Chapter 18: In That Sea, The Sky

Chapter 18: In That Sea, The Sky

I don't think I can do this alone anymore.

There was a time when I could. Or at least, I was sure that I could. Now, though, without Eleanor to bounce ideas off of, without Shinji or Asuka or any of the others… It's a chilling feeling. And as much as I'm sure Deputy-Commander Kaji is willing to help, he proves a poor substitute in that regard.

How did I do this for so long? Was I just… numb in some way? Whatever the case, I can't reach Shinji now. For one reason or another. And I won't have the strength to stop this alone. So now, I wait for Eleanor and the others to arrive. If nothing else, what comes next is going to be a spectacle unlike any this world has ever seen before.

- From the personal journal of Daniel Theisman

AAA Wunder, 3 Days Out From Japan

Eleanor sighed quietly as she lounged in what had been designated a break room, the rest of her kids with her. She considered Unit-02 in its gantry from the camera capture on her phone with a critical, frankly somewhat grumpy eye.

The Arm Bar had been gone over with a fine-toothed comb over the last few days after they'd been rearmed at New Pacifica to make sure that nothing would go wrong with it that didn't involve an enemy directly hitting it. That task involved several double shifts with little in the way of breaks. It had to be done, though. They were, once again, walking in to stop the apocalypse, in such grandiose terms.

'If Daniel doesn't talk Shinji out of it.' she mused. She hoped that however slim the chance was with Shinji's seeming determination to do whatever needed to be done, that he could do it without them getting involved. If not, well, two 80-meter tall nigh-magical war machines would do decently enough.

The door slid open, and Eleanor looked up to see Maya walk in, a clear look of anxiety on her face even as she seemed to try at relaxing. "What's up, Maya?" Asuka asked, comfortable in the otherwise empty room, dropping any pretense or secrecy that might otherwise be needed.

Maya sighed as she brought a chair over towards them. "We dug up an old controller for the DSS Chokers, seeing as Daniel…" she shook her head. "Well, did whatever he did to destroy it."

"Used his Interfacing?" Shinji offered.

Maya nodded. "Yeah. That. I was able to keep the changes I made to the Choker's coding secret, but the old design…" she shook her head. "It's a lot less accident-proof than I'd want it to be. Ritsuko says it's a stopgap until we can manufacture another one like the one that was destroyed."

"And what do you mean by… less accident-proof?" Shinji said, clearly anxious at the vagueness of the statement.

Maya blanched. "I mean… it's just a trigger, really. No other verification systems or physical steps in order to activate it. One pull, and…"

She began to turn green, and the others began to go pale as well. "Anyways," Eleanor said, gathering everyone's attention, "if all goes well, we might never have to worry about it at all."

Before she could continue, alarms flashed, and an eerie howl that was the general quarters alarm sounded. "Well, Eleanor," Kaworu said as they rose and dashed out the door towards the gantries, "it looks like we have something else to focus on anyway."

Reaching the massive bay for Unit-02 in near record time, Maya slipped back into command. "Alright, what's the situation?" she shouted to someone on what had been termed the 'mini-brain', the information suite that was linked to the bridge's sensors.

"We have… 15 unknown contacts, coming in hot!" one of the technicians placed there replied as Maya came to stand beside her. "We'll establish visual contact in 30 seconds."

Eleanor turned to the kids. "Go get the readiness checks done! I'll be along once I see what we're dealing with."

The kids nodded, dashing over to Unit-02 as Eleanor walked over to the mini-brain just in time to see visual contact with their approaching foes, still just dots on the horizon at the moment. They flew towards the fleet in an ever-shifting pattern, approaching with a speed that suggested that this was a flight of Mark.04As. But as they got closer, all those at the station saw things that shouldn't be on any 04A. Arms. Legs. A head. And a Pallet Rifle clutched to an awfully familiar body…

'What the hell?' Eleanor thought as the group of Evangelions, actual honest-to-god Evangelions, came swooping in to land on various fleet ships, most all of them thankfully automated, in a half circle. It was, they were, the Mark.06, painted in shades of green and wearing the Mark.04As like some demented jetpack.

As the doors to the Wunder's gantries opened and the technicians scrambled off of the now-activated Unit-02, Eleanor knew that just 2 Evangelions of their own would be hard-pressed to counter them. If they could do it at all. So, she made her decision.

"Kensuke," she said through a soul link directly to the man who waited up above, "We've got company, as I'm sure you can see. When can the Suzuharas, Mana, and Mayumi be ready?"

"About 5 minutes to get them onto the hull, formed up, and locked on to your position for teleport,"
Kensuke replied. "Should Ichigo go along too? You look like you're in a hell of a mess."

"Only if she feels ready. This is going to be… chaotic."
Eleanor said as she and the others began to make their way towards what reinforced rooms there were for the crew to get out of the way and stay safe during operations.

As the number of crewmen dwindled, soon leaving Eleanor and Maya in the hallway, Eleanor turned to Maya as she paused. "I'll be back in a moment."

Maya blinked as Eleanor pulled up the sleeve of her jacket, revealing a bracelet of silver with a white and gold stone over her wrist. It was one she had seen before. "What do you… mean…"

She trailed off as a tap on the stone gave Eleanor two twin rings of light to press, and the familiar click-hiss of a sealing Plugsuit released a seemingly diaphanous material from the bracelet, white and blue and gold, before sealing up into what was undeniably a Plugsuit. Yet, this was armored, the number 10 situated on the sternum of a chestplate as Eleanor tapped on a display that had appeared on a vambrace. "Wait a minute…"

"The Children are going to need some help," Eleanor replied as a jet of water flew out of the floor from behind her. "So I'll be providing some. Along with some backup."

She smiled as the water became a curtain that began to wrap around her. "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

Then the water enveloped her, vanishing along with her. To where Maya didn't know. But if there was one thing she was sure of, it was that things had gotten at once much clearer and, somehow, much, much more exciting.

. . .

Asuka Shikinami-Langley felt a thrill that she'd missed in the space between ops as the lift rose and brought her and Unit-02 into the open air, Unit-08 across from them as they looked out on their rather familiar-looking opponents.

"Captain," she said to the comm-screen that appeared, "what are we dealing with and how do I kill it?"

"We're still processing the sensor data now." Captain Katsuragi said. "Either way, they don't look friendly. Your task is to engage and destroy. The method is at your discretion."

"IFF tags are coming through." Doctor Akagi said as Asuka readied her newest, and probably her new favorite, weapon: a twin-bladed sword staff. "They're reading as… Mark.06H."

The name made her blood run chill for a second. "Wait a minute." Mari piped up. "Are you actually saying that NERV somehow copied that mystery Eva?"

"So it seems," Katsuragi said, a hard edge to her voice. "Now get to it!"

The words were like music to her ears as Asuka, instead of doing the somewhat sensible thing of hanging back and shooting at them, picked a target that was on a sufficiently large carrier, and dashed towards it, leaping into the air as she unfurled her AT Field behind her, wrapping her vitals in it as she glided towards her chosen foe, the Eva unloading with a Pallet Rifle that had a Progressive Knife strapped to it like a bayonet.

She slammed into the deck of the carrier, hearing Mari's sniper rifle join the main guns of the Wunder in holding off the others as best they could. Right now, though, it was just her and the Eva in front of her. 'It'll be just like the simulations.' she thought with a grin.

She charged in, aiming the blade at the core as the Mark.06H stepped back, the butt of its rifle slamming into the flat of the blade and guiding it into the gap between its arm and its torso, trapping it as it twisted to the side, seeming to aim at throwing her over the side of the ship.

Asuka simply twisted the handle of the staff, the free blade detaching as she maneuvered it around to strike at its now-exposed core. An AT Field flashed to life, the blade stopping inches short of the chest as the Mark turned, slamming the stock of its rifle into Unit-02, then charged into Unit-02, its backpack screaming to life as it carried her and her weapon out into the open ocean.

Asuka felt the tug of g-forces, muffled though it was by the LCL, as she tried to wrestle her weapon away from the Mark's grasp, freeing the blade as her opponent let go, sending her tumbling into the air as it made a wide turn back towards the fleet.

'Okay, maybe not quite like the simulations, but I like a good challenge.' Asuka thought to herself as her AT Field wings flared back to life, beginning her flight back towards the Wunder as she recombined her weapon. The sight… was not a pretty one.

Several Marks had landed on the Wunder's hull, forcing Mari to abandon her sniper rifle, now stowed back away within the ship. A Progressive Glaive was fending them off decently enough, her AT Field keeping the barrage of Pallet Rifle fire at bay.

"Asuka, mate, I'd love to get some help here!" Mari said over the comm-link as she landed a graze on one of the Mark's legs, the most she seemed to have been able to do thus far. "I'm getting swarmed and need some eyes and hands on the back of my head!"

"I'll get there as soon as I can! I just need to figure out how to make these stupid wings go-"

There was a flash of light from behind Unit-08, and Asuka's eye went wide as something impossible appeared. A white, blue, and gold Eva, or at least something that looked a lot like it, wielding a two-headed great ax made entirely of glowing water.

It made the Marks closest to it pause and regard it for the barest of moments, which was all the new Eva needed to dash in and begin getting to work, its ax cleaving through AT Fields as their creators danced back, twin tentacles appearing on its back to wrestle Pallet Rifles into the sky as it charged toward their wielders.

"Well hello, luv," Mari said as she took it in before getting back to work. "Been a while since we last saw you."

Asuka landed deftly in the middle of the rapidly growing group, shoving a pair onto the right wing and following after them, her blades whirling in the wind to keep them isolated. "Where are its friends? We could use them right about now."

The pair of Marks were dogged in trying to pry apart her defenses, bayonet and cannon shell keeping her surprisingly at bay.

'C'mon.' Asuka grimaced. 'Damn you. Die already!'

Then, a slip in the defense of the one on her right. Its core wide open. Smothering its AT Field with hers, she drove her blade towards it with a shout.

Just as it got within meters, however, the Mark's companion shoved it aside, taking the blow just to the right of its own core, the blade going deep as the wound began to gush with blood. The Mark that had been shoved aside quickly recovered, and Asuka felt a stab of fear as its rifle rose to her chest, its AT Field far stronger than she expected as it tore through her own. 'Shit!'

There was no time to react now. It would pull the trigger far before she could extract her blade and bat the rifle away. She grit her teeth against what would be coming next, hoping the angle was just right. Then, the Pallet Rifle, something Asuka knew was engineered to almost never fail in any regular circumstances, gave a hollow clunk.

Asuka overcame the shock of the moment and acted, a hand going from her weapon to lay an arm across its chest as she shoved it off the wing, sending the clearly still surprised Mark tumbling away as she twisted her blade in the wound with no small amount of effort, trying to get a shot towards possibly hacking into the core.

The Mark that had impaled itself on her drew back, the blade coming back slick with blood as it aimed its rifle at her. As her AT Field returned to shield her, however, the Pallet Rifles the Marks wielded continued to shock her as it outright exploded in the Eva's hands, her foe stumbling back as its arms, mangled for a moment by the blast, began to mend themselves.

'More AT Field bullshit. Not on my watch!' Asuka shouted wordlessly as she charged, swinging wide to try at cutting off one of its arms. In a flash, the skin on its left arm fully reformed, leaving its other a dangling mess for a moment as it reach out behind her, the Prog Knife from the ruined rifle bouncing off an AT Field Asuka threw up behind her to land in the Mark's hand, a slash parrying the incoming blade as it drove in towards her, putting Asuka on the defensive.

"Man," Asuka mused aloud as she dueled with the Eva, "their manufacturing must have really gone to hell if their Pallet Rifles are exploding."

"I don't think it's that, Asuka," Mari replied, her voice clearly strained in concentration. "I think our new friend here might have something to do with it. There aren't any more rifles up here."

"Then its control of its AT Field must be amazingly precise." Doctor Akagi interjected. "It's linked up with the Magi now. You're fighting alongside…"

She paused for a moment, Asuka stowing her sword-staff and switching to her own Prog Knife as she kicked away the now fully healed Mark. "How do you say this? Unit equals 10?" Doctor Akagi asked rather incredulously.

"10?" Asuka said as she began to grapple with her opponent, taking it to the floor with a well-timed leg sweep and getting on top of it as she maneuvered her Prog Knife over its chest, the Mark's hand darting up to her wrist to stop the nearly white-hot blade from falling. "Where the hell are the other 9? We'd actually appreciate the help at this point."

The comms were silent for a moment as Asuka put the Mark's knife hand flat on the wing, shifting to pin it with a knee as she put both her hands on the Prog Knife and push past the resistance of the hand that held her arm back, the point of the knife shuddering slightly as it slowly came closer and closer to its target. 'Come on! Die already!' Asuka thought with a growl as she put everything into overwhelming her enemy's strength.

Finally, something gave, and her knife slammed home into the center of the Mark's chest, causing it to spasm, then fall still.

"Alright, Asuka!" Mari whooped. "First kill of the day."

"I wish I felt as good as you sound," Asuka said, nearly panting from the sympathetic effort of killing the now unmoving Eva as she stood and turned to regard the cluster of enemies still standing. "These things are a pain."

Then, she growled out a sigh as she watched the collected Marks disperse, their 04A jetpacks screaming to life as they jumped to several ships scattered across their attendant fleet, alone or in pairs.

"Oh, come on. What gives?" Mari whined. "It was just starting to get fun."

"It looks like they're trying to divide and conquer us. Likely with the assumption that we won't fire on our own ships. We'll need to be careful for another minute or so."

The voice, or who it belonged to, almost didn't register with Asuka for a moment as a comm-screen blinked to life over the audio-only link to the bridge. Then, her eye went wide as she fully saw who was contained within the new panel. "Eleanor? You're the one piloting that Eva? How?"

"We'll talk about that after we're done. Now that I've raised the curtain, as it were, I might as well announce myself. This is Major Eleanor Theisman of HERZ, piloting Unit-E-10. Wunder actual, I'm linking into your tac-net now, as will the reinforcements coming in t-1:45. They'll be under my command."

"What?" was all Asuka managed to get out before she saw several flashes from the corner of her eye, accompanied by harsh, buzzing growls. The AT Field of the ship flashed into sight as it blocked most of the incoming fire, massive explosions rippling across the front, but a few managed to break through.

Eleanor's personal AT Field stopped the rest as she held her ax behind her head, throwing it with a mighty heave towards one of the closer lone Marks. It tumbled end over end, slicing through the AT Field that was thrown up against it like hot butter and slamming into the Mark's head, sending it reeling back and tumbling off the edge of the ship.

"Nice shot," Asuka said, retrieving a Pallet Rifle of her own from a weapon's bay. "Wish I could do something like that."

"Given some time and the right training," Eleanor replied, "you just might be able to."

She paused for a moment before smiling slightly. "Alright. Here they come."

Asuka expected a flash of light, a clap of thunder, something to signify her reinforcement's arrival. But they simply… appeared. 5 more Evangelions, or at least they looked like them. Three of them were familiar to her, as she remembered them helping with springing them out of the Arctic ice to first take off. The other two… One looked like a tree had come to life, its head adorned with antlers like one of those pagan gods that Mari sometimes read about. The other looked like something out of a wall painting she'd seen in another of Mari's books, with a body of deep, clay-like brown shot through with highlights of bright red, yellow and green and a head that sported a half-circle crest, split down the middle, like some crazy hairstyle.

'Who are these guys?'

. . .

Eleanor smiled a little wider as Toji, in Unit=04, let out a cheer. "Oh man, it's been too long since I've been in this seat! I'm ready to kick some ass!"

She was thankful that the comms to the other Frame Titan Units were able to be seen and heard only by her as she chuckled, setting the comm-link to Shikinami, Mari, and the Wunder to adaptively edit her speech based on a Pneumaic link. A security feature she had taken for granted before. She'd still try and be careful nonetheless. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, you know what we're looking at, I'm sure."

"They're just Evas, after all," Mana said with a calm smile. "If anything, this is almost old hat."

She looked over at Mayumi. "Do you have some targets in mind that we could take down together?"

Mayumi considered the question as they began to spread out, Toji and Hikari jumping over to some singletons on wings of light and leaves and allowing their AT Fields to tank the blasts that came after them, their signature weapons springing into being. "I think those two over on that battleship are good targets. I'll hold back and support you."

"Perfect," Mana said as she charged and took off, wings of water in the form of a whale's tail flowing into being. "Just make sure not to hit me too much, alright?"

Mayumi rolled her eyes as her gun-lance formed even as she smiled. "Well, as long as you don't do anything too fancy, I think I can make that work."

Confident that they would be able to engage their targets well, Eleanor turned her focus to the newest pilot in their group. One who looked almost familiar if it wasn't for her green hair. "Stick by me, Ichigo. I've got your back."

Ichigo, the pilot of Unit=11, nodded, a look of uncertainty still in her eyes even as she stepped forward. "I will. What is our target?"

Eleanor looked around at the rapidly increasing chaos as Unit-02 and Unit-08 jumped into the fray, and picked out two Marks that stood on a carrier, one kneeling in front of the other, offering long-range fire support to a pair of their brethren that were engaging Toji and Hikari. "Let's go give Toji and Hikari a hand with those two over there," she said, pointing out their opponents to Ichigo through a soul-link, as well as the landing spots they would take up. Ready?"

Ichigo took a deep breath as the pair began to run toward the edge of the ship. "As much as I think I can be."

"We've got this, Ichigo. You've got this."

With that, the pair leaped into the open sky, Eleanor's wings flowing back out as a massive eagle formed over Unit=11 claws first, clutching its shoulders as they split off and flew towards a destroyer and a battleship that were at the ends of the carrier. "Wunder actual, we need the fleet as close together to each other as we can in order to take these on effectively." Eleanor began as she sent out a spiraling lash of water to bind the kneeling Mark. "Can you maneuver them with the AT Field keeping everyone aloft?"

"We'll see what we can do." was the reply, still somewhat dazed in tone, from Doctor Akagi as Eleanor landed deftly on a destroyer, pivoting her body to see Unit=11 land on the battleship as it finished forming a rifle out of a supernatural clay, the eagle that had carried her there disappearing as she got the attention of the one that had still been standing with rounds of painted ceramics.

The two Marks marshaled their AT Fields quickly even as they grew closer and closer to each other, Eleanor's binding flying apart as the other's stopped a barrage of rounds.

The Mark that faced her leaped over to the destroyer that Eleanor stood on, Prog Knife flashing as it sliced and stabbed at her. She summoned her ax, smothering her opponent's AT Field as she applied her superior reach and striking power to keep the Mark on the back foot.

As she deflected a blow, she felt herself, through Unit=10, wobble precariously, becoming very aware of the still not-insignificant gap between her and the next ship behind her. She pressed forward, sweeping the ax through the Mark's legs and sending them tumbling off the sides of the ship as it began to fall with them, grabbing onto the side of the ship and clinging as best it could one-handed.

Its back, for the briefest of moments, was open. As Eleanor heard the Mark.04A beginning to scream, she acted, raising her ax high and chopping into the 04A, the scream stuttering then falling silent as the Mark.06H spasmed, then went still, letting go and falling towards the sea below.

Eleanor looked back up to see Ichigo now on the carrier grappling with her opponent, her rifle exchanged for a thin, almost foil-like blade of bright pinkish-white Metos that maneuvered the Progressive Knife in her foe's hand away as she darted in and touched the chest of the Mark.

Red paint flowed from the fingers of Unit=11 into a symbol, circular and swirling, and Ichigo stepped back as the mark glowed, then exploded, a hollow crack lost in the boom as she shoved the now dead Mark over the side of the carrier.

"Good job, Ichigo," Eleanor said as she saw Ichigo breathing deeply. "Let's see who else might need our help."

They scanned around the battle for a moment. Unit-02 and Unit-08 had joined Toji, Hikari, and Mana in hopping from ship to ship chasing their Marks, clashing for a moment before hopping to the next precarious perch. More immediately concerning were the 6 Marks that rose into the air, screaming toward Mayumi.

"If anyone's free," Mayumi began as she turned her gun-lance towards an approaching trio, a howling beam of utter cold dodged by the three as they landed surrounding her, "I'd appreciate some help!"

"We're on our way, Mayumi," Eleanor said as Unit=10 leaped into the air, Unit=11 following suit as Mayumi warded off the Marks surrounding her as best she could, a shotgun-like blast from her gun-lance sweeping one of them limply off the side of the Wunder as they drew near.

"Eleanor, catch!" "Mayumi said, and she felt a chill go across the right side of her chest as Borealis, Mayumi's fairly new Spirit, latched itself onto the chest of Unit=10 like a pendant or medal. She felt a ripple of cold as Mayumi channeled an Expression through Borealis with her landing, tendrils of frost lashing out to bind a Mark's arms to its side with a crackle as Eleanor engaged another, machinery whirling around the arm of Unit=10 to form a massive piston spike that gored her target through its shoulder.

Move and countermove became her whole world, strategy on the fringes mingling with an instinct that had been obtained all too harshly during the Unity War. She would keep the ship, her team, her kids, safe. For she would not have to heal if she could defend.

. . .

Mari Makinami, pilot of Unit-08, was having the time of her life as she leaped from ship to ship in the most daring game of 'the floor is lava' she'd ever played.

Look at them all go! The new guys were positively entrancing, leading a dance all their own and yet interconnected with theirs. The shark-looking one in particular seemed almost eerily in tune with her, catching her and having her back in ways only Asuka could. And even a few ways that Asuka couldn't.

'Wonder how you can do that.' she mused as she landed on the battleship that contained her thus-far slippery foe, thankful that the ships that were taking quite a bit of damage were automated by the Achiral System. Seeing this, the Mark in front of her turned away again, its screaming meemie of a jump pack winding up to send it into the air.

'Oh no you don't!' She charged forward, smothering the enemy Eva's AT Field as she dug her knife into the highest exposed core she could find, the scream petering out as the Mark stumbled forward, just barely keeping from falling over the edge.

Now it turned back to her, Prog Knife at the ready, pausing only for a moment before it charged at her.

It was just her and it on this ship, the others keeping the rest busy as they danced. And it was a right and proper dance, this time. No overbearing partner like the 10th Angel. Or the other 2, for that matter. No, it was a test of near-matched abilities, and the skill to wield them. And it was glorious.

She ducked under a swipe as she charged forward, jabbing the knife in its side over and over again. Whoever, or whatever, was piloting it might not even register it, might fight through it, but it hindered the movement of the Eva all the same.

For the briefest of moments, she pondered on how she came to be here, in the cockpit of a giant biomechanical robot, shaking another one in a manner that wouldn't be too out of place in a bar fight or a prison jump. It wasn't the first time she had done it. But she was a scientist before all this. A somewhat respectable sort. At least, before…

She shook her head as she leaned back from a slash that would have left the bridge of her nose quite sore. She needed to focus on the dance. The pontificating could come later.

She waited for another slash to come her way, dodging back, then her free hand flashed out to catch the wrist as she stabbed down at the shoulder, hoping to catch the Plug. Its free hand managed to catch her wrist as well, the tip of her knife stopping meters from the armor and causing it to sizzle as they began to wrestle, a step forward or back coming every few moments as the knives began to shudder from the effort of forcing them down.

Mari began to kick the Mark's shins, once, then again, then again, her foe's foot slipping toward the side of the ship they stood on ever so slightly with each kick. 'If nothing else, it'll buy me some room to breathe when he tumbles over the side.'

Slowly, more and more, she watched the foot go closer and closer to the edge as she shifted her own. Nearly there… nearly there…

Then, she saw her opponent shift her knife a little and let it slam down into its shoulder, grabbing her and pitching them both off the side of the ship.

Mari's eyes went wide as the Mark bear hugged her, its 04A jetpack screaming, quite literally, to life and driving them downward. "Guys…" she said, her voice rising as her concern mounted. "I think this daft bastard wants to drown me! I'd like some help, please!"

"Someone's on their way!" Eleanor replied, the last words Mari heard as she slammed into the ocean, her vision going red as the LCL-infused water drew her quickly in and muffled all sound from the outside, the scream of the 04A becoming a distant wail as they went ever deeper.

She felt her ears pop from the sympathetic pressure that pressed in on her Eva as the red that surrounded her deepened in color until it was a nearly inky black, the AT Field propulsion and the unstuck, bubbling Prog Knife, joined by hers as she pulled it out of the Mark's shoulder, the only sources of light around them.

Her link to the Wunder's bridge cut out as her comms lost range and clarity, her link to Eleanor remaining. 'That's odd. I wonder how that works.'

It was the only legible thought that had nothing to do with the quickly building terror that bubbled in her gut and frothed over into her mind. Had they slowed down somehow? How much deeper could they go? The oceans were said to be dead, but… what if there was something else out there?

Spikes of fear slowly sank into her skin as she heard the creaking of metal under pressure, felt dizziness begin to swirl through her head. Could you get the bends in an Eva? 'That would suck.'

Then, Mari almost suppressed a scream as the AT Field disappeared from sight, and currents she could not see pried the Mark's fingers from her wrist as it pulled it into the void and out of sight, cracking and crunching sounds making their way into the Plug as she tried to marshal herself.

"What the fuck was that?" she said mostly to herself as she waved around the Prog Knife to try and find… something.

She yelped as, on her third pass, her knife lit up… one of the new guys, leaning back as her blade barely missed its face. "Sorry, shark-boy," she said through the external speakers, however much good they did. "Thanks for the rescue."

"It'll be alright. It's just back up to the surface. Easy as can be. Hold on."

Mari didn't know how she heard that as she felt the Eva, its shoulder pylons glowing back to life, hold her in a bridal carry of all things. It wasn't over any speakers. But… she felt it. Felt the calm, sure nature of the words, an island in the ocean she was sinking into.

'Whatever that was, miss,' she thought as they rose from the ocean without even a splash into the air, flying back to the fleet, 'thanks for that.'

It was then that her link to the Wunder was re-established. "Mari, are you operational?" Captain Katsuragi asked.

"Just dandy, thank you mon capitan," Mari replied airily as her rescuer touched down on the wing of the Wunder, letting her down to take a look around. The fleet was, while in a rather decent state of disrepair now, empty. "Aw, did we take care of everyone already?"

"Yeah, we did, Specs," Asuka replied, jumping slightly as the Evas around her disappeared.

"And you guys are off now, too?" Mari pouted, turning to see the Unit that had saved her stepping back and waving to her. "Aw, man. Well, goodbye, ma'am. Thanks for the save, whoever you are."

She was gone as soon as the last word went out of Mari's mouth, leaving both her and Asuka to witness Unit=10 become some strange teal goo that shrank into a small, relatively speaking, tube that must have been the Entry Plug for the thing.

"Now where did all that goo go?" Mari asked as the Plug landed on the surface of the Wunder.

"That's a story for later. Right now, I have to check on all of you. See you in a few." Eleanor's comm-link promptly cut out as the Plug disappeared.

. . .

Captain Misato Katsuragi, along with Doctor Ritsuko Akagi and Security Chief Beifong, walked towards the room that held a person she thought she had gotten figured out, for the most part, wondering silently at what she had witnessed over the last several hours.

It was nothing less than… magical. In a world where all wonder seemed to have been drained away, replaced with a forlorn bitterness, these giants strode from what seemed like fairy tales into the real world, carrying with them untold power.

But that power came in the form of an Evangelion. They had AT Fields. Hell, they even looked damn near close to an exact replica of an Eva. How? More importantly… why wait until now?

Those questions, and whatever others she might have, would hopefully be answered as the door opened, revealing Eleanor Theisman, apparently a Major of HERZ, sitting and looking intently at her from behind a table as she and her companions stepped through, the door shutting behind them.

"So… Major." Captain Katsuragi began, taking a seat in front of Eleanor. "Care to explain what, exactly, just happened?"

"To fully do that is going to take time and trust, Captain," Eleanor replied coolly.

"We have a little over 2 days until we reach Japan, Mrs. Theisman," Misato said. "We have all the time we need."

"Not for what I have to say. And how can I trust you when you put bomb collars around the necks of children to make them do your bidding?" Eleanor retorted, her eyes narrowed. "It doesn't shine a kind light on you, whatever your justifications are to yourselves."

"You know full well that they could end the world in an Evangelion. All of them." Ritsuko interjected. "That you pilot similar war machines, and have soldiers of your own that appear and disappear seemingly at will without any way to prevent them from initiating an Impact-"

"That takes training, not terror." Eleanor bit out. "Shinji didn't have the training because nobody knew what the limits of the Eva's power were besides SEELE and perhaps Commander Ikari. After that, you could have made some effort to help the pilots master their emotions, the keys to unlocking the limits of the Eva's powers. But you, in your fear, jumped straight to controlling them with such."

Misato opened her mouth… and words failed her. She thought of the fear in Shinji's eyes. The flickerings of such in Rei, the first emotion she'd been able to see in the girl's eyes… ever. 'Damn you.'

"I think," Beifong interjected, "we're getting a little off course for what you wanted to ask her, Captain."

Misato took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes. So, what is HERZ, exactly?"

"The organization I and my fellow pilots belong to, specifically to its Outbound Operations Division, though our interests align sufficiently enough that we're little different. Save this world, return it to what It was."

"I doubt, however," Ritsuko began, "that you want the Evangelions gone after the end of it, seeing as you seem to have what appears to be a breathtaking amount of them."

"As long as the Evangelion has the possibility of existing, someone will find a way to create one, regardless of whether it's public or private." Eleanor shrugged. "The genie's been let out of the bottle now. There's no putting it back anymore. The atom can't be un-split, the soul not un-discovered."

"Not if we have anything to say about it," Misato interjected. "How long has HERZ been operating?"

"More than a few years now."

"Then how did you get your hands on so many Evangelions?" Ritsuko asked. "Those take decades to build, and the souls of those close to their pilots."

"That's a trade secret for now. What I can tell you as of this moment is that they aren't traditional Evas. They don't have an actual core, per se. They're formed by an extremely advanced manipulation of the properties of LCL, or synthetic LCL in our case, and the fundamental forces behind AT Fields."

Akagi shook her head. "That's… impossible. Synthetic LCL? The forces behind AT Fields? No one's managed to crack either of those."

"Clearly not here, Doctor," Eleanor replied. "That hasn't stopped us from taking advantage of it."

"Why are you here on the Wunder then?" Misato asked. "If you can do all this, then why are you playing spy on our ship?"

"I'm afraid I can't fully say for reasons of operational security." Eleanor paused. "But what I can say is that… NERV, Commander Ikari, SEELE themselves, aren't the only threat that this world faces. Or even the most dangerous."

"That's impossible, too," Misato said, shaking her head. "NERV wants to end the world by initiating an Instrumentality event by way of an Impact, uniting humanity into a mass consciousness. You can't top that."

"Maybe so," Eleanor said, her voice low as she leaned forward. "But they aren't planning on taking the whole population of humanity and making a fanatical army out of them, are they?"

Misato blinked, taken aback by the sheer ridiculousness of the idea. "How?" she asked nearly numbly. "What would someone even use an army like that for?"

Eleanor leaned back. "Reality is a lot bigger than you know, Misato. Bigger than you can even imagine."

"But I want to explain that alongside my husband once we've stopped whatever might happen next. When Shinji's safe, and Ikari and Fuyutsuki are, if not dead, then at least apprehended. You know the smallest bit, now. And for now, that's going to have to be enough."

"Now wait a minute," Ritsuko interjected as Eleanor stood. "What about your team? It's clear that your story of LCL-enhanced super soldiers was a lie. Are they a part of HERZ, too?"

"Yes." Eleanor walked over to the door, then paused as she looked back. "But there's more truth in that story than you might think."

She held out her hand, and Misato's eyes went wide as she watched a sphere of… water, clear and swirling, grow above her palm until it was the size of a softball. It dropped into her hand, retaining its shape, and she tossed it at Ritsuko, who caught it with a start. "We'll be talking soon, I'm sure. For now, I'm going to make sure that Unit-02 is in good shape coming out of the battle."

With that, Major Eleanor Theisman walked out the door, leaving Misato and Ritsuko to stare at the impossibility that Ritsuko cupped in her hands.

. . .

Commander Gendo Ikari pondered on the footage that both he and Fuyutsuki had just gone over, the sounds that crept into his office, open to the air, not even a distraction. If their appearance in assisting the escape of the Buße was a statement of existence, then their actions here, as the vessel now approached, were a statement of intention and alliance with their foes.

"What's to be done then, Ikari?" Fuyutsuki asked as he looked out the opening behind Ikari into the Geofront. "With powers like the ones we've seen on display approaching…"

"We will adapt to circumstances, as we always have," Ikari replied. "We were able to overcome similarly miraculous powers as manifested by the Angels. And we have taken such powers and skills for our own. We may not be able to replicate the form of what we have seen, but we can match its function with sufficiently applied AT Fields. Set the Magi to studying them, and inform the old men that they have something to keep them occupied for a little while longer."

"What of the Mark.06Hs?"

"We will make whatever discoveries we make part of the Dummy Plug program for such. And even these new threats, divorced from their powers, seemed an even match for the Marks. We will deploy them elsewhere throughout the world, with a concentration on NERV-Euro."

"And the young Mr. Ikari? SEELE's boy?"

"Their training is almost complete. They will commence the operation in 2 days. Before then, you will reveal to Shinji Ikari the lineage of the Ayanami line, to ensure that he is in the proper state of mind to fulfill our plans."

Fuyutsuki was silent for a moment. "Yes, Ikari. I will do so."

"See to it."

With that, Fuyutsuki came into Ikari's sight, walking across the ruined office and out the door.

As he found himself alone, something that had been in the back of his head, something clearly foreign, tried to whisper to him again. What he had taken from the Key stifled such a voice, and he did his best to drive the voice out.

After a moment's silent struggle, it was gone. Good. There were more important things to focus on.
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Chapter 19: At the Edge of the Abyss

Chapter 19: At the Edge of the Abyss

Well, here we are again. Staring the end of the world in the face.

It's strange how used to it I am now. Daniel seemed, and continues to seem, so calm in the face of world-ending danger. But a part of me wonders if it's just a sort of… numbness to it all, like it seems to be for me.

Either way, we work on Unit-02 and Unit-08, scrambling to get ready as we draw closer to Tokyo-3. Home. I haven't seen it for a while. At least, not in ruins like this. More likely than not, we won't just be engineers. We'll be in the pilot's seat again. I won't just sit back and let the end of the world come so close without trying to do something about it.

- From the personal journal of Captain Shinji Ikari-Soryu

New NERV, Geofront, March 17th, 2028

Daniel Theisman looked up at the bubble of an AT Field, far away from where he was in the little WILLE HQ and invisible to anything other than the Sight, and cursed himself for his reticence.

He'd hoped by acting somewhat coy with the details that Shinji would, as he was wont to do most times, find himself curious, and seek him out for more answers. However, he only seemed more driven now to try his own way of stopping his father, and Kaworu all the more driven to protect him from anyone. Including him.

"Uh, Daniel? You okay?"

He blinked, his focus returning to Deputy-Commander Kaji and the display that showed the three sister ships of the Wunder. "Yes. Sorry about that. Something distracted me."

He shifted in his seat to better look at the display. "So, the Gebet, the Erlösung, and the Erbsünde. When did they launch and where from?"

"Well, we don't exactly have a perfect bead on the three of them, but we have an idea of where they're likely patrolling."

Kaji typed on the console in front of him, bringing up a world map. "The Gebet was launched in South America, the Erlösung from Africa, and the Erbsünde from mainland Asia. so far as we can tell, they haven't gone outside their borders, even to chase after the Wunder."

Daniel nodded. "I see. Do we know how they're kept aloft?"

Kaji shrugged. "The specifics are as good a guess from you as they are from me. Judging from the Wunder, though, it's not unsafe to say they have their own Evas as Masters."

Daniel considered the information that had now been gathered and realized that, when all was said and done, they weren't really going to factor into anything for the moment. He sighed quietly, wondering about what else he could learn about in order to gain an edge on… someone. Anyone that would be getting in the way of trying to help Shinji, and the others, actually patch up this world.

'Then again, maybe I'm not the one that needs to be learning things.' he mused as he looked over at Kaji. Sure, he could relay what he'd learned up to Ken and have him confirm it, but perhaps it was time Deputy-Commander Kaji knew what, exactly, his commanding officer really was.

"Kaji?" Daniel asked, pausing for a moment as Kaji waited for him to continue. He sighed quietly. "What I'm about to tell you next… it's going to sound a little crazy. But I need you to trust me that it's true."

Kaji's brow arched. "Okay…" he said slowly. "What are you going to tell me that's crazier than what I already know?"

"That Kaworu Nagisa is, in actuality, the 13th Angel, and so obsessed with Shinji Ikari that he has been restarting time over and over again to try and ensure his happiness?" Daniel ventured.

Kaji was silent, his eyes narrowing for long moments before they closed with a sigh. "As crazy as that does sound… it does make some sense."

Daniel was rather taken aback by Kaji's nonchalance. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, when I got brought back from death, I woke up in Terminal Dogma at Nagisa's feet. There wasn't anyone else around, there wasn't any machinery, and there was also the fact that he bore an uncanny resemblance to Ms. Ayanami. It wasn't hard to put two and two together there."

Kaji paused as he scratched his beard. "The whole Shinji obsession… that also makes sense the more I think about it. If he really is the last Angel, it would explain his powers as you've described them. And he was the most excited I've seen him… ever when he heard that Shinji was going to be arriving. The most insane part of it is probably the time-looping thing."

He shook his head slightly. "But, with the world having gone to hell like it has... why not?"

Kaji looked at Daniel with a slight grin. "Got anything more shocking?"

Daniel felt a grin of his own come on as he leaned forward. "How about that I'm from another universe, basically know magic, and have seen how this all plays out already?"

Kaji scoffed softly. "Now you're bullshitting me."

"How do you think I flew all the way from the Wunder to here?" Daniel leaned back and extended his hand, a chain of stars spiraling into existence and snaking around his hand as he raised it. "With the same methods that I use to create this."

Kaji regarded the display with wide eyes before he chuckled. "An actual wizard. I'll be damned. What else should I expect?"

Daniel's grin disappeared. "That things are about to get wild. I can't reach Shinji anymore, due to Kaworu putting up an AT Field around the two of them. So, right now… all I can do is get ready."

"And I'll start," he continued as he took a cylindrical crystal of swirling crimson and black from his pocket, something he'd been preparing for the last few days, "by giving you a way out of here."

Kaji's brow furled as he caught the crystal, studying it for a moment. "And how's a rock going to get me out of this place?"

"It's a little focus," Daniel replied. "It'll make an Expression that will teleport you to the bridge of the Wunder when you focus on it and think of the passcode: red jacket, sakura bloom, bridge. Those words will get you onto the Wunder in a blink."

He smiled slightly. "I even made it flashy, just so people know you're coming."

Kaji chuckled as he pocketed the gem. "Y'know, I'm usually about being subtle, but… I guess a get out of jail free ticket is what it is."

Daniel nodded. "I can agree with that," he said as he stood. "Well, I'm going to go walkabout. Hopefully not run into Gendo in the process. When things kick off… you know what to do now, I guess."

Kaji nodded. "Be seeing you, then."

With that, Daniel walked out the door, looking left and right before looking up with his Sight, looking around for a moment before finding the one soul that he had any ability and desire to go and try to talk to. With how Kaworu had tightened his AT Field around Shinji, it had left the Ayanami unit open to visits.

'I do hope I'm able to get through to her.' he pondered as he walked, shuddering slightly as he thought of what Gendo had to do in order to render her into a drone with little conception of… anything, really. Or what he simply didn't have to do.

Putting off the thoroughly unsettling thoughts that came to mind as best he could, he turned his focus to his Grip, positively humming as he connected his soul to it. He was more than sure that Nynrya appreciated the company. Especially when that company was as talkative as Asuka Bradley was.

"Then there was Koslova. She was a real wallflower when it came to the sims. Defensive almost to a fault," he heard Bradley say, a rather solemn note to her voice. "But she was kind. To all of us. Even the ones that gave her shit, like Thompson and Fermi sometimes did."

"And what happened to her?"
Nynrya asked quietly.

"She got scrubbed because…" Bradley scoffed quietly. "She and one of her handlers were making a connection. One of those connections, if you know what I mean. At least, I think she was trying to."

"I see,"
Nynrya replied, a quiet sorrow suffusing her tone.

Daniel metaphysically cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the two women as he began. "I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I just wanted to inform you two of where we're going. And how soon things might start getting hairy."

"Getting that close, huh?"
Bradley said.

"That it likely is." Nynrya rejoined. "Who could we be visiting, seeing as this world's Shinji is closed off to us?"

Daniel sighed quietly as he walked along a darker corridor that opened up into a break room. "The Ayanami clone. Maybe… there's some way we can sway her. Get her to think about the consequences of a world like the one Gendo and SEELE might bring to pass here."

"I hope it works,"
Nynrya said, and Daniel could feel Bradley's silent agreement.

"We've got some time before we get there, though," Daniel said after a moment's silence, probably one of the first that he'd experienced while connected to Bradley for days. "Were you talking about other members of the Shikinami program, Bradley?"

Bradley replied. "Nynrya asked if I remembered anything special about them, said that remembering them would give me some strength in the coming days and all that, in lieu of not exactly having any ancestors I remembered."

She paused for a moment, and Daniel and Nynrya both felt her contemplation. "Come to think of it, there was something Koslova said when one of her close friends, what was her name again… Reagan, I think. When she got disappeared."

Bradley's voice through the connection choked for a moment. "She said that as long as we still remembered the people, the sisters, that we lost, that a part of them would stay with us. I wrote it off until now. After all, dead was dead, wasn't it?"

She paused again. "But now… I think I get it."

Daniel nodded as he walked through familiar halls made strange, passing by one of the engineering quarters of the HQ that had collapsed here in the aftermath of 14 years of disuse. The sight triggered memories of his own, times spent with subordinates puzzling out a problem with an Eva, usually Unit-01, or making small celebrations when one announced a birthday or some other cause for merriment. He'd celebrated four pregnancy announcements here, not even knowing if the coming year would have made them meaningless.

He blinked as he found himself standing in the doorway, shaking his head slightly before he moved on. "On that," he said to Bradley, "your friend was wise beyond her years."

. . .

Shinji Ikari sat at the piano bench, Kaworu at his side, and sighed in quiet frustration as he looked down at the keys in front of him.

He was no maestro, that much was certain, even the simpler songs that they had practiced coming with no small amount of effort. He was starting to pick it up, though, he felt. The method and the muscle memory, far more quickly than he'd anticipated, had made themselves clear to him.

'Probably not quickly enough to make a huge difference in our training and prep.' Shinji mused. 'Or for father.'

"We can take a moment if you need it, Shinji."

Somehow, Shinji knew Kaworu was going to say that, leaning back as he looked over at the still enigmatic boy. "How much longer do we really have? I'm getting better, but surely father has a deadline for wanting to do this."

"We train until you are ready to breach the seal around Terminal Dogma," Kaworu replied simply, that slight smile once again gracing his face. "And for when we remake the world."

Shinji nodded. "We'll have to hurry, still. Misato's going to be here soon, I'm sure. And she won't understand. I have to do this."

He sighed quietly as he looked away and shook his head. "They don't understand that… I think I can actually do it. I can control it now that I have an infinite sync score. If their studies made anything clear, it's that I have the strength to do that much."

"Do you think that strength has cost you your humanity?"

Shinji blinked, taken aback by the question as he looked back at Kaworu, and saw the seriousness in his eyes.

Shinji opened his mouth to reply, and found that words failed him at the moment, looking back at the piano as he pondered the question. "Well…" he began after a moment. "What does it matter, really?"

His hand went to his throat, his fingertips just barely touching the DSS Choker that was wrapped around it. "More likely than not, I'm going to die doing this. Making a sacrifice that might not even work, so that they can have the world be back to the way it's supposed to be."

Shinji took a deep breath before looking back at Kaworu. "If I die… will you finish what I start? Remake the world to what it was before Second Impact?"

Kaworu's brow furrowed ever so slightly. "Why would you do this for the people who wish to keep you from doing it?"

"Because they're still my friends, at the end of it all. They've suffered for the last 14 years largely because of me. They deserve a world where they can just… be happy in. Be at peace. If I can give that to them by doing this… then I'm okay with dying in order to do that."

Kaworu looked… unsettled. It was the first time he'd seen anything like that on his face. "It appears I have underestimated your conviction, Shinji Ikari."

"People seem to be doing that a lot recently," Shinji said as he looked back down at the piano.

It was silent between them for a moment before Shinji heard Kaworu shift on the bench. "Shall we begin again?"

Shinji nodded as he put his hands on the keyboard again, waiting for Kaworu's signal to begin.

It was one of the more jaunty songs that they had learned together, Shinji playing the lower supporting notes while Kaworu's fingers danced across keys to play the higher ones. It had become at least somewhat familiar to him as they had begun to play together. It must have been one of Kaworu's favorites. The familiarity allowed his mind to wander silently as he played the response to Kaworu's call.

He hadn't seen Daniel since they'd last met, days ago now. Had he really simply left them to their devices after sounding so… concerned about what could go wrong?

It wasn't in Daniel's nature, at least so far as he knew, to do that. No, something, or someone, must be keeping him from reaching out again.

'Is it my father?' Shinji pondered. 'He did seem somewhat afraid of him and what he thought he could do.'

It was a possibility. Shinji had barely seen his father since he'd unveiled the… whatever it was Unit-13 was sitting in. He could have been just about anywhere in the base.

But… what little Shinji knew about his father was that he was a singularly focused man. Distractions, if they didn't try to get in his way, were simply ignored. Daniel probably knew that much if he could make the statements that he'd made.

So what was it then?

Shinji's brow furled slightly as he realized he felt… something surrounding them. He wondered what it was for a moment before the memories came back to him, and his eyes went wide.

It was an AT Field. He could feel an AT Field surrounding them like a bubble, its root found in…

'Kaworu? How can you do that?' he wondered. 'Are you… like me?'

Shinji's amazement nearly threw him off of the song, a moment's refocusing allowing him to only mess up a note or two. 'If he can do that outside of an Eva… maybe I can connect with him outside of one too.'

He focused as much as he could without throwing the song off — was it going for longer than it usually did? — and tried to make a connection to Kaworu's soul like he did in an Eva.

It was… fuzzy. But it was there. It was there! He focused more and more, the piano playing fading into the back of his mind even as he somehow continued to play the right notes, his connection getting clearer and clearer.

Then, with a seeming snap… he felt what Kaworu felt. An almost ecstatic joy and a deep wondering were wrapped up beneath a smile that was wider than Shinji had ever seen before as they truly synchronized, the piano seeming to sing out for them as they finally finished the song that Kaworu had kept waiting for him.

Shinji and Kaworu looked at each other with wide eyes. "I… I think we're ready." Shinji said almost breathlessly. "We think we're ready."

Kaworu nodded. "Yes, Shinji."

. . .

Daniel emerged into the massive LCL processing plant, taking in the vast emptiness of the space, and the utterly tiny room that took up a fraction of it. The light was on, and he Saw that Ayanami stood behind the curtain.

He saw as he drew closer to the curtained room that she was only a tangle of Frames. A Frame Knot, if he recalled one of the many names for such a phenomenon correctly. There was no soul core in there. Were she to unravel, she would simply… cease to exist.

For the briefest of instances, he wondered if such a fact had rendered this entire trip useless. Then, he remembered the link that Rei Ayanami had, however slight, to Rei Nagisa. Perhaps…

He stood on the threshold of the curtain, rapping gently on the wall with his knuckles. "Ayanami? Put on your Plugsuit, please."

"Is that an order?"

Daniel closed his eyes as a quiet, somewhat defeated sigh escaped him. "Yes."

He waited until he heard the click-hiss of a Plugsuit activating, then parted the curtain, revealing the Ayanami unit standing straight on the other side of the cot she slept on, who tilted her head ever so slightly as she saw him in the doorway. "Who are you?"

"I'm Daniel," he said as he stepped over the cot. "I'm one of Shinji's friends."

"Friends," Ayanami said as Daniel took in the sorry state of the room. "What are friends?"

Daniel opened his mouth, kept it open for a moment, then closed it. "You know what? Let me just show you."

With that, he linked his soul to the Frames that composed her mind and gave her his understanding of what friendship was, along with a few examples of what friendship looked like.

Ayanami was silent, her eyes wide and rimmed with tears as Daniel watched her process the frankly breathtaking amount of information. "Is this what… 'like' is?"

Daniel nodded. "In one way or another, yes."

Ayanami looked at him with eyes that were almost, but not quite, glimmering with… wonder. "Who are you?" she asked again.

Daniel sensed a different reason for the question. Some of his examples were, as far as she would be concerned, rather impossible to have in this world. "I'm a traveler." he began. "A protector. At least, now I am. I made some… very big mistakes. Ones that have had terrible consequences."

"That's why I'm here, Ayanami." he paused for a moment as he looked around himself. "Because I know what sort of mistake Shinji might make. And I want your help."

He looked at her intently for a moment. "Can you… sense the presence of Rei Ayanami? Other versions of yourself?"

Ayanami was silent as Daniel hoped she pondered the question. "There is… something. Perhaps linked to the vision that I saw in my LCL tank."

"A vision of yourself in school clothes?"

"Yes." Ayanami blinked. "How do I know that?"

"Likely through your link. But what matters is… you can see it, to some extent. The possibilities that you can have if you choose them."

"The purpose of my creation is to follow orders and bring about Human Instrumentality."

Daniel sighed quietly. "That may be why Ikari made the Ayanami line, but you are a person. A person who can make choices. A person who can choose to disobey."

Ayanami looked at him with an unreadable expression. "I am not ordered to disobey."

"That's the thing about disobeying," Daniel said as he took a step forward. "It doesn't care about orders. Many times, the best times, it cares about people. Like you, to some extent, care about Shinji."

It was silent for a moment. "So," Daniel continued, "will you help Shinji Ikari? If not for me, then for him?"

Again, silence, as Daniel waited for her answer. "I will assist Shinji Ikari." Ayanami finally said.

"And if that means stopping him from doing what he wants to do?"

"I will assist Shinji Ikari."

Daniel sighed again. It wasn't what he was hoping for. But it was a start.

He paused as he looked down at the copy of The Iliad and Odyssey on the floor next to the cot. It must have been some sort of abridged version, with how thin he realized it was. "Have you not read any of this book?"

Ayanami shook her head. "No. I have not been ordered to read the book."

Daniel nodded. "I see. Would you perhaps like to start reading it now?"

Ayanami paused, seeming to consider the question. "What reason is there to read?"

Daniel picked up the book, leaning against the wall as he opened it. "There are many reasons to read, dear miss. For one, we can still learn from those things which did not happen. Fantasy teaches as much as reality if we have the mind to see and the willingness to accept such teachings."

Daniel blinked, then chuckled. "Of course, we do it because we simply like it, too. It passes the time in a way that is more… fulfilling than simply staring at a wall." he paused for a moment. "Though I must admit, why Rei took a shine to this one, I still can't fully comprehend…"

He looked down at the book, open to its first page, annotated at the bottom and indeed a somewhat different translation than he'd expected, though not far off of the Lattimore translation, finding himself reading aloud without meaning to. "Sing, goddess, the wrath of Peleus' son Achilles, who brought pains a thousandfold upon the Acheans…" he trailed off, still wondering what Rei got out of this.

"And the will of Zeus was accomplished since that time."

Daniel's heart nearly stopped as his head darted up, taking in the sight of Commander Ikari, standing on Ayanami's cot looking at him from behind a visor, his face utterly blank.

"I didn't figure you remembered this from college," Daniel said as he closed the book and stood straight.

"Who are you?" Commander Ikari asked simply.

"No one you would know. Simply a friend of Shinji's here to stop him from doing anything foolish."

"Then you are, in turn, a fool." Commander Ikari said as he unholstered a pistol, his usual CZ-75B, and pointed it at Daniel. "None can stop the Gates from opening now. Such is the decree of they that have shaped all life in the universe."

Daniel blinked, taken aback somewhat. "You weren't usually that… zealous. Or verbose," he said slowly as he turned his Sight onto Ikari's soul.

What he saw was… somewhat shocking. All across his body were normal Frames, but the core…

'My god…' he thought as he saw the black mass, and the minuscule fragments of the core that glittered behind it like a starfield. 'It's eating him.'

"You used the Key of Nebuchadnezzar, didn't you?" he said, summoning his Grip into his free hand as stealthily as he could.

"Yes. I have gained the power of the Firstborn. And I will use that power to bring to pass the inevitable continuation of humanity. The unshackling of the mind and soul from the cage of the physical form."

Daniel nodded. "As much as it might surprise you, yes, I know what the old men have you up to."

He slowly raised his Grip, gemstone flowing into the shape of a sleek, modern revolver, a barrel hole at the bottom of the 'cylinder'. "But I, and a few others, can't have you in the way of our attempt to stop even more dangerous people than you and your poor doddering grandfathers from making things infinitely worse. So, we can put our guns down and talk things out like calm and reasonable men, or I can put a star the size of a small berry through your skull and move on."

It was silent for a moment before Ikari raised an invisible AT Field, Daniel's Sight allowing him to see it regardless. "You do not seem to fully comprehend what, exactly, you face. In my hands is godlike power, broken down in order to be interned within the fragility that is humanity's frail form."

"Please, Gendo. I've killed gods before." Daniel said, his voice old and chill as the barred blade began to glow above his brow. "Even so far removed as we are from either of those things, I can rip apart your little AT Field and end this with a thought."

If Ikari hesitated, Daniel didn't see it physically, and even Pneumaically, he was having a tough time parsing out his reactions. Then, Daniel blinked as Ikari lowered his gun. "If such is the case…"

Ikari looked over at Ayanami, and Daniel's blood ran cold as he spoke, flipping his gun in his hand to hold onto the barrel. "Ayanami, take this pistol and hold the barrel under your chin. If this man attempts to attack me in any way, you will pull the trigger."

"Yes, sir." Ayanami did as she was told, and Daniel's jaw clenched as she took the pistol in both hands and pushed it up under her chin.

"Damn you," Daniel growled softly. "Ayanami, put the gun down."

"I cannot disobey Commander Ikari." he thought he heard the briefest moment of hesitation in her voice, but the gun did not lower from her chin.

"She is, ultimately, replaceable," Ikari said, his voice devoid of anything resembling triumph or satisfaction. "And, should Shinji Ikari happen upon her body, it will not be difficult to put the blame on you. Shinji Ikari is protective of the one he perceives as Rei Ayanami."

Daniel kept his Grip pistol leveled at Ikari's face for long moments, wondering if he could strike him from behind, or knock the pistol out of Ayanami's grasp before she could fire it. The end of his pistol began to shudder slightly as he realized that, whatever came next, too many possibilities would cost Ayanami her life.

With a quiet sigh, he lowered his pistol, his Grip disappearing and leaving his hand free. "Alright. Your ruthless disregard of anyone who won't advance your goals managed to survive this long, I see. I'll be going. When I see your son next, I'll tell him you said hello."

With that, he rose into the air, floating out of the room and touching down on the ground outside, the book still in hand. "I'll hold onto this for you right now, Ayanami. We'll read it later, I promise you that."

He kept his senses heightened, his vision beginning to wrap around his head as he waited for Ikari to emerge. As he saw him do so, gun raised to the back of his head, he waited for Ikari to pull the trigger.

Bang. In the space of an eyeblink, Daniel took hold of the space around the bullet and began to pull at it like warm taffy, the bullet seeming to slow to a standstill a few centimeters before his head.

He sighed as he turned around, holding out a hand as the bullet slowed, then stopped, allowing it to drop into his palm. "It seems neither of us can kill the other at this moment," Daniel said quietly. "I will not risk Ayanami, and you will not be able to breach my many defenses here in the physical realm."

"Then I shall succeed another way," Ikari said. "Instrumentality will come to pass. The Gates shall be unbarred, and humanity ushered into its next home."

It was nearly silent for a moment as the two men regarded each other, Daniel's hand closing on the bullet before pocketing it.

"We shall see."

With that, he walked out of the room, leaving Ikari out of sight, but hardly out of mind.

. . .

Far above them, day turned to night, and Shinji and Kaworu looked up out of the courtyard that had been made from the Eva gantry as the stars began to appear.

They lay on the cool ground, watching as the moon rose. Shinji was used to the sight of it now, massive in its closeness and striped with patterns like barbed wire across its surface, rotating at a ridiculously fast speed. "When did it get this close?" he pondered aloud. "While I was in Unit-01?"

"Yes," Kaworu said. "Certain rules of reality seem to have broken down on this world in the aftermath of Near-Third Impact. This is just the most ostentatious display of such. Another are the Failures of Infinity that now at times wander this world."

"That's what those are called? Why's that?"

Kaworu was silent for a moment. "They are the souls that did not survive the intervening time between when I stopped you from fully initiating Third Impact and its completion. Their ascension is incomplete, their souls creating new forms to house their unshackled power that lacks much that they need."

Shinji nodded, continuing to look up at the stars as he sighed quietly. "Even when the city was still here, you could get a good look at the stars. They… seemed to be the only thing in my life that didn't change. I appreciated that, then."

"Now…" he sighed again. "I don't even think I have that."

"You prefer the unchanging nature of the void," Kaworu said softly. "You desire a space that is yours to control, and yours alone."

"I mean, I guess."

"It's a lonely place, but even still, you seem to survive it with an odd grace. Your heart seems fragile and yet paradoxically strong. Like a vessel of spun glass, beautiful to behold."

Shinji looked over at Kaworu with a furrowed brow. "That's… one way to put it, I guess."

Kaworu looked back at him. "Thank you for inviting me out here, Shinji."

Shinji smiled slightly. "Not a problem. Looking at the stars always helped me feel calm before something big happened. With what we're about to do… It was a given."

Kaworu returned the smile. "There is a certain… calmness to the stars. It makes me feel… as though I was born to meet you here."

Shinji's confusion returned. "What do you mean?"

"As I have said, I was created, much like Ayanami, with a purpose in mind. To change the world. But that purpose was made in mind for a world far different from this one. With our purposes as they are… it was inevitable that we should meet."

Shinji looked back up at the stars. "Maybe so. However brief our time together is going to be… I'm glad that I got to meet you and Ayanami here if nothing else."

Kaworu was silent, and Shinji didn't see his brow creasing again in concern.

. . .

The Next Day

Shinji rolled out of bed, stretching as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes as best he could. What time was it now? He and Kaworu had spent a decent portion of the night just… taking in the stars. He still wondered what, exactly, Kaworu had meant by some of the things he'd said.

'Heart of glass…' that one stuck out most to him as he heard the hollow clatter of a platter of new clothes sliding into the alcove for him to put on. 'It sounded like he meant that as a compliment…'

As he pulled his white button-up over his t-shirt, he realized that it was a size too big for him. Maybe even a few sizes too big.

'Can the machine really screw up this badly…' he thought as he checked the inside of the shirt. As he expected, the shirt was two sizes too large for him. And… there was a name tag sewn into it as well, on the left side…

'Toji Suzuhara?' his eyes went wide at the sight of the name, belonging to a face now so far removed from the present. 'How did they get this shirt?'

How many shirts had he gone through that belonged to other people? Had he worn one of Kensuke's? Where were his original clothes?

Come to think of it, was this even his original body? He hadn't given it much thought before, but he had emerged from Unit-01 with an unlimited synch score. How human could someone be after getting that?

Those questions and so, so many more began to swirl through his mind like a tempest, threatening to drive him to his knees before he marshaled his thoughts, more than a few deep breaths breaking the sterile silence in the room for minutes left uncounted.

After what felt like far too long, the panic subsided, though a sense of paranoia still bubbled beneath the surface. Or had it always been there, simply shoved aside for the sake of his mission?

Either way, Kaworu was probably expecting him to go and try the simulator one last time before they deployed. He'd mentioned that Unit-13 was going to be ready tomorrow anyways. Whatever happened, it was going to happen whether he was ready or not. And right now, he wanted to be ready.

He walked out the door of his residence, looking side to side to see if Kaworu was there to greet him as he usually did. Now, however, he was absent. How odd.

'Surely, he didn't go ahead to the simulator, did he?' he wondered as he tried to sense where he was based on where the AT Field that still surrounded him was originating from. He felt… nothing. His sense of unease returned and began to grow as he simply made his way toward the simulator in the hope that they would meet there.

Walking the halls alone again, without Kaworu by his side as had been the norm over the last several days, felt… surreal. And all too lonely now.

As the winding halls and vast open spaces guided him into the room that housed the strange simulator, he came to a stop in the 'waiting room', merely a vestibule with a bench in between the two doorways and beneath one of the nonsensical new NERV logos.

On that bench sat a figure that he'd only ever seen a few times before, dressed simply in a brown jacket and slacks.

"Deputy-Commander Fuyutsuki?" he said, surprised that the man before him was even still alive in this day and age as he offered a polite bow. "It's a surprise to see you again."

Fuyutsuki waved him off. "Please. A Deputy-Commander of 4 is hardly fit for the title. Just call me Professor."

"Oh." Shinji straightened back up. "What are you doing here, Professor?"

"I'm actually here to see you. Do you know how to play shogi?"

Shinji blinked, somewhat taken aback by the odd question. "I think I remember the rules."

"That's fine." Fuyutsuki stood and began to walk past Shinji. "Follow me. Humor an old man, if you will."

Shinji stood there in slight shock for a moment, then turned and followed Fuyutsuki away from the simulator. They walked in silence for a long while, the halls becoming dilapidated and dark once again. Finally, his curiosity got the better of him. "Professor… are we really going all this way just to play a game of shogi?"

Fuyutsuki looked around himself as the way grew darker. "Frankly… not really. The game is more of an excuse than anything. There are things you should know, young Mr. Ikari. Things that should not have waited decades to be revealed."

Shinji blinked in surprise, but still followed along. The AT Field bubble around them, probably from Kaworu following behind, now began to feel more and more like a cage.

Eventually, they came to a dark room, a spotlight shining down on a low table with a shogi board and its pieces waiting for them to set it up. "I'll even play at a disadvantage, to help even the odds for an amateur such as yourself," Fuyutsuki said as he crossed over to the far side of the table, kneeling down and setting up the first piece, the clack of it hitting the hollow board echoing into the darkness.

Shinji kneeled down and began to set up his pieces as well, the two going back and forth. "You're tense," Fuyutsuki said as they continued their setup. "Considering what you have to do, it's no surprise."

Shinji was silent as they continued setting up. "I would advise you," Fuyutsuki continued, "to calm yourself, in order to achieve inner serenity. As you know, it's an important part of winning any battle."

As they finished, they looked down at the board, still pristine with not a single opening move made. "Checkmate in 31 turns," Fuyutsuki said with a surety that Shinji found himself envying.

The game started, Shinji not caring to remember the names of the moves as he made his opening strategy, and moved his first piece. Fuyutsuki was silent for a moment as he moved his piece. "Do you remember your mother?" he asked quietly.

Shinji shook his head. "Not really. All I really remember is that she died when I was young. Father threw away anything that was related to her."

Fuyutsuki nodded slightly. "I see." he made his next move, and reached into his jacket, pulling out a small rectangle that revealed itself to be a photograph. Shinji leaned in, and his eyes went wide.

It was the first time he had ever seen a picture of his mother. He was absolutely sure the woman holding a toddler with black hair, a blue t-shirt, and shorts was his mother. Who the others were in the picture he was less sure about, the two men unknown to him completely. If he squinted at the other person in the picture, a woman facing away from the camera and towards his mother and him…

He took the picture, noting the name on the back. "Ayanami…"

Fuyutsuki nodded. "Yes. Her maiden name was Yui Ayanami. She was one of my students, as was your father. It's how they met each other."

Fuyutsuki paused. "While they were my students, they attempted something that was, at the time, quite radical in science. They attempted a contact experiment with a material that had been brought back from a secret expedition underneath Hakone. Your mother made contact with it. She disappeared into the core."

"Leaving behind enough DNA to create Rei." Shinji finished with a sigh.

Fuyutsuki paused. "How… do you know that?"

"Someone who worked on Evas on the Wunder told me. So did Rei."

Fuyutsuki looked up at Shinji, his eyes wide. "Then… your father's… Ikari's plans have been quite upset already."

Fuyutsuki shook his head as a sound buzzed through the room, the sound of power being restored somewhere, unnoticed by him. "Oh, Ikari… if only you realized how easily things could go wrong…" he muttered, seemingly to himself.

"What was she like?"

Fuyutsuki looked up at Shinji, who looked back at him intently. "My mother. What was she like?"

Fuyutsuki was silent for a moment, a slight smile on her face. "She was… kind. Caring. Almost to a fault, but never fully foolish because of it. She saw the best in people. She encouraged others to do the same. It's how she…" he paused and chuckled. "It's how she saved your father."

Shinji's brow furled as he tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

Fuyutsuki shook his head slightly. "He was an inveterate drunkard, and a decent brawler in turn. Your mother apparently told him to call me if he needed to get out of a situation. That's how he went from being one of my students to an associate. Even, in time… perhaps a friend."

"What was he like then?"

"Much like he is now: utterly driven. He simply lacked the focus to go beyond his next drink or barfight. Yui gave him that. He owes so much of what he became to her. Not only for good…"

Fuyutsuki's smile became a scowl. "But for what he has become for her sake."

"What do you mean?"

"He has taken everyone that he can as pawns in his attempts to bring his wife back from the core of Unit-01. Me, yourself, all of NERV…"

The lights clicked on, revealing a macabre sight behind Fuyutsuki: a wall of hexagonal cubbies, all bearing heads, all of them with white hair that had strands of blue, some looking sightlessly back at him with familiar red eyes. "And every incarnation of Rei Ayanami that you have ever known and never seen."

Fuyutsuki shook his head as he took in Shinji's shock, the boy looking at the wall behind him. "There is nothing he will not sacrifice for his cause. Not his humanity. Not even his soul. And certainly not the final Angels."

Shinji's gaze snapped back to Fuyutsuki as his anxiety and paranoia began to boil over inside of him. "What?" he said numbly.

"That is the part of your father's plans that have not been upset yet. The final Angels will die, and Instrumentality will come to pass as your father wills it."

"No." Shinji nearly shouted. "I can stop him. I can remake the world. My synch score is… functionally infinite."

Fuyutsuki tiredly shook his head. "Breaking the world is easy. Downright trivial. But just as turning back the hands of a clock won't turn back time, remaking the world as it truly was is impossible. So too is it the case for the human heart."

The words seemed as old as Fuyutsuki was, but Shinji rebelled against him regardless. "I won't need to kill any Angels. Kaworu-"

"That's the thing, though." Fuyutsuki interrupted. "The final Angel took on a human face, by the hand of SEELE. The final Angel, the 13th Angel… is Kaworu Nagisa."

The words struck his heart and mind all at once, throwing all thought into a whirlpool of confusion. 'What. No! That can't be. It can't!'

And yet… so much suddenly fell into place. The AT Field. That strange sensation that he'd brushed aside when he connected with Kaworu's soul the day before. The ashen hair and eyes that couldn't belong to any normal human being…

He didn't know when he'd gotten to his feet. Or when he'd started running. But it didn't matter. 'I have to get away. I have to get away!'

. . .

Kozo Fuyutsuki watched as the young Shinji Ikari ran out of the room, and sighed quietly. 'How terribly the truths of this world hang over us all.' he mused sadly.

How terrible the consequences of Gendo's actions were.

Was it Gendo he was really following? What had the Key done to the man he'd seen grow warm, and then so, so cold?

He'd died that day. When he'd used the Key of Nebuchadnezzar. He'd been in denial since then, hoping that the Key had left something of him behind, but…

'I'm sorry, Gendo. I can't do this anymore.'

He thought of Iscariot. His other student. His last student. How to contact her now, discretely, he didn't fully know. But he had some ideas. And perhaps the intruder that Ikari had spoken about from the day before might hold some answers…

. . .

Shinji ran. It was the only thing he seemed to have the power to do anymore, his legs burning as he raced… somewhere. Anywhere that wasn't in this damned base.

He slammed to a stop in an empty section of hallway, the chromatic rippling of an AT Field springing into view as he landed on his rear. He was on his feet in seconds, pounding against the wall that stood in front of him. "Kaworu!" he shouted. "Kaworu, let me out!"

Wherever Kaworu was, he seemed to not hear him, the Field staying strong regardless of his protestations. Why was he keeping him in here? Why act so kind to him? To try and get him to not kill him?

It didn't matter anymore. He just needed to get out. If Kaworu could make an AT Field… if Daniel could make one…

He focused, trying to remember what it felt like to raise his own AT Field, how it felt to use it to tear apart another's. He pushed, harder and harder, feeling his AT Field smothering Kaworu's, making it thinner and thinner until he finally began to push through, tearing a hole at about chest height with his hands and pulling it apart enough to stumble through and begin to run again.

Now open to him, the hallways began to blur together, clean then dirty again, light and dark and light and…

He emerged into the open air, sliding down a slope on what must have been the exterior of the HQ, tripping and tumbling before rolling to a stop at the ground. His body burning in pain, it was more than a few moments before he got to his feet and began running… somewhere again.

No. He wasn't going somewhere aimlessly, he realized. He passed the rusted but still far too recognizable helmet of Unit-00, having sat where it landed 14 years ago. Memories crashed unbidden into his mind as he raced past, of a day of ash and fire. Of a day when he was a coward and a lunatic. Past the spigots Kaji used to water his watermelons, wrapped in moss and vines, past the ruined buildings, until finally, he came to the opening of that bunker he'd hidden in so long ago, uncaring of if he lived or died that day.

His lungs burned, every breath sharp as blood dripped from a few bad scrapes — was that really all that he'd gotten? — and his whole body seemed at the point of collapse. He stumbled in, past the roots and vines that had grown in and around the concrete and metal rubble, and kneeled on the floor, falling to his side as he simply… lay there, the emotions he was feeling now far past any sort of control.

Kaworu. Misato. Father. Ayanami. Daniel. All their voices swirled in his head even as he felt himself seeming to nearly float out of his body.

"Pilot the Eva."

"You will do nothing."

"What is 'like'?"

"I hope I'm wrong."

The voices in his head were joined by dozens, hundreds more, incoherent screams from the past and the present seeming to want to press him through the concrete floor and bury him in the earth. They just… wouldn't stop…


He could barely hear his name said over the cacophony in his head, couldn't even hear the footsteps as someone approached from around him, and squatted down to reveal…


Daniel put a hand on Shinji's forehead. "What happened? How did you get all the way out here?"

"I got past… Kaworu's AT Field…"

Daniel nodded, and the sight of him so concerned for him began to put Shinji at ease, the voices beginning to subside after… how long had it been? "I see. Alright, sit up. I'll patch you up."

A firm hand on Shinji's shoulder helped guide him into sitting up, and he saw a… a star come to life in Daniel's hand, tensing as he pressed it to a patch of scraped skin, and finding himself shocked to only feel a gentle warmth, like a particularly toasty animal was rubbing up against the wound.

Soon, it was gone, and the voices fully subsided, as Daniel continued his ministrations. "So, you got past Kaworu's AT Field," Daniel said. "Impressive, I must admit. I'm assuming you made your own?"

"Well, if you could do it… why couldn't I?"

"Well, technically…" Daniel began, pausing for a moment. "What I did on the Wunder that day deserves a lot more explanation than I think you need right at this moment. What had you running so far?"

Shinji shook his head slightly. "Kaworu. He's… he's the final Angel. This whole time. We've been playing to my father's tune…"

"Yes," Daniel replied. "He's not human anymore. It's how he was able to change the Spear of Cassius into another Spear of Longinus. I've checked. You're walking into a trap no amount of power can get through."

He finished healing Shinji and stood back as Shinji got to his feet. "Is that better?" he asked quietly.

Shinji took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. That feels alright, at least."

Daniel smiled slightly. "Good. Now, I hate to have you go back to where you just ran off from, but sadly, getting back to your place in the HQ might be better than having your father looking around for you. It might lead to some… unpleasant surprises."

"Like him finding you?"

"Oh, no. That already happened when I paid a visit to Ayanami."

Shinji's eyes went wide as Daniel walked past him, towards the opening. "And… you're still alive?"

Daniel sighed quietly. "He can't kill me that easily. Nothing really can."

Shinji nodded, then a part of his brain that he'd thought he'd gotten under control whispered to him. "Wait. Why were you visiting Ayanami?"

"To see if I could get through to her. Convince her to help you."

"Convince her to stop me, you mean."

Daniel sighed and turned back to Shinji. "Shinji, you're walking into a trap. However ready you think you are for it, you're not. I wouldn't be. We're both dealing with forces far beyond either of our comprehensions here, and that's before we get to your father's meddling."

"I know what handling an Instrumentality feels like. And now, I've got the training to channel it into where I want it to go. For the sake of everyone I care for, I'm going to make this world a better place."

Daniel sighed quietly. "If that's the case, then great. Truly. But there's no such thing as being too careful, especially when the world's at stake."

He took a step towards Shinji. "If we can somehow delay this for another day, we can stop your father. All of us, once the Wunder's arrived tomorrow. Then, we can study the-"

"The Wunder's coming tomorrow?" the revelation sent a spike of cold fear into his chest, and he felt the Choker around his neck like a vice as his heart began to pound. One of those voices from before returned. "You will do nothing."

Daniel's eyes widened for a fraction of a second. "Shinji, I'm not going to let Misato do anything to you."

"How can I be sure of that?" Shinji said, his breathing getting harder as he began to reach for the Choker around his neck, his mind beginning to spin again. "You saw her as well as I did when I left! She wants to kill me now! And you knew she was coming! And you said nothing!"

"Shinji, what comes next-"

"You don't know that! Stop acting like you know that!"

"I'm not watching you almost end this world again, Shinji!"

"What can you do? I've got an unlimited synch score! I'll get into Unit-13, and then you can't stop me from helping! I'll undo whatever my father's done, and I'll make this world a place for everyone to be happy, whatever it takes!"


"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Shinji screamed, wanting with all his mind and soul for Daniel to simply go away.

His power, it seemed, was more than willing to oblige.

He felt a pulse ripple through him as he watched an AT Field spring into existence in front of him, race forward, and slam into Daniel. In the blink of an eye, he was… gone.

Shinji blinked again, then again as he processed what, exactly, just happened. "D… Daniel?" he whispered, his eyes slowly going wide.

He climbed out of the ruined bunker, looking around for Daniel. Surely, he couldn't have gone far. Right?

Then, he saw the trail of blood drops. They started 10, maybe 15 meters away, and went in a somewhat straight line out towards the HQ.

He began to follow it, his pace picking up as he realized that there was no way for Daniel to cover this much ground this quickly. 'No. no, no, no, no. I… I…'

He looked up at the HQ, scanning its pockmarked surface strewn with openings. Maybe he…

Shinji's stomach seemed to drop out of existence as he saw the splash of red, the smear under it that terminated above a hole that led into a hallway far above where he could climb.

'Oh, god… I killed him.'

What would he do now? How would he explain this to Eleanor? To the other companions he'd had? How could he let himself kill the only person that actually seemed to care for him?

The questions, the emotions, all came out in a tide of vomit as Shinji sank to his knees and heaved it onto the grass. He didn't know how long he was there, how long he cried and screamed and vomited again, but the next thing he remembered… he was back in his room in the HQ.

He curled up on his bed, the place near his face wet with tears. The silence felt… oppressive. Almost able to smother him more fully than any AT Field he could ever encounter. He could see him now. In the instant before he killed him. It seemed carved into his memory like a mural on a stone wall, a monument to his loss of control. Of the cost it could be to slip even for the slightest moment.

'I won't fail like that when I get into Unit-13.' he swore to himself. 'If only to respect Daniel's memory, I'm going to keep complete control of myself. Daniel… for you… I'll make the world as beautiful as I can make it before I go.'

He heard the door swish open, and his heart began to pound again even as he found himself lacking the strength to move. Whoever it was, it would only torment him further.

"Shinji. What has happened?"

It was Kaworu. The final Angel. The ideas that came with that truth hounded him as he shook his head slightly. "Lea… Leave me…" he rasped out. The words burned as much as his throat still did, and he fell silent, still shaking his head.

"Shinji, how can I help?" Kaworu asked, urgency beginning to color his words as he stepped forward.

"You're the final Angel."

The footsteps stopped, and he heard Kaworu sigh quietly. "Yes. I am. I am surprised that our connection yesterday did not allow you to divine that."

Shinji finally found the strength to sit up, looking over at Kaworu. "What do you want with me? Really? Is making me happy all that you really want to do?"

Kaworu nodded. "It is now."

"How can I be sure of that?" the paranoia still smoldered within Shinji as he swallowed. "You're still an Angel, at the end of the day."

Kaworu nodded. "Yes. But Rei Ayanami is formed of Lilith as well. A confederate of Adam, that one who became many."

Shinji blinked, then his eyes went wide, remembering the sight in Terminal Dogma that Misato had shown him all those years ago. "Wait a minute. How…"

"As I am an admixture of humanity and Adam, so too is Rei with Lilith." Kaworu continued, continuing to step forward. "You have told me somewhat about your experience with Rei Ayanami onboard the Wunder during our training. If she could overcome such effects as those, some of which are brought on by her nature, and stand with you, can I not do the same?"

Shinji regarded Kaworu silently for a moment, his mind still at war with itself. Then, the ashen-haired boy sighed quietly. "I know you had me make a promise to you. To finish what you start should the Choker detonate."

Kaworu walked forward, Shinji shying away as he came to a stop in front of him. "But I want to make a different oath."

His hands rose to Shinji's neck, his fingers pressing gently at its sides as Shinji felt the bubble around them, which had reappeared at some point, disappear, the AT Field focused on the collar as it did something Shinji didn't expect it to: click, hiss, and make the pressure around his neck, something that had managed to become almost omnipresent, vanish.

Without thought, Shinji took a deep breath as he saw the Choker lift away, Kaworu lifting it to eye level as he studied it for a moment. "You are willing to die for the sake of others in order to benefit them," he said quietly. "My purpose was always to be a tool. A component in a vast machine that would see a scant few lifted into godhood. I had no choice. I accepted that such things could not have a choice involved. But…"

Shinji's eyes went wide as Kaworu turned the DSS Choker around, and placed it around his neck, the red square divided into two rectangles as he clasped it around his neck sliding back into their familiar position. "You've shown me one can choose to sacrifice themselves for the ones that they care for. The world you want to make… it sounds like a wonderful place. Perhaps, should all go well… I'll see it with you. But if not, I promise that you will see the beautiful world you wish to bring into existence."

Shinji looked up at Kaworu, at that slight, sure smile that he had. "How can you… be sure?"

"Because I am sure in your power. The strength that your soul has to remake the Spears, and thus remake the world. Should you need me, I will guide you. I promise."

Shinji nodded, chuckling wetly. "I… I just wish he… could see it."

Kaworu blinked. "Who?"

"I killed him. Daniel. I killed Daniel with my AT Field."

The very admission made tears fall down his face as Kaworu sat down on the bed next to him. "I see," Kaworu said quietly. "I am… sorry to hear that. He seemed like a decent man."

Shinji nodded. "I'm… I'm going to try not to lose control again. He helped teach me how to control myself, at least as much as he could."

"And I will honor his memory by helping you do the same."

It was silent between them for a moment as Shinji marshaled his emotions, thankful for Kaworu's presence. "So," he finally said, looking over at Kaworu as he wiped his eyes one last time, "what happens tomorrow?"

"I believe Unit-13 is extracted from its final birthing pod, and we are sent down to Terminal Dogma to retrieve the Spears. Then, with my help, we shall remake whichever Spears are there into the ones we need, and we will shape the world on our own terms."

Shinji nodded. "Yeah." he took a deep breath. "Ready or not, it's going to happen."

"I believe in you. I believe in us. We can do it, Shinji. We will do it."

'For the people of the world. For Misato and Asuka and Rei. For Daniel.'
Chapter 20: The Crux of Trust

Chapter 20: The Crux of Trust

It all seems to come down to this.

That's the atmosphere of the ship right now. Any day, something could kick off. Any day, the end of the world could once again rear its ugly head. It makes things tense. Even the happier moments are tinged with anxiety now.

But those of us in the know, a number that is still slowly growing, realize that more likely than not, this is simply the opening act in this time's trials concerning Impacts and Instrumentality. The true test comes after, if we all survive what's coming.

And if there's anything that Daniel Theisman does, it's to make sure as many people survive as he can manage.

- From the personal journal of Eleanor Theisman

New NERV HQ, March 20th, 2028

Commander Ikari and Deputy-Commander Fuyutsuki watched the massive dome that housed their magnum opus, as it were, waiting for the moment of its birth.

From within the massive dome, the sounds of massive, thundering rumbles and pops began to echo throughout the room, then picked up in intensity as the dome began to open to allow a crane arm to begin latching onto the prone Unit.

LCL, still hot, steamed out of the opening in the top, draining away from the bottom as the arm caught Unit-13 with a thunk, beginning to raise it out of its womb.

What LCL clung to the rather familiar form, far more massive than the Evangelion that it took inspiration from, began to drop off, a light rain of the stuff sprinkling Ikari and Fuyutsuki.

"So," Fuyutsuki finally said into the returning silence, staring up at the Vessel of Adam vivified before them, "our final executor has been born at last."

"Yes," Ikari said. "All our tools have been properly prepared. The time will come to use them soon."

With that, Ikari turned, walking away from the spectacle as his footsteps echoed through the chamber. Where he was going, Fuyutsuki had his suspicions. But right now, he had places of his own to be.

As he turned, however, it struck him that finding the intruder that was a friend of Shinji's, in a base as large and ruined as this one was, would be rather… challenging.

'Perhaps I should start by the Ayanami unit's quarters.' he thought as he made his way in the opposite direction of Ikari. There were still a few hours yet until Unit-13 was fully ready to go down with the Mark.09 into Terminal Dogma.

As much as it seemed a game of memory, of a base that quite frankly, he hadn't toured that often, it also seemed far too much like a game of luck. It was still a game that he hoped he would manage to win today.

. . .

Shinji Ikari felt… well, a lot of things, as he walked down the hallway toward the gantry that would soon be Unit-13. It would be ready soon, and Kaworu wanted to be ready to get in the moment that they could, get this whole business done and over with.

He still felt, most of all… hollow. Yes, hollow was the only way to describe how yesterday had left him. With having killed Daniel, with the revelations that he'd had, with Kaworu taking the Choker from him…

'I just need to make the world right again. Then I can finally just… go away. Figure things out.'

That beach in New Borneo sounded good… 'It'll be better when all the world is like that.'

Kaworu emerged from a side corridor, the DSS Choker prominent against his pale skin, and began to walk with him. "Hello, Shinji," he said, a slight coolness to his greeting that hadn't been present before he took Shinji's collar from him. "I hope that you are as ready as I am."

Shinji took a deep breath and nodded. "About as ready as I can be, really."

He looked over at the Choker once again. "How does… how does that feel?"

Kaworu glanced down, a hand rising to the Choker. "It feels… natural. Doctor Akagi stole the concept for the Choker from SEELE's database. It was a concept for a control device for me. So, in a sense, this final iteration of that concept… feels like it was made for me."

Shinji found himself rather disturbed by the fact even as he nodded. "Right. What's SEELE?"

"They are my creators. The minds behind NERV, and the orchestrators of the Second Impact in order to advance Human Instrumentality."

He said the words with such glibness that Shinji needed a moment to process what he'd just heard, his eyes going wide. "The Second Impact? Human Instrumentality? And we're… helping them?"

"NERV was, yes. But now, under your father, NERV forges its own path to Instrumentality, and SEELE has lost all of its power. They are little more than babbling old men, simply wishing for their world to come to pass. Besides, we plan to make a far better world. Your world."

Shinji nodded as they reached the locker room that was before Unit-13's gantry, their Plugsuits, unsurprisingly matching, coming into view. "No. It's not going to be my world. I might make it… but it's not for me. Not after what I did to make it this way."

It was silent between them as they dressed into their Plugsuits, all too similar to Ayanami's with the number 13 on both of their sternums. With that familiar click-hiss, the suits sealed, and Shinji found himself… comfortable as well, strangely. The pressure of the suit, the anticipation of climbing into an Evangelion to save the world, and the hope that he had enough training and willpower to overcome whatever was in his way, were all familiar to him.

'What's the old saying? Like riding a bike.'

Another saying from a dead man. How would Daniel have helped him here?

He didn't know. And he desperately wanted to.

Finally, the door before them opened, and they walked out into a massive space, the Evangelion and its Entry Plugs suspended high into the air as a similarly massive gate began to open up beneath them.

He looked over at Unit-13 itself and found himself somewhat awestruck at its size, and its similarity to his old Unit-01. There was little in the way of green paint to be found on its body armor, and its shoulder pylons were differently shaped, two containers on each pylon holding what Shinji's training told him were special 'RS Hoppers' to allow them to create AT Fields. For whatever reason, it could not create one of its own. 'I never got an answer to that.' he mused as he made his way to his Plug, Kaworu going to his.

Stepping into the Plug, letting the LCL wash over him and into him, the display of lights and patterns flashing past him before revealing Kaworu beside him, and the space around him, that all felt familiar as well. The pilots' seats were angled away from each other, and lines of light, like arcing, curving musical staffs, seemed to connect them in the back.

With a deep breath, and the connection between them deepening, Shinji and Kaworu grasped their controls. "Evangelion Unit-13, activating," they said in unison, hearing the hum of the Eva's eyes opening as they prepared for their descent.

. . .

Captain Misato Katsuragi of the Wunder, standing on the bridge in anticipation, found herself still somewhat shocked as the sensors rang out, a panel flashing to life in front of her with the same general wording that Koji said just a moment later. "We've got an activation alert coming from Tokyo-3! It's an Evangelion that's not on our logs."

She waited, then waited some more for the Choker to detonate, looking over at Ritsuko for confirmation as she continued to hear the alarm in the background.

Ritsuko's brow furled, then her eyes went wide. "We should have received a detonation signal by now," she said quietly. "Either the Choker's malfunctioning or…"

"Someone's sabotaged it," Misato said, her jaw clenching. 'Damn it, Shinji. Why did you have to be such a martyr?'

She turned back to the shocked crew. "All hands, action stations! Set a course for Tokyo-3 and ready Unit-02 and Unit-08 in their gantries!"

"Ma'am," Tennison said from her station on Eva Control as they began to smoothly shift toward Tokyo-3, only an hour away, "what about the HERZ Evas? Mrs. Theisman?"

Misato shook her head. "They'd be more likely to try and stop us than help us. We won't request their assistance. We'll go into Battle Stations Level 1 at 25 minutes out."

Ymris nodded, looking back at the landscape that sprawled before the camera feed of the ground she had patched through from Midori's sensor station.

As she watched the ground go by, confirming that Eleanor and her crew had things under control, she saw something quite odd. A massive bank of fog, likely stretching out over kilometers, wandered under them, keeping a steady clip as it also aimed unerringly toward their destination.

'Fog… mist…' her eyes went wide as she realized what, or who exactly, was traveling with them. 'How does he know?'

Just to make sure, she glanced over at Sumire, focused on the helm. "Sumire," she asked as coolly as she could, "just wondering. What's the wind look like on the ground?"

Sumire checked a dial that, with their AT Field nullifying gravity and wind resistance, was somewhat unnecessary. "It's blowing southeast, about 10 kilometers per hour."

She paused for a moment as she looked back at Ymris. "Which that fog bank is very much not going with."

A pill of unease settled in the pit of Ymris' stomach. This was going to be bad. She hoped that whatever came next, Daniel was ready for it.

. . .

Daniel heard a deep rumbling through his cheek, the noise seeming to spread through his bones as it reverberated throughout the base.

That it was the first thing that he remembered after slamming into the side of the HQ was very concerning to him. He began to pull himself back to consciousness, dulling the pain that was very clearly still blooming throughout his body as the rumbling went quiet.

He connected his soul to Nynrya and Bradley and found a flood of concern poised to swamp him almost as much as the pain. "Daniel!" Nynrya said as he began to patch up the broken bones, of which there were, again, a concerning amount. "You've been out for the better part of a day! What happened?"

He struggled to remember for a moment. The last thing he knew, he was… talking to Shinji. It had gone… wrong. Terribly wrong. Then, there was a flash of prismatic light…

"Damn it," Daniel said as he began to emerge from a tunnel of darkness, his vision opening up to a view of an opening in the uncovered surface of HQ. "Shinji must have lost control and smacked me with an AT Field. I thought I taught him how to pull his punches."

The majority of the life-threatening injuries mostly finished healing, several cracks and pops still coming from his chest as he began to stumble down the hallway into the waiting darkness, his vision adjusting to compensate. "And now, Unit-13's likely just finished being 'born'. We've got to move quickly."

"At least a little more quickly than you are now."
Bradley quipped as Daniel continued to stumble down a corridor, his Sight locating Kaji and allowing him to take a route that would get him to the man quickly.

"I'm working on that." Daniel nearly grumbled as he picked up the pace, his body almost done healing. My, but his clothes were really bloody, weren't they? And how long had it been since he'd started walking? The sense of time needed to come back, and quickly.

He scanned around with his Sight to see where everyone was at the moment. Shinji and Kaworu were still in their respective rooms, the Ayanami unit probably on her way to get into the Mark.09, Commander Ikari heading to what was likely Central Dogma to go ogle at the severed head of Lilith-turned-Rei/Yui, and Fuyutsuki…

He paused for a moment. Fuyutsuki was… heading away from the Ayanami unit's quarters? Deeper into the base? 'What's he looking for? Me? And why isn't he doing it with Commander Ikari?"

Questions to be answered later, as he made his way quickly towards the hidden WILLE HQ.

The door to the HQ opened up, and showed a Ryoji Kaji on his feet, going from monitor to monitor as he stuffed memory sticks and hard drives into a bag that he had with him, another bag that appeared to be a survival kit sitting on a table. As Kaji looked over at him, he held a questioning look in his eyes. "So, quick question on the whole teleportation thing. Can I take things with me when I go? Because most of this is actually kinda important."

Daniel nodded. "Yeah. Just make sure you're holding the crystal too," he said as he stepped into the room. "It looks like things are getting ready to kick off for real. I'd recommend that you stay down. Fuyutsuki's on his way down here, and I'm not sure why."

Kaji's brow quirked slightly. "That is odd. All on his own?"

Daniel nodded. "Well, I'll admit I made quite the display when Commander Ikari dropped in on my visit to the Ayanami unit."

Kaji's eyes went wide. "Damn. You are ballsy, aren't you?"

"When you've lived like I have, something like that is downright pedestrian. Even when he's already used the Key of Nebuchadnezzar."

Kaji shook his head. "You need to calm down with all this news. You're liable to give a man a heart attack. He actually did it? And it stuck?"

"Apparently so."

Kaji took a deep breath as he finished packing. "He really is dedicated to doing this, isn't he? I still don't know if I've fully recovered from what that… thing did to me so that I could stop Third Impact from destroying everything. And he's just let that thing run rampant?" he scoffed quietly as he shook his head. "He must be dedicated to whatever he's doing."

Daniel nodded. "That he is."

It was quiet between them for a moment as Daniel glanced over at the one display that remained on. "How quickly can the Wunder get here?"

Kaji walked over to the console looking intently at it. "At their best speed… I'd give them a little under an hour."

Daniel nodded. "So that's how long I have to get ready to talk him out of this."

He looked back up at where Shinji and Kaworu were and cursed silently as he saw them walking towards what must have been Unit-13, which was… a black mess of lines confined by a cage of regular-looking Frames. 'What is this thing?'

"And it looks like that hour-timer is going to start soon," Daniel said as he tapped the bracelet on his wrist, the familiar Frame Plugsuit buttons glowing to life as he pressed them.

The click-hiss of Daniel's Plugsuit activating was perfectly timed with Kaji's eyes going wide at the sight of the starry bodysuit, the twin 0s glowing on his armored sternum. "That's… a neat trick," he said slowly. "Got an Eva stashed around here somewhere?"

"It's handy, yes," Daniel said as he looked back up. It was actually quite surprising to see how close Fuyutsuki was getting to this HQ, likely without even meaning to. "I've got to go. People to see, apocalypses to cancel."

As he turned, Kaji put up a hand. "Wait. One last thing."

Daniel paused, looking back at Kaji, his gaze uncertain as he faltered on his words. "I… I don't quite know why I'm asking this, but… what do I say? To Misato? How do I even begin to discuss what's happened?"

Daniel nodded silently as he turned back and walked over to Kaji, putting a hand on his shoulder. "As Daniel Theisman, I'd start by just going over the fact that you're alive, you're real, and you have some things you need to talk about. Establish the baseline stuff again."

Daniel paused, his gaze hardening. "But as Major Theisman of HERZ's Piloting Division, I'd recommend you table it until the world isn't quite as in danger."

Kaji nodded as he took another deep breath, Daniel patting the man's shoulder as he stepped back to the door. "And hey," he said as he exited, "you're Ryoji Kaji, ex-spy and suavest dolt in the world. I'm sure you'll think of something."

There wasn't any time to catch Kaji's reaction as he walked down the hallway, towards the elevator shaft that he knew would lead him down to Terminal Dogma. That it happened to cross Fuyutsuki's path was an extra bonus, really.

The walk was made in silence, both physical and Pneumaic, the tension Daniel had tamped down on during his discussion with Kaji stifling any conversation for the moment. The halls that led to his destination were, at this point, utterly decrepit, void of any maintenance.

So, as he turned a corner, the shaft just a few more turns away, Fuyutsuki stood out quite clearly in the darkness, waving a flashlight around. As the beam shone on him, the older man froze in his tracks, his eyes going wide. "Oh. Oh my. Are you…"

"The intruder that Ikari likely told you about? Yes."

Fuyutsuki was silent for a moment as he took in the sight of Daniel, and his Plugsuit. "What's… what's your name? How do you know young Shinji?"

"I'm Major Daniel Theisman of HERZ's Piloting Division. I'm also Vice-Chief of Evangelion maintenance for WILLE, who has been something of a thorn in your side for the last little while. I took Shinji under my wing when he and Rei emerged from Unit-01."

"WILLE… are they, are you, the ones who took the Buße?"

Daniel nodded as he looked back up somewhat impatiently at the mass of Frames that was Unit-13. "I wasn't there for that, but yes. It's called the Wunder now."

"Wunder. A far better name for it, I suppose." Fuyutsuki shook his head as he took a step forward. "Tell me, do you know Ms. Mari Makinami?"

"I do," Daniel said slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"She's a student of mine, as much as it might shock you to realize. And a contact from a now rather dead organization dedicated to curtailing the power of the Evangelion. And those who would wield it for their own ends." Fuyutsuki paused for a moment. "I need to help her more fully now. From the inside. Gendo… Commander Ikari has to be stopped. But it would be too suspicious if I just disappeared from his side now."

Daniel nodded slightly, his brow creasing for a moment as he pondered on how to best give him the contact info for Mari's tablet. That would be the quickest, most secure way to do it. "Do you have a mobile phone?"

"Yes, I do. It doesn't do much in my hands, but…"

"It'll be enough." Daniel stepped forward as he bundled up his knowledge on how to connect with and contact Mari into a physical medium, in this case, a bright pink and white crystal that formed in his open palm, which he put into Fuyutsuki's hand. "Focus on this and think about her for a moment. You'll gain the knowledge you need."

Fuyutsuki's eyes went wide as he pocketed the crystal. "How did you do that?" he asked, barely above a whisper.

"With how little time I have to explain things, magic. Which is the same principle that's going to allow me to summon an Evangelion to pilot." Daniel began to walk past. "You'll need to be getting back to the old men soon so Ikari can shut them down when things get started. How I know that's going to happen will have to wait for another time as well."

"Wh…" Fuyutsuki was still clearly startled by the nigh-on miracle that had just occurred in front of his eyes. "Wait!"

As Daniel paused and looked back, they both heard an alarm, echoing deep into the base alongside the deep rumbling of massive doors opening. "We don't have much time, Professor," Daniel warned.

"I know, but… do you truly think you can stop this? Young Shinji seems truly driven to do this."

Daniel was silent for a moment as he pondered the question, the implications that went with it circling in his mind like haunting specters. If quite literally all else failed, and he had to choose between this world's Shinji and the world he might end, could he?


The word, echoing down the hallway, was an ominous declaration, a fact that was not lost on either of them. And with that, Daniel turned back to his path, leaving Fuyutsuki to make his way back to where he needed to be.

Daniel found the elevator shaft in short order, dropping into the abyss without a second thought. The wind made by his fall whipped past his ears as he looked down at Terminal Dogma with his Sight, and wondered how he missed such a sight.

The lake was awash with souls, their movements creating swirling tide patterns that the stillness of the lake itself couldn't replicate. 'I guess those souls had to go somewhere after Lilith kicked the bucket.' he pondered as he stretched out constellation-like wings to slow his fall.

Rather less in the distance were four souls, far more defined by their complete Frames, waiting by the door into the room itself. As he landed on the roof of the elevator car, he realized why they were so familiar.

He found the emergency roof access of the elevator car, opening it with a slight Expression before dropping down into the car itself, the open doors revealing Shinji, Asuka, Rei, and Kaworu, his kids, in their Plugsuits.

"Took you long enough," Asuka said as he emerged into the room, stifling the smell of a decaying god's corpse.

"And you're ahead of schedule by a few minutes," Daniel replied. "What are you all doing here?"

"We had Kensuke teleport us here," Rei replied. "We figured that being of assistance now would be far more effective than arriving with the Wunder."

Daniel was silent for a moment before he sighed quietly. "I'll be honest, having you guys here might hinder me more than help at the moment. Poor Shinji's going to be in for enough of a shock when he sees me alive again, and in an Evangelion, no less."

"Did Commander Ikari kill you here?" Kaworu asked, his brow furrowed in concern along with the other kids.

"Gendo failed with his pistol. Shinji nearly succeeded with his AT Field."

Daniel continued into the shocked silence. "Here's what I want you to do right now. Form your Evas, and hide in the lake. I'm going to try talking Shinji and Kaworu down from ending the world, which is not going to be helped when Misato and company arrive. If things get hairy, I promise I'll tag you in."

The four Children nodded, and Daniel tapped his vambrace, a wireframe model of his Frame Plug lifting from it before he took the model and threw it out toward the island of gargantuan skulls like a dart, space rippling and tearing as the real Frame Plug burst from its dimensional storage space.

"Alright," Daniel said as he marched towards it, "let's be about it."

. . .

Shinji and Kaworu descended in near silence on their Eva-sized cable, Ayanami in the Mark.09 above them, the walls around them stretching out well away from them until being cloaked in the darkness making Shinji feel almost small. 'I feel like the 8th Angel could have almost fit in here.'

Shinji looked around and down the vast chute, catching sight of the massive scythe blade that Ayanami wielded. It was a simple, yet stylized weapon, and it reminded Shinji of the old pictures of the Grim Reaper that he'd seen in history class so long ago.

He glanced again at the Mark.09 that descended with them. "Is Ayanami a part of the process?" he asked.

"She's coming along as backup, in case WILLE comes along and interrupts us."

Shinji nodded. "I do hope she's good at piloting. Poor Rei wasn't the best at it."

He didn't see Ayanami in the Plug of her Eva pondering on the words that came across her link to Unit-13. 'Am I… that much different from Rei?'

Something stirred within her again, whispering wordless ideas that seemed just out of reach.

They passed into total darkness now, what little light they had left behind as they continued their long descent.

After a moment in such total darkness, the lights on their pylons flashed on, revealing on the far wall a scene out of a horror film.

"What are those? Are they like the things on the surface?" Shinji asked as he ogled at the wall of twisted, tangled bodies, all seeming to try at climbing out of the hole Terminal Dogma was situated in.

"Those are the Failures of Infinity," Kaworu answered. "Those who, in the aborted ascent to godhood, were stifled in their still incomplete bodies."

Shinji shuddered slightly at the thought. "We do not have to worry." Kaworu continued. "They will not act against us. Or at all, really. Get ready. We approach Inspector Kaji's seal."

Shinji's eyes went wide at the mention of the name as they reached the seal, looking just like the massive, smooth purple stone that the simulators had shown it to be. "What do you mean Kaji's seal?"

"Inspector Kaji intervened in the ritual to complete Third Impact," Kaworu said as their descent began to slow. "Using the Key of Nebuchadnezzar, he gained the power to forestall Instrumentality, erecting a barrier which no Evangelion could pass after evicting the Evangelions prosecuting the ritual."

"Now, focus," Kaworu said after a moment, clicks and hums coming from both their stations as the mechanisms that would enable them to turn their synchronization into a key for the massive lock before them. "We can do this easily."

Shinji nodded as he stared down at the seal beneath them, his focus intertwining with Kaworu's as they reached out, the hum of Unit-13 increasing in intensity as they slowly began to pierce the veil before them.

The mechanisms gave a long beep, and with a piercing tone, the smooth seal began to crumple in on itself in a series of massive cubes, the way beginning to open just beneath Unit-13's hanging foot.

Their focus did not waver as they continued downward, the seal a thick wall that even still continued to be broken down until, finally, the blocks flew apart and away from them, disintegrating as the way to descend fully into Terminal Dogma became clear.

"We've done it," Kaworu said, smiling slightly as he looked over at Shinji. "Good job, Shinji."

Shinji nodded. "Yeah. Now we can get to… work…"

He trailed off as they both heard the strangest thing echoing through the space that they descended into, grotesque in the imagery of a slumped over, decaying Lilith, on its hands and knees with an arm outstretched as it sat atop, or perhaps partially buried within, an island of massive skulls that covered a good portion of the LCL lake. Coming seemingly from the walls was the sound of a single, slow piano, playing Clair De Lune.

"What the…" Shinji managed to say before a 'Sound Only' comm panel flashed into existence between Shinji and Kaworu.

"That's a hell of an entrance you're making from down here, Shinji."

Shinji's eyes went wide as he heard a voice he'd consigned only to memory. "Daniel? You're alive? How?" he said, almost dazed.

"I've survived worse before, kiddo. Trust me, as bad as that AT Field smack was, you still showed a lot of restraint."

"But not enough," Shinji said bitterly. "I shouldn't have done that in the first place. Daniel… I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Shinji," Daniel replied, reassurance in his voice. "We're still friends."

He paused for a moment. "And friends keep friends from doing something stupid."

Shinji's jaw clenched slightly as they touched down on the island behind Lilith's back, the sight of the embedded Spears gleaming near its neck focusing him on his goal. "Daniel… we can do this."

"You're still playing into your father's hands, Shinji. More likely than not, he's got some way of keeping an eye on proceedings here. Just…."

Daniel sighed quietly. "Just wait for a second. Please. I'll back you up when the Wunder arrives, stop Misato from trying to kill you, and then we can stop your father together before we find a way to make the world right that doesn't involve nearly ending it."

"And what if I say no? You may have an AT Field, but you don't have an Eva. Who's going to come and stop me?"

"And yet again, I have the chance to prove you wrong."

Shinji wondered what he was talking about before seeing something glinting in the distance, walking out from under Lilith's legs, glinting in the otherwise dark space. "What the…"

As it continued to walk closer, and the magnification lenses kicked in, Shinji and Kaworu's eyes went wide as they saw approaching them… an Evangelion. It was a seemingly impossible thing, its armor swirling with stars and nebulae and the void between them, the places where its pylons should have been instead glowing with AT Fields that framed a head that had four horns, broad, flat and spreading out from the Eva's forehead like the wings of dragonflies, the tip curling up.

"And as for who would have to stop you?"

The Sound Only panel blinked into a full video, showing Daniel, at the controls of what must have been the Eva in front of the, wearing an armored Plugsuit that reflected the Eva, twin 0s glowing on his sternum.

"That would have to be Major Daniel Theisman of HERZ, pilot of Unit=00."

. . .

Misato looked down at the cavernous opening of the Geofront, hoping earnestly that they had made it in time as the Wunder began to tilt down, its guns slowly coming to bear on the ground beneath it as it became perpendicular to the massive pillar that led up to what few files they could find on it called 'the ritual site'.

"So we're just going to blast our way in?" Mari asked as she stowed her sniper rifle, standing impossibly on the top hull of the ship.

"That we are," Misato said. "You both did a terribly good job sealing Heaven's Door, so we'll need to make an alternate path in."

"And then freefall right onto the Eva's face." Asuka finished as she stowed her twinblade. "Simple, straightforward. Good."

Her proud bluster, which had started to return as they had her piloting again, was gone now. Maybe it had something to do with going up against Shinji. Perhaps she didn't want to crush Mr. Theisman underfoot somehow. 'We'll worry about that after we've saved the world.'

"I wish we had some help here," Mari said as they began to triangulate a targeting solution, a slight pout on her face. "Those fancy Evas would be nice to have watching our backs."

"Mrs. Theisman will be under observation for the moment." Ritsuko calmly replied. "We can't run the risk of her interfering in the mission."

Mari sighed quietly but nodded. "I understand, ma'am."

"Firing solution has been established, ma'am," Hyuga said from his position, looking back at the command bridge.

"Prepare to fire," Misato said. "Pilots, your mission is to stop Shinji Ikari from piloting the Evangelion and initiating an Instrumentality event. Do what you must."

"Yes, ma'am." the two pilots said, their Evas getting ready to leap off the ship.

The tone sounded, the reticles changed to lock-on, and Misato gave her command as a fog bank began to roll into the exposed Geofront. "Fire!"

. . .

Daniel Theisman, the power of Unit=00 thrumming through him, looked across the way at Unit-13 and the Mark.09, now standing side by side.

Unit-13 was massive, standing easily head and shoulders above its compatriot. That must have made it… what, 20, even 40 more meters taller and commensurately larger? Either way, it was not something to trifle with in combat. Which made his current plan all the more important.

"I know I've been keeping a lot from you, Shinji. A lot that you had a right to know," he said to the scared, somewhat shocked, and even angry young man on the screen in front of him. "So let's just hash it out for a moment, just the three of us. Alright?"

It was silent for what he felt was far too long before Shinji slowly nodded. "Alright. What's HERZ? And how are you piloting an Eva? Is that even an Eva anyway?"

"I'll take the questions one at a time. HERZ is an organization from another universe. One where the Angels, and SEELE, have been dealt with. Right now, me and mine are here trying to stop someone else from usurping the power of Instrumentality and using it for their own ends."

"Who cou-"

The screen vanished, and Daniel looked at the comms screen intently as he tried to reestablish contact to no avail. 'Something's blocking our comms. Ikari? No. He couldn't access us specifically. Maybe a blanket of some sort?'

He flicked on his loudspeakers. "Looks like our comms are getting jammed. We'll just talk like thi-"

He was rudely interrupted by the rumbling of something far beyond them, the sound like a heavy drumbeat falling on them over and over again. Then, his eyes went wide as Unit=00's arms flashed up, an AT Field unfurling over Shinji, Kaworu, and the Ayanami unit's heads as a brilliant flash of purple light exploded over their heads.

The pylons of Unit-13 disappeared in a puff of smoke as the little drones that were strapped to them took flight, and a dreadfully familiar red and white Eva slammed feet first into the Field, the tip of a blade slamming into the point where Unit-13's back would have been.

Unit-13 stumbled towards Unit=00 as Unit-02 leaped off the field and landed in the skulls, skidding back slightly as Asuka leveled her blade at Unit-13. "Asuka!" Shinji shouted over the loudspeakers. "Please, don't get in my way!"

"You idiot, Shinji!" Asuka shouted back. "I don't know how you're piloting that thing, but I can't sit back and let you just end the world!"

"I won't!" Shinji said, his voice hardening. "I'm going to make the world a better place with this power."

"You brat." Asuka spat as Unit-02 tensed up, ready to pounce. "You make the world a better place by not piloting!"

With that, Unit-02 began its charge, kicking off the skulls and sending several up behind her as she swept her blade back for a swipe, the Mark.09 readying itself to step in. 'Oh, no you don't.' Daniel thought as he beat the Ayanami unit to the punch.

He dashed forward, willing Unit=00 to become starlight as he passed through Unit-13, his form coalescing as he leaned to the right, grabbing the handles of Asuka's twinblade and planting a foot in the ground, sliding only for a moment as he pivoted and lifted Unit-02 off its feet with the rotation. Just before the throw, he twisted the handle just so, the blades separating as he tore the one in Asuka's right out of its grasp before sending Unit-02 tumbling for a moment.

"That's enough, Asuka," he said, making his voice loud enough for Mari, who waited in the wings, to hear as he held onto the blade and watched Unit-02 get back to its feet.

"Daniel?" Asuka said incredulously. "It figures that if Eleanor had an Eva, you would too."

"Yes. And I was explaining to Shinji why…" Daniel trailed off before scoffing and shaking his head. "You know what? Let's make this easier."

He sent a Pneumaic comm-link, still thankfully working, up to the Val, Kensuke's face appearing in short order. "Ken, I need a Pneumaic comm-link for all the pilots and the Wunder. It appears someone doesn't want us talking to each other. Keep our other pilots on audio only."

"Will do," Kensuke said, his face disappearing as several more comm panels appeared, Shinji and Kaworu looking back at him in concerned readiness, Asuka and Mari looking at him with no small amount of shock, and perhaps most importantly, the Hirnstamm Module of the Wunder laid out before him.

"This is Major Theisman of HERZ's Pilot Division. I've taken command of the situation," he said, a hard steel to his words pointed at Misato and Ritsuko. "So, what I'm going to say next to you Misato isn't a suggestion, it's an order. You, along with Unit-02 and Unit-08, will stand down now. Otherwise, you will be considered enemy combatants. And dealt with as such."

"What?" Misato said incredulously as Asuka and Mari let out slight gasps. "You can't just barge in and take the safety of the world into your own hands, Mr. Theisman!"

"I have before, Misato," Daniel replied. "And I'll do it again. You get in my way, I'm going to get you out of it. How permanent that is is entirely up to your discretion."

He paused, then sighed. "But we don't need to be fighting each other like this. Hell, Gendo probably expected to be at each other's throats. We can't play his game and hope to save the world. So right now, everyone just needs to calm down and put our heads together. Figure out a way to do this without touching the Spears."

As he said the last words, he directed a glance at Kaworu, who looked up at the Spears, cupping his chin in thought. 'Good. He's likely noticed something's off now.'

"Mr. Theisman," Misato said coolly, lifting a remote that Daniel had an anxious suspicion went to the DSS Chokers, "I won't allow you to threaten me just because you have too damn big of a heart. If Shinji Ikari doesn't shut down that Eva right now, I'm going to detonate the Choker."

"Ms. Misato!" Shinji said. "You can't! I won't let you!"

"And neither will I. This is bigger than you, Misato." Daniel interjected. "This isn't just the world or even the universe that's at risk now. If you've talked to Eleanor for any length of time, you'll realize all of Reality is at stake."

"And if we stop this, if we somehow destroy the Spears…" Ritsuko began.

"What other choice do we have?" Shinji said. "We can make the world better by-"

"By you stepping out of that Eva!" Misato shouted. "Damn it all, Shinji, we wouldn't even be here if you hadn't decided to play a big damn hero and throw yourself on the Spears."

"But this world is my fault, Misato. I made this mess. I have to clean it up."

"Captain," Kaworu began as a pause entered the conversation, his eyes still fixed on the Spears, "As your Commander, I-"

"I don't give a damn what you're in command of!" Misato snapped. "You're doing nothing aiding Shinji in a cause that might doom us all! Now you will shut down that Eva, or-"

Click. Beep-beep.

The sound made everyone go silent, as all eyes turned toward Misato. And the trigger that she had just pulled.

"What have you done?" Daniel said, voice barely above a whisper.

. . .

The sound of the detonator activating caused Shinji to whirl his head towards Kaworu, seeing tiny spires, poised like daggers, spring into existence, all of them circling Kaworu's neck.

He rebelled against the calmness that he felt through his link with Kaworu as he threw himself against the wall of his Plug, banging against the walls in utter desperation. "Kaworu! Kaworu!" he cried out, tears welling up in his eyes.

"So it seems our time has come to an end again, Shinji Ikari," Kaworu said as he looked over at him, so damnably peaceful as he smiled. "I hope I will see you again soon."

He watched Kaworu take a deep breath and close his eyes as he looked away, seemingly waiting for the inevitable. Then Shinji felt as Kaworu felt… a revelation. A realization that filled him with terror and dread as his eyes snapped open and looked back at Shinji, filled with that fear that Shinji knew was within him. "Shinji, do not take the Spears! Do not-"

His next words were cut off as the pylons zipped toward Kaworu's neck, meeting it with an explosion that sent pain slamming through Shinji's own head as Kaworu… died.

The pain left him reeling, almost throwing him out of his seat, unable to process anything that he heard next as grief almost overcame him. Kaworu was… dead. He'd been killed by the Choker that he'd taken.

Then, that grief mixed with something else. Something that he'd kept tamped down for as long as he could. Something that had had only a portion of it released against Daniel as he realized that Kaworu hadn't just been killed. He'd been murdered. By Misato.

A caldera of anger roiled to life and erupted as he opened his eyes, uncaring of Daniel's voice in an unseen distance as he focused entirely on Misato, and saw within her… fear. "You killed him."

. . .

Misato's mind was reeling as she saw the gory aftermath of her mistake. And who, exactly, it had taken. "Shinji… I… I didn't…"

"Shut up!" he shouted, face twisted in anger in a way that she hadn't even thought possible before. "You killed him! You killed Kaworu Nagisa! This is all your fault!"

She saw a flash from the edges of her vision as he spoke, heard Ritsuko gasp like she'd seen a ghost, and turned to see… what could only have been a ghost.

The man that stood before them, bags dropping to the deck, though he had a full beard, was without a doubt Ryoji Kaji.

"R… Ryoji?" she said numbly as he looked around the place, and looked up at the screen, his eyes going wide at the sight of the boy's decapitated body.

"What the…" Ryoji looked at Misato, at the detonator still somehow loosely in her grip. "You.. you killed Commander Nagisa? You killed our Commander?"

'Our commander… that boy… Commander of… WILLE… Ryoji…'

The sight of her husband, the sounds of a battle about to be rejoined, the press of everything finally simply cracking, the void she tumbled in finally finding a bottom, all pressed her to her knees as she simply… shut down.

. . .

Daniel's eyes went wide as he saw Unit-13 turn back to the Spears, the resolve in Shinji's eyes joined by a blind fury that seemed to almost tinge them red as his Unit, its own eyes a baleful crimson now, stepped forward.

"Shinji, no! Stop!" Daniel shouted as Unit=00 turned and dashed toward Unit-13, tossing Asuka's blade back toward her as he ran.

Before he could go far, the Mark.09 interposed itself, its scythe blade arcing toward him. He barged forward anyway, the haft of the scythe clattering on his shoulder as he shoved the Mark.09 over, bounding over the Ayanami unit. "Asuka! Mari! Help me stop him!"

"No, Daniel!" Shinji shouted as the four RS Hoppers darted toward him, an AT Field flashing into existence as Unit=00 slammed into it. "I'm taking the Spears! And I'm ending this!"

"You aren't in control!" Daniel retorted as he ripped through the AT Field, watching Asuka charge at Shinji from the side as he heard several rounds from Mari's covering fire behind him keeping the Mark.09 at bay. "You'll end the world!"

"I don't care!" Shinji turned as Unit-02 came within arm's length, Unit-13's massive arm darting out and catching Unit-02 by the neck as he lifted it up bodily before tossing it back at Daniel, turning away as Daniel bent space to bring Unit-02 back to its feet beside him. "It doesn't matter anymore!"

Daniel's heart ached as he rushed forward, jumping as he caught Unit-13 in a full nelson as best he could, pinning its arms out to its sides. "Then you leave me no choice!"

He lifted both of them into the air, Unit-13 flailing wildly as he tried his best to get to the opening in Terminal Dogma's ceiling.

"Daniel!" he heard Shinji, his Shinji, shout through their comm link. "Let us help!"

"Not yet!" Daniel replied, hearing and sometimes seeing the RS Hoppers getting destroyed by Mari's fire and by Asuka hanging on to one as it flew up to try and intercept his flight, slashing at its partner as it grew too close.

"Leave… me… alone!" Shinji shouted as the last RS Hopped went up in a ball of flame, heaving Unit-13's legs up over its head. Daniel's heart nearly seemed to skip a beat as something impossible happened, and the Eva's feet landed on a plane of prismatic light.

'An AT Field!' was all Daniel could think before another one bloomed between Unit-13's back and Unit=00's chest, slamming into him and forcing him to let go as they both fell back into Terminal Dogma. Daniel corrected himself quickly as he fell towards Unit-13, the massive Eva slamming into Lilith's back on his side and rolling for a moment before he corrected himself.

As Unit-13 got to its feet, Daniel saw that Asuka now dueled the Mark.09 a ways away from them, and floated down to Lilith's back, interposing himself between the Spears as he manifested his swordspear. "Shinji," he said as calmly and levelly as he could, "if there's any time to step back and stop for a minute, it's now. You're grieving. You're in no shape to change the world or end it. Please."

"Spare me." Shinji spat back. "You swaggered into my life and tried to fix me after everyone treated me like a monster for not having enough control. If they wanted a monster to hate, they have it now."

Daniel's jaw clenched. "Shinji, I don't want to kill you in order to spare my friends, your friends, but if I have to…"

"Daniel! The mist! He's coming!"

The words snapped his focus for a moment as he processed what Ymris had just said over their comm link. 'Mist… no…'

He looked up, and saw mist falling down into the shaft, past a confused Mari, and begin to resolve into an image, a form that was as large as their own. A terribly familiar, pale one, that floated down on ribbons of mist that rippled out from him like a tattered cloak.

"Hello, heretic." he heard Tavis Farhaven say, his voice echoing out from the Evangelion that he was piloting. "The new world begins now. And you will be unable to stop it."

As the mist continued to fall and resolved into the forms of five more Evangelions that looked all too similar to the Mass-Production Evangelions, he could feel that Tavis' confidence was not without reason.

. . .

Far away, up in a tucked away meeting room, Commander Ikari began the slow, almost ritualistic process of putting the minds, and souls, of SEELE's council to rest.

"The time has come to revise the pact found within the Dead Sea Scrolls," he said simply as he heard Fuyutsuki begin to pull the plug for SEELE-06. "This is farewell."

As the plug rotated, the black surface of SEELE-06's plinth flashed, then became a pale, stripped metal shadow of its former self, the image of a human brain viewed from the front seared into the metal where the logo for SEELE was.

As the process continued, each shutting down one by one slowly but surely, Ikari continued. "Though your forms have changed through time, you are still the products of the forbidden fruit. Though it is possible to live for time uncounted, death must come to you as it does all things to return from whence it came. In your quest to advance the evolution of all who are burdened with frail mortality, you have given us many gifts. On behalf of your descendants, I express our gratitude."

The words were hollow things, but they would be what the doddering fools would expect to hear, as only SEELE-01 remained to hear his final words. "I will carry out the Human Instrumentality Project."

Before he could continue, SEELE-01 did something entirely unexpected. It shouted in fear.

"Something has taken our bodies!" he, it, cried out. "Something intends to harm the mother's will! Brothers! Defend our mother!"

It was the first time that 01 had been so outspoken in ages. It was the first time either of them heard such fear in his voice.

Before Ikari could enquire any further, he tensed up, his hand going to his forehead as something began to glow over it.

Fuyutsuki emerged from behind the power bank to see Ikari seemingly trying to yank something from his head, prismatic light surrounding a cord of deep, radiant gold as it resisted his attempts for a few moments before finally giving way, the golden light becoming dust-like motes that began to drift away.

"Ikari… what was that?" Fuyutsuki asked, shocked by the sight.

"A foreign influence," Ikari said coolly, seeming to have regained his composure. "It has been removed."

. . .

Daniel took a step back on Lilith's back as Tavis floated down to stand across from him and Shinji, the other 5 surrounding them.

"You can't stand against all 6 of us at once, heretic," Tavis called out. "Stand aside and accept your defeat."

Daniel set his jaw as he tasked Nynrya, who eagerly waited to assist him, to take down the MP-Eva lookalike behind him, then linked himself to his Shinji, Asuka, Kaworu, and Rei's souls, showing them the situation. "Kids… now."

As one, a pair of blades flashed out from Unit=00's back while 4 more Evas leaped into the air, landing on shoulders or backs and yanking the MP lookalikes to the ground as they engaged them.

"I can stand against one," Daniel said to Tavis as he looked over at Shinji.

"Shinji, this is who we're here to stop. Please, help me stop him from enslaving this world. Enslaving the people we both care for."

Shinji was silent as he watched the pale Eva, looking so much like the White Cells, manifest a massive sword out of the mist that surrounded him. Then, his jaw clenched as the restraints on Unit-13's chest released, two more sets of arms dropping free and going wide as the massive Eva settled into a crouch. "You're all in my way."

With that, Shinji charged, Daniel deftly ducking under the hooks that were meant for him as an AT Field flashed to life to stop Tavis' sword from skewering Unit-13, the strikes all flashing toward Tavis blocked by AT Fields of his own.

Daniel's swordspear flowed into the form of a compact rifle aimed at Unit-13's feet, shards of gemstone slamming into them like paintballs and flowing impossibly to try and bind him to Lilith's skin and bones, sinking deep into the flesh.

As Shinji tried to lift his feet free, thrashing about wildly and sending the Evas next to him stepping back and to the side, Daniel switched targets, the gemstones becoming miniature stars that slammed into AT Fields and tendrils of mist before zipping out, striking from every angle that they could in their flight. One finally slipped through Tavis' defenses, striking his MP-Eva in the back of the head with a brilliant flash.

'There!' he thought as he began to charge forward, a crystal bayonet forming at the end of his rifle.

Before he could take another step, his brand flashed into existence, and an almost numbing, terrifyingly familiar sensation filled his head.

"My potential champions, my Vessels, have been assembled."

It was him. He was here again, in this place. 'Hamar'ramah…'

"Take each of you a portion of my power. Whoever remains possessing it shall be my Vessel. My Hollow Saint."

Daniel felt a spike of pure fear, of almost paralyzing terror, sink into his chest and snake down into the rest of his body as he finally regained a view of the situation. Just in time to see Unit-13 tear free from the entanglement that he'd set and swing twin backhanded strikes at him.

The strikes lifted him into the air, sending him tumbling for long seconds before he slammed into the ground and went rolling, coming to a stop just in time to see a pale arm burst out of a section of wall near one of the MP lookalikes, another one revealing itself as it began to rail on its companion, leaving Rei likely just as confused as Daniel was.

Looking around, he saw the same sight repeated 5 times over, two of them striking at both the MP lookalike that they fought and at Unit=01.

"The Guide of War graces me with his strength, Daniel!"

His focus returned to Tavis after his exultant shout, still dueling with Unit-13, his mist now seemingly lit from within by a golden glow as he blocked strike after strike, young Shinji's attack's growing wilder and wilder until Tavis slipped into his defenses, a sphere of glowing mist flashing into sight for the briefest of moments before it sent Unit-13 rocketing toward the far wall, mist beginning to cover its torso before it was out of sight.

As Tavis turned and began to walk toward the Spears, Daniel's rifle came back up, and he loathed the sight of the golden stars that shot out in three-round bursts toward Tavis.

Every shot found itself deflected or simply snatched out of the air, the mist around him like writhing tentacles. "He might share his power with you as well, heretic," Tavis said as he continued his slowed but steady progress toward the Spears, "but a broken vessel cannot hold such power to truly use it as it meant to be used. At what point will your pitiful strikes even graze me now?"

It was at that moment that Daniel realized that, even though he could feel the tether that fed him Hamar'ramah's power, he still had control of his body and mind.

It set his soul with purpose, fear quenched in realization to become hardened into resolve. And with that resolved, the space around him moved.

He was on Tavis' Eva in an instant, slamming into him and continuing to fly towards the far wall out across the LCL lake. The flight lasted long seconds, the tentacles of mist meeting an implacable defense of AT Fields or disks of crystal or net-like constellations before Unit=00 slammed the MP lookalike in front of him into the wall.

As the dust and rubble that blew away from the impact cleared, Daniel put the barrel of his rifle against the MP's chest. "Point blank, shithead," he said with a voice of steel forged into a blade.

He fired, chunks of obsidian the size of battleship shells finally drawing blood as shot after shot for the briefest of moments gored the MP lookalike pinned under him, before it finally batted the gun aside, a wicked dagger slicing up towards his chest.

He leaped back as his gun disappeared, landing on a sheet of deep red crystal that formed like ice on the surface of the lake as Tavis came after him, a twin dagger in his other hand as he charged wildly, slashing at Daniel as he raised his arms, luminous crystals sheathing them in spiked gauntlets as he blocked and maneuvered around the strikes, accurate jabs and hooks throwing the MP lookalike off balance only for the briefest of moments.

As they moved, the surface of the crystal that they stood on grew, even as Daniel used spikes flash-grown from it to attack Tavis from unexpected angles, though lashes of mist all too often stymied them. Then, an opening presented itself, and Daniel dashed in, grabbing the MP-Eva by the neck and an armor plate, lifting it up over his head, and throwing it with all the strength he could muster to Unit=00.

The MP went flying into the air, tumbling enough to make Tavis lose his balance and focus before slamming into the outstretched arm of Lilith, a massive crack echoing through Terminal Dogma as the arm broke off at the elbow, a dot dropping just before it the only indication that Tavis might have passed through it.

Daniel stood still, simply dragging the space to him as he seemed to slide across the lake without a disturbance, coming to a stop in front of the form of the MP-Eva that struggled to its feet, the battle that raged around them pausing for the briefest of moments as both friend and foe gauged his dramatic arrival.

"You…" Tavis spat as his MP lookalike stumbled to its feet. "You are less afraid than I expected."

It spread its arms, and tendrils of mist shot out to weave diaphanous circlets on the heads of the MP lookalikes, duels and battles stopping as they turned to focus on Daniel, several with AT Fields that glowed in the form of claws, extra arms or oversized jaws. "But courage cannot win against strength forever."

"Perhaps," Daniel replied as the MP-Evas began to charge at him. "But my strength is not alone."

The first ones to get close to him, a pair, were dispatched by Unit=02, a series of quick, lightning-wreathed punches and taps with the head of her massive two-handed mace to their backs and sides sending red currents arcing over it, exploding over its chest and back and sending it falling to the ground. The next two met with one having its legs literally shaken apart before its companion disappeared into the flames of Unit=01, seared to a near crisp.

Unit=05 simply encased the three that came next in varying bindings of glass harder than the steel that surrounded them, AT Fields or the sheer physical strength of the Evas uncared for as the glass only seemed to refract the light of the AT Fields. Another pair were bound up with intricate artwork that flowed from the tip of Unit=06's copy of the Spear of Cassius, roots growing into the ground around their legs and almost delicate sigils acting as seals for their AT Fields.

Two more found themselves speared into the ground by the twin blades of Nynrya, the crystalline blades growing plates over their bodies and rooting them to the ground. The last, Daniel allowed to charge at him, arms spread wide as it tried at bowling him over. But with a wave of Unit=00's hand, the MP lookalike simply… fell apart, the space that connected its waist and hips expanding and separating the halves of its body before burying the pieces that fell to the ground deep in the pile of skulls.

"You wanted a taste of what godhood is, Tavis," Daniel said levelly, every attack that Tavis threw at him now simply sliding off Unit=00 as he slowly advanced forward, coming to a stop several dozen meters away as Tavis continued his desperate assault, fear finally seeming to root the man in place. "So, let me show how strong you have to be when you're in the Guide of War's service."

Frames, jagged and sharp, began to make a mountain range of coronal ejections down Unit=00's back, their deep purple glow rising in intensity before the Eva's mouth opened, and a stream of superheated plasma lanced out toward the MP lookalike, blanketing its top half as Daniel simply stood there, the Vent Frames on his own body beginning to spring to life as he slowly, surely, continued to bear down on Tavis, taking one step forward. Then another.

That he'd gone this long without screaming was remarkable, his focus on whatever Expressions he used to attack Daniel still holding. Had he bypassed the pain receptor connections somehow?

"Daniel! Daniel! Behind you!"

He didn't know which Asuka's voice had broken through to him, or how long he'd simply focused on attempting to wipe Tavis from the face of the earth, but the beam of plasma snapped off as Daniel turned. And his eyes went wide as he saw Unit-13, young Shinji arriving at the Spears.

A pair of hands each grasped each Spear and began to pull.

"Shinji!" Shikinami shouted. "Stop! Please!"

"Don't do this, Shinji!" Daniel cried out.

"Shinji, wait!" Daniel heard Kaji say, the words almost in the distance.

Heedless of their pleas, the Spears slid free of the massive form of the Mark.06 that they were embedded in, one after another. And as Lilith's corpse began to bloat, the ritual of Fourth Impact began.
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Chapter 21: And the Rock Cried Out...

Chapter 21: And the Rock Cried Out…

An end is coming. Whether it is the end of this world or the end of a chapter within it, what comes next marks a great change. One more to add to this world's already surprising amount.

But that does nothing for the oath that I have made to Shinji. And if needs be, I will fulfill it to him a thousand times over. The pain of death is a familiar thing to me, now. And so it will remain until Shinji Ikari is happy forever.

- From the personal musings of Commander Kaworu Nagisa

Terminal Dogma

The corpse of Lilith, now ballooned to an almost cartoonish size, exploded in a tide of LCL, the torrent that emerged crashing down on those unfortunate to not put up their AT Fields in time and drenching them with the stuff.

For Daniel, the tide simply parted around him, his focus on Unit-13 as it hung in the air, seemingly untouched from the remains of Lilith and Spears out to its sides as if on display. Below him, a terribly familiar form lay hovering over the lake of LCL that was slowly draining from the island of skulls that it had covered, slowly twisting in place.

"Wait a minute…" Asuka Shikinami's gaze darted between Mark.06 and Unit=06, standing close by. "How are you…"

As her eyes went wide, finally taking in the Evangelions that surrounded her properly, the Mark.09 made its move, dashing towards the twisting, tumbling Mark that began to emit an unearthly howl.

Shikinami began to dash forward as well, her twinblade coming up to a throwing position. "We only trapped the 12th Angel, it looks like! We need to kill it!"

"No!" Daniel shouted as he sent Nynrya forward, her twin blades slamming into the haft of the Mark.09's scythe causing the almost familiar Eva to pause just long enough for Shikinami to catch up and engage her. "If all the Angels die, then Instrumentality is all but assured! We…"

He scoffed and shook his head as he saw the 12th Angel, Ptahiel if he remembered his Kaworu's visions correctly, begin to put itself upright in the air, a dim halo pulsing above its head, its howl intensifying as it stretched out its arms toward the congregation of Evangelions below it. "We need to contain this thing again. Make sure that there's one last line in case we can't get Shinji down."

As he said this, he glanced at the comm screen that linked up to Shinji in Unit-13, the boy simply leaning back silently in his chair, his eyes closed as tears streamed down his face. The sight provided a marked contrast to the Mark.06, whose arms now shuddered for a moment before its hands launched forward, carried at the ends of shifting, twisting pillars that glowed an angry crimson at the tips of its smaller parts, lashing out towards Unit=01 and Unit=05. The pair dashed to the sides as the arms slammed into the ground, sending up plumes of vaporized bone dust that the arms emerged from as they swept out, slamming into AT Fields as spectral arms and hands began to claw out at them, several Expressions failing at once releasing those MP lookalikes that were still whole into the fight again.

Daniel reached out to the arms that began to slide back, manacles of crystal and starlight flashing into existence on its wrists and jerking the arms to a stop as he pulled as best he could. The 12th Angel howled as it tugged back at its restraints for a moment, then suddenly leaned into them, its arms becoming wild ribbons that began to encircle him, hanging in the air impossibly for a moment as the arms that branched out from its stone-like body reaching for him as the snare closed around the Evangelion.

Daniel's eyes went wide, and he reached out towards one of the unlucky MP-Evas that had broken free, or Herald Units as they seemed to be called as he connected with the Spirit within the thing, and tore at the spaces that they occupied, switching their places as he patched it back together again, all in the blink of an eye.

He released a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he watched the trap squeeze shut, leaving the Eva inside surely crushed. But, as the arms retracted, Daniel saw a fading wisp of…

'Mist?' Daniel whipped back around, seeing the Herald Unit that Tavis piloted battling with Unit=01 and Unit=02, keeping them pinned down with bindings of mist as he danced around their reprisals. 'What's your game, Tavis?'

"He seeks soldiers to fit his surroundings, as any good general does."

The voice, thrumming with power, almost made him pause as he began to go towards another Herald Unit, as Daniel's eyes went wide in horror. "Get out of my head," he growled to Hamar'ramah as he intercepted another Herald Unit and began to clash with it, swordspear to massive claws, one of many who seemed to be converging on the Mark.06.

Five of them had taken to the air, trying to fly over them and reach the 12th Angel without engaging those below them. The first two that drew close found themselves shot out of the sky from above, Unit-08's fire pinpoint accurate even as the others began to scatter. Unit=05 took advantage of the chaos, sheets of thin, exceptionally clear glass springing to life in front of those still in the air, three dramatic crashes sending the Heralds plummeting to the ground in distinctly ungraceful fashion.

"Ha! Take that, dummkopf pigeons!" Asuka Ikari-Soryu shouted as she extracted herself from the mist again, Unit=02 taking the form of a massive, writhing bolt of crimson lighting that darted towards Tavis. Clearly taken aback by the considerably strange nature of Asuka's attack, Tavis soon found himself wrapped up in the electric current, arms pinned in place as Unit=02's upper torso emerged above the Herald Unit's head like a brilliant naga.

As its body gained shape and definition, a thin, stabbing blade of dark metal appeared in Unit=02's hands, and it turned the blade to stab down at her foe in a way that would spear through the Entry Plug and whatever core might be underneath it.

As the blade came down, however, the Herald Unit became mist, passing through the coils of lightning and heading towards another Herald Unit, who dashed toward the mist and found itself enveloped, disappearing as Tavis' Unit reformed, burn scars that spiraled down its form beginning to heal as it began again its mad dash towards the scuffle between the Mark.09 and Unit-02, those Herald Units that had tried an aerial approach beginning to stand again and converge on the duel.

Daniel saw the press going towards the two Evas, and threw the Herald Unit that he dueled with away from him into the waiting arms of Unit=05 and Unit=06 as he turned and ran towards Shikinami and the Ayanami unit. "Nagisas, keep that thing busy and keep the 12th Angel off us. Ikari-Soryus, go try and get Unit-13 down from there. If we can get the Spears out of his hands, we can end this!"

The calls of assent went unheeded as he leaped into the air, calling Nynrya back to him as the two dueling Evas turned and noticed the situation, landing beside them as he turned and began to make wide sweeps against those that pressed on their left flank, the two Herald Units stepping back before trying to engage him.

He glanced over at Unit-13 as he fought, and saw the AT Field that had flashed into existence against Unit=01 and Unit=02. Then it was back to blocking the two Heralds that had arrayed themselves against him, AT Field jaws snapping wildly on his blade and locking it in place as he bashed the one beside it with the haft of his swordspear.

All else seemed to slip away for the moment, a delicate balance of defending Shikinami and the Ayanami unit behind him while also keeping the latter, along with Tavis, from making any progress toward the 12th Angel now the sum of Daniel's focus. Then, Daniel put up his guard as the Herald Units in front of him became enveloped in a cascading curtain of mist.

His focus turned to Tavis, stepping back and seeming to prepare to make a leap over their heads to take advantage of the momentary distraction. As Unit=00 turned to engage him, Tavis' Herald Unit flicked its hand towards him, Daniel's eyes going wide as a dense, glowing fog blocked all sight and stuck to his Eva's face despite his best efforts to clear it away, the backup sensors similarly useless as mist covered them quickly.

He made sure not to swing to his left, trying to fend off whatever attacks the other Herald Units might make in his state of confusion. Finally, he weaved an Expression together, a star flaring into existence meters away from Unit=00's body beginning to burn away the mist.

As it cleared from his eyes and he regained sight, he dodged out of the way as Unit=01 and Unit=02 came flying towards him, the AT Field from Unit-13 fading away as they crashed into the now ankle-deep LCL that began to cover the island again.

And, as time seemed to slow, he saw Tavis' Herald Unit, alone in the air, his blade slicing through the neck of the Mark.06.

As the Mark.06 began to fall out of the air, in place of blood, the body of the Angel itself shot out of both the head and body of the Mark.06 like demented party streamers, swirling through the air around each other before joining into one flow that swirled toward Unit-013 and enveloped it in a rapidly growing sphere of its body.

"It's over here, heretic," Tavis said over his loudspeaker as he landed in front of the sphere, now so massive as to nearly touch the surface of the LCL and colored a deep crimson. "But you and I both know that this battle isn't the one that matters. You'll see to that if nothing else."

"No, Tavis," Daniel replied, his voice like cold steel. "If I have my way, this ends here."

. . .

Ayanami looked up at the swirling form of the Angel as it began to create… features. An eye, a nose, a mouth, all moving around on or under the surface of the sphere until they made a face. Her face. Or was it her face?

'What am I?'

A question she had never thought to ask before, and yet, confronted with something that seemed to so easily take her own form, it seemed… pressing.

As red sigils of SEELE began to cover her Plug's screens, she found herself trying to look into the mass that was quickly taking shape into… something, trying to find Unit-13. Find Shinji. Why?

She found that she… cared. She cared for him. Seeing him like this, even as the comm screens cut out and she found that she had lost control of her Eva, felt… wrong, somehow. Where it had come from, she only had a vague idea of. But it felt like the origin, or perhaps the revealer, of such emotions was flying far above them.

'But what can I do now?'

. . .

Daniel looked up at the 12th Angel, beginning to resemble a demented embryo, as it continued to expand for a moment, then shrunk with an odd, hollow hiss almost out of sight. "No, Tavis," Daniel said again, his blood beginning to boil as he took in the still rough, stone-like shoulder pylons and bulging red eyes of Unit-13. "I'm not going to simply take this lying down. I've got power that I never wanted again. Never! And if I've got it, then damn it all, I might as well use it to finally do something decent!"

As he spoke, Unit=00 began to float into the air, its arms spreading wide as trails of light grew out from the plates of armor on the sides of its chest. "Because I am my own man here! I hold the fate of worlds in my hands! Godhood has been granted to the unworthy, now and once again! AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!"

As he finished, a great tearing sound erupted from above the head of Unit=00, the air collapsing into a hole of deepest black, the edges of the sight warping, then glowing the air heated up around what was a rapidly expanding black hole, the trails of light bent up and eaten by the unceasing maw.

And as the black hole continued to persist, the core of the 12th Angel, along with the Spears of Longinus that Unit-13 held, began to shudder, the core slowly beginning to move away from the wide, waiting jaws of Unit-13.

Daniel watched young Shinji's eyes snap open, then go wide as he leaned forward in his seat. "Daniel?" he almost shouted, the first word he'd spoken in long minutes. "What are you doing?"

"Destroying the 12th Angel and the Spears!" Daniel replied. "We're not fixing the world this way. Not the way your father thinks of it! We fix the world, we do it my way! Not your father's or WILLE's or Tavis', mine! You want a happy world? Then you're going to see it happen!"

"Daniel!" young Shinji shouted, Unit-13's grip on the Spears tightening as it tried to pull back, whatever AT Fields he interposed drawn towards the black hole as well. "Please! Stop!"

"Let this go, Shinji!" Daniel said. "Then we can set this aside and make a better world together! Maybe even make your plan work!"

"I don't think I can stop this!"

The pull and push continued, and Daniel could see the fear in Shinji's eyes even as Unit-13 leaned forward and tried to snap at the core of the 12th Angel. He hated it. He hated how those eyes would join the others after this, and that he might well still see the person those eyes belonged to afterward. But he was done risking things for the sake of secrets or friendship. Bridges could be rebuilt easily enough. The world was another matter entirely.

Then, from the bottom of his sight, he saw a wisp of glowing mist beginning to crawl up. Glancing away as briefly as he could, he found Unit-02 and Unit=05 struggling to keep the Mark.09 from going up and intercepting him, the other three engaging the lone Herald Unit left in Terminal Dogma, who dodged and weaved around them seemingly effortlessly while the tendril continued to snake upward, past him and Unit=00, too far for Unit-13… but in just the right place to intercept the slowly shifting core of the 12th Angel.

'Damn him, he's going for it!' Daniel strained all the harder, trying to draw the grasping tendril in as well. But while it began to fuzz, pieces of it flowing into the black hole like string, it continued its albeit slowed reaching towards the core.

But however much effort he put into it, his Vent Frames beginning to manifest on his head, the tendril of mist touched the core, almost tenderly enveloping it before its light, like a brilliant star amidst the golden glow, flashed down the length of the tendril.

The black hole Expression faltered, flickering out of existence as he looked down fully at the Herald Unit that opened its mouth wide and swallowed the mist that contained the soul of the 12th Angel, the Ikari-Soryus and Kaworu stepping back as it paused, then began to twitch.

Before anyone could react, Daniel's eyes went wide as he saw… gray, nearly black lines, bulging like blood vessels underneath the skin of the Herald Unit, hearing Tavis grunt in pain, then shout as a series of cracks began and built in intensity.

The Herald Unit shuddered, clutching its head as more and more of the black tendrils reached into it, beginning to shape the head from the worm-like shape that it took into something more… human, those places where the tendrils broke the skin of the Eva weeping blood from the tearing as Tavis began to fully scream, the blood-chilling sound echoing throughout Terminal Dogma.

As Daniel's Sight flickered on, he saw the soul of Tavis, just above what must have been a powerful Spirit, and the soul of Ptahiel roiling inside the core of the Herald Unit, Ptahiel desperately trying to escape its new prison even as it shaped the body to better suit it. Pain, fear, confusion, and a determination from Tavis to try and control the Angel's seemingly untamable spirit all pulsed like waves of sound from their Frames.

Finally, however, after what was likely an extremely painful process of reshaping the Herald Unit's body, the soul of Ptahiel broke free, zipping past Daniel's attempt to catch it and sinking into the body of Unit-13. Into the Vessel of Adam.

Unit-13 howled again as it began to glow, going from purple, green, and orange to a nearly blinding incandescent white, the Spears now all the more stark in its hands as its pylons finished growing out from crag-like stumps into sweeping, wing-like things.

"Alright, then." Daniel managed to catch Tavis saying, the man gasping for breath as he felt him beginning to disappear. "Guides damn me for saying it… but you'd better stop this."

With that, Tavis was gone, and Unit-13, now with two halos arcing up from its back, one smaller and nested within the other, began with a flash of light to rise rapidly into the air from whence it came, the Mark.09 following along with its own halo as they picked up speed, disappearing in an instant.

Daniel began to fly after them, the sight of Terminal Dogma falling away from him in seconds as he felt the press of g-forces through his sympathetic connection to Unit=00. "Get to the surface, kids! I'm the only one who can help him stop this now!"

The words that they said to reply seemed to rumble in the back of his mind as he broke into the open air, the blue sky disappearing under the rippling crimson waves of the opening Doors of Guf emanating from prismatic bands that surrounded a dark, howling hole in the sky, bodies of the Failures of Infinity thrown free from Unit-13's ascent tumbling through the air in stark defiance of such seeming trifles as gravity forcing Daniel to weave through them as he went higher.

"I gave you this power for a purpose, Daniel Theisman."

Daniel said nothing to Hamar'ramah, the being's words distinctly… exasperated as he continued on regardless, catching the Wunder spiraling upward in his peripheral vision.

"I gave you this power to perhaps prove that you can overcome your reticence, and return to the work of Unity that you so imperfectly, and selfishly, try to replicate."

"Then I don't want it."
Daniel finally replied, a bitter venom in his words as he cleared a path through the clustering Failures with a wave of pure space. "I'm using this to save the world you're trying to enslave. I will never be your weapon again."

It was silent save for the sounds of the potential apocalypse that surrounded Unit=00 for long seconds as the ritual grounds grew closer and closer. He was almost to Shinji…

"So be it. My champion has been decided, then. I will go to prepare my Vessel, and leave you to the fate you so choose."

Like that, the power was gone, and Hamar'ramah fell silent at last. It took Daniel more than a few moments to realize what, exactly, had happened, but as he did, fear, like a ball of ice, coalesced in his gut. If he didn't have that power…

'Then I make do with what I have.' he resolved, his jaw clenching even as he took a deep breath. "Nynrya, to me! I'll need your help."

As the words finished forming in his mind, a series of thundering cracks echoed out from below him, seeming to cease the howling above as the Geofront and Tokyo-3 vanished completely, the Black Moon rising from beneath the earth as it seemed to drag itself up towards the commencing ceremony.

Daniel looked down at the sight for a moment or two, taking in the sheer size as the moon-like surface gave way to thick, rippling panels that swirled down into the earth, throwing out hundreds, thousands of Failures of Infinity into the air from several smooth craters in that portion of the ship that flowed from the seemingly natural into the shaped. A few moments was all he could spare the nigh-biblical sight before he refocused. He was close now…

. . .

Vice-Captain Ritsuko Akagi found herself in one of the few places that she'd dearly hoped she'd never have to be: in command of the Wunder, with Misato all but unresponsive, all while trying to prevent a new Impact from wiping out the rest of life.

"We're 2 minutes away from our location mark!" Helmsman Nagara said, looking back at the bridge. "Ma'am, we'll end up right on top of the anomalous Eva!"

"That's the point, Ms. Nagara," Ritsuko replied. "And we won't be on top of it. We'll be ramming it as we encircle it with our AT Field."

More than a few shocked gasps went up and two or three heads whipped towards her away from their consoles. "What's that going to even do, ma'am?" Kitakami asked incredulously.

"It's going to create what essentially comes down to a confined pocket of reality surrounding the Evangelion that we can open to fire into," Ritsuko replied. "Get ready!"

Nagara turned back to her console. "Collision in 1 minute!"

"When we connect, use our ricochet ammunition to start damaging the Evangelion itself," Ritsuko said, her gaze on the rapidly approaching target, a white spot that couldn't be missed except if they tried.

Ritsuko looked back at Ryoji (Ryoji, of all people…) and Misato, sitting on the deck, one in front of the other. Ryoji had his hands on Misato's shoulders, and she'd tuned out Ryoji's attempts to try and get some answers from the unresponsive Misato long before this point.

Now, however, Ryoji looked at her, and Ritsuko found herself… unsettled at the look that he had on his face. She was so used to him being placid, somewhat bemused, that the focus and determination in his gaze left her confused, then somewhat afraid of where he'd gotten it.

The look only lasted for a moment, his gaze slipping past her and going from determination to shock as she followed it to see… it must have been Mr. Theisman.

An Eva of what could only be called the night sky hung interposed between them and the Eva that Shinji piloted, its hand stretched out as if to somehow stop them in their tracks. They were on it in seconds, with time to barely process the near insanity of the sight.

"We're about to…" Nagara shouted, then stuttered as she trailed off, watching the camera feed do something… weird. The edges of the image seemed to blur and warp, and they all watched as they, somehow, passed over the Evas without so much as scratching them, the journey taken in an awed silence within the Hirnstamm Module.

As they soared out past their target, Ritsuko looked up at the comm screen that contained Daniel Theisman, a part of her mind distantly noting that the symbol on his head, which had been glowing a deep golden color, had turned into a pale luminous blue. "Mr. Theisman? If that was you stopping us, why?"

"I'm going to take care of this." Mr. Theisman said, his voice now calm again, an almost hollow tone to it. "Shinji's about to do something I've done far too many times before. The thunder of the guns can't stop this now. Only he can."

"Besides," Mr. Theisman continued as they began their turn to face the triad of Evangelions above the inverted pyramid of the ritual grounds, "you'll have a different problem to face now that the Mark.09 is in front of the ship it's meant to be the Master of."

True to Daniel's word, the Mark.09 began to drift toward them, its halo framing a monoeye that swiveled toward them, flashing with a chillingly familiar buzz.

The ship's AT Field flashed to life, holding back the explosion that followed and rocking the ship slightly as Ritsuko looked back up at Mr. Theisman as they continued their approach. "And why should we put the world in your hands? Why should we trust you?"

"Because I've done it before, Vice-Captain. And I'll do it again."

Mr. Theisman paused as he looked past Ritsuko. "I leave this in your capable hands, Ryoji. I trust you'll be able to take command of the ship, and the situation… Commander Kaji."

With that, the comm screens for Mr. Theisman and Shinji Ikari vanished, and all eyes turned for a moment to Ryoji Kaji, who stood from Misato's side and walked toward the edge of the bridge before looking at Ritsuko.

That determination had returned. "We're going to let Daniel do his thing."

Ritsuko gaped at him in open amazement as another hit from the Mark.09 shook them, the ship beginning to return fire at the Eva and forcing it to dodge. "You can't be serious after all this time just… gone. The world is at stake here!"

"And we've risked, and taken, enough lives trying to stop what's happening," Ryoji replied with a voice of steel. "We get the pilots, we keep this thing off of Daniel as he tries whatever he's going to do, and then we get out of here."


"Am I clear?"

The bridge went silent again, and from the edge of Ritsuko's vision, she saw Misato, in a moment of lucidity, look up at Ryoji in shock, an expression she shared. Ryoji either didn't notice or didn't care at the moment as he looked over the rest of the bridge, some of them still looking while others directed the ship to more fully engage the Mark.09. "Am I clear?" he repeated, louder for the rest of the bridge crew.

"Yes, sir." was the chorus of answers before a shot breached their AT Field at last, shaking the bridge like a rattle and sending Ryoji and Ritsuko reaching for the rails to steady themselves, Misato simply falling over to the side as alarms began to blare.

"Damage report!" Ritsuko shouted.

"We've been hit on the starboard front engine cluster!" Takao replied. "Minor damage to gun turret 4 is being reported as well. Sending damage control teams now!"

"Turn about fully and get us under it, 85 meters below target," Ritsuko said, a tinge of resignation in her voice as her orders were carried out. "When we reach that point, have all functioning guns target and fire our ricochet rounds in as random a pattern as we can get and still hit the Mark. Before that point, aim for accuracy and try to lead this thing with Anti-AT Field Rounds."

Another thundering blast, just barely contained by the ship's AT Field, joined the answer of the bridge crew as they fully turned about, the guns firing in pairs or as individuals as they tried to pin in the dodging and weaving Mark, their target soon well above them as they dove gracefully.

After seemingly long moments punctuated by the Mark's shots hammering against the ship's AT Field, Kitakami looked back over at Ritsuko and Ryoji. "Fire pattern calculations complete, ma'am!"


The guns tracked up, and for the most daring of moments, the Wunder's AT Field no longer served as a shield, instead making a fractal, seemingly shattered pattern that hung over the Mark that the guns fired at, red contrails flashing into existence as the specially made rounds hit the barriers and bounced off, coming at the Mark.09 from several angles.

An explosion, 4 made nearly simultaneous, bloomed around the Mark, not stopping before several more rounds slammed into it in a barrage that swiveled as the ship continued to circle around the Mark, the crew desperately fighting to grind the Mark down and out of existence as they poured shells onto their target.

As the ship made another loop though, a flash gleamed through the smoke and fire, a sphere of glowing red darting towards the Wunder and striking true between two of the guns and mangling them beyond use.

Two more shots followed after, raking the ship and shearing off a radar dish as it began to dip toward the ground. On the bridge, alarms wailed as warnings flashed across several screens, Ritsuko and Ryoji recovering from the shaking the blows had given the ship.

"Straighten us out!" Ritsuko called out. "Get our functioning guns aimed at the target and layer our AT Fields defensively. We can't take any more hits like that!"

As the crew struggled to get the ship to cut across the circle that they had made, Ritsuko looked up at the billow of clearing smoke, and her eyes went wide at the sight that greeted her.

From the smoke emerged a form almost as black, accents of red outlining the transformed Evangelion and framing a head that was far removed from the form of Unit-00, a horn jutting out above a sleek black mask that was almost bat-like, its face covered in deep red eyes.

The sight of the head reminded her of… the outside view of the command gondola that they were in. Almost to a T.

'This ship really was built for it, wasn't it?' she pondered as the Mark.09, a Vessel of Adam, drew closer to the ship it was meant to master.

. . .

As this all began, Daniel calmly closed the comm screens to all but Shinji, working with Kensuke silently to close them on young Shinji's end as well. Soon, it was just them, silent for a moment as the world started to end around them.

"What are you doing, Daniel?" Shinji asked, slumped back in his seat and sounding utterly spent.

"Like I said, I'm trying to keep you from making a mistake that I've made far too many times in far too many places."

"How? How could you end the world anywhere but here?"

Daniel sighed quietly. "It has to do with that godhood that I got. Like I said, godhood was given to the unworthy. Myself included."

Shinji's head leaned forward. "You?" he said somewhat incredulously.

Daniel nodded. "Yes. Me. And… I'm sorry. I let that power that I got get to my head. I almost lost myself again. It almost cost me…"

Daniel trailed off before shaking his head. "What it almost cost me doesn't matter at the moment. What matters is that I know what you're about to do, and I want to help you. Because you're the only one who can stop this now."

Shinji's brow furled slightly. "Daniel, I'm not a child anymore, even if I look like one. Don't patronize me. What can you really know about-"

Daniel cut him off by connecting to his soul and showing him. Showing Shinji every moment where his power got to his head, every mistake that he'd made with such power save for one, and the price he'd paid in blood and bodies and burned relationships. Nearly every world that now sat silent, all because of him.

Daniel was silent as he watched a tear slide down Shinji's face. "I know," he said quietly, damning himself for being able to say those words so truthfully.

"But I also know that I have the power to help you end this. But I shouldn't force this on you. I can't do that and face you or myself. So this needs to be your choice."

Daniel paused. "So… choose. Whatever choice you make… I think he'll be proud of you."

Daniel waited with bated breath as Shinji decided, the boy's eyes closing and another tear sliding down his face before he took a deep breath.

And Daniel saw the Spear in Unit-13's right hands begin to shudder slightly.

Shinji's brow creased ever deeper as he focused, the Spear shaking more and more. "I… I can't do this," he said quietly after long moments more of struggling, a sob escaping with the last word.

"Then lean on me for a little while, Shinji. I'm here to stand beside you until you can stand on your own. I promise."

Daniel felt Shinji's soul reach out to his own. And as he lent the boy his power, the Spear of Longinus began to wind its tines up again, the arms slowly moving to place the end of the Spear over Unit-13's chest.

. . .

Asuka Shikinami-Langley peeked the head of Unit-02 over the edge of the cliff that she'd scaled to observe the downright lunar landscape she found herself in, Unit-08 to her left and the 4 Evangelions of Unit=01, Unit=02, Unit=05 and Unit=06 to her right and Mari's left.

"Well, well," Mari said as she took in the sights that surrounded them, "looks like we get to deal with quite the mess, don't we?"

Asuka nodded as she looked up at the Wunder, smoking as a dot that must have been the Mark.09 landed on it, a flash of light following after. "I'll get that Mark.09 off of the ship. Specs, go help Daniel if he needs it. I'm sure he'll appreciate the backup."

"Can do and all that, Princess," Mari replied, Unit-08 giving her a thumbs up, "But are you really going to fly into all that? You haven't done it as much as I have."

"Which is all of once," Shikinami interjected.

"And with that thing probably on the lookout, who knows how it might try and get you on approach?" Mari finished.

"Well," Shikinami said with a roll of her eyes, "you got any better ideas, then?"

"Well," Shinji Ikari-Soryu piped up, "we could just launch you, let your AT Field act as a sort of jetpack to get to the Mark without wasting much time."

Shikinami looked over at Unit=01, so achingly familiar, with a wide eye. "You've got to be kidding. Is that the sort of stunts you guys usually pull?"

"Trust me." Asuka Ikari-Soryu said, her voice filled with confidence. "If we're as similar as I think we are, then we both know we're smart enough to make the calculations we need. If you won't back down from this, of course."

Shikinami scoffed. "Please. As if I'd back down from stopping the end of the world."

"Alright," Ikari-Soryu replied. "We'll give you a nice big jump, then scramble off to try and secure the area." she paused for a moment. "Eleanor's up there already. So you'll have her. Ready?"

Shikinami nodded. "Ready. Go!"

With that, she hoisted herself over the edge, the others following her in short order as Mari broke off, going towards the edge near where Unit-13 and Unit=00 hung in the air. Where Mari went, however, passed out of sight in moments as she charged towards the ship that would be passing over them. "Tell me when!" she shouted to her counterpart.

It was silent for a few moments, then she felt an AT Field, several layered AT Fields, in fact, spring up underneath her. "Now!"

Shikinami paused, crouching as the AT Field 'pad' under her rocketed up, pressing her back in her seat with the g-forces. At what she felt would be the stopping point of the pad, she jumped, using her own AT Field to augment her leap as she crested over the height of the Wunder, catching full view of what was occurring below as she dove for the Mark, tendrils almost like tentacles of luminous blue goo cascading down its back and towards the engineering core of the ship.

The brilliant form of Unit=10 responded with tentacles of its own, massive arcing whips of deep water, almost black against the ruddy sky, lashed out towards the Mark.09, slamming into and starting to worm through thick, flickering AT Fields that the Mark threw in front of it as a disk of similarly dark water shielded Eleanor from a blast from the Eva she stood against.

Unit=02 landed on the deck beside Unit=10, leaning to the side as another blast flashed past them. "And here I thought you'd have this done already." Asuka snarked at Eleanor as a comm channel opened between them.

"Normally, I think I would." Eleanor's voice was level, almost but not quite hard, as she drew back the tentacles before whipping them past the Mark.09, trying to spear it from behind. All the same, three AT Fields stopped three tentacles mere inches from their mark. "But this thing isn't just using its own AT Field. It's drawing from the ship's as well. If you can crack both of them, I can do something about this."

Asuka studied their opponent for a moment, seemingly untouchable as it continued to worm its way into the ship. Its AT Fields flashed again and again, and Asuka could see an opening for her to slip into. But only for the briefest of moments before they seemed to come back even stronger, a blast arcing back towards them in reprisal.

Asuka pondered for a moment as she dodged another attack that exploded in the air behind her, then remembered something that Mari had told her about the battle with the 10th Angel. A bestial form that had taken over the Eva with little warning, one that she had somehow barely been able to control. 'That was you wasn't it, Bardiel?'

The mere mention of the name brought the darkness within her into anxious life, wordless whispers urging her to… connect.

Asuka blinked, then focused on her connection with Unit-02. There was… something there. Something that felt… familiar.

"Eleanor!" Asuka said as she reached out mentally to that shadow within her Eva's core. "Keep this thing busy. I'll…"

She felt a stabbing sensation, a few steps removed from pain, lance into her head and leave her breathless for a moment as the connection between the portions of darkness that were a part of her solidified, the transformation that she'd seen only from far off camera feeds beginning. "I'll take care of ripping it off the ship." she bit out.

She felt the stretching of bones and muscle and skin through the sympathetic connection to her Eva, the remaining shoulder pylon, and several pieces of armor snapping off in the process. But within her mind, she felt a presence in its totality that she'd wished to never experience again. Peals of malicious laughter seemed to echo through the Plug just like they had all those years ago.

"No, dammit!" she shouted into the void that once again encompassed her. "I'm the pilot here, this is my Eva, and you're going to listen to me!"

The darkness within her, Bardiel, seemed somewhat bemused even as it continued to leave her in relative silence. After a moment, Asuka shook her head, feeling her Eva get down on all fours. "You want something to break? There it is, right in front of us! So we're going to break it!"

With that, pilot and shade seemed to come to an agreement, and the wild, beastly form of Unit-02 leaped forward, Asuka only barely noting Eleanor using the tentacles of water she produced to tear the fields in front of the Mark.09 out of the way before Unit-02 landed on the front of its prey, the force of the impact sending the Eva stumbling back a few steps as the beast that had been unshackled bit and clawed as best it could, the mechanical arm resigned to being used to simply pummel at the Mark.

The Mark fired another blast, Unit-02 snaking out of the way onto its back as Unit=10 caught the mass of baleful energy in a lash of water, tossing it to the side as it exploded, casting the two entangled Evangelions in a harsh light as Unit-02 bit down into the Mark.09's neck and began to tear, the head of the Eva twisting in an almost impossible fashion.

Finally, the head tore free with a spray of LCL, dangling from the neck by a strip of flesh as Unit-02 raised its mechanical arm to plunge it in and crush the core within. As the arm began its descent, however, one last blast tore away from the eyes of the Mark, ripping through the mechanical arm and tearing it away and into the air, exploding dramatically.

Asuka clenched her jaw against the pain, running nearly on instinct as the darker side of herself whispered a solution. Before she could begin, however, she found her train of thought interrupted by a rather unlikely voice.

"Rei Ayanami, what would you do here?"

The words of the Ayanami unit piloting her foe surprised her for the briefest of moments before she growled in annoyance. "How the hell should we know? You're not her! Do what you want!" she replied almost without thinking.

The metal around Unit-02's shoulder was torn away by an AT Field flashing into existence, warping and folding in an instant into a glowing, shimmering arm that now mirrored its biological sister, poised once again to strike down into the neck.

Once again, though, the attack was interrupted by the flash and bang of the armor on the back of the neck blowing off, an escaping Entry Plug rocketing away from the Wunder and out of her sight in moments. The sight of an empty Entry Plug slot presented Unit-02 with a far more tantalizing target. 'Now the core's open!'

Finally, the prismatic arm plunged into the open slot, Asuka neither knowing nor caring whether she or her darker self sent a pulse of energy through it to crack the core, the Mark slumping over and going to its knees.

Before it could fall, however, Asuka's eye went wide as she saw the Mark glow an eerie red, its head seeming to slide back into place as it stood and reached back for Unit-02, a new mouth gaping wide with sharp teeth that reached over towards her, clamping onto the Eva's neck and causing Asuka to shout in pain.

As Unit-02 moved to extricate itself from the Mark.09's back, Asuka felt her heart sing in a fleeting fear as she felt the press of AT Fields binding her Eva to the Mark's back, pinning its arms and back to lock it in place. The restraints were thick, surely taken from the AT Field of the ship as well.

'I can't kill this thing, though!' she thought, her continued struggling growing quicker as the darker side of her began to panic as well. 'This whole damn thing's a core, too!'

She needed to escape, to kill this thing and stop it from taking over the ship. But there wasn't any way to do that all at once. Except…

"Eleanor!" she said into the comm link that she returned her focus to. "When I give the signal, put an AT Field up around this thing! Try not to damage too much of the ship, alright?"

Eleanor, seeming to already know what she planned to do, nodded. "Whenever you're ready."

Asuka took a deep breath, the darker part of her rebelling at such an idea as she steeled herself to act on her own will anyways. "Alright. Sorry, Unit-02!"

With that, she pulled the self-destruct switch, Unit-02's back armor panels blowing out as her Entry Plug launched into the sky, a few moments of backup power allowing her to see through the Plug's sole camera feed what came next.

As expected, the rapidly diminishing sight of the two Evas began to glow as her S2 Engine overloaded, a flash of prismatic light stifling the brilliant flash that came seconds after only by a little as both Evangelions lit up the dark and crowded sky for the briefest of moments.

With the last seconds of camera life, she looked over at Unit-13, hanging in the air, Daniel's Eva hanging with it, before the screen went black.

'You guys better get this right.' she asked rather… tiredly. When did she get this exhausted? Was it because of the connection being cut from both her and the darker part of herself?

She didn't have the time to think about the possibilities, or the full meaning behind her words, before she lost vision, then thought, slipping into unconsciousness.

. . .

Daniel clenched his jaw in sympathetic pain as he guided the Spear of Longinus into Unit-13's chest, hearing Shini shout out before he reached out for the other Spear, gripping it and gently, firmly, placing it into the space where a person's heart would be. Again, Shinji shouted, but the eyes of Unit-13, once bulging orbs, settled back into the twin, eye-like visors.

The pain again passed after a moment but no less quietly as Daniel, holding Unit-13 aloft for the moment, looked up past the flickering flashes of purple, nearly white light to take the Doors of Guf, framing the mysterious object above them, and draw them shut, the curtains of another world, or another layer of this one, shut.

But the Doors resisted closing, Daniel's brow furrowing in concentration as he drew upon his strength, then Shinji and Nynrya's as well. Even still, the Doors remained open, drawing the Black Moon ever closer. Then, as his vision finished tunneling, his eyes went wide as he felt his control over their levitation slip, the pair now falling, tumbling through the air, as he continued to try at closing the Doors to seemingly no avail.

'Wait!' Daniel realized, berating himself for a moment as he remembered what he should have well before this moment. 'Shinji's still in the Eva!'

Before he could begin to formulate a plan to try and pull Shinji out, they turned in the air to put Unit-13's back to the sky. And Daniel saw a pink and white form launch itself into the air, Unit-08 slamming into Unit-13's back as Daniel opened up a comm link to Mari.

"Get clear!" he said as Mari's face, a determined look in her eyes, appeared. "I'll take care of this so you can return to the Wunder."

"No!" Mari nearly shouted in reply. "I'm not leaving my friend's son in the lurch. You've probably got a lot to focus on, anyways."

She paused for a moment as Unit-08 shifted on Unit-13's back, the place where it held on to the Eva's skin beginning to burn a bright crimson as it seemed to crawl up its arm. "Put me through to him! When I get him out of here, you better keep him safe. Both him and the Princess. For Yui and me."

Daniel regarded Mari Makinami for a moment before nodding. "For the both of you," he said the moment before he opened a channel between Shinji and Mari.

"Shinji!" Mari said. "Looks like everything's about to wrap up! When you're free, snap out of this funk and save the Princess! Don't forget to save yourself while you're at it!"

Shinji barely nodded before slipping into unconsciousness, Daniel covering the boy from feeling when Unit-08 punched through its skin, pulling a hidden lever and sending Shinji's Entry Plug flying away.

Unit-13, now bereft of its last remaining pilot, finally shut down, its eyes going dark as it faded back to its original color. Daniel pulled again on the Doors of Guf, and they began to slip closed at the barest thought, Daniel releasing his grip as the Doors closed themselves.

"Well," Mari said as Daniel lifted away from Unit-13, going in the same direction that Shinji's plug had gone, "I hope I'll see you around. I'm headed back to the fleet."

"See you around, Mari," Daniel replied as he watched Unit-08 maneuver and kick off from Unit-13, sending it crashing into a floating piece of the city over the tilting Black Moon, or at least the vessel which bore the name, before crashing herself into a tilted high-rise, sending up plumes of dust.

The connection to Mari cut off as he looked up and watched the Doors of Guf close fully, the center of the Doors a swirling retraction of the colors that made up the inner circles disappearing before the crimson outer ring began to vanish as well, all things that were held in the air by its pull beginning to fall around Unit=00.

Daniel shifted anything falling toward him out of the way as he turned his focus to watch the Black Moon, now fully extracted from the Geofront and from beneath Tokyo-3, land behind one of the tall mountains that had been part of its natural defenses, the impact shaking thousands upon thousands of Failures of Infinity free as the sky finally became blue again.

Finally… it was over. He turned Unit-00 over to face the ground where Shinji would land, glancing over to see four other radar signatures, displayed on his viewscreen, heading towards the ground as well. 'I'm coming, Shinji. Just wait there for me.'

. . .

Within the depths of the Black Moon, Fuyutsuki looked down on a display that showed the extent of what had occurred. "I can't help but wonder if SEELE was able to account for all of this," he said with a weary sigh.

"Regardless," Ikari replied, sitting at a chair and desk that Fuyutsuki had his back turned to, "the Gates of Imagination are almost ready to be opened. The final seal bars the door only tenuously. We have progressed beyond the bounds of the Scenario laid out in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Now, we rely on the last vault of the creators and must craft our own Scenario, however hastily. And it must be completed."

Fuyutsuki said nothing. All he did in reply was grasp the crystal in his pocket, the information that was held within seemingly coming to his remembrance as if from a far-off memory. The person he wished to speak to seemed equally distant. 'Something will be completed, Ikari. Something.'

. . .

Ryoji examined the bridge proper as he looked at a tablet loaned from the kind, but rather uptight Ms. Tennison, looking at the view of the recovered Unit-02 and Unit-08 as they stood within a ship that was now, once again, fully under their control.

Recovered was almost too strong a word for the sorry state of Unit-02, a bestial head, chest, and spine all that seemed to remain. Unit-08 was at least in better shape, its arms only needing to be bound for the moment in specially prepared LCL-soaked bandages.

"I don't know how we're going to get Unit-02 back on its feet." he finally said after a moment. "Especially when it doesn't have any."

"There's a munitions depot in Paris," Ritsuko replied as Ryoji handed the tablet back to Tennison. "There, we can salvage NERV's work on an old Japanese answer to the Evangelion in order to make something of an exoskeleton. Jet Alone, I believe it was called."

"Even then, without Asuka, we have… what, one wrapped-up Evangelion to fend off whatever comes next?"

"Not exactly." Tennison piped up. "We've got Eleanor's Unit=10 onboard."

"Unit=10?" Ryoji asked.

Tennison nodded. "On the top hull, she helped Unit-02 dislodge the Mark.09 from the hull, clearing up the ship's systems."

"And this Ms. Eleanor is…"

"Daniel's wife, sir."

Ryoji found himself pleasantly surprised as he arched his brow. "Really? I'll have to meet her then if she's married to such an interesting guy."

He turned to look at Misato, but all he caught was a glimpse of her walking through the door off the bridge, seeming to shuffle as the door shut behind her.

He still didn't know what to say to her, Daniel's vote of confidence notwithstanding. She seemed… utterly lost right now. What was the right thing to say? What could he ask? Where was his son?

"I…" he heard Ritsuko trail off, clearing her throat as he looked back at her. "I don't think any of us were expecting you to still be alive. Sir."

Ryoji shook his head. "No, I was dead. You got that one right." he paused for a moment. "But Commander Nagisa brought me back. Swore me to secrecy so that his cover, and mine, wouldn't be blown to Commander Ikari."

Ryoji looked back at the door and sighed quietly. "I… I don't even know what happened to our son. If he's okay or not."


Ryoji looked back at Ritsuko, who looked down and to the side. "He is, Ryoji. I promise," she said quietly.

Somehow, the words made him even more fearful.

. . .

Daniel set Unit=00 down beside the Entry Plug lodged into the earth, waiting patiently as the Synthetic LCL that the Frame Titan melted into began to make its way back into the reservoirs. A slow process, but he had arrived equally slowly, so as not to risk crushing Shinji's Plug in his search for the boy.

Now, he knew what he would find, approximately. The details didn't really matter to him as he felt his Frame Plug settle onto the ground. All that mattered was that Shinji would need someone there to help him.

He checked the atmosphere that surrounded him with a quick scan of the rudimentary onboard sensors. No dangerous Pneumaic interference, at least. It would be safe to walk around. Even still, there was enough residual interference from the ending of Fourth Impact still in the region to make any sort of transport or real-time tracking all but impossible.

Daniel lifted the console from himself with a sigh, making his way to the ladder out as he patted a hip where a pocket should be. A pocket that contained the soul of one Kaworu Nagisa. It had worked, as expected. What would come next… well, that would have to be managed when they got to it.

Daniel climbed out into the wider world, taking a moment to stand on his Plug and survey the vast, red desert that greeted him as he felt the last of his Vent Frames disappear, and the brand upon his head finally vanish. The Corite around here seemed to be almost powdered, sand-like, whether from recent events or the passage of time, he could not be fully sure.

It didn't really matter to him as he floated down from the Plug, the vehicle returning to the pocket dimension it was stored in. Those were quandaries that the Akagis would be more interested in puzzling out. For now, he simply made his way to the Plug, floating up onto the top where the main door was.

Crouching and looking down at the Plug, finding the emergency door ejector was a trivial task. He still leaned away as he felt the blast of the ejector charges send the sealed door flying into the air, wincing from the report of the explosion.

Looking down into the Plug itself, he found it empty of LCL, the piloting station resting on the floor of the Plug. And a few meters away from the seat, Daniel saw Shinji, curled up and seemingly uncaring of the clamor that had just happened.

Daniel stepped in, landing on the piloting station before pausing a meter or so away from Shinji. To speak at the moment felt… inadequate. Thus, he bypassed mere words, connecting to Shinji's soul.

There he found what would have been an overwhelming grief and sorrow for anyone who had not felt such emotions as Daniel had, proving more than enough to leave Shinji spiraling into a darkness made up of two simple words. 'I'm useless.'

Daniel found the sentiment familiar as he made his presence known, accepting the muted shock that Shinji felt as he walked over and sat next to Shinji, hugging him tightly as he felt the still somewhat stifled sobbing. 'It's going to be okay, Shinji. I promise.'

Even still, as much as he meant it, the sentiment felt hollow at the moment. So, on a whim, Daniel quietly began to hum, a tune with a name well suited to what had just transpired echoing slightly from the walls of the Plug. The tune calmed him. He was surprised at how much it seemed to calm Shinji as well.

He neither knew nor cared how long they sat there mourning, or how long ago the tune of Thanatos went silent, but they both heard someone clamber onto the Plug walking up to the edge and pausing. Daniel looked up and saw Asuka Shikinami standing there, hands on hips, looking down at them with a level expression.

"You know," she said after a moment's consideration, "it isn't usually the princess's job to come and rescue the prince. Especially when their mentor already seems to have gotten to it."

Daniel smiled slightly as he felt Shinji finally stir. "Well, I just figured I'd help, is all. After all, it's what I'm here to do."

Asuka sighed quietly as she hopped into the Plug as well. "At least you managed to stop Shinji."

"We stopped Fourth Impact together. It was never going to happen without Shinji choosing it."

Asuka looked at Shinji for a moment, and Daniel could almost see something flickering behind her eye. Whether it was positive or not, he didn't really care to fully find out at the moment. Finally, she nodded as she turned back and clambered up the console. "Get idiot Shinji out. I'll go find this thing's survival pack."

As Asuka exited the Plug, Daniel heard Shinji sigh quietly. "She's right," he whispered. "I'm an idiot."

"Even the wisest of us can be taken advantage of from time to time, Shinji," Daniel said quietly as he stood, gently taking Shinji's arm. "That doesn't make you an idiot. It makes you imperfect. Something all of us are."

It took a moment, but Shinji finally got to his feet, Daniel helping him up and out of the Plug and onto the ground as Asuka tossed a pack retrieved from an outside storage panel to him.

Shinji, somewhat surprisingly, managed to catch it, looking down at it and not noticing as Asuka approached. "Well," Asuka said as she came to a stop in front of him, "congratulations on not ending the world, I guess," she said, the words carrying with them a hint of sarcasm.

"No," Shinji said. "I… I killed him. When I let him take that Choker. I should be the one who's dead. Not him. Not Kaworu."

Daniel saw Asuka's eye widen out of the corner of his eye as he stepped between them, putting his hands on Shinji's shoulders. "Shinji, he made his choice. None of us can take that away from him. Now, we have to live with that choice."

Shinji nodded slightly as Daniel pondered for a moment, then reached towards his hip. His hand disappeared through the Plugsuit, digging through a pocket underneath before he extracted a familiar marble from his pocket, holding it up in his palm to show Shinji. "However, Shinji… he gets to understand what that means for you as well."

Shinji looked down at the deep crimson marble for a moment, his brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"His soul's in here, Shinji. I made sure to catch it in the moment after his death."

Shinji's eyes went wide as Daniel continued, chuckling slightly. "Because I knew he was going to do something this stupid."

Before he could continue, he noticed something on the edge of his vision and looked over to see the Ayanami unit, wearing her own survival pack, walking calmly towards them. In the distance behind her, cresting a hill, four more figures began to approach.

Daniel knew who they were, and reached out to connect to his four Children. "Stay back for a moment, guys. We'll be over there shortly."

The four figures paused at the top of the hill, and Daniel knew that they would be watching closely.

Ayanami stopped in front of them, and Asuka turned to regard her. "So, another one of the Ayanami batch. Are you like I remember Rei being?"

Ayanami remained silent, and Asuka shrugged after a moment, turning away. "It figures it had something to do with NERV…" she muttered as she unzipped the pack on Shinji's back, pulling out a strange digital scanner with a compass at its top.

Asuka studied the scanner intently as she walked around for a moment, then clambered back onto the Plug, standing at the highest point she could. "There's too much interference here for us to be found by the Wunder. We'll need to make our way over to some patch of Lilin civilization."

Asuka sighed as she made her way off the Plug. "That's… a ways away."

Daniel nodded. "Maybe so. But we've got a map and a way to human civilization. We'll make it, I'm sure."

He put the slightest stress on the word human, and Asuka's eye narrowed, then widened slightly. "Alright," she said as she walked past Daniel, grabbing Shinji's arm and pulling him forward. "Come on. Let's not waste any more time."

Daniel watched for a moment, then looked back at Ayanami. "We'll meet the other four at the top of the hill. Let's not fall behind."

Ayanami nodded, and the two of them caught up soon enough, beginning to walk up the hill where the four figures waited. "I have your book still, by the way," Daniel said as he looked back at Rei. "Perhaps we'll read it when we get to where we're going."

Asuka and Shinji looked back at Daniel and Ayanami. "Wait a minute," Asuka said. "You read?"

"Rei Ayanami appears to have read this particular book," Ayanami replied. "Shinji Ikari retrieved it for me."

Asuka looked over at Shinji, who glanced at her for a second before looking away. "Only you could think giving someone something like a book would help things."

Only Daniel caught the softening in Asuka's eye.

"Who's waiting for us?" Shinji said, pointing to the top of the hill.

"Some friends of mine," Daniel replied. "They decided to tag along, however much I might protest. Seeing them… well, it'll help me begin to explain some things. Like how I knew Kaworu would do something like that."

He felt Shinji's confusion dawn into wide-eyed shock as he stumbled to a stop in front of the four, his gaze sweeping over familiar faces before locking onto one that he'd never expected to see again, dressed like the other in a strange, armored Plugsuit that likely reflected the Evangelions that he piloted. "Kaworu… how…"

Kaworu Nagisa, the Sixth Child, sighed quietly. "I am not your world's Kaworu Nagisa. Just as these are not your world's Asuka, Rei, and… yourself."

The young Shinji began to tremble slightly as Kaworu continued. "We come from another world, one much like this once was, to save it from those that would threaten all worlds like ours. We have Daniel to thank for such a duty."

Shinji and Asuka Shikinami looked back at Daniel, who nodded wearily. "We have a lot of time to start explaining. It's a long trip to Village-3, after all."

"To begin with, though, Shinji… yes. Reality is a lot bigger than you may have first realized."

Daniel walked past everyone, pausing as he turned to face them. "Come on. We'll walk and talk."
Chapter 22: Paths Yet Untraveled

Chapter 22: Paths Yet Untraveled

And… it was done. With all that sound and fury, with Shinji nearly ending things again, and… I almost expected it. The fact that we were all still alive and kicking afterward was almost more surprising.

I can't help but start wondering what life here is going to be like here again. I've had… well, expectations, daydreams really, but unsurprisingly I've had to throw them all away all the same.

Misato… I'm going to be there for Misato this time. I won't waste the second chance that Commander Nagisa gave me.

- From the personal journal of Commander Ryoji Kaji of WILLE

On The Road to Village-3, March 20th, 2028

Young Shinji Ikari couldn't help but look over at the man who looked so much like Kaworu Nagisa. Who was, by all accounts, Kaworu himself. Just… a universe removed, along with being a little taller, a little older, and more… defined than the thin, almost frail boy he'd begun to call a friend. At least, if Daniel, the other versions of them, and this Kaworu were to be believed.

"So…" young Shinji began, his heart still aching as Kaworu turned to look at him. "How long have you been here?"

"About 5 months." Kaworu, the older Kaworu, replied. "It's been… a period of adjustment. Our world, even as bad as it got at times, was not as… well, impacted by Second Impact as this one."

"Second Impact?" the number threw young Shinji for a loop for a moment. "You mean that the world didn't get hit hard by that?"

"Well, it's not as simple as that."

Young Shinji's focus shifted to the young man who slowed down to join his side, the man he'd known as Shawn Ishihara. Now, a full beard covering much of the lower half of his face and a height that had begun to inch out over Daniel's couldn't fully hide the fact that he was Shinji Ikari, a look into a future he couldn't imagine at this moment.

"We still had a pretty terrible Second Impact. It was almost always summer like it was here, it still took half of the planet's population. But… It didn't turn all of the seas red. We didn't need to filter LCL out of the seas in order to get fish to return to them. It was all still just… blue."

Young Shinji looked out past the group, over the dead crimson landscape which they crossed alone, out toward the sea which they were still fairly close to. To imagine it all being like that time in Borneo, no need for ACC Pillars in the distance to keep the LCL from leaking in, no leaking period, a vast expanse of deepest blue… it felt almost dream-like.

"I'm not sure I could imagine that much blue." he nearly whispered.

The older Shinji chuckled softly. "I wasn't sure I'd ever experience winter myself. Then, well, Daniel and the League came along and helped set the planet right."

Young Shinji's brow furrowed slightly. He'd heard of winter, what it was supposed to look and feel like. The description of it had stuck with him, in a place and world where it never seemed to become colder than maybe 15 degrees Celsius. "How did setting the planet right help this place have a winter?"

He looked up at the older Shinji, and saw a look into the middle distance, a gleam of… nostalgia in his eyes. "Do you remember the old sensei who wouldn't stop going on about the history of the world after Second Impact?"

Again, young Shinji searched his memory, trying to find a glimpse of what his older double was talking about. The world before all this, the school building that wasn't covered in vines and broken down, seemed also like a dream now, the images that went with those times hazy around the edges and incomplete, seemingly riddled with holes.

Finally, after what seemed like ages lost in thought, a classroom that was more than likely now gone came into focus, a man with a head of silver, almost white hair, and more wrinkles than any man should have seemed to be able to get. "I… think I remember, yes."

The older Shinji nodded. "One of the lessons he taught us, he took from the geology teacher. The axis of the Earth shifted with Second Impact. The world itself moved from the force of it. Shifting it back made it so that I experienced winter for the first time in my life."

The older Shinji looked back to his younger self. "When we're done… maybe you can also experience winter too. It's… magical."

Young Shinji nodded as he took stock for a moment of the company that he now kept. They had stretched out into a short column, walking in the middle of the red-dusted road with the mountains to their left, and the sea on the horizon to their right. Behind him, Daniel took up the rear, Ayanami and an older Rei, the wife of this Kaworu, ahead of the man.

Ahead of them, Asuka Shikinami and Asuka Ikari-Soryu (a concept he'd given up on trying to wrap his head around for the moment, alongside Daniel not being from the same world as these other versions of them) also walked side by side, Shikinami leading the way with her compass… thing. He wondered for a moment what they might be talking about.

. . .

Asuka Shikinami-Langley kept her focus squarely on the scanner and the road ahead of her trying not to look at the woman that was beside her. It was… difficult. A part of her chafed at the fact that an example of what she might look like if she hadn't been burdened with the Curse of the Eva was right there, within arm's reach, and more likely than not… she might never experience that sort of thing.

It was a small part of her now, one that she'd grown adept at tamping down even as she still wondered somewhat where it came from. She also, far more recently, held herself back from asking how, exactly, she knew the name Soryu well before this point.

Finally, she could restrain herself no longer, glancing up at Asuka Ikari-Soryu. The woman looked back at her, seeming as if she expected some sort of question.

There was at least one that she figured getting answered now would save her the trouble of agonizing over later. "So, Ikari-Soryu."

She put the slightest emphasis on Ikari. "You married the idiot. Why?"

Ikari-Soryu was silent for a moment. "First off, you're wrong." she began.

As Shikinami fully looked over, a confused gleam in her eye, Ikari-Soryu continued. "He's quiet, thoughtful, a bleeding heart to a fault sometimes, and at times far too meek and willing to let someone else take charge for his own good, especially in this line of work, but he's not often an idiot."

Shikinami considered the statement for a moment, looking back at Shinji, both of them, as they talked with the guy they called Kaworu. A part of her still shuddered at watching this world's version of Kaworu die in such spectacular fashion, the Choker around her neck seeming a little tighter after the fact.

Even still, their Shinji didn't seem like… any of those things right now. He was dejected. Defeated. His shoulders slumped and he dragged his feet, the other Shinji next to him almost too much of a contrast to him to even be the same person.

As she looked back at Ikari-Soryu, she caught Daniel from the corner of her eye… talking to his hand? Something for later, she decided as she focused on her double. "How, then? How did he get the guts to actually try… anything?"

"Well…" Ikari-Soryu chuckled. "He caught me at just the right time. Right when I wouldn't have kicked the shit out of him, and right after he'd gotten some encouragement from Daniel. That's how it began. Then we just… talked. That's how we realized how alike we really were. Lonely. Afraid, to some degree or another. Wanting to make the people we looked up to proud."

Shikinami shook her head as they began to approach a town, the place in ruins as they began to pass by one of the Failures of Infinity, on its back and having likely crushed several houses. "You two might be alike. But not idiot Shinji and I. There's too much difference. Just talking wouldn't go anywhere."

"I thought the same thing for a while before we started, too. But you'd be surprised." Ikari-Soryu paused before chuckling softly, almost ruefully. "Before now, I'd have said that the two of you were making decent progress, based on what little I saw in Borneo and Burbank. Then…" she sighed quietly. "Shinji's bleeding heart got the better of him, and he went to go and bravely save the world."

Shikinami scoffed. "Bravely. As if. He just wanted to be a martyr. That doesn't make him brave. It makes him stupid. What's the point of changing the world if you…"

Words she had said that felt like they'd been spoken ages ago seemed to float up out of the depths of her mind to needle at her. "I was planning on dying when we won anyway."

She didn't mean those words anymore. She wasn't fully sure if she'd meant them then, even. Why? What had changed? It wasn't her making a conscious effort to try, she was sure of that much.

She began to feel, more and more, that the answer to such questions wasn't within her. Rather, it was behind her. He was behind her.

"Asuka?" Ikari-Soryu asked, causing her to jump slightly. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I'm just…" Shikinami began, fighting the urge to look behind her again. "Reconsidering things."

This line of conversation was getting uncomfortable for her quite quickly. So, she decided to take a new direction. "So, you are an Ikari-Soryu. What were you before then?"

Ikari-Soryu sighed quietly. "Soryu-Langley, unsurprisingly."

Shikinami nodded, the last name stirring a brief memory from ages ago. "Got it. So your clone batch was Soryu instead of Shikinami."

Ikari-Soryu shook her head. "No. Soryu is part of my mother's last name."

The words took a few seconds to register for Shikinami, but as they did, her eye went wide for a moment. 'A mother…'

She was shocked into silence for a moment. Finally, she mustered up the courage to ask her question, the words quiet and, were it any other person, almost timid. "What's she like?"

"Well…" Ikari-Soryu was silent for a moment, and Shikinami wondered if the look she saw in her… well, what could reasonably be called her sister's eyes was what it looked like to love a mother. "She's smart. Sassy. Kind. A little sad about how things went down when I was a kid, and trying her best to make up for it. All that and… so much more."

"She…" Shikinami struggled to find the words. "She sounds like a nice person."

Ikari-Soryu, Asuka, looked over with a slight smile. "Maybe you'll get to meet her sometime once we've taken care of everything here. I think she'd like to meet you too."

Shikinami nodded, looking ahead and wondering for a moment whether the egg donor that made the basis of the Shikinami program would have ever felt the same.

"So wait," she said after a moment more of consideration, "if Soryu's part of your mom's name, where did Langley come from then?"

Ikari-Soryu sighed again, a far more weary thing. "That was dad's last name. For all the good having it did for me," she said the title of the man who'd made her with disgust that hadn't diminished with the years.

It caught Shikinami somewhat by surprise. "That bad, huh?"

"You don't even know the half of it. And it doesn't matter anyway. I barely think of him as a father anymore. The closest thing I got to a dad was Daniel when he came into my life at 12."

Shikinami quirked her brow. "He's been around for that long?"

Ikari-Soryu nodded as she glanced back at the man in question. "Yep. He's basically everyone's dad at this point. I think Rei basically adopted him and Eleanor, with how she still calls them father and mother."

Shikinami looked back at Rei, making sure to look past Shinji Ikari so as to not start that whole train of feelings at the moment.

Rei Nagisa, her pale blue hair down to her shoulders, seemed more alive to her than any version of Rei could be. Even the Rei Ayanami that she knew from here was less… alive, one could say, as Nagisa looked around, her smile far broader than even the widest one she'd seen on Rei. Was that what having parents did to someone?

"Must be nice," she said quietly.

. . .

Rei Nagisa walked alongside the Ayanami unit, both staring ahead at their companions as Daniel walked behind, speaking quietly with someone through the communicator built into his Plugsuit.

They took the journey in silence, and were, at least in one case, perfectly fine with continuing to do so. Both found the silence to be, as rare as it was for one, a rather calming experience, allowing them to focus on the sights that surrounded them, the elder Rei focussing for the moment on a collection of various cars and trucks that still floated in the air, even well after the termination of what was now the Fourth Impact to smite this world.

But for Rei Nagisa, a question, though not urgently in need of answering, tickled the back of her mind regardless. One that had to do with something that she'd caught Daniel saying to her somewhat shorter clone before they'd officially met to begin this excursion to what was most likely Village-3.

Finally, it seemed as though she could bear the silence between them being broken at least for a few moments as she looked over at the Ayanami unit. "Ayanami?"

Ayanami looked over at Rei, the girl's eyes taking a moment to fully focus on her. "You are… familiar."

The comment, while somewhat out of order for what she considered asking, was one that Rei was expecting. "That does not surprise me. We are of the Ayanami line, after all."

"I have not met you before. Yet you are… remembered. I am unsure how."

Rei looked away for a moment, cupping her chin in thought. "Perhaps… it is our connection through Lilith. Though with Lilith's death, such a connection would likely be tenuous at best."

"You seem acquainted with such a connection."

Rei nodded. "Indeed. It was how the second Rei Ayanami of this world ascertained the reality of my identity."

Ayanami nodded. "She exists as well." Rei found it a question wrapped in a statement.

"Yes. Far away aboard the ship we used to come here. I hope… I hope she is safe."

"What is hope?" Ayanami asked. "Shinji Ikari spoke of it in passing. I have yet to understand what it is."

Rei pondered the question for a moment, deep sorrow for the girl beside her, far more sheltered even than she was, beginning to well up within her. "Hope is… a belief in the future. That it may produce a desirable outcome given the proper preparation and actions."

Ayanami's brow furled ever so slightly. "Hope is… strange." Ayanami finally settled on.

Rei took a quiet breath. "I understand. It was once equally mysterious to myself as well. I hope that, with our intervention and your willingness to learn that it, along with much else in this life, could perhaps become more clear to you."

Rei smiled slightly. "One could interpret such a statement as an example of hope."

Ayanami slowly nodded. "I see," she said quietly.

It was silent again for the moment, Rei content to let her question wait a little while longer to allow Ayanami to digest what they had conversed about. The walk passed on as they went off the main roads again, the red water of the sea forcing them to turn towards the mountains as they began to trace the edge of the somewhat small bay that filled this part of Japan.

Rei had never walked this path before, familiar as she was sure the sight of it would be from above. She'd only ever flown over it toward other destinations such as Tokyo-2 or Matsushiro. Touring it, if what they were doing could be called that, even in this state, was… enlightening to her.

Enough time had passed, she felt after several more minutes of silence, until she could ask her intended question. "Daniel mentioned that you'd had a book that he retrieved. I did not know that Commander Ikari would allow such a thing."

"He was unaware of the book until Daniel Theisman's visit when he read from the first passages. As I told Daniel Theisman, Shinji retrieved it for me because it was a book Rei Ayanami would read."

"And what book is that?"

"Daniel Theisman called it The Iliad and the Odyssey."

Rei nodded slightly. It was a book that was familiar to her. She hadn't read it in quite some time, but the themes, the emotions of it, or at least the description of such emotions, had reached her even in the depth of her medicinal stupor.

"I see," she replied. "That is… not one of the reading materials that I expected young Shinji to remember. However, such a circumstance does not decrease the quality of the text."

There was a moment's pause. "Ayanami, would you be interested in having it read to you?"

The expression in Ayanami's eyes was blank. "What is 'interested'?"

Rei was silent for a moment. "It is being concerned for someone or something, in a way that persists beyond a passing thought."

"I see. Is it related to 'like'?"

Rei nodded. "It is in some respects."

Ayanami nodded slightly. "I see. Then I am interested."

Rei smiled slightly. "Good. We will begin reading when we reach an appropriate stopping point."

She glanced back at Daniel, who had concluded whatever conversation he was having. "When will we be stopping next?"

Daniel looked around, up at the sun that was beginning its slow arc toward the horizon. "Fairly soon, I think. We'll need a lunch break if we're going to keep up this pace through the mountains."

Rei nodded, taking note of the hunger that she felt, and found herself ready for a rest. "That is certainly not unwise, father. Should I tell the others?"

"Allow me." Daniel focused for a moment, and Rei looked back ahead to see the Ikari-Soryus, along with Kaworu, glance back at them.

"About time!" Asuka piped up, drawing the attention of the younger kids that walked with them. "We had a real light breakfast before stopping the end of the world."

"Well, kids," Daniel replied, "let's go find a place to shelter and have Shinji," he paused for a moment, sighing quietly, "Ikari-Soryu make a fire for us. It'll make cooking our survival rations a whole lot easier."

. . .

Onboard the Wunder

Commander Ryoji Kaji of WILLE, a title and a mantle that he still felt uncomfortable bearing, looked out through the red-tinted window of the bridge, watching the sky become the only thing that he could see. Standing on the bridge still, getting the chain of command figured out had become a rather tiring process. One that left him on edge the longer he didn't see Misato involved in it.

He looked over at Ritsuko and caught her staring again as if to make sure that he didn't disappear from view. After a moment, she blinked, realizing he was looking at her and looked down at her tablet, the slight blush on her face one of embarrassment. "Ry… Commander," she began, "we'll be going suborbital now to get to Burbank and rejoin the fleet for repair and refit. We'll arrive in about 6 hours, after which we'll be in New Pacifica for the next several days. Thankfully, most of the damage can be repaired in flight by the crew."

Ryoji nodded as he looked around the ship, whistling softly. "Hell of a bird, to get to the edge of space like that so reliably."

"But you would know that, wouldn't you?" Ritsuko replied. "Seeing as you outfitted this ship with the Ark system in the first place."

"That thing?" Ryoji chuckled. "Well, it was my idea, certainly, but… I wasn't savvy enough to put it in myself. I simply took the idea to Commander Nagisa, and he said he'd take care of it."

It was as silent as it could be on the bridge at that moment, all remembering the sight of the boy who had been their commander. And watching his death by their captain's hand. "So it seems he did," Ritsuko said softly.

It was silent again between them for long moments as the blue of the sky faded away from the windows, darkening the hue of their glass. Then, the door onto the bridge opened up, and Ryoji looked down to see a woman walk in, strawberry-blonde hair done up in a braid that kept it off of her back, looking up at them with dark green eyes and a slight smile as she waved up to them, holding what looked like a pane of glowing glass in her hand. "Hello, Commander Kaji," she said as she waved once. "Mind if I join you for a moment?"

"Not at all," Ryoji replied with a smile that wasn't as easy as he thought it would be, his tone still somewhat guarded.

The woman, in stark defiance of expectation, began to float up to them, Ryoji's eyes going wide as he saw water, pure unlike any that he'd seen outside of the filtration plant that had been his cover for the Interior, flowing across her arms and chest, disappearing as she touched down on the command deck.

Ryoji shook his head as he regained his composure after a moment. "I'd assume that you're related to Daniel somehow, then?"

"This is Major Eleanor Theisman, my lovely wife."

Ryoji looked down at what was clearly a screen in Eleanor's hand as she turned it to face him, Daniel, still in his Plugsuit, looking back at him and Ritsuko with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Commander," Daniel said with a quick wave. "You had the good timing to have caught us sitting down for a quick lunch."

"Lucky us," Ryoji replied, taking in the stark crimson environment that surrounded Daniel's head and shoulders. "How are the kids?"

"Doing as well as they can under the circumstances." Daniel's face disappeared as he turned whatever device he was using to show his face towards a circle of people, all in Plugsuits, who looked back at the camera. "Say hi to Commander Kaji, kids."

The kids Daniel spoke to all responded in one way or another, the ones he clearly recognized as Shinji and Asuka looking at him with wide eyes. "Mr. Kaji?" Shinji said, utterly awestruck. "How… how are you alive?"

Ryoji opened his mouth to reply, then sighed at the words that he found himself ready to say. "I guess Commander Nagisa needed a right-hand man for running things around here, Shinji. It's good to see you."

The light went out of Shinji's eyes as he nodded, looking down. "It's… good to see you too," he said quietly.

"I've got to say," the woman who was sitting next to Asuka, wearing a bright red and white Plugsuit like Daniel's, began, a slight smile on her face, "you look pretty good for someone who's supposed to be dead. The beard actually works decently."

Ryoji chuckled as he scratched his beard. "I didn't exactly have access to a decent razor in the depths of the Geofront. We'll see if it sticks."

He studied the woman for a moment, what he'd been told by Daniel giving him something to work with in terms of finding out how this person could be so glib with him. "And who are you?" he asked, already feeling close to the answer.

"Asuka Ikari-Soryu," she replied, confirming his suspicions while still surprising him. "Back where I'm from, you were my guardian in Germany before we got sent to Tokyo-3. And… it's good to see you alive."

Ryoji nodded. "It's good to be alive," he said quietly, silently not fully agreeing.

He looked over at the man sitting next to who he assumed was the alternate Rei, and his brow rose. "And you'd be the other Kaworu Nagisa, then."

Kaworu nodded. "Indeed so. I'm sorry for your loss."

Ryoji chuckled, an almost sorrowful sound. "You know, those five words are more empathy than I think I ever heard Commander Nagisa express. You really must be from a different universe."

Kaworu nodded silently, and the screen rotated back to show Daniel's face. "We're on our way to Village-3, where we'll be staying for a while to see what we can do here in Japan. At some point, we'll link back up with you guys on the Wunder. Until then, Eleanor's going to act as your HERZ liaison. If you need anything from us, she'll be happy to help as best she can. We're only Outbound Operations, though, so do try not to ask for the universe on a platter."

Ryoji nodded as he snorted softly. "Just the universe, huh? Well, if that's all…"

Daniel nodded. "Alright. I'm sure you have things that you want to do, Commander. We'll get lunch done and be back on the road. Pilot Theisman over and out."

With that, the screen in Eleanor's hands went blank, and she pressed on the sides of what now looked like a pane of glass, compressing it down to the size of a phone and slipping it into her pocket.

"That's a neat trick," Ryoji said. "So, I have to ask, got any more Evas that we can call on? Ours aren't in exactly the best state."

Eleanor nodded. "As the Vice-Captain is aware, I have six other Evangelion that can be called upon at just about a moment's notice. We'll be able to cover you until you get Unit-02 and Unit-08 up and running again."

"Well, we've got that much going for us, at least." Ryoji nodded as he made his way toward the ladders that led to the floor of the bridge. "If I have any other questions, I'll make sure to ask."

"Where are you going?" Ritsuko asked.

"I'm going to go find my wife. I've left this for too long." Ryoji said as he got to the bottom, looking back up at Ritsuko. "Do you know where she might have gone?"

Ritsuko was silent for a moment. "She'd likely be in the captain's quarters. Down the hall, take the first right you see and the quarters will be the first door."

Ryoji nodded, walking out the door without another word. Even without the directions, he would have known where they were.

He really had left this too long. Seeing her so defeated, even more so than that day nearly 15 years ago now when Shinji had been carried away, tore at him as he thought of it. She'd felt regret then for possibly being part of the reason Shinji had done what he did. To have actually pulled the trigger, been the inciting element…

He stood before the door, still unsure of what to say. Unsure even of what he might find or what Misato might do should he even simply walk in.

He took a deep breath and pressed the button to open the door. It flashed a lock over the button as he pressed it. Looking more closely at the panel, he saw nothing in the way of a password input. There was, however, a doorbell.

He pressed it, then pressed it again after a moment. A third try several seconds later yielded nothing. Finally, he'd had enough of this panel. 'Hopefully, Misato'll forgive me for breaking the lock on her door to talk to her.' he thought as he popped the panel off, exposing the circuitry within.

Pulling a handy tool from his pocket and plugging it into the circuit board and his phone, he began the process of cracking what was, by now, rather familiar code. Familiarizing himself with it had been both a distraction from the tedium of the HQ and a just-in-case measure for if he had to break in — or out — of one of these vessels.

Finally, the door slid open, and Ryoji walked in, his eyes going wide in horror as the door shut behind him.

On the bed, an unexpected full-sized mattress, sat Misato, her back against the wall and her shoes, jacket, hat, and shades scattered across the room, her hair undone and a complete mess. On the nightstand sat three unlabeled bottles of what must have been whiskey, with how the smell of it nearly clogged Ryoji's nose, two completely empty and one on its side with only the barest dregs remaining. And he didn't know what scared him the most: The vacant look in Misato's eyes, or the pistol that she held limply in her hand.

"Misato…" he said, pausing as her head seemed to tilt over without her willing it to look over at him, her eyes utterly hollow. "Please let go of the gun."

"Y' sh'd be dead." she slurred quietly. "Y' sh'd be dead. I should be dead."

Misato's eyes began to water as her arm trembled, the gun seeming to pin her hand to the mattress. "But I can't… pull the trigger… again…"

Ryoji took a deep breath before walking over to Misato, gently taking the gun out of her hand, unloading the magazine, and emptying the chamber before setting it on the floor on the opposite side of the room. He stood and walked toward her again, his heart aching as she shied away. "Misato… it's me. I'm here, and… I want to help."

He kneeled in front of her, taking her hand and holding it. "I've wanted to do this so badly. I've been waiting for this moment since I was… well, reborn. I'm sorry I had to keep it a secret from you. I don't think either of us would have wanted Commander Ikari to kill me again."

Tears rolled down Misato's face as she looked down at him, then began shaking her head. "'M… a monster… jus' like my father…"

Ryoji shook his head. "Misato, you didn't mean this. It may have happened, but everyone worked to stop it."

"It's still an Impact. Another Impact that I was a part of. One that I caused by losing my temper." her voice faded in and out of clarity like the words were a weak signal intermittently reaching her voice.

She tried to pull her hand away. "Y' should leave. I don't deserve you anymore. I don't deserve little Ryoji anymore…"

Ryoji tightened his grip as he stood, pulling Misato into an embrace. "Maybe not. But you need someone. And I need you. I've needed you since the day I left to stop the Third Impact."

He felt Misato heave a sob, then simply stood patiently, consoling Misato as she broke down in his arms. "I'm here," he whispered. "And I'll stay. I promise."

Again and again, those words echoed, until finally he simply sat on the bed with her, continuing to hold her tight as her sobs grew quiet, then silent, then still. They sat there together for time uncounted, simply taking in each other's presence.

Ryoji glanced over at the nightstand. "So," he said quietly, "how long has it been since you drank like this? I don't think I've seen you this visibly drunk in ages."

"Barely touched the stuff after I got pregnant. Few times with Makoto." Misato mumbled.

Ryoji blinked, then nodded slightly as he smiled. "I wondered if you'd find someone after I died. I'm glad it was him." he paused for a moment. "He had a bit of a crush on you way back when."

Misato nodded silently, the action rubbing against Ryoji's chest. "M' sorry. I should have-"

"No, Misato. I… I died. And I had no idea that I was coming back. I'm glad you were able to find someone to keep on loving. That Ryoshi could call a dad with me gone."

It was silent again for a concerningly long time. "Little Ryoji is…" a pause as she seemed to try and find the word she wanted to use. "Safe. In Village-3. He doesn't need a monster for a mother."

Ryoji maneuvered Misato to look at him, his brow creased in concern. "Misato… did you abandon him?"

Misato looked away. "Every time I looked at him, I saw you. And I saw Shinji. And it didn't stop hurting no matter what I did. I knew I'd only hurt him. So… I left him with someone who'd actually care for him. Someone who wasn't a monster."

The part of it that Ryoji hated most was how much sense it made to him as he took a deep breath before shaking his head. "Misato, you made a mistake. You aren't a monster. You're human. It's just… not always easy to tell the difference sometimes. So we'll just do the best we can to patch things up and go from there."

Misato's eyes finally seemed to focus on him as she frowned slightly. "When did you get to be so wise?"

Ryoji chuckled softly as he looked down. "10 or so years hanging around Commander Nagisa does that to a man, it looks like. And…"

He paused and sighed quietly. "It's also been a lot of time to think. About myself. How I've failed in the past. How I could be better. For you, for little Ryoshi, for everyone. I know I didn't exactly discover Nirvana after dying and coming back… but I'd like to think I made myself a little bit better of a man."

He took Misato's shoulders again. "And, if I can help you, if you'll let me… we can do this together. Because… you've made a hell of a captain thus far. I can't wait to see how you could get better. As a captain, and as my wife."

Misato looked at him with wide eyes, then looked away. "I don't deserve you," she repeated. "You shouldn't worry about me anymore. Let me drag you down."

Ryoji cupped her cheek and gently guided her gaze back to him. "I don't care if you don't deserve me. I'm sticking by you anyway. Because I love you, Misato."

The shock in her eyes did not diminish as he touched his forehead to hers, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of whiskey on her breath, the aroma almost intoxicating in its own right. Her breath hitched, and he realized that he was holding his own in anticipation of whatever answer she'd give.

"Ryoji…" she whispered. "What do I do?"

"Stay with me for the moment, to start," he replied. "Then… we'll figure it out from there, day by day. Just like we did before."

He felt her nod, then he felt her lips against his, a gentle kiss that he returned without hesitation. And there, at least for now, they both wanted to stay.

. . .

Daniel sat with a somewhat weary sigh and a rumbling stomach on a chair that he'd pulled from a nearby house and cleared of core material as he watched Shinji Ikari-Soryu (this was where it always got complicated, wasn't it?) weave a small campfire-sized flame into existence, uncaring of the fact that they were in the shade of a bus stop as no smoke twisted up from the impossible fire, the Shinjis and Asukas sitting on the bench as Kaworu and the Reis sat on other chairs that they had taken from their surroundings.

As Shinji tethered the flame to the ground that it hovered a few inches above, sitting back with a quiet sigh, Daniel focused on his armor, the nanites flowing from beneath the Plugsuit to allow him access to his survival pack.

"You kids got your armor handy?" he asked his Children as he reached into the pocket dimension that housed what he needed, his hand disappearing into the floating hole in space. He smiled as they nodded, reaching for their own survival packs. "Good. We'll have plenty of water and food to go around then."

His hand emerged holding a mostly flat, rectangular bottle with a neck at one corner, and a nozzle with a somewhat thick collar capping it. He twisted the collar, the rippling pattern glowing bright blue as it clicked and hissed.

"These water bottles will draw in moisture from the atmosphere and filter it into drinkable water," he said as he set the first bottle against the leg of his chair as he pulled out another bottle and repeated the action. "With as close as we are to the sea and how humid everything is in general, we should have full bottles in seconds."

Daniel paused as he saw the kids all examining the bottles, looking intently at the glow. "Don't keep it close to your face for too long, or it'll…"

Kaworu, whose eyes were narrowed slightly at the slowly pulsing light, blinked as a line of blood began to roll down from his nose. "Oh dear," he muttered to himself as he put the bottle down, the others setting them aside quickly as Kaworu attended to his nosebleed.

Daniel couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, that happens. At least I tried to warn you. Eleanor and I didn't get that much when we did survival training, and I tried to be smart by drinking from the thing while it was on. That was before either of us was Interfaced, so I had to have my nose plugged for most of that training exercise."

Most of the kids laughed, even Shikinami chuckling at the image he'd described. Ayanami was silent, if seemingly somewhat puzzled, and young Shinji simply looked at the fire, knees to his chest.

The sight of it worried Daniel slightly as he pulled out the next part of the lunch, an off-white capsule that was about as wide and a little longer than his hand, a port on one end and a two-part lid whose seam went lengthwise along the 'top' of the capsule.

"And here we have our deluxe meal of the day: a fully loaded baked potato, made to order," Daniel said as one of the water bottles beside him gave a tone, the light on its collar blinking off as he picked it up and set it on his lap. "Type on the screen that pops up what you want, inject water into the capsule, give it a good shake, and set it by the fire to cook quickly. Simple as that."

He demonstrated the process as he spoke, setting his capsule in front of the fire just a few moments before the others did and pulling out another one, repeating the process.

As the others got lunch ready, the older Shinji offered his younger self capsule, the boy shaking his head slightly. "I'm not… really all that hungry," he said quietly.

Daniel nodded. "I understand. Combat and trauma do that to anyone who goes through it. No exceptions. But even if you don't feel hungry, your body still needs the fuel."

Young Shinji was silent. Kaworu sighed quietly. "Shinji, please. Daniel's right about this. Don't weaken yourself unnecessarily. We all want you to have all the strength to overcome your grief."

Young Shinji looked over at Kaworu, clearly considering the young man's words, then nodded slowly as he took the capsule and allowed the older Shinji to show him how it worked. Daniel didn't need to look at Kaworu's soul to see how much it pained him to leverage the poor boy's guilt.

After several moments, however, the capsules began to beep, and the group began to retrieve the surprisingly cool capsules and open them, revealing the promised potatoes along with some handy forks. They all began to eat, some more heartily than others, all silent as they had their first meal after the latest near-end of the world.

Soon enough, the capsules were emptied and set aside, Daniel assuring them that they would be self-cleaning. "Alright, now that we've gotten what we need in our systems…" Daniel said, smiling slightly as he reached back into the survival pack at his hip. "Let's have something a little more luxurious, how about?"

With that, he pulled out a cardboard bottle holder, four brown glass bottles with light orange labels held within, and set it down on the ground beside the water bottles.

"Bundaberg, dear bruder?" the older Asuka said, her brow arched as he pulled out another holder of the stuff and set it atop its companion. "That doesn't exactly strike me as 'survival kit essentials'."

"Maybe not," Daniel admitted as he took two out of the packaging, chilled to perfection, and offered one to her. "But you're still happy to see it, aren't you?"

The older Asuka scoffed as she took it, not bothering to hide her smile. "I never said I wasn't. Prost." she clinked the bottle to Daniel's.

Daniel passed a bottle out to everyone, Rei Nagisa making sure that Ayanami didn't accidentally drop the bottle as she flipped it over once. Then, the sound of bottle caps popping off their containers filled the air for the briefest of seconds, and the world around them was forgotten for a moment as memories new and old followed the taste of ginger beer.

As Daniel took another swig, sighing as he swallowed, he looked around and found his focus on Asuka Shikinami. As he flickered his Sight on he, at last, confirmed suspicions that he'd had ever since he'd stepped aboard the Wunder.

Bardiel, or at least a piece of him, was there of course, but far more pertinent to him was the core of Asuka Shikinami-Langley's soul. It was… fractured, the pieces floating seemingly mere inches apart from each other as it glowed far more brightly than any soul should.

"Now, while you younger kids are enjoying the drinks," Daniel began as he leaned forward, Shikinami and the young Shinji taking notice of Daniel's attention, "I'm going to do some helping out that's been a long time coming."

He reached his Frames out to Shikinami first as she tilted her head, several others following suit. "And what, exactly, do you mean by that?" she asked.

"If those of you who are so Interfaced could turn your Sight to young Shinji and Ms. Shikinami…" Daniel began as he wrapped Bardiel's soul in the Frames, watching Shikinami visibly flinch as he began to slowly, surely break the connection that bound it to her soul. "You'll see something that, while somewhat unusual, is not entirely rare in Reality."

"What's that?" the older Shinji asked. "Wait a minute. Their souls…"

Daniel nodded as he finished severing the link between Shikinami and Bardiel, bundling it up in its own little cage as he watched Shikinami visibly relax for the first time… possibly ever. "The lovely pair here are what are called Cracked. And it wouldn't surprise me if this world's Rei and Mari are the same."

"If you'll allow a guess…" Kaworu said as Daniel shifted his Frames to Shikinami's core, gently situating them over the pieces. "Something traumatic happens to a soul such as, say, piloting an Evangelion, that causes the soul core to connect to Pneumaiety, but does not complete the process of becoming Interfaced?"

"Got it just about in one, Kaworu," Daniel replied as he pressed the component pieces of Shikinami's soul back together, fusing them to become whole, or at least almost whole, once again. "It's not an extremely rare occurrence for something this traumatic that's linked to the soul to 'naturally' Interface someone. Sometimes, however, you get this sometimes, which leads to such power being somewhat… out of control, the connection to Pneumaiety acting on subconscious desire instead of purposeful effort. It doesn't have anything more than a physical effect most times, but even still…"

Daniel paused for a few moments as he did much the same to young Shinji's core before leaning back in his chair and blinking off his Sight, the sight of the young Children's wondering eyes giving him the briefest moment of satisfaction in this wilderness. "As much as I'm sure Bardiel wasn't helping in Shikinami's case, now you two can finally be… somewhat normal if you so wish. No more need to pull your punches. No more inability to fall asleep and rest. You're all… complete again, in the sense of the soul."

Shikinami and young Shinji both let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Wait a minute." young Shinji said, looking over at Shikinami finally, even if he couldn't fully look her in the eye. "What is Bardiel?"

There was a long pause as Shikinami seemed to try listening for… something. "The name of the 9th Angel." she finally said with a sigh.

Shinji's eyes went wide. "Wait… what?"

Shikinami nodded, looking back at the fire. "He's been in there since I got out of the remains of Unit-03. Right there so close to me that it was hard to tell where I ended and he began."

Daniel watched young Shinji shudder as Shikinami shook her head and scoffed. "Don't worry about trying to understand it. I doubt any of you would, spending every day wondering if your actions are your own or if it's just some cruel joke."

She looked around at the group as she spoke, her gaze landing on Daniel and spotting the weary look in his eyes. He sighed quietly as he let his brand appear above his brow. "I understand, Asuka," he said quietly.

"The Guide of War, right?" The older Shinji said quietly.

Daniel nodded. "Yes. His name is Hamar'ramah." The name sent chills down his spine as if speaking it might summon him again.

He looked around at the younger Children, noting Ayanami's somewhat distant expression, and the varying levels of somewhat hesitant curiosity from Shinji and Asuka. "Reality's a real big place, kids. And something created in a corner of it decided, after some rigorous testing, that I'd be the ideal candidate to become something called a Hollow Saint."

Daniel was silent for a long moment before he sighed. "This thing has a power that can obliterate any Angel you could think of and scatter the pieces of its soul across a universe with barely a thought, all in the service of blending every multiverse out there into a single Universe. And for a long time, enough that I'm not even sure anymore how long it was, I was the conduit for that power. I was the vessel of this soul-being."

"And like Ms. Shikinami said, as time went on, however much I struggled to retain my individuality, it got harder and harder to find where I ended and he began. By the end… I was nearly gone. It was a miracle that Eleanor managed to pull that thing off me."

"Did… did his power have anything to do with a golden light?" The older Asuka asked, and the focus on him seemed to intensify.

Daniel nodded. "Yes," he said, barely above a whisper. "Because he's here. And he's chosen a new Hollow Saint."

The older Children's eyes went wide. "When were you planning on informing us of this?" Rei Nagisa asked rather incredulously.

"When I was sure that he wasn't going to just be screwing around in my head as he'd been doing for the past 5 months," Daniel replied, the calming tone of his voice almost convincing to himself. "Unfortunately, I figured that out right when we were in the middle of stopping the end of the world."

Slow nods came from the Children, and Daniel sighed, looking at young Shinji. "Like I was saying in Terminal Dogma before I was rudely interrupted, Shinji Ikari, I'm here with my kids mostly on behalf of what's known as the Massive Threat Containment Organization HERZ. A little bit more of a mouthful than NERV's full spiel, but it's a successor organization to our world's NERV, so it's not fully surprising."

Shinji nodded slowly. "Kind of like WILLE."

"Kind of, yes. But where WILLE sees the Evangelion as a danger, something that should be disposed of at the soonest possible moment, HERZ sees the Evangelions, or what has come from them, as essential to the defense of the world."

"That bad, huh?" Shikinami said, her brow arched.

Daniel nodded. "Like I said, Reality's a big place, even disregarding SEELE and the ridiculous amount of copycat Angels we had to deal with before we got out here. Anything you can think of, and far more that you can't, can come strolling out into our backyard."

"Like Godzilla, whom you shook the claw of." Rei Nagisa interjected, the slightest smile on her lips.

The older Children all chuckled as young Shinji's eyes went wide. "What?" he managed to say numbly.

Daniel, who chuckled in turn, nodded even as his slight grin faded. "That's one of the happier examples. One that could have easily gone wrong."

"Wait a minute," Shikinami said. "Two questions. How did someone create Angels? And what kind of Evas are you even using anyway?"

"Well, for one, SEELE had a secret surprise Angel," Asuka Ikari-Soryu interjected, "that somehow had existed for however long it was before Lilith landed, died — again, somehow — and been found and revived."

She grinned. "And even with 6,500 Angels, they still couldn't beat all of us."

"Which leads us to the Evas we used," Daniel said, heading off the inevitable questions of how many Evas there actually were, and how there were so many Angels, at least for now. "What we use, technically, isn't an Evangelion. It's known as a Frame Titan, built on the structure of the Evangelion, but freed from almost all of its limitations and constraints."

"The battery limit? The risk of them going berserk on you?" Shikinami asked, her tone incredulous. "How did you manage that last one?"

"Well…" Daniel trailed off for a moment as he began to gather up his trash and survival kit, putting it back into the pocket space of his armor as the others began to do the same. "That comes with an explanation all its own. Because it's connected to the powers that we used in our Evas."

With that, he stood, the flame flickering out as the rest of the group stood in turn. "We'll keep going while I explain what, exactly, Interfacing is."

. . .

Aboard the Wunder

Captain Maya Ibuki was walking toward a mess hall, tucked away in the back and without any sort of monitoring, and pondered for a moment on the thoughts that she had which weighed on her mind, seeming to press the anxiety within her to the surface like a callous juicer.

The halls of the Wunder had become familiar to her, the gray lengths painted over with both necessary signage and expressions of creativity from the crew an almost comforting sight now. The crew had become acquaintances, friends even, as serious and demanding as she could be with the young men under her command. And yet…

Visions of the boy who was, quite shockingly, their commander, had circulated after the battle. She'd seen the sight of the boy's death once. It was one time more than she'd ever needed to see. The collar exploding replayed over and over again in her mind, seemingly against her will. Was that truly the fate of anyone who wore that collar and went afoul of its programming? Or even the trigger itself?

'What am I thinking? Of course, it is. It's… it's part of why I'm doing this.'

She finally came to the door of the mess hall, pausing for a moment as she gathered her resolve before opening it and stepping through. Waiting for her on the other side, the main shift bridge crew, Midori, Sumire, Hideki, and Koji, along with Shigeru and Makoto, sat with varying degrees of patience. Alongside them, Eleanor Theisman sat by Sumire and Midori, a calm, almost expectant look on her face. She knew what Maya had gathered them all here for.

"Maya?" Makoto said, clearly confused as the rest of the bridge crew was. "What's going on? Why go to all this trouble to meet here?"

Maya took another deep breath. "We all saw what happened today," she said as she took a seat in front of everyone. "What happened when we killed Commander Nagisa."

"Come on," Shigeru said incredulously. "How can we be sure that he wasn't trying to trick us? How can we be sure that the new 'Commander' is even really on our side?"

"Kaworu Nagisa is many things," Eleanor said, drawing the attention of all to her. "But he is not a man given to lying unnecessarily. And as secretive as Ryoji Kaji has been, I believe his time as Deputy-Commander has changed him substantially as well."

Her words had an almost warning edge to them, and Maya watched as Makoto and Shigeru's eyes narrowed. "As I was saying…" Maya said firmly, waiting for a moment as all eyes returned to her. "We all saw what happened. What a DSS Choker will do to anyone. It's… horrible."

"So has everything else been that's led to this point, Maya," Makoto said. "We've spent the last decade and a half watching the world suffer. Our Captain-"

"Is wrong."

The words themselves, let alone the surety and near force with which Maya said them, stunned the gathered group as Maya continued. "She was wrong when she put the Chokers on the kids, she was wrong when she alienated and isolated all of them, and she was wrong when she pulled the trigger, however accidental."

"Maya," Sumire said after a moment of silence, "she's… hurt. This didn't bring her any sort of pleasure."

"She may be hurt, certainly," Maya said quietly. "It's one of the few reasons I haven't done what I'm about to talk about sooner. She's still… human, in one sense or another. But she's gone down a dark path. A path that's led to her looking and acting far too much like Commander Ikari."

"Whoa, whoa," Shigeru said, both he and Makoto sitting up straighter. "She's done everything she can to try and save humanity. Ikari just wants to kill us all and end the world."

"And did you know that when we all saw what he made Unit-01 do to Unit-03? Asuka was in there, Shinji needed help, and all he did in offering a 'solution' was make him feel Unit-01 tearing apart his fellow pilot! There's a better-than-good chance he was synched up with that boy Commander Nagisa when he died too. When the Captain lost her head and pulled the trigger on the collar she put around his neck, knowing what it would do. How much different are either of those?"

Shigeru and Makoto went silent, looking at each other and back at her. Even she wasn't fully sure how much water such a comparison held. But the scene with the 9th Angel had been another memory replaying in her head since she'd seen the footage. In both of her former bridge mates, she saw a dawning realization, horror going along with it. She took a deep breath. "We've stayed silent thus far. Stayed silent for too long. And now… I'm not sure I can work with this anymore. They have to know that, and feel how that impacts them."

She looked around the room before her gaze landed on Eleanor. "You're the ones that were there. Who most immediately saw the consequences of going down the path we've set ourselves on. I want to ask you all to come with me when Eleanor makes a gate to Village-3."

A gasp went up around the room, Sumire, Makoto, and Shigeru actually getting to their feet as several voices tried to overpower each other for a few moments. "Captain Ibuki…" Midori said in a daze. "You'd really just… desert WILLE like that?"

"No," Maya replied. "This isn't desertion. This is a protest. This is telling our commanding officers exactly what we think: that this was wrong and that we want them to turn back and take a better path."

"What better path is there? What choice did we have? Leave it in one man's hands to try and stop the apocalypse?" Makoto argued.

"Yes! We were already leaving it in Misato's hands, and we saw what happened. At least with Mr. Theisman, we had the chance of everyone walking away."

"So, you're leaving because on the off chance of the DSS Choker not existing-" Shigeru began.

"Then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place," Maya said. "Then someone we had no intention of killing wouldn't have died, and maybe Shinji wouldn't have run from us in the first place. Maybe the pilots would trust us more for trusting them."

It was silent again, a short, terse thing broken only by Maya's sigh of weariness. "I'm going anyway once I inform the Captain and Vice-Captain. I'm here to make sure you know, and to extend the invitation. We've seen too much death, too much destruction, to not make ourselves known. Please."

It was silent again, Maya scanning the faces of her crewmates clearly in conflict within themselves. Her heart sank as she saw Makoto, then Shigeru both shake their heads. "I'm sorry, Maya," Makoto said quietly. "We can't abandon the Captain now. Not when she's been dealt a blow like this."

Maya nodded slowly in understanding as she looked at the others. "And all of you?"

Koji sighed quietly, shaking his head. "She's gone. I stayed in the hope that whatever she'd become, I'd get to see her again. But this…"

He looked over at Maya. "I'll go. If it shakes her out of this before she kills herself somehow, then it's worth it."

Hideki nodded silently, and Sumire sighed quietly. "I'm just glad that we have another shift to take up the slack," she said ruefully. "I only hope they understand."

Midori gulped silently as she nodded. "Yeah. I want to follow my Captain. But… to lose my humanity, be complicit to whatever happens because of those that might have already lost it, even if it saves the world… it's too high a price to pay for me to live with it."

Maya nodded slowly as she looked over at Eleanor, silent throughout the proceedings, and gave her a smile that could have passed for a grimace. "Well, there you have it," she said quietly, not caring to look as Makoto and Shigeru made their way out the door.

Eleanor nodded in turn. "I'll make sure things are ready."
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Chapter 23: Voices in the Wilderness

Chapter 23: Voices in the Wilderness

You know, I can still hear the last words of so many people who have died in front of me, clear as day. Some days, depending on the danger, I can remember whole conversations with people, even if we all only got close to dying.

I'm going to remember a lot of today. I won't even need to write much of it down to do so. Fourth Impact happened. Shinji Ikari was pushed over the edge. And though the world was saved, it still managed to grow far beyond what any of us expected.

- From the personal journal of Koji Takao

On the Road to Village-3

Daniel Theisman reminisced silently as he slowly made his way through the Corite landscape, taking in the sights around the group that he traveled with.

It was hardly a noteworthy thing for him to ponder on his memories. God only knew how many there were to go through with how long he'd existed in one form or another. How much time each one, to some extent or another, had been given. But for now, he remembered a far more recent vista, a similar sight to the one he now traversed, a dream in glittering crimson that he had strode across going in the opposite direction. Had they passed through Hadano, the place that had, here, become Village-3? They would have had to at least go by it, the tides of the world only having dropped somewhat by that point to allow them across the bay that now stood between them and their destination.

The rest of the group, for now at least, shared his silence, all of them seeming to ponder on one thing or another as they watched a Failure of Infinity, stirred from its sleep like the rest of them from the Fourth Impact, treading past them in the distance, its massive footfalls the only sound that reached them, booming like thunder as it walked. Its headless, lanky body gave it the air of a walking corpse, seemingly unaware of its loss as it went past its fallen compatriots. Knowing what was held within, perhaps the comparison wasn't too far from the truth.

Daniel managed to tear his gaze away from the sight, as it disappeared for a moment behind the crumbling support pillar of what was likely a raised highway, looking at the Children as they continued. The older Shinji had joined his wife, who now lagged somewhat behind Shikinami as she led them on. Rei and the Ayanami unit continued to walk together, and young Shinji stayed by Kaworu's side, whether out of some form of guilt or because of the familiarity of his face, he was unsure.

He did not want to break the silence that had fallen on them. It seemed almost… sacrosanct, now. A part of their pilgrimage to a place of healing. So, he linked himself to the elder Children, seeking only to disturb their trains of thought.

"Alright, kiddos," he said, gaining their attention even as he wordlessly urged that they be silent. "What's the status of the young'uns?"

There was a collective mental sigh from Asuka, Kaworu, and Shinji. "Well, when it comes to Shikinami," Asuka replied, "she's actually made a hell of a course correction now that Bardiel's out of the picture in her head. I don't know how long it's going to take for her to show it visibly, but… however different she might be, she's still a version of myself. I know the signs to look for."

"Ayanami is less… responsive than Shikinami may be,"
Rei began. "But it is encouraging that she wishes the book that young Shinji left for her to be read to her. I will take up the task of reading to her tonight when I retrieve the book from you."

"Consider it done,"
Daniel said, hope flickering in between the words for a few moments before he turned his focus on Kaworu.

Kaworu broadcasted most clearly his feelings of apprehension. "Shinji is… making progress. Far from nearly comatose, but it still concerns me that he clings so closely to me, being in the image of the boy he piloted alongside. If something does not change soon, I fear he may be, in some way, obsessed with me, and I do not know what changes, most likely negative, would follow."

Daniel nodded, still at the back and out of sight of the other kids. "I'll take care of that as best I can. I think I've got enough of this Kaworu's soul and Frames to allow him to carry on a conversation. When we settle down for the night, I'll bring him out to talk."

He looked up at the sky, silent gratitude flowing from him as he dropped the link. The sun had begun to set, and the sight of it going under the horizon, the red making the crystals around them glow and glitter as if they were in a massive open cavern, almost like the sun itself was flowing into them… it would be a sight well worth remembering.

As they continued to walk, he put a hand through his Plugsuit, the space around his wrist fuzzing as he reached into his pocket and gently grasped the crystal that held the soul of the former Commander Kaworu Nagisa. He toyed with the little marble for a moment, looking down with his Sight to see the Frames held within. Enough were there to hold a conversation with him, and he would be able to access his memory.

"Hey. Hey! You there?"

The words, their urgency and their suddenness, made him jump for a moment, his instincts causing him to look around for the source of the voice. His wits came back to him as he linked himself to Shikinami-Bradley. "I am. Are you unharmed?"

"Yeah, actually. You seem like you were in the middle of something. The connection dropped for a little while there, to say nothing of the shaking."

Daniel opened his mouth, then chuckled softly. "Well yeah, kind of. Preventing the end of the world makes it a little difficult to keep the lines up."

He fed her some of the memories of stopping Fourth Impact, feeling the sense of awe and fear that echoed through her as she observed the spectacle. "Did… did Langley make it out okay?"

"Yes. Well, at least as well as she could, given the circumstances. Unit-02… had to self-destruct in order to keep the Wunder from getting taken over."

There was a rapid hollowing feeling at the other end of the connection, all thought seeming to focus on the fact that Unit-02, as she knew it, the reason for her creation… was gone. "Well… damn." Bradley finally said. "Langley made the best decision she could, I'm sure of it. But still…"

Daniel was quiet for a moment, letting Bradley process what she'd just heard for a moment. "Would you like to talk with her tonight?" he asked, with a somewhat hesitant, quiet tone to his words.

"You can do that?" Bradley scoffed. "What am I saying? Of course, you could do that."

Daniel smiled slightly. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

He put the connection into the back of his mind for a moment, allowing Nynrya to catch up with Bradley as he connected himself to the soul of the young — well, 'young' — Kaworu. It was silent at first, Daniel taking in the shocked surprise of the Angelic Child before he was noticed. "You. What have you done?"

The boy's tone was almost acidic in its annoyance, edging on anger. Daniel remained calm in the face of it. "I saved your soul, young man. Right before I prevented Shinji Ikari from acting out the consequences of your imposed isolation."

He fed young Nagisa the same memories that he'd given to Bradley. He knew that the boy would most clearly see the rage in young Shinji's face, the words that he'd said in anger against those that he'd called friends to Kaworu.

It was silent as young Kaworu processed what he'd seen. The results of his actions. Would it get through, at last? After all this time spent trying to isolate him anyway, in this loop and those long past?

"I am…" young Kaworu's words were hollow now. "I am responsible for this."

Daniel didn't relish the quick burst of triumph that he felt from young Kaworu's admission. "Yes," Daniel replied. "You are. But it can end here only if you so desire. You can get to know the real Shinji Ikari if you approach him as one of his friends."

Young Kaworu once again contemplated the words. "I see. I do not know if I will get the chance to in this life, however. Unless…"

Young Kaworu pondered on his situation for the moment, and Daniel nodded mostly to himself. "We'll talk later. Shinji and company will be there."

With that, he severed the connection, his focus returning to the world around them. And, seemingly unnoticed by the others, the two figures, clearly armored, who were in the distance off to the left. Magnifying his vision, he studied the pair for a moment before smiling slightly. They were here. All of them, hopefully.

'Of all times.' Daniel thought as his smile became something of a grimace.

. . .

Burbank, New Pacifica

Vice-Captain Ritsuko Akagi stepped out of the ship, looking out to the portion of the drydock that held the main course of their repairs: the two specialized turrets, ready and waiting to be installed in place of their mangled duo. They even had the correct turret fittings, able to be quite nearly dropped in. 'For once, I'm almost glad that Misato wanted the two other turrets she wanted to have built anyway.' she mused as she made her way toward the three people who would be in charge of the repair.

The man she walked to was a swarthy sort, looking down at a chart with his attendants, all three wearing coveralls with the KREDIT logo on it, nodes and lines making a stylized K. The man ran a hand with thick, callused fingers through his short, black hair before looking up at her approach.

"Vice-Captain," the man said in English as he looked at her with discerning hazel eyes, "it's a hell of a thing you want me to pull off here. Though I'm not surprised to see the grand old bitch again, based on what you outfitted her for."

Ritsuko almost smiled. "It's a pleasure to see you as well, Mr. Mendelsohn," she replied in the same language. "I'm sure the ship is in good hands again."

Mr. Mendelsohn scoffed. "With how she seems to be after one active combat mission, I can think about more than a few hands that would be better than yours. Though, considering the world still exists, I think I can give you guys a pass."

He looked past her, and a smile split a craggy face set into a square head with a prominent chin that had some stubble in it. "Street Sam! It's been too long, you crazy bastard!"

Ritsuko turned to see Koji Takao striding forward ahead of the rest of the main bridge duty shift, a grin on his face as he took Mr. Mendelsohn in a quick embrace. "Grease, you damn fool. How's being put out to pasture been treating you?"

"Oh, about as well as I can tolerate it," Mendelsohn grumbled as the two men parted, looking back at the rest of the group coming to a stop beside Ritsuko as he waved off his subordinates to other tasks. "I'd ask how the end of the world went, but if you had to bring her back this banged up, I'm not sure I wanna know."

"Who's this, Koji?" Volunteer Kitakami asked.

"Well," Koji replied, "This is Greggory Mendelsohn. We served together in the UN Task Fleet during the Impact Wars. He signed up for KREDIT when it came around and became… what was it again?"

"Fleet Maintenance Manager," Mendelsohn said with a somewhat weary sigh. "Big, fancy name for being the sorry fool who gets to make sure all these damn boats keep running."

Midori nodded. "Well… it's nice to meet you, Mr. Mendelsohn."

Mendelsohn smiled as he nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, madam," he said, an somewhat unexpected warmth in his tone.

Koji seemed somewhat amazed at the display. "Why Greg, I didn't know you were even medically capable of being polite to someone. I'm impressed, really."

Mendelsohn chuckled. "It's been known to happen once in a blue moon. Especially when you aren't fully responsible for the sorry state of the ship." he cast a leering glare at Koji as he finished speaking.

Koji shrugged. "Hey. I'm on the bridge more often than not."

"Oh, spare me. A cushy bridge job? I didn't think you'd be able to stand from the cushioned seats if they'd put you there before. Must have gone soft." Mendelsohn gently punched Koji's arm.

"Hardly, Mr. Mendelsohn. His quick thinking kept the damage from being any worse. You should be thanking him."

All turned back to the unexpected voice, and Ritsuko found herself shocked to see Misato, walking down the ramp towards them, Ryoji and Maya by her side. She wasn't smiling, and she seemed… disturbed, still. The shock of having Ryoji around again was, hopefully, wearing off.

The far more current shock of the sight left everyone silent as the trio came to a stop behind them, Misato nodding to Mendelsohn. "I leave the Wunder in your good graces, Mr. Mendelsohn. I expect her to be updated to your usual standards of excellence."

Mendelsohn nodded. "Yes, Director. We'll be on it as soon as we're done speaking."

Director was the title of the highest ranking person within the command structure of KREDIT, an intentional civilian slant to the language to offset it from the more militaristic verbiage of WILLE. Being its founder, Misato was the current, and only, Director thus far.

Before Misato could reply, Ritsuko spotted a car, a small white sedan, driving up the pier towards them. That must have been someone important then, with how scarce fuel was. Everyone else turned to see the car approaching, Mendelsohn saying a quick goodbye to Koji and walking off as a man, tall and thin, built almost like an Evangelion, stepped out of the passenger's seat, a breeze sweeping through the bay catching blond hair speckled with grey as the man's blue eyes, set in a firm face that was now beginning to feel the approach of old age, scanned the crowd and locked on her, the man waving as he approached.

"Doctor Akagi." the man shouted, a man that Ritsuko knew as Doctor Jacob Lewis, the head of the science board here in New Pacifica. He was a rather muscular man for his position, with a square face and a broad chest. "If you could come with me so we could speak for a moment? We have what might be a massive problem."

Ritsuko nodded. "I'll be with you in a moment, Doctor."

She looked over at Maya, who looked back at her with… apprehension? Something to be asked about later. "If you'll come with me, Captain Ibuki? I'm sure I could use the extra hands."

Maya blinked as if she'd been lost in thought about something, then nodded. "Let's not waste any time, then."

They said their brief goodbyes to the others, and made their way to the car, getting into the back seat as they drove off. "So, Doctor Lewis," Ritsuko began, "what seems to be the problem? If it's important enough to take us away from overseeing repairs on the Wunder-"

"We have two dead scientists and a dead technician, Doctor," Lewis interjected, clearly agitated. "At least… we think they're dead." he shook his head as he sighed. "We need, of all things, a second opinion."

Ritsuko arched a brow as she looked over at an equally confused Maya. "From us? Wouldn't looking at bodies be more the task of a coroner?"

"That's the thing, ma'am. There aren't any bodies. The men with them as they went out into the core material said that they exploded into something that looked like an orange soda."

After a moment's confusion, Ritsuko and Maya's eyes went wide. "They turned into LCL?" Ritsuko asked, almost dazed. If that was the case, then things had not been as undisturbed by the prevention of Fourth Impact as she'd hoped.

. . .

Daniel took a seat in the shade of a ruined elevated roadway on the outskirts of what Shikinami's device said was once the town of Matsuda, the hand and arm of another fallen Failure of Infinity hanging over the support pillar they sat by. Ahead of them, to the left of the pillar, a ruined cellular tower leaned away from them, crusted over by Corite just like everything else in this landscape.

Clearly, as the older Shinji tended to the fire and they prepared to eat dinner, it was a sight that was beginning to wear somewhat, as the older Asuka looked around and sighed quietly. "I know I like red, but looking at all this Corite is getting stale."

She looked over to Shikinami as she set her capsule down in front of the fire. "How close are we to Village-3?"

Shikinami looked down at her device. "About 2 and a half, 3 kilometers away. We could push it and be to the perimeter in about 2 hours if… we…"

Her words were stifled by a cavernous yawn as she put a hand to her mouth. After long seconds, Shikinami blinked, rubbing her eyes after a moment. "Well then. Looks like you weren't wrong about sleeping, Daniel. I'm… tired."

She was silent for a moment as she took in what she said, a contemplative look on her face. "It's been so long since I've felt that," she said quietly.

Daniel nodded, seeing young Shinji's expression. Wondering. Realizing. It gave him a sliver of hope.

He pondered on that hope as he looked out over the setting sun. It was everything that he expected of it, the sun a brilliant red as it began to plunge beneath the horizon. It was a thin line of light where star and ground met, the glint of an Arthurian sword at sunset. It was a thin hope… but it was enough.

Daniel watched the sunset as he ate, letting the kids eat in relative silence. As he finished his meal, taking a swig from his water container, he glanced to his side to see Rei Nagisa take a seat beside him, looking out with him at the sunset. "When we left you guys in Lilith," he began quietly, "did you and Eleanor ever see something like this?"

Rei nodded slightly. "Once. It took some time to figure out how to see through the Corite like a lens, but… the sight of it was breathtaking."

Daniel nodded, and they took a moment to simply appreciate the sunset. Then, Rei looked over at Daniel. "Can I see the book that you have?"

Daniel nodded, pulling it from a pocket dimension Expression that Nynrya had been kind enough to keep going for him and proffering it. "Here. I hope that she finds what she needs from it."

Rei nodded as she took the book, smiling slightly as she opened it and scanned the pages, a fond look in her eyes. "I do as well."

Rei looked up after a moment, and her eyes narrowed. "Who is that?"

Daniel followed her gaze and saw the same two figures from earlier in the day. They were joined by another pair, the four of them standing in front of a ruined house, the first in a neighborhood.

They waited for him, more than likely doing so expectantly. He was glad they were here, but… how glad? And what other emotions swirled under the surface, just outside of his full perception?

'Either way,' he thought as he stood, 'I'll need to talk to them anyways. Make sure things get handled as best they can be.'

It was a fine line to cross, especially at a time like this. But leaving them out would only make things harder. "The others. I'll go fill them in," he said quietly, letting Rei know silently who was here at last.

. . .

Young Shinji watched Daniel begin walking away from the group, out towards the houses across from them and wondered what, exactly, was going on. "Where's Daniel going?" he asked the older Rei as she stood and turned back to them, the book he'd given Ayanami in hand.

"To meet with some of our compatriots." the older Rei said as she sat down next to the Ayanami unit, the younger version of herself looking down at the book as she opened it. "He will be returning shortly."

"Having a reunion without us?" the older Asuka asked, scoffing slightly as she shook her head. Then, after a moment, she glanced over at young Shinji and Asuka, her expression softening. "Then again, after everything that's happened today…"

Asuka Shikinami's brow furrowed, and she stood up, looking over at the house that Daniel and the others he'd walked towards had disappeared into. "Why be secretive with us now? Who could you guys be working with that would scare us so much?"

With that, she walked past the fire and towards the house, beginning to crouch low as she approached.

"Asuka. Asuka!" the older Asuka said, shaking her head before she frowned for a moment, then shrugged. "Well, she won't be getting into the house or anything. What's trying to listen from outside going to get her anyway?"

Young Shinji looked at the retreating form of young Asuka, then, for whatever reason, stood up as well. His head still felt like it was… floating, almost disconnected from the rest of him as he almost saw himself standing. Who was he? What was going on? He knew, on at least a somewhat intellectual level, but… did he, really?

The reaction when he began to walk was confusion, to say the least. "Shinji?" his older self asked, causing him to pause for a moment and turn, taking in the baffled expressions of all those around them, even the Ayanami unit's brow furling ever so slightly. "What are you doing?"

What was he doing? What could he do that didn't lead to isolation and the end of the world? Who was Shinji Ikari if he wasn't any of those things, alone and carrying the world on his shoulders? The questions gnawed at him, the chance to talk with others only taking his mind off of them for a few spare moments.

"I'm… trying to do something different," he said, the words coming out weary and with a quiet sigh. What did they even mean?

He didn't let himself think about that before he turned and did his best to sneak after Shikinami. It felt odd, trying to sneak anywhere in a Plugsuit, the gentle creaking and the smell of LCL beginning to become somewhat stale seeming to him like a dead giveaway. How was Asuka planning on trying to sneak up on someone with near god-like power? How was he?

As he came close to the house, Asuka crouched by the still-closed door, Asuka looked over at him, eye widening in surprise. "Idiot Shinji? What are you doing?"

"Something that isn't ending the world. At least I think it won't," he replied levelly as he paused in front of Asuka. "Have you heard anything from inside?"

Asuka stared at him for a moment, then shook her head. "Not really. They're behind this wall, talking. I can kind of hear them, but just their voices. No words."

Shinji nodded as he scratched the back of his head. 'Maybe… I could do something with my hearing like I can with my strength?'

It was a possibility. If nothing else, he could at least try, as he closed his eyes and began to focus. He could feel within himself that 'string' that he kept tuned for his strength, to keep it from getting away from him. He tried visualizing another string, one that connected to his sense of hearing. As he tried to tune what he settled on, he took in the sounds that surrounded him. Asuka's breathing in front of him. The distant crackle of the fire. The susurrus of voices within the house he leaned against.

Then, he took a deep breath and tuned his string up.

With the barest hint of resistance, the world became a riot of sound, young Shinji's closed eyes squeezing shut as the campfire became a blazing inferno, the breeze became a hurricane, and every word that he heard seemed to be screamed into his very mind.

"Idiot Shinji? Shinji, are you okay?" Asuka asked, Shinji clapping his hands to his ears to try and stop the sound. The act simply sounded like a massive peal of thunder, stifling nothing as the voices continued.

"What god, then, had sent them to this bitter collision? Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto…"

"I have no idea what you guys get from this. How do you even understand what's going on?"

All the words pounded in his skull like an unceasing drum, the sounds blurring together into near meaninglessness as he tried to make it just stop.

But there… somewhere in the cyclone of sound…

"GEIST, huh? Hell of a name. Better than Outbound Operations, at least."

That had to be Daniel, who then sighed, the sound like a gale. "But as good as it is to see you all here… you guys have some really bad timing. Shinji probably shouldn't see you guys right now. Any of you, really. Especially you, G-"

Shinji finally made it stop, the string tuning down at last, the voices finally falling silent. He took a deep breath of exhausted relief. Wait a minute. Why didn't he hear that?

He lowered his hands as he opened his eyes, and saw Asuka's mouth moving. Why wasn't she saying anything?

His eyes went wide as he realized what he had done. 'I'm… deaf. No. No! I need to make it stop!'

His hands went back to his ears again, seeing Asuka's anger hiding the panic behind her eye, glancing over with her to see the older versions of them standing up as they no doubt heard Asuka doing what was likely shouting. Then, somehow, he heard someone speak, the words unknotting all the tension and fear in him.

"Shinji. I've gotta say, kid, I'm kind of surprised."

He looked around, the voice echoing in his head almost like it had come from a vast cavern, and found Daniel standing behind him, hands on his hips. The look on his face was… bemused, more than anything, empty of accusation and annoyance as he crouched down. No others came out with him as he put his hand on Shinji's shoulder.

"Let's get you fixed up. You learned how to tune it down, but we haven't taught you to tune your abilities up yet. I don't think that would have flown with the Captain."

Daniel chuckled for a moment. "Now, focus. Tune it up again. Slowly, now that you know what it feels like. I'll watch over you every step of the way."

"But how do I stop it from happening again?" he asked. Or, at least, he thought he asked.

"Envision a series of mountain peaks, three in total. You're currently at the bottom of the first, trying to work your way back to normalcy. Tune your string back up to that first peak."

Daniel paused as Shinji began to do so, slowly but surely restoring his hearing. "And don't forget to breathe. It helps when you aren't passed out." he said with a smile.

Shinji took a breath he hadn't quite realized he'd been holding back, thankful to hear himself breathing again as things continued to come back to him.

"How long is this going to take?" he heard Asuka ask, her words almost seeming whispered, but heard all the same.

"As long as Shinji needs," Daniel replied, the words no longer sounding echoed. He was so close…

Finally, Daniel put a hand up to tell Shinji to stop his concentrated effort, and Shinji took a deep breath as he listened to the crackling of the fire a ways away from them, the breeze gently blowing once again.

Daniel patted him on the shoulder as they all stood. "Good job. We'll keep training you guys on how to get your abilities under control once we've gotten to Village-3."

Asuka walked around Shinji and Daniel going into the doorway that Daniel had emerged from, peeking in down the hallway. "So, who were you talking to? It's not like there's anyone else from around here just hanging out in this sort of place."

"How about I tell you both when we get back to the others?" Daniel said, shepherding them back to said group as they took the short walk in silence.

As they approached the now at least somewhat resettled group, the older Rei paused her reading, all of the others looking expectantly at them. "So," the older Asuka said with an arched brow and a slight, wry smile, "how was the reunion?"

"Perfectly fine," Daniel replied as the three of them sat down by the fire. "We're not simply Outbound Operations anymore, either. Welcome to GEIST, kids. My older kids, at least."

The elder others nodded. "That would be Misato, wouldn't it?" the older Shinji asked with a small smile.

As Daniel nodded and the others began joking with familiar ease about the woman, young Shinji pondered the revelation for a moment. What was this version of Misato like? More like the one that he'd known all those years ago?

"When will she and the others be meeting up with us?" the older Shinji continued. "If they're here…"

"It's not just the Kajis and Akagis, Shinji," Daniel said. "As for who's with them…" he paused, seeming to ponder what he should say further. "We'll get there when they meet up with us in a couple of weeks. They've got some things to keep an eye on first."

Young Shinji looked over at Daniel as he went quiet for a moment, then glanced over at Asuka Shikinami. "However, there is someone I'd like you all to meet. Especially you, Asuka Shikinami-Langley."

He held out his hand, and motes of light, tiny stars, sprang into existence, glowing lines crossing the air between them, connecting them into a wireframe, then weaving what was almost a funnel web of different hues, skin tones, blue eyes, red hair over what was becoming a familiar face…

He saw Shikinami's eye go wide, along with the eyes of everyone else, as the head floating in his hand blinked, and looked around, locking eyes with Shikinami as she smiled. "Well, then. It's been a while, Langley. Feliz Jueves, and all that."

"Bradley?" Shikinami said, her mouth hanging open slightly in utter shock. "How are you…"

"By the not-so-good graces of Commander Ikari, kid," Bradley replied. "He's got plans for me, I'm sure."

"So wait," the elder Shinji said, holding out a hand, "you're… another clone of Asuka?"

"The first, technically. Asuka Shikinami-Bradley, as much at your service as I can be and all that." Bradley said with a shrug that was implied more than seen. "It's a story that I'm sure Daniel will let me tell, now that I know he can do this."

"What is 'feliz jueves'?"

All eyes turned to the Ayanami unit, whose expression was, as always, completely level, though now there was a slight furling to her brow. The older Asuka nodded as she looked at Daniel, confusion far more evident on her face. "Actually, yeah. What's with the Spanish? It isn't even Thursday."

Daniel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Bradley gave a smug grin. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that. Now, of all times, is not the time to have a conversation about meme culture and what Evangelion has to do with it."

Asuka Ikari-Soryu opened her mouth to object, but Daniel raised a hand. "When we get to the village. Promise."

He paused for a moment as he shot an unamused stare at Bradley, whose grin only faltered a little. "In the meantime, why don't you introduce yourself more, Bradley? We've got all night, after all."

. . .

Three men walked back towards the line of ACC Pillars, coming back from another Pillar, the last in an expansion of the network to cover what was once the old NERV base in the area. They were… average was really the only word to describe them, fairly passable in their looks, varied though they were, all wearing coveralls with some company logo or another, likely contracting with KREDIT. The men were clearly familiar with each other, the one in the middle of the three giving his companion on the left a gentle smack on the shoulder as they conversed.

Then, the first man popped, a shower of LCL seemingly erupting from the man's clothes as they went fluttering to the ground away from the other man's hand. The two men looked at each other, stunned into silence and with horror in their eyes.

The man to the left on the screen then popped without another word, the final man, who had been between his compatriots, beginning a dead sprint towards the still active part of the perimeter. As he drew close to the camera, one could see his eyes clearly. They were the first part of him to become LCL or at least the first visible part, the rest of him following all too quickly after as his quickly emptying coveralls fell to the crystalline ground.

Ritsuko pressed pause on video as she looked around herself at the vast landscape that now stretched out before them, barren of the core material since the ACC Pillars activated. Now, it was rolling hills, some few buildings still left standing, and the object of the men in the video's task: a low, bunker-like outcropping made of concrete and rebar, which she knew would have the NERV logo painted on more than a few surfaces.

"It's a… messy way to go," Maya said beside her, her voice quiet and somber.

Ritsuko nodded. "Indeed it is."

She looked over at Doctor Lewis, looking over charts with one of his coworkers, a somewhat shorter, stouter man with a tan and dark brown hair whose coat also, coincidentally, tagged him as Dr. Lewis. Carter, she believed his given name was. "How long ago was the incident?"

Jacob looked up at Ritsuko. "About 2 and a half hours ago, ma'am. After that, we activated the new perimeter, cleared out the now safe core material, and started taking down the old ACC Pillars for use elsewhere."

"Did your Fuyutsuki detectors sense a spike in energy from beyond the ACC field?" Maya asked.

Jacob looked at Carter, who nodded after a moment looking down at his tablet. "Yep. Big spike about 6 or 7 hours ago. Detectors have been showing constant low-level activity since then."

"How long had they been out there for?" Ritsuko said as she motioned for them to follow her and Maya, the four of them beginning to walk back to the car.

"They were out there doing a final readiness check on the last ACC Pillar for the new perimeter," Jacob replied as they got into the car and Maya began to drive to the NERV building. "They were out for… 30 minutes. Maybe a little more than that."

Ritsuko nodded. It was like the entire world was participating in a massive Contact Experiment now. The thought left her distinctly uneasy. "I see. I'm familiar with such low-level exposure. I wouldn't recommend being in the core material for longer than that without some sort of protective suit. I'll have WILLE and KREDIT draft up a warning."

"It'll be out by the end of the day," Carter said with a firm nod.

"Good," Jacob said, making a note on his tablet before looking up. "Where are we going?"

"From what I can recall…" Ritsuko paused as she pulled out her smartphone and opened an old registry of NERV sites. "This is Storage Building C-418 of NERV's North America West Branch. We'll likely find some rather useful things within."

She looked back at the two Lewis'. "As tragic as these men's deaths are, they've likely provided us with what we need to continue the fight of rebuilding this world safely, along with what we need to do in order to keep other people from sharing their fate. They're to be commended and remembered for that."

"Will you need us there to assist you with anything?" Carter asked after a moment of silence. "The message can be composed while we're helping you…"

"No need," Ritsuko replied. "It's likely just a simple look through the base's files once we find the database, which is just a matter of us walking around and hacking our way through any obstacles. You can go on your way, and we'll request assistance as needed."

Carter nodded as they came to a stop in front of the bunker, set into a large hillside and likely running deep into the earth. As Ritsuko expected, the NERV logo, faded and patchy though it was, was prominently displayed on both the crew-size door and the far more massive cargo-sized door beside it.

Ritsuko waved the men off, thanking them for their help, and walked over to the crew door with Maya by her side. The woman shook her head as she sighed. "Young men. We're able to do this on our own well enough."

"Maybe so, Maya," Ritsuko said with a slight smile as she opened the door, the lock likely deactivated with the main power out, "but they mean well enough, in the end."

They walked through the darkened halls with flashlights and maps pulled up on their phones, the sight of their austere grey walls with a stripe of red at about waist height almost nostalgic. They gave such feelings little mind, however, as they stepped into what was supposed to be the head manager's office.

The place was covered in a thick layer of dust, the very act of opening the door sending up a cloud of it that caused both Ritsuko and Maya to cough for a few moments, waving their hands to clear the mist-like cover away. It was a similarly austere space compared to the hallways, the only things in the room were a desk, a chair, a few filing cabinets, and most important to them, a computer console atop the desk, bulky and seemingly well put together.

The two women crossed the room to the computer, Ritsuko making a call as Maya wiped off the dust from the screen and keyboard. "Wunder? This is Vice Captain Akagi. I'm going to need a wireless power transmission to the central power plant at Storage Building C-418 and to the terminal at my current location."

"Acknowledged, Vice-Captain." the voice at the other end of the line said. "Power should be online in… about 5 minutes."

"Good to hear. Vice-Captain out." Ritsuko ended the call, returning the phone to her pocket as Maya continued to check the console for any physical damage.

"How much data corruption do you think we're going to be dealing with, Senpai?" Maya asked as she stood from under the desk, wiping off as much dust as she could from the screen and keyboard.

"Depending on if this computer was active during when power was cut off, what it might have been doing then, and what kind of security systems are in place in the servers in case of a sudden loss of power… I can't really say." Ritsuko said with a slight shrug. "We'll just have to roll with whatever comes."

"As we always have," Maya said with a slight smile.

That slight smile caused Ritsuko to smile in turn. "I'm impressed that you can smile after all that's happened… today I guess."

"Frankly, Ritsuko… I am too." Maya looked around for a moment before looking back at Ritsuko, her smile widening slightly. "And I've got to admit, doing this sort of thing, messing with a computer in the depths of NERV… it brings back memories. And hey, if that's the case, then this should be a breeze."

Ritsuko simply looked into Maya's eyes for a moment, taking in that bright optimism that was there from the start. That had drawn out the darkest secrets she held and gave her comfort as she faced them. The brightness of years past hadn't dimmed but had simply been diffused into a warm thing, full of confidence and surety that she showed so few people nowadays.

She found herself drawing closer. A part of her protested that they were on the job right now. Surely, this could wait. But another part, just that little bit louder, didn't care. It had been so long since they'd been alone, with little to no chance of being interrupted…

Then, she paused, a jolt of confusion racing through her brain as Maya put up a hand to stop her advance. "Maya? What's wrong?"

Maya opened her mouth, then closed it after a moment, shaking her head slightly. "It's something I want to talk about with you and Misato later."

She turned away, the smile gone and the warm brightness snuffed out. "After this, though. No sense in not getting this done before then."

Ritsuko's brow furrowed as she nodded, looking back to the still-dark computer, wondering for a moment what secrets lay within. "Does it have something to do with earlier today? Stopping Instrumentality?"

Maya nodded. "Yes."

That she did not elaborate worried Ritsuko even as the lights came on and the computer before them hummed to life, the tower beneath the desk kicking out a fair amount of dust as it booted up. She put the feelings she felt at the moment in the back of her mind as best she could.

"Alright, let's see what treasures we have in store for us…" she began as she took the keyboard and began to type, several menus and UIs going by quickly until they reached their goal: the main storage manifest. There was, unsurprisingly, a fair amount of corrupted data, missing numbers, letters, or even ridiculous symbols in their places.

"Let's see…" Ritsuko said quietly as they began to scroll through the manifest, scanning for anything of particular note. "Several different kinds of computer parts, that's nice. Ammunition for Pallet Rifles, a few Progressive Knives…"

She paused on a particular log entry, her eyes narrowing at how ridiculous it seemed. "There's no way there's that many…"

Maya leaned in closer, hovering over Ritsuko's shoulder, her eyes going wide. "7,894 ESV-10.25… Enchanted Shields of Virtue? When did they make that many? And what were we ever going to do with those?"

Ritsuko shook her head slightly. "Corrupted number, most likely. There's no way we could produce even half as many as it claims to hold. But even a small number of them would be exceptionally useful for integrating into ship defenses or Evangelion deployments."

"That's true." Maya paused for a moment. "And what iteration of the design were we on when Ramiel attacked?"

Ritsuko cupped her chin as she pondered. "I believe it was… iteration 9 we were on when the 6th Angel attacked." she paused, blinking as she looked back up at Maya. "What's Ramiel?"

Maya was silent for a moment before she bowed her head slightly, chuckling softly. "That's something from Daniel's friend. At least, so he said back then. All the Angels have names where he's from. Including a few that never showed up for us."

Ritsuko continued scanning through the document, then began searching for any manufacturing information on the Shields. "Should we be concerned? We have dealt with 13 Angels, after all. More coming now would be disastrous."

"No." The moment it took for her to answer, the timbre of her voice told her there was more to the word. "They were just substitutions, mostly. The 3rd Angel didn't exist for them, there was a giant whale Angel named Gaghiel, one they went into an active volcano for, a giant spider that wept acid…"

"How do you remember all these?" Ritsuko interjected as she found something better than what she was looking for: actual blueprints of the current Shields of Virtue stored here. "And how can you be sure he's telling the truth? He lied to us about his background and life story."

"It's not hard to remember a description of an Angel, Ritsuko. And he's not the kind to lie without reason." Maya replied. "He was undercover. Trying to stop the people who sent those monsters after us during the concert. That all but proved that whoever he's fighting had people in our ranks. Some good people, sure, but more than a few who didn't blink an eye trying to kill us. Or their own."

Ritsuko finally paused uploading the schematics to the Wunder's database, looking up at Maya. "Why don't I know any of this, Maya?"

Maya looked back at her, staring for what seemed like the longest time. "Because he knows us. He knows you, and me, and Misato, and almost everyone else from NERV, at least from another universe. He knows… he knew, rather, what would happen after Shinji woke up. What he would be driven to do. What we would do to the boy if Daniel and company didn't step in. So, naturally, he didn't trust us. At least, at first."

"Wait, you're saying that he…" Ritsuko scoffed as she stood from the console. "He knows what's coming? He knows how things will play out in this world, here and now?"

She stepped forward, feeling a spike of confusion and concern pierce her heart as Maya stepped back. "Why didn't you tell me, Maya?"

Maya was silent, then she sighed. "Like I said, it's something I want to talk with you and Misato about. I promise I'll bring up my concerns then. Okay?"

Her concern grew stronger as fear flickered to life in Ritsuko's heart, a flame that seemed to cause her gut to begin boiling. Even still though, she nodded. "Okay," she said quietly, pulling out her phone. "I'll make the call for people to get in here and start going over the storage area. Then I'll tell Misato you want to meet with her."

Maya finally smiled again, ever so slightly, and Ritsuko couldn't help but feel comforted by the sight of it. "Thank you, Senpai."

Ritsuko smiled in turn. "Of course, Kouhai."

. . .

Daniel Theisman, Worldstrider, Interfacer, a man who had, for the briefest of moments in the counting of Reality, been a god, still couldn't help but wonder as he looked up at the stars in the night sky. The feeling of possibility, of a place beyond this waiting for one brave enough to reach for it, still pulled at him as he sat outside the house that he'd shepherded the Children into, the same one he'd had his meeting in earlier tonight.

He'd left the kids to their devices, the last he'd seen of them being Rei continuing to read quietly to Ayanami, young Shinji talking to this world's Kaworu after having given the marble to him as both the older Shinji and Kaworu watched on, and the Asukas talking to Bradley. All of them sat on thick, fluffy sleeping bags that surrounded a light on a small stand that replaced the fire, each bag temperature controlled so that the humidity and heat of the night wouldn't get to them. It was especially handy when a few degree's difference could mean life or death.

'And yet, it all seems so… luxurious right now.' Daniel allowed himself a wry grin as he thought back to the empty one waiting for him. 'Almost like we're camping out here.'

He remembered camping. Back before he'd become anything like he was now. When he was just a normal man. It was a hazy thing at best now. He remembered the faces of his family as they did it. Those would never fade. But the locations themselves blurred together, mountain and forest and valley blending into a mess of heights and depths and backgrounds. It happened, with memories that far back. Sure, he could pull from his soul, that vessel that perfectly remembered all things, but doing so would take time and energy he had no desire to spend.

But the one thing he remembered without ever needing to think for any length of time was the stars. He always would.

He took a deep breath, taking in the smell of the sea, and an oncoming rain. The sky was exceptionally clear tonight, too. It was probably going to rain quite heavily tonight. The smell itself brought on memories as well, memories of another night sky on another world, with tall mountains, vast oceans, and deep forests.

And, as he reminisced, he began to sing softly, an ancient tune only he knew here playing in his mind.

"Neyum arn urm,
Mynaþyaum vreyrai,
nerim dexji lem xedrim.

Mynaþya, kevelut jev himum rehov.
Ney, khon jev ki hur.

Ohr dexji heyr xama ðivouxi mahoum.
Ohr dexji heyr dimeri jifum lhumin…"

"What's that?"

Daniel looked at the doorway as the song trailed off, finding the older Shinji as he spoke, followed by Kaworu and the older Asuka. Just out of sight, the older Rei peeked beyond the doorway. He smiled slightly. "An old song, from an old life. How are the kids?"

The four Children began to exit the house, each taking a seat around him. "Well," Asuka began, "the Shikinamis are going to sleep together. It's actually terribly sweet. Rei put the Ayanami clone to bed as well once they got to a point where she felt they could pause."

"That it ended on Zeus calling it a night and retiring to bed is just a coincidence, I'm sure," Kaworu said with a slight smile.

Rei shrugged slightly. "Indeed so."

Daniel chuckled softly as he nodded, looking over at Shinji. "And what about your young double?"

Shinji sighed. "He's still talking with the other Kaworu. I think they'll be at it all night, frankly."

"And Kaworu himself?"

Shinji was silent for a moment before he sighed. "He's… a mess right now. Talking to the other Shinji helps somewhat, but he's a wreck in ways I don't think I can understand."

All eyes turned to Kaworu, who nodded. "He is in conflict with his nature. A nature entirely divorced from his being an Angel. I have little experience with such urges and desires as my mirror image here has, but I can at least provide some compassion and sympathy."

"And what happens if he decides that he's just got to be more sneaky the next time around instead of growing up and getting some friends?" Asuka asked with an arched brow.

"He won't," Daniel interjected, his voice quiet and contemplative. "I've made sure of that. Through young Shinji, we can show this world's Kaworu how important knowing more than just one person as a friend is."

The Children all nodded, and it was silent for a little while, Daniel returning to his vigil over the stars. "So, Bruder," Asuka finally asked quietly, "where did the song come from?"

Daniel nodded slightly. "It's an old hymn from Caladan, from long before House Atreides settled there. Paul's nursemaids used it as a lullaby to sing him to sleep when he was a baby." the words came as a whisper.

He chuckled softly. "Duncan and I were taken with it. We went so far as to learn the language and the song. Its title roughly translates to 'Wave and Waterdrop'. It's a plea, of sorts, to the sea and to storms, to give those who sing it rest and relief."

He paused as he looked to the east, and saw the clouds in the distance coalescing and coming toward them, utterly dark save for the flashes of lightning that arced through them. A quiet rumble echoed in the night, promising rain as the smell of it grew stronger. "And it seems like I've been answered," Daniel said after a moment, a small grin on his face.

He stood, the other kids standing with him. "No sense in stargazing when the only sight will be the rain hitting my eyes. Besides, sleeping in an actual house after all this time is terribly nice, really."

They went inside the house, all crawling into their sleeping bags and settling in as the light turned out, and the rain began to drum upon the roof, a comfortably familiar sound for most.

Daniel, nestled in his bag, still tossed and turned. The memories, now that he'd spoken of a few of them, came uninvited, one world flowing into another. And, as always, blood and screams and tears came with them. The eyes, unseen for now, seemed to try and crush him as they did every night. It would be worse if he went to sleep alone like this.

He wished that Eleanor was here. Now that Hamar'ramah was likely gone, she could soothe and support him whatever came without worrying much. But she was half a world away, too far out of reach without something to act like a bridge.

As he shifted to look out over the now still room, his eyes landed on the older Children, each holding hands and pressing their sleeping bags close. The sight, as much as it cheered him up, made a part of him ache.

He continued to scan the room, young Asuka and the Ayanami unit sleeping apart from each other, and young Shinji apart from them, surely still clutching the sanguine pearl that he'd given the boy.

He blinked as he realized that young Shinji was still awake, locking eyes with him as they looked at each other silently for a moment.

So as to not disturb the others, he lightly connected his soul to Shinji's. "Hard to fall asleep, isn't it?" he said, a weary, jesting tone to the words.

As Shinji opened his mouth to answer, Daniel interrupted him. "No need to speak. Just think clearly."

Young Shinji nodded. "Yes. It is."

"I get it. The memories, the nightmares, all of it, waiting on the other side of consciousness. There's a lot to face."

"I wish I could just… stay awake. Like Asuka did."

"But you can't run away from them forever."

Young Shinji looked away, and Daniel could feel the sadness, the shame within the boy. "That doesn't mean that you have to face it alone," he said, a soft assurance to his words. "Just drift off. With our souls connected, I can help you bear the burden of whatever comes."

"What about you?"
young Shinji asked, a clearly plaintive tone to his internal voice.

Daniel smiled slightly. "I'll manage on my own. I have before. I can do it again."

Even still, the connection was assuring, as soothing as the rain above them as he finally closed his eyes, and steeled himself to safeguard young Shinji's rest.

. . .

Ritsuko couldn't help but ponder on the astonishing sight of what had been stored in the recently uncovered warehouse as they drove back toward the Wunder.

The number of Enchanted Shields of Virtue, while still falling far under the number that the database had given them, greatly exceeded their expectations.

Long rows of the massive, slab-like constructs, unpainted grays and whites stretching out before them, were sequestered within the main warehouse portion of the building. And, far beyond the rather bland description of the facility, it had the means, if not the current capability, to produce more of everything that it held within.

'85 Shields in all… what a boon for the fleet. And for our Evas. The detachable shield is going to be useful for combat encounters if we can somehow store a few of them aboard the Wunder.'

Which brought her back to the present, as they came to a stop in front of the Wunder itself, getting out of the car and walking up the ramp back into its depths. Sparks flew, falling in great torrents at the front of the ship, and flickering across the rest of the body of the habitable portion of the vessel. Two massive cranes lifted the mangled turrets from the arm of the ship where they lay, the scraping sound intermittently grating at her like iron nails across a chalkboard.

She looked over at Maya as she came to her side, and that anxiety that she had kept tamped down as best she could in the time since their… confrontation, so to speak, began to roil again. Maya had that look of… determination in her eyes. More often than not, that determination had been aimed at her in a positive way, to lift her from the darkest parts of herself. Now though, those eyes, seeming almost to gleam, were set in firmness, yes, but also against fear. She was afraid of what she might be doing.

'What's going on?' she wondered as she looked up at Misato and Ryoji, noting Major (it was strange to refer to her as such) Eleanor Theisman standing beside them. 'What does she have to do with any of this?'

The five of them retreated into the ship in near silence, the sounds and clamor of what was going on above and around them dimming to a muted rumble before Maya and Mrs. Theisman ushered the group into a secluded mess hall. There were no others there waiting for them.

"Maya," Ritsuko finally said as they all sat down at the nearest table, "what's going on? What have you been wanting to talk to all of us about?"

Maya took a deep breath, casting a glance around the table at all of them. "It has to do with what happened earlier today. And what led up to it, ever since we started putting those damned collars on all of the pilots."

Ritsuko blinked in shock, speechless for the moment as Maya continued. "We started putting those collars on children, and we stopped caring about them as people. They're tools to us now."

"They're dangerous, Maya." Ritsuko finally said as she got her wits about her. "Any one of them can end the world just like Shinji Ikari tried to do today."

"Maybe so." Maya retorted. "But as long as they have someone who's willing to guide them and support them, keep them from reaching a point where they would consider doing that, then we would never need the things in the first place. But they don't. They need us. Not the captain and crew of this ship, they need people. Daniel Theisman realized that, and he began to act, however in the way we might have gotten."
"Maya," Ritsuko said, her head beginning to spin as she saw the recrimination, yet unspoken, that was in her student's eyes, "we can't put the comfort of a few children above keeping the planet safe. We already tried that, and-"

"No, Senpai!" Maya's outburst made whatever she was going to say next wither in her mouth. "They aren't tools! They were made tools, we were made tools, by Commander Ikari. But that doesn't give you any right to continue that, on them or anyone!"

Ritsuko was indignant. "There's no way I'd do that to you! There's no way Misato could-"


Ritsuko stuttered to a halt, something she hadn't done in decades, as she turned to Misato. The word was quiet and could be almost contemplative if they weren't still so hollow. "She's right, Ritsuko. We went down the path Gendo Ikari cleared for us. We never questioned it for a moment. Not when you put a bomb around Asuka's throat. Not when you did it to Mari. Not when you did it to Shinji."

Ryoji remained silent, his face ashen as Misato shook her head. "We were… choking the life out of them."

'Choking the life out of them…'

Memories came to her, of a darkness that had poured forth from a screen, years and years ago. Memories of a security feed that had been found in the depths of NERV's database, sequestered away in what were Gendo's personal files. Memories of the woman who couldn't have been her mother… strangling Rei.

'I can't… I'm like her. Oh god, I'm just like her.'

She didn't know when she'd risen from her chair, or when Maya had risen from hers. But they both sat down slowly, Ritsuko not bothering to hide the horror in her eyes. "Maya…" she couldn't continue, the thoughts swirling through her mind on how she'd betrayed her student, her friend, the woman that she loved, to say nothing of the pilots and everyone else around them.

"But there's got to be a point to all this," Ryoji said. "I'm sure you wouldn't just call us all here to simply preach to us, as necessary as it might be. So what do you have to say to us?"

Maya took a deep breath. "I'm here to state my intentions. Myself, and all but Shigeru and Makoto from the main bridge duty shift, are going to be teleported back to Village-3 by Mrs. Theisman. We've said nothing in the past. That was our mistake. But a line needs to be drawn somewhere. Now, we have to show you that we think there's a better path."

Ritsuko's eyes went wide, and she looked over at Misato and Ryoji. Misato was at once aghast and somehow resigned, while Ryoji… Ryoji seemed like he'd almost expected the thing to happen.

"Maya…" Ritsuko said, looking back at her friend. "You can't leave us yet. Not when the Paris operation's just waiting for us to be ready to execute it. Unit-02 and Unit-08 are depending on it, to say nothing about getting Paris itself back when we activate the Paris Branch's last chance."

Maya opened her mouth, then closed it, cupping her chin silently as she considered what Ritsuko had said. It was silent for long moments, Ritsuko glancing between Maya and Eleanor, wondering what the other woman, who had stayed silent this whole time, was thinking.

Then, Maya nodded as she sighed quietly. "Alright, then. We'll stay on for the Paris operation, then leave when it's concluded."

"Thank you, Maya," Ryoji said. "We really do appreciate your skills, and clearing Paris for people to return to will likely give us enough to do before you return."

"And we will return, Commander." Maya nodded, then looked over at Ritsuko. "When you next dock in Village-3, I think you'll all have had enough time to think."

With that, both Maya and Eleanor rose, Ritsuko, Misato, and Ryoji rising with them. "I'll be waiting, Senpai," Maya said, smiling slightly, even as tears welled in her eyes. "I promise."
Chapter 24: Parting the Veil

Chapter 24: Parting the Veil

It's been a long road, getting from there to here…

I don't quite recall where I've heard that before, but it seems far too accurate to my life than I'd care to admit. The road is long, not just now in the middle of this Corite, but through every path I've gone down.

At the very least, the company's nice to have along. Even if, in some ways. I will always walk alone.

- From the personal journal of Daniel Theisman

On the Road to Village-3, March 21st, 2028

The sun, unsurprisingly, rose red, the light of it suffused by the stark grey clouds that still gave of their rain, the thunderstorm of the night before now becoming a still-persistent shower as it hid the massive moon up above. It gave the landscape the feeling of a matte painting, a dream-like scene laid out by an ailing artist.

Daniel stepped out the door, pausing under the awning as he observed the rain after a samey, but still somewhat energizing breakfast. "Well," he said as he looked back at the others, many of the Children, save for young Shinji, the Ayanami unit, and Asuka Shikinami, huddling under ponchos from the survival kits, "at the very least, we'll get washed clean before we get to the village."

He stepped aside, gesturing out the door. "After you, Asuka Shikinami. Lead us home."

Shikinami nodded, walking out the door past Daniel and out into the rain, probably quite grateful that it would wash off the remaining musk and dried flakes of her Entry Plug's LCL. They streamed out behind her and continued on the last stretch of their journey.

The rain concealed the sound of their footsteps for the most part, save for the occasional splash through a puddle that broke a mostly silent walk. Hovering above them, scattered across the skyline, clumps of vans, trucks and sedans, train cars, and radio towers, among many other things, caught the rain, sending it pouring down in sheets that they had to at times dodge as they took momentary shelter from the rain.

The sound caused the conversations that the Children had from time to time to grow slightly louder to compensate for the constant drum-like sound across the crystals and the concrete and steel that they covered. "Y'know," Asuka Ikari-Soryu said as they stood in the cover of several larger chunks of Corite, "at least the gravitational anomalies aren't moving on us. That would make things really annoying."

"These things moved where you're from?" Shikinami asked incredulously. "What did you guys do differently, and how do you screw up worse than this?"

"For one, Eleanor and myself interfered by entering Lilith itself during our Near-Third Impact, in order to try interfering with the process of Instrumentality," Rei replied. "Secondly, Kadmonel was used to shut down the Mass-Production Evangelions. His interference may have had unintended side effects, to say nothing of our own work."

"What's Kadmonel?" young Shinji asked quietly.

"Kadmonel is the ancient name for the being we would come to know as Adam, Shinji," Kaworu replied.

Young Shinji and Asuka's eyes went wide, and even Ayanami seemed perturbed. "You're kidding." Asuka Shikinami shook her head slightly. "Adam is a singular being? And you managed to convince him to not end the world?"

Kaworu and Rei looked at each other with somewhat bemused expressions. "Kadmonel and Suriel, the being who would become Lilith, are far more connected than you might expect. We can tell you the story of their origins if you so wish to hear it."

They began to walk again, Daniel grinning slightly as he looked between his kids. "You might even meet their kids at some point when this is all over. They're all actually really sweet, once they were unshackled from the overriding urge to wipe out humanity."

Young Shinji blinked, then his eyes narrowed. "Wait. So… the Angels live… peacefully with you?"

"They're in human bodies now." Asuka Ikari-Soryu replied. She nodded slightly as if still trying to convince herself of the truth of the statement. "They're about… 2, 3 years old now? I'd never thought I'd call an Angel cute, but here we are."

Shikinami stopped in her tracks, turning slowly to look at Ikari-Soryu, her jaw going slack in awe. "How?" she whispered.

"Because magic is… well, magic," Daniel said, sauntering up to Shikinami before pausing. "Like I said, they're sweet. Bardiel in particular is a consummate actor. He's going to make it big someday, I think."

Shikinami shook her head, turning back towards Village-3. "Look, the last thing I need in my head is an Angel singing one of Mari's show tunes. We've probably got a few more kilometers before we can establish a signal again. Let's get going."

Shikinami walked off down the road, the others following after with a mixture of bemusement for most and confusion for others.

As they walked, the kilometers melting away being paused only briefly by another lunch, the rain began to ebb, even as they took shelter underneath a massive ruined building that was part of a long thoroughfare, up against rather useless vending machines and under a canopy. They sat there for long moments, waiting on Shikinami as she fiddled with her device, nodding once as it began to beep quietly. "Our signal is broadcasting. Now, we just have to wait for someone to find us and pick us up from here."

She leaned against one of the vending machines, sliding down to seat herself next to young Shinji as the older Children moved across the street towards another piece of cover, a bus stop that was across from the long row of vending machines. The Ayanami unit followed Rei across the street, sparing a glance back at the three who remained under the overhang that protected the vending machines.

Daniel looked over at their passing for a moment, then took a seat by young Shinji across from Asuka Shikinami. There they sat in silence for a moment, taking in the melancholic, unearthly beauty of the landscape around them.

Finally, as the world began to grow dark, and the rain began to subside somewhat, Shikinami seemed resolved to break the silence, her face scrunching up slightly in thought for a few moments before she looked across at Daniel. "So, Bardiel," she began, the words drawing the attention of both her companions towards her, "the older me said that he's a toddler. A decent one."

Daniel recognized the question wrapped in the statement, nodding slightly. "You're wondering how they could change so dramatically. The Angels, I mean."

Asuka nodded, and Shinji had a wondering look in his eyes, one that Daniel knew intimately. "Does it have to do with that magic you have, Interfacing? Did you tool around with their souls to get them to be like that?"

Daniel nodded slightly. "Only enough to remove the shell around them that would fundamentally keep them from becoming like humanity. That kept many of them from any higher intelligence than that of a beast."

He looked out, towards Kaworu and Rei. There were cracks in Kaworu's shell back then. The one that Kadmonel had placed around it so many ages ago. It was what had made him able to burst the bands of his heritage and its terrible duty. "It doesn't really matter what vessel a soul is in, whether it's humanoid or monstrous or artificial. A person is a person. Capable of great and terrible things."

"So how does a monster bent on destroying the world, however ignorantly, become something like that?" Shinji asked quietly, the nearly whispered words almost lost in the rain shower. "How does a monster appreciate the world around it, care for it?"

Daniel recognized the depth of what Shinji asked. He still didn't fully have the answer to it. He still struggled with wondering how much of him was still that monster from so long ago. Even still, he smiled as he answered as best he could. "With time, and patience… and help, Shinji."

Shinji regarded Daniel silently for a moment, then looked away as he drew his knees to his chest. Daniel felt a pang of sorrow for the hopelessness that was in Shinji's expression, however hidden it might be.

"I understand, Shinji." How many times had he said those cursed words? "It's a lot. But there's always time if we make room for it."

With that, the street fell into near silence as they continued to wait, the world going deeper and deeper into darkness as night came on. The only sound that continued near them was the quiet beeping of the transponder in Shikinami's device, going on for a few more minutes until she muted the sound and began to simply stare at her device.

The world drew darker still, and it was around 8 or 9 o'clock before they all saw a pair of headlights in the distance, bright for their singularity in this now shadowed wasteland, turn onto the street. The other Children stood with Daniel and began to cross the street to them, Asuka Shikinami dragging young Shinji to his feet as the car, its red paint dimly visible behind the now nearly blinding headlights, came to a stop in front of them.

Daniel glanced over at Shikinami, seeing her grin slightly as the door of the car, a boxy Suzuki, opened, and someone in a bulky hazmat suit stepped out and around the door. The brightness of the light he stood behind left his face, nominally shown by a clear part of the suit in front of it, covered in shadow.

"Well," Shikinami said, "took your sweet time didn't you, Ken Ken?"

"Ken Ken?" young Shinji murmured as the man chuckled.

"Well, there was a lot going on at the village today, Asuka," Ken Ken replied. "And everyone knows if you send this sort of signal, I'm your preferred pickup."

"Though…" he trailed off as he bodily turned to take in the near dozen people that were before him. "I don't usually see you with this many people. You've got quite the entourage."

Daniel glanced back over at young Shinji as the boy continued to connect the dots, his brow furrowed in slight confusion as Daniel raised his hand, an utterly thin sheet of quartz forming across his palm and slowly beginning to glow, becoming a warm beam of light shining into the face of the man before them.

It revealed the face of a young man, not even into his thirtieth year, with brown hair, a face with some stubble, and brown eyes that squinted for a moment behind circular glasses.

Finally, Shinji's eyes went wide. "Kensuke?" he said incredulously.

Kensuke Aida smiled slightly. "It's good to see you're doing alright, Shinji," he said warmly.

Asuka Ikari-Soryu nodded as she smiled. "It's about time you two got back in touch anyway, nerd. I've almost started missing those round frames of yours."

Kensuke regarded the older Asuka for a moment, then looked intently at the other pilots, finally landing on Daniel. "Wait a minute. What's going on here?"

Daniel stepped forward as the light blinked out of his hand. "That's a question for when we're not standing in the rain, Kensuke. We'll even give you the quick and dirty version while we're on our way into the village."

"And… you are?"

"I'm Daniel Theisman." he reached out a hand, grinning slightly. "I'm from another universe. Not the same universe as the other, older versions of your friends in front of you, but still."

Kensuke looked down at the hand, utterly mystified as he took it and shook it once. "Man, even my weirdest sci-fi never even got close to this…"

"More importantly," Daniel interjected as his grin became a warm smile, "I'm a part of WILLE, as are my older kids. We've been keeping an eye on Shinji and Asuka. It's been a pleasure being a friend to them."

"I'm sure." Kensuke seemed to be regaining his composure, his bafflement fading into mere confusion. "I hate to burst your bubble, though, but…"

He looked over towards his car, the suit he wore blocking his vision but showing his intent regardless. "I don't think you all are going to be fitting in my old Jimny."

Daniel's smile began to take back that grin he'd had as he stepped past Kensuke, opening the door and peering into the car for a moment before touching the doorframe. As he did so, Asuka Shikinami began to speak again. "So, what's with the hazmat suit? This stuff is supposed to be safe now, isn't it?"

"It was, for a pretty long time," Kensuke replied, not seeing the magic at work within his four-seater car. "Then something happened yesterday that set the core material around us off. Doctor Akagi issued a general warning, and now we get these suits."

Kensuke turned to look at what Daniel was doing to his car, and his eyes went wide as he saw the two seats in the back double, then double again, an entire row seemingly added to his car's interior without doing a thing to the outer shell.

"Whoa…" Kensuke shook his head slightly. "And I thought the glowing palm was a neat magic trick. This…"

He paused for a moment, and Daniel looked over at him to see his eyes gleaming. "It's bigger on the inside now!" he said with a chuckle.

Daniel's eyes began to gleam in turn as he stood, motioning the Children over as he put the driver's seat down, two more seats behind it lowering seemingly of their own volition. "I don't hear that too often. It's been…"

The smile faded as the Children began to file in, the Ikari-Soryus and the Nagisas getting into the furthest back seats as he shook his head slightly. "Too long." he finally settled on as the rear seats came up, and the younger kids began to get in, the Ayanami unit and Shinji getting in before Daniel climbed in himself.

Asuka Shikinami pushed the seat up, walked around, and opened the passenger side door, Kensuke getting back in as they began to turn around.

"So," Asuka Shikinami said as they began their drive towards Village-3, "what exactly made the core material so dangerous, then?"

"Well," Kensuke replied after a moment, "it started turning people into LCL, for one."

He paused for a moment. "I wonder why you all didn't turn into the stuff, too. Maybe it has something to do with piloting the Evangelion?"

"Sounds about right." Asuka shrugged, leaning back in the passenger's seat and settling in, as they all did, for the ride home.

"So, Asuka," Kensuke finally said as the ruined city began to fall behind them, "what's the deal with your magic friends?"

. . .

Eleanor looked up at Unit-08 in the temporary gantry that it occupied while repairs were being done on its usual space, then sighed quietly as she shook her head.

Whatever Mari had done to crisp the arms had done so thoroughly. That was before she had used the completely cooked arms to shield her fall into the ruined high-rise that they'd extracted the Evangelion from. Thus, its torso and arms were now bound in LCL-soaked bandages, the sight almost that of an incomplete mummy.

"Well," Ymris, who stood next to her, said with a shrug, "at least it isn't as bad as Unit-02 is."

"At the very least I tried to preserve Unit-02 as best I could. It's hard to do when trying to still channel the blast into the Mark.09."

"That does sound like a tricky AT Field to whip up on the spot, doesn't it?" Mari said, hands on her hips as she stood across from Eleanor beside Ymris. "That you managed something even close to it is pretty damn impressive."

Mari was silent for a moment before pouting slightly. "Still leaves the poor princess's Eva a proper mess."

Eleanor nodded, looking back at Unit-08 for a moment, swarming with technicians and mechanics to fix those portions of the Eva that could be done so reasonably, then looked back at Mari, pausing for a moment to regard the distantly sad look in her eyes. "Miss them?" she asked quietly.

Mari nodded. "Yeah." her voice was equally quiet. "I mean, going from three roommates down to one is bad enough as is, but when they're your copilots, or at least an image of them… it's hard not to miss them."

Mari looked up at Eleanor. "Do you think they'll be okay? I mean, I'm sure Danny boy and the others can take care of themselves, but… Shinji and Asuka…"

Eleanor smiled slightly. "Once they get to Village-3, they'll be fine. I know it."

Mari nodded as she looked back at the gantry, a far less open one, that hosted Unit-02. "So, how bad is Unit-02 here compared to the last time you saw this in the loop?"

"Well, we're from outside the loop. And the version we saw is quite different from this world as well. So…" Eleanor shrugged. "It's really kind of a washout."

"Won't make it any less important to get to Paris and get those parts from the Jet Alone stored there," Ymris interjected. "Even with Eleanor's other pilots, not having Asuka Shikinami here is going to make things that much harder."

Eleanor glanced over at Ymris, and saw in her eyes a distant concern that caused her eyes to point at Unit-08, but not entirely see it. "Something on your mind?" she asked quietly.

Ymris blinked, her focus returning to the present as she looked over at Eleanor for a moment, then back at Unit-08. "Something's coming," she said rather ominously. "Or rather, something's here."

Eleanor and Mari both arched a brow, and Ymris looked around herself almost conspiratorially before she looked back at them, a deadly seriousness to her expression. "In one of my last regular correspondences with Tavis, he mentioned that he'd gotten in contact with a splinter group of other like-minded Scions. One that had at least some sort of Seabreaker presence. More likely than not, they're here by now."

While Mari simply tilted her head in confusion, Eleanor's blood ran chill for the briefest of moments. 'A sizeable number of experienced Interfacers and those familiar with the Worldsea… who knows what tricks they might have up their sleeves?'

"I'm assuming this is supposed to be a bad thing, correct?" Mari asked.

"Unfortunately so," Eleanor replied as she pulled out her clear-pad. "I'm going to need to get in touch with our eyes in the sky. If you'll give me a moment?"

She dialed up to the Val, waiting patiently as the pulsing, hollow ring of the tone continued for a moment.

Finally, a warm hum presaged the line connecting. "Hey, miss Eleanor. What's up?"

Eleanor smiled. "Hey, Kensuke. I've got something I need you to look for with the ship's sensors."

"Alright. What's the target?"

"It's a fleet of Seabreakers. If they're anywhere near here, they'll be able to be picked up. Some of them might be stealth ships, but the Val's got good enough sensors to differentiate between an asteroid and a ship."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Kensuke muttered at the end of the line as she assumed the scan began.

It was silent for a moment, then Kensuke chuckled somewhat awkwardly. "So, I saw the Errant jump in recently," he said, seeming to try and pass the time as the sensors worked their sometimes literal magic.

Eleanor raised a brow. "Oh? So the others made it here. Did they at least say hello?"

Kensuke chuckled on the other end of the line. "They said that much before they asked for Daniel and the others' location and went off after them. Did they get in touch with you?"

"Not yet. They might be betting on being the trump card Daniel needs in a desperate situation."

"With Mr. Kaji being who he is, it figures. And that's not even mentioning-"

The sensor's steady beeping interrupted Kensuke, and he paused for a moment as he took in the results of the scan.

It was silent for a moment, then another as Eleanor's heart began to beat a little faster against her will. "Ken? What're the results?"

"The ship is reading about 35 vessels within the Solar System alone." Kensuke's voice was almost haunted. "It's also reading several dozen more potential positives on an inbound course from within the Echo and from beyond."

Eleanor's blood seemed to freeze over fully now. A fleet that large… not even a dedicated warship like the Val could stand up to that forever.

"I'm assuming that's… bad, based on your expression," Mari said, an uneasy look on her own face.

Eleanor nodded. "There's a lot of ships out there. Which inevitably means a lot of people that are trying to support Tavis' try at remaking the world."

"How big?" Ymris asked.

"Dozens of Seabreakers. Could be converted civilian haulers and bulk craft, could be scavenged military vessels and q-ships. Either way, who knows how many hundreds, thousands of former soldiers and zealots could be on their way."

"Tavis…" Mari said, cupping her chin. "He was the guy in the weird white Evangelion that wouldn't stop yapping at Daniel, right?"

Eleanor and Ymris both nodded. "Indeed," Ymris said quietly. "He's utterly dedicated to trying to make things the way they were, for the Scions at least. Making things the way they wanted it to be."

The words hung heavy for a moment before Eleanor remembered she was still nominally talking to Kensuke. "Keep an eye on things for now. We might need you down here to help, but let us know if anyone makes any sudden moves."

"Most of the ones that are in-system are mostly hanging out in the far Jovian parts of the system, or in the Oort cloud," Kensuke said, trying to sound upbeat. "I think we'll be able to handle things here."

He paused for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure about the Errant, though…"

Eleanor smiled slightly. "She's a tough ship. She made it through the Unity War pretty decently, and she's seen her share of scrapes since. Her minder will help give the Scions trouble at least."

"Alright. We'll be in touch," Kensuke said. "I'll try and get in touch with Daniel, but there's some sort of Pneumaic interference. Probably background emissions from Fourth Impact. Maybe you could touch base with the Akagis and try and figure it out?"

Eleanor's brow furrowed slightly before she nodded. "I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I'll see what I can do. Talk to you later."

With that, she ended the call, then sighed as she slipped the clear-pad back into one of her pockets. She glanced between Mari and Ymris after a moment of contemplative silence. "Well, with all that said, let's get to the more immediately fixable problem, and find out how to get Unit-08 combat capable again."

. . .

A red Suzuki rumbled across the desolate wasteland toward the towering wall of ACC Pillars, relied upon so desperately despite their eerie, almost seemingly evil construction. Beyond the invisible wall that stretched from Pillars, a field of grass stretched, a swatch of illumination from the headlight showing the green, shimmering blanket that stood defiant against the encroachment of the core material.

The car paused in front of the field, and Kensuke looked in the rearview mirror for a moment. Whatever Mr. Daniel had done to the seats in the back, it hadn't compromised his rearview mirror, which showed the back window just as it always had. However, if he tried to look at the back, all his passengers (what a strange way to think about that) seemed like images sloppily layered onto each other on the mirror.

"Are we waiting for someone?" Asuka Shikinami asked somewhat archly. "Last thing I knew, the ACC Pillars were just for keeping the core material out."

"That's still true, of course," Kensuke replied. "It's more about making sure that no one just wanders out here without protection. We should see a patrol come along soon enough."

As Kensuke said, three narrow beams of light began to approach at an ambling pace from the right of the car, pausing for a moment before they picked up speed. The lights resolved into three people, two men and a woman, who waved the car through after confirming that there was indeed someone to drive it.

As they passed from the crunching, shifting sound of the core material to the near-silence of the grass, one of the men, a rifle slung over a shoulder hanging to his side mirroring the other man, leaned on the car. "Mr. Aida," the man said, his tone tired and more than a little gruff. "What has you out here this late at night?"

Kensuke smiled slightly. "A pick up for some lost pilots, Mr. Komuko. How's the wife?"

"Chihiro's actually getting some sleep." Mr. Komuko replied. "You went out for…" he paused for a moment, tired eyes narrowing under a frown. "Three, right?"

Kensuke chuckled somewhat uneasily. "Yeah. But I came back with…" he glanced back, doing a quick head count. "Eight?"

Mr. Komuko looked thoroughly unamused as he glanced at the back for a moment. "That many? Whatever kind of joke this is, it's not funny."

Kensuke began to reply before the buzz of the back right window drew everyone's attention to Daniel, a smile on the man's face as he waved at Mr. Komuko. "Come and take a look, sir," he said affably.

Mr. Komuko's hand still drifted to his gun at the sight of the unexpected man as he slowly approached, looking through the window. His eyes went wide as he saw the impossible sight. "What the…"

"You'll get used to the impossible the longer we're here." Asuka Ikari-Soryu said with a smug grin from the back as the other man and the woman all crowded behind Mr. Komuko, sharing his disbelief at the sight. "Besides, you've lived through the end of the world. A little magic shouldn't be too much of a shock now."

"Jünger," Daniel said with a chuckle as he looked back at her, "there's no need to needle at the poor guards. Their brains are already fried as is."

"So," Kensuke said meaningfully from the front, drawing the attention of the patrol back to him, "is there anything special that I'm going to need to do with these guys, seeing as they're coming in from the hostile, liquid-making wilderness that this world has become?"

One by one, the patrol leaned out of the car, Mr. Komuko turning back to Kensuke. "This late at night… I'd have the doctor check on them. Get them to the hospital, and I'm sure he'll be crawling all over them, even as late as it is."

Kensuke smiled as he nodded. "Yes sir. I think I can do that."

He waved before beginning to roll up his window. "Good night! Stay safe."

With that, the Suzuki rolled into the night again, the patrol passing on its way along the perimeter now quite awake, and quite chatty about the nigh-on miracle that they had just seen. A little ways away, the car came to a stop again, Kensuke stepping out to take off the bulky hazmat suit and take a deep breath of the fresh night air before stuffing it in the trunk and getting back into the driver's seat to bring them home.

As the car trundled through the wilderness, onto what sounded like a dirt road, Kensuke once again spared a thought for the younger Shinji (that was going to take some getting used to) and glanced back to see the boy beginning to drift off, his eyes fluttering tiredly. It was so strange, he pondered as he glanced over at the clone of Ayanami, then over at Asuka. It was like a snapshot of younger days, better days, had drifted out of memory and into being. The younger Shinji especially made it feel so.

But, for now, he had to get to the clinic. Even if Shinji slipped into sleep, the good doctor would still be more than a little happy to see Shinji in the flesh again.

. . .

Ymris Joranna, now former Scion of Unity and somehow still head of Evangelion maintenance, walked into the clinic that had been set aside for those people that were wounded in the battle to stop Fourth Impact from ending the world. Almost all of the people here had been in the arm of the ship that had gotten badly damaged, burns and broken bones being ministered to Doctor Aanderson.

Now that she'd revealed her waterbending, Katara's healing was coming along much more quickly, with several men being checked out by Sakura Suzuhara before being released from their care.

As she walked past the tears of wonder and joy, however, going further into the clinic, she came face to face with security team members, two guards standing watch at the end of each hallway. Standing at the other end, Toph was speaking with one of the guards, her words not able to be made out before she paused, looking over at Ymris and walking towards her.

"So," Toph said, her expression guarded, "what are you doing over here?"

"I'm told this is where the people who walked away from Tavis' movement were," Ymris replied. "Why is that?"

Toph sighed. "Commander's orders, Emmie. If what I'm hearing, if what they heard, is right, then there's a chance that your old buddy might have done something to their minds. Even maybe something to their souls. Something Katara's healing water can't fix." she paused for a moment. "Until Eleanor with her Mending Interfacing… bending… thing, comes in and gives them a clean bill of health, the risk of one of them being a sleeper agent is too high."

Ymris' jaw clenched. It was terrible, treating them like this… but it made too much sense. Tavis was sure the ends justified the means, however dark they were. She wouldn't have put it past him now to make one of them able to turn on the others, or try and find a way to sabotage the ship or an Evangelion.

Even still, they were people. People she'd worked with and cared for, and in some sense, ministered to when she still followed the path of the Scions. "Can I at least see them individually? They're still people after all," she asked quietly. "You can even come with me if you like."

Toph was silent for a moment, clearly skeptical. She had every right to be, after all. As much as both Daniel and she were trying to hide the truth of their origins, Daniel had at least done so to protect them. She and Takeshi, along with the other Scions, were simply trying to rip the world out from under them. That a nearly decades-long friendship was now in question was really the least egregious consequence of her duplicity.

Then, finally, she nodded slightly. "I've got my eye on both of you, just in case anything happens. Pick a room and we'll get started."

Ymris sighed quietly and nodded. "Thank you for giving me this much, Toph. I'm glad that I'm able to be trusted this far."

Toph smiled slightly. "Zuko was a lot like you, you know. In a bad place because it seemed like the only way things worked. He just needed some help, is all."

Ymris considered the words for a moment as she picked a door in the hallway. She was so young when everything she came from burned. How long had she been a part of the Scions, now?

It didn't matter anymore, as she opened the door to reveal Second Technician Juro Watanabe, the somewhat older man standing from the simple cot that had taken the place of the medical bed with a worried look in his eyes. "Ms. Tennison, it's…" he paused as he took in the rather inhuman ears that were among the subtle, but cumulative, changes that made her look just inhuman enough. "Well, what should I call you, miss?"

Ymris took a deep breath. "Call me Ymris. As complicated as that might be in Japanese."

Mr. Watanabe blinked, then nodded. "Alright then, Ms. Ymris. What's going on? We all got placed here under guard. Did we do something wrong?"

Ymris glanced back at Toph for a moment, who nodded silently. "Mr. Watanabe," she began as she looked back at the man, "Tavis and the other Scions might have done something to you and the others. Until we're sure that something isn't going to happen and that you're not going to hurt yourself, or anyone else, we're trying to keep you safe."

Mr. Watanabe nodded with a weary sigh after a moment, settling back down on the bed. "It figures that a man willing to end the world is capable of doing something like that," he said forlornly. "You're not wrong to worry. I spent my fair share of time in Military Intelligence during the Impact Wars. I understand. But…"

He shook his head slightly. "All this Interfacing throws so much of my training out the window. I'll just…"

His face twisted in sorrow. "I'm not even sure if I should be talking to you."

Ymris' Sight flashed on, and he took in the soul of Juro Watanabe. From what she saw, there wasn't anything that was obviously wrong with either the core or any of the Frames immediately surrounding it, so she relaxed a little. "I think you'll be alright," she said, putting as much of a smile on her face as she could. "What do you want to know?"

Juro still seemed unsure. "Well, how are repairs going on the ship?"

"Best estimates say that once we have the new turrets fully installed, we'll only need about two or three days more in port before we head out."

Juro chuckled, running a hand through dark hair that was starting to see flecks of salt and pepper at the sideburns as he shook his head in apparent disbelief. "That little time for a ship that large…"

"There's something about it." Ymris agreed. "Beyond the ghosts and the White Cells. It's like it tries to speak to us sometimes. Like-"

"It's actually alive," Toph interjected, her voice quiet. That she, renowned among the crew for either being the least superstitious or the most ignorant of the specter problem aboard the ship, could say that much was telling.

There were times for all of them when the Wunder hummed a certain way, almost leading them all on to one place or another. Rei, most of all, seemed attuned to the vessel, sometimes leading repair crews or those people that still got lost on the ship where they needed to go. Even now, she was probably helping Mr. Takao or Mr. Tama by showing them something regular eyes might have missed.

"Yes. Whatever it's made of, it seems to be used to us now." Juro said quietly as they pondered on the facts for a moment. "What about the Evangelions?"

"Well, we're going to Paris for a reason," Ymris said with a grimace. "Unit-02 needs more cybernetic augmentation in order to even stand a chance in a fight, and Unit-08 might be in need of some new arms. Mrs. Theisman has an idea that might have the arms we're sketching up become braces instead, but Mari seems excited about it regardless."

Juro nodded. "I see." he paused for a moment. "I… I wish I could talk about this with Miyomi."

Ymris blinked. "Miyomi? Who is that?"

Juro blinked, then chuckled softly. "My… well, my ladyfriend, as it were. All this talk of growing, of perfecting ourselves, finally got me out of the funk that losing my first family got me into. I started seeing somebody."

His slight smile became a grimace. "She's still in Matsushiro with her mother and brothers. I… I hope we can get her out. Get all of them out. They need to know what could happen if they help Tavis any further."

"And we will, in time," Ymris said. "In fact, I'll try and ask Daniel to look into it. I'm sure he'll try his best to help."

Juro smiled again warmly. "Thank you, Ymris."

Ymris returned the smile, genuinely now. "Of course. Whatever I can do for you, for all of you, I'll make it happen."

She turned and started to make her way to the door. "For the… well, for…" she heard Juro from behind her, trailing off as the injunction had become… cold. An almost evil thing.

She paused at the door looking back at the now rather forlorn man. "For us, Juro. For Miyomi."

. . .

Daniel looked around with enhanced eyes as they rolled through the dark, still town. Besides another patrol that had stopped them briefly, all within the town were asleep. He was unsure if they'd be seeing the good doctor himself this late.

'Perhaps so, though.' he mused as he looked over at young Shinji, now fast asleep and leaning against him. 'Toji might just jump up and attend to us, no matter how late it is.'

As they pulled up to what he assumed was the hospital, looking like it was part of a makeshift railway junction, he saw a singular light standing against the darkness over its entrance revealing part of the word 'clinic' in bold kanji. The car turned off, and Daniel scooped up young Shinji into his arms as they all exited the car. As Kaworu exited last, he glanced back at the open back seats, the Expression he'd woven, the lines of Frames flashing an off-white light for a moment, unraveling as eight seats once again became two.

"Aw," Kensuke said as he watched the sight, "I was looking forward to having a ten-seat car."

Daniel chuckled as they walked over toward the clinic door. "Give me some time and a moment to get access to my tools, and I might be able to whip something up for you."

They paused before the door as Kensuke almost hesitantly tried to push the door open and found it, somewhat surprisingly, open. Inside, a single light in the front waiting room was on, the room or rooms beyond cloaked in darkness. Standing in that waiting room, a young woman, dressed in somewhat ill-fitting gray scrubs, stood from a chair, fidgeting slightly as she rubbed her eyes and ran a hand through her somewhat frazzled hair. "Oh. Hello. You're here."

Kensuke nodded as he led the group in, filling the room in short order. "Hello, little miss Komuko. Is Toji around?"

"Not yet." little miss Komuko rolled her eyes. "You should know how long it takes to wake him up."

Kensuke chuckled, then turned as they heard someone running toward the door, pausing at the entrance.

It was clear that the man, taller than most of them, had dressed quickly, his white coat rumpled and the white shirt underneath only buttoned up to the top two. It did much to convey both his haste and his surprise, the look on a face fairly tanned and strong, sitting underneath a close-cut head of black hair, one of slack-jawed amazement. His brown eyes scanned the gathered group, who began to step aside until a path was cleared to Daniel and young Shinji.

"How did you get all these people here, Kensuke?" the man said, taking a stethoscope that had been hanging around his neck and approaching young Shinji.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," Kensuke replied with a chuckle.

Daniel regarded the man calmly as he looked up at him for a moment, then took him in fully. "Wait a minute. Who are you?"

Daniel took a deep breath before smiling. "An Evangelion pilot, Dr. Suzuhara," he said with a smile. "Me and my impossible band."

Dr. Suzuhara's, Toji's, eyes went wide as he looked back from the brief examination that he was giving young Shinji, and saw the other pilots fully now. "No way…"

"Believe it, jock." Asuka Ikari-Soryu said, a warm smile on her face. "Of all the things I expected you to do growing up, going into medicine was not one of them."

"You're… Asuka?" Toji looked around. "And Shinji, and Ayanami, and…" his eyes narrowed as he regarded Kaworu for a moment. "Who are you?"

"I am Kaworu Nagisa." Kaworu said with a slight smile and an equally slight, perfunctory bow. "A pleasure to meet you again. Or at the very least, this version of you."

Toji shook his head as he returned his focus back to young Shinji. "Too tired to think about this right now. How long has he been out like this?"

"He nodded off on the car ride here," Daniel replied. "We all just came in from the Corite." he nodded slightly as Toji looked up for a moment, a confused look joining the tiredness lingering in his eyes. "The core material. I believe the patrol we ran into wanted you to give us a checkup."

"Then it'll have to wait until morning. I don't have the time or energy to do it right now, seeing as I just put the baby down to sleep." Toji sighed heavily. "For now, I'll confine you all here, and you guys can sleep on the cots. I'll get to you all first thing."

He took off his stethoscope and hung it around his neck again, looking at all of them. "It was good to meet you all. But it'll be better to meet you guys after I've had some sleep. Good night."

With that, Toji looked up at a clock that read nearly 1 am. "Come on, Koharu. We both need the sleep, and I'm sure Chihiro is still waiting up for you."

Koharu nodded as she followed after Toji. "Do we need to lock the door?"

"Here? I don't think that they'll get up to anything too crazy." Toji paused in the doorway and looked back at Kensuke. "They won't, will they?"

Kensuke smiled as he shook his head. "I'm sure they won't."

Toji nodded. "Cots are in the doorway just ahead of you guys."

Thus, Toji and Koharu exited into the night, Koharu closing the door behind her. Kensuke sighed, then nodded. "Alright. I'll be going home as well. See you guys later."

Kensuke followed after Toji and Koharu, leaving the pilots alone again.

"Well," Daniel said, "let's get some sleep. I'm sure we'll all need it for whatever comes tomorrow."

"What could we possibly need to prepare for?" Asuka Shikinami said incredulously as they made their way into the main room of the clinic, rows of cots sectioned off by curtains revealed as Shinji made an array of candle-flame lights appear above them. "We're in the middle of the safest place in Japan."

"When you're in our line of business, Shikinami," the older Shinji said as he picked out a cot that looked relatively comfortable, "it's not unreasonable to be ready."

The words left Shikinami the closest Daniel had seen to shaken in the last couple of days. That she picked the cot that was right next door to young Shinji's was also noted.

Daniel settled into a cot after drawing the curtain, sighing quietly. They'd made it this far now. But this was hardly the end of the journey. If anything, the road grew more obscure from here on out. Now, he and his would need to trawl the shadowed, twisting paths of human emotion and trauma that were the minds of the Children of this world.

'Easy to think that.' he said with a slight scoff as he closed his eyes. 'Easy to think that my trauma will somehow make me an expert on theirs. But at the very least, we're here to help. That's something.'

He had to remind himself of that, sometimes. That of all the death and loss and sorrow that would be coming tonight and every night, that he could lift another even a little was worth the cost. At least, it felt like it most of the time.

. . .

Mari Makinami, as she was wont to do in the few days that they'd been there, decided to take a walk through the ship. It felt… odd, to almost be dressed up like a regular girl again. As she slipped on a jacket over a t-shirt, along with some jeans to guard against the early spring chill, her hand brushed over her neck, bare now of the DSS Choker. Dr. Akagi herself had removed it, with good old Ryoji watching the whole thing himself.

She didn't seem coerced into it either. She seemed genuinely sorry that the things had gone on them in the first place. And, she thought as she glanced over at Rei, she'd gotten as many people as she could free of those Chokers.

'I just hope that Danny Boy will be able to get them off of Shinji and Asuka.' she mused. Then, she blinked as she took in the rather humble state of affairs that Rei wore, a simple gray jumpsuit that didn't seem to fit her too terribly well.

"Hey bluebird," she said, drawing Rei's attention to her, "how likely is it that you have anything else? I don't think I've seen you wearing anything except those and that hospital gown you were in… ever."

Rei shook her head. "I do not have anything here. All my possessions were in Tokyo-3. They are most likely gone now."

Mari nodded assuredly, knowing exactly what she needed to do now. "Alright then. It's time for a shopping trip."

"I am unsure of our ability to go on a shopping trip," Rei said, and Mari was grateful that expression was coming more and more easily to her, even if it was concern. "Our last shopping trip with Daniel and the others was mostly at his, Eleanor's, and the adult versions of ours' expense."

"I think I have a way around our current poverty, Rei." Mari grinned. "Let me see what I can do. But come along with me. It's good to have someone as great at listening and being insightful as you are around."

Rei smiled slightly as they exited, walking side by side through the long, sometimes winding corridors of the Wunder. "So," Mari said after a moment, "have any good conversations with the ship recently?"

Rei sighed quietly. "As I have said, it does not work like that. It is more… intuiting emotions, a game of, how did you put it again? Warm and cold."

"Oh, come on." Mari rolled her eyes. "The ship's as good at listening as you are. Surely, the thought's at least crossed your mind."

Rei sighed quietly. "What would the purpose be? It is a largely inanimate object with no means to respond to me vocally. How does one carry a conversation on with something like that?"

"Simple, really." Mari had an almost smug grin on her face again. "You just say what you need to say to the ship, and trust that she's listened."

Rei's eyes narrowed slightly. "I don't believe that constitutes a conversation, Mari."

Mari shrugged. "Maybe not, but sometimes you just have to get the words out of you, don't you?"

Rei shrugged slightly. "I suppose so," she said after a moment.

Mari nodded as they came to a stop in front of the door leading to the bridge. Rei looked over at Mari and tilted her head slightly. "As I did not ask when you brought it up, what is your solution, if I may ask?"

"Easy. We convince Ryoji to take us into the city. We're old pals, and besides, you need clothes. It's not like we're trying to blow his cash on luxuries."

Mari nodded, assured of the ironclad nature of her plan as she opened the door to the bridge, and stepped through, Rei following behind her a little more slowly as she looked up at the command station, satisfied with her intuition as she did indeed find Ryoji at the top, supervising things from the bridge alongside the good doctor and his wife. "Hey, Ryoji!"

All three of the people on the command station looked down at her as she waved, Ryoji smiling slightly as he waved back. "Been a while, Mari. How are you?"

"Been doing as best I can since Bethany Base." Mari shrugged. "It's a wonder I didn't catch you before you went off and saved the world."

Ryoji nodded. "Well, the IPEA liked its cell work." he paused for a moment. "What's got you up here?"

"Rei needs actual clothes, I need some fresh air, and we figured you're just the man to help us combine the two."

Ryoji nodded, looking at Ritsuko and Misato. "I'm sure you guys can handle this while I'm away?"

Ritsuko nodded. "Of course, Commander. The Wunder should be up and ready to depart within the next 3 days, along with the fleet." Mari swore she saw the woman glance over at Misato. "Once we get the Enchanted Shields strapped onto the bottoms of several of the ships."

Misato put her hands up. "Hey, you never know what kind of things we'll need to shield against. They'll make an effective layer of defense to supplement the ship's AT Field."

It was silent up there for a moment, then the three of them chuckled softly, almost too softly for Mari to hear. "It's been too long since I've seen this side of you, Misato," Ritsuko said, equally quietly.

Ryoji nodded. "Alright. I'll be back with the kids as soon as I can. With how soon we'll be up in the air, we'll try to keep it to a single day."

With that, he climbed down from the command center, coming to a stop before the two girls and studying Rei for a moment. "How long have you been wearing those?"

"Since my release from Dr. Akagi's care. They are comfortable now. I do not require much from my clothing."

Ryoji arched a brow. "And what exactly does that mean?"

"In the time before Near-Third Impact, my clothing accommodations from Commander Ikari were school uniforms and whatever auxiliary clothing was needed to continue my education."

Ryoji and Mari's eyes went wide. "Jeez, bluebird. I dropped out of the sky, and I still had a couple of different changes of clothes. This is worse than I thought."

Mari nodded assuredly. "That seals it. We, and by we I mean I, are going to give you a crash course on what everyone else wears. We'll make you even more of a normal girl yet."

With that, the trio made their way out of the ship in short order, the two girls leading the way down the thoroughfare of shops with Ryoji in tow as they took in the crisp air of the city.

Now, they wandered from clothing shop to clothing shop, jewelry store to jewelry store, trying different styles and kinds of clothes. Mari appreciated, almost savored the challenge of it. There weren't exactly many albino people with blue hair and red eyes that she knew, so matching anything to her was a tricky balancing act. That Rei was open to learning made things if not easier, then at least less constraining.

And, at the end of the day… it made her feel like a regular girl again. Just shopping for clothes with a friend. Never mind that she was doing it after the end of the world and as the pilot of a giant biomechanical robot. It had been so long since she'd felt like that…

"Ms. Mari?" Rei said, pulling her mind back into the present, which was a dressing room that was stacked with several pairs of pants and a few shirts.

"Yeah, bluebird?"

"You seem preoccupied with something. What is it?"

Mari opened her mouth to reply almost on instinct with something glib, then paused as other memories returned to her. "Well… what do you know about the person that you come from?"

"Yui Ayanami?" Rei was quiet for a moment. "I do not know much. Only that she is Commander Ikari's wife, and that he wishes to use Instrumentality to be reunited with her."

Mari nodded. "I knew her, and Gendo. We went to college together. She was… a lot like you. Quiet, a little reserved, but nice once you got to know her. You share a lot with her like that."

She said nothing about how many times she'd gotten to know Yui. Over and over again as time looped. Sometimes they'd just been classmates. Many times they'd been friends. A few times, they'd been more than that before, inevitably, Gendo came into her life. She said nothing about the cold, calculating streak that sometimes was intensified depending on the loop. She knew so much about Yui. She loved her. And a part of her, not insignificant, feared her.

Rei nodded as she pulled on another shirt, then frowned slightly. "If you knew the Commander and Yui Ayanami in college, then how are you able to pilot an Evangelion? You would be too large to comfortably fit into an Entry Plug in any regular circumstances."

Mari was silent for a moment. This loop, that would be the case. But with what had happened, so soon after Yui's Contact… with who waited in Unit-08's core…

"I'm not quite ready to talk about that right now, Rei," she said quietly, grateful to see Rei nodding slightly.

"However," she continued as she smiled, "I am excited about Unit-08. Eleanor's done her Mending magic and gotten my Eva's arms out of being wrapped together. Granted, I'm still gonna need what equates to braces, but they're going to be awesome. Let me tell you…"

. . .

The first thing that young Shinji felt was a weight on one side of his chest as he slowly began to wake up. Raising his arm almost on instinct, he felt it brush against something… furry? Where was he?

'Last I remember, I was… in the car with Kensuke. Did we arrive?"

He cracked open his eyes, finding himself on a bed staring up at a wooden ceiling. At least, he would have been, if a dog in a cone, a puppy really, and a toddler weren't staring down at him. The dog barked, and he heard the rustling of a coat along with several sheets. "What's the dog doing in here?" said a voice that was vaguely familiar.

He began to push himself up to a sitting position, the dog getting off his chest as he began to look around. He was in a rather spare place, sitting on a cot across from a similar one, both partitioned by mostly clean white curtains. 'A hospital. Why am I not surprised?'

The man who owned the voice turned into the curtained-off room, shooing the dog away and gently picking up the toddler. He looked familiar as well. He just couldn't quite put together the pieces with a sleep-addled mind. "Alright, Mizuki, let me do my work. Your mama's waiting for you." the man said, handing over the child to who Shinji presumed was her mother.

He looked back at Shinji and stood there for a moment before smiling. "It is you. I'm not dreaming. It's good to see you again, Shinji."

"Who… are you?"

The man chuckled. "It's been a while, hasn't it? It's me. Toji Suzuhara."

Shinji was fully awake now, his eyes going wide for a moment as Toji approached. "I didn't expect you to be a… doctor."

"It's just where life took me, is all." Toji got out a penlight and clicked it on, flashing it in front of his eyes. "Granted, I'm not exactly sure what happened to you guys to make it so you walked all the way here, with a whole bunch of other people no less, but… it looks like you're fine, physically at least."

Toji clicked off the penlight, pocketing it as he offered a hand that Shinji took, standing after a moment and rubbing his eyes. "Where are the others?" he asked Toji.

"We're still waiting for you. Most of us, anyways."

Shinji glanced back to see Daniel, dressed in the jeans, shirt, and jacket that had been his regular attire aboard the Wunder. "Asuka Shikinami went off with Kensuke back to where they're staying. I imagine she's in the middle of introducing Bradley to him now. Shinji Ikari-Soryu went off with his wife and the Nagisas to the Suzuhara household. And I'm here to stick with you and Ayanami."

"Okay." Shinji nodded, then looked up as Toji began to chuckle. "What is it?"

"We've got a big enough house I would think, sir," Toji said to Daniel. "I think we can put you all up in enough rooms if you don't mind sharing."

Daniel chuckled in turn. "We've been doing that since we boarded the Wunder. We'll be fine."

Toji nodded, then looked back at Shinji. "Come on. I've got some clothes for you once you get that Pluguit thing off. We're a little higher in elevation than Tokyo-3, so it gets chilly up here."

Shinji nodded, looking back at Daniel as Toji went off to get said clothes. "Where did you get those? Did you stow them in your survival pack thing?"

Daniel's smile grew slightly as he raised his right arm, pulling the sleeve of his jacket back to reveal a bracelet of gleaming silver. "It's in here. If I tap this…"

He tapped on the dark gem set into the bracelet above the top of his wrist, causing two sets of glowing rings to appear over the back of his hand. As he pressed down on them, the familiar clunk-hiss of a Plugsuit sealing filled the air for a moment as a diaphanous, fabric-like substance billowed from it, then composed itself into the Plugsuit he'd gotten used to seeing over the past two days. Another click of the glowing disks made the Plugsuit seemingly explode into that fabric again before being sucked into the bracelet. "That happens."

Shinji nodded slowly. "Okay then."

Daniel shook his head. "It doesn't matter right now. Right now, we just rest as best we can, and get everyone back on their feet, okay?"

Shinji wasn't sure he would be able to get back on his feet. He wasn't even sure what foundation there was to stand on. Who was he? He still wasn't entirely sure.

What he was sure of, as Toji came back with a familiar-looking bundle, was that the clothes he'd gotten would be a little big for him. As he finished putting them on, zipping that ever-familiar running suit jacket, he walked back out to see Daniel and Toji standing next to a young woman about his age, maybe a little younger.

"We're running out of Tamiflu, doctor," the young lady said, hands on her hips. "With late spring and early summer coming up, we're probably going to need things to treat minor burns on hand, too."

Toji nodded. "I'll talk to your mother about that, Koharu. Otherwise, I'm off for the day. If anything happens, talk to Goro, and if it really needs my attention, let me know."

Koharu nodded, then turned to look at Shinji. She was a fit, short-haired young woman, her black hair only touching her shoulders as she studied him with discerning black eyes. "Good to see you're awake," she said in a level tone.

"I'm not so sure about that," he said as he rubbed the back of his head, glancing over at Ayanami crouched down next to the dog.

Koharu smiled slightly. "Around here? It's not too bad to be awake. At least if you've gotten enough sleep. If you're experiencing any symptoms, let us know. We'll do our best to treat you."

Shinji nodded, and Toji walked over to him. "Let's get going to my place. I sent the others ahead, and my father-in-law should be talking with them now."

Shinji and Ayanami followed after Toji and Daniel, emerging into what looked like a rail hub, several tracks with cars on them stretching away from a rotating rail that looked almost like a landlocked bridge.

"This place is… strange," Ayanami said, drawing the attention of the others to her. "There are so many people here."

Toji nodded. "This is Village-3. It used to be called Hadano, back when it was an evacuation point for Tokyo-3. After Near-Third Impact, people decided to settle here. Now there are more than a thousand people who call this place home." he paused for a moment. "Have you never seen a crowd before?"

Ayanami simply shook her head as she looked around at the sight. Daniel answered for her. "She's a clone of Rei. She hasn't seen more than a dozen human beings in her entire life."

"Is she now?"

Daniel nodded, then looked back at the railworks. "I don't recall this part of Hadano being a railway yard."

Toji shook his head. "It wasn't before KREDIT came along. We made it up, carousel and all, when we needed to get supplies here from the dock down the way."

Before Toji could continue, a woman, in a white dress and green jacket obviously far along in pregnancy, walked over to them. "Hello, Doctor," she said, bowing slightly as she kept a hand on her bag.

"Hey, Mrs. Matsukata. It won't be long now. Make sure and get your rest." he said cheerily, his tone showing that these words were neither unfamiliar nor unexpected.

"I will, I promise. I just need to get my food consignment, and it's off to bed with me while Tatsuya waits on me."

The two shared a chuckle, then Mrs. Matsukata looked over at Shinji and Ayanami. "Are these the two kids that you're taking care of on behalf of WILLE?"

Toji nodded. "Something like that, yeah. Word gets around quickly, doesn't it? Treat them nicely if you see them again. They've been through a lot."

Mrs. Matsukata nodded with a chuckle, glancing over at Daniel. "And I don't believe we've had anyone from out of town here for a while. Who are you?"

"I'm Vice-Chief Daniel Thiesman of WILLE," he said with a nod. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I was the original caretaker of these kids when we were on the Wunder."

"Wow…" Mrs. Matsukata was clearly at least somewhat awestruck. "What an experience that must be. I have a brother on there, working as a computer technician. Have you met…"

Toji chuckled. "Go, Momoka!" he said good-naturedly. "Neither of us wants you to miss your food consignment."

Momoka rolled her eyes. "Alright, Toji," she said in an overdramatic huff. "I'll get going. It was nice to meet you all!"

With that, she made her way past them, towards a building that had a line of people stretching out past its doorway for quite a ways. "She's on her way to the food distribution center, in case you're wondering," Toji said after a moment. "They hand out food shipped in from KREDIT three times a week."

"What is KREDIT?" Ayanami asked quietly.

"WILLE's civilian wing, one might say," Toji replied as they began to walk. "They facilitate trade between the Safe Zones, make sure life is decent, and get the ACC Pillars that make the Safe Zones a thing in the first place where they need to be."

Ayanami nodded, then they were silent for a moment. Then, Toji looked over at Shinji. "I don't suppose you'd have recognized her, Shinji," he said, quiet contemplation in his voice.

"Why's that?" Shinji asked, now somewhat concerned as he wracked his brain.

"Momoka was one of our classmates, way back when," Toji said, looking back up into the distance. "Our entire class evacuated here when it was clear the city wasn't going to be safe. My assistant that you talked with is Chihiro Tanaka's oldest kid."

He paused, then sighed quietly. "The world might have moved on, Shinji… but it's good to have you back, Shinji. Ken and I missed your common sense."

Shinji looked away, embarrassed. Was he really that well-liked by… anyone? Especially after what he'd done at Near-Third Impact?

He glanced over at Ayanami, and found her down on her hands and knees, peering under a railway car. "What is that? It's not like the dog in the clinic."

As the others walked over and crouched to look with Ayanami, Toji chuckled. "That's a cat, Ayanami. There's plenty of them around here that live under these cars, cats and dogs both." he shook his head slightly. "You've never seen a cat before? That's… unfortunate."

"Unfortunately, Toji," Daniel said, his expression and his voice sad, "that's not the half of it."

Toji nodded, concern in his expression as he stood. "Well, come on. The house isn't too far away."

They continued their stroll through the busy but still relaxed village before stopping at a large, long house, a sign by the door reading 'Suzuhara: Please ring the buzzer in case of emergency'.

"Welcome to my old and happy home,"Toji said as he opened the door. "Make yourselves at home. I'm sure my father-in-law is helping your friends do the same."

Shinji slipped off his shoes as he entered, the long hallway into the central living area feeling almost like Misato's apartment. "We're home!" Toji called. "Let me get some food ready and we'll have a meal."

"Finally!" an old, old voice called, pausing for a moment to cough quietly. "The man to blame arrives."

Toji chuckled. "You can browbeat me in the kitchen or in the dining room, pops. Either way, our guests are going to be staying for a while."

"It was getting lonely anyway." the voice replied as Toji nodded them towards what was likely the dining room. "A house like this needs to be filled to be useful."

Shinji walked towards the sectioned-off dining room, sliding open the door to reveal the rest of the Children sitting at two tables, one clearly having been moved into the room to allow everyone a seat, along with an old man in a white shirt, brown lounge pants, and a blue, fuzzy jacket sitting at the head of one. The man looked up at him from below a head of thinning white hair, pushing up his glasses as he looked at Shinji intently.

"Welcome in, young man," he said as he glanced over at Daniel and Ayanami. "I see my son-in-law decided to finally listen to my griping about how empty this house was."

"Hello," Shinji said, bowing to the man. "I'm Shinji Ikari."

The old man nodded. "I see. I'm Bunzaemon Horaki."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Horaki." Shinji paused for a moment. "Are you…"

"My daughter, Toji's wife, is Hikari, yes." Bunzaemon nodded. "Take a seat, young man. And do be quick about it. I don't know how long we'll have to talk."

Shinji nodded, sitting down at the end of the table as Daniel and Ayanami sat to his right. "I don't think we've ever met, sir."

Bunzaemon shrugged. "My daughter and son-in-law have told me plenty about you. Enough to make whatever rumors about your involvement in Near-Third Impact be little more than that." the man sighed quietly. "It's a rough world you've left us, however accidentally. But we've made the most of it."

The room was filled with quiet conversation for a few minutes as they smelled whatever Toji was cooking. Soon enough, Toji entered the somewhat cramped dining room, a pot with steam rising out from under its lid in his hands. "This is the first of our dinner tonight. I'll get the other one in just a moment," he said with an easy smile.

In short order, the pots were on the tables, the bowls were filled with a warm, savory stew, and everyone prepared to eat. As they ate, Shinji picked at his food somewhat, the others chowing down silently in appreciation of the variety the meal afforded them.

Ayanami, watching Bunzaemon sip the broth in his bowl, copied him, slow and somewhat hesitant.

"It's good, isn't it?" Toji asked, grabbing seconds for Daniel.

"It feels strange in my mouth. Warm and soft at once." she was slow, almost hesitant in her description as if feeling out how applicable the words she might say would be.

"That's what we call yummy." Toji smiled widely.

Bunzaemon nodded. "Yes, Hikari does know how to cook the best meals. I'm just glad that you can follow her instructions."

"Ah, I see," Kaworu said, nodding slowly along with the other older Children. "Hikari's recipe followed faithfully. Of course it's going to be quite good-tasting."

"Yeah," Asuka Ikari-Soryu said, "as much as I like you, jock, Hikari is just the better cook."

Toji shrugged as he began to reply, then paused as they all heard the door open. "We're home! Sorry we're late!"

Toji's face lit up as he looked out from the dining room. "Hey there! We've been waiting for you!"

From the relative darkness of the rest of the house beyond the doorway emerged a woman in a simple brown dress, her brown hair in a ponytail and kind brown eyes set above freckles and a soft smile. In her hands, she held a baby, barely a toddler, dressed in blue overalls and wearing a white and orange striped shirt.

"Hey, Hikari," Toji said as she sat down next to him. "Shinji's here!"

Shinji nodded as Hikari's smile grew. "I almost couldn't believe it when I heard you were here. It's almost like being in a dream, seeing you like this."

She paused as she looked around the room at the others. "Who are all of these people?"

Daniel nodded. "I'm Daniel Theisman, Vice-Chief of Evangelion Engineering on the Wunder. As for everyone else…"

Hikari looked over at the other table, the other Children intently looking at her. The older Shinji nodded. "Hello, Hikari. It's nice to meet you. Again, at least for us."

Hikari frowned slightly, then her eyes went wide as she looked between the two Shinjis. "How are there… two of you? And two Asukas? And two Ayanamis, just in here…"

She paused as she looked at Ayanami herself. "I am not the Ayanami that you know," Ayanami said, her face settled back into expressionlessness.

Hikari nodded, looking over at Rei Nagisa. "And who are you?"

"I am Rei Nagisa," Rei said with a slight smile. "This is my husband Kaworu."

The two of them nodded to each other. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kaworu," Hikari said before looking back at Ayanami. "But we'll still need a name for you."

"How about…" Toji began, he and Hikari looking at each other.

"Ms. Lookalike!" they said in unison with a smile on their faces.

Unfortunately, their excitement stirred the baby in Hikari's arms, and she began to cry. As Hikari began to gently rock her, Ayanami leaned in to look, and Shinji thought he could see some small amount of wonder glimmering in her eyes. "What is that?"

"Our daughter Tsubame," Toji said as he scooted over to be by Hikari. "She's cute, isn't she?"

"She's human, but small. Why did you shrink her?"

"You…" Toji paused, then sighed quietly as he shook his head. "You haven't seen a baby before."

"This is a baby?" Ayanami nodded slightly. "I see."

She reached out and gently poked Tsubame's cheek with her index finger, stirring the baby from its fussing as she cooed, taking Ayanami's finger with a tiny hand. Rei seemed almost enraptured. "This is 'cute'?"

"It is," Toji said with surety. "Our daughter is just the cutest!"

With this, the baby began to cry again, and Hikari fussed over her again. "It's okay. Daddy's just very happy about you is all. It's going to be fine."

Shinji glanced over to the other Children. All of them looked between each other and Tsubame. And he wasn't exactly sure what they might be thinking or feeling. They seemed at once taken by the baby in Hikari's arms, and unsure about something.

As Toji and Hikari both tried to calm down, all in the dining room heard a banging on the door, and the baby began to cry again as Toji looked up at the door opening and closing. "Alright, the boss is here!"

Pushing the door to the dining room aside, Kensuke revealed both himself and a bottle of sake. "Sorry I'm late!" he said, Toji and Bunzaemon's cheering matching the cry the baby gave.

Hikari silenced the men at least with a hush, finger to her lips as Kensuke put the bottle on Toji's table with a slight blush. "Sorry, Hikari."

"All this noise is upsetting her," Hikari said as she looked at Toji. "Are our guests going to be leaving soon?"

"Actually, they're going to be staying with us for a while," Toji replied. "I've got it. How about you get the four…"

He looked over at the older Children, and Asuka chuckled. "You can just call us the Ikari-Soryus and the Nagisas if it makes things easier."

Toji nodded slowly. "Right. How about you help them and Ms. Lookalike get set up in some of the spare rooms we have while you take care of Tsubame? That should cut the noise level down."

Hikari nodded as she stood. "Alright, then. Please, come with me. Let the boys have their fun."

The older Children nodded, standing from the table. "Thank you for the meal, Toji." the older Shinji said with a smile. "It was good, as Hikari's recipes usually are."

Toji chuckled. "Of course, Shinji… Ikari-Soryu." he continued to chuckle as he shook his head. "That's going to be fun."

With that, the six of them exited the dining room, Asuka pausing in the doorway and looking back at Daniel. "You coming?"

"I'll stay behind and give them the rundown. Go get comfy." Daniel replied. "I'll be along."

Asuka nodded and disappeared beyond the door.

"So," Bunzaemon said, looking intently at Daniel, "what's this business with two of everyone?"

. . .

Asuka Ikari-Soryu was at once impressed by how many rooms this house had (seven spare rooms in all!) and grateful that she would be sleeping with her husband, and just her husband, for the first time in what felt like ages. 'If only we had our noise dampeners.' she pined as she looked over at Shinji, still slightly sweaty from the walk over here. 'Then again, I have wondered about whether souls can do anything like that…'

Either way, she was set up as best as Hikari could manage at the spur of the moment, and she paused at the doorway that Hikari had slipped into before sliding open the door. "Mind if I come in?"

Hikari looked back at her, her back turned to her, and Ayanami stood to her right. "No, no. Come in."

Asuka nodded, shutting the door behind her. "How's the baby?"

"Doing fine. She's been sick the last little while, and it looks like she becomes a bit of a drama queen when she does."

"What are you doing?" Ayanami asked, and Asuka walked around to see that Hikari was breastfeeding little Tsubame.

"Well," Hikari began, "babies grow up, at least in the beginning, by drinking their mother's milk. This is how they drink it."

Asuka took a seat across from Hikari as Ayanami looked down at herself, her hands beginning to rise toward her chest. "It'll be a while before you have to worry about anything like that, Ayanami." Asuka chuckled.

"I see." Ayanami let her hands drop back to her sides.

"So," Hikari said after a silent moment, "what brings you over here to see me, Mrs. Ikari-Soryu?"

"Well, frankly, it's been too long since I've talked to any version of Hikari," Asuka admitted with a shrug. "I thought it would be nice to… well, get to meet you, I guess."

Hikari nodded. "How do we know each other where you're from?"

"We're in the same class as Shinji, Toji, Kensuke, and the rest when I arrive in Tokyo-3 with Unit-02. Frankly, I'm surprised that we hit it off as well as we did. I would have thought a foreign student who was used to playing by her own rules would clash with the Class Rep." Asuka chuckled for a moment.

Hikari smiled slightly. "She must have seen something in you to think otherwise. You seem very calm and kind."

Asuka chuckled again. "Trust me, when we met, that wasn't the case." she paused for a moment. "Shinji helped smooth over the rough edges I had when I arrived. You did too." she paused. "And I think we both learned a lot of patience from Toji and Kensuke."

The women shared a good-natured laugh at the two stooges' expenses. "I can see that." Hikari agreed.

Asuka nodded, and her smile shrank somewhat. "That's how it started. We knew each other as classmates. Then we knew each other as wingmates."

Hikari blinked, her brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"

Asuka sighed. "Remember when Unit-03 arrived in Tokyo-3? The whole deal with the 9th Angel?"

Hikari nodded. "Of course. Poor Shinji was despondent for days. Toji couldn't even reach him."

Asuka nodded. "Where I'm from, you were chosen to be the test pilot for Unit-03. You became the Fourth Child."

Hikari's eyes went wide. "Me… an Evangelion pilot?"

Asuka nodded. "Yeah. It made things scary for a bit, for everyone involved. But you handled it like a champ. You took your duties seriously, you took our safety seriously, and you gave it your all every time you stepped into the Entry Plug. I know you have my back, and I'll always have yours."

It was silent for several shocked moments, then Hikari nodded slowly as Tsubame let go, slipping her dress back into place. "I see," she said quietly. "I'll probably never get to know you quite like the other version of me does, but I'm glad that I was able to help you become a better person. That's a precious thing."

Asuka nodded. "Yeah. It is."

Again it was silent for a moment, then Asuka looked down at Tsubame. "How long have you had her?"

"A little over a year and a half." Hikari smiled as she looked down at her baby, now sound asleep. "She's been the light of my life, as much as she and Toji compete for the title. I'm so excited to see where life goes with her."

Asuka nodded slightly. She wondered now that she saw little Tsubame in the flesh. She was sure Shinji did too. But right now, the sort of questions that she wanted to ask, that she wanted to answer… those could come later.

"Again, Hikari, thank you for putting Shinji and me in a separate room." her smile became a grin. "It's been far too long since we've had some privacy as a couple together."

Hikari chuckled. "Certainly. I have to admit, it surprises me that the two of you got together, based on what little I saw of you two here."

Asuka chuckled in turn. "You know, at the moment… it surprised me too. But it's the best surprise I've ever had."
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Chapter 25: Stillness, Relative

Chapter 25: Stillness, Relative

I get to sleep in a room with my wife, alone, and not have to worry about giant robots, alien monsters, or the end of the world. At least for the moment.

It feels… strange, now, to just be still. To look up at an unfamiliar ceiling and have only my thoughts and Asuka's on where we are be the most pressing things on my mind. I don't even know what we're doing tomorrow. And it feels almost… liberating.

- From the personal journal of Shinji Ikari-Soryu

Village-3, March 22nd, 2028

Toji, Kensuke, and Bunzaemon leaned on the table, intently looking at Daniel as the three of them took a sip of their sake. Shinji sat next to Daniel, listening closely as the man laid out who he was, who the other Children were, where they came from, and why they were here.

"So," Bunzaemon said with a quiet sigh, "this world got even more complicated than it had any right to be."

"I wish it weren't so," Daniel replied. "You all deserve a far better world than the one you've been given. It's a beautiful home you've all made in spite of that."

Toji looked over at Kensuke. "Gotta say, compared to what the other version of me is, being a doctor sounds a lot simpler in comparison." he grinned as he nudged Kensuke. "But hey, at least you know that you could be a real lady's man now, Ken."

Daniel and Kensuke both chuckled, one more awkwardly than the other. "Yeah, I think I've missed the boat on that one," Kensuke said as he scratched the back of his head. "But that's fine. I've already got Asuka, Shikinami, that is, to take care of. I don't think adding dating to the mix would help out right now."

Daniel shrugged. "You have it in you, kid. That's all I'm saying."

Kensuke shrugged, then looked over at a clock that read 11:23. "Well," he said as he stood, "I've got to get going. I'm sure I'm going to be busy tomorrow, what with helping iron out the wiring problem at the distribution center's processing wing."

Kensuke looked over at Shinji, somewhat folded into himself. "Are you good staying here, or would you rather stay with me? I know there's a lot of people around. Maybe at my place, you'll be able to get some alone time to decompress. Asuka notwithstanding."

Shinji considered it silently for a moment. It felt… strange, now, to be able to be alone. But even with Asuka around… it was tempting.

He looked over at Daniel, who smiled slightly. "If you need the alone time, take it. Don't let me stop you. Besides, you know where I am if you need anything."

Shinji nodded slowly and rose to his feet. "Alright. I just hope Asuka doesn't knock me out for invading her privacy. We didn't exactly get along the last time we were in a house together."

"Times change, Shinji." Toji said. "I haven't seen her around often, but Ken tells me she's mellowed out a lot from before Near-Third Impact."

Kensuke nodded as he turned to the doorway and began to walk out. "At the very least, she'll listen to me if I tell her to lay off you."

Shinji nodded in turn and followed after, pausing to look back at Daniel, Toji, and Bunzaemon. "Good night. It was nice to meet you, Mr. Horaki."

Bunzaemon nodded, a slight smile on his face. "And it was nice to meet you, young man."

"Good night, Shinji." Toji and Daniel both said, and Shinji followed Kensuke into the night. It took a moment for him to get adjusted to the night walk, the few lights left on in the village scattered about as they walked away.

Soon enough, however, he looked up and saw a clear sky full of stars framed by the mountains around them, the moon above taking up a massive portion of the sky. It was silent between them for a time as they walked.

"Well, Shinji," Kensuke finally said, "I hope that you realized something tonight."

"What's that?"

"That Near-Third Impact didn't just make bad things happen. You saw how much Toji and Hikari cared for each other. How cute their little girl is. That probably wouldn't have happened if they hadn't come together after that day. I mean, you remember how much they fought, right?"

"Vaguely." The word was quiet, almost bashful.

"Yeah, that's alright." Kensuke's reply was equally quiet. "It's been a long time. And you weren't the most social of us. But that's okay. It's the past, after all. No need to worry about a lot of it now."

They were silent again as they exited the village, walking across rice paddies where the water shimmered under the moonlight. They made their way up a hill, the paddies behind them as they got to the top, a simple house with a mess of solar panels on its roof greeting them. In the space surrounding them, several different pieces of heavy machinery were parked in a rough resemblance of order, the arms of backhoes hanging over tractors and trucks. "It's not much, and it's a little messy," Kensuke admitted, "but it's out of the way, and you probably won't run into anyone besides Asuka unless I lead someone back here."

Shinji nodded as they paused at the door. "Make yourself at home," Kensuke continued. "I'm going to get some fuel for the generator. Bathroom's in the back to the left, though it is connected to the shower, so be careful if Asuka's using it."

Shinji nodded, opening the door as Kensuke walked off… somewhere, and stepped into a rather constrained space, an open kitchen area and dining room to Shinji's left and a small living area with a futon and worn, clearly used television sitting on an obviously handmade wooden entertainment center, along with a few consoles and a computer tower. Stretching ahead of him was a central hallway, a curtain to the right that probably went to where Kensuke slept close to him, and another curtain just beyond it was probably Asuka's room, across from what Kensuke said was the bathroom.

Asuka did indeed emerge from behind the far curtain, dressed in a canvas army jacket, a tight shirt, and leggings. Her hair was still wet from what was likely a fresh shower. She glanced over at Shinji, pausing. "Oh," she said quietly. "What're you doing here? I thought you and Daniel were joined at the hip."

"I… wanted some time to be alone. And it's easier with you and Kensuke than it is with Daniel and everyone else."

It was silent again for a moment, and Shinji couldn't quite tell what Asuka was thinking behind that level expression before she shrugged. "Alright. You'll be sleeping on the couch, though. No need for Ken Ken to get any funny ideas about us." she paused for a moment. "You've rubbed off on me some, I guess."

Shinji's emotions began to become a jumble at the words, and he was simultaneously relieved and saddened by Asuka's seemingly nonchalant acceptance of the fact.

He walked over to the futon as Asuka grabbed a granola bar from the pantry, sitting down and taking his SDAT player out of his pocket, looking at it for a moment. The older Shinji had gotten it for him before he'd come down to Terminal Dogma. He didn't know whether to thank the man or curse him for the fact.

"When'd you get that?"

Shinji glanced over at Asuka, who looked at him as she munched on her bar. "From the older Shinji," he said quietly. "It's been a while since I've listened to it."

"Music on it any good?"

Was it? So much of it reminded him of his father. The music that he liked, the music that he'd made, wasn't anywhere to be found on this thing. "I… I guess."

Shikinami nodded. "Alright. Enjoy it, I guess. I'm not your therapist. I'll be talking with Bradley."

Shinji nodded as he put his headphones in, the world growing a little quieter as he heard Asuka beginning to talk. He clicked play, and a piece of classical music began to serenade him. And, for the moment, he was alone with his thoughts.

He considered, for a moment, the blood-red marble in his pocket, his hand gently pressing on it. Kaworu… it still hurt to talk to him for too long. The lies he told, the things he did were, in the grand scheme of things, so little and so small, but they still hurt so much.

His hand fell away from his pocket as he closed his eyes and simply let his mind drift. His thoughts would be his own. And he could finally grieve for what had been lost. For what he'd taken from the world, however accidentally.

. . .

Hikari Suzuhara looked down at her husband laying on the pad next to their daughter and wondered what he was going to dream about tonight. He looked… more anxious than he usually did when he settled into sleep. She'd been busy making sure Tsubame would be able to sleep quietly, so she'd missed much of what Mr. Theisman and the others had talked about.

But that version of Asuka, the one that had accompanied Mr. Theisman, had filled her in on some of the finer points. Not all, but enough. They made her deathly afraid and left her wondering about far too much. Her mother had died before Near-Third Impact, lying quietly in a hospital after rapid onset colon cancer. Toji's had died in a mountaineering accident. Were those really mere tragedies? Or had someone planned on perhaps needing them to pilot in the near future?

Toji stirred in his sleep, muttering softly for a moment before she could make out the words. "Chihiro. No… we just need food… she's not s'posed to be an Evangelion pilot… take me… please…"

Hikari grimaced as she laid a hand on Toji's cheek, then sighed quietly as he relaxed under her touch. "Good night, Toji," she said quietly, making the words almost an injunction against the shadows that lurked in both their minds.

"What is 'good night'?"

Hikari looked back at the source of the quiet voice and found Ms. Lookalike standing in the doorway, wrapped in the fluffy, dark red jacket that her father wasn't really using as often as his blue one. He liked his blue one. A gift from her mother…

She blinked as she came back to the question. "It's something you say to make sure that everyone sleeps at ease."

"I see. Is it related to 'sleep tight'?"

Hikari nodded slightly. "Yes. Where did you hear that?"

"From Rei Nagisa, when we slept in the hospital."

Hikari smiled. "I see. Good night, Ms. Lookalike. Sleep tight."

. . .

Asuka Shikinami-Langley was, for the moment at least, alone. Bradley, her sister (her sister!) had decided to go to sleep, and thus she had decided to retire to bed as well. Even still, with how tired she knew she was, her mind still kept her from slipping into sleep herself.

The night was reasonably warm, and so she slept on a decent pad and pillow, not even a blanket or her jacket against the chill. Her clothes were enough anyway, the tightness of them against her skin comforting now. Was that what simply wearing a Plugsuit constantly did? Or was it the lingering effects of Bardiel?

She didn't know. Just like she didn't know what Shinji was doing here.

The words they'd both said… hurt. Hurt in a way that she couldn't fully process. He was here, and yet he didn't want her around. And it wasn't like she gave off the impression that she wanted him there, either.

'Well, can you blame him for not wanting to talk?' she asked herself. 'After everything you tried, you had to try and stop him in the end anyways.'

A part of her had wanted to join him when he left, she realized. Small, but not unnoticed in trying to keep him from going. They had figured things out before, though Wondergirl — Rei — was involved as well. Maybe they could have figured this out as well, Chokers be damned. 'At the very least, he was… driven. I don't think I've ever really seen that before.'

A part of her wanted to talk to her doll about how strange it had been to see him like that. How strange it was to realize that, when it came down to it, he could be at least somewhat like her. But it was gone. Lost after her medical emergency and their flight from Tokyo-3 after Near-Third Impact. So far away, just like Shinji seemed to be with those headphones. He hadn't said a word after they'd spoken, simply closed his eyes and eventually slumped over to lie on the futon. Kensuke had put a thin blanket over him before they retired.

'He wants to be alone right now.' a part of her scoffed at the idea. How was being alone going to help him get through anything?

But, she realized, there were truths she hadn't told anyone. Not Shinji, not Daniel, not even her doll. She'd locked them away behind duty, behind a battle over her body and mind that needed every ounce of effort she could spare. Now, with nothing left to do…

'What am I, now that Bradley's back and I'm not the last? Who is Asuka Shikinami-Langley?'

That question, and all the ones that would come with it, would be at the core of everything tonight, as she closed her eyes and tried to get some rest anyway.

. . .

Burbank, New Pacifica, March 21st

Toph Beifong, of all people, was a woman who was serious about her duties. It shocked her how much she enjoyed enforcing rules, in keeping an eye, figurative or literal, on people as they did what she told them.

As much as it had shocked even her after a while, it really was a lot more palatable when she was the one making the rules. It had taken hard experience to find the thin line between being good at keeping the rules straight and swerving from one extreme to another. That experience cut deep, even still.

Regardless of that, she still knew when to cut loose, have some fun, and maybe even keep saving the day in the process. The Wunder was almost ready to be deployed, and Aang was busy trying to keep his head above water while juggling a resupply and outfitting the Enchanted Shields of Virtue (what a ridiculous name that was for what amounted to a really fancy Eva-sized metal platter), and the rest of her familiar security team members were busy either helping guard something or playing cards with Shigeru. As much as she liked the games, they grew stale after a while. Especially when she couldn't cheat.

So, she pursued something a little more personal. It had been a few months since she'd just hung out and had a drink with Ymris. With everything that had happened recently, and how lonely Ymris seemed to be, it was well past time to get back to it anyways.

She stood in front of a bar named the Cliffhanger (a name that at least made her chuckle) and waited for Ymris to arrive. She seemed at once busy and hesitant, having taken the call while she was ministering to the last of the former Scions that was waiting for Eleanor to come around. The fact that they were being guarded at all still seemed rather ridiculous, even after the rather sobering rundown that Eleanor and Ymris had given her.

Then, in the late dinner crowd, she spotted Ymris walking on the sidewalk across from her, waving her over. She smiled slightly as she crossed the rather unbusy street to her, pausing for a moment as they stood before each other.

"Are you sure we're going to be left alone here, Toph?" Ymris asked as she looked up at the bar, a slight smile on her face. "This seems like, as Soren would say, a pretty happening place."

Toph nodded. "Sokka would say that. But I talked to the bar owner, and after he found out I was WILLE, he gave me a table to do whatever I wanted with."

Ymris rolled her eyes. "Any other person would call that a breach of conduct, I'd think."

Toph scoffed. "I enforce the rules around here. I think I can bend them just a little still."

Even as they shared a chuckle, Toph thought back to her daughters. She wondered how they were doing after she'd left, still. 'I did a pretty rough job raising them, but they still turned out alright.' she settled on, as they walked into the bar. It was a familiar answer to her wondering. 'They're doing fine.'

They walked into the bar, the lights dim and the bar itself on the left wall. Several tables in the center were surrounded by booths going along the walls, the corners little nooks with circular tables and benches set into them. Toph led her to the corner nook right by the bar in the far wall, the two ordering their drinks in short order.

"So," Toph began as they waited, "how are your former Scions doing?"

Ymris sighed quietly. "Most of them are alright. Some of them take their loss of faith harder than others, though."

Toph nodded. "How's that? I'm not exactly the spiritual type of girl myself, you know, so I don't exactly have a frame of reference."

Ymris nodded slightly. "It's like… losing your sight. Only being able to feel what's just around you, and no further. You're lost in that, after spending so long being sure you finally know where things are going. You're looking for something else to believe in."

Toph leaned back as their drinks arrived, taking a contemplative sip. It had been… decades since she'd felt like that. Truly blind. She'd been utterly afraid then. In the moments before she'd found her teachers. "I get it," she said quietly.

"I'm glad you do." Ymris leaned back as well, taking a drink. "You know, doing this reminds me of the Titanskeep. I miss that old ship."

Toph smiled as she nodded. "Yeah. I wonder where it's off at right now. There was something about just seeing both Evas at once that… I gotta admit, I kind of miss."

"It's somewhere off the coast of Albion right now, picking up a shipment before it takes it to South Africa."

Toph raised a brow at the nonchalance of Ymris' reply. "And how would you know that?"

"The first mate and I keep in touch," Ymris said with a smile. "Remember him?"

Toph's brow furrowed for a moment before she nodded. "Yeah. Jackson, right?"

As Ymris nodded and smiled, Toph began to grin. "Is where the ship is all that you're worried about?"

Ymris laughed easily. "Yes. There isn't anything going on between him and me, I promise." her smile shrank. "We've got a lot on our plates anyways."

Toph nodded. "How're the Evas?"

"Coming along. Unit-02 is nearly ready for whenever we get Jet Alone's cybernetics. Watching it slowly shrink back into something resembling a human has been… creepy."

Toph nodded in agreement as Ymris continued. "Not only that but it's been a real chore getting armor that'll fit the thing. We've started to use some of the unpainted, bare parts from the Enchanted Shields we aren't going to be using, but that's a chore to work with, too."

"I mean, at least it'll be ready by the time we go to Paris, right?"

Ymris rolled her eyes. "Whenever that is. Aang is trying to get everything straight with Misato's wild plan of welding some of the ESVs to the bottom of several ships, and even though the Wunder itself is just about ready, they still want to go with the fleet."

"I mean, based on what I've heard of and seen on how the Shields work, they're probably going to be really useful in a pinch."

Ymris shrugged. "Yeah, well 'in a pinch' is hopefully going to justify the sweat and tears it's taking to get one on."

It was silent for a moment as they nodded, appreciating their drinks for a few sips. As they both set down their glasses, Ymris looked at Toph expectantly. "You look like you've got something else on your mind. What is it?"

Toph sighed quietly. "Are there… any groups of Scions here in California?"

Ymris was silent for a moment, then nodded. "There's a chapter here. They're the closest."

Toph nodded. "Are there any others on the continent?"

"There's a Herald Unit facility out in what used to be New Mexico. It's a ways away from here, but I'm sure that after whatever happened at Fourth Impact, they've started protecting themselves from it."

The two of them shared a slight shudder as they recalled seeing the footage Dr. Akagi had shown the command staff of the Wunder. Turning into LCL was not a pretty sight.

"How quickly do you think we can deal with them?"

"If they know I'm here?" Ymris shook her head. "It's a wonder Tavis hasn't told them to go after me and the others now for the security threat we pose."

Toph nodded. "I'll make sure you and yours are aware of the risk. Can you help us keep an eye out for them in case they do think about trying to sabotage things?"

"Of course."

They were silent again, then Toph polished off her drink and set the glass back down. "Now that that's out of the way, is there anyone here you might be seeing, now that we know Mr. Jackson isn't an item with you?"

. . .

The Black Moon

Kozo Fuyutsuki, far too old for this kind of nonsense, had to remind himself that while yes, the Black Moon was indeed in a lateral position, gravity still worked as it had when the Moon was horizontal. Even still, he was grateful that there were no windows or other openings around where he was. The sight would have made his head spin even more than it already did.

'I need to focus. Especially now.' he thought as he clenched his jaw against the slight nausea he felt, still looking around himself regardless. Even though he'd walked quite a ways away from Ikari, there had arisen from the man an aura of… danger. Knowing. Now more than ever, Fuyutsuki wondered if Ikari retained any of the things that had made him human, as much as he had said that he'd forsaken them all those years ago when he'd used the Key.

He shook his head, pulling out his phone. Worrying like that wouldn't get him anywhere quickly. He focused, still surprised at how easily the knowledge that Mr. Theisman had given him came as he began to input the commands that he needed to.

After a moment, he put the phone to his ear, waiting as the line rang. 'I hope she's at her device…'

The line clicked, and it was silent for the briefest of moments. "Uh… hello? Is this some sort of prank call?"

The voice, the memories that came with it, made Fuyutsuki sigh quietly in relief at the familiarity, a feeling so long a stranger to him. "Hello, Iscariot. It's good to finally speak with you again."

"Sensei?" Mari Makinami, the woman who so proudly, yet somehow so bashfully at the same time referred to herself as 'Illustrious', gasped. "Sensei! How did you manage this? Are you still in the HQ? Isn't dear old Gendo going to get ticked over this?"

"Slow down, Mari." Fuyutsuki chuckled, even in spite of his anxieties. "I am still in the Black Moon. But at the very least, I'm away from Ikari. And… what he won't know will lay him to rest, perhaps."

He could almost feel the hesitation on the other end of the line. "Sensei… I think that's the first time I've heard you refer to Gendo like that in… ages."

"Yes." Fuyutsuki replied wearily. "But it's true. Gendo is gone. Whatever's there isn't him anymore. I don't even know if what we're doing is going to bring Yui back to us or if it's for some other purpose entirely."

"I see." Mari was silent for a moment, mourning with him from across the world, wherever she might have been.

"So," she said, clearing her throat, "how did you manage to get to me like this? Technology this advanced wasn't your strong suit after all." The last words came out from behind a grin.

Fuyutsuki nodded, for all the good it did. "You have Mr. Theisman to thank for that. Did he manage to return to you safely?"

After another moment of hesitation, Fuyutsuki began to feel a knot of fear in his gut. "He isn't with us, if that's what you mean, Sensei. He's probably in Village-3 right now with Shinji, Asuka, and your escaped Ayanami unit."

Fuyutsuki frowned slightly. "Where's that?"

"Uh…" Mari exhaled, and Fuyutsuki could imagine the face she made as she did. "It's where Hadano was if I recall correctly."

"That close?" Fuyutsuki's brows rose. "It's a good thing Ikari doesn't seem to care about much beyond what immediately impacts his goals now. Otherwise, that village would be flattened."

"He's that bad now?" Mari was silent for a moment. "I know Yui was good at helping him dial it back a little, but that seems ridiculous."

"As I said, Gendo is, if not gone, then at least so changed as to be unrecognizable. His focus may be a product of something far beyond any of our comprehension."

"I don't know," Mari said, clearly skeptical. "I've seen some pretty crazy things myself, lately."

"Then it behooves me to warn you about something that you might not be aware of," Fuyutsuki said, glancing over his shoulder again. "Whenever you launch again, there's going to be an attack on your position. A mixed force of Mark.06Hs, Mark.04As, and a new prototype unit that the Magi has been testing as part of a new line."

"Duly noted," Mari said, her tone now one of concern. "Any idea of where it's coming from?"

"It's gathering around Hokkaido and is going to launch from there across the sea. You'll have a few hours to prepare, but it's going to be large. Very large."

"Got it. I'll make sure that Commander Kaji and the others know."

Fuyutsuki began to speak, then the name caused him to stutter for a moment. "Commander Kaji? That's impossible. He died preventing Third Impact from initiating an Instrumentality event."

"Well, it looks like the previous commander of WILLE had other ideas when he decided to pull him out of Terminal Dogma's lake to be his Deputy-Commander."

"Previous commander? Who could-"

Then it struck him. The only other person who could have done it. "SEELE's boy. Kaworu Nagisa. He was the commander of WILLE?"

"That he was. Right under your noses, right up to the moment we killed him accidentally." Mari sucked on her teeth for a moment. "Yeah, not exactly our greatest moment, that one."

Fuyutsuki suppressed a shudder. He'd had a camera feed into Unit-13 for the brief moments before he was called away to help Ikari shut the old men down. The explosion… could the cheery, optimistic Colonel Katsuragi he'd been familiar with really have done something like that to young Shinji? It seemed so… beyond her. But, he had to remind himself, the years had been kind to none of them.

"Well, I can only hope that he rises to the occasion of being your commander," he said quietly. "He was… is, a decent man. A hard thing to come by in this day and age, it seems."

"Oh come on, Senpai." That grin was back on Mari's face, and he heard it. "You've been saying that since Second Impact. Surely there's got to be at least a few more decent people now than there were back then."

"I would certainly hope so." Fuyutsuki smiled slightly, a forlorn thing. "Did Unit-08 manage to leave the battlefield intact?"

"Yeah, for the most part." Mari's voice held a tinge of relief now. "Granted, I fell from the surface of the HQ and landed in a high-rise building, so not without a scratch. But she'll be fine."

"I'm sure she will be." Fuyutsuki knew who she was talking about. Why she'd gone on to do the Contact Experiment again, so soon after the man she loved left… he still wondered so much about Mari's mind and where it had been then.

"Well, I should let the others know about what you've told me," Mari said after a moment of silence. "I'll go ahead and jump off. I wish we could come and get you from there if it wasn't going to be a suicide mission."

"Don't worry about me, Mari." Fuyutsuki smiled slightly. "I think I'll be safer, and much more useful, here in the Black Moon. At least here, I can feed you information."

Mari sighed dramatically. "Alright. Well, take care, Sensei. Hopefully, we'll be able to get you out soon."

"Goodbye, Mari."

With that, the line went dead, and Fuyutsuki pocketed his phone with a quiet sigh. The silence was, at times, quite nice. But now, it was… smothering. An almost oppressive thing. At the very least, he had a sense of… purpose about him again. How long had it been since that had been the case?

. . .

Mari Makinami lost herself in a good book for the moment, and Rei Ayanami, to her great surprise, did much the same. She looked a lot more like just some teenager you'd be able to find on the street, with dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt accompanied by white sneakers. Mari was, if nothing else, proud of her work.

She wondered for a moment if catching her up to the Illustrious Book Reader's Society's latest book, The Three Body Problem, would be easy. She seemed to be a fairly quick reader, at the very least.

'Old Danny Boy is going to need to play catchup,' she thought with a slight smile. 'Seeing as he is the one who got the book to us in the first place. Speaking of…'

She looked up from her tablet at Rei, who sat across from her on the bunk reading from one out of Mari's physical collection. "Hey, Rei?"

Rei looked at her from over the top of her copy of Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey, an old favorite of hers. "Yes, Mari?"

"How would you feel about joining my little book club? If I knew you had such an interest in reading, I would have asked you a whole lot sooner."

Rei set a bookmark into her spot as she closed the book, a somewhat puzzled expression on her face. "I was under the impression that reading was a solitary endeavor."

"Yeah, usually," Mari said as she stood. "However," she continued as she pointed a finger up, "it can be a lot more fun when you get together with other people reading the same book. You can share ideas and theories, talk about what you liked or didn't, and just generally have fun."

"So," she concluded as she put her hands on her hips, "would you like to try it out?"

Rei was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly. "I will give this a chance."

Mari smiled as Rei stood, putting her book aside. "Awesome! I'll get the book to you, and you can come with me to our next meeting today. You're lucky we only got through the first and second chapters before everything kicked off. Think you can read to there that quickly?"

Rei nodded. "I believe so."

Mari's smile widened. "Excellent! Hopefully, Dan's at Village-3 right now. Though…" she put a finger to her chin. "We've got a considerable time difference from Japan now. I wonder what time it is there…"

A quick search had her wince slightly. "As patient as the old man is, I doubt he'd like us much if we got him up at 5:30 for a book club meeting."

"I was under the impression that he and the others were rather adept at rising early for their work."

"Yeah, maybe so. But this is probably the closest any of them have gotten to a right and proper vacation. I figure giving them their beauty sleep is the least a decent human could grant them."

Rei blinked, and it was silent for a moment. "I believe I understood the meaning of most of the words that you said. It is a marked progression from even a few months before."

Mari chuckled as Rei stood. "You'll get it, I'm sure. If Yui was smart enough, and you're basically Yui 2.0, then I believe in you."

Rei nodded uncertainly, and Mari was struck by how odd this all was. It was Yui, the woman whose face that Rei at least mostly shared, that had taught her to be so confident. 'I guess I'm paying you back, Yui.'

"Well, from what I can tell," Mari said after a moment, "we'd need to have our book club meet at about 10 at night in order to get Danny in on the conversation at a decent time. But I think the others will be able to make that work. Now, what say you to some lunch while I explain the verities of some of my word choices?"

Rei shrugged. "I think that would be most agreeable, especially if I find such words in my reading."

"That's the spirit." Mari's smile widened. There was still some of Yui buried in there somewhere, wasn't there? And with that being so, it made her… comfortable. Something she hadn't been in ages, it seemed.

. . .

Daniel Theisman stretched as he slowly woke up, pushing himself to sit up before rubbing his eyes. The sound of the birds, and the breeze that they likely drifted on, made it even into this part of the house. The walls inside were relatively thin after all.

'Much to my dear kids' dismay, I'm sure.' he mused with a slow, sleepy grin as he pulled on a shirt and pants he could actually walk outside in. Someone must have had a window open, as the noises of nature and a waking village grew stronger. He looked to the side, and found Ayanami, still in her Plugsuit and the red jacket Hikari had loaned her, emerging from where Rei and Kaworu slept.

"Good morning, Ayanami," he said with a slight smile.

Ayanami tilted her head. "What is 'good morning'? You have said that to the others, yet I have not had occasion to ask."

Daniel nodded. "It's how you tell others you want them to have a good day ahead of them. They wish the same for you, more often than not."

He took a deep breath as the smell of something really good wafted back to the bedrooms, drawing the attention of the others as he glanced over to hear the others beginning to stir. "Let's get some breakfast, shall we?"

Ayanami nodded and followed him into the kitchen, where Hikari was indeed cooking what was sure to be a delicious meal. On her back, Tsubame rested in a cloth carrier, looking back at them a moment before Hikari did as well. "Ah. Good morning, you two," she said with a smile.

"Good morning, Hikari," Daniel replied. He glanced over at Ayanami, nodding encouragingly.

Ayanami blinked for a moment, then nodded slightly. "Good morning."

Hikari's smile widened, and Tsubame cooed as she chuckled. "Very good, Ms. Lookalike. You'll have it all down by the time the day is done learning like that."

Ayanami nodded as the others came up behind her, each in various states of wakefulness. "Whenever we receive a compliment, Ayanami, we say 'thank you' to show that we understand and are grateful for what we've heard."

Ayanami nodded again. "Thank you, Mrs. Suzuhara."

"You're welcome, Ayanami."

Daniel looked at the others, his smile growing wider as he saw them smiling in turn. "Now, let's not keep everyone from a good meal, Ayanami."

The tables were set up, and Hikari gave them all their meal, rice with miso soup and some okayu as a sugary kick for the child at the table and the children at heart.

"Man, Shinji," Asuka said as she gently elbowed him, "we should get you cooking with Hikari more often. You two would be a dream team."

Hikari looked up with no small amount of surprise as she fed a spoonful of okayu to Tsubame. "You cook? I never knew that."

Shinji nodded. "I did my best to, having grown up mostly on my own. It beats Misato's cooking every time though."

Asuka, Rei, and Kaworu all nodded gratefully. "Does she still leave everything she tries to cook in ruin, or did that cookbook that you composed for her manage to help her?" Kaworu asked.

"I believe so," Rei replied in Shinji's stead. "Do you remember her birthday dinner, a little after we got married?"

Kaworu nodded, and Shinji smiled. "She cooked a few of the dishes herself. The rice, the yakitori, the tempura. All while I was watching closely of course. She did a good job, actually."

Toji sat back in amazement. "Wow… I didn't know the Captain's cooking was that bad. Or that yours was apparently that good. Maybe you'd be willing to cook for us?"

Shinji smiled. "Certainly. Though," he continued with a slightly bowed head, "I'll defer to Hikari if necessary."

Laughter rippled through the room, the sound stumbling to a stop as Bunzaemon began to have a coughing fit. Hikari stood and went over to him, rubbing his back as the coughing began to subside. "Father, please… be careful," she said with a grimace.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

Bunzaemon sighed quietly. "Well, you can clearly see how old I am. And living through the end of the world twice, I was half expecting to punch my ticket far earlier than this."

It was silent for a moment before Kaworu asked the question. "What is it, then?"

"Lymphoma. I don't know if it's Hodgkins or not, but it's moved pretty far along in the last little while. I probably haven't got that long left now."

The breakfast became a silent, mournful thing. "Mr. Horaki…" Daniel began slowly. "You know about my powers. I can't heal you fully. But I can-"

"Spare it for someone who needs it more than me, is what you can do." Bunzaemon cut off any argument with a raised hand. "I've lived a good long life, gotten to see my daughters grow up to be people I'm proud of, and live with my darling granddaughter. It's more than many men can ask for in this day and age."

Daniel nodded slowly after a moment. "I see. You're stronger than most, to be able to make your peace with it like this."

Bunzaemon smiled slightly. "It makes me appreciate every day that I have. And I'll die knowing that I lived to the best of my abilities."

Daniel nodded again as Bunzaemon shook his head and scoffed. "Now, where's that Kaji boy? He should have been back here from the ACC Pillar plant for breakfast."

Hikari rolled her eyes even as she smiled. "Probably visiting Natsumi at Nozomi's house. He's got a thing for her, I think."

Daniel's brows, along with everyone else's, rose. "And who is Natsumi?" Rei asked.

"She's Kodama's daughter." Hikari's smile was tinged with sadness. "She was able to have her sent over here from Tokyo-2 when Near-Third Impact happened. However…"

Her smile disappeared entirely. "We haven't seen Kodama in years. Whether she's in one of the other villages dotted along Japan or dead… we just don't know."

"I see," Asuka said quietly as Toji made his way over to his wife. "I'm sorry. Kodama's so nice…"

Hikari nodded, accepting a gentle side hug from Toji as she took a deep breath and stood. "Well, I'm sorry to burden you all with our family's troubles. Let me get your dishes."

"Please, Hikari," Shinji said as he stood in turn, "let me help."

Asuka nodded as she smiled. "I wondered when your cleaning instinct would kick in," she said with a chuckle as she passed her dishes over to her darling husband. "Maybe you should stick around and see if you can help Hikari make this place really shine."

The others chuckled, and soon, Shinji and Hikari were both heading toward the kitchen with the dishes. Daniel stood, stretching some as he regarded the Children. "I'm going on a walk today. I'm sure that Toji and Hikari will be able to find ways for you guys to make yourselves useful."

"Where are you going?" Kaworu asked, his head tilted slightly.

"I need to think about ways I can help young Shinji and Asuka. And for questions like that, my mind likes me to be in motion."

With that, he tidied himself up as best he could, letting his hair flow free today, and said his goodbyes for the day and made his way to the door, stepping out into the crisp, somewhat cool morning as he saw the sun rising over the hills. He picked a direction and began to walk.

He walked amongst a town that was starting to go to work in earnest, those who had not risen early walking out their doors and waving to their children and spouses as he made his way through the neighborhood of mostly metal houses. A few of the older ones had stone for their walls, and all had at least one solar panel on their roofs angled toward the path the sun would take. As he passed the people, he got his fair share of waves and salutes, taking each in stride as he gave a simple wave back.

How long had it been since he'd been at peace quite like this? No pressing duties to help save the world, no need to be somewhere absolutely right now. He could just… be. 'I wish Eleanor was able to be here to see it.' he thought with a smile. She would have loved it here. He wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest if she'd have wanted to just stay here after all this was over.

His smile faded somewhat as he reached the main concourse of the village, the rail hub passed over by workers making their way either to the farms that surrounded the town or to the growing line in front of the food distribution center. Some workers pushed the massive, likely empty rail cars to other lines that were likely for storage. He watched for a moment as a few streams of dogs and cats followed the workers, some pausing to take breaks and pet a few of them.

He walked across the yard, more waves, and more than a few curious stares, following him as he made his way toward the edge of town. There, the houses faded away behind him, giving way to rice paddies, small grazing fields, and coops for birds, goats and sheep, and chickens filling the air with sound as the farmers got to work.

He blinked as he saw Ayanami, dressed in her Plugsuit, pink fluffy sleeves, and a bonnet and scarf, out with three of the farmers, all of them women. That she was there wasn't out of the ordinary, as he'd expected that to happen. That Rei and Kaworu were with her as well, dressed in similar getups to the farmers, was quite a shock to him. He sharpened his hearing and tuned it to listen in on the group.

"I've got to say," one of the older women said, "those are some tight-fitting clothes for this sort of work, young lady."

Another older woman, standing next to Ayanami and the Nagisas, smiled. "This is Ms. Lookalike, her sister Rei, and her brother-in-law Kaworu. They're here to help us today thanks to the doctor's wife."

"Good morning," Ayanami said, the Nagisas echoing her words.

"You three almost look like family." the third woman said, her eyes slightly narrowed. "I don't think I've ever seen people like you before. Where do you come from?"

"It's…" Rei began. "Complicated." she finally settled on.

"Either way, they're all willing to work, as far as I can tell." the woman beside Ayanami said.

Ayanami tilted her head. "What is 'work'? If it is an order, then I will comply."

"No orders around here." the woman replied. "It's just plain, simple work."

"What is work, then?"

It was silent for a moment. "That's a good question." one woman said. "I've never really thought about it." another rejoined.

"It's the act of doing something that is necessary, for yourself or others," Rei said.

"Oh, I wouldn't be that pretentious," the third woman said. "It's… sweating over something together, I think."

"Sweating over something together…" Ayanami said quietly.

"Well, let's not waste time or sweat, then," Kaworu said with a smile, adjusting the wide-brimmed straw hat that he wore. "Where will we be working?"

Daniel tuned out of the conversation, his hearing returning to normal as he smiled, and watched as the six of them walked off toward one of the paddies. Then, at the edge of his hearing, he heard something off to the right. It was a repeated, sharp hammering sound, and it stoked old memories as he looked around for its source.

He found it in a squat building with several chimneys that rested a ways away from the paddies, up the hill, and situated on the stream that fed into the paddies. A water wheel dipped into the stream, turning gently as smoke billowed out of the chimneys.

As he saw it, he had an Idea. An Idea that was, while entirely unorthodox, perhaps the start that Shinji and Asuka needed to open up.

'A work of their own hands…' he shook his head. 'It sounds crazy, even to me. But maybe crazy's what we need here.'

Misato would have a laugh at that, he knew, as he made his way to what he knew was the blacksmith.

As he entered the blacksmith, the heat of the forges washed over him, and he saw three men working on several different projects. A fourth went from person to person, assisting them or giving helpful advice. 'You'd be the man to talk to, then.'

He walked over, waiting for a moment before the man, at least a head taller than him and a fair bit broader than him, sporting somewhat long hair tied back with a bandana, noticed and turned away from the young man hammering away at what looked like a bent crowbar. "Can I help you?"

His voice was a deep rumble, yet it was clear to understand over the clamor of the smithy. Daniel glanced behind him, seeing an anvil near the back that wasn't in use, stationed right by what looked like hand-pumped bellows. Perfect. "My name's Daniel Theisman of WILLE. I'm from out of town, and I want to start a project with some newbies. Do you have a scrapyard with some soft and hard metals that I could use to make a billet or two?"

The man arched his brow. "You do seem the type to at least be able to forge something." he looked behind him. "I presume you saw that old anvil back there?"

Daniel nodded, and the man nodded in turn. "There's a scrapyard that me and mine use to put together our materials. It's a few minutes walk north from here, a little ways away from the village."

Daniel smiled as he raised a hand. "Thank you. I apologize for not letting you introduce yourself properly, Mr. …"

"Shinichi Kuroki." the man said as he shook the proffered hand once, firmly. "So, Mr. Theisman, what exactly are you planning to make with these newbies?"

"Something very memorable."

. . .

Mari Makinami settled into her seat at the circular table in the mess hall that the Illustrious Book Reader's Society had commandeered for their meetings, looking around at the slowly growing members. They'd gotten Maya, Midori, and Eleanor to join in the fun in recent days, and Rei had, true to her word, seemingly inhaled the required reading for being caught up at the table. Now, there was a rather thriving little group here.

"So," she began, "with the Society mostly in order, we're still waiting for one person."

She turned her gaze to Eleanor. "Is he able to get on with us?"

Eleanor nodded, setting a device that she had made in front of their very eyes on the table, pressing down on the glowing blue button until it clicked. It hummed as Eleanor lifted her finger away, tiny jets of water shooting into the air, swirling and coalescing into the rough shape of a head and shoulders, the rippling water smoothing out as it began to glow, and a luminous, extremely accurate image of Daniel Theisman's face appeared.

"Well, hello, everyone," Daniel smiled as he looked around. "I see the Society's gained a member since I left. How are you, Rei?"

"I am doing well, Daniel," Rei replied. "Are the others doing well?"

Daniel nodded. "As well as they can, having just gotten to Village-3 yesterday. It's… terribly peaceful. Been a while since I've had that."

"It sounds nice," Midori said. "I wish we could have that sort of thing before we go to Paris."

"Paris?" Daniel's brow arched. "I imagine that the Wunder is just about ready to lift off, then?"

"That it is." Sumire sighed quietly. "We'll be going to liberate a weapon's cache and get something so that Unit-02 can actually be used again."

"I'm sure Asuka Shikinami will appreciate that once you guys touch base with us." Daniel paused for a moment. "So, do I have to catch up on anything since I left, or have you guys been waiting for me?"

"We've been waiting, Danny, I promise." Mari smiled. "After all, getting everyone together to talk about these books is the spirit of the whole thing, isn't it?"

It was silent for a moment, and she saw Maya looking over at Sumire, Hideki, and Midori. "Let me guess… I'm about to hear something that I'm not really going to like."

Maya sighed quietly. "Well… myself and the other members of the first bridge watch are…"

"Going on strike?" Hideki said with an arched brow.

"Yeah. Something like that." Maya nodded. "We're going to have Eleanor take us to Village-3, where we'll stay until the Wunder swings by that way with a KREDIT shipment. Call it… making up for lost time and concern."

Mari's face fell, but she nodded nevertheless. "I get it. Wish I could come, but seeing as dear old Commander Ikari has other plans for us, I doubt Ryoji wants his only native Eva pilot out of commission as well."

The rest of the table nodded, and she saw Daniel smiling slightly. She'd wasted little time, and little whimsy, on informing the command staff of just what her dear old Sensei had told her. Now, with the ship lifting off tomorrow morning, they were ready. At least, as ready as they could be.

"And besides, Mari," Daniel said after a moment, "I'm in something of a crafting mood. I'll pop over to the Val to get my tools, and see what I can whip up to keep the meetings going."

"And," he continued as he looked back at Eleanor, "while I'm thinking about it, could you make a note to send Shinji's cello over as well? The poor boy's going to need something other than my project to keep him occupied."

Eleanor nodded. "Sure. I can make that work."

"What kind of project are you having Shinji work on?" Midori asked as she leaned forward, unable to seemingly constrain herself any further as she poked Daniel's forehead, her finger disappearing as the image rippled.

"A surprise that you might see when you get here." Daniel gave a cheeky grin, an expression that Mari hadn't seen before, yet somehow seemed completely natural on his face. "I think you'll actually like it a lot when you see it, Mari."

"I'll be the judge of that. And seeing as you're getting the rest of the book club over there with you, that judgment might be just slightly colored."

"Oh, dear," Daniel said in mock horror. "I'm terrified to see the day."

"Anyway," Mari said, "is there anything else we need to get out of the way? Any further bombshells that absolutely must be dropped?"

"Not that I can tell, Mari," Eleanor replied.

Mari took a dramatic deep breath. "Okay. All that business out of the way, let's talk about the book we're all here to read. Man, that Chinese Cultural Revolution. Right?"

More than a few people at the table suppressed a shudder. "If what the brief overview you've given us is any indication, that's going to be at once the least crazy and most sobering thing we read about," Maya said.

"It's been a while since I read this, so I'm fuzzy on the details," Mari admitted, "but it's going to get pretty crazy, you're entirely right."

"Crazier than our lives, even?" Hideki asked with an arched brow.

Mari was silent for a moment, her head and Rei's tilted slightly in thought. "That's up for debate."
Chapter 26: Hammerfall

Chapter 26: Hammerfall

I remember the sight of Village-3 on a screen before we arrived here. It seemed so… idyllic. It's a place where I could put down roots. Just be with Daniel and make something peaceful with our families, made and found, and just... help in the small ways I love the most.

But our power, our responsibilities, leave that sort of dream a distant one for now. Now, I fly to protect places like that. To protect the people of this world, their hopes and dreams, from those that would destroy such things.

How Daniel did that alone, for so long… I still can't fathom it.

- From the personal journal of Eleanor Theisman

Village-3, March 25th, 2028

Young Shinji Ikari was actually coming to enjoy waking up on his own time, as he sat up and stretched from the futon that he lay on. The chance to be alone, without a pressing need to do something important, was now almost comfortable, and it had given him at least some time to think. Not much. But even that was an improvement over the constant noise and moving in the Wunder.

He looked around the living room and saw Asuka playing on her Wonderswan. Had she packed it with her before she'd sortied? Whenever she'd gotten it, she still looked at it intently as intermittent beeps and 16-bit music played over it. Apparently, her efforts were frustrated, shown by her tossing it gently onto the table with a sigh.

Then, she caught Shinji looking at her, and raised a brow. "What? I lose sometimes too. It's not like you get a monopoly on it."

Shinji sighed as he looked around. "Where's Kensuke?"

"Ken-Ken gets up at 6, so he's already out working on something or another." a brief smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "He's useful like that. At the very least, it makes it so no one comes around here asking for him."

She nodded over at a plate of food packets and granola bars. "There's your breakfast. I'm not exactly a gourmet chef, even after the meal we cooked. Eat up."

Shinji rose up and walked over to the table, sitting across from Asuka as he began to pick at the food before him. He wasn't hungry, really. He hadn't been since before Terminal Dogma. But like Kaworu — the older Kaworu — had said, he couldn't overcome this without the strength eating gave him.

'But what's the point?' he pondered as he chewed on the last remaining granola bar on his plate. 'All my strength's ever gotten me is the destruction of the things I love. What good is being strong?'

He glanced across at Asuka, who frowned slightly at him before he looked away. What could he even say to her? What was she even thinking about?

They both had whatever trains of thought they were on derailed as they heard a knock on the door. "I thought you said no one came around here usually," Shinji said slowly.

"Usually," Asuka muttered as she stood, nearly stomping toward the door and opening it quickly. "What do you…"

She trailed off as they both saw Daniel standing in the doorway, smiling slightly. "Well, good morning, you two," he said as he glanced in. "I'm guessing Kensuke's out and about?"

"Hi. Uh…" Asuka looked back at Shinji, who shrugged. "Yeah. Ken's out right now. What do you need?"

"Well, I'd like you both to follow me." Daniel stepped away from the door before pausing. "Though… You'll probably both want to change here. Casual clothes aren't really going to work where we're going."

Shinji was terribly confused, even as Daniel took a duffel bag off of his shoulder, handing it to Asuka, who took it after a somewhat shocked moment. "There are changes of clothing for both of you in there, so don't feel the need to fight over anything."

Daniel leaned against the doorway as Asuka took the bag back to the table, opening it to reveal thick denim jeans, sweatshirts, and what looked like hiking boots. "What are we doing with these?" Shinji asked as they divided the clothes amongst themselves, Asuka taking her bundle and going back to her room.

"Making something," Daniel said with a smile. "And, hopefully, learning a few things along the way."

Shinji, quite uncertain but quite certainly mystified, took his bundle to the bathroom and began to change. After doing so, he emerged to see Asuka waiting for him, tugging at a sleeve that was just a little too long, next to Daniel. "Alright," Daniel said, "follow me."

They walked a little ways behind him as they took the path down from Kensuke's house, taking in the sounds of nature around them. It was a bright day today, the sun in the bright blue sky and the clouds few, but billowy. It was almost painterly, like the sky had already forgotten that the world had almost ended a few days ago. Or simply hadn't cared in the first place.

They began to cross over the paddies and crop fields, and Shinji watched the workers toiling away as they planted, harvested, and… 'Wait. Is that Ayanami?'

He stumbled to a stop as he watched Ayanami, who he was sure was Ayanami, working with several other farmers as they planted rice. It was almost surreal.

"What are you staring at, Idiot… Shinji…" Asuka was, apparently, at his side as they watched Ayanami, along with the Nagisas, planting or helping with the process. Then, Ayanami stumbled, falling into the water as the others laughed in good nature at the sight of it.

"Is that what we're going to do?" Shinji asked as Ayanami was helped out of the water by one of the regular farmers.

"As much as I'm sure they'd appreciate the help," Daniel replied, "my skills do not lie in farming. Come along. We're close to our destination."

After a moment more of watching, Shinji, with Asuka in front of him, continued to follow Daniel. He couldn't help but be somewhat confused as they came to a stop in front of a stout building, smoke rising out of its chimneys and the sound of metal pounding metal ringing out from within. "Daniel, I don't doubt you mean well," Asuka said, "but what the hell are we doing in front of a blacksmith?"

"Follow me and find out." Daniel flashed them both a slight, mysterious smile as he walked through the door. The smile reminded him a little too much of Kaworu, but he refocused on the open doorway, a dimness obscuring much of the interior beyond, and began to step through.

"You're actually okay with this?" Asuka said behind him incredulously.

He paused for a moment, then shrugged. "Well, it's not as if I have much else to do at the moment."

It was silent for a moment, then Asuka sighed. "Alright. Lead on."

The two of them walked in, their eyes taking a moment to adjust to the dimness of the space before they found Daniel near the back, standing in front of an anvil.

They approached the anvil and stopped, seeing what looked like two stacked sandwiches of metal, some shiny, some dull. "Are we making something out of these?" Shinji asked.

Daniel's smile grew wide as he rested his hands on the metal sandwiches. "Got it in one. We are going to be embarking on the task of forging swords from these billets."

It was silent for a moment, and Shinji was sure that both of them were shocked speechless. "I'm… not exactly cut out for this sort of stuff," Shinji said, raising arms which he knew were thin, with delicate fingers that were well used to playing a cello or piano.

"On the contrary, kids," Daniel replied, "you're more cut out for this than ever before. You have the strength, the precision, needed to do this kind of work without a struggle. Though, that somewhat undercuts the exercise that you can get from it."

"Okay, so… again, why?" Asuka said, a brow raised critically.

"Well, for one, it's better than only sitting and stewing in order to deal with something. Trust me. I know. And it'll get your bodies and minds active as we put your Interfacing to the test, building your skill with it."

He paused for a moment. "And, a long, long time ago now, during my solo traveling, I met a blacksmith. A gentleman by the name of Andre of Astora. He was a humble sort, stuck to what he said he knew, but he was wise in his humility. After spending a while around him, depending on his services to keep me alive, I asked him to teach me how to forge a sword."

"I'm guessing he said yes?" Shinji said slowly.

Daniel nodded. "He did." He was silent again for a moment, looking off into the middle distance. "I still have that first sword, too."

He shook his head slightly as he refocused on the Children in front of him. "Anyway, his first words to me before I even touched a hammer were to tell me that the act of forging a sword is more than simply making a tool. It is a process of revelation. Of exploring your capacities."

"Sounds like a lot of mystic mumbo-jumbo to me," Asuka said as she rolled her eye.

"I haven't been able to prove him wrong yet." Daniel shrugged. "Neither him nor any other blacksmith I've come across."

"So, as long as I've got you here, we're going to create something. It's not going to be perfect, but it's going to be yours, however much beating on the metal we'll have to do."

"And while we're doing it, I hope you'll learn the lesson that this process teaches you. To start off, these billets are the two of you…"

He walked over to a wall, took down a decently sized hammer, and walked back to the anvil. "And this, and every other tool, flame, and oil that touches these blocks of metal," he continued as he tapped the head of the hammer against each metal sandwich, "is life."

Shinji and Asuka blinked, then Asuka narrowed her eye. "I don't exactly find the comparison flattering, Daniel. Considering all we've been through and that."

"Then you've scratched the surface of it, Asuka." Daniel seemed, of all things, pleased by Asuka's annoyance. "Keep the comparison in the back of your mind while we're working. Because this is going to take a little while, doing it the way I learned it."

"And… how is that?" Shinji asked, suppressing a slight groan like the one that Asuka didn't bother to hide.

"The old-fashioned way."

. . .

Burbank, New Pacifica

"Ship gravitation systems are online!"

"Initial data-link to fleet vessels established. Running final handshake protocols."

"Achiral System is coming through. We are clear to lift off."

Commander Ryoji Kaji stood in the middle of the controlled chaos that was the bridge of the Wunder and pondered for a moment if he was really up to the task of keeping all of this in order. Heaven knew he was only an Interior man, a spy of what was nowadays the highest order. Hardly commander material.

Which is why he treated the intel that he'd gotten from Ms. Makinami so seriously. If they were going to have a massive force fall on their heads once they'd lifted off, it was going to make a road trip to Paris very difficult indeed.

But, he mused, that was what made an organization like WILLE so important. Because while he couldn't run this ship, Misato and Ritsuko certainly could. And while he certainly couldn't use magic, Mrs. Theisman was very on top of that. Along with her ship, it seemed.

"Alright," Misato said as she looked over at him, "we're ready for liftoff. Unit-08's arms are fully functional, and, hopefully, we're ready for whatever assault NERV decides to throw at us. Permission for liftoff?"

Ryoji nodded. "Granted, Misato. Let's get this show on the road."

Misato nodded in turn after a moment, clearly still a little weirded out that her husband, of all things, was above her in this chain of command, and turned back to the rest of the bridge. "Wunder, launch!"

With a keening hum, the ship began to slowly lift into the air, Ryoji watching one of the screens closest to him intently as it showed the rest of the fleet rising into the air with them. At the bottom of every ship, at least one Enchanted Shield of Virtue, or the majority of them anyway, was attached to the bottom of the ship. It would make protecting the ship an interesting affair going forward, and put a much bigger job on the helmsman.

It was quiet after a few moments as they got underway, those on the bridge seeming to hold their breath as they began to cross the Black Mesa facility in New Mexico from more than a little ways away, radar scans showing an impossibly clear patch surrounding where the base peeked above ground that was about a mile or two wide. They all waited for a bogey, one of the strange white 'Herald Units' to possibly pop up and come racing after them. But, thankfully, there was no aggression from the base in question as they soared past.

More than a few sighs of relief rose around the bridge as they left the base behind. "Y'know," Misato said somewhat contemplatively after a moment, "I've always wondered what Black Mesa was. Weren't they working with NERV's US branch on Unit-04?"

"Among other things, from what I can recall," Ritsuko replied. "Black Mesa was, surprise surprise, a black site dedicated to all sorts of American research. They were getting close to something big in terms of material science on some strange crystal before Second Impact basically shut them down."

"How interesting." Ryoji mused. "I wonder how that would have played out."

"Probably something boring, at least relatively so to us, that would have never been released to the general public in any decent timeframe." Ritsuko shrugged. "That's black-site science for you."

"I wouldn't say that, Ritsuko."

Several pairs of eyes turned to Eleanor, who stood on the bridge next to Ryoji with a somewhat grim expression on her face. "I've been to the World Engine that seems to be the origin of Black Mesa as a concept. That strange crystal you mentioned, Ritsuko? It would open up a portal to another inhabited dimension with an alien civilization. With all the complications that come with them being hostile."

It was silent for a moment as all on the bridge considered her words. "You know," Misato said after a moment, "at least we only had to deal with 13 Angels. They didn't have an army or an occupation force to deal with as well."

Ryoji glanced over at Eleanor, who gave him a somehow knowing look that he couldn't pin down the reason for. Then, before any of them could continue, Ryoji's phone gave a quick tone, drawing Misato and Ritsuko's attention to him as he got the phone out of his pocket, and read the text that Mari had just sent him.

"From our dear old Sensei," Ryoji read aloud, "be advised: Erbsünde joining up with attack group. About 5 hours ETA to your position. Will relay if anything else changes. Good luck."

A chill fell over the command staff on the bridge. "Another of Heaven's Keys." Misato mused grimly. "That's going to make things worse. Especially if the technical specs I remembered are on those things."

Ritsuko nodded. "What I'd give to have some of that weaponry on our side."

"The Gebet is also in South America," Ryoji said, looking over at Eleanor. "There's a decent chance it might join the party as well. Can your ship track it?"

"If it's not somehow hiding from us," Eleanor replied assuredly as she pulled out what she called a clear-pad, "though I doubt that's the case."

She stretched the screen to the size of a tablet, and Ryoji could almost see Ritsuko drooling in envy as she worked, angling the screen toward them all after a moment to show them a map of the world, a red triangle marked 'Gebet' somewhere over what had been the country of Peru.

"It's pointed right at us," Misato said darkly.

"It's also been on patrol around the area since it lifted off several months ago," Ritsuko remarked coolly. "It's why we haven't been able to make a Safe Zone there in the first place."

"Even still," Ryoji interjected, "I think it's better to be safe than sorry. There's a good chance this thing might decide to join the party."

"That there is," Misato said, pausing for a moment before she looked over at Eleanor. "Good thing we have our own backup. How quickly can your ship get here?"

"In seconds," Eleanor replied. "And I can make sure my pilots are ready and waiting."

"That's good," Ryoji once again interjected, "but… perhaps we shouldn't be too hasty in playing our hand."

Ritsuko nodded. "Yes. If we allow them to approach us on the supposition that we're only one major vessel, then we can use the… Val, correct?"

As Eleanor nodded, Misato picked up on Ritsuko's line of thinking. "We can sandwich them in between our ships." she began to smile slightly. "It's nice to be able to do that."

Ryoji nodded. "That it is. Mrs. Theisman, get your pilots and ship ready to move at a moment's notice. When the attack hits us, put them behind enemy lines. We'll sandwich them from there."

"I'll make sure everyone's ready to go," Eleanor said as she turned back to her tablet, which she shrank to the size of a smartphone as she began to place a call.

"I just hope it's enough for what we could be facing," Ritsuko said, the slightest hesitation in her voice.

"With what we've seen, Ritsuko?" Misato said, a slight smile on her face. "I think we'll be just fine."

. . .

"Okay, Shinji, get ready to hammer."

Shinji held the hammer in his hands, shifting his grip somewhat uncertainly as he watched Daniel holding the metal, shaped by his own hammering beforehand, in the forge. A part of him had been… somewhat disappointed when after only a few hits, the metal had cooled, and he had needed to place it back into the forge, once, then again, then again. Even holding it was an arduous task, one that Daniel said would eventually combine with him hammering on it himself.

"Are you sure I'm going to be strong enough to do it?" Shinji said uncertainly. "I mean, I know I can be, but… can I control it?"

"I'm sure you can," Daniel said, glancing over at Shinji with a slight smile. "Because I'll be keeping track of your strength through a connection between our souls, like when I helped you regain your hearing."

Shinji nodded slowly, and Asuka sighed from behind him. "I'm sure newbie Shinji finds this fascinating, but I don't see why I'm sticking around for any of this."

"Because we'll start on yours when Shinji's done making the first fold in his. It's going to be back and forth until I step out of helping directly, and have you two working together on these."

Shinji looked back at Asuka, sharing the incredulous look on her face. "You mean you're just going to hand us these hunks of metal, in front of a blazing hot fire, and around all sorts of heavy tools, just to try and teach us some vague lesson?"

Daniel tilted his head slightly, a small grin on his face. "Come on now, Asuka. You can't tell me this is the most dangerous thing you've ever done."

Asuka opened her mouth, then closed it with a sigh. "Damn you for being right," she grumbled.

Shinji almost missed Daniel's chuckle over the crackling flames, then felt the somewhat strange sensation of Daniel connecting his soul to him. "Alright, Shinji. Get ready. This is coming out now, and we're going to make our first fold."

Shinji turned back to the forge and watched as Daniel pulled out the length of glowing red, almost utterly white metal that the seemingly simple sandwich had become, and set it on the anvil. "Just like I showed you. Put a rhythm to it, and we'll fold it over on itself if the tempo's quick enough."

Shinji looked down, the heat rippling off it visible as it splashed against his face, making him grateful that some goggles had been provided by the man in charge of the blacksmith as he began the process of hammering the metal out. Like Daniel had said, an even tempo was almost easy to settle into, and he could almost hear a tune out of the strikes of the hammer, slowly but surely lengthening the metal as Daniel turned it every few strikes.

"A little stronger," Daniel said without speaking, gently encouraging him to tune his strings of strength as he placed a blunt, blade-like tool halfway over the billet, allowing Shinji to make a cut that they would use to fold the metal. "Not too much, though. You can't cheat at this sort of thing and get something good. Besides, you'll get plenty of muscle to woo the ladies with."

Amusement was evident in those last words as Shinji began to bend the metal over the side of the anvil, each strike bending it another few degrees lower. He was hopeful, and perhaps somewhat glad, that the exertion that flushed his face would have hidden any blush of embarrassment.

The length of metal, now at nearly a ninety-degree angle, flipped up and slid back across the anvil's surface. Shinji wasn't entirely sure how he was ready for it and didn't even miss a beat, but they were close. The metal still glowed a brilliant orange-red, and every few hits sent it down a few more degrees. Just a few more hits…

Then, it was fully folded over, a few more strikes ensuring the metals fused with each other just before the glow began to leave them. Shinji found himself panting from the effort, his arms aching as he let the hammer down to his side and stepped back.

"Good job, Shinji," Daniel said with a smile. "You've made the first fold. We'll stop here today, as we need to start on Asuka's before the day's out."

"Wait a minute," Asuka said as Daniel and Shinji waited for the metal to cool completely. "How many folds are we going to be putting into these blades?"

"For the western-style blades we're making? About a dozen before we start on the blade-making process proper. I did say this was going to take a while." Daniel paused for a moment as he took the now mostly cooled metal and set it aside, retrieving Asuka's billet. "Now come on, Asuka. If there's anywhere where I encourage you to hit something harder, it's here."

Asuka sighed quietly as she took the welded rod that held her billet, and hoisted it into the fire with seemingly little effort. Even still, it seemed… odd to see her doing something that was so slow, so seemingly graceless. She bore the task without much in the way of complaint, a few grumbles here and there the only fire she seemed to show. It was… weird. Very weird.

All the same, she began the first fold far more quickly than Shinji had, the metal clashing together and undergoing what Daniel had called 'forge-welding' in short order. The hammer was set on the anvil, And Asuka turned to face Shinji, hands on hips. "As ridiculous as this is," she said, the slightest hitch to her words, "that wasn't that bad. You've got some competition here, and I'm going to make sure you gotta work hard to catch up to me."

She smiled. It was slight, and he was sure that she wasn't smiling at him, but even still, it felt… special. 'Does she really think I can keep up with her, though?'

"There's something that tells me getting another anvil is going to make this interesting," Daniel said as the metal in front of him cooled. "Even still, you're here to learn first and foremost. You have no need to stress about or rush anything here. The next few days are going to be the hardest you're going to hit things. And the hardest you're going to be hit back by the effort."

He smiled in turn. "But I think you'll get the hang of it. Now, let's get some dinner. We've got busy days ahead of us."

. . .

Mari Makinami was about to be very, very busy, she was sure. She clicked on her Plugsuit in her quarters, uncaring of Rei's presence as she changed and felt comfortable in her second, salmon-pink skin. "Well, bluebird," she said as she did a little shimmy to settle into the Plugsuit, "wish me luck. Heaven knows I'm going to need it."

Rei nodded. "I will do so. This threat that Deputy-Commander Fuyutsuki has told us about seems to be quite a pressing one."

"You know it," Mari replied as she made her way to the door. "Shame you don't have an Eva handy, Rei. It'd help out a lot here, I'm sure."

Rei was quiet for a moment. "I am unsure of that. I was not very well trained during my time with Unit-00. Besides my effort to destroy the 10th Angel, I was well behind the other pilots in skill."

"It's good, Rei." Mari paused at the door as she turned to smile at her. "Besides, I'd have your back. Just like you had mine back then."

Then, before they could really savor the moment, the alarm sounded, and Mari opened the door in a flash. "Looks like I'm on! Wish me luck, Yui!"

She was running down the hallway and well on her way to Unit-08 before she realized fully what she'd said. 'Well, no time to take it back now. You're still around though, Yui. Thanks for keeping us up in the air.'

She reached the gantry for her Eva, Eleanor waiting by her Entry Plug in a very spiffy, armored-up Plugsuit that matched her Eva's colors. "What's the situation?" Mari asked as she stepped into the Plug.

"The attack is about 10 minutes out," Eleanor began with a grimace. "Unfortunately, the Gebet decided to join the party too."

Mari winced. "Great. Another big evil skyship. Glad you guys are dropping in, at the very least." she paused for a moment as the hatch began to close with Eleanor's input. "That is the plan, right?"

Eleanor smiled as the door paused for a moment. "The whole gang's going to be here."

Mari thought she couldn't feel giddier as the Plug sealed around her, and she felt the process of her Evangelion activating thrum through her as she connected with it. Her arms still felt on the edge of fuzziness, like she'd laid on them awkwardly for a few hours. Even still, she noticed the pressure of her new, kick-ass braces as the connection points dotted her arms. Several machine guns, cannons really, popped up on a display as she finished the activation process, showing their link to the two prominent triggers on her joysticks.

A comm screen flashed on as the world came into view, the command bridge before her as the gantry began to rotate her out to the surface of the ship. "Alright, Mari," Misato began. "We're beginning to turn to face the main attacking force. It's going to be a little difficult to shoot at them directly, as we're going to be using the ships to shield you from any long-range attacks."

"I'm fine with whatever keeps us alive, ma'am." Mari tilted her head as Unit-08 breached the open air, standing up as the gantry released her. "Any idea when our out-of-town friends might be showing up?"

Another panel popped up, this time showing Eleanor in her Plug. "When the Gebet gets within striking distance. All the other pilots are ready and raring to go, but for now, we should be able to keep the main force busy."

She looked over across the way and found Unit=10 (an odd way to say it, that) standing on the main body of the ship, a sharp, almost blade-like shield on its left arm taken from one of the Enchanted Shields of Virtue that they'd used. She'd have had to find her own after things got up close and personal if she didn't already have her braces on.

As she watched, one small drone, then another, seemingly made of whirring clockwork and coral that were thin, bladed almost like her shield, came into existence, floating a little over her Eva's head. "Whoa," she said as a swarm of a little over a dozen of the things soon came into being. "That's a neat trick."

"With how many enemies we're going to be facing, we're going to need the numbers on our side." Eleanor paused for a moment as Unit=10 looked down at the braces that Unit-08 wore, orange in the sunlight before terminating in two clusters of four cannon barrels, two pop-out sets of industrial claws hidden at their ends where the Eva's hands were enveloped. "How are your arms?"

"They're alright, all things considered," Mari mused as she raised them. "I'm going to be bunk at any sort of long-range, but once they get into my reach, it's going to be fun."

"Let's hope it doesn't get that dire." Doctor Akagi interjected. "5 minutes to contact. The Büse is still 15 minutes out. The main force should be within visual range now."

Mari and Eleanor looked out over the sky, and Mari could see the black, fuzzy cloud rapidly closing in on them. She magnified her view, a window on her screen showing the space inside it growing more and more detailed, soon allowing her to pick out their individuals, all swarming like flies around the ship that came towards them. She could pick out the screams of the Mark.04As on the edge of her hearing, the sound drifting in with the breeze.

As they settled into position, the ships of the fleet, so often on the same plane as their flagship as if they were still floating on the sea,

Her gaze drifted to a group of what must have been those new prototypes that Sensei had talked about. They were odd ducks compared to their companions, slate grey compared to the purples and greens that surrounded them. They looked like quadcopters, outriggers connected to strange 'propellers' that looked like someone had shrunk down several shoulder pylons and set them spinning. The 'front' of the thing was two strange masks taped together, their eye holes surrounding a strange spear, two tines not unlike the Wunder's spiraling out from a dull crimson haft.

Then, she took stock of their largest, likely deadliest threat. The vessel known as the Erbsünde. It looked quite a bit like the Wunder did, but it was all in black, armor completely covering the parts that would have been otherwise exposed, its twin tines long and sharp compared to the rather blocky ones on their ship. Along with the set of wings that she expected to see, another pair swept out toward the front of the ship, framing what she thought might have been the turrets, spherical and slightly inset into the tines. Where the radar dishes were on the Wunder, strange crystalline spikes stabbed into the sky, patterned with an almost rippling effect in an odd contrast to the rest of the ship.

"Fuyutsuki detectors are spiking!" Hyuga shouted from off-camera of the bridge feed as the screams grew a little louder. "ETA on main force is 1 minute!"

Mari took a deep breath and raised her arms, a quick button press extending the claws that took the place of her hands as she readied herself to fire. To her right, a flowing rod of sea glass, blue and green and nearly black, appeared in Unit=10's hands, a massive ax blade cascading out of the end as she pointed it at the approaching foe, two pieces near the head of the ax floating just a little off it as a third piece of sea glass, glowing now, appeared between them. 'That's gnarly.'

There was little time to think about it though, as the now nearly deafening screams were almost drowned out by the thunder of the Wunder's guns, the missiles and cannons of the rest of the fleet joining in as streams of Anti-At Field rounds went soaring into the sky. Mari joined the symphony of destruction in short order as she let her cannons roar, catching from the corner of her eyes as a stream of prismatically glowing rounds from Unit=10 cut a line through many of the fast, but none-too-nimble 04As. In seconds, both of them were forced to dodge and weave as the Marks began to zip past. She'd have tried to reach out and give one of them a good smack, but braces could get a little too mangled, and that would leave her in none too great a place, wouldn't it?

Even still, the 04As exploded around her, the new quadcopters managing to weave and dodge between what their AT Fields didn't block. 'Nimble little jerks.' she groused as she laid down a withering field of fire on a group that approached her. A few tanked the shots with likely quite weak AT Fields before they went up in (relatively) small fireballs. A few dodged, and one darted straight down at her head, the spear thingy it wielded looming large in moments.

She raised her AT Field almost on instinct, then yelped as she got pushed aside, Unit-08 falling to the deck as the spear darted past where her head had been and slammed into the wing. "Careful, Mari!" Eleanor shouted as Mari saw her deflect another coming at her with her greataxe. "Those are Lance copies! They'll go straight through your AT Field!"

"What?" Mari said incredulously as she got Unit-08 to its feet. "That's just rude!"

She turned to see a little over a dozen Mark.06Hs landing on the wing a little ways away from her. Some of them carried the familiar Pallet Rifles, tipped with Prog bayonets. A group of four held those same Lances, whatever they were, low, advancing toward them. Mari raised her arms, claws at the ready, and was only able to take a few steps before she noticed the horizon beginning to tilt. That she didn't fall on her ass despite the personal gravity she was in was a testament to how focused on the charging Evangelions that looked to skewer her.

'Well, fortune favors the bold!' Mari thought as she clacked the power claws together, Unit-08 charging toward her foes as they leveled their Lances at her. Accompanying her charge, several of Eleanor's drones zipped past her, slamming into four of the 06Hs that leveled Pallet Rifles at her and taking them out of the fight before she even arrived. She batted the Lances that stabbed out at her aside, letting her AT Field deal with the stray rounds from the others as she dodged more than a few jabs.

As she caught a thrust in a power claw, aiming down the Lance's length to unleash a hail of fire on the poor 06H that stood against her, tearing into the head and chest and causing it to collapse, a thunderous boom sounded above her head, and she danced back to get some space between her and the remaining 06Hs in order to look up.

Past the swirling school of ships that passed over her, the Erbsünde swam overhead, seemingly turned upside down compared to them, the turrets opened up like eyes showing brilliant purple pupils as they flashed and buzzed again, three ships diving into the way as massive explosions, ones that might have been on par with the 10th Angel's, hammered against the ships and their Shields.

"Uh, guys?" She heard a new voice chime in on a new comm pane as she caught Unit=10 leap into the fray with the 06Hs. "The Büse? It's accelerating, and fast. It'll be at your position in 3 minutes!" Why was that voice familiar to her?

Eleanor tsked as she wove her way through the 06Hs, burying her ax deep into the side of one in front of her as a powerful shot tore through the one behind it, tearing out the ax to bat away the Lance copy that jabbed at her, smacking the poor fool with the flat of her blade. "Alright, fine then. Ken, bring the Val out and have the pilots drop onto the Wunder's hull! The Val can keep our new friend off our backs."

"Dropping into the fight in 105 seconds!"

It was a long, hectic 105 seconds, and Mari spent it bouncing from Mark to Mark, more and more landing on the deck or swooping in to try and clip her. She danced back from another one who wielded a Lance copy, finding herself surprisingly clear of any other enemies for the moment. "Hey, come on!" she shouted at her opponent over her loudspeakers, beckoning it toward her with a wave.

It took the bait, thrusting in for a hit that would go through her core and her Plug if it connected. 'Come on, you couldn't have made this easier!'

She twisted out of the way of the strike, ending up beside her foe as she grabbed the haft of the Lance copy with her claws, the grip sure even as the two of them struggled to take control of the Lance. Finally, she ripped it free from the Mark's grasp, slamming the butt of the Lance into the Mark's stomach and awkwardly flipping the bident over, cursing quietly as it almost slipped from her grasp before ramming it home into the 06H's chest, sending it slumping to the deck.

"Alright, here we come!"

There was a thunderous pop and a flash of light, a hollow tearing sound diverting the attention of their enemies long enough for Mari to turn and get a good look at the long, sloping slash appearing in the air behind the Erlosüng.

From that tear emerged a swarm of missiles that dove into the now thinned cloud of Marks, detonating with perfect spherical explosions. Then, following after, a sleek, chisel-like ship emerged, surrounded by a network of floating pods, beginning to roll as it passed over the enemy vessel, lances of prismatic energy slamming into, and even punching through, the ship's AT Fields and scoring hits along its armor. As the ship fired back, the spheres of energy, ones that she'd seen crack through some of the toughest armor she'd seen, were stopped dead in their tracks, rings of light surrounding them, then consuming them slowly.

On its top, or what she assumed to be its top, stood a sight Mari would have never thought she'd get to see. As one, six Evangelions pushed off the saucer section at what she assumed was the back of the ship, wings of light and water and ice and leaves unfurling as they shot and stabbed and slashed their way through the cloud of Marks, appearing almost like ancient heroes and gods as they touched down around her and Eleanor.

As they landed and the fight began anew, the ship passed over them, righting itself (comparatively speaking) as it did and beginning to fire those missiles and cannons at what was likely their other arriving company.

She turned her focus back to the fight, picking out shark-girl easily enough and bounding over toward her as she raised her Lance copy, slamming down the bladed bident on a passing quadcopter thingy that was aimed right for her friend's back and sending it to the deck. Shark-girl turned and sent a trident (terribly on point, that) right through the quadcopter.

"Hey there, shark-girl!" Mari said through her loudspeakers as she stabbed a passing 04A, the action ripping the Lance copy out of her hands as it spiraled away and into the ocean… above them. She tried not to think too hard about that. "Long time, no see!"

It was silent for a moment as they both engaged other targets, shark-girl and Mari going back to back as they covered each other in making a sea of destroyed enemy Marks.

Then, she heard shark-girl's voice out loud for the first time. "On your left, Mari!"

She looked over, instinctively ducking, then flinched as a shot went past her head with the sound of… a beat drop? In an instant, she saw the two 06Hs that were dashing toward her blown back by a wall of visible, colored sound, the waves of red and green and tan throwing them off the ship entirely even as it physically crushed them.

Mari turned and found… Unit-08.

Or, well, it looked somewhat like her Eva. It was the same three-horned head, down a few eyes, and the color scheme was wildly different, green and tan and red, but… 'Is that me?'

The Unit-08 lookalike before her, a slightly curved sword in one hand, gave her a thumbs up before it leaped back into the fray. She still wondered, but that was a question for later. It looked like it was just about to become manageable. She could see clearly, or at least as clearly as she could through the spinning Shield ships, the ship that had jumped out of… wherever it had come from, swirling through the air as it dueled the Büse with cannons and missiles, a few stray shots from the NERV ship's cannons breaching through whatever shielding it had and splashing over the hull of the ship. It was a tough bird, though, lances of fire like deadly rainbows slicing through the AT Fields that stood against it and allowing missiles of seemingly wild variation to dart in and slam into the ship.

She turned her focus back to the battle around her, and couldn't help for the briefest of moments marveling at the sight. Marks were being tied together by literal branches, leaves growing on their bodies. The bright white one danced through the air on pads of flashing light above the 06Hs that stood below it, a glaive slashing down at them with near impunity. Metal and thunder and water and, of all things, a clay dragon combined into a symphony of nigh magical destruction that cut down their foes in seconds, a sight that left Mari breathless. 'Can I do that?'

She returned to the fray, losing herself in strike and counterstrike, dodge and weave and try not to fall over the side of the ship as she leaped across its hull. Then she blinked, and wondered where the time had gone as the battle seemed to be coming to a close, the ships of the fleet returning back to their standard pattern surrounding the ship as the two dark vessels of NERV slipped away, what few Marks remained accompanying them.

"Good work, pilots," Eleanor said as the Evas around her began to clean up the space around them. "Let's get things in order around here. Mari, you go and seal up some of the hull breaches. Mana and Mayumi will go with you to help out. Hikari, you'll be with me while we patch up the ship itself. Toji, take Ichigo and start cleaning up the bodies that are still on here. Keep a quadcopter around for the doctor to study, and keep an eye out for anyone that might come after us. We might be clear of the big fight, but I don't want anyone to get the drop on us."

As she spoke, the Unit-08 look-alike went towards a long series of gashes and holes made by shells or energy blasts, shark-girl and the golden demon-looking one accompanying her. The tree-man and the one that looked like a painted Mayan statue walked over to a rather shockingly large pile of bodies of various types.

"Uh, Ms. Eleanor?" Mari asked as Unit=10 turned to face her. "Anything I need to do?"

"You should be good to go if the commander decides it," Eleanor said with a smile as she knelt down with the white, almost angelic-looking one to a gash in the wing that was bleeding.

Mari glanced at the comm screen that showed the command bridge and found all of them looking more than a little shell-shocked, slack-jawed even in their expression of apparent awe. "Come back in, Mari." Captain Katsuragi finally said. "We'll go ahead and get back to being underway to Paris."

"Good job, Mari," Ryoji said with a thumbs up. "You made us proud out there."

She saw Katsuragi blink, then nod. "Yes, Mari. Good job."

"Well, well. Been a while since I heard that from you. Ryoji really is a good influence on you, isn't he?'

Mari smiled. Things were getting interesting, in a good way. She was looking forward to talking to Rei about the juicy developments. Then she blinked. 'Wait a minute. She did say Mari, didn't she?'

That was going to be quite interesting indeed.

. . .

Eleanor smiled as she watched Unit-08 walking back to its gantry, her comm screen blinking out as she glanced over at the command bridge. "I'll be tuned out while me and mine help patch things up out here. We'll be in when we're done."

"Acknowledged, Major Theisman," Ritsuko said. "Our regards for catching one of the new Marks for us. Along with a few of those 'Lance copies'."

Eleanor nodded, then muted the channel as she got to work Mending the biological parts of the ship, skin, muscle and bones slowly knitting back together as Hikari helped her in another section of the ship.

"So is that it, then?" Mari Marlowe said through her link, Eleanor glancing up to see her patching up the inorganic parts of the ship in quick order. "The secret's out, and we can finally start helping out around here more?"

Eleanor considered the question for a moment, then sighed quietly. "Yeah. I'd say it is."

"Well, at least we can just go ahead and rip the band-aid off then," Toji said as another Mark disappeared into a bed of flowers, the petals drifting away on the wind.

"That we can…" Eleanor again began to ponder as she moved on to the next gash in the wing, closer to the main body of the vessel. If they were ripping off the band-aid now, then they'd need to make sure that command could be integrated. Having singular command of Outbound Operations, requiring WILLE's command staff to run just through her, would be both tiring and possibly dangerous in the line of fire if she got caught out. They would need to get far more familiar with each other than they had been up to now if she wanted to trust that they could all work to the best of their abilities.

"Alright, kids," she said as she came to a decision. "You'll be coming into the Wunder with me once we're done out here."

There were more than a few double-takes that she saw on her screens, and the effect was more than a little amusing. "Are we just doing a meet-and-greet, or…" Mayumi said, clearly still quite hesitant about the idea of being among so many strangers.

"No, Mayumi," Eleanor replied with a sympathetic expression, "we're going to be bunking with them for a while. We need to make sure that Captain Katsuragi and the rest of WILLE have a good grasp of our capabilities if we're going to be working together officially from here on."

Mayumi sighed quietly, then nodded. "Alright. Shame we're going to be away from the Val."

"Now I never said anything about the Val leaving. Or being unavailable to go to, at that." Eleanor smiled slightly as she pulled up a link to the Val's bridge.

As Kensuke's face appeared, she wasted little time. "Kensuke, go ahead and bring the ship up alongside the fleet. I'll contact my minder Percival up on the Errant and have him lay low while taking over sensor duties."

"Got it, Major," Kensuke said, the wheel spinning as he swung the ship around. "So I guess we're going loud and proud then?"

"As proud as we can be. You'll be joining us when we're done out here. We're going to introduce ourselves to the command staff."

Kensuke nodded as he zipped up a jacket that had been hanging open. "So I should go find my beret. Got it."

A chuckle rippled through the comms. "Do we have to worry about getting ours, Eleanor?" Hikari asked.

"No need. We'll go in Plugsuits. Give them all a show they won't forget."

"I thought Daniel was usually the one for showmanship," Mana said with a slight smile and an equally slight arch to her brow. "This seems to be a little much for you, from what I've seen."

"Well, Daniel's rubbed off on me some. What can I say?"

They all finished their tasks in short order, the Frame Titans disappearing off of the body of the Wunder while their Frame Plugs disappeared shortly after, leaving the pilots standing on top of the ship, staring out into the setting sun. They stood there silently, appreciating it for a moment before Eleanor called up the Val. "Amaya, is Kensuke ready?"

"Yes, he is," Amaya said with a somewhat amused tone of patience.

"Good. Teleport us and him to the main meeting room of the Wunder. I'll feed you where."

She did so through a Pneumaic link, then ended the call. In a moment, the world fuzzed, fading slightly as the sunset and the meeting room blended before the room snapped into focus. She nodded as the pilots took some seats for themselves and rang up Ryoji. "Hey there," Ryoji said as he answered.

"Hey there, yourself. Meet us in the main meeting room just behind the bridge. I've got some people I want the command staff and the Children to meet."

It was quiet for a moment, but she could tell she'd piqued Ryoji's interest. "Alright, then. I'll get them there. Meet you there."

"See you." She ended the call, taking a seat at the table that allowed her to look at the door, folding her arms, and leaning on the table. Now, all that was left was to wait.

It didn't take much of that, the door sliding open and the command staff and pilots of WILLE streaming in. Before they took a seat, they stood there for a moment, taking in the pilots and their Plugsuits, along with Kensuke in his uniform as he sat between Mayumi and Ichigo.

Eleanor stood. "I believe we have introductions that we need to make."

She looked up and down the table. "These are the Suzuharas, the Aidas, Mana Kirishima, and Mariah Marlowe. All but Kensuke, as I'm sure you can tell, are my fellow pilots, and Kensuke is the captain of the Gwynivere's Valiant Daughter."

As the pilots and Kensuke exchanged greetings, Mari walked around the table, coming to a stop in front of Mariah. As she stood, looking down slightly at her copilot, Eleanor could see… shock in Mari Makinami's eyes. "Mariah… it's… you?"

Mariah nodded. "Yeah. Are you…"

The question was cut off by a fierce hug. "Oh, Mariah," Mari whispered, and Eleanor, along with everyone else, saw tears streaming down her face. "I knew you'd grow up like this. It's so good to see you. To… to hug you again."
Ko-fi Page
After having laid fallow for several months, I've finally finished the initial setup for my Ko-fi page! I'll be using it and the funds that come from it to help further my endeavors in creativity, such as music production for creating soundtracks for my works (and independent music) and getting the gear to do audio and voice acting. If you have the chance and ability, drop a few bucks toward the current goal of purchasing a mini keyboard to start my journey in music production. Your help will be much appreciated. The link is in my signature.