… and hello to her daughter."
Chapter 30: Of Sons and Parents

Chapter 30: Of Sons and Parents

It's been strange, being here without a quick turnaround. Kind of crowded. Not many places to read comfortably. But there is another version of Rei here. Athena. She's been reading the Iliad and the Odyssey. She's got a solid foundation. But maybe I can work with the other, other Rei, Nagisa, in order to get some quiet reading time in.

This is going to get complicated, isn't it?

- From the personal journal of Hideki Tama

Village-3, April 5th, 2028

Daniel Theisman watched with a gleam in his eyes as young Shinji and Asuka continued to hammer at their blades, the shapes now evident as they laid in the fullers and the edges. They were almost done.

"So, where were you again?" Asuka Shikinami said, pausing over a broad, somewhat curved blade. "You kind of just trailed off there for a moment."

Daniel blinked. "Ah, yes. Nosferatu Zodd. Our first run-in with him, at least."

With that, he began his story again, the harrowing battle with the monstrous creature accentuated by the clang and clash of metal beating metal into shape, sometimes feeling to all in the room like each blow made in Daniel's past was echoed here in the present.

"Then, Zodd looked down at Griffith and saw something around his neck. Something that he called the Egg of the King."

"That's the Crimson Beherit, right?" Shinji said as he paused on the long, thin blade he worked on to go and get a drink of water.

"That's right. When he saw that, he spread this massive pair of wings and promised that, should Griffith's ambitions fail, a death we couldn't escape would be upon us all." Daniel said as he raised his arms somewhat dramatically.

His arms fell back to their sides. "Well…" Daniel grew quiet, somber. "He was kind of right, in the end."

It was silent for a moment as Daniel did his best to contain the emotions. For a brief, terrifying moment, Daniel could see blood in the dying heat of the kids' blades. Then it was gone.

"Is that when you got that sword from Guts?" Asuka asked, her mood dimming as well.

Daniel shook his head. "No. That wouldn't be for a long time yet. Guts didn't even have that sword until after the Eclipse. But I don't think I'll be able to finish the story before all's said and done here."

He walked over to Shinji and Asuka's blades, studying them with a critical eye. "You're close. Just a few more hours' work, then we'll put on the hilt parts that I've been getting ready for you."

"Can we be done for today?" Shinji asked. "There's… some things that I want to do."

Daniel nodded. "I don't see a reason why not." he glanced over at Asuka. "Do you want to keep going and finish your competition? You're ahead of him just enough to make it happen."

Asuka looked over at Shinji and shrugged. "It's a bit cheaty, as Mari would put it, if I don't give him a fair chance. I'll finish it tomorrow."

Daniel nodded. "Alright. "Let's go get some lunch then."

With that, they exited the forge, waving goodbye to those smiths that had become somewhat enamored by the work that was going on behind them and strolled into the village proper.

"So, what do you guys want to do for lunch?" Daniel asked as they made their way through the stream of villagers resting from their work, waving to a few of them.

Shinji looked over at Asuka. "Have you ever been to Ms. Nozomi's house since that first time?"

Asuka shook her head. "Not really," she admitted with a shrug. "Going to the forge and back to Kensuke's is really the most I've gotten out into the village."

"Maybe we should go there?" Shinji said as he looked at Daniel. "I don't think Ms. Nozomi will mind too much if she needs to make another serving."

Daniel smiled. "With Shinji the elder helping like he's been the last little while? I wouldn't think so either. Follow me."

They ambled through the streets, which at times became slightly crowded, a stray, somewhat drunk young man bumping into Shinji and sending him bumping into Asuka. "Sorry," Shinji said, an old reflex returning to him. "S-" he began to apologize again, catching himself as he blushed slightly.

"Not bad," Asuka said, a quiet sigh the only accompaniment. "At least you caught yourself before you spiraled."

Shinji shrugged. "It's an improvement, at least."

They made their way to Nozomi's home, Asuka stopping and studying the murals on the walls, unlike the first time they'd visited. "Is this art?" she asked, and Shinji nearly gawked at how surprisingly genuine the question was.

Daniel nodded. "Indeed it is. I'm guessing that you didn't get to see much."

"I guess the closest I've ever really gotten was whatever games I have on my WonderSwan and the graffiti that was on the halls of the Wunder." Asuka regarded the sun, the way the painted light played off the images it hung over.

"Do you like it?" Shinji asked. A small part of him wondered what had Daniel smiling so slightly.

Asuka was silent for a long moment. "I'll need a little bit to think about it." she paused as they made their way to the door, Daniel knocking. "I wonder how that statue of me and the others is coming along." she wondered idly.

The door opened, revealing the elder Shinji who smiled slightly as he saw Asuka. "Hello, Daniel. Here for lunch?"

Daniel nodded. "Are we expected?"

"Well, let's just say Nozomi was going to send one of us to go and bribe Asuka into being a reference for the statue she's making."

"Bribe me?" Asuka said somewhat haughtily. "What a bold presumption to be making that I need to be bribed in order for me to contribute something to good art."

"Some food with that fine art sounds good, too." Shinji agreed as they followed the older Shinji through the hallways and toward what Shinji thought was the backyard.

"Fine?" Asuka sniffed. "Just fine? Is that really all you think about something that contains the best Evangelion pilot in the world?"

"Fine has a different connotation in art, Asuka," Daniel said as they made a stop by the kitchen, a selection of different foods spread on the table that they plated up. "Fine art is the kind of art that's a cut above the rest. The elite art, if you will."

"Huh." Asuka nodded as she finished plating herself up, looking over at young Shinji with a slight smile. "Awful brave compliment of you, Shinji."

Shinji smiled as he followed everyone out, and came upon a scene that, even with the mental preparation that he'd done, still struck him as utterly odd. The statue, in what he assumed would be its final size, was most prominent, with several chairs in a half-circle facing it, many of them occupied. While the Ikari-Soryus and Nagisas were there, unsurprisingly, another couple, two women, stood in front of the statue as well, while another young woman with white and gold hair sat with the others. One of the women in front of the statue, with brown hair streaked through with bottle blonde, ran a hand through it as she looked up at Doctor Akagi. "Do I really cut my hair that short?"

Shinji found himself somewhat shocked by who had to be Doctor Akagi as Daniel sighed quietly. "Yes, indeed, Ritsuko," he said with a shrug as she turned around to face him, a somewhat resigned look on her face now.

Ritsuko looked over at Maya, a different Maya, it had to be, as she arched a brow. "Well, dear? Do you think I can pull it off?" she asked drolly.

Maya smiled slightly. "I wouldn't love you any less if you tried it out."

"Well," the older Asuka said as she looked at the new arrivals with a grin, "the greatest art reference of all time has arrived."

"Well, why couldn't they have just slapped an eyepatch on you and done it? I'm sure it would have worked." Shikinami shot back.

Asuka Ikari-Soryu merely smiled. "Let's just say it's a matter of proportions." she chuckled as the older Shinji began to blush slightly.

Asuka Shikinami rolled her eye, looking back as Nozomi ushered in another person. Another Maya, who stopped and stared almost enviously at Ritsuko and the other Maya.

Ritsuko and Maya regarded her in turn before the two Mayas closed on each other. "Well…" the one that had been at Ritsuko's side said. "I can't exactly say I was prepared for this part of things."

"Neither was I." her double replied. "Maya Akagi, I presume?"

Akagi nodded. "Yeah. I'm… guessing that's not the case here?"

Maya Ibuki shook her head slightly. "Not yet," she said quietly.

As the trio went to the side to talk further, Nozomi looked over at Asuka Shikinami. "Asuka, please, take a seat. Rei and I have been waiting for you."

Shikinami nodded as she took a seat next to the statue, and next to her glass self. "Am I good to eat while we're doing this?"

Nozomi nodded. "Be my guest. It's Rei that'll be doing the sculpting."

Shikinami glanced over at the statue for a moment, her stained-glass copy sitting on the dull, deep gray base with a foot on the base, her knee close to her chest, and her other foot going off the base and touching the ground. "It's a little… dramatic," she said.

"Isn't doing our jobs just that?" Rei said with a slight smile. "Now, Ms. Nozomi and I just need to get the details correct, so this won't be long."

Daniel regarded the artwork happening in front of him for a moment, then looked around for a moment and realized the absences as he walked over to Ritsuko and the two Mayas. "Hey," he said quietly. "I hate to intrude, but do you know where Misato and Ryoji are?"

Ritsuko looked over to her wife, a slight, amused smile on her face. "They're getting our last crew member from the Errant. He's been itching to get out and see things."

"Last crew member?" Maya Ibuki asked. "Who might it be?"

Daniel grinned in turn. "We shouldn't say. It'll spoil the surprise."

"True, true." Maya Akagi said. She glanced past them, her eyes narrowing slightly as she searched for someone. "Say, where is little Ryoji? I've heard he's usually by Natsumi's side from those few people I've talked to."

"I wonder…" Daniel cupped his chin in thought, pondering where he could have gone. It was a large space, the village and the wilderness that surrounded it, that he could hide away in. Then, a memory came to mind.

"Nozomi did this one by the old NERV base ruins. Said it was a nice place to get away from it all."

"I think I know where he is," he said quietly as he began to turn. "I'll probably be off. Have fun at the art party."

Daniel walked over to Nozomi and Rei, the two women pausing as they regarded him. "Hey, Nozomi." he began. "Does Ryoji like to go to places you've painted?"

Nozomi nodded. "Usually. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering. The old NERV base, how do you get to that?"

Nozomi's eyes narrowed for a moment. "You just take the west path out of town a ways, weaving up the hillside. It should be a straight shot once you get to the top of the hill."

"Thank you." Daniel nodded with a smile, walking away and putting a hand on young Shinji's shoulder.

"Care to come sightseeing with me?" he asked. "It'll be nice to get away and have a little peace and quiet, I imagine."

Young Shinji nodded. "Yeah. It will actually."

He stood, nodding to Nozomi. "Thank you for the lunch, Ms. Nozomi."

Nozomi smiled. "Anytime, Shinji. Feel free to stop by when you need it."

With that, it wasn't long before the two were on their way, the path mostly empty in the afternoon as workers toiled in their fields. It was a long, mostly silent walk, taken in contemplation. Daniel waited patiently for the questions that he was sure would be coming. He wouldn't force the issue. They were, after all, a rather delicate issue.

Finally, Shinji looked over at him as they began to wind up the snaking path that led to the hilltop. "Daniel… was that… my father?"

Daniel nodded slightly. "Yes. It was. A version of him, at least."

Daniel looked over to see the look of shock and betrayal on Shinji's face, thoroughly unsurprised at it. "But…" Shinji shook his head. "Why? Why work with any version of him when you know what he's done?"

"Because this Gendo Ikari is the all-too-rare exception to the rule." Daniel smiled slightly. "Even if your mother had to metaphysically slap the living daylights out of him. That was a sight to behold."

"How did he talk to Mother?"

"Through me, after I delivered a message for her." Daniel's smile vanished. "I count myself, and all of us, lucky that he was willing to listen."

Shinji nodded. "I see. So…"

It was silent again for a moment. "Could you somehow do the same for my father?"

Daniel slowed to a stop, the top of the hill just within reach as Shinji paused a little ahead of him, turning to see a conflicted expression. "Shinji… I wish I could. But I think it might be too late for that. I got to, for lack of a better term, my version of Gendo before he could do anything truly damaging to himself. Your father… he's allowing his very soul to be eaten by a fragment of Adam. He's giving up his very soul, and I'm not even sure if he's in the driver's seat of his own body anymore."

"Shinji…" Daniel stepped forward, seeing the tears welling in the boy's eyes, feeling tears welling up in his own. "I'm sorry."

He put his hands on young Shinji's shoulders for a moment before pulling him into a hug. Shinji, after a moment, returned the hug, unafraid of not stifling the quiet sobs that they were the only ones to know of.

They stood there for as long as they needed, Shinji finally taking a breath and stepping back as he wiped his tears. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I… don't know what came over me."

"Don't worry about it," Daniel said, patting Shinji's shoulder. "I know it's hard, walking away from that sort of desire. But you're an Evangelion pilot. You've done the impossible before. And you have the strength, as little as it sometimes seems, to conquer whatever's placed in front of you."

"It really doesn't seem like that right now." Shinji looked away, back toward the village.

"Well, no need to move mountains right now," Daniel said with a slight smile. "Not until you're ready."

He began to walk past young Shinji. "For now, let's just get to the top of this hill."

Shinji nodded, and they began to make their way again.

After a little longer, the walk taken in silence, they crested the top of the hill, pausing to take in the sight before them. The ruins were accurate to the painting, a perfectly circular lake with a rocky shoreline surrounding it. The remains of buildings, bleached and skeletal, poked out of the water, a single foundation with a few equally white walls, what little was left of them, perched at the water's edge.

True to Nozomi's word, it was a long, straight path down the hill, towards a small section of collapsed wall that acted as a ramp up to the main building. After taking it in, Daniel nodded to Shinji. "Well, let's go see if my hunch was right."

As they made their way down the hill, Daniel felt the pulse of displaced air behind him, heard the quiet buzz of a teleporter system, and paused to look back at Misato, Ryoji, and an all-too-familiar penguin.

"I don't know how wise this is," Daniel said levelly as Shinji looked back with him, the boy's eyes widening at the sight of the Kajis.

Misato sighed quietly. "I know. But… I can't help but feel sorry for him. For what this world's version of me did. I want to help him, somehow."

"Misato? Mr. Kaji?" Shinji said quietly, turning fully to look at them as they approached.

"Yeah. We came in with Daniel to help rescue you." Misato paused as she looked down at Shinji, a sympathetic look in her eyes. "I'm sorry for what I've done to you here too. You didn't deserve that."

Shinji looked away, and Daniel wouldn't have been surprised if memories of the tests, the time spent training, were spooling through his mind.

"Shinji," Misato said quietly, taking a knee to look at him. "I know what it's like to be poked and prodded. To be an experiment that everybody thinks is dangerous. I thought she would have too."

Shinji looked back at Misato, who smiled slightly. "But it's good to see you again. Seeing you like this… brings back memories. Not all of them good… but a lot of them."

Shinji smiled slightly as Misato stood, then looked down at the penguin, now dressed up with some sleek armored plates on his fins and belly. "Hello, Pen-pen. It's been a while," he said somewhat ruefully.

"It's been never for me meeting you, kid. But it's nice to meet you." Pen-pen raised a flipper, and Shinji regarded the rather unnatural claws on the end of it for a moment before slowly taking it.

Shinji blinked at how surreal the experience of shaking a talking penguin's flipper was as Daniel and the Kajis chuckled. "Yes," Daniel said, "he's… quite the personality."

"Personality." Pen-pen scoffed, and Daniel swore he rolled his eyes somewhat. "I'd tell you where to stuff that word if Misato and Ryoji here wouldn't take my beer privileges away because of it."

"Good," Misato said with a somewhat smug smile, looking over at an equally amused Ryoji. "He's finally getting used to us being equals."

"So," Pen-pen said as Shinji let go of his flipper, "where's the kid?"

"Probably down there." Daniel nodded back to the building. "But again, I'm not sure how receptive he's going to be to seeing you, any version of you after all this time." he looked meaningfully at Misato as he finished speaking.

"That's… part of why we went and got Pen-pen?" Misato said, her tone as clearly uncertain as her smile. "He'd be a decent icebreaker, we'd hope."

Daniel regarded Misato with no small amount of shock before he chuckled. "It's good to hear a crazy plan like that from you again, Misato. You wouldn't believe how long it's been since that's happened."

Misato's expression clouded over with concern as Pen-pen waddled over to Shinji's side. "Well, no reason to leave the kid presumably moping for too much longer," he said somewhat gruffly. "Let's brighten this guy's day."

Daniel raised a staying hand to Misato and Ryoji as Shinji and Pen-pen began to walk down the path together, the couple getting the message as Daniel turned to join them.

"So, uh…" Shinji said slowly. "When did you learn how to talk?"

"Knew the whole time, apparently." Pen-pen did his best impression of a shrug. "I was part of a big old experiment myself, y'know. People doing stuff with my soul before my heart even started beating. Adding things to it, taking things away. Don't know if they ever got what they wanted. All that mattered was that Misato saved me from biting the big one."

Daniel pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly. "Unfortunately, Pen-pen… I think they might have."

He shook his head as they came to a stop in front of the ramp, taking in the utterly unprecedented sight before them. Swimming and ranging across the shore, dozens of penguins, all eerily similar to Pen-pen, simply… lived.

"Wow…" Pen-pen said, and Daniel heard, for the first time from the penguin, something approaching awe. "That's a lot of… me."

Daniel smiled slightly. "This world's Misato's tribute to you, I would guess."

He looked between Shinji and Pen-pen, then up at the lone boy, sitting at the far edge of the ruins they stood before. Old, uneasy memories stirred in his mind as he remembered seeing a version of Shinji sitting almost exactly like young Ryoji was. "Well, kids… take it away."

. . .

Shinji Ikari had no idea what to do as Daniel took a step back from the edge of the ramp. Thankfully, it seemed that Pen-pen did. "Alright. Let's get to work."

The penguin waddled up the ramp with nothing more in the way of words, Shinji only slightly behind as they walked slowly into the building proper. The space was bare, and Shinji wouldn't have been surprised to hear his steps echoing if the space weren't so open as they approached.

"I'll take the right, you break left. Got it?"

Still terribly confused by this strange talking penguin everyone else was sure was Pen-pen, Shinji simply nodded, and Pen-pen waddled a little faster to be at Ryoji Jr.'s side first.

Ryoji Jr. looked up as Pen-pen approached, and his eyes went wide for a moment before he shook his head. "Oh. Just one of you. Okay." he said quietly.

"Just one of me, kid?" Pen-pen said with a slight scoff, shaking his head. "Man, what a lucky bunch you guys are to have so many of me."

Ryoji Jr.'s eyes went even wider as he stood, looking around and catching sight of a clearly somewhat uncomfortable Shinji. "What's going on?" he whispered. "Am I going insane?"

"You've probably got as good of an idea as I do," Shinji said wearily. "Do you mind if we just… take the view in with you? It's quite pretty, actually."

Ryoji Jr., still giving Pen-pen a healthy amount of side-eye, nodded after a moment. "Aunt Nozomi painted it. Well, she's supposed to be Aunt Nozomi."

He shook his head, turning and sitting down again, his legs hanging off the edge as Shinji and Pen-pen joined him, simply enjoying the view silently for a moment.

"So," Shinji said quietly, "what brought you here?"

Ryoji Jr. opened his mouth, then closed it. "It's not important. Just something I have to deal with."

Shinji was all too tempted to simply leave it at that. But he knew what someone far bolder than him would say. Even still, the words almost had to be forced out, his mind nearly shouting at him to not make things potentially more complicated. "Well… I'm your friend. I'd like to know if I can help."

Ryoji Jr. looked over at Shinji, smiling slightly. "Well…" he sighed quietly. "I'm not sure if you knew, seeing as you were passed out in someone's arms. But… my father and mother are here. Seeing them again, after so long… especially my mother… I have so many questions."

Ryoji looked back out over the water. "I know Grandfather told me that I shouldn't hold it against Mother for leaving me here… but I can't help but wonder why it's taken her this long to even show up. I'm her son, aren't I? Shouldn't she… care a little more?"

Old, familiar words to Shinji. Words he'd thought of when he'd first seen his father, so many years ago.

"Kid," Pen-pen interjected, "I get that you've got your hang-ups with your mom. I've been around Misato a long time. She's got her screw-ups. Real bad ones, too. But there's a good person under all that. Someone who cares. It's one of those things that gets me about you humans."

Pen-pen shook his head slightly, yet another all-too-human gesture. "This version of Misato I'm with isn't even technically your mom. She hasn't gone through all the things that having you comes with. And yet… she still wants to help you. She's got a big heart, kid. One of the biggest I've ever seen."

Ryoji Jr. looked down at the water. "I… guess I understand." he was silent for a moment. "But I remember that face. It's been so long since I've seen it. I remember her face, just before she gave me away to the Horakis. It was… so serious. So sad. I didn't want to understand why back then."

He paused, then chuckled as he shook his head. "What a world. Talking about my life's problems with a talking penguin. This day couldn't get any weirder."

Shinji felt inside his pocket, the crimson marble that had been Kaworu's prison, for lack of a better word, now sporting smooth, curving nodules that rippled around its surface. "Would you be okay with meeting a new friend?" he said, cursing himself for how stupid it seemed to sound as Ryoji Jr. regarded him for a moment.

Ryoji Jr. simply shrugged. "I can't see how it would hurt anything," he said quietly.

Shinji nodded, pulling the crystal out of his pocket and rubbing the ridges to activate what Daniel had called its Inscription before holding it out beside him. It hovered in the air as it began to glow, a lattice-work of red stars making a roughly human-shaped skeleton that glowed a little brighter before an image of a pale boy with ashen hair and red eyes, wearing clothes all too similar to Shinji's, stood beside him, blinking and taking in the vista before him before looking down at them.

"Hello, Shinji." he said, smiling slightly before looking over at Ryoji Jr. "And hello to you as well. I am Kaworu Nagisa."

"I'm Ryoji Kaji." Ryoji Jr. replied. "Nice to meet you." he blinked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied Kaworu. "Are you related to the Ayanamis?"

"Somewhat," Kaworu replied as he took a seat at Shinji's side. "We are of a similar kind; cloned beings that are a mixture of humanity and the Angels. I am… of a different lineage, so to speak."

Kaworu nodded slightly over to Shinji. "I've heard a little about you from Shinji. He considers you a friend. I hope to in time as well."

Shinji nodded, thankful for the change in tone that Kaworu had had over the past few days as Ryoji Jr. nodded. "I see. The rest of the village is pretty nice too. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids are as interested in you as they were in Athena."

"Kids… that is another name for children, correct?"

Ryoji Jr.'s brow furrowed slightly as he nodded. "Yeah. You… really didn't get out much, did you?"

"I was confined and isolated in two different locations. My entire life had been, until this point, guided to a single purpose. Now… I wish to find a new one."

Ryoji Jr. smiled slightly. "Well, I'm sure you and Athena will get along just fine. Natsumi'll probably talk to you just because of how interesting you look."

"Athena… who is that?"

Shinji looked over at Kaworu. "Remember that book that you helped me get? She started reading it and picked the name for herself. She isn't just Ayanami anymore."

Kaworu's slight smile widened. "I see. I am glad that it was useful for her."

"Well, kid," Pen-pen interjected, drawing a confused stare from Kaworu, "I'm not just here to flap my beak at you. We've talked about your folks, or at least the version of your folks that I came in with. They want to meet you. Get to know you. You up for that?"

Ryoji Jr.'s expression became guarded. "Well…" he sighed quietly. "I guess it's worth a shot."

He looked over at Kaworu. "Is that whole… human form thing on a timer?"

Kaworu shook his head. "No. It is entirely within my control."

Ryoji Jr. nodded, taking a deep breath and sighing. "Alright. Let's see how this goes."

Pen-pen nodded, turning around and looking out at the ramp silently for a moment. All there turned their heads to see Daniel and the Kajis there, Daniel looking over at Misato and Ryoji and nodding before the two walked slowly in, coming to a stop as Ryoji Jr. stood and walked over to them, the three standing apart from each other by about a meter.

"Hello, Ryoji," Misato said quietly, almost too quietly for Shinji to hear. She chuckled after a moment. "It's kind of weird saying that to someone younger than me."

"Hello… Ms. Misato." Ryoji Jr. said hesitantly.

The pain that flashed across Misato's face made even Shinji look away in shame, his gaze returning to the scene as Misato stepped forward slowly. "I'm… I'm sorry. I think I'm going to be saying that a lot."

She paused in front of Ryoji Jr., putting her hands on his shoulders. "You have Shinji's eyes," she said, barely above a whisper. "I always like the color of those eyes, you know. I guess that's part of why she named you after him."

She took her hands off his shoulders and stepped away, shame on her face as she looked down. "You deserved better than what this version of me gave you. I wish I could give you what you need, but… I'm not sure I can do that. I'm sorry."

Ryoji Jr. stood there for a moment, then looked at the older Ryoji, the man he shared his name with. "And who are you?"

"Well… I'm another world's version of your dad, kiddo. I'm Ryoji Kaji." the man's expression was resigned as if he knew the unfamiliarity would happen.

"Huh." Ryoji Jr. said quietly. "So that's what you look like."

Ryoji Jr.'s gaze returned to Misato, who met it with naked hope, a vulnerable thing. "So… what do you want to do?"

Misato smiled, a slight, fragile expression. "Well, it's a nice village, but I haven't seen much of it. What's there to do that's fun?"
She looked over at Shinji and Kaworu, her face lighting up in a way that told Shinji she had an idea. "Do you guys have your instruments? I wouldn't mind hearing a little concert from you guys, and I'm sure that you'd attract quite a nice crowd."

Shinji nodded as he stood. "Yeah, actually. I have my cello here."

Kaworu shook his head. "I am unsure if there is an instrument here for me. I play piano."

Misato smiled. "Good. I'm sure that there's something here for you, Kaworu."

Ryoji Jr. looked back at Shinji. "You can finally play like you said you could, right?"

Shinji nodded, still terribly uncertain of the idea of playing for what could be such a large audience. "I can at least try."

"You'll succeed too if our experience with our Shinji's any indication." the elder Ryoji said, a slight grin on his face. "You'll do great."

"And we'll probably have a concert venue that won't be attacked," Daniel said as he approached, a slight, wry smile on his face as he took in everyone else's confusion. "I'm looking forward to finishing Thanatos. If you're up for it."

Shinji nodded, and Daniel's smile became warm and wide. "Excellent. Now, as much as I love the view here, perhaps we should get back to the village for dinner. I'm sure we've got plenty to talk about on the way to Shinji and Hikari's cooking."

"We're going to need a bigger place than Uncle Toji's dining room then." Ryoji Jr. said somewhat uncertainly. "Even with everyone who's staying there, it's getting a little cramped in the dining room."

"How big's the backyard?" Misato asked. "Because I wouldn't mind some outdoor dining in weather like this."

"It's… not small, comparatively." Ryoji Jr. said as the group began to depart from the ruins. "It doesn't have a garden in the back like most of them do."

"Then… could we join you guys for dinner?" Misato asked Ryoji Jr. "If you want a little time to think about being around us, then that's okay."

Ryoji Jr. was quiet for a moment as they walked, then nodded. "I think… I'll be okay with you guys coming to dinner."

Misato smiled. "Thanks, Ryoji."

Ryoji Jr.'s lips twitched with the ghost of a smile. "You're welcome."

. . .

The Next Day

Young Shinji Ikari lay on the futon of Kensuke's house, looking up at the ceiling and listening to the music on his SDAT player. Last night's dinner had drained his will to be social, so many people in the backyard talking to each other and him so loudly it had made his head spin at moments. It had been good, certainly. Just… draining.

He glanced up to look at Daniel, sitting with Kensuke, taking a rare day off, Asuka, and Kaworu at the dining room table, looking down at something intently while conversing between themselves. Whatever it was, it had some of them loud enough to hear their voices, but not enough to make out the words.

Then, Asuka looked over at him, a brow arched as she said something he was sure was directed at him. He paused his music, taking out a headphone. "Yes?"

"Pick a color," Asuka said.

Shinji blinked, clearly confused. What did he miss? "Uh… white?"

It was silent for a moment, then Asuka shrugged. "Well, it's a decent enough shirt color."

As Asuka looked back down at whatever was on the table, Shinji took out his other headphone and stood. "What's going on?"

"Remember what I did for Kaworu?" Daniel nodded over to the boy in question as Shinji approached, revealing a disk-shaped orange crystal a little smaller than his palm laying on the table. He worked with strange tools, something that looked like metal spider legs weaving glowing strands onto a glowing orange framework.

Shinji nodded, and Daniel continued. "Asuka told Bradley about it, and now I'm working on giving her a little motor function to go along with a view of the outside world. It's the least we can do for her while her body's cooped up in Central Dogma."

Kaworu frowned slightly. "Who is Bradley, by the way? I only recently awoke and came to the table, so I am still somewhat unsure."

"One of my clones," Asuka replied. "Like I'm Shikimami-Langley, she's Shikinami-Bradley. Commander Ikari," she said with evident disdain, "apparently decided she'd be a good backup plan, so he's kept her in a tank all this time."

Kaworu nodded. "I wondered whose soul I heard, so similar a song it was to mine."

Kensuka regarded Kaworu for a moment. "You can… hear souls?"

Daniel and Kaworu both nodded. "There's a lot of different ways to perceive a soul. Me and mine learned how to see the Frames like you see them here. Kaworu's ancestry made it so that the sensory data gets translated into sound."

Kensuke's brow quirked as he nodded. "Does… everything with a soul look like that?"

Daniel smiled. "Technically, everything physical has Frames. We just train to see what we want to see. It's part of what makes my wife a good medic and mechanic. She heals the body of a thing through its soul."

The smile became tinged with sadness for a moment before Daniel shook his head slightly, looking down at the crystal. "Speaking of souls," he said as he began to stow away his tools, the Frames floating in the air disappearing, "Let's give a warm welcome to Bradley, shall we?"

He lifted the disk from the table. "Can you hear me, Bradley?"

"Loud and clear." a voice so much like Asuka's, choked with happiness, replied. "I'm ready to walk around, even if it is kind of virtually."

"Alright, then," Daniel said as he stood, holding the disk in front of him. "Here we go."

The disk glowed, floating in the air as Daniel let go of it and stepped back, the orange crystal glowing as a familiar lattice-work of stars wove into a form that became a somewhat tall woman, with fiery red hair and brilliant sapphire eyes. She wore a white shirt, jeans, and a pair of black canvas sneakers.

If he hadn't been told otherwise, he'd have assumed that this was Asuka Ikari-Soryu, her cocksure smile much like the one he'd seen on her face as she looked around the room. "I've gotta say," she began as she looked specifically at everyone's faces, "you're all a good-looking group. I haven't seen more than… 2 people, since I transferred over to Tokyo-3?"

Daniel smiled as he stood. "Well, I hope you're ready to break that record soon enough. "I'm sure you'll want to wander around the village and check things out."

"Of course," Bradley scoffed. Then, she walked forward, her expression becoming… curious. "But there's one thing I want to test out before we go," she said quietly, coming to a stop in front of Asuka.

She was still for a moment, then wrapped up Asuka in a hug, slowly but deliberately. "Oh, good," she said as Asuka Langley slowly, unsurely, returned the hug. Her voice was choked with emotion. "I can feel things perfectly well, too."

As Shinji watched the two Shikinamis part, Langley's eye wet with tears that she quickly wiped away, all eyes turned to the front door as they heard someone knock on it.

Kensuke walked over to the door. "I'll go ahead and get that," he said in passing, opening the door to a sight that first confused Shinji, then sent a spike of fear into his heart.

"Hello, Mr. Aida." the voice was unmistakably his as the tall, imposing man stepped into the house behind Kensuke. "I have something to ask of… ah. There you are, Shinji."

The smile on Gendo Ikari's face seemed almost impossible in its warmth to him, and he could see the slight happiness in his eyes, uncovered by those damnable sunglasses, slip into visible concern. "Are you alright? I understand my appearance to you out in the wastes would likely have been… confronting."

"What the hell?" Asuka Bradley said. "And I thought two of me would be kind of weird."

"Father," another familiar voice said from behind Gendo, revealing its owner to be Shinji Ikari-Soryu as he spoke in a warning tone. "I don't know if he fully wants to do this. You know how I cooled down after you changed and came back. He hasn't even had the chance for something like that to happen yet."

"I know." Gendo sighed wearily. "I, or at least my double in this Echo, is to blame for much of it."

He paused for a moment. "Shinji? Are you well?"

Shinji blinked as his mind finally processed the question. "Uh.. yes, sir."

Gendo sighed quietly. "Please, you have no need to be so formal with me. I hardly deserve it, anyway."

Asuka Langley rolled her eye. "Well, that's an understatement," she said sardonically. "Lock my sister up in a tank for several decades, beat the shit out of us emotionally, and leave the fate of the world in a bunch of teenagers in giant robots. What do you expect?"

"A chance to build a bridge, however meager it is, Ms. Shikinami." Gendo continued to look at Shinji as he spoke. "I cannot speak for this world's Gendo Ikari. But many of his faults are my own. I wasted precious time I could have spent with you in pursuit of trying to win back someone who would have had every right to walk away."

He paused for a moment. "So, young Shinji… would you like to go fishing?"

Young Shinji's head was starting to hurt now. "Why? What are you going to get out of it?"

"A chance to connect with my son in a way that may not fully work. And for you, at least, a chance to be with the father you should have had. You have every right to refuse should you want more space from me. I will understand."

It still felt like a trap to him. Like some great duty was somehow going to be placed on his shoulders anyway by accepting. But a part of him, so small now, yearned to accept. Here, right in front of him, was the chance to do something he'd wanted to do for years before journeying to Tokyo-3. But was it enough?

Shinji looked back at the others. Asuka Langley had, unsurprisingly, a rather guarded expression, while Bradley was simply utterly confused.

Daniel, unsurprisingly, had a patient, understanding look on his face. "It's up to you, Shinji," he said gently. "He's not your father, exactly. With all that comes with that truth."

Shinji considered the words for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay. But… I don't exactly know how to fish."

Gendo smiled, an expression that Shinji was unsure if he'd ever get used to. "That is alright. It is a simple thing to learn, and a simple thing to teach. We have the requisite gear as well."

Gendo, along with the elder Shinji, turned and began to walk out the door, and young Shinji looked back one more time. Daniel smiled slightly and waved him off gently. "Go on, and know him better, man."

Young Shinji nodded, and soon enough, he was out the door, walking beside his older self, and his father from another universe. It was always going to be a strange feeling to think of that and have that be reality, he decided as they wound their way through the green outskirts of the village in search of a sufficiently large pond or stream.

"So," he finally said after almost unbearable minutes of silence, "how did you change?"

He looked up at his father as the man cupped his chin, a thoughtful expression on his face. Had he really been able to hide this much emotion behind those glasses?

"Well," Gendo began, "I was able to talk with your mother, within the confines of Unit-01 as she was. It was thanks to Mr. Theisman's powers, and my Shinji's willingness and kindness, that I even got the chance to realize the truth in the first place."

The elder Shinji nodded, a slight smile on his face. "Which is to say nothing of the reaming that Mother gave you when you first talked."

"Entirely deserved, at that," Gendo replied. "Yui's anger was never easy to stoke in the best circumstances, but when it came, there was little that could placate it for the moments it burned."

Young Shinji felt that same anger in himself even now. Is that really where it came from? His mother? It made sense. "What happened to Mother?" he asked quietly.

"She was freed, not soon enough," Gendo replied. "And she is here, likely with the Akagis and the Fuyutsukis doing some sort of scientific experiments."

He smiled slightly, and young Shinji was, slowly, beginning to find himself somewhat intrigued by the warmth. "What's she like? Other than sometimes getting really angry?" the boy asked quietly.

Gendo's smile widened. "She's warm. Compassionate. Patient. Dedicated. All the traits of a great scientist, and a greater wife and mother. I owe everything good about my life to her. That included you, though I was too blind to see that for a long while after she was absorbed into Unit-01's core."

It was silent between them for a little while, the trio finding a large stream that looked promising. The elder Shinji set up a blanket, while Gendo handed young Shinji a fishing rod. "Take a seat, and I'll show you the mechanics of how it works."

It was a rather brief explanation, and after a rather squeamish moment of spearing worms onto the hooks to act as bait, the hooks were lowered into the water. "Now what?" young Shinji asked.

"Now," Gendo said, "we wait. This is a game of patience, as it were. We have the chance here to take in nature's beauty."

It was the most poetic that young Shinji had ever heard Gendo Ikari, any version of him, be in front of him. But it sounded, at the very least, peaceful.

So, they sat there, mostly silent, for a long while, waiting for bites; they didn't fully care if the occasion arose, simply that it could happen.

Young Shinji spent a good amount of time thinking. So many of those thoughts swirled around his father, or at least the man that was sitting next to him. Even as open as the man seemed, he was still so… mysterious. Then, he remembered something that the elder Shinji had said back at Kensuke's house. "Fa… Gendo." he settled on. 'Father' still seemed too familiar right now. "The older me mentioned something about you 'coming back'. Did you leave NERV at some point?"

Gendo sighed quietly, the rod dipping slightly in time with his head. "No, Shinji. I died."

Young Shinji's eyes went wide. "How?"

"As part of the plan to stop the Third Impact from coming to pass, I had to kill the body of Adam, which I had implanted in my chest. I'd removed it, but that left it at risk. While SEELE used the Russian and Chinese militaries to attack Tokyo-3, the Scions of Unity infiltrated NERV-HQ and stole the body of Adam. In the moment before Adam could be implanted into a stolen clone of Rei, I shot it, killing Adam."

He paused for a moment, which Shinji was grateful for as he tried to get the events that Gendo spoke of so casually straight in his mind. It all seemed so wild for a moment, and yet… for what his life had become, it had all too quickly become expected.

"In reprisal, the leader of the Scions, a man named Tavis, attacked me, then-Major Katsuragi, and Ryoji Kaji. I pushed them away, taking the brunt of the attack to my unarmored form."

He paused again. "I died shortly thereafter. Daniel Theisman caught my soul, and turned custody of it over to Shinji, to do with as he pleased. It is thanks to him that I still exist in any meaningful capacity."

The father looked over to his son, and young Shinji could only see the reaction his older self had, subdued though it was, his brows raised just slightly. "Thank you, son," Gendo said quietly.

The elder Shinji smiled, an equally slight thing. "You're welcome, Father."

Gendo nodded and looked back at young Shinji. "To get to that point took much in the way of introspection," he said quietly. "I wish I had had that gift like you do before Yui's anger forced it on me."

Shinji looked back out at the water, wondering silently. The silence was met in kind, and they simply sat there quietly for another period of time none of them cared to try and count.

"What are you thinking about, Shinji? If you don't mind me asking." the elder Shinji asked as he looked over at his younger double.

Young Shinji sighed. "I'm just wondering… can I get my father to be like yours, somehow? When this Gendo leaves… will I be able to have something like this?"

"I mean," he continued as he looked at Gendo, "if I could help change you where you're from… could I do it here? I know what Daniel's said makes a difference, but... if I could somehow make it work..."

Gendo looked thoughtful, then Shinji felt a small pebble of dread form in his gut as Gendo's expression became tinged with sadness. "I feel that you could have, to some small extent." he paused. "But I fear that time has now long since passed."

Young Shinji dipped his head in sorrow, then nearly flinched when he felt Gendo's hand on his shoulder. "But at the end of it, you don't really need me in your life."

Young Shinji looked back up at Gendo as he continued. "In this world and mine, you managed to make a family of your own. One that did not include me, and rightfully so. Though your found family has endured many hardships, I am the cause of most of them. And you have shown spectacular endurance, even in failure."

"I am, sadly, an all-too-rare exception to the rule when it comes to this collection of universes. And I will be paying for my mistakes for the rest of my existence. With what your father has done, with what I am sure he plans to do… you must be willing to gather the strength to stop him and move on. As Gendo Ikari, you have my hope that you will keep your father from destroying everything for the sake of lost love."

Gendo's hand came off young Shinji's shoulder. "And if you and my Shinji are anything alike… I can be sure that you have the willpower to do what must be done for the sake of those you love."

A moment of pure praise from Gendo Ikari. Not in passing, like what had been thrown to him after the 8th Angel, but genuine and heartfelt. It was… utterly strange. But it was still a treasure nonetheless.

Then, as he contemplated on the singularity of the moment, his rod twitched in his hands. "I think I've got something," he said as he began to pull back on the fishing rod.

"Keep your grip tight and keep pulling back." Gendo cautioned. "This is a test of endurance, not just one of strength."

Shinji took the advice in stride, and after a seemingly mighty effort, he pulled a decently sized fish free from the water, a nice, vibrant trout.

"Good job, Shinji," Gendo said, chuckling slightly. "That's quite the fish. I'm sure you, both of you, could make a fine meal out of that."

"Well," the older Shinji chuckled, "I don't know how well we can clean a fish off. All our cooking was store-bought."

"I'm sure you could find someone who is able to teach you," Gendo said. "Now, we wait for a little longer. Enjoy the decent weather."

It was a strange moment of time for one Shinji Ikari as they sat and fished. But it was one that almost felt… right.
Chapter 31: In the Bay of Broken Angels...

Chapter 31: In the Bay of Broken Angels…

Man, I've gotta say, it's a little weird talking into this little recorder thing still. But I still haven't fully got the whole writing thing down. So, here we are.

A lot's gone on since I got down my whole life's story spiel into this thing. We're here in Burbank again, and… with what Ymris' said about the Scion Revival, I can't help but keep and eye out at the city. It's a familiar feeling, what with the old life of a police commissioner. But now, it's not just street thugs and a few gangs. Now, there's a chance that I might get pushed to my limits. That everyone else might have to be as well.

We've got to do something about it, sooner or later. And as much as that gets my blood pumping for a good fight, it leaves me more than a little uneasy.

- From the personal journal of Security Chief Toph Beifong

Burbank, New Pacifica, April 3rd, 2028

Eleanor took a weary seat in the break room of the drydock that currently housed the Wunder, and began to dig into her lunch.

They'd needed a few days just to get the parts that would go into making Unit-02 whole again unpacked from the ship, and now, they had a dilemma in front of them. What would they do while waiting for the proper amount of LCL to make the process work? It would still take the better part of two days just to get enough to start.

Eleanor regarded the two women across from her at the table. Toph sipped at a soda, pausing every so often before finally looking over at Ymris. "Did you ever get used to the… what's the word… bubbliness of sodas?"

Ymris blinked, then chuckled as she shook her head. "No, not really. It's still a rather unique experience for me."

"The joys of carbonization," Eleanor said with a slight smile. The smile vanished as she leaned forward. "So, you guys didn't just call me here to eat with you and chat, I don't think."

Ymris shook her head. "No. I know where an enclave of Scions is here in Burbank. I told Toph before the Paris mission, but we weren't exactly in a position to do anything about it then."

"So, now we get to go in and bust some heads, tell the kids to behave, and look a little harder at the truth," Toph replied, clearly satisfied even as Ymris sighed and rolled her eyes.

"And how can me and mine help with that?" Eleanor asked. "We're largely in the business of giant robots. As much as I trust that the kids can throw down if they need to, I don't want to risk having them out of action or tied up if NERV tries something. Or the Scions try something big."

"Fair point." Toph shrugged. "But you've got all my friends too. Some of them have been dying for the chance to stretch their legs again after so long undercover." Toph grinned, the idea clearly appealing to her.

"Let's not just barge in blazing with indignation," Ymris said, putting a hand on Toph's shoulder. "Many of these people are just those looking for some hope. That they found it here doesn't mean they can't find it elsewhere."

Toph nodded. "I mean, obviously. It wouldn't surprise me if we need to kick some ass, though."

Ymris sighed. "We'll need to find them first. They're likely spread out all across the city. Then, I want a chance to convince whoever I can to come with us peacefully."

"I think," Eleanor interjected, "I have a place where we can start. Daniel found a meeting space when we were here shopping for the dinner."

Ymris looked over at her. "Did he tell you where it was?"

"South of Henry's Hall of Music, right by Reunion Street." Eleanor pulled from Daniel's memories that he'd shared, the sense of place still keen in her mind.

Ymris nodded, cupping her chin thoughtfully. "I see. It won't be the only one, though. Most covert congregations had several different sites scattered around any given point. At least, that's what I recall from Tavis' research and Receptorist Jameson's teachings."

"Then we start there," Toph said. "As long as it isn't too much of a cell-based structure, we'll be able to find everyone and warn them. Easy work."

"We'll see." Ymris looked over at Eleanor. "We have about 2 weeks before we use the requisite LCL that your Kensuke said Unit-02 needs to be completely repaired. After that, it's another week to get Unit-02 and Unit-08 up to snuff then, well, it's a matter of lifting off and stopping the end of the world."

"No pressure," Toph said sarcastically.

"I'm guessing you know what that might look like." Ymris continued, her expression somewhat guarded.

Eleanor nodded. "That we do. Would you like to take a look in the meantime?"

Ymris nodded in turn. "I certainly wouldn't mind it. I'm tired of being lost in the dark so much."

"And I guess a peek at the future would be interesting." Toph shrugged. "What kind of book is it? And does it have any pictures?"

"Well," Eleanor replied, smiling slightly at the utter seriousness of Toph's question, "it's a movie. And I'm sure we'll have some time to watch the most pertinent one in a little while."

"Now," Eleanor continued as she stood, "I think I want to take a walk around the city. I'm looking forward to getting to see the place a little more."

"It's a nice place, all things considered," Ymris said as she joined Eleanor. "I haven't explored much, but I'm up to see what I can find."

. . .

The sun over Burbank was bright, and few clouds were in the sky. It was a prime time for the rooftop gardens and greenhouses, pillars of verdancy in a sea of concrete and steel that Katara ogled at, and Aang with her as they walked with Toph, Eleanor, and Ymris through the streets of the city.

"Amazing…" Katara said. "I didn't think plants would be so inclined to grow in such tight spaces. It's almost magical, seeing all that green concentrated in a single building."

"You'd be surprised then," Eleanor replied with a smile. "There are plenty of cities that have sights like this across Reality. I should sit down and tell you about when I got to cross the Planar Exclusion Zone into a city called Ghirapur. Their greenhouses were huge."

Aang frowned slightly. "Why are there exclusion zones? It seems a shame to not let someone or something see Reality."

Eleanor puffed her cheeks as she sighed. "Well, the zones are mostly there to keep especially dangerous things contained. In terms of the Planar Zone, that's… let's see… magical elder dragons bent on ruling with an iron claw, eldritch beings that warp reality around them, and a collection of biomechanical beings that want to assimilate all life."

It was a somewhat sober pause before Eleanor continued. "That's mostly why the Zone's there. But that World Engine in particular has plenty of heroes to defend themselves against such dangers."

"Heroism is a natural tendency in most places in Reality, I've found," Ymris said quietly. "It's an admirable thing to see."

"Especially when you're on the hero team," Toph said with a slight grin as she gently slapped Ymris on the shoulder. "Don't sweat it. But if you do, talk to Zuko. He's got some experience dealing with this whole changing sides thing."

"Good to know," Ymris replied. "Then maybe he can help me convince some people that I couldn't when I get a feel for the general attitude here."

"Looks like we're about to find that out," Eleanor said, pointing at a wall of graffiti. Hidden cleverly within the 'O' of a word that none of them could fully make out, was a pair of upturned hands cupping an arrow that pointed down an alleyway.

"I'll go in first," Ymris said, stepping forward. "I know the motions you have to go through going into one of these. If I don't give some sort of signal after 5 minutes, come in after me."

With that, Ymris took a deep breath before striding forward into the darkened alleyway. Eleanor threw out a link to her soul before she disappeared from sight, leaning against the wall as she peered through Ymris' eyes. She felt the reassurance Ymris felt of having someone watching her back, and smiled slightly as she watched.

The alleyway was almost pitch black, but Eleanor sensed little in the way of Pneumaic adjustment as Ymris' eyes made the darkness into a grey day, images losing almost all their color as she followed the other markers toward the meeting space.

It was a door that greeted her last, one that she found was unlocked after checking for noise and not hearing a sound. As she entered, she found an empty room, a few tables and chairs situated in front of a raised pulpit.

"Empty," Ymris whispered to herself. Then, a hand went up for a moment to one of her elfen ears, pointed and far more prominent than most human ears, before she shook her head.

She said nothing more as she went over to a corner, a nearly invisible glass marble forming in her hand as she pressed it against the corner of the ceiling before she exited the meeting room. Eleanor was sure that there was some sort of idea brewing as she dropped the connection, the world around her returning to view.

Soon enough, Ymris stepped out of the alleyway, brow furrowed in thought as she began to walk past them. "We must have missed them. Either they haven't come yet, or they just recently left."

"Are we sure that you missing them is a… bad thing?" Toph asked as they all followed. "I mean, you've probably gotten on their leaders' bad side. They might have orders to look out for you and turn you in."

"That's entirely possible." Ymris paused for a moment. "However, there are good people there. People who don't know what their efforts are leading to. More likely than not, there are technicians and maintenance workers working on one of those Herald Units. If we can get someone like that on the inside…"

"It certainly sounds like you think it's worth the risk of going in, at least," Aang said soberly.

"Once I have something to disguise my ears, possibly. As it is, I probably stand out just a little too much right now." Ymris glanced up and down the street, and Eleanor, along with everyone else she was sure, couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of paranoia.

Any of the people that they passed could be a secret part of the Scion cause. It was the part of undercover work that she always hated.

"Anyway," Ymris said after a moment, "as I'm sure Eleanor saw, I've put a spy marble in the room. It shouldn't be detected any time soon, so we'll be able to keep tabs on them and learn the extent of the network here."

"All without sending anyone in to be at risk." Toph shook her head in wonderment. "What I would have given for something like that in my police chief days."

"Well," Katara interjected, "I'm sure that the others being in position to keep an eye on things like we discussed will help matters."

"They know who to keep an eye out for. As well as trailing them to see where they might go." Ymris said assuredly. "I'm sure Toph made sure of that."

"Well, besides making sure that Zuko has a pair of binoculars in an apartment building not too far from here, everyone's been brought up to speed on how to tail someone without sticking out like a sore thumb. Helps that Mako was on the force and got some training too."

Eleanor took a quiet breath and nodded. "Well, all it seems we have left to do is wait."

. . .

The Next Day

Ymris Joranna sat in her cabin aboard the Wunder, thankfully alone, and studied what the spy marble had gathered intently in a circular pane of cloudy glass. It was, unsurprisingly, not a small congregation, the seats filled as a man, likely from Matsushiro, led them in a sermon that he'd likely gotten from Tavis himself.

Young and old, men and women, it was a mixed group. They chatted to each other about their days, what their work was, what their hopes were for when Tavis cleansed the world. But they also spoke of people who went to other gathering places. Already, she'd heard mention of at least two other meeting sites, and the number of Revival followers in the city coming to be upwards of a thousand, from all walks of life. She even recognized several KREDIT members.

She sighed quietly, pinching the bridge of her nose. It irked her, how she still felt so lost. She was leading people away from danger, yes. But leading them to… what? She didn't fully know, beyond simply arraying the people who followed her against Tavis. And what kind of hope was that, compared to the surety of Tavis' cause?

She was shaken from her thoughts as she heard a knock on her door. "Come in," she said as she made the glass disappear.

The door opened to reveal Juro Watanabe, taking off a cap as he entered. Ymris pulled over a spare chair she had in her room. "Please take a seat, Juro. What can I help you with?"

"Well, it doesn't really have anything to do with your duties as head or Evangelion maintenance." Juro sighed quietly. "I'm here somewhat on behalf of the others that followed you away, much as they likely won't admit it to themselves."

"You're looking for some direction," Ymris said wearily, a quiet sigh escaping her as she leaned on the small table that she used for a desk. "I can't say that I blame you. I just don't know if I can help you with that. I'm… a little lost myself."

She understood the sadness and sympathy in Juro's eyes. The sympathy at least was common enough for the rather kind, sensitive man. What surprised her, however, what the flicker of hope in the man's expression. "Well…" he began. "I'm assuming that for something as big as I've been told the Scions of Unity were, surely there was something good to be taught before Tavis'... terror."

Ymris wouldn't have been surprised if that was the case. Veneration of the Guides was an old practice in Reality, from what she could remember of Receptorist Jameson's teachings. But 14 years of hearing only Tavis' point of view here on this Echo, and more than a little time swayed by Tavis' ideals before that, took its toll.

She cursed herself for listening so infrequently to Jameson when he spoke. But maybe… what little she had could help them. "There is some that I remember, yes. And you'd be surprised how much of what Tavis taught is at least somewhat correct."

"Can you tell me a little? Are there other Guides we could perhaps turn to that could help us?"

"Well, there isn't a way that I know of to contact the Guides. Receptorist Jameson, the man that taught Tavis and me, made a point of saying that trying to make direct contact with the Guides was a sacred experience, only for those that had prepared themselves accordingly. And after the war… he had a high standard for who might be ready."

It was silent for a moment before Juro smiled slightly. "Well, I'd think that, whatever Mr. Jameson's standards were, you're starting to come close to them."

Ymris returned the smile. "Thank you." the smile disappeared. "But even if I were worthy… there isn't really an easy way to contact any of the others."

"Why's that?"

Ymris found herself doubting the truth of what she was about to say. Everything that Tavis had told her had such a shadow cast over it. And yet, it was the information that she had to give. "According to Tavis," she stressed, "long before the war, and any of us joined the Scions, centuries by the reckoning of the Worldsea, those jealous of the progress that the Guides and their Scions were making in beginning to unite Reality broke apart their work and sealed the Guides into a pocket realm attached to the Mental Realm. Only the Guide of War was able to escape and eventually rally the Scions into retaliating."

"I see." Juro cupped his chin thoughtfully. "And I'm guessing Mr. Jameson might have said differently?"

"He didn't talk much about the war or what came before," Ymris admitted. "He was a soldier in it before he became a Receptorist. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd been next to the Hollow Saint of War at one point."

"All he really said about it when someone asked…" Ymris said after a moment's silence, "was that there was a great betrayal that led to the start of preparations for the war."

Juro hummed quietly. "I wonder…"

It was silent as they pondered the implications such clashing statements produced, then Ymris shook her head. "Unfortunately, we have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment."

She regarded Juro, the former intelligence officer, for a moment. "And I'm thinking that your former line of work might help us out quite a bit."

"And what would you need an ex-spy for?" Juro asked, brow raised ever so slightly.

"To help figure out how to mess with Tavis' plans." Ymris leaned forward slightly. "There's more than a few meeting places here, and more likely than not, there's a way to get to the Evas that he's commandeered. If we can disable even one of them, it could set his plans back just far enough to make it count."

Juro nodded slightly. "I see. I didn't do quite as much fieldwork as I'm sure you might be hoping during the wars. But… I think I can make it work."

"Can you do it while giving some rookies a training run as well?"

Juro smiled warmly. "As I'm sure you're aware, Ms. Ymris, those skilled few who do not do should oftentimes teach. And I spent plenty of time teaching."

Ymris smiled in turn. "Good. You'll have some help. Eleanor's fairly proficient at putting on a face, at the very least. And you've got at least one who was at least somewhat versed in running undercover work."

Juro nodded slowly. "I see. Do any of these rookies, besides Eleanor of course, have any Interfacing or other special abilities? I'd hate to run into an Interfacer and not have a solution."

Ymris was silent for a moment as she considered Kauri. And Aaminata. Could she convince them? They hadn't been around Tavis for nearly as long as she had. Perhaps there was still some hope to persuade them.

She shook herself from her musing. "Yes. All of them, to one extent or another, have power available to them, if not in something resembling Interfacing, then in technology that could help them stand up to such."

"Good, good." Juro paused for a moment. "I still want to meet them, get a feel for what needs to be done on my part."

Ymris nodded. "That can be arranged easily enough. They're all here on the Wunder."

"Excellent. I'm looking forward to it."

"For now, at the very least."

Juro chuckled. "That's how it always begins, isn't it?"

. . .

Eleanor sat patiently in the otherwise utterly empty mess hall, sure that Ymris had kept them waiting this long for a reason. The rest of the group that she was with was taking that same wait with… various responses.

"Ah!" Korra said as her arm yielded, once again, to Toph's strength. "Come on. Surely you're doing something. Do I still have some metal on me somewhere?"

Toph smiled smugly as she crossed her arms, Sokka taking a few dollars from both Mako and Bolin as Suki shook her head slightly at the exchange. "Nope. I've just been that strong. At least in my prime. And besides, twinkle toes, I don't even have the Avatar state to fall back on."

"Oh, please." Korra rolled her eyes. "I'm not that bad. Besides, I'm not even the Avatar anymore."

She leaned over, looking at Aang and Katara, who sat next to each other as they watched the contest with distantly amused expressions. "Aang, can you back me up here? You can't go all glowy anymore, right?"

"Like she said, Toph's just that strong," Aang said with a shrug. "You just need to ask Sokka about it. He's been trying to beat her for…"

A somewhat concerned expression flickered over his usual serenity. "Decades now, I guess?"

Sokka rolled his eyes as he sighed heavily. "I beat her, guys. Has it really been long enough that no one remembers?"

"I remember that you did it, dear." Suki piped up as she patted her husband's shoulder. "It might have only been once, but you did do it."

As Sokka deflated from the scattered chuckles, Toph nodded. "Come on guys, give him some credit. The fact that he managed to beat me at all was awesome enough."

Before anyone could reply, the door to the mess hall slid open, and Ymris, accompanied by another man who Eleanor had seen on the engineering team, stepped in, coming to a stop in front of them and regarding them as the room fell silent.

"Well, Juro," Ymris said as she looked over at the man, "this is who I've got for you."

Juro nodded, smiling slightly as his gaze fell on Eleanor. "Mrs. Theisman. It's a pleasure to see you again. I look forward to working with you more fully."

Eleanor arched a brow slightly even as she smiled. What was Ymris about to ask them?

She wouldn't have to wait long in any case. "For those of you unfamiliar with him," Ymris began, "this is Juro Watanabe. Right now, he serves as my right-hand man managing the usual repairs of the Evangelions, but what's important at the moment is that he served as an intelligence specialist for the JSSDF for the better part of a decade and a half."

"So…" Mako said slowly as he sat a little straighter, along with the rest of the benders and friends. "Does that mean we're doing spy work?"

"Of a sort," Juro said. "One of our main tasks is discerning the location of the Herald Units that the Scions under Mr. Farhaven's control. And our best shot at that is infiltrating one of the storage facilities that's hiding them."

"And how are we going to do that?" Mai asked levelly, brow arched. "Or, actually, who are we going to talk to in order to do that?"

"Well, that's where you come in," Juro said. "Your work is going to be on the streets, talking to those people that are connected to the Scions so that we can get to those people that are perhaps the most important here."

Ymris and Juro took a seat at one of the tables, beckoning the group over as Ymris created, then set down a cloudy glass sphere on the table. The sphere lit up with Pneumaic white light, projecting from the sphere into two incredibly realistic faces that floated a little above the sphere. Faces Eleanor had seen before.

"These are the two people that are most likely in charge of Scion operations around here." Ymris began. "This is Kauri Huru'apeki, and this is Aaminata. Both are at the same level I once was in Tavis' inner circle."

"So, close to him," Korra said bluntly.

"Yes. They are his lieutenants, in a sense. But they are also mostly sensible people, who have goals and dreams of their own that have been swallowed up by Tavis'. If I can get a chance to talk with them, give them my experiences with this world and its people… I could at least try and convince them to help us and, by extension, those people that still follow Tavis through them."

"I'm assuming that's the other main goal of our little mission?" Asami asked. "Save who we can by showing them the truth?"

Juro nodded. "Yes. In addition to acting as a positive information campaign, we deprive our enemy of the most important resources of all; manpower and brainpower. As much magic or Interfacing or whatever he has, Mr. Farhaven's still going to need people to maintain the Evas he has in one way or another."

It was silent for a moment as they considered the possibility, the near hope, that the Herald Units being even somewhat combat ineffective might be. Then, Zuko cleared his throat. "As sure as I am this sort of plan may work - I mean, I know these people you're asking after all- I have some doubts concerning my role in all this. I don't necessarily blend into a crowd, you know."

Juro nodded as Eleanor regarded the bright red welt that was all that seemingly remained of the hideous scar that had been one of Zuko's defining features. "That's true, and it's the mark of a wise man to know what his shortcomings are, especially in this line of work. But we have not only technology but Interfacing on our side."

He looked over at Ymris, who nodded. "I have several little marbles here that should go in any meeting rooms that we find. Zuko will be able to stay with me for the moment and act as a monitor for those areas."

"You're not going out?" Toph asked. "Why not? If it all starts coming apart, we could use you."

"Right now, I'm too easily recognizable, and there's a chance that everything falls apart if I talk to anyone before Kauri and Aaminata."

Bolin, mostly silent to this point, took a deep breath. "Man. All of this in… what, three weeks? A month?"

"That's my primary concern as well." Juro sighed as he leaned on the table. "These sorts of missions, campaigns really, usually take multiple months. Years even. We've got a fraction of the time, and unfortunately, a fraction of the training."

"Which is why we're here, I'd assume," Suki asked. "You're here to train us."

"As much as one can in so short a time." Juro scanned the dozen or so people that he would have to work with. "The training is going to be on the fly, and I'm going to need the help of those of you with previous experience. Above all, you must be absolutely certain of yourselves and the masks you create."

Juro once again looked around at the company. "Do you think you're ready?"

"I mean," Korra began with a shrug, "we've all got multiple times of saving the world in one way or another under our belts."

Aang nodded. "And learning quickly on the job is something none of us are strangers to. I think we're ready."

Juro smiled slightly. "Good. Because your training starts now. Buckle up, rookies. Because I'm about to give you the basics… then the people who are your marks."

Eleanor smiled slightly as she leaned forward, resting her arms on the table as Juro laid out the basics, two lower-level members of KREDIT who Ymris had confirmed as members of the Revival, as she called it, floated in the center of the group.

'It's been a while since I've gotten to do some spycraft.' Eleanor mused. 'I'll need to brush up quick.'
Chapter 32: Completion, Metamorphosis

Chapter 32: Completion, Metamorphosis

It's quite the change, actually being in a rural area. I made a brief study of them in the months before I left my home Echo to travel to this one. But no amount of knowledge and research could have prepared me for how… quiet it is.

Even with the cicadas being a constant presence, even with what few farm animals there are here, mostly goats and chickens, it is utterly silent at night. It has had a remarkable impact on the quality of my sleep as well. And the people here are different compared to my baseline knowledge of urban residents. They are far more outgoing, with our arrival still being talked about days afterward.

I am still completely used to living in the city. But I can see why this would appeal to some.

- From the personal journal of Kyu Akagi

Village-3, April 9th, 2028

It was a rather exciting atmosphere that filled the air of the forge today, Daniel watching young Shinji and Asuka making the last preparations for their swords. On a table next to him, several pieces of wood and metal that he'd been working on in his spare time, with Asuka Ikari-Soryu's assistance on the metal, made up the guards, hilts, and pommels that would cover the tangs of the blade.

"So," young Asuka said as she paused for a moment, waving over Daniel to inspect the tang. "After that whole… Eclipse thing happened… what happened next?"

Daniel's expression, carefully hidden excitement, became tinged with sorrow as old, hard memories replayed in his mind. "Well, Guts went off to get revenge on as many Apostles as he could. He used the Brand to track them. The more it hurt, the closer he was to an Apostle."

The tang was satisfactory, a thumbs-up and a nod going to Asuka as Daniel returned to his former position. "I couldn't follow him immediately after. I had to take care of the others. Make sure that, at the very least, their Brands wouldn't cause them any trouble."

Shinji looked up at Daniel as he paused, and Daniel had a pretty decent idea of where he was looking, an all too familiar, scarred over pattern that only now had he gotten the strength to not hide from himself. "So… does it still hurt sometimes, then?"

Daniel shook his head. "No, not in a way that signals danger. And it hasn't in a long time. How that happens to be the case can wait, however. Right now… we get to the finishing touches of your weapons."

He collected the pieces close to him, taking a hammer with a decently small head and starting with Shinji's. "This is both the quickest and most delicate part of the process. You can't smack it too hard, lest things get all wonky and bent out of shape."

The pommel was screwed tight and the part of the tang that stuck out began to be hammered flat. Finally, as it was finished, Daniel tested the heft of the sword for a moment. He nodded as he handed the sword back to Shinji. "Excellent work for your first time, Shinji. Now, let's see Asuka's work."

The finishing touches quickly fell into place on Asuka's sword as well, and Daniel smiled slightly as he held the blade. "And good job to you as well. You two have exceeded expectations, and finished the work in nearly record time for novices such as yourselves."

Asuka smiled, an almost cocky thing that still had tiredness dragging down the corners. "I mean, we're the best of the best, after all. We wouldn't be where we are if we didn't have the ability to pick things up quickly."

Shinji sighed quietly as he nodded. "Well, that's entirely true." he said, the words almost lost over the dinging and clanging of the hammers.

Before either of them could continue, another person stepped in, and all eyes turned to see Asuka Ikari-Soryu, her eyes wide in excitement and her hands filled with bags that no doubt carried their lunches. "So, here they are. The mysterious swords I've been hearing about."

Daniel accepted the lunches, likely courtesy of Hikari and the elder Shinji, and looked intently at the swords. "Do you mind if I hold them?" she asked the two Children before her.

Shinji simply shook his head as Asuka shrugged. "Have at it. I don't know what I'm going to do with it anyway."

The elder Asuka took the younger Asuka's sword first, weighing it with a critical eye. "It's rough, but then again, what do you really expect from a first try? Good… but it still needs a finishing touch."

Daniel arched a brow as Asuka's furled in concentration, then the blade of young Asuka's sword began to ripple slightly. The rippling grew faster, then, as if it were a sunrise, a streak of brilliant orange surrounded by deep scarlet rose up from the guard to coat the blade, the orange going through the fuller of the blade and stopping at its tip as the scarlet continued on to cover the whole blade.

The elder Asuka nodded as she handed the sword back to her younger self, who studied the blade with a mix of curiosity, confusion, and admiration as she went over to Shinji, pausing as she began to reach out for the blade before pausing. "Well, I know almost any version of me would be okay with what I just did, but… do you want something like that? I know you're not that flashy of a person."

Daniel looked at young Shinji and waited for his reply, silence, relatively speaking, filling the space. Finally, Shinji shook his head. "No thank you. I don't really need anything like that."

As the elder Asuka nodded, Daniel glanced over at her younger double, Shikinami's singular eye gleaming with focus as she studied Asuka Ikari-Soryu. He wondered for a moment what she had learned even from something so simple as that.

"Well," he said as he stepped forward, "we'll get a place for these figured out. For now, let's go have some lunch outdoors. It's terribly nice today."

It was a somewhat short walk to a line of trees on the hill going towards Kensuke's house, a vantage point that overlooked the rice paddies that went from one wall of the little valley that they found themselves in to the other. The sun gleamed off the water of the paddies as they ate in silence for a moment, Daniel simply letting their bodies, and the minds that had been focused on learning to master them, rest.

He, however, had something else in mind than simply enjoying the view. "So," he said, pausing for a moment as the two Children finished chewing, "there's one last thing now that the physical work's done."

"The lesson," Asuka said, a quiet sigh passing alongside the words, and Daniel smiled slightly.

"Astute as always, Asuka." Daniel paused again. "Do you think you understand the lesson I've been hoping you've learned?"

Asuka considered the question as she looked out at the village, her expression hardening the slightest bit. "Well… life beats you down. It's easy for it to be unfair to you. A lot." she said quietly. "It has a lot of different ways to stretch you out of shape. Make you something different than you used to be. Maybe even something that you don't want to be."

Daniel nodded slightly. "That's not all of it. But that's good."

He looked over at young Shinji. "Do you think you can finish the lesson?"

Shinji clearly looked somewhat uncertain, but his brow furrowed as he set about the task anyway. "It's like what Asuka said. Life's unfair sometimes. But sometimes… it can make us better. Or at least, give us the chance to be better. After all, it took work and heat and pounding on the metal in order to take it from those blocks of metal to becoming… pieces of art, really."

Daniel let the silence afterward hang for a little while, satisfied that his pupils had gotten to the heart of what he hoped to teach them. "You're both correct." he finally said. "Frankly, the swords were just an excuse to get you both to think about it deeply. It's important to realize, fully realize, what you both have. It took me far too long to realize that after…"

He trailed off, cursing himself for both his openness and his hesitation. These kids didn't need him to ramble off-topic like an all-too-reminiscent grandfather. And yet… perhaps he needed to hear it. But it could be for Eleanor tonight. These Children already had such burdens to shoulder.

"Everything I'd gone through." He finally settled on. "But last of all is the most important part. The part that separates you from the swords that you've made."

"And what's that?" Asuka asked quietly.

"Agency." Daniel smiled slightly, the word an almost sacred thing to him. "The chance to choose, as Shinji said. Whatever dictates the course of events, it has no power, here at least, to make you choose something. You can create something better. Even if it's only for yourself. And that power is a gift beyond any that can physically change the world."

They looked out over the village, and Daniel saw within it the culmination of his lesson. Choice, taken to its logical conclusion in stark defiance of facing the end of the world. The choice to band together, to trust those that had skills and abilities in dozens, hundreds of different areas. The choice, even, to give those who worked tirelessly some small token of their remembrance, as he watched a crowd form around the Nagisas, the Kajis, Nozomi, and the now finished statue that floated forward in the air before it gently touched down in front of the town hall. Though he could not see the front of it, he knew that now, between Asuka and Mari, there was the symbol of WILLE; a bird-of-prey, seemingly frozen in swooping down, its wings and a Spear of Longinus chained between them forming a stylized W shape.

Wherever he'd gone, however bleak the world and circumstances, if he looked hard enough, it was always there. It seemed almost intrinsic in people's nature, only scrubbed out by the greatest efforts of fear and hopelessness.

"So…" Shinji said, interrupting his train of thought. "Are we going to make more swords then?"

Asuka looked past Daniel with a somewhat unamused glare. "Don't tell me you actually want to keep doing this. It was exhausting enough as is."

Daniel chuckled. "No, no. No more swords if you don't want to do it. Now, we simply… rest."

The slight smile on Daniel's face disappeared. "Now we wait."

. . .

Athena Ayanami was what one could generously call comfortably familiar with having someone seek her out, and order her to accompany her to a destination. Outright ordering someone was, in all actuality, a rare occurrence in the Village and, as she'd been told, in most life in general. Her life, however, had up until this point not exactly been what one would call 'common'.

That the face who gave her that order was nearly entirely her own, save for the brilliantly white hair streaked with gold that was pulled back into a ponytail, and that she had to set aside her work to go with them, was… curious.

Even the word itself, curious, was a curiosity to her. She found herself ever more inquisitive, even as she felt herself unraveling more and more. It gave her a strange sense of urgency, but at the same time, a deep, resigned acceptance. She would likely degrade, and her experiences would be over. Death. Much like Bunzaemon Horaki's, simply compressed and expedited.

She thought back to the first time that her degradation had become visibly evident.

She was at Nozomi Horaki's house, with Natsumi and Ryoji, the younger as she had to remind herself now, participating in what Natsumi called a 'sleepover'. It was a very odd event, and Ryoji seemed somewhat bored with the event while Natsumi couldn't be more excited to talk to her.

Whatever they were talking about, something that Natsumi described as 'gossip' had lost her almost immediately. She was content to nod along, briefly responding and taking in the idea of speaking about someone, however honestly, in secret. It was somewhat familiar to her, this idea of compartmentalization of information. The information in question seemed so trivial, however.

She didn't know when Natsumi stopped talking, or when everything became so muffled and distant. A feeling of nausea swept over her, and she only vaguely felt Natsumi and Ryoji grab her before she fell face-first onto the floor.

She blinked, things eventually coming back into focus as she took control of herself. "Athena!" Natsumi said urgently, the first thing she'd said clearly in… she'd lost track of how long she'd been unfocused. "Are you alright?"

"The degradation is accelerating," she said levelly, feeling the strange, rippling sensation of parts of her body liquefying into LCL before returning to their previous state. "I will have to return to wearing my Plugsuit in order to slow the rate of decay."

"Oh, no…" Ryoji said, and Athena looked over to see the look of… what was it called?

"What is the name of that expression?" she asked, and Ryoji flinched before looking away. "I saw that look when we helped lay Mr. Bunzaemon to rest."

"I… I guess it's…" Ryoji could seemingly speak no further.

"Anguish," Natsumi said, her voice hollow as she helped Athena to her feet. "We don't want to lose you. Not after just getting to know you."

Natsumi pulled Athena rather suddenly into a tight hug. "You just hold on and be strong, okay?"

Dissolution into LCL did not work like that. It did not care if one was 'being strong' when the end came. But for Natsumi and Ryoji's sakes…

She now strode through the town square wearing her black Plugsuit, drawing stares from the villagers at both her return to an unusual attire, and to the woman who led her towards the village outskirts who could be, much like Rei Nagisa, considered her older sister.

Kyu Akagi paid little heed to the looks and whispered questions, looking down at what she had called a 'clear pad' in passing. "So, when was the first time you felt yourself… unraveling, for lack of a better term? Not the first time symptoms became outwardly evident, but when you first felt them."

Athena considered the question for a moment. Last night's incident had been outstanding, certainly. However…

"March 31st, 10 days ago," she replied levelly, watching as Kyu typed something onto the pad.

"I see. That's remarkably cognizant of you." Kyu looked back, and Athena saw yet another emotion that she still didn't have a name for. It was a common occurrence, the more perceptive she became.

Kyu paused for a moment as they approached a single cabin on the edge of the town, regarding her with all too familiar eyes. "Are there any lingering physical symptoms? Nausea, dizziness, headaches?"

Athena shook her head and looked at Kyu intently as she typed something in. She was familiar, yet indelibly different. She wasn't like Rei Nagisa, certainly, however similar they were in appearance.

Kyu looked back up at Athena and hesitated for a moment. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"Why are you… different from the other Ayanami types?"

Athena recognized the expression that flashed across Kyu's face. It was surprise. "Well, My soul is… different. I do not have any of the memories of my…"

Kyu sighed quietly. "Well, to call them sisters is at once somewhat correct and rather incorrect. Biologically, we are related, but my experiences are entirely my own, distanced from the Ayanami program."

She smiled slightly. "I still get along well enough with my cousins, of course."

She turned back to the cabin. "Come along, then. Let's give you a new lease on life. I'd be more than happy to explain if there are any questions that you have."

"What was that expression on your face?" Athena asked, pausing their walk moments after it started. "When I mentioned the time I first realized my degradation."

Kyu looked back at Athena, again with a look of slight surprise. "That was… an expression of being impressed. As I said, there aren't many that are as perceptive of their own souls like you are."

Athena waited as Kyu fully turned to face her again, concern in her eyes. "Before coming to the village…" she asked quietly. "What was your life like?"

"I spent the majority of my time in a specially prepared LCL tank, and what time remained in a training simulator to pilot the Mark.09."

There wasn't much at all in the way of inflection or emotion in her words. She was still struggling to understand emotion and its personal application, and there was little to lie about. It was simply her life, and the past.

Kyu's face told another story. Athena saw the sorrow on the young woman's face. A sorrow that she'd seen mirrored in Ryoji and Natsumi's faces. "You've experienced so little of life…" Kyu whispered.

She sighed quietly before she continued. "I… was an empty soul within Lilith. Bereft of memories. I had to start my life from scratch, essentially, depending almost entirely on the guidance of my mothers and those that made themselves my friends. But as I'm sure you've seen, the world beyond is a vast, beautiful place."

Kyu smiled slightly. "All that to say that I know where you're coming from. And I promise to help you get the chance to experience as much of this world as you can."

Athena nodded, her expression still level. "Thank you, Ms. Kyu."

Kyu's smile widened slightly as she turned. "Not a problem, Athena. Come along. We've left the others alone for long enough. Let's go make sure my grandparents don't blow anything up they don't intend to."

Athena became somewhat confused as she followed Kyu into the cabin and found herself standing in the midst of dozens of different machines that hugged the walls, several free-floating holograms drifting about the living room of the cabin, and a long table with several equally strange instruments took up the center of the room. The proportions were off as if someone had stretched the inside of the cabin without doing so to the outer walls.

Walking into the otherwise empty room, Kyu arched a brow. "Grandmother, Grandfather. I've arrived with Athena."

"Oh! One moment, we're coming." the voice of a woman, likely about as old as some of the ones that she worked with, called out.

Kyu sighed quietly as she rolled her eyes. "I wonder if we've disturbed them. It's been known to happen."

Athena tilted her head. "What would we be disturbing in the afternoon? Is there some sort of work that they do around this time?"

Another sigh, of a kind that she once heard Bunzaemon describe to her as 'weary'. "I'm sure they would put it like that."

After a few moments more where Athena wondered what kind of work Kyu would roll her eyes at, two people, likely Grandfather and Grandmother, emerged from a back room, their clothes somewhat rumpled as they paused to take in their new guest.

"And I would assume that this is Athena, then, dear?" Grandmother said, brushing back a lock of brunette hair as she regarded them with intent, deep green eyes. "I wondered when we'd get to finally meet you. Welcome to our little house of science, young lady."

"Thank you," Athena replied, then focused on Grandfather. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she took in the somewhat familiar figure. The skin was too smooth, the hair too dark, but even still… "Are you related to Deputy-Commander Fuyutsuki, by chance?"

Grandfather's brows rose before he chuckled. "Well, no. I am, in fact, Kozo Fuyutsuki. Simply a little younger than you might have seen before, and no longer a Deputy-Commander. You can call me Doctor Fuyutsuki instead."

"And more." Grandmother gently elbowed Mr. Fuyutsuki. "I suppose I should introduce myself as well, seeing as my husband probably took you off guard somewhat. I'm Naoko Fuyutsuki, Ritsuko's mother."

"It is nice to meet you," Athena said with a slight bow.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Naoko said with a wide smile before her focus turned to Kyu. "Speaking of my daughter, do you know where your mothers are, dear? It's been a little while since lunch."

"I believe they're still attending the unveiling ceremony for the new statue dedicated to WILLE," Kyu replied as she ushered Athena over to a seat at the table.

"Oh, I see," Kozo said as Athena sat down, Kyu sitting across from her. "What does it look like?"

"In my personal opinion or in general?" Kyu asked the question with an emotion there, ever so slight, that Athena couldn't fully identify. "It's a well-designed statue by all accounts. It simply feels too… bare. There should be something there for others to learn about its meaning. A placard, at least."

Naoko chuckled as she and Kozo sat down. "I guess I should have expected something like that to be your review. So, where should we start with our friend here?"

"I'll start by determining what type of Frame Knot we'll be working with." Kyu pulled her clear pad out from one of the pockets of a sturdy set of cargo pants. "Don't worry about my doing anything, Athena. All you need to do is simply have a conversation."

Kyu looked over at her grandparents, a slight smile on her face. "Perhaps you can help by telling her about some of the research you're hoping to do here."

Both Naoko and Kozo, to varying degrees, seemed to be enthused by the idea. At least, that was what the expressions on their faces seemed to indicate based on what others had told her about it. "That's an excellent idea, dear!" Naoko said with a wide smile.

She set her elbows on the table. "Now, I know that you probably have little in the way of experience with a good amount of the concepts that we're studying, so we'll keep it as understandable as we can make it."

"So, what do you know about the properties of LCL and… well, I guess that you would still call it core material?"

Athena considered the question for a moment. "Lilithian Catalyst Liquiform, or LCL, is an insulator and connector required for synchronization with an Evangelion. Core material makes up the core of an Evangelion, and a pilot must synchronize with a core in order to pilot the Evangelion."

Naoko and Kozo both nodded slightly, their enthusiasm dampening slightly. "I see," Kozo said quietly. "Likely just enough education to pilot the Eva, and little more."

"Interesting name for LCL, though," Naoko said, finding a clear pad of her own and tapping out what was likely a note on it. "Close, but not quite what we have. Some worlds just like being contrarian, I guess."

Athena glanced over at Kyu, who simply looked at her intently before writing out a note, then looked back at the Fuyutsukis. "Are there other applications I should be aware of?"

"Many, many different applications, young lady," Kozo said, sliding into a tone of voice that she'd heard the Deputy-Commander sometimes use. "For one, LCL is a proto-matter, capable of transforming into many different things with the proper mental and Pneumaic stimulation. Usually, the transformation requires a biological component to it, as that is the easiest matter for it to form. Unsurprising really, as it stems from a biological origin…"

Naoko put a hand on Kozo's arm. "Don't get too far into the weeds, honey. I don't know if we have all day," she said meaningfully.

Kozo paused, then chuckled softly. "Thank you, Naoko. Now, as I was saying, it's very easy to transform LCL, natural LCL at least, into a biological substance, which makes it a shoo-in for medical use and constructing a large portion of an Evangelion, among many other use cases. However, it's far more difficult to transform it into inorganic materials, taking up precious time and power with its transformation. Synthetic LCL solves this problem only to a certain extent, but it still largely leaves us with the same problems."

"Which is why we're here!" Naoko said. "Core material, what we call Corite, is something of a rarity where we're from. And seeing as the Evangelion Memorial Museum wants to keep the original cores of our Evangelions "authentic" and "museum quality", we can't pull from here. But, with Corite in rich supply, this world offers us a chance to really tinker with the stuff and see what applications we can get out of it. Hopefully, we'll be able to make something that can expand the borders of the village quickly, opening up supply routes, farming grounds, and housing areas, something I'm sure the mayor of this town would appreciate."

"Alright," Kyu interjected, "the examination's complete. I know what we're dealing with."

Naoko and Kozo looked over at Kyu at the same time Athena did. "And what scale of measurement that's new to me are we pulling from today?" Naoko asked.

"The Ju'ruushi categorization of Frame Knots," Kyu replied, handing her clear pad to the pair as the door opened and closed from beside them. "According to my observations, we're dealing with a Type 3 Knot."

"Type 3?"

All eyes turned to see Ritsuko and Maya Akagi, whom Athena had already been introduced to, as they took a seat at the table beside their daughter. "What kind of type is that?" Maya continued.

"According to Ju'ruushi, Type 3 Frame Knots are largely sapient, with some impediments to a full range of expression. Emotion, in particular, is muted or nonexistent."

"I see," Ritsuko said, cupping her chin in thought. "Is there any way we can climb up the scale, so to speak? Adding Frames isn't an impossible task, I wouldn't think."

"It's a rather time-consuming process, from what I can tell," Kyu replied as she retrieved her clear pad. "One that requires the proper medical facilities on hand, which we, unfortunately, don't have."

She was silent for a moment, her lips pursing as she continued to read. "And it appears that, depending on how advanced the unraveling is, such a thing would only work as a temporary measure."

"No," Kyu continued, "we need a permanent solution. The problem right now is that I don't have any idea what that might look like."

"It might help if we had everyone here to brainstorm," Ritsuko said, looking over at Naoko and Kozo. "Do you know where Gendo and Yui are?"

"They're collecting Corite samples for us," Kozo replied. "There's interference from their position, so we can't exactly call them and ask at the moment. Either way, they'll likely be sure to try and help."

Kyu nodded, looking over at Athena with a slight smile. "You're in good hands, Athena," she said encouragingly. "In this room are going to be some of the most intelligent people in their fields of study. All to help you."

Athena found herself silently surprised as she felt… something, stirring within her. Emotion. The tiniest spark of it, and yet it still touched her as she nodded. "Thank you."

. . .

Young Shinji Ikari walked out of the house, assuring Asuka Langley that he wasn't running off this time. No, this time he simply needed some time to himself today. He pondered on her response as he left. She hadn't brushed it off, but his assurances had somehow seemed… unnecessary. As if she knew he'd be back.

It had, nonetheless, still been a long day as he entertained those who knew of his and Asuka's work by showing them the swords in question and talking about their experiences. Kaworu, in particular, had shown a particular interest in 'the work of his hands'.

For now, though, he just… needed a moment. The rice paddies were empty, the workers going off to have dinner with their families. It gave him a place to sit down and look out at the sunset, dipping down past the hill that separated them from the old NERV base.

So many people interested in what he'd done. Praising him for something that had been guided largely by Daniel. He'd simply made something up and learned a lesson from it.

'Then again, isn't that just life sometimes?' he wondered. Maybe it was. Besides his music, it was one of the few things that so many people had been vocally proud of. Piloting the Evangelion, a far grander task, had, in comparison, given him so little. Simply loneliness and pain.

'Misato was proud of me. At least, back then she was.' Could he be proud then, too, of his piloting?

"I always wonder what you're thinking about."

Shiji jumped slightly as he looked back and up at Kaworu, the young man smiling slightly, the sunlight passing through his immaterial body and somewhat lightening the shadow that he cast. "You must think deeply often. I wonder if inner strength is derived from such thoughts."

Shinji blinked for a moment, then sighed as he fully processed what Kaworu was talking about before sighing quietly. "Yeah. I just wish it led to me actually being brave sometimes."

He paused. "I'm kind of surprised to see you out here, Kaworu. I was kind of trying to be alone."

A flicker of embarrassment crossed Kaworu's face as he stepped back. "My apologies, then. I will leave you to your contemplation if you so desire."

Shinji considered the offer for a moment. 'Well… what would having one more person here do, really?'

He nodded slightly. "Take a seat. I'm just watching the sunset."

Kaworu, evidently somewhat relieved, sat next to Shinji. There they sat in silence, simply taking in the mundane majesty that played out before them.

"So," Shinji finally said after a moment, "how's making friends coming along?"

"It is an… interesting process." Kaworu cupped his chin thoughtfully. "Each person is utterly unique. Even the similarities that they possess have such… distinction to them. Speaking with them, unfurling their personalities and foibles, has been a fascinating endeavor."

He looked over at Shinji, his usual slight smile having far more warmth than Shinji had seen in it during their time together in Central Dogma. "Thank you for having faith in me. I owe so much of this experience to you."

"Oh, come on, Kaworu," Shinji said rather bashfully as he scratched the back of his head. "Daniel's the one you should be thanking. He's who made it so that you could be here in the first place."

"And yet, it was your idea to open the world to me by introducing me to other people. A new body would mean nothing if my soul was crippled. Again, thank you for that."

Shinji nodded after a moment, still uncertain. "Well, you're welcome."

Shinji looked out around the village and found himself thankful as well. It had become a sanctuary to him. 'Maybe I should stay here, after whatever happens.' he mused. It certainly wasn't the worst idea.

As he looked around, he caught another person, a little ways away from them to the left, walking out of the tree line and sitting down under the shade of a tree.

It was Daniel, surprisingly enough. No one followed after him. And if he looked hard enough, he could see the expression on his face.

It was… exhausted. His face was drawn into a weary mask that looked at once completely out of place on the usually optimistic man and utterly natural to him.

How long had he hidden such tiredness from everyone else? Shinji studied the face for a moment, Daniel seemingly not noticing them, before it clicked as to why that face felt so familiar. He'd seen that look after a mission against the Angels whenever he looked in the mirror. It had returned while he'd been imprisoned in the Wunder.

As he realized that, Shinji felt a pull to go over to him. 'Doesn't that defeat the whole point of being alone, though?' a part of him pined. All this effort to go and take a moment for himself, to simply wander over to someone infinitely stronger, more capable than him, and try foolishly to comfort him?

And yet, that strength seemed so far away as Daniel leaned against the tree, a deep sigh escaping him unheard by Shinji and Kaworu.

"I wonder what brings Mr. Theisman out here?" Kaworu said, noticing Shinji's stare.

"I don't know," Shinji said quietly. "I've never seen him like that before. Or at least, not to that extent."

Shinji stood. He didn't know why, entirely, but he found himself resigned to it anyway. "I'm going to go talk to him. Do you want to come with me?"

Kaworu considered it for a moment, then shook his head slightly as he stood. "No. I do not want to get in the way of whatever must be said. Be free with your words. I believe you will choose the right ones."

The pale boy smiled slightly as he began to walk away. "See you later. I believe that's right…"

With that, Shinji looked across the way at Daniel once again, then took a deep breath as he walked over to the man. Daniel barely even seemed to register his approach before he stepped in front of him, a look of surprise becoming a resigned smile that barely touched his eyes. "Oh. Shinji. I should have guessed that you'd be watching one of these sunsets."

"And how is that the case?" Shinji asked before shaking his head slightly. "Never mind. Are… are you okay?"

"At the moment? Not really. Take a seat. Let's enjoy the sunset. One can only see so many."

There was a pregnant pause as Daniel's smile faded. "Usually." he nearly whispered.

Shinji slowly took a seat next to Daniel, and they watched for a long while as the sun started to become a jagged sliver on the hilltops.

"So… what's wrong?" Shinji asked, almost afraid to break the silence.

"Right now, nothing. But… there's a burden on my shoulders. Enough to make the whole world, the whole sky, seem like a paperweight by comparison. I've put on a brave face about it on three different worlds, but even I need moments like this to just… relax. Process it all."

"That's one more lesson I want you to learn, Shinji Ikari. That you don't need to be strong forever. You don't need to be the big damn hero all the time. No one can be. You need to take moments of seeming weakness to be truly strong when it counts."

Shinji nodded, and the ghost of a smile returned. "Good. You've always been a smart kid, Shinji. No matter the world."

Shinji pondered silently on what Daniel had said. It felt… strange. But if Daniel was saying it… maybe he just needed to focus on relaxing now while they were still here in the village.

Then, Shinji thought about what else Daniel had said. 'Three worlds…'

"What was the first one?"

Daniel, whose eyes had begun to drift closed, looked over at him. "Hmm?"

"The first world? The other versions of me and my friends were probably the second, weren't they?"

Daniel slowly nodded after a moment. "It was another world like this one. But I only stepped into the picture after the first battle with the Angels. It… didn't work out."

"Oh. Okay."

Again, they let silence accompany them for a little while as the hilltop finally consumed the sun, rays of light still lancing into the clouds.

"So, why?"

Daniel's brow furled. "Why?"

"Why go through all this trouble to help me and everyone else when you can just… worry about magic-ing away the Scions, the Angels, all these things that threaten us, and just be on your way to give everyone a chance to sort things out themselves?"

Daniel was silent, pondering the question. "To start with the short answer, I'm still human. I have to remind myself of that every once in a while. As for the long answer…"

Daniel's face began to lose its weariness slightly. "Because you matter, Shinji. You and Asuka and Rei and Misato and everything on this world matters. If I'm going to protect it, I need it to matter to me as well. It's something this Scion Revival has lost sight of in their quest for perfection, I think."

"And because… look at this sunset."

Shinji looked back out at the hill as twilight fell and Daniel continued. "It's beautiful, isn't it? Every world has a different sunset, utterly beautiful in its simplicity. Every world has a different sight that brings… hope. Whether that's a sunset on Village-3, or Tokyo-3 coming to life after a battle, or the sight of humanity building something from the ashes of the old world to be better, however imperfect those attempts may be."

Daniel shook his head slightly. "There isn't a place in all Reality that doesn't deserve a beautiful sunset. Too many do but go without. Or no longer have suns in the first place."

"Because of you?" Shinji asked, barely above a whisper, flashes of what Daniel had shown him at the Fourth Impact reeling through his mind.


The admission was equally quiet, filled with a guilt that almost felt beyond measure.

"So," Shinji said after a moment, "that still doesn't fully answer my question, I think. Why help me? You already have a version of me that you pulled out of what I go through. Why go through it again?"

"A third time?"

Shinji looked over at Daniel, realization dawning. "You mean…"

Daniel's gaze dropped, and he sighed quietly. "Yes. The one world I never showed you then. I was a part of NERV on that first world. In Tokyo-3, even. Trying to help a Shinji Ikari that was a lot like you were in the beginning. Alone. Doubtful. Afraid. I was afraid too. Of interfering too much and losing everything for my folly."

"In the end… it didn't matter anyway. That was how I failed you. That was how I ended the world without meaning to, drove all humanity into the night. Another world without anyone to appreciate a sunset."

It was silent again, then Daniel looked at him, longing in his eyes as he put a hand on Shinji's shoulder. "If I could be there for every version of you that needed help, if I could give all of you the love and support you deserve, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I can't be everywhere at once. Not in the form that you need."

The hand slipped from Shinji's shoulder. "I'm sorry for that, Shinji. But I'm here now, for you. And I'll be here for you until you no longer need me."

Finally, he began to really smile again, a little warmth in it. "And I think that time's approaching quickly. But for now… let's just take in the beauty of nature."

And there they remained, even as twilight became night, and the stars began to wheel above.
Chapter 33: Ingratiating

Chapter 33: Ingratiating

Unit-02 has been a study of patience over these last few days. I've heard more than a few of the workers that have been around us equating it to 3-D printing an Eva. They aren't entirely wrong.

I'd love to tell them more, especially the more excitable ones among those formerly of the Revival, but with what we've started to do in unraveling the Revival here, I can't help but keep things close to the chest. As excited as they are, there are any number of ways that they can spill secrets, even with Juro's help keeping an eye on things.

I have to trust that our 'field agents' are capable of doing what we hope they can do. And with their track record, for now, that's more than enough.

- From the personal journal of Eleanor Theisman

New Pacifica Agri-Station 052, Outskirts of Burbank

Aang looked at the frankly massive building that looked over the dozens of farm fields and orchards, all of them stretching out into the distance, and couldn't help but be impressed with how far humanity here had come. He could feel the pull and flow of the water around him through his bending, all of it flowing from a river that found its source at the top of a mountain a few miles away.

"I'm guessing you can feel it too," Katara said as they approached the building. "How pure it all is."

Aang nodded, walking into the building and past dozens of farmers, technicians, and logisticians. "Yeah. But there's… something else."

His brow furrowed as his voice became quiet, and Katara followed his lead. "What? Scions?"


They paused by a window looking out over a vast field of corn. If Aang focused… allowed his sight to slip beyond the physical…

There. Walking amongst the fields, ignored and out of sight of the farmhands working them, strode dozens of spirits in a dizzying array of forms, some pausing and tending to crops in ways that those farmers that had their backs turned to them would have found wondrous, if not miraculous.

And a few of them, close by to the building, might have glanced at him with whatever passed for eyes.

"Yeah. There are spirits in those fields. And based off of one of the people we're tracking…"

Katara nodded. "Well, let's just start by finding Ms. Macey."

Aang nodded, and they began to walk towards the 'command center' of the building as it were, both of them reflecting on what they'd been told about their target.

"Her name is Ms. Maia Macey." Mr. Watanabe had told them when they had first gathered. "She's the current manager of the main agricultural station here. She's one of the two main KREDIT employees that shows up to this meeting point. She's rather social, and seems to be the ringleader, as it were, of the little group of KREDIT workers. Easy mark."

Aang and Katara still felt somewhat out of their depth as they asked for directions to Maia, soon walking into what was labeled a control center that was a wide open space, several screens on the left and right walls flanking a massive window on the far wall that looked out over the many fields.

Standing in the middle of it all, a tanned woman with shoulder-length blonde hair tied up into a smart, severe bun regarded a tablet, directing the people around her with relaxed ease.

Aang still felt uneasy about this whole thing as they approached her. He may have emerged from the Spirit Realm a new person, but he still hated the idea of lying so casually. But Mr. Watanabe had accounted for that, it seemed.

"Kid, there's plenty of top-class spies like you that I've worked with. For them, it isn't a matter of lying. Not at all. You're still becoming their friend, and I think you have a knack for that. It's simply a matter of paying attention and taking note of things that they say."

Even as old and as used to keeping focus as he was, it was still difficult sometimes to make that work. Making friends… that was easy, though.

"Excuse me," he said, causing Ms. Macey to turn around, "are you Director Macey?"

The woman scoffed slightly even as she smiled. "I can tell we haven't met before. Please, just call me Maia."

Katara nodded, returning the smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Maia. I'm Kiana Aanderson. This is my husband Alan."

Aang nodded as he shook a proffered hand. "We're here at dock for the next month or so, and we just wanted to see where we could help out. Keep ourselves busy and all that."

Maia glanced at the armbands that they wore and nodded. "I got it. WILLE. We always appreciate the extra help. What can you two do for us?"

"I'm in logistics right now." Aang nodded over to Katara. "And my lovely wife is head of medical aboard the Wunder."

Maia smiled broadly. "Perfect! We could always use more people with both of your skill sets. Here, give me a second, and I can show you two around."

She turned and walked over to who was presumably a subordinate, and Aang looked over at Katara. "So far, so good," he said quietly.

Katara simply nodded, then her smile returned as she walked to Maia's side. "So, you look like you get out in the sun a lot. Are you out in the fields, or does that tan come from playing as much as working?"

Aang let Katara take the lead and found himself profoundly grateful that he wasn't assigned to the other person that they had to befriend.

. . .

Tyler Pressley, it was immediately apparent to Korra, nearly lived in this gym.

She was no stranger to such a familiarity, what with her experiences training not just to be the Avatar, but also in her early quest to become a pro sports player in the bending arena. From how he interacted with the staff, to the ease with which he flowed through his workout routine, he went from place to place with an ease that belied his importance to her and her company.

"Are you sure we should be disturbing him here?" Suki asked from beside her. "If Sokka's any indication, getting in the way of a man's workout isn't the greatest idea in the world."

"I mean, come on. Interrupting someone's set is the least disruptive thing we've done to save the world." Sokka said it flippantly, but Korra could see the uncertainty even in his eyes. There had to be an opening somewhere…

Then, she noticed the sparring square at the far end of the gym. And she recalled what Mr. Watanabe had told them about the man. "He's a martial artist. And he's been complaining about not having a sparring partner for the last few days, it looks like."

"Don't worry, guys," Korra said as they finished checking in. "I have a plan."

She strode off towards the ring and Pressly, heedless of whatever stifled objections were behind her. It took some time to cross the length of the gym, and she was sure there were at least a few stares that she caught out of the corner of her eye. Not that she'd care, either way.

She stopped in front of the square, a few feet away from Pressley, then looked over at him. "Looking for a sparring partner?" she said as she climbed through the strange ropes, leaning against them as she appraised the man, somewhat wiry but strong with a carefully maintained braid of long brown hair.

Pressley regarded her with somewhat shocked gray eyes that then glittered with interest as he climbed in, the rest of the gym beginning to pause for a second as they regarded what was about to happen for a moment. "You must have read my mind. What do you practice?"

"A little bit of everything. Been doing it since I can walk." Korra tucked the fact that most of her stances and moves usually carried a spicing of elemental power behind the technicality of the truth.

"Oh, good. Maybe I can learn a little something, then. What's your name?"

"Karra. What's yours?"

"Tyler. So, what kind of rules do you want to set?"

"First to three points. Putting the other person on the floor means one point. And… nothing too dirty to start."

Tyler smiled slightly. "Sounds good to me."

They squared off, and Korra found herself in that most wonderful of mindsets; that of the contest. Her mind flashed with possibilities as she started by probing his defenses, perhaps a little more aggressively than he was expecting, and she carefully restrained her might as she blocked his questing jabs and kicks. This was bare-knuckle, barely any protection between either of them. He liked to live dangerously, it seemed. It was a sentiment that they shared.

"You go, Karra! Kick his butt!" she heard Sokka call out from the edge of her perception, and she decided to oblige him by surging forward, water tribe and fire nation forms blending together into a flowing strike that surged through his defenses and took him off his feet, sending him sprawling.

"Alright," Tyler said as he caught his breath. "You're pretty good. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself? Call it loser's consolation."

Korra shrugged. "Country girl. Grew up wanting to fight the good fight, decided to join NERV to do it. Then I joined WILLE after everything went to hell. I'm in security now."

"Wow. Are you on the Wunder then?" Tyler got to his feet, walking over to a bottle he'd set on the edge of the ring and drinking from it as he finished speaking.

"That I am. I work security. It's a decent enough job."

Tyler nodded, and Korra grinned. "Though that's more than a little. I might tell you more if you let me beat you."

"We'll see about that." Tyler grinned as they fell back into position again, the spar returning as the man took the initiative this time, looking to pry apart her defenses. Her training in earth style was good, but he was persistent, chipping away until he finally got a chance to grab her arm, pulling her into an expert throw that came from a martial art she remembered was called judo here. Wherever it came from, it planted her on her back, driving the air from her lungs.

"So, I guess it's my turn," Tyler said as he waited for her to catch her breath and sit back up. "I'm native to here, missed the boat with NERV and all that. After Near-Third, I went into KREDIT to use my skills and help out. Seemed like the right thing to do and all that."

Korra looked at her friends and asked for a water bottle that she took a deep drink from. "So what do you do?"

"I'm a mechanic. Mainly heavy duty equipment."

'How convenient.' Korra might have been brash, but she wasn't dumb. At least all the time. She knew that rather bland statements like that could conceal something just a little more vital to what they needed to do. "What kind of heavy-duty equipment?"

"Big rig trucks, cranes for shipyards and… other stuff."

"Oh?" she stood, setting the bottle down and standing. "What kind of other equipment?"

"I'm…" she had him flustered. For as suave as he at least pretended to be, his concern was rather evident on his face. "Not exactly at liberty to tell right now."

'Then you might be exactly what we're looking for.' she mused.

"Well, I'll find out soon enough. After all, I'm enjoying this."

"Enough to keep doing it without padding?"

"Now, I didn't say I wasn't in the business of being beaten up all the time."

Tyler nodded. "Fair enough. I don't know if you brought pads, but I still have mine at home with how long it's been."

"Alright. Enough talking. Tiebreaker time." Korra said with a smile.

Tyler nodded, and the dance began again. They were both now somewhat cognizant of the abilities of their opponent. Now, it became a dance, seconds stretching into minutes as patience and technique began to supersede pure speed and surprise. A jab there, a kick there. Round and round they stepped, Korra daring to try for a combo that, if Tyler hadn't interrupted it, would have left him in an armlock with his chest on the floor.

"So," she began as she batted away a series of jabs that would have left her heaving for breath otherwise, "sparring with anyone else?"

"Not right now," Tyler replied as she pressed the attack. "They're all at the Island of Change gym that opened up a few years ago."

"Really? Why not join them?"

"Ah, I've just been going to this one for ages. Loyalty and all that, you know? But the manager there treats everyone that goes through those doors like family. All he cares about while he's there is making sure everyone's getting the most out of their time there. He's a big guy, Polynesian if I'd have to guess. Seems like a pretty decent dude anyways."

He shrugged, and she surged forward, trying her former strategy again as she stepped to another side, the one that Tyler seemed to not favor. Now, she had the results she desired, as Tyler ended the match. For as much as she enjoyed the spar, Korra had actually had some fun being a spy. What little she'd talked to Toph and Mako about was, hopefully, paying off.

"Well, not bad," Korra said as she released Tyler, helping him back to his feet. "We should keep doing this. I haven't sparred like that in a minute, and it's hard to find the time on the Wunder."

Tyler nodded. "Sure. Whenever my wife's not here with me, we can go a few rounds."

Korra arched a brow as she nodded. "I see. Well, just to keep things simple so no one's confused, I'll bring my wife along too. Maybe they'll hit it off while we're hitting each other."

Tyler chuckled. "Well, with moves like that, she must have been really good to catch you."

Korra grinned even as she blushed slightly. "What a charmer you are. Must be part of how you caught yours. Catch you later."

Tyler laughed as he exited the ring, going towards a fridge at the front of the gym.

Korra watched him for a moment, leaning on the ropes as she saw him get situated on some machine or another, and looked down at her friends. "So, any of you want to go a round or two with me? That was a nice warm-up for us, but I figure I want to make the most of my time here."

"Sure," Suki said as she climbed into the ring. "So, what do you think of what he said?"

"Interesting," Korra replied as she took a sip of water. "There's more, obviously, but I don't know how long it's going to take to make any progress with him. We need time."

"And spirits know we don't have that much of that." Suki grimaced, even as she and Korra began to exchange blows.

. . .

Back on the Wunder, Eleanor looked intently at a report from the rest of the engineering teams that were getting ready to work on Unit-02 and Unit-08 and sighed quietly as she looked at a weary Ymris sitting across from her at the table in their empty mess hall. Granted, sitting was a rather strong word, her upper half nearly draped across the table as she peered at a similar report at arm's length with narrowed, tired eyes. It was a feeling that Eleanor shared, even if she didn't show it so obviously.

The refitting of Unit-08 was going to be easy enough; simply switch out the armor plates, run some checks, and like that, it would be in its Gamma-type configuration, as many of the techs were calling it.

Unit-02, on the other hand… there was a headache for all of them.

It quite simply came down to a matter of manpower. They only had so many people who were Interfaced and able to manipulate the LCL that came into contact with Unit-02's now nearly complete torso. Even working on a limb, the arm in question now just about halfway done, had taken them the better part of four days. And that was before poor Mayumi nearly passed out from working so hard.

"I can guess what you're thinking about," Ymris said, tiredness flattening her voice to a deadpan tone.

"However did you know I was thinking about Unit-02?" Eleanor replied, her voice only a little more expressive.

"Because I can read minds." this time, the words came with a small, tired grin. "How's Ms. Yamagishi doing?"

"She's doing better now. Mana's been doting on her like an overly concerned older sister. It's kind of cute to see. So, how about we think really hard at each other about our little spy ring?"

Ymris sat up and put her elbows on the table, likely grateful for the change in subject. "Things are doing alright, for such an early start. From what Zuko and I can tell, no one's noticed my spy marbles. Mai and Suki have been champions at scouting and placing marbles in new locations, and we've got eyes on at least two more meeting sites."

"Any appearances by Kauri and Aaminata yet?"

Ymris shook her head. "Not yet. They're probably cycling between meeting sites."

A rueful smile appeared on Ymris. "If Kauri isn't so concerned with his gym. He always had a soft spot for giving those around him the chance to better themselves physically. Even if it did come from deadlifting some of us and chiding us for not eating enough to make it a challenge. Made for a good laugh every now and again."

It was silent for a moment, the two of them contemplating much the same thing; the humanity of those that acted against them.

Then, Eleanor's phone began to ring, and she quickly picked it up as she saw Captain Katsuragi's contact. "Yes, ma'am."

"I'd like you and Ms. Tennison to meet me in my quarters. Ritsuko and I are brainstorming things, and we'd like your input."

That woke them up a little, the two women sitting up straighter to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the person. "We'll be right there, ma'am."

The line dropped, and the two women stood and began the walk toward the captain's quarters. It was a mostly empty ship right now, everyone either out working on the external Eva gantries, or enjoying their shore leave. It gave them space to talk without being overheard.

"So," Ymris said, "have you got any ideas on what they might want to talk to us about?"

"I do." Eleanor was silent for a moment as she thought back to the films. "They might want to start planning out what's going to become Operation Yamato. It wouldn't surprise me if what little satellite coverage there is left up there caught the Black Moon — or whatever it's become — doing something. To say nothing of the other vessels like this one."

"And here I was enjoying spying on my old friends, almost forgetting about the other end-of-the-world scenario we're trying to stop," Ymris said sardonically.

"Well, whatever else," she continued as they paused in front of the captain's quarters, "we'll find out soon enough."

Eleanor nodded as she pressed the doorbell, the door opening only a moment after. "Come in," Katsuragi said.

They wasted no time entering, the door sliding shut behind them as they took a seat in front of Ritsuko and Misato. Ryoji sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees, and regarding the desk in front of him intently.

"How can we help, Captain?" Eleanor asked as she settled in.

"We've caught movement from the three NERV ships that have us worried." Ritsuko began. "They're converging on South America. Not only that, but they're going slow. As if they're aware we can't catch them."

"Well, with the beating we took during Fourth Impact," Ymris said, "I'm not surprised they're taking their sweet time. Anything on the Black Moon, or whatever it's become?"

"Makinami is keeping us apprised through Fuyutsuki," Ryoji spoke up with a slight grin. "It's nice actually, having an inside source that I can count on to be mostly accurate. I guess that's what guilt can do to you in old age."

"And where would the Black Moon be?" Eleanor prodded gently.

"Right now, slowly making its way over the Pacific Ocean. More slowly than the vessels, but still pointed in the general direction of South America. More likely than not, they're going to try something."

"With what, though?" Ritsuko cupped her chin. "The only viable Evangelion that they have not acting as the master of a Vessel is Unit-13. Mr. … Commander Nagisa is dead, and as far as we can tell, there aren't any more cloning facilities in place anywhere, even in South America. And I doubt that the Commander or Fuyutsuki are exactly in any state to get into the Entry Plug."

She paused as they all shuddered at that all-too-disturbing image of either of the old men in Plugsuits. Then, she shook her head slightly. "So, we simply have to confiscate the deactivated Unit-13 and kill the Commander. Then, it's done."

Eleanor raised a finger. "Well, there are two problems with your statement, Doctor. First, there's another Shikinami in the base."

Ritsuko's brow furled slightly. "I was under the impression that Asuka was the last of the Shikinami line."

"So was I, until Daniel introduced me to Shikinami-Bradley. Apparently, she's been in deep storage under Commander Ikari's orders as a backup pilot for Unit-02."

Misato and Ritsuko's eyes both went wide and they, as one, leaned back and took a deep breath. "Then… she has a sister…" Misato nearly whispered.

"Not only that," Ritsuko said ruefully, "but the incident with Unit-03 and the 9th Angel wasn't even enough for him to unveil Bradley's existence. What would have constituted such an emergency as to wake her up?"

"Likely needing a pilot to initiate an Impact," Ymris said darkly. "Anything else would have been an inconvenience to him."

"It figures he'd be proud enough to do that," Ritsuko replied, equally darkly. "But where would he get his second pilot? Unless a corpse can synchronize with Bradley…"

"Consider this for a moment." Eleanor piped up. "He's likely not fully human anymore. Daniel told me he could create his own AT Field."

"His own AT Field?" Misato sat straight, then looked over at Ryoji. "Tell me she's over-exaggerating."

"I wish I could, Misato," Ryoji said, a hard tone almost covering up the unsettled look in his eyes. "But he used the Key of Nebuchadnezzar. Something I stole from Bethany Base when I transferred to Tokyo-3 at Ikari's insistence. If I'd known what it was before I used it to stop Third Impact…"

"What…" Ritsuko was hesitant looking over at the haunted expression that had draped itself across Ryoji's face. "What is the Key of Nebuchadnezzar?"

"It contained a piece of Adam's soul." Ryoji's words were barely a whisper, Misato's hitching breath easily heard after them. "That thing, those things, that caused Second Impact all those years ago. It… Christ, it tried to eat me. If I wasn't fighting it, I probably wouldn't even have a soul for Commander Nagisa to pull me back with."

It was silent in the cabin, an unsettled thing that grated on each of the room's occupants as they comprehended the idea of it.

Then, Misato shook her head slightly. "Alright. We need to stop Ikari from doing whatever he's planning to do. Which means our lynchpin is going to be Unit-13, even more than it was a minute ago. If we don't stop it from activating, we're finished, it looks like."

"To say nothing of these Scion people that could get in our way." Ritsuko cautioned, and Eleanor clenched her jaw at forgetting, even briefly, their other enemy in all this.

"We'll worry about them in a moment," Misato said firmly. "One problem at a time. First things first, can we beat them to the punch, and force a shutdown signal into one of the Entry Plug areas?"

"Too risky," Ritsuko replied. "It would waste precious time to turn it over and try to eject a Plug that might be in there already. The most likely way we could do that would be a direct plugin to the core of the Evangelion. That would require some considerable upgrades to the standard Override Signal Plug."

"Do we have any Plugs like that here in Burbank?" Ymris asked. "It might be difficult to sneak into what's now a massive spaceship to try and maybe grab the one that went into Unit-00."

"We have several here in the NERV storehouse that we can work with, actually," Ritsuko replied. "But that's where the challenge comes in."

"Actually making one that works like we need it to," Ymris said with a quiet sigh. "On top of also finishing the work on Unit-02."

"Do you think your engineers can pull it off?" Ritsuko asked. "I'll be spending most of my time over the next few days setting down a viable redesign, after which we have until whenever Commander Ikari tries something again to build it."

Ymris mulled the question over mostly silently, a few quiet hums escaping before she sighed quietly. "Unit-08's teams should be done within the next few days. I'll have them tasked with your project, ma'am."

"We'll see where the Unit-02 restoration project goes as well," Eleanor interjected. "If I'm available, I'll be able to assist with any mechanical portion of the job."

"If you can make what we saw in Paris work, then this is going to go extremely quickly," Ritsuko said, a still slightly wondrous gleam in her eyes.

Misato nodded. "And how is the project progressing?"

"We should have Unit-02 at least fully reformed and installed with the required plugs in the next one and a half to two weeks, as a generous estimate. Re-armoring it shouldn't take even half as many people as it needs now, which should make the project go much quicker."

"Misato nodded. "Alright. It's a start, at least. Anything else we should be aware of? Especially if it has to do with these Scions."

Eleanor and Ymris looked at each other silently for a moment. "We're currently starting information-gathering efforts," Ymris began. "If something comes of it, we'll let you know."

"See that you do," Misato said firmly. "The last thing I want is the sort of surprise we got back in Paris. Or worse."

"You and me both, ma'am," Eleanor replied.
Chapter 34: Stealing Away With Eternity

Chapter 34: Stealing Away With Eternity

Things are getting close. Call it a feeling, having been to so many worlds I'm familiar with.

The village has been good to everyone here. Better than good. I like to think that we helped out with that a lot. But now, the storm clouds are starting to gather. Eleanor filled me in on the movement of Ikari's little fleet, along with the Shutdown Plug they've started building. We'll be seeing them soon enough.

But where's Tavis? Where is the Hollow Saint of War?

And where could we even stand against him without losing?

I don't know. And I don't know how much longer I have to think about it.

- From the personal journal of Daniel Theisman

Village-3, April 18th, 2028

Young Shinji Ikari walked alone today. All too often before, that fact would have been accompanied by a quiet, yet gnawing sense of loneliness, even amongst the bustling populace of Tokyo-3.

Now, though, it was a somewhat comfortable, if not still conscientious, ease with which he made his way through the village away from Kensuke's house, answering waves and greeting with a slight smile and wave of his own. It was still somewhat nerve-wracking, and he sometimes stumbled over his words. But that, he felt, was a fair step above where he had been back in Tokyo-3.

Was that all there was to it? 'No, not really', he mused as he paused for a moment. There was Daniel, of course. There was Asuka, to some extent. And then there was Gendo Ikari.

The man who looked like his father, and yet felt so different from the man he was familiar with, was stuck in Shinji's mind. Somehow, this Gendo felt almost… right. Like a look into the sort of man that his father could have been. It made his heart ache, thinking of the things that he'd done with, or at least alongside, this man.

He still remembered the little private concert that they'd put on three days ago as if it had just happened. It was still a small thing, really, confined to the rather large backyard that was connected to Nozomi's house. There were relatively few people, and he was, for lack of a better term, 'on stage' with the same people that had been there before.

The biggest difference was his audience. Not that there were more of them, at least to start, but in who was there. And Gendo and Yui, the people who were his father and mother in another world, were front and center, watching him attentively.

"Alright," Daniel had said, "let's try to not get interrupted by anything trying to kill us this time."

A few people in the audience chuckled, mainly the other versions of him and his friends along with Mr. Takao, while most simply looked confused. That must have been how soldiers were, he decided. If making a joke about nearly dying was better than agonizing over the event for them… there wasn't much he could do about that.

"Alright, Shinji," Daniel said, drawing his attention fully to the man. "Thanatos, right? We'll play what you ask."

Shinji nodded after a moment to consider the fact that Daniel trusted him to lead out. "Yeah."

Daniel looked at Midori and this world's Maya, nodding. "Alright, on Shinji's go."

Shinji took a deep breath, put bow to strings, and played the first note. And the others came in like they'd never fallen out of practice.

For a few bars, he focused on making sure he got the notes that they'd practiced right, then, as the music continued, he began to relax, the music taking him as it filled the air. His eyes slowly drifted shut as he focused as his fingers danced up and down the bridge of his cello, the idea of the music, bittersweet, speaking to him on a level that none of his father's songs ever had.

Then, suddenly, it was over, and he opened his eyes to clapping. A lot of clapping. More than there should have been…

He looked around and found that there were people on top of the fences watching them as well. There were probably a few people behind the fences as well. The thought of so many people watching him, even if they enjoyed him, made Shinji want to shrink into his chair, hide behind the body of his cello…

Then he saw his father and mother, and at that moment they truly were that, nearly beaming. It was such a small thing compared to the rest of the congratulations that were being heaped on him, but it was a shining jewel of a gesture.

"Well, Shinji," Daniel said, breaking the boy's reverie, "I guess we attracted a larger audience than we bargained for, didn't we?"

"I guess we did," Shinji replied bashfully.

"Don't worry about playing any more than you want to," Daniel said with a smile. "Unless you want to follow up Thanatos with something else?"

Shinji thought about it for a moment, then shook his head slightly as he stood. "Thank you, Daniel, but I'm good."

"Good job, Shinji!" Midori said, her smile almost infectious as she gave him a thumbs up. "That was beautiful!"

Shinji looked over at Maya, sitting behind her keyboard as she smiled and nodded. "Yes. You did well, Shinji."

Shinji picked up his cello, put it away in his case, and walked away as Daniel spoke again. "So, Mrs. Akagi, want to try a piano duel with yourself?"

He pulled himself from his thoughts as he came to a stop in front of the door of the house where the other world's Gendo and Yui Ikari resided, along with most of the other adults that had come with Daniel. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" an older woman's voice, one that sounded almost familiar, called out.

He opened the door and stepped in, taking off his shoes in the entryway before he looked up and realized how big the space he was in actually was. It defied all physics. But then again, breaking the laws of reality was just another science for these people, wasn't it?

"Hello, Shinji," Gendo called, drawing Shinji's eye to a bank of what he assumed were computers where he and Yui sat. "What brings you around here?"

"A couple of things," he said as he scanned the room. There were the Akagis, along with the Fuyutsukis (a concept he was still struggling to get his head around), sitting around a long table with Athena, another woman he'd never seen before sitting beside her. In a corner that was a lot farther away than the outside walls made it to be, Daniel sat with a book and what he assumed was a cup of tea. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, one of several things, really," Yui replied as she fully turned to face him, Shinji catching a glimpse of the translucent red core material.

Before she continued, Yui hesitated for a moment. "We'd be willing to explain, but only if you'd like to listen. It's rather technical research, even with a simplified explanation."

Shinji thought for a moment. He could hear his parents, however distant the relationship actually was, talk to him about something that interested them. Like so many things surrounding these two, it felt like the opportunity of a lifetime. "Sure."

He walked over to their bench, looking down at the core material that had several different nodules attached to it. "What are you working on with this?"

The way their eyes lit up as they began was nothing short of wondrous. "Well, Shinji," Gendo began, "what we're studying is the transformative properties of core material. Where we're from, it's known as Corite. Somewhat on the nose, I know, but that's Ms. Katsuragi for you."

"Anyway," Yui interjected, "what we're trying to find right now is the point at which a formation of crystal grows most reliably. The only way we've seen it done so far is in the wake of an Impact event, which we have no desire of fully replicating."

"Okay…" Shinji saw what looked like pockmarks and bulges on the surface of the crystal. "Have you been making it disappear?"

"That seems to be the easier of the ways to manipulate it," Gendo replied. "Even still, the Pneumaic architecture, the frequency if you will, is such that the ACC Pillars can use it. We might not be hitting our desired goal, but even this will help clear out land around the pillars instead of simply acting like a barrier."

"There is the matter of the Corite that we haven't sampled being active, dear," Yui interjected. "We'll have to take that into consideration."

"A fair point." Gendo conceded.

"So what is your desired goal, then?" Shinji asked.

"Well, we're trying to find the point at which Corite transforms into another element." Gendo began. "As easy as it is to not make the connection with how it flash-forms, Corite is simply the solid form of LCL. As such, it can, theoretically at least, transform into any inorganic material."

Gendo paused for a moment as Shinji took in the implications, then Yui picked up where Gendo left off. "Right now, the most prominent use would be transforming into the armor plating for the Frame Titans, GEIST's Evangelions, saving a significant amount of time and energy that they could then use. Right now, we have to go through the much more tedious process of turning synthetic LCL into Corite, then into the armor plates. Cutting out the middle-man, as it were, would be a monumental leap forward. To say nothing of the countless other potential applications in places like the civilian sector."

It was silent for a moment as Shinji took in not only the information presented to him but the fact that Gendo and Yui were so excited to take a moment and teach him about it. He wondered if his own mother would be like this Yui.

"Now," Gendo said, shaking Shinji out of his reverie, "I doubt you came all the way out here just to talk to us about our little science experiments. What brings you to our little lab?"

"A couple of things, really," Shinji replied as he looked back at Athena, who had several translucent patches on her arms, neck, and head, with a white-haired Rei (the Akagis' daughter Kyu, from what he'd been told), Doctor Akagi, and Maya looking down at clear pads while prodding at her with strange tools.

He walked over to them, crossing around to come into Athena's field of view. "Hey, Athena."

Before he could continue, he saw her eyes light up, and a smile that almost felt too big for her face stretched across it as she waved in an entirely too girlish manner for her. "Hello, Shinji!" she said with more giddiness than he thought he'd ever heard from any version of Rei. "I am currently undergoing calibrations of my Framework so that I can have a standard range of emotions! It's quite the experience, being this happy!"

Shinji blinked rather owlishly, then waved back slowly. "I see. Is this just… how it is now?"

"Her Frames pertaining to this particular emotion are slightly overtuned," Kyu replied. "Here, Doctor Mother. Help me adjust the sensitivity down."

Athena nodded, her smile shrinking to something at least somewhat within the realms of sanity. "Yes. It's been a rather… fascinating process, feeling all these emotions so strongly."

"I can only imagine," Shinji replied. "I, uh… hate to think of what it's going to feel like when you get to the more negative emotions."

"We made sure to get those out of the way first." the older woman whose voice he'd heard call him in replied. "No sense in letting her stew in those after we get done."

Shinji looked over to the woman, who sat next to a young Deputy-Commander Fuyutsuki, and furrowed his brow slightly as he remembered who this woman was. "I would assume that you're Mrs. Fuyutsuki. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Mrs. Fuyutsuki smiled as she glanced over at him for a moment, an unexpectedly warm thing. "It's nice to meet this version of you properly too, Shinji. I'm Naoko. Ritsuko's mother."

Shinji nodded, quickly realizing the family resemblance. "I see."

Then he looked over at the other woman who sat across from Athena. She could have been from somewhere like India, with skin the color of wet clay and eyes that were a shade of green he wasn't sure was entirely natural. On her left ear was a rather intricate piece of wire-worked metal, a small circular purple jewel laying over her earlobe as four smaller clear crystals in the shape of diamonds went up the outer helix.

A loose bright blue shirt that left her arms mostly bare betrayed a well-muscled physique, and she had a somewhat alert posture about her even as she appeared mostly relaxed. "I don't think I've ever seen you before, ma'am," Shinji asked. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled, somewhat full lips turning up slightly within a sharply defined almond-shaped face. "My name is Nynrya, young man. I am currently a soul residing in Daniel's Grip. We're… old acquaintances, one might say."

Shinji glanced over at Daniel, and all too briefly caught the dark look in his eyes before they disappeared behind the teacup.

His focus returned to Nynrya, who regarded him intently. "So are you… waiting for a body, then? It wouldn't surprise me if they can make that happen."

"For the moment. The time for me to return to my physical form, much to Daniel's chagrin, I'm sure, hasn't come yet. But by my ancestors, it's close. I can feel it."

Shinji nodded slightly. "I see. Do you want to… stay here for right now? Because I kind of need Daniel and Ms. Kyu for something."

Before Nynrya could reply, Daniel perked up, draining the last of his tea and setting the cup aside as he stood. "I see. Thank you, Shinji. Yes, I do need to get to that."

Daniel walked over to Nyrya's side. "I can ensure that you can stay and continue to regale the others with your stories if you want."

"You know," Nynrya said with a warm smile, "I've actually enjoyed talking about my people. It honors their memories and their souls."

"I thoroughly agree," Fuyutsuki said, several pads of paper surrounding him. "It's been fascinating to hear tell of a human culture so divorced from our world as Ms. Nynrya's is, and I'm honored to help her people's memory persist. My sociology minor seems to be bearing yet more unexpected fruit."

Daniel chuckled. "Alright. Kyu, give me a moment and we can both go to Ms. Nozomi's house and get things straightened out."

Kyu nodded, setting her tools aside. "Very well. Mothers, do you think you can finish your work today without me?"

"Certainly." Maya Akagi replied. "Go and help Daniel and the Horakis."

Shinji regarded Daniel as he took out what must have been his Grip, a crystalline handle, and held out a hand, a small purple and blue gem forming in it that flashed with light before softly glowing, Nynrya's form fuzzing for a moment in time with the gem. Daniel set it down on the table, and his Grip vanished.

"I'll see you around, Shinji," Daniel said with a smile as he and Kyu went out the door.

Shinji looked after them for a moment before looking over to the Akagis. "So, what are Daniel and Kyu doing?"

"That's a good question, Shinji." Athena, of all people, replied, her brow deeply furrowed in thought as she cupped her chin. "There's clearly some operation that we haven't been informed of. One that likely has to do with the elder Horaki sister. How are they going to get to Matsushiro? What will be her reaction to the news? And how will it work next to the operation to retrieve a soul for me?"

Shinji blinked again. "Wait a minute. I thought you already had a soul. You couldn't pilot an Eva otherwise, right?"

"Normally you'd be correct." Naoko began. "However, Athena here, who needs that curiosity tuned down a little more, technically only has a simulacrum of a soul. Useful, but still finite. Before we caught her, she was on the verge of disintegrating entirely."

Shinji felt a pinprick of fear at the thought. "So… how does getting her a new soul even work? Was it one of Daniel's ideas?"

"No, actually." Doctor Akagi replied. "It was Kyu's idea. Take a seat, and we'll explain."

. . .

Daniel, Kyu at his side, walked into Nozomi's house, the gathered Horakis waiting for him in the small living room. "Alright, then," he said, a serious look on his face as he sat down on one of the free seats. "Let's finish laying this out."

He looked over at Kyu, who took a seat next to him. "Ready with the map?"

Kyu simply nodded as she pulled out her clear pad, tapping on its screen for a few seconds before she set it on the coffee table they surrounded. In a moment, a disk of land, surrounded by massive spires of slate-gray stone that rose up like incisors from the ground, bloomed into existence above the tabletop, expanding to show a town that was bustling within the ruins of Matsushiro.

"Here's what little we know about Kodama Horaki's movements." Kyu began as she zoomed into a portion that contained a small cluster of buildings. "These are the architecture and engineering headquarters of the town. Kodama seems to be in a position of authority, likely in charge of efforts to expand the town's infrastructure and vehicle production capabilities."

Hikari nodded. "She'd likely be putting her mechanical engineering major to work, then," she said quietly.

Kyu nodded in turn. "Based on our observations, she is among the first to enter these buildings in the morning and is the last to leave when evening falls. She is dedicated to her work."

"She always was trying to take care of us like that when she was home," Nozomi said with a soft chuckle as she looked over at Hikari. "Drove you insane, didn't it?"

Hikari smiled slightly, noticing Natsumi hanging silently on their every word about her mother. "Yeah. I'll admit, it kind of did."

"It'll be about a day and a half's drive across the country to get there if we're following the roads." Daniel began. "After we reach the edge of the settlement, and I'll remind you all when we get there, no letting go of each other's hands, and we proceed through in as straight a line as we can possibly make it."

Hikari nodded slightly as she returned her focus to Daniel. "So, when do you actually want to go to her once we get through?"

"Sometime in the evening." Daniel began. "After everyone else has gone home for the night. It might be a tight window, so we'll have to act quickly."

He paused for a moment as he sighed. "I have to warn you… your sister has spent nearly a decade and a half around Tavis and his teachings. She might… be resistant to the idea of coming to Village-3."

"That's why I'm coming," Natsumi said firmly. "If she won't leave for her own daughter, then I don't even want her here."

Daniel nodded slowly. "Alright."

"And we're getting out with that necklace you're making, right?" Hikari asked.

She spoke of one of Daniel's more recent projects that was still in the works. "Yes. It should cut through the core material's interference using the Errant's scanners and teleport anyone within its radius safely home. I still need a few more days to get it fully tuned and ready for us to use."

Daniel glanced over at Kyu. "We'll be ready to go then, right after I do something else today."

"What would that be?" Nozomi said as the display of Matsushiro disappeared.

"I have asked Daniel and the other pilots to assist myself and the other scientists in keeping Athena from disintegrating," Kyu said simply as Daniel sat back, tenting his fingers and furrowing his brow. "We have a potential solution to attempt."

"And I'll admit, I have my reservations," Daniel said frankly.

"What kind of solution is it?" Natsumi asked, concern for her friend evident in her expression.

"Well, the least dicey part of the whole thing is us going up to Hokkaido and trashing the NERV Eva production plant that they have up there." Daniel began. "We're experienced enough to make even an army of Evas a breeze. It's what comes after we retrieve the blank soul that's apparently there that has me worried."

"A blank soul?" Hikari asked. "What's the difference between that and a… regular soul, I guess?"

Kyu leaned forward slightly. "In our universe, Lilith, the creator of all life on earth, was host to several souls that sacrificed everything, even their personality and memories, in order to provide what could be equated to greater processing power as in that of computers. These kinds of souls are what mine first was before it escaped and took up residence in a clone body of Rei Ayanami's."

Daniel could see the cogs turning in the Horaki's minds as they did their best to wrap their heads around the subject. At least in Hikari's case, he could almost hear the dial-up tone as she failed to do so.

"Disregarding the universe-shaking truths we just put in your laps as a matter of course," Kyu continued, "these sorts of blank souls are often used as templates for the Frame Knots, the simulacrum that is driving Athena. We've deduced that at least one such soul resides somewhere in the Evangelion production plant in Hokkaido."

"Even still," Daniel interjected pointedly, "the blank soul is just that: blank. You made your memories after waking up and haven't tried to add anything else to that. What you're proposing is a transplant of a Frame Knot's memories and personality onto a blank soul. And while I'm not saying it's impossible — hell, I've seen enough of Reality to know not to do that — I am saying that it's probably going to be extremely difficult. Something that Eleanor would probably agree with."

"I believe that the potential risks are acceptable," Kyu said surely. "For Athena's sake, we have to at least try."

"On that, we can agree," Daniel said as he stood. He paused for a moment before chuckling. "I'll give you this, Kyu. You pull this off, and it'll be the talk of medical journals across Reality for months to come."

"Well, it's not as though we're not accustomed to doing the rather insane," Kyu said with a slight smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if we get several requests to speak in the immediate aftermath."

"Well, they'll have to wait until after we stop the end of the world," Daniel said flippantly. "Anyway, I'll see you all later today, after our trip to Hokkaido."

"Good luck to you all," Hikari said as Kyu rose with him and they prepared to leave.

"Heaven knows we'll need it," Daniel said quietly as they went out the door.

. . .

Daniel waited patiently at the Suzuhara residence, empty for now as the heads of the household went about their day helping around the village, as the Ikari-Soryus and Nagisas made their way in, carrying their shoes. "So," Asuka began as they stood in the living room, "what's this about a day trip to Hokkaido?"

"We're going to be going out and doing two things," Daniel said, smiling slightly. "Both of which I'm sure you're going to enjoy. But first off…"

He pulled out his clear pad, and tapped out a familiar contact, waiting for the Spirit on the other end to pick up.

He did not have to wait long at all. "Well," a deep, clearly spoken voice answered, "I must say it's been some time since you've called on me."

Daniel's smile grew. "It has been a while hasn't it, Percival? I've got 5 to board at the call's location."

"One moment." Percival went silent as he likely locked onto them. "Got you all. Prepare to board."

Daniel ended the call, managing to slip the phone into his pocket as the world around them disappeared, replaced with the warmly lit, slate-gray walls of the Errant.

"Ah," Kaworu said as he, like the others, began to put his shoes back on. "As always, it seems, your oddities are wisdom, Daniel."

Daniel chuckled softly. "That's awfully generous of you, Kaworu."

"Welcome aboard the Errant, ladies and gentlemen." Percival's deep voice came from the walls of the transporter room. "In this case, I should say welcome back aboard, Daniel. Your presence, and your singing voice, have been missed aboard."

"This is Eleanor's vessel," Rei said as they began to walk out of the transport room. "I suppose it makes sense that it would welcome you back aboard."

"Well, it's been Ellie's vessel for the last while," Daniel replied, looking around the vessel's halls with a nostalgic gleam in his eyes. "But before the war… it was ours. Our first, actually."

The last words came out quietly, and the rest of their walk was taken largely in silence.

They came to what was likely a central command room, a wide teardrop-shaped thing that tapered as it stretched away from them. In the center was a massive display sitting on a slightly raised platform, a hologram of the form of the ship itself currently displayed there.

It was a striking design, a long body that, much like the room they stood in, tapered as it got toward what the Children likely presumed was the front, two wide wings emerging from the front of the ship and sweeping back across a flat bottom that played host to a curving dome of a hull.

Daniel stepped up onto the platform, making his way to a central console and beginning to type on it. "Percival?"

A luminous human appeared, dressed smartly in what likely passed for a suit wherever the person originated from, his features mostly sharp with an out-of-place button nose from over which solid gray eyes regarded Daniel. "Yes, sir?"

"Have you managed to get a scan of Hokkaido's Eva production facility?"

"One moment," Percival replied as the ship disappeared, the Children stepping up to the platform as a top-down, satellite view of a mass of buildings that were a slate grey, square and rectangular industrial construction connected with scaffolding and pipes surrounding a massive dome with Neo-NERV's nonsensical logo emblazoned on it.

"I will have to warn you, there are examples of what are likely heavily armed defensive emplacements at these locations," Percival said as he flashed up to the platform opposite of the Children, sweeping his arm out as several dozen diamonds outlined towers with spheres atop them.

"In addition," he continued as several rectangular buildings flashed with highlights, many of them tightly packed around the dome almost like spokes on a gear, "these buildings are most likely 'garrisons' for the Evangelions that Eleanor had me designate as Mark.06H. The likely strength of this garrison is around 150."

"Well," Asuka said, "I guess Commander Ikari learned his lesson from when Shikinami and Mari went and trashed Shanghai," Asuka said, her brow arched.

"That's… a lot for us to fight through," Shinji said, his gaze sweeping across the defenses. "I don't think we're going to be able to approach it safely from… any direction on the ground."

His gaze landed on Daniel. "Which is why I'm assuming you brought us up here."

"Among other things." Daniel nodded. "It's a heavy defense. But the point isn't to destroy it. At least, not outright at the moment."

He glanced over at Percival again. "Do you have a scan for any souls located within the facility?"

"There are six souls within this central dome," Percival replied. His expression became serious. "I will warn you, readings do indicate that 5 of the six souls are contained within bodies."

Rei's hands clenched into fists; the others, Daniel included, regarded Percival with no small amount of shock. "Commander Ikari's likely not even bothered to separate them from their bodies for use in templating the Frame Knots. If they are in any sort of pain…"

"What about the sixth soul?" Kaworu asked. "What is it currently being used for?"

"As far as I can tell, Mr. Nagisa," Percival replied, "it is acting as the equivalent of a central processing unit, acting in tandem with two highly advanced virtual intelligences."

"They made a cute little copy of the Magi," Asuka said, her mouth twisted into a sneer. "Man, I want to knee Ikari in the balls."

"Yeah," Shinji said as he took Asuka's hand, his own expression hard. "You'll probably have to get in line."

It was silent for a moment before Kaworu nodded slightly, looking over at Daniel. "So, what is our plan to free these souls?"

Daniel smiled slightly. It looked like Athena might have some sisters soon enough. "The towers, the visible ones at least, we can deal with in orbit with some missile strikes. If we deploy outside the base afterward though, the garrison will likely have time to deploy and group up wherever we are. And there's every chance that they're hardened structures as well, which would make an orbital strike too questionable in its effectiveness to make me comfortable."

"So we need to deal with the garrisons before they can deploy." Asuka hummed as she leaned on the railing that separated them from the hologram. "But I imagine we can't risk damage to the dome by just blowing up the buildings closest to it from up here as well."

"So we need a way to get into the base from a direction that they aren't expecting and strike these outlying garrison buildings first in order to keep the number of Evas we're fighting at a minimum," Shinji said, cupping his chin as he regarded the base.

Daniel regarded the base before them equally intently, humming quietly. "Well… the timing on destroying the towers would have to be precise in order to make it work… but…"

The Children looked at Daniel as his eyes glittered with excitement, and he began to grin. "So…" Asuka began. "What are you thinking?"

Daniel leaned back from the railing, grabbing it to keep himself from falling back as his grin widened. "We're going to pull off an Adama maneuver," he said, his voice bubbling with barely contained excitement as he chuckled. "I've been wanting to do one of these for ages."

The Children exchanged glances with each other before noticing Percival's confusion turn into wide-eyed shock. "Oh, dear."

"Daniel…" Shinji asked. "What is an Adama maneuver?"

. . .

Shinji got his answer soon enough as he sat in Unit=01, hanging on desperately to one of the wings of the Errant, Asuka by his side and facing the back of the ship in Unit=02, Rei and Kaworu on the other wing as Daniel rode atop the main hull of the ship. Shinji did not like how it felt as his stomach leaped into his throat with the ship accelerating into the atmosphere, right on top of the base. It was not a graceful dive down, simply a drop with the ship perfectly level with the ground that made the edges of the wings and the ship glow, then flare as their ship tore through the rapidly thickening air.

"Daniel!" Asuka shouted, no small amount of fear in her voice as she saw the flames springing into existence around the edges of the ship as the plating glowed prismatically. "I've come to the conclusion that you're officially more insane than Misato!"

"Oh, come on!" Daniel was positively giddy, and Shinji could have sworn that he heard a giggle escape him. "You and I both know that Misato could come up with something like this easily."

"Yeah, but you're mad enough to actually do it!" Asuka shot back.

"Focus up!" Daniel's smile didn't disappear, but his tone was still far more serious than it was before. "We'll be in the tower's sensor envelopes in… 10 seconds. Percival!"

"Missiles firing up… now," Percival said, his calmness a somewhat assuring thing even as the last word was punctuated by several cross-shaped explosions beginning to go off around them.

With that, the missiles that they'd left in orbit, keyed to the towers' positions, kicked on their engines, and passed the speed of sound in an instant.

"As nice as it is that we won't deal with the towers on the ground," Kaworu said, anxiety readily evident on his face on the comm screen, "I don't quite appreciate our role as bait."

"It'll pass," Daniel assured them. "Once the missiles destroy the towers, get ready."

Shinji's muscles tensed slightly as he dared try and look over the side, spinning up an AT Field around Unit=01's face in order to protect it from the flames licking up over the edge of the wing. Looking past it made the edges of his AT Field sprout flames of their own, but he still managed to maintain a clear view of the rapidly approaching complex, the 35 towers reminding him of flashbulbs from the seemingly distant past after their first time preventing the end of the world. At least those flashes were only trying to capture their image then, instead of trying to kill them. 'Well… this ought to be different.'

In a brilliant flash, 35 towers were obliterated as swirling pillars of baleful light consumed them, then dissipated as they left the space around the sites in shambles, where the towers had stood little more than blackened, smoking craters.

"Alright, kids!" Daniel said as he stood from laying flat into a crouch. "Prepare to jump clear on my mark!"

Shinji's muscles, relaxed somewhat from the still turbulent ride, clenched again as his Eva got ready, holding onto the edge of the wing, finely shaped AT Fields protecting fingers from the heat. Seconds now seemed to stretch into minutes as he waited for the signal.


With that, he propelled himself forward, watching as Rei and Daniel flew forward with him, then glanced down Unit=01's body as a Dip Drive portal tore open under the Errant, the ship disappearing into it in seconds before the portal closed, leaving them alone as they fell towards the base.

Looking down at it now as he engaged his AT Field to act as a parachute, he could see several of the garrison buildings spitting out their troops, arming themselves with Pallet Rifles that had the pink-white glow of Prog-bayonets. If nothing else, they were going to be busy.

"Alright," Daniel said, a shield of clear crystal springing up beneath Unit=00 as Pallet Rifle rounds began to spray up towards them as he floated away from Shinji, "we have our sections. Make sure that the garrison buildings are completely locked down, not even a chance of reinforcements from them."

Shinji's AT Field shifted down to act like a shield as Daniel spoke, his descent speeding up as he found himself about to land on a gathering squad of 06.Hs. "Got it," he said, hearing his words echo thrice over as the others prepared to land.

His AT Field slammed into the combined AT Fields of four 06.Hs, leaving him standing on top of his Field. Looking down as a rifle of solid prismatic flames formed in Unit=01's hands, he wove an Expression that saw four pinpricks of flame appear above the Mark's heads, guttering for the briefest of seconds before a thin beam of flame lanced down into the cores of the off-guard, unshielded Evas, their AT Fields flickering out as he landed deftly on the ground, sighting a garrison building that was several dozen meters away through the nearly Eva-hight jungle of scaffolding and pipes.

He made his way quickly towards it, cutting through whatever was in his way with a cutter torch-like jet of flame from the end of his weapon. The pipes spilled LCL more often than not, making the ground beneath Shinji's feet slick as he continued towards the garrison, watching one Mark after another step out of the building, going to a nearby weapon's building, drum-like with a rotating magazine of rifles for their weapons.

On instinct, his rifle snapped up as he sent several shots downrange, slamming into a rifle that one of the Marks was picking up and cooking off the ammunition inside, the explosion rippling into the rest of the rifles left in the building and making a massive conflagration that Shinji put up an AT Field for as something hit it and dropped to the ground.

As the smoke cleared, Shinji scanned the area with his rifle, finding the mangled and charred corpses of the Evas either completely dead or twitching ineffectually as he stepped over a torso that must have been what slammed into his Field and approached the garrison building.

The blast had wrecked a significant portion of the opening, sending rubble down on where the Marks had been emerging. Aiming his rifle down, he tried something he'd been practicing on a smaller scale as he set up an Expression around his Eva's head, then sent several clicking pulses of sound down through the rubble.

Shinji smiled slightly as he perceived a faint outline of the facility below. The elevator up to the former entrance was wrecked as well. Nothing would be coming up there any time soon. He saw that the ductwork surrounding the elevator led to something that looked like another one and got to work.

"Was that explosion you, Shinji?" Rei asked as Shinji aimed down at the pile of rubble, a cone of white-hot flames melting it into a single solid lump.

"Yeah," Shinji replied as he sent a wall of sound into the building's wall, causing more rubble to cover the other elevator before proceeding to fuse it into another cap. "It looks like these buildings have at least two surface exits. We'll have to nearly demolish the buildings in order to stop the flow."

"That should be easy enough," Asuka said confidently as what was likely another armory building exploded in her sector. "We're in Evas, after all."

"Then again," Kaworu interjected as Shinji saw a squad of Marks bounding towards him, taking cover as they began to shoot, "so are they."

Shinji cast his AT Field out to smother those of his enemies as he ducked out of cover, snapping off a few shots that he augmented with rippling soundwaves, sending the Marks that he hit stumbling back.

A beeping sound from his right, the proximity alarm, drew Shinji's attention to the trio of Marks that were charging him, stifling a yelp as his rifle flowed into a bident, swiping away the bayonets that threatened to skewer him, a few brief moments all he needed to overpower the three Marks and either run through their cores or cut them down.

Shinji looked around, spotting another garrison building as crackles of lighting arced into the air and the sound of shattering glass reached him. "Just another day at work," Shinji said quietly, only partially griping as he advanced towards the garrison building.

. . .

Daniel's focus was laser-sharp as he put a shell of gemstone over the entrances of the second to last garrison building in his sector. It still didn't interfere with his satisfaction at how well things had gone to this point. Eleanor was going to hear all about this when they got back, though he wondered what her reaction was going to be to the fact that he'd used their ship as a glorified heat shield.

Worries for later. All that was left was the garrison building that was right up against the central dome. There were half a dozen Marks drawing a bead on him, a problem that he initially solved by throwing up a barrier of solid sapphire that the rounds slammed into. With the few seconds that it brought him, Daniel created an Expression that he was still testing, a shoulder pad of crystal forming on Unit=00's left shoulder before a pillar of a tube grew down the Eva's back, stopping at the Unit's hip.

As the Expression finished forming, Daniel grabbed a handle near the top of the newly formed shoulder cannon, pulling it up and out into firing position as an utterly tiny star flashed to life at the back of the barrel.

With that, Unit=00 stepped out of cover, leveling the cannon at two Marks standing together and firing, the star ripping out at them with a tearing roar. The Marks barely had time to react, just beginning to dodge as the star exploded between them, what hasty AT Fields could be raised torn apart as strands of plasma cut through the Marks like butter.

The other Marks, quite wisely, dived for cover, Daniel turning his focus to the garrison building and firing three more shots as he approached. The first shot tore the outer structure of the building apart, collapsing the walls and roof on the elevators. The next two mangled the elevator shafts themselves, sealing whatever Marks were left inside.

"Alright," Daniel said into his comm link to the other pilots, "all the garrisons in my sector are neutralized. I'm going in."

"I'm on my way to help Shinji mop up," Asuka said. "We should be done soon."

Daniel turned his focus away for a moment as he approached the wall of the central dome, a semicircle of crystal rising up around his Eva to protect him as he infiltrated. "Sounds good."

He paused briefly to scan the compound with his sight as he heard 330-millimeter shells slamming into the barrier behind him. The souls, as they had been on the map in orbit, were clustered near the center of the complex. Working as quickly and gently as he could, a slender blade, more of a pick really, formed in Unit=00's hand, the tip of the blade pressed against, then slightly through the wall before it was retracted.

The crystalline armaments on the Eva disappeared as Daniel began the shutdown process. "I've made a hole, and I'm going in. I'll be on comms, so let me know if anything changes and I need to hurry."

"Will do," Rei replied as Unit=00 dissolved into SLCL, the teal liquid returning to the reservoirs on the Frame Plug. "We'll ensure you have the time to complete your task."

"Thank you kindly," Daniel replied with a smile as he brought the Plug, now hovering in the air, to the edge of the hole before lifting the control console off and floating out the hatch on top of the Plug.

He stepped off the edge of the Plug and onto a ledge newly made from the rubble of the building. The 'little hole', he soon realized, stretched across two or three stories of the building. 'Wow. What a way to remind me about the scale of these things.' he mused as he made his way inside. It was surprisingly easy to forget when it was usually experienced in the pilot's seat.

Either way, the walls between him and the innermost corridor he could get to from this hole were nonexistent, allowing him to get in and start walking to the right, down a tight corridor he had to crouch in somewhat. It was utterly dark, a tiny star floating off his shoulder flickering to life and providing light as he continued. The sounds of the battle outside faded slowly away until there was only a mechanical near-silence, machinery and pipeworks providing a soft yet omnipresent white noise.

Daniel's confusion only grew as he ran into pipes he had to duck under or step over, the hallways randomly tightening in every dimension, sometimes enough that even crawling as he now was, he had to stretch the space around him just to get through. 'Whatever designed this place,' he thought, they weren't thinking about regular use by… most humans.'

"How's it going, Daniel?" Asuka chimed in, and he almost expected her voice to echo slightly. "Need some help?"

"I'm fine for now," Daniel replied as he emerged from the squeeze of the crawlspace, turning down a hallway that thankfully allowed him to walk at least relatively normally again. "This place just wasn't made for visitors."

"Turrets? Traps? Perhaps even automated sentries?" Kaworu asked. "It would not surprise me if Commander Ikari put those in place within as well as without."

"Those would at least be familiar if they were here," Daniel said, his voice echoing in the hallway. He wasn't fully able to shake the sense of unease that had settled over him as he continued further in, and his light got just a little brighter without him fully willing it to. "No, the very architecture of this place is… hostile, almost. Whatever mind made it, it wasn't fully sane. At least, not by most human standards."

He activated his Sight, scanning around the area and finding the first soul, a body, or at least the Frames for such, surrounding it. "I've found the first soul they're using for template work," Daniel said as he took in the area around him, hoping that the pipes around him weren't carrying anything more dangerous than LCL. "Time for a little creative remodeling."

Gemstone, like liquid, flowed up his Plugsuit's arms from wrist to elbow, seams forming in them until they split into three broad claws that floated off his arms and forward, stopping just short of passing his hands.

Daniel wasted no time putting the claws to work, tearing up the floor and tossing the pieces down the hallway, the banging adding to the echoing din as he worked. It was down further than he'd expected, and as enviro-sealed as the suit was, he still found himself hesitant to put his foot into the pool of liquids, chief of which was LCL, that was forming.

Sealing off the pipes as he went took a little more time, time that allowed his mind to get even more wound up than it already was. Old memories kept stirring, and he looked up from time to time, pausing to stare into the dark in front of and behind him to make sure that his imagination remained just that. He wasn't sure if the scar above his sternum itching was just his mind playing tricks, or if some ephemeral Apostle from the distant past had decided to follow him around in secret. It had happened to Guts, after all…

He shook his head as he drew close to the soul, hitting what looked like a sealed pod. Before he cut it open, he paused. What was waiting on the other side? Tubes and IV sticks? Missing limbs? Missing flesh? Was there even a body left for him to save in there?

Either way, he had to find out. He wasn't going to risk leaving behind someone he could save. Carefully as he could, he sliced open the pod, the claws coming back slick with LCL as it flowed out from the cuts. Finally, he lifted the lid and threw it behind him with some stretching of space.

Looking down, Daniel saw, floating in LCL that was now cascading down the sides of the pod, an Ayanami clone, an intubation tube in her mouth, and not a thread of clothing to cover her. Other than that, she seemed whole.

Daniel breathed what was at once a sigh of relief and exasperation, as he considered how to get the girl out of this hellhole of a complex.

After a moment's consideration, and a check of the Ayanami clone's vital functions, he focussed on his comms. "Asuka? Are you guys finished up out there?"

"You mean you couldn't hear us kicking ass?" Asuka replied.

"As deep as I am in here… no."

"Well, yeah, we are. You need help?"

"I'd appreciate it. This is going to be a lot more involved, and a lot slower going on my own, than I expected. I'll send something out to lead you to me. Come over to the hole I made, and it'll lead you true."

"Will do."

"And Asuka?"


"Be careful in here. But not too careful. We don't need to keep this place standing once we're done."

"On our way."

With that, Daniel focused on creating another little star, sending it shooting back from whence he came, trailing behind it a string of starlight that shifted and twisted in a nonexistent breeze. Now, he waited, making sure to keep an eye on the Ayanami clone.

Time slipped by mostly unnoticed, at least until he heard a series of crunching sounds in the distance, slowly growing closer and closer. Daniel smiled slightly as he got to work, enveloping the floating Ayanami clone in a thin layer of crystal that covered up all but her face before bending down and gently extracting the intubation tube.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the star turned around the corner, a series of loud crunching and creaking sounds preceding all four Children rounding the corner, Asuka in the lead and sporting an exasperated look on her face, damp as it was with what he dearly hoped with LCL.

"You weren't wrong, Bruder." Asuka began, exasperation dripping from her voice. "These halls really weren't designed to be walked in."

The Children took stock of the unconscious Ayanami clone before them, Shinji sighing quietly after a moment. "There's never just one of you in any given universe, is there, Rei?" he said with a tired grin.

"Of course not." Rei's grin matched Shinji's. "That would make things easy."

"Alright, loves," Kaworu said gently, "how do we help this Ayanami in particular?"

"First things first," Daniel began, "I make sure you're here in case plan A doesn't work."

"Well, that's done and dusted." Asuka said matter-of-factly. "So, what's plan A?"

"See if the Errant is catching any flak from the Scion fleet, or if our little stunt went unnoticed," Daniel replied as he pulled up the Plugsuits communicator on the inside of his wrist.

"I'll be impressed if that's the case." Asuka snorted. "We weren't exactly subtle."

Daniel nodded as he linked up to the Errant, patiently waiting to see if the call would go through. "No. But it's a big solar system, and everyone's pretty spread out if Eleanor's scan with the Errant is any indication. Likely to avoid any advanced detection planetside."

Daniel went silent as he waited, then let out a small breath he hadn't realized he was holding when Percival answered. "Yes, sir?"

"I'm going to assume that you don't have any Scion ships hot on your tail," Daniel said with a slight grin.

"Not at all, sir. I imagine you're asking for my services to teleport those embodied souls aboard?"

"If the maneuver didn't do any damage that would make it too risky, then I'm all for that."

"You're in luck then." Percival had a small smile that colored his tone. "Mark the transport target, and I'll scan and have them aboard in a few moments."

"Have some clothes printed up for them," Daniel said. "Commander Ikari didn't even bother issuing jumpsuits."

"Will do, sir. Waiting for your mark."

Daniel retrieved his clear pad, tapping out an application that marked the crystalline 'sleeping bag' that held the Ayanami clone and transmitted the location data to the Errant. "Here's number one."

In a moment, the clone vanished. "Oh, dear," Percival said. "Daniel, are you absolutely sure that was the only way to extricate them?"

"I'll crack them out and wake them up once we've got all of them aboard. I'm dropping the call for now. I'll get back in touch when we have our bodiless blank soul. Watch for our other marks."

"Will do. See you soon."

Daniel ended the call, scanning around with his sight until he found the next nearest soul. "Asuka, set your Sight on there."

Asuka followed his gaze, nodding. "I see her."

Daniel grinned as he stepped aside. "Would you care to lead the way?"

Asuka grinned in turn. "Oh, you know me too well."

. . .

Daniel was completely content to let Asuka forge a destructive path through the base, slow going though it still was sometimes. He could tell how tired of the crawlspaces she was. It was a feeling he shared.

The first crawlspace all of them encountered, Rei gave Asuka a tap. "Are you," she began with a knowing grin, "absolutely sure you don't want us to relive Matarael for a moment, for nostalgia's sake? I'm sure Shinji would be perfectly fine with being behind you this time."

Asuka glanced back, her expression unamused as she purposefully widened the crawlspace into something they could walk through. "Another time, maybe."

The next two Ayanami clones went about as well as one could ask for, Asuka's Interfacing specialty making things much quicker as she peeled the pods open like a can. It was the next pod they went to afterward that made things… interesting.

It was going more and more quickly now, Asuka having established a pattern to how she cleared away the machinery above the pod before cracking it open, with Daniel and Rei to quickly seal any pipes that her careless digging might burst. As the pod peeled open, it revealed…

"My god…" Asuka said as she stared down at a girl with strawberry-blonde hair and a terribly familiar face. "I thought Langley and Bradley were the last Shikinamis."

"As far as I can tell, they were. At least, of the line that was meant to pilot Unit-02." Daniel replied. "These… these are just in the image of you. I can't even tell if having a template based on Shikinami would have done anything remarkably different."

"Perhaps it explains the more aggressive, melee-prone Marks? The 04As and alike?" Kaworu postulated. "Though I imagine it also would have changed the behavior of some of the 06Hs we fought outside."

"Whatever the reason is, the list of things I want to do to Commander Ikari just grew by several pages." Asuka bit out. "Go on, Daniel. Let's get her safe."

This Shikinami clone was teleported away in quick order. As was the other copy of Shikinami.

At last, they made their way towards the center of the dome, to the processing core that held their ultimate prize. Asuka, Daniel noticed, was putting far more effort into tearing a path through the base than before, each discovery of a Shikinami clone adding a little more ferocity to her methods. He'd probably need to talk to her, and let her get the chance to vent her feelings before she could bottle them up for another time.

Finally, though, they tore through one last wall into a room that was barely bigger than the rectangular pillar that it housed. Held within the center, a little over head height from them, was their soul. The soul that would, with any luck, soon be Athena's.

Daniel created a small, bright blue crystal, holding up to the level the soul was at and beginning the extraction process. As he did, he continued to glance back every so often.

"Something got you scared?" Asuka asked. "As far as I can tell, there isn't anything in the dark here with us. And besides, if there was, we could beat it, easily." she paused as she chuckled softly. "And here to think my big strong Bruder is scared of the dark."

"Yeah…" Daniel's expression was far less amused than Asuka's. "When you've been around as long as I have, and you go where I have, you learn that some things that hide in the dark, you just can't fight. Sometimes, even the dark itself is alive. Unkillable. Utterly patient. Sometimes, the only option for you to live is to run."

The silence, sober and more than a little frightened, made the sputtering clunking of the soul being extracted a little louder than they expected. And made the silence that came afterward deafening.

Daniel wasted no time calling up the Errant. "Percival, we have the package. You can extract us now."

"Give me a moment to lock onto your signals."

"And I assume that you're overhead again? Can you see us?"

"In roughly geosynchronous orbit with the facility, yes. I have an eye on the facility."

"Well, I don't want to see this place anymore. Once we're out, glass it. We don't need it, and I don't want Ikari to restore it."

"Will do. Prepare to extract."

. . .


Kyu Akagi waited patiently outside the little home that she and the rest of the science team now occupied as the sun began to set. She couldn't help but wonder how the operation to retrieve their prize was going.

She looked over at the door as it opened, Athena stepping out and shutting it behind her. "Hello. How are you feeling, Athena?"

"I feel…" Athena trailed off, then shook her head as she regarded the sunset. "I feel. That is remarkable in and of itself. This sunset…"

Before she could continue any further, Kyu heard something in the far-off distance. Muted booms, the drumroll of explosives going off one after another. They kept going. And going. And going. Soon enough, the whole village, usually alive with a quiet noise, fell silent as the sound continued.

Her mothers, the Ikaris, and the Fuyutsukis soon stepped out the door, puzzlement painted on their faces. "What is going on?" Kozo asked.

Before anyone could reply, five people appeared in front of them. It was Mr. Theisman and the other Children. All of them had dark expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Theisman?" Kyu asked. "Do you know what that sound is?"

"A missile barrage aimed at leveling the plant." Mr. Theisman replied levelly, looking down at his wrist as a clock face sprang to life on it. "It should be done in the next… 20 minutes or so."

"That seems a bit… extreme," Yui said, her confusion transformed into concern.

"After what we saw there, Mother…" Shinji said. "No. It isn't."

Mr. Theisman looked over at Athena, his shadowed expression broken up by a smile. "Congratulations, Athena. In addition to getting your own soul, you now also have 3 other sisters."

He paused for a moment as Athena's eyes went wide. "And the Shikinami's gain 2."

"How is that possible?" Ritsuko asked. "If they closed the program after Langley, they'd need a significant amount of tissue samples from either her or… Ms. Bradley."

"I wouldn't care," Gendo said darkly. "If I didn't have someone to pull me down to earth, then I'd take whatever samples were needed to continue the Shikinami line, whatever ephemeral advantage that might give the Marks."

Mr. Theisman took a deep, long breath, the darkness dispersing from his face as he stepped forward and presented to Kyu a palm-sized disk of swirling purple and bright blue. "Here it is. Whenever you're ready, you can try your operation."

Kyu accepted the gemstone, regarding it for a moment before looking back at Athena. "When do you want to attempt this? We've gone over what the operation might entail, but the choice of when to try is yours."

Athena considered the question for a moment, cupping her chin in thought before she looked back up at Kyu. "I would like to attempt it now if you are ready. And… I would like my friends by my side."

Kyu smiled slightly as she nodded. "Let's get set up, then."

. . .

Daniel watched from a little ways away as Gendo and Kozo lifted a bed into the main living space, Athena walking over and lying down on it as several Pneumaic medical devices surrounded her in short order.

He stood by young Shinji, Kaworu, Ryoji Jr., and Natsumi, and glanced at the door, wondering if they would arrive.

Surely enough, the door opened, and Asuka Shikinami-Langley and Bradley stepped through, regarding the sight with somewhat wary eyes as they came to a stop at Daniel's side. "So… what are they doing to her?" young Asuka asked, her tone cautious.

"They're giving Athena a soul," Daniel replied quietly, smiling slightly as the sisters' eyes widened. "We went to the Mark plant in Hokkaido and got it before we flattened the place."

"Gotcha," Bradley said with a grin. "So that's the sound we just stopped hearing a few minutes ago."

"That it is." Daniel paused for a moment, watching as Kyu, Naoko, Ritsuko, and Yui surrounded Athena, lowering a panel that would allow them to see their patient's Frames without needing to waste Flux, however little it might produce, on the Sight.

His smile turned into a grin of his own. "We also managed to snag you two two more sisters. They're in our ship's medbay for the moment."

Young Asuka and Bradley both sputtered for a moment. "What?" Asuka said incredulously.

"Quiet, please," Ritsuko said. "We're about to begin."

Daniel threw a Frame over to Asuka Langley and Bradley. "I'll explain this way." he began as tools slipped under the screen, a flexible Pneumaic Bridge settling over Athena's chest as Frame Cutters and Weavers followed after it. "Commander Ikari likely took tissue samples from one or both of you and continued the Shikinami line without anyone knowing."

"Damn. That's what those 'personal checkups' were for?"
Bradley said, her words carrying a low and dangerous tone. "He didn't even trust anyone else with knowing my existence. Just let some machines lower into my tank and take blood and skin. The LCL fixed it right back up afterward."

Asuka Langley began, the tone of her voice hesitant even as she kept an eye on the procedure. She paused as she smiled slightly at the still-conscious Athena, who smiled back. "What happens to them?"

"Likely, we leave them in your care here in the village once things settle down. We're already juggling enough here as is. With how fast the next big events are likely approaching…"
Daniel trailed off as he watched Kyu gently place the gemstone containing the blank soul on top of the Frame Knot.

"What do you mean by that? Do you know the future, somehow?" Asuka Langley asked.

"To a certain extent," Daniel admitted. He went silent for a moment as he focused on the operation. "I'll explain afterward."

Kyu hooked a Frame Weaver's tendrils, sinking past the physical, under the gemstone, slowly spinning up Frames that connected to the soul, then down towards the Frame Knot. "How do you feel, Athena?" Kyu, thus far silent, asked.

"I feel… strange," Athena replied, her expression as unsure as her tone of voice. "Almost like my mind is in starting to go somewhere else while still fully conscious. It is not an unfamiliar sensation, with my apparent connection to this world's Rei Ayanami."

"I see," Kyu replied. "Interesting, that there's a mental connection between Ayanami clones here. But I digress."

She looked over at her fellow 'surgeons', the four of them silently deliberating something, likely over a soul link before Kyu's focus returned to Athena. "We have two options on where to progress from here. Either we can attempt to 'upload' your memory and personality to the soul core, or we can try to implant it immediately and monitor it for any aberrations. The choice is yours."

Athena was silent for a moment. "Try to upload my memories to the soul." she finally said.

"We'll need to be careful," Yui said aloud, "or might run the risk of inducing mental trauma."

"That is true," Kyu replied. "What would be the best course of action, do you think?"

"Probably putting her to sleep," Ritsuko said. "From what I've read, there's a significant mitigation of risk if doing anything mental when the brain and mind are in a rest state."

"Sounds good to me," Naoko said. "Let's not waste any more time. Kyu, if you could?"

"Take a deep breath, Athena," Kyu said as she placed a hand on Athena's head. "When you wake up, this will be done, and you'll no longer have anything to worry about. I promise."

Athena took a deep breath, and her eyes slowly closed.

"Alright," Kyu said as Athena began to take more deep, steady breaths. "Mother, Grandmother, go ahead and set up connections to the brain so we can monitor what memories there are. Mrs. Ikari and I will begin the transfer once you're done."

It went silent again, and time seemed to at once stretch and fly as all around watched the operation continue. Frames, like scaffolding, stretched up towards Athena's head from Ritsuko and Naoko's weavers. As they finished, the Frames began to glow with energy, data, and memory, Kyu and Yui monitoring things closely. If something was going wrong at any point, or if things were tense, their faces barely showed it, pictures of focus and professionalism.

Then, the flow of light stopped from the Frames that Ritsuko and Naoko had created, the two doctors cutting the Frames and beginning to guide them toward the soul core. Finally, Kyu grabbed hold of the soul core, bringing it slowly into Athena's body. As she did, the other three began to pick apart the Frame Knot, connecting what they could to the soul as it slowly lowered into place.

Finally, the soul was in place, and Kyu removed the gemstone that had held it and set it aside on the table as all four women took a deep breath.

"So, doctors," Daniel said, finally breaking the silence, "what's the prognosis?"

"As of this moment?" Kyu replied as the doctors began to deactivate machinery and remove it from off of or over Athena. "Her vital signs are holding steady on all levels, and it looks as though she's accepted the transplant."

"We'll need to keep an eye on her," Naoko replied. "Likely over an extended period of time, to make sure that there aren't any future complications."

"How long do you think that might take?" Natsumi asked, clearly worried for her friend. "Is she going to need to stay isolated at all?"

"Not at all," Yui said assuringly. "She'll be able to do everything she's been doing up until now. We'll just need to check up on her every few weeks if symptoms don't pop up. As for how long that's going to last…"

Yui looked over at Naoko as Kyu woke Athena from her brief sleep. "How long should we keep an eye on her?"

"I'd probably recommend an extended period. A year, just to be sure, if not more." Naoko replied frankly. "This is, after all, a completely novel operation that we've just pulled off, so I want to be absolutely sure."

As the adults continued to talk with each other about future treatment plans, Athena walked over to Natsumi and Ryoji Jr., smiling slightly. "So," Natsumi said slowly. "Feel any different?"

"Well…" Athena replied. "I imagine we'll find out together, shall we?"
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A Little Heraldry
So, I know that this isn't quite the early story update some might like, but recently, I have taken up learning Inkscape (a popular, free vector-based image creation software), and have been keeping myself busy while doing my online job that largely requires brief pressing of buttons and typing of sentences. Thus, we come to this point.

Ta-da! Our favorite successor organization of NERV gets the logo it so richly deserves. I'm on a roll and enjoying this so expect, at the very least, WILLE's logo (which is quite different than the one in the canon movies, as I've described it!) to follow.
Chapter 35: Fruits and Thorns

Chapter 35: Fruits and Thorns

I watch the things that these people, my daughter, and her friends, do, and I can't help but sit slack-jawed in amazement at them. I mean, look at it! Magic so advanced and precise, they have it down to a science!

Of course, the way they say it, it's just a part of science. One that we tapped into to some insignificant degree here. In them, it's complete. Just as complete as Unit-02 is now. A fact I'm sure that the princess will be terribly happy about.

I see this, and I can't help but think that there's nothing that these people need to be afraid of. Not even death.

But… with the 'end' seemingly so close, they seem as nervous as the rest. What could scare them this much?

- From the personal journal of Mari Makinami

Burbank, New Pacifica, May 1st, 2028

Aang was perhaps at his most comfortable here. As familiar as he was with the nomadic lifestyle, even with the ride getting far bigger, this state of being, of being of service to those in need, was still at his core. Whatever else had changed in this part of his new life, some of what had made him an Air Nomad still remained.

He and Katara entered Agri-Station 052, now waving to several of the workers, asking after husbands, wives, children, and parents. Their stories were important, their wonderfully mundane lives precious things. It was part of what drove him forward in the rest of his work.

'Perhaps if Captain Katsuragi wasn't so busy,' he mused, 'she could come down here and gain some perspective.'

He knew, however, that the Captain was a complicated woman. Talking with Daniel during their time had revealed much of the why, but there was only so much any of them could do.

Finally, they reached the control center, Maia conferring with someone as they walked in. She noticed them and waved as her face lit up with what was now an expected wide smile. "Alan! Kiana! Great to have you here. I've got someone who needs some logistics help for a second."

Aang nodded as they paused in front of Maia and the other woman, who had deep burnt umber skin, intent brown eyes set in a slightly gaunt, mostly rounded face regarding them from under shoulder-length hair arranged in stalks of intricate braids. "Are we helping you today, miss?" Katara asked.

"I hope so." the woman said, smiling slightly. "I've had more than a few of my regulars call in on this end of things, so everything's in a state of chaos at the moment."

"This is Ms. Fasoumanti," Maia said. "She's been our best local buyer. She manages the Nourishing Sun Initiative. You've probably heard me talk about it before, several kitchens that serve halfway houses, struggling families, the whole nine yards."

"Please." Ms. Fasoumanti chuckled. "You flatter me. You can just call me Aaminata. Or Aami if it's simpler."

"I'm Alan, and this is my wife, Kiana," Aang replied, offering a hand which Aaminata shook firmly. "I work in supply for WILLE, and I'm plying my skills here. I'll see what I can get together for you here. Kiana's head of medical aboard the Wunder too, so she'll probably be seeing your usual help if they're sick."

Aaminata smiled. "Thank you for your help. There are many people in need who will appreciate it as well."

Maia nodded as she began to turn away. "Well, I'll let you two get to it. I've got some other things to attend to."

Aang nodded, steeling himself for whatever might come next. Here she was in the flesh. Their first big target. 'Ymris is going to want to know about this first thing.'

"So," he said aloud, "I've heard at least a little bit about your charity work here. Maia's probably been one of your biggest cheerleaders."

He paused as she nodded. "How long have you been in operation here?"

"A little under 8 years as of right now," Aaminata said as they walked to a window that looked out over the several farming plots in the area. It was an area that was expanding rapidly due to some new developments Doctor Akagi had passed on from Daniel and company, Aang knew.

"You've got quite the operation going if Maia's to be believed," Katara said. "I'm surprised that you'll find our help useful."

"Any amount of help, especially if it lifts those struggling to a better place, is a blessing," Aaminata replied. "And besides, we were struggling ourselves before we got in contact with this Agri-Station. Maia and her teams have been instrumental, and I have a dedicated team set up to keep things in order here."

'That would probably explain the spirits.' Aang surmised. With as many as he'd seen trekking out into the fields on the rare occasion he had to go to a local transport hub, it would have to take dozens of people at least somewhat trained in spirit-bending of some kind to keep them on task.

"I also appreciate the offer of your help, Ms. Kiana." Aaminata continued. "But my team isn't sick. They're just… busy."

She said the word with a slight bitterness, and Aang found his curiosity piqued. "What kind of busy are we talking about?" Katara asked. "Or is it a secret?"

Aaminata nodded with a slight grimace. "Secret, unfortunately. One of my other suppliers needed the help today, and I couldn't turn him down."

"I see," Aang said, having a few guesses as to who that other supplier might be. "Well… let me think for a moment."

Ymris wanted to see her, and if the big secret was what he was guessing, she'd need to do it quickly. But he also wanted to help what seemed, by all rights, a decent cause here in the city.

"I've got a few buddies in the logistics department of WILLE I could talk to, see what they can do to help. And I'm sure there are some people in KREDIT who would be willing to help. And…"

He made a show of turning and checking his phone. "I've actually got someone you could meet with right now to make a case to in WILLE."

"Then I'd be happy to meet with them so this can get cleared up."

"I'll call them right now, actually."

Aang called Ymris, stepping away for a second and waiting as he hoped this wouldn't be too risky.

"Hey, Aang," Ymris replied.

"Hey there. It's Alan."

"Oh. What can I do for you?"

"I've got someone here in need of some help with logistics and I figured she'd want to talk to you. A Ms. Aaminata Fasoumanti of the Nourishing Sun Initiative."

It was silent on the other end of the line for a moment. "I see. Does she want to meet today?"

"It would help. She needs help with getting supplies to her kitchens in the city."

"Got it. I'll be on the Wunder. It'll be the most secure place."

"And you're sure you can't meet her anywhere else?"

"It'd be too much of a risk meeting in public if it comes to blows. Too much chance of collateral damage and civilian casualties. No, just escort her here, and stay ready."

"Got it. I'll get her here as soon as I can."

With that, he hung up, turning to Aaminata and Katara. "Well, Ms. Aami, she'd like to meet you on the Wunder itself, with how busy she is. We'll be able to get you in."

Aaminata didn't outwardly seem suspicious of that, at the very least. "Well, then. I've wondered what the inside of that ship looks like. It's always amazing to see something like that flying in around here."

"Let's not waste any time then, shall we?" Katara said.

. . .

Ymris sat in silence, steadying herself as she waited for Aang and Katara to come back with Aami. She'd hoped they'd find Kauri first. As fierce as his temper could be if someone stoked it, Aaminata had a focus to her grudges. And the ability to send Spirits to do her dirty work.

She scanned the hallway outside of the empty mess hall, one of the smaller ones that she'd appropriated and made sure would stay empty, with her Sight. It was hardly the first time she'd done so, and it made her feel more paranoid than she perhaps should have been. She needed to breathe. Focus. This was just a precaution. Just in case. She could see the souls of those that made up the perimeter, placed just so by Eleanor so that they would blend in with the rest of the crew. Even looking for them for a moment, it still took her far longer than she was comfortable admitting to finding them.

Then, she spotted three souls making their way up the hallway that led to her door and took a deep breath. 'Here's to hoping, whatever Guides there are out there that aren't the Guide of War.'

Two of the figures went to either side of the door, and the third paused for a moment before opening it. Ymris let her Sight dissipate to fully see the shocked face that looked back at her as the door closed.

"You," Aaminata said with quiet venom.

"Yeah," Ymris replied. "Sorry for all the secrecy, Aami. I couldn't risk Tavis catching wind of this."

"Tavis…" Aaminata looked back at the door. "So, are you trying to kill me, too?"

"Kill you?" Ymris said incredulously. "Why would I want to do that?"

"Tomomi told us everything that happened in South Africa," Aaminata said as she approached. "How you sent a hit squad to kill the faithful after seducing away those you could."

"Is that how she put it?" Ymris said with a sigh as Aaminata paused in front of the table she sat at. "She pulled a gun on us for questioning Tavis' plan. And it was plain as day that she's banging him. Surely, you noticed how biased she'd be?"

Aaminata stared at her silently for a moment, still tense and ready to fight. "And why would that matter? You're on this ship with the heretic. He could have twisted you long before that."

"I lost faith in Tavis' plan long before Daniel and his crew arrived, Aami."

"Stop calling me that."

Ymris was silent for a moment. "I wouldn't lie to you, Aaminata. I act on the truth that I'm given. You know that as well as I do. I've been upfront with what Tavis told me to tell you."

She saw Aaminata hesitate. "But… I haven't told you everything. Please, Aaminata. Take a seat. Listen for just a minute."

Again, it was silent, and Ymris hovered on the edge of readiness. Then, slowly, Aaminata stepped forward and sat down on the bench. "You'd better be damn convincing," Aaminata muttered.

Ymris took a deep breath. "You know what Tavis wants to do with these Herald Units, right?"

Aaminata frowned. "Of course. The same thing we tried to do in the last world. Start an Instrumentality event and control it so that it fixes the world. The converts would come in droves afterward."

"There is no way to contain an Instrumentality event like that, Aaminata. You didn't see the records back on the last Echo, did you?"

"You and Tavis were the only ones who were daring enough to even try sneaking into Jameson's Receptor archives. Now, it's impossible to even do that."

Ymris dipped her head and sighed. "An Instrumentality event breaks down all living things into LCL to gather all their souls. Tavis… wants to do that. Not only that, but edit the souls with the godlike power that he'd get on top of being the Hollow Saint like I think he is. You, me, the Children, WILLE, everyone. And then he'd have an army he could throw at the rest of Reality. Or the start of one, at least."

Aaminata was silent, her shocked expression saying more than words ever could. "But…"

"I'm sorry, Aaminata. He asked me to keep that knowledge in confidence. He said you'd understand after it was over. At the time, I trusted him to not do to us what he'd planned to do to the rest of the world." Ymris shook her head. "Now, though… I'm not so sure."

"You… you could still be lying. You spent 14 years here largely apart from us. That sort of time can change anyone." Aaminata seemed remarkably unsure of herself now. It was somewhat unsettling to Ymris, so used to the calm, collected woman that had accompanied her for the last several decades.

"It can. And it did. Just… not in the way that you're thinking."

Ymris looked around herself, at a room that had become so familiar to her. "The people that your work feeds," she said after a moment. "Would you want them thrown into war? Fighting and dying over and over again?"

"No," Aaminata said firmly. "Never."

"Even if Tavis said it was for the greater good? For the Unity? Can we really starve these people of peace for the sake of one that they might never see?"

Her words had hit home, she knew, by how Aaminata flinched. They'd talked before about her past. How she'd gotten to be saved by a wandering cleric. 'Come on…' Ymris thought, hoping against hope. 'See reason, please…'

Aaminata finally sighed. "No. I… I couldn't do that to them." she said quietly.

She shook her head slightly. "They're… they're family now. The people. The workers. I go out into the streets, you know. Work with my own hands. And it's there I see the Unity."

Aaminata looked back up at Ymris. "Guides, I can feel it, Ymris. Everyone working for each other's good, with no regard for status or wealth or upbringing. They care. I care. I…"

She paused, her voice choked with sorrow. "I thought he cared, too. He would have stopped it if he didn't. Right?"

"Aami…" Ymris put her hand on Aaminata's, her voice quiet. "I'm sorry. I should have told you."

"What…" Aaminata paused as she swallowed. "What do we do now?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself," Ymris admitted after a moment. "Right now, though, we have to make sure that Tavis can't use the Herald Units to start an Impact. Can you do something about that?"

"I can at least try," Aaminata said. "Half of the core-bound beings are Spirits. The other six that got captured after that last time are souls. They're… well, we think that they're human. They're old enough that they barely make sense anymore. If they ever did in the first place."

"Well, if we can trip up Tavis with that, then it'll be worth it." Ymris sighed. "I just hope that Daniel has a plan."

"The heretic?" Aaminata was still somewhat incredulous. "Well, as long as he tries to preserve the people here, then I won't get in his way."

Ymris chuckled softly. "You haven't talked to him. Maybe, once this is all over, you'll get the chance. He has remarkable insights."

"You sound like you have a crush on him."

"If I did, his wife would probably have a few stern words for me."

"His wife?"

"Ah. You'd probably remember her as the water Interfacer."

"That's right." Aaminata was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Hell of a wife."

"I'm sure he'd agree."

They shared a moment of quiet laughter before Aaminata sighed and shook her head. "I wasn't kidding Alan around when I said I needed help getting supplies out to the Initiative. I don't know how far I'm going to be able to get with my other Spiritweavers not keeping an eye on things."

"He'll make it work. And I'll put in a good word to some higher-ups, too. See what I can do."

Aaminata smiled. "Thank you, Ymris. At least we can do that much."

Aaminata stood to leave, turning before Ymris raised a hand. "Wait. Do you know where Tavis is?"

Aaminata shook her head. "He's locked himself away in the Black Mesa facility. As far as I can tell, he hasn't come out yet.

Ymris frowned, then nodded. "Alright. Good to know."

Aaminata nodded. "Good to see you again, Ymris."

"You too, Aami. Stay safe."

"I'll try."

With that, Aaminata made her way out of the mess hall, leaving Ymris to breathe a quiet sigh of relief. 'Well, I'm glad that went well.'

She hoped that Kauri would be that easy. Or at least somewhat close to it.

. . .

Korra took off the padded helmet, wiping the sweat on her brow as she stared at who was now a consistent sparring partner. "Come on, Tyler," she said.

"Give me a few more rounds to think about it."

"C'mon. You said that yesterday."

Tyler sighed as he leaned against the ropes of the ring. "I did, didn't I?" he mused.

He shook his head. "You still owe me a couple of drinks from when we did our little competition a week ago, remember?"

"Yeah. The bruise the speed bag gave me was a good enough reminder, thanks. But… you also never specified what kind of drinks you wanted. I know a few good people who can get you a couple of crates of that energy drink that you kept talking about in that same competition. What was it… Kilo Omega?"

Tyler choked for a moment on the water he was drinking deeply from, coughing as he set the bottle on the mat to keep it from spilling its contents further. "You're joking." he finally said. "They never made many of those, and they'd need to be in cold storage in order to survive this long. And crates?"

"My people are very good at their jobs," Korra said with a knowing smile.

Tyler glared at her suspiciously before he sighed dramatically. "Fine. We'll go to Island of Change and check it out today. But if you can't cough up those KOs, you're footing the bill at my bar when we take our wives there."

"It's a deal." Korra grinned as they went their separate ways to their own workouts, then prepared to leave.

As they walked the streets of Burbank, storm clouds in the distance enough to not worry them for the moment, Korra waited until they were alone. "So…" she said slowly. "I haven't seen you at work at the docks recently. You been out on vacation?"

"I wish." Tyler chuckled. "No, my other work's been taking up most of my time. It's a miracle when I can even get out to the gym sometimes."

"What could be that important?" Korra asked. "Almost everything heavy equipment related's been working on Unit-02 and Unit-08 down by the docks."

She paused, a sly grin, one that she hoped was convincing, slowly growing. "Unless you've been tinkering away at a few spare Evas yourself?"

Tyler's moment of shock, and the silence that followed, all but confirmed her suspicions. "Wait a minute. You can't be serious. Can you?" she said incredulously.

"Come on," Tyler said defensively. "What would you do if I said yes?"

It was the worst question to ask her, and Korra took full advantage of that. She was silent as she paused, then put a hand on Tyler's forehead.

"Uh… what're you doing?" Tyler asked as the hand remained there momentarily, Korra narrowing her eyes in concentration.

"Checking if you've got a crazy fever delirium whatever you've managed to hide stupidly well, or you're actually telling me something that could be super important."

"What would it matter?" Tyler said defensively.

"Tyler, man, I'm part of WILLE! We're working with all of two Evangelions right now. As much as we're gung-ho about the whole 'destroying Evas' thing after we're done, we'd appreciate even one more Eva to have at least as a backup."

Tyler raised his hands. "Alright. How about another deal? If you promise not to tell your boss, I'll show you what we're working on."

"Why would I not do that?"

"Because the Evas I'm working on… they're being used by a third party. Someone who's also interested in saving the world. As hard as it is to believe, and for as short a time as we've known each other, I'm asking you to trust me. Please."

Korra was silent for a moment. She had him over a barrel, and he didn't even know it as she pretended to deliberate. 'Man. This spy stuff really is cool.' she mused, doing her best to keep her composure.

Finally, she sighed quietly. "Alright. But if things get too weird, I'm going straight to the Captain."

"Sure. I'll have to talk with the higher-ups to clear you, and they're likely going to want to talk to you too. I can't promise it isn't going to be weird, but we're trying to help people. Honest."

Korra nodded slowly, then shrugged. "Well, as long as you're not trying to end the world too, then you can't be too bad in my book."

"That's the last thing we want to do, I promise." Tyler chuckled. "Now, I believe we were on our way to a gym."

Korra nodded. "That's right. We'll get this done quickly, and give you time to talk to your people."

"Sounds good to me. Let's keep going."

As they continued to walk, Korra gave herself a mental pat on the back. This was probably a pretty lucky break. Not only had she gotten Tyler to admit to working on the Herald Evas, but she'd managed to get Ymris' strange, more than paper-thin surveillance thingy attached to a prime spot. Hopefully, it wouldn't be located too soon.

But for now, even with this stroke of good luck, her primary objective was finding out about one Kauri Huru'apeki.

. . .

The gym looked like most others she'd been in before, and there had been quite a few in her long, but still strangely youthful, lifetime. Granted, there were a lot of exercise machines, most mismatched in their colors and painting a rainbow across what must have originally been a supermarket's floor, and there were a few different mats in one corner or another, but otherwise, it struck her as a large, but mostly ordinary place.

For Tyler, it seemed at least, it was the closest thing to paradise, the man looking around with wide eyes. "Wow… this really is an island of change, isn't it?"

"Tempted to jump ship?" Korra asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. And that's a miracle in and of itself."

Korra continued to look around, and it wasn't hard to spot the massive, well-built man that approached them, wearing attire that wouldn't look out of place among the rest of the people working out here, long sweatpants and shirt with a zip-up hoodie around it. She had to wonder where he'd gotten it from, for even as fit as he was, she'd seen metal-working kilns as tall and broad as he was.

The man, his skin well-tanned under black hair and sea-green eyes that creased with the wide smile that grew on his face, approached them. "Welcome to the Island of Change!" he said with a warm chuckle. "I'm Kauri, the owner of this fine establishment. This is your first visit, I'd assume?"

"Yes, it is," Korra said, shaking a proffered hand that she was fairly certain could have wrapped around her head. "We're just looking around right now."

"That's entirely understandable." Kauri chuckled. "Still, let me give you a tour of the place, and see if I can convince you to join our little family."

"I don't know if I'd call it little anymore," Tyler said as he scanned around the gym, bustling with activity. There were few machines, benches, or racks that didn't have someone using them.

Kauri laughed at the statement. "That's entirely reasonable. Even still, the best way to help someone is to get to know them like family. Follow me, and I'll show you some of our stand-out features."

Kauri then gave them a brief tour, Korra and Tyler turning down his offer to exercise there for the day to see if they liked the atmosphere. As they went, Korra found herself answering as best she could about herself, her preferred workout, and her family. 'He really does treat someone like they're a cousin or a niece.' she mused as Tyler talked about his wife and their plans.

"That's a fascinating line of work she's in," Kauri said earnestly as Tyler finished speaking about his wife. "I don't exactly have the sort of mind that biochemistry needs, but I respect the work that people like your wife do to help others."

He turned his focus once again to Korra. "So, what's your line of work, Ms. Karra?"

"I'm working security for WILLE," she answered honestly. Quite frankly, with his outgoing attitude, it was hard not to.

"Ah, I see." Kauri looked genuinely interested. Likely, Korra realized, because he was. "Are you in that massive airship that I've seen flying in and out of here every so often?"

Korra nodded. "Yep. The Wunder's crazier on the inside if you'd believe it."

"Well, I wish you and yours the best of luck in keeping us safe," Kauri said. "You do important work, Ms. Karra, and I'd be glad to have you here."

"Thank you." Korra looked around. He was good at talking at length about things that weren't really quite so important right now. She needed an opening for Ymris to talk to him. But he seemed to almost live in this gym. A part of her wouldn't have been surprised if he actually did.

Maybe there was something…

She got an idea. It was a stretch, she knew full well, but it was worth a shot. "I wouldn't mind working out in a place like this. But I kind of like being able to do a lot of my workout on my own. Or at least not feeling like I'm competing for equipment. I don't know how long I'd be able to make it here."

Kauri nodded. "You're not the first person to tell me that, and I completely understand. I'm actually in the process of scouting out some still abandoned buildings to see if I can expand into them, give those like you the room they need to really get started on further improving themselves."

"Gotcha," Korra said, thanking whatever was out there for her ridiculously good luck. "Are those buildings far from here?"

"Most of the abandoned structures are a few blocks away from here on the edge of Sun Valley or in Sun Valley proper. There are a few promising leads out on Glenoaks, mainly an old chapel I think would work really well that I'll be scouting out in the next few days. Used to be used by a Baptist congregation, if I recall correctly. Wherever they are now, I hope they don't mind someone using their building for something else."

The ACC Pillars had recently cleared out core material there, Korra knew. Something to do with a breakthrough that friends of Daniel had made in Village-3. It wasn't an exact location, but whatever this chapel was, it was probably Ymris' best shot at meeting Kauri alone.

'I've gotten everything I need to do done. Now, to make my exit.'

She flinched slightly before taking her phone out of her pocket, making a show of checking it before her eyes went wide. "Oh, shoot."

She looked at Tyler and Kauri. "I'm sorry, I've got to go. I completely blanked that our security chief set up a meeting tonight. I'll catch you both later."

"Of course." Kauri chuckled. "Far be it from me to keep you from the business of saving the world. I hope to see you again."

"See you," Tyler said with a slight grin. "I'll be waiting on those cases of KO."

"I'll get them to you as soon as I can, I promise!"

With that, Korra was soon out the door, safe for now. As she walked down the street, checking over her shoulder every once in a while, she soon found herself comfortable enough to pull out her phone and actually use it this time, calling Ymris as quickly as she could.

"Hello, Korra," Ymris said as the line connected. "You're not who I usually expect to call me. What do you have for me?"

"Well, I think I just had a better-than-average day doing our work today. Let me fill you in."

. . .

Two Days Later

Ymris waited patiently in what she believed was now a rather disused chapel room, turned over pews scattered throughout the dark space, and pondered on what sort of life used to permeate these walls. The faith that ran through this building, however slight it might have been for some of its regulars, couldn't help but leave her contemplative. How many people had fled to this place of refuge when Near-Third Impact happened, desperately pleading for the help of a god which did not seem to answer them?

She could not tell. Any such signs were gone, now likely so much long-evaporated LCL staining the coarse carpet beneath her feet.

She looked up at a fallen cross on a raised section of the floor. Did the Angels know how much power the mere angles of their attacks so often held to the humans that they killed in their mission? Or had humanity simply assigned such value to these creatures? After all, it was NERV and SEELE that had named the Angels, not themselves. Though, with what tales Daniel and his company aboard the Wunder had told her, maybe they were more aware than she had first given them credit…

She heard one of the doors opening somewhere and turned towards a set of doors that led into the room that she stood in. She heard his footsteps, thumping and echoing through the space, pausing as he likely went from room to room. They were getting closer, now. She had to keep herself from tensing up, appearing like she was preparing for a fight. Still closer…

Then, he stepped through the doorway, ducking slightly as he often had to do, and paused as he saw her.

She expected an outward reaction from him. Relief, sadness, rage, something. But the frigid anger that rested behind a mask as hard as the stone Kauri shaped scared Ymris far more than anything she could have imagined.

"Ymris," Kauri said calmly, the calm of a thunderhead approaching, Kauri's steps forward no less menacing. "So, you put one of the security guards you work with up to find me. Of all the people I would think would stoop so low, I didn't think it could be you."

"Hello, Kauri," Ymris said as Kauri paused not much more than ten meters in front of her. "I'm sorry we had to meet like this. The last thing I want to do is have this spill over."

"Really?" Kauri said, stepping through a row of the pews and into the central aisle between them. "Or were you just concerned with not having Tavis find out you were trying to stab us in the back as well?"

"Kauri, the last thing I want to do is hurt you. Any of you."

"Then why did you turn your back on us?" Kauri paused as he scoffed and shook his head. "You were my big sister. You helped me after I lost my first family, almost more than anything else. Does that mean nothing to you now? Does anything we've been trying to do?"

"Of course not." Ymris' brow furled as she stood a little taller. "You're one of my first friends, Kauri. And I want nothing more than to keep everyone safe. If anything, working on the Wunder has only strengthened that."

"Then why try and lead your little brothers and sisters away, huh?" Kauri swept his arm around. "Why simply try to put a bandaid on this place, all its suffering and grief, when we could solve everything by following Tavis' plan?"

"That's where everything goes wrong, Kauri," Ymris said. "I don't know how much Tavis has told you, but I've kept some terrible truths from you and the others. I was the only one he had confidence with then, and I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to even have the courage to tell you about it."

"What could you possibly say that could make up for how you've left us?"

"That these people won't be family. We won't get to know them as they are. Tavis is going to use Instrumentality to turn them into soldiers. We're not going to be big brothers and sisters, we're going to be commanding officers."

Kauri was silent for a moment, his brow furrowed, before he shook his finger at her. "Tavis won't do that. He knows how bad it can get. He knows how these people have suffered because he's suffered alongside them. It's the entire reason we're using the Herald Evas to fix this world."

"Kauri, have you even seen Tavis recently?" Ymris shot back. "After Fourth Impact, I haven't been able to find him anywhere, and you know how I like to keep an eye on things. Have you?"

Kauri's eyes narrowed, and Ymris cursed her temper for letting something like that slip. Finally, however, he shook his head. "He's been out of contact for nearly a month. The last thing he told us was that he was preparing for something. Something that would give us the chance we'd need to truly get started."

"Then…" Ymris looked down. "I don't know if Tavis is even in control of himself anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"The Guide of War is here. It's been here for months, years even if Daniel's to be believed. And it was at Fourth Impact. Choosing someone to possess. And if it chose Tavis like I think it did…"

She shook her head. Damn it all, she actually felt sadness for the man, still. After everything he planned to do. But even that was after everything that they'd done together. For each other. "Tavis might be locked up in his own body. And the Guide of War is a far different being than Tavis is."

It was silent, a somber, sober thing that stretched between them and almost seemed to stretch the very space between where they stood as well. Kauri seemed so distant to Ymris, now. Was she wrong about him?

Kauri finally shook his head slowly as he turned. "I need to think about this when I'm not holding myself back from hitting you with one of these pews. Go."

Ymris nodded, walking past the still form of Kauri. She reached the door, pausing for a moment before looking back. "Have you visited Aami's kitchens?"

It was a long silence before Kauri answered, still not looking at her. "I have. Point anyone down on their luck there."

"I visited for the first time yesterday. She does good work, looking out for those in need."

"She always has."

"Yeah. Thank you, Kauri. I'll see you later, hopefully."

With that, she exited, hoping that Kauri would find in this building what he was looking for.

. . .

Aboard the Wunder

Eleanor was on a call with Amaya, pacing alone in an empty mess hall. "And any movement from the Scion fleet? Has Percival given you anything yet?"

"No movement thus far from any vessels there, at least from our somewhat suboptimal position, and Percival seems somewhat busy with repairs at the moment," Amaya replied, her calm voice a small relief to Eleanor's terribly busy schedule.

Eleanor was taken aback for a moment, brow furrowing in slight confusion. "What happened?"

"Percival said that Daniel and the previous Echo's Children that remained with him boarded the Errant. As to what happened next, he said it was for Daniel to say. He only mentioned that it was quite… daring."

Eleanor's lips pursed as she stifled a quiet sigh. Percival was a being given to understatement, and Daniel doing something being described as such was a small, but still significant departure from his usual style of doing things. She'd need to have a talk with him about her ship. Even if it used to be theirs jointly.

"Alright. Keep an eye on things over Antarctica. You're the closest we have to satellite surveillance over the area, and I'm betting we'll need all the intel we can get when Commander Ikari makes his move."

"Understood." Amaya paused. "I will admit, I do miss Mr. Aida being the 'captain' of the ship. He brings a certain… excitement to the vessel that fills the space. As you all did in our voyage here."

"Well," Eleanor said with a slight grin, "as much as he loves piloting the vessel, I think he's far happier being with his wives here. Besides, we can get back to you at a moment's notice if you're lonely."

"I hardly need such attention with Vordt being with me, but I appreciate the sentiment," Amaya said. "Be safe down there. I'm sure that things are about to get interesting."

"You and me both. Later."

With that, Eleanor ended the call, the clear pad only dropping to her side before it began to ring again. Looking down at the contact calling her, she saw that it was Doctor Akagi, picking it up quickly. "You have good timing, Vice-Captain. How can I help you?"

"I have something I want to discuss with you concerning Ms. Marlowe's Interfacing abilities. Could you bring her to meet up with me and the Captain in her quarters?"

"What do you have in mind?" Eleanor said as she exited the mess hall, sending a quick message to Mariah after linking to her soul briefly. Mariah's wordless interest and slight confusion mirrored her own.

There was a somewhat longer pause than Eleanor expected before Doctor Akagi sighed. "I'll let the Captain explain it. In the meantime, has there been any update on NERV's movement?"

"Not yet, ma'am. The other Vessels are still in the process of converging on the Black Moon. There's still one ship, the Erlösung, that hasn't formed up with the 'Black Moon' fleet if you want to call it that. It looks like we won't see any more movement until then."

"Good. That should give us some time, still, to do what the Captain wants us to do."

"I'm almost there. I'll talk to you face to face."

With that, Eleanor hung up, coming to a stop in front of the captain's quarters and looking up the hall as Mariah jogged over to her. "So, what's up? A broad feeling of needing to meet you at the captain's quarters is awful… well, broad."

"Your guess is as good as mine, Mariah," Eleanor replied. "All I know is the Captain wants to run something by us."

"Ah." Mariah nodded sagely, a gleam in her eyes carefully hidden in an all too serious expression. "Does it have anything to do with that Signal Override Plug I've been helping out with?"

Eleanor shrugged. Mariah had been instrumental in making the 'core interface', as Doctor Akagi had so artfully called the two massive needles, that had been composed of a tungsten-carbide not dissimilar to the material used to reinforce the Geofront.

"Well, let's step in and find out, shall we?" Eleanor said with a slight smile as she keyed the door, waiting for Misato to open it and allow them in.

They didn't have to wait long, the doors opening to show Misato and Ritsuko waiting for them.

"Hello, Ms. Theisman. Ms. Marlowe." Misato said levelly, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly for a moment at Mariah, who grinned in knowing amusement as the door shut behind the pair. "Take a seat. I have an Idea."

Eleanor knew that tone of voice, sitting down on a folded chair beside Mariah. "So, what nigh-impossibility would you like us to pull off today?"

Misato paused, looking over at Ritsuko as they shared a quick, quiet chuckle. "I guess I underestimated how well you know us," Misato said quietly.

She paused before shaking her head. "Anyways, you know as well as we do how half-baked this ship is. We stole it out of the shipyard, and have been patching it up as best we can in the year since. But with your contingent…"

"I'm sure us ghosts can whip something up for you," Mariah said with a cheeky grin. "To what end do you wish to use GEIST's services?"

"With your powers, we're hoping that you would be able to… coat the exposed portions of the ship in some sort of armor plating. From what I can tell, the S2 Engines should be able to make an AT Field strong enough to lift us anyway."

It was silent for a moment before Mariah looked over at Eleanor. "That's it? I kind of expected more, really."

Eleanor's brow furled slightly as she regarded Misato. "That's still something of a tall order, Captain. That sort of plating process would tack on at least a month's more work, even with the rest of us working to support her. And I'm sure that you both want to get underway tomorrow as much as anyone else."

"That's where our current location comes in," Ritsuko interjected. "From what you've told me, your Evangelions use LCL to create different substances, including the armored portions of your Units."

"That's true…" Eleanor said slowly, connecting the dots. But as it clicked into place, Mariah preempted her with a wide-eyed "Ah."

"I see. You want us to take a dip in the bay to use what's there." Mariah said with a slow nod.

"I'll fully admit," Ritsuko said, "there isn't much actually in the ocean, perhaps one part LCL to every 2.5 or 2 parts water. But I imagine that you can make that work."

Mariah rolled her eyes. "Of course, Doc. Got a preference for what kind of armor plating you want?"

"We have a… choice?" Misato asked slowly.

"Due to my dear commanding officer," Mariah said, "I've been exposed to a variety of different metals, including the stuff that makes up the Spears. We call it Lancium, by the way. And there's a lot of metals out there that I think we could consider."

Mariah paused, putting a finger to her chin and tapping once, twice, three times. "But… I think that going with Lancium for the whole ship's going to take a fair amount of time and effort. I'd hate to be wrung out in case you need me at a moment's notice."

"What is your… preference?" Ritsuko asked, seeming somewhat cautious in her questioning.

"The first place I'd start with is vibranium," Mariah said frankly, a somewhat excited gleam flickering to life in her eyes. "It's able to absorb and reroute kinetic energy, and with the right power connections, which I wouldn't be surprised if our dear Ms. Ayanami can help establish, you can direct that energy into more useful, explosive ends."

"A kinetic energy weapon…" Ritsuko cupped her chin. "That sounds remarkably effective."

"Yeah." Mariah's excitement was dimmed somewhat by the pout that appeared on her face. "However, as I've come to find out, it breaks down pretty badly once you go decently past its heat capacity for any extended period of time. Even if those sorts of temps are usually ridiculously high, who knows what kind of weapons the Scions might throw at us, to say nothing of the cannons on the other Heaven's Key vessels?"

Mariah shook her head slightly. "No, we'll need to include… well, maybe… however…"

She shook her head more vigorously after a moment's silence. "I'll put some workshopping into a suitable alloy for our purposes, put my head together with Toph and Korra, seeing as they're pretty handy with metal themselves. I shouldn't be more than a few hours, and I'll let you know when I can jump into the project."

Misato and Ritsuko looked at each other with no small amount of wonderment, then Misato nodded as she returned her gaze to Mariah. "Well, we'll take whatever you can come up with."

Mariah smiled widely as she nodded. "Will do, Mon Captain. Anything else you need us for?"

"We'll let you get to your… experimenting," Ritsuko said.

Mariah wasted no time rising, waving goodbye to Eleanor, and making her way out the door.

"Is she about to create a new metal?" Ritsuko asked quietly.

"So it would seem," Eleanor said nonchalantly. "When you get to the sort of powers we have, it's somewhat normal to say."

"I… almost feel sorry for the poor souls who have to categorize all this," Misato said.

Ritsuko groaned. "We've already got our heads spinning just finding out what research is going on in Village-3. How does an organization with, from what you've told us, an infinite number of worlds, keep anything straight?"

"Well, at the end of the day, from what little I've looked into it, the scientists on Tel categorize things by their Pneumaic properties," Eleanor replied. "After all, there's any number of things that share the same properties with vibranium, all due to having the same section of Framework that makes such a thing possible."

"And I'm assuming you have access to a database of such things?" Misato asked.

Eleanor nodded. "Yes. And with how creative Mariah is, whatever she makes is going to be all her own."

. . .

Mariah Marlowe always relished the chance to be in the pilot's seat. The very act of stepping into the Frame Plug, a somewhat dramatic sunset framing her as she dropped down into it, was almost like going through the wardrobe into Narnia for her, a place where the restraints of reality loosened enough for her to stand beside the heroes of her favorite stories.

'But, for every Darkseid and Doomsday,' she mused as she began the activation process atop the hull of the Wunder, 'there's the Justice League helping after a natural disaster or shoring up a city.'

But those moments, humble though they may have been, were no less heroic, were they?

She shook her head slightly as she looked down at a lump of metal with a dull, silvery gleam that she'd carried in with her. She hadn't been this introspective since she'd first gotten her own mother out. 'Maybe you're just able to do that, old mum.' she thought with a grin. 'Now, let's make you proud, shall we?'

However proud her mom might be, she was proud of the work she was able to do in making the Marlonium (the name of the thing was still under consideration, but it would do for now), and shaping it to best fit their situation. She took a deep breath, psyching herself up as she connected to the other Interfacers aboard the ship before opening a channel to the bridge.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," she said to Captain Katsuragi, Commander Kaji, Doctor Akagi, and Eleanor. "Strap in and make sure everything's sealed up nice and tight. I'd hate to leave anyone's belongings soggy."

"The ship is sealed and everyone is standing by." the Captain said as the Wunder, having departed from drydock and gone a way out into the bay, began to slowly sink back toward the ocean.

As Unit=08 finished forming, Mariah looked over the edge of the 'nose' of the ship, the crimson waves quickly approaching before slowing, the ship gently landing in the water with a splash sending small waves out from the form of the ship.

"Alright." Mariah took a deep breath. "Here we go."

With that, she took a somewhat over-dramatic step over the edge, sinking down into the depth for a few moments before gently unfurling her AT Field like the world's most mystical floaties, gently bobbing for a moment before she floated in place within the murky depths. "Alright, I'm pretty sure I'm in position. Bring her down to my level, and we'll go ahead and get started."

"Descending now." a voice called out, one that she could have sworn was Hyuga's.

Mariah waited as patiently as she could, fidgeting slightly in the dark as she saw the shadows of buildings in the distance, ruined and skeletal. Then, the ship slowly came down in front of her, Unit=08 drifting away slightly to make sure that the behemoth of a ship got the room that it needed as she waved at the command gondola that passed by her.

"Alright," that voice called out again, "we're completely submerged."

"Time to get to work then," Mariah replied, her brow furrowing as she focused on channeling the power not only of her Eva, but of her friends as well.

As she focused, she placed Unit=08's hands on the nose of the ship, bare and bone-like along with a fair amount of the rest of the body. For the briefest of moments, she hesitated. She'd tried to keep her new metal as easy to create as possible, but doing it and spreading it across an entire ship's length was… daunting, to say the least.

'Oh, come on!' she chided herself as she reached out and metaphysically grabbed the LCL around her. 'You've saved the world, you daft bint! Not only that, and not only do you have the scarily literal power of friendship on your side, but all this possibility around you! Use it!'

She took hold of that power that surrounded her, and with the strength of her soul, the world around her lit up as she did her own little miracle.

It was still a somewhat slow process, one that made Mariah quite grateful that the Eva didn't have to really breathe (a terrifying thought that she tucked away for later). She could feel the ship as it slowly grew around her in her Sight, her metal spreading further and further, the steel that her metal touched transforming as it continued to flow. She had to maintain her focus and make sure that the doors that her metal transformed weren't sealed shut completely, but with her friends' help, it was a rather more easy notion to not lock the ship up like a drum.

Finally, she made it past the crew section, the metal jumping from each skeletal rib further and further back until, at last, the entire vessel was covered in her armor.

'Now,' Mariah thought as a grin slowly spread across her face, 'let's pretty you up, shall we?'

She focused again, this time on the surface of the metal. Before her Sight and laid out to her senses was the surface of the whole ship. "Could I get some help from all of you?" she asked those with whom she was connected to. "I need a design team real quick so that we can give this old boat some style."

She didn't miss the slight grin from Eleanor that the others on the bridge seemingly did as, faster than thought, they got to work, Mariah letting a somewhat smug grin appear at the others' satisfaction at her choice of color palette. This ship was going to be a beauty.

"Is the process finished?" Captain Katsuragi said, breaking Mariah's concentration for a moment as she put the finishing touches on what was the last in a long line of color.

"Almost. One second more…" she replied slowly.

There was still something missing. Something like…

Right there, on the side of the right pylon. That would be perfect. Even if it wasn't going to be a perfect representation.

"Alright. Done." Mariah said, finally letting the metal go, as it were, while Unit=08 climbed on top of the nose once again. "You can take her up now. I'll even give you a preview of what she looks like."

"Alright. Ascending now." Hyuga said, and Mariah braced herself as the ship once again began to rise, the world around Mariah growing brighter and brighter until, at last, they broke free of the ocean's grasp, a great crash splitting the air as the LCL-tinged water cascaded off the sides of the vessel.

Mariah, twitching her AT Field into a pair of wings, lifted off and began to circle the ship, now colored a striking white and sky blue, tasteful accents of purple streaking across the wings and body of the vessel. It truly was a grand sight, wasn't it?

"I see you've decided to give our ship a makeover." Commander Kaji said drolly. "I suppose it doesn't look too bad."

"Well, it's better camouflage than the slapdash thing that we were floating around in before," Mariah said only somewhat haughtily. "Even if the logo on the side messes things up a little."

"We have a logo." Doctor Akagi said with a flat voice.

"I did know that beforehand, yes." Mariah nodded as she came to a stop in front of the logo in question. "But that was too complex to put into the metal, so I decided to go with something a little more easy to read and simple."

Doctor Akagi looked like she wanted to say more, but silence was all she gave further.

"Alright," Commander Kaji said, "I'd say we've got about another day to pack up the Evas and head out with the KREDIT shipment to Village-3. Let's get back to port."

. . .

The Next Day

Ymris looked down at her phone, and couldn't fully stifle the unease that was beginning to sprout in her breast.

'We want to talk, Kauri and I. Meet us at the Reunion Street meeting hall. Something's changed, and you must be made aware of it.'

It was from Aami. She never texted like that, if she texted at all.

"I think," Juro said rather helpfully, "that this might be a trap."

"It might be," Ymris replied. "But I still want to make sure that they're safe. That Tavis hasn't done anything to them yet."

She paused, looking over at Juro from the screen. "Any luck on contacting Jameson?"

What she was talking about was a shot in the dark. She had no idea if the Receptorist would answer them or not, or even if the contact info that she'd held onto was still useful at all. But for what she was starting to think of, he was the only resource that they could turn to that might have any idea of whether or not their idea was viable.

Juro shook his head. "Nothing yet. But the most important part is that whatever signal we're sending out, it's getting through. It's just… stopping at the endpoint."

"After what we did to betray his trust, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that he isn't picking up after all this time." Ymris paused for a moment. "I'm going to go meet with them, briefly. After all, I've got the reasonable excuse that we're getting underway later today. Then… I'll try contacting Jameson myself. Maybe he'll be willing to listen if he hears me apologize."

She gathered her things, clearly aware of Juro's look of disapproval. "You shouldn't go alone. At least let me go with you."

"I appreciate your offer, but no," Ymris replied. "You're too valuable to lose. Not just to me, but to all the others who followed us away from Tavis."

She paused as she stepped through the doorway, looking back at Juro. "Thank you. For everything you've done."

Juro's disapproval became unease even as he nodded. "Of course."

Ymris nodded in turn, and turned the corner, moving quickly for one of the hatches. The checks for Unit-02 were going to take a few hours. Enough time for her to go meet them, then dash back. It would be easy. Hopefully.

The city was a blur around her as she looked down at her phone, the glass display showing a rather different image than most things she used the device for.

It showed an interior view of the meeting hall, the first one she'd put up a spy marble in. The space was cleared of tables and chairs, and Aami and Kauri were standing in the middle of the room. They didn't talk, they didn't fidget, they didn't even move. Something was wrong. And that fear, rooted in her chest, bloomed into terror. If he'd finally shown himself…

She did her best to clear the fear from her mind as she paused in front of the alleyway, taking a deep breath before she walked down it, hopefully prepared for whatever might happen. It felt like the blink of an eye was all that it took to reach the door, her heart pounding as she slowly opened it into the lit-up space.

Kauri and Aami regarded her with level expressions, and Ymris blinked on her Sight as she regarded them. "What's going on?" she asked cautiously. "I've got to leave with the Wunder, or else things are going to get complicated."

"We have seen the truth," Aami said, her voice without inflection even as she smiled slightly.

"He has shown us the path to Unity." Kauri rejoined, stepping forward with his arms starting to spread. "And it has all become clear to us."

'Oh, no…'

Ymris saw their souls. And the golden Frames, the bindings that bit into her friend's cores, roiling with color and emotion that she couldn't quite make out. She stepped forward cautiously, sending a Frame of her own cautiously toward the golden Frames. "I don't think either of you is in your right mind," she said softly. "Please. Let me help you two."

"Your help is no longer required."

The voice, echoing slightly as a slightly growling undertone accompanied it, made her stop cold, her Frame only just touching the one that surrounded Kauri's as she slowly turned to face the man whose voice she hadn't heard in months.

Tavis Farhaven stepped from golden mists that cascaded down a wall near the door, slowly, deliberately. His face was equally level, his brow, above which hung a golden, shifting form of a sword, furrowed ever so slightly being the only thing that marred the expression.

"Hello, Ymris," Tavis said, and Ymris could almost hear her heart pounding in her ears as he continued.

"You have done many things to harm our cause. The cause which this vessel Tavis has striven so diligently to bring about. For that, you must be corrected."

Tavis paused, his brow creasing more as he slowly shook his head. "Tavis wishes to kill you. A just punishment for your crimes, for the heresy of so deliberately going astray. However, there is use for you."

Tavis, the Guide, whoever was speaking was silent again, Ymris turning back towards her friends as she tried to pry the golden Frames from Kauri's soul. "You will join us, and find peace in the embrace of Unity with your friends," Tavis said.

"No. I've seen what you'll do. I've seen what you did with Daniel."

A flicker of anger flashed behind Tavis' eyes at the mention of the name. "The broken Vessel cannot stop my united form. He knows this. And soon, you will be assured as well."

Ymris backed away, glancing back as Kauri flinched. "I…" he said weakly.

Tavis sighed quietly. "You try even now to lead my Scions astray. I will not allow it."

Tavis stepped forward, the mist coalescing around his arms. "It saddens me that I must save your soul this way. But you have made it so."

Before Ymris could even begin to form a thought, let alone form any sort of defense, the door shattered, golden strands flashing out behind Tavis to protect him from the splinters. And the flowing streams of water that tried to break through after them.

"Ymris!" Eleanor shouted, and Ymris looked over Tavis' shoulder to see her frozen, a look of utter terror on her face as Tavis turned to face her.

"Ah," Tavis said. "I remember you. You were responsible for the greatest defeat in my former vessel. At least, you had a great part to play in it. We should have killed you and saved your soul, to continue the cause of Unity together."

"Go to whatever hell's waiting for you!" Eleanor spat as she raised a rifle of sea glass and metal mechanisms, firing shot after powerful shot at the man in front of her.

The weapon seemed useless, however, as each round disappeared into a blooming mist, the first one that reappeared from the floor that now was blanketed in glowing fog catching Eleanor off guard before she began to dodge out of the way, the shots that came after, seemingly becoming guided by her will, having little better effect.

Ymris looked over at her friends, who stood watching the spectacle. Would they not go to their leader's defense? 'He doesn't need them to.' she realized. 'He's going to kill her himself.'

And yet, she could only bring herself, terrified and wanting to flee, to continue trying to break Kauri free. 'If I can just get him…'

It seemed to be working, Tavis focusing on an increasingly desperate Eleanor, who now had to fend off seemingly light attacks from her opponent, sending her own into a defense that seemed implacable. "There is still time to save you," Tavis said quietly as he deftly disarmed her, binding her arms and legs together and lifting her off the ground without a struggle. Whatever Expression Eleanor tried to use to escape was stymied by a glowing net of golden strands that flashed to life whenever she struggled, which happened more and more as he approached. "Let us work together…"


Ymris found herself shocked that the voice came from Kauri. Had she finished working on the Frames? She couldn't recall. They seemed so deeply tied to the man's soul.

And yet, the man still resisted anyway, sending an Expression, a spike of jagged stone, lancing toward Tavis from the floor.

It was easily blocked as Tavis turned away, only taking a step back as the massive Kauri slammed into a barrier of golden mist, swinging his fists desperately at the man as he tried to land a blow.

The floor beneath Tavis' feet shattered, making the man stumble forward for a moment as a blow finally connected, a punch across Tavis' face that left him with a glowing wound for the briefest of moments before it sealed up again.

"Kauri!" Ymris shouted as she connected to his soul, feeling the mighty struggle within him as he resisted whatever Expression of control Tavis had placed on him.




Ymris dared to hesitate for a moment. Surely she could save him somehow…

But she couldn't waste this chance. She dashed by the pair, Tavis' focus seemingly singularly on Kauri as a gentle tap on the man's chest sent him flying across the room.

She came to a stop in front of Eleanor, the golden net fading slightly. She decided to help it along as a hazy, transparent blade of ghostly glass appeared in her hand, cutting at the Frames that she wanted to be severed with an almost feverish hurry to her motions. As she made progress, Eleanor beginning to help, she dared glance back at Kauri as he began to stand again, stumbling forward from the crater he'd made in the far wall.

And her heart nearly stopped as a hammerhead of golden mist formed above him, slamming into the top of the man, driving him to his knees. Then again. Then again, this time driving him to the floor. The hammer continued to strike Kauri again and again and again and it wasn't stopping…

Then, she jumped as she felt Eleanor grab her arm, and saw the Expression she crafted, flowing water beginning to travel up her arm.

She looked back at the broken body of Kauri, his soul caressed by the Frames that Tavis sent out to it. 'No. No!'

In the split second before she disappeared, she sent one more Frame flying to the core of Kauri's soul, latched onto it, and pulled.

Then, they were gone, and she stumbled back into the wall of what she realized was her cabin, blessedly empty save for her and Eleanor. She slid down, and pulled in on herself, squeezing her knees to her chest tightly as she sobbed.

They were gone. Kauri was dead and Aami was enslaved and Tavis… why did she still even care about the bastard? Hadn't he done this to himself?

She felt Eleanor wrap her arms around her, holding Ymris tightly to her chest. Ymris could feel how badly Eleanor was shaking, the tears that wetted her head, and realized that this embrace was not simply one of comfort. It too was something born of fear. Its expression only differed from her own in its silence.

There they sat together, trembling in the now-distant power of what was now, unequivocally, a god.

. . .

Terminal Dogma, The Black Moon

Ikari floated down to the great lake of blood and souls, following the god within his heart. They were almost in readiness now, the parts of the whole almost fully brought together as they made their way to His first resting place.

So much had fallen away from this shell's concern, now that Instrumentality, at least its physical ideation, had failed. But Adam, that First of Fathers, knew of the place where they could find the concept of His opposite. All they had to do was travel to His tomb and throw open the gates of Imagination to the space that His people had only started to explore.

What had happened, its details at least had been mostly lost from the ancestral memory of the Father. All that He remembered was that they had to expand, or die. And this world was His.

A part of Ikari, now so tiny against the shred of intellect that the Father possessed, still had its reservations. There were other things that he wanted to do. As Adam had long before becoming the Father, he longed to unite with someone.

That chance for Adam was gone now, Ikari mused as he touched down at the pitted, scarred shore before the lake of souls, the space that should have held Her now empty of her body as it had been made empty of Her soul.

Beyond the limiting scales that surrounded this frail body's eyes, He could see the swirling of the lights within, each broken free from the frail cage of their bodies. There was such power within them if they only had the forms to employ it.

Adam, Ikari, a distinction that was rapidly becoming meaningless, could feel the rest of His soul approaching, the last part that was contained in the Vessels that had kept His soul separate, the refined, but still crude constructs that these things Ikari came from deigned to call a prison or a channel.

Even for their crudeness, they'd only constrained Him so much from sweeping this world clean. Now, they were united again, and they would allow Him to begin His final work on this world, what Ikari's mind deemed the Final Impact.

'Now, as we approach the end,' He mused, 'let these souls be clothed in power, that they may be made My children.'

Ikari's arms rose, and He poured his power into the lake of souls.

It was still for the briefest of moments before the massive cavern became bathed in light from the lake, the bodies that formed for each soul reaching out half-formed arms, the Water of Life flowing over those limbs and making them whole.

The Evangelion, He knew Ikari called these forms that had stemmed from His first prisons, from the vessel of the Mother. And as the first began to stream out of the lake of souls, more and more following after them, they would suffice for His ends, and the ritual that He had to carry out.
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