Another start, another life (Anakin Quest) Reboot

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[x] While you meditate you don't have much luck to still your mind by sitting still. Teacher Windu comes up with a solution and bring you to the repair bay where you are invited to work. He guides you along the path of moving meditation, teaching you than to work mindfully is to connect with the greater universe.

[x] You are agile but Teacher Windu contends you must learn some lessons early. Knight Kenobi is called to help whip you into shape through unarmed combat. Perhaps the lesson is not actually for you but for the grieving young Jedi who must face in you a reminder of the death of his master.
Are we limited to being true believer of main temple version of jedi philosophy? Or we can learn from another versions of Jedi philosophies of other media and force sects excluding sith and dark side users?
[X] While you meditate you don't have much luck to still your mind by sitting still. Teacher Windu comes up with a solution and bring you to the repair bay where you are invited to work. He guides you along the path of moving meditation, teaching you than to work mindfully is to connect with the greater universe.
again a lightsaber is not needed at this point. Anakin should only have a training saber right now and build his own lightsaber the same way everyone else does when they are around 12.
[X] While you meditate you don't have much luck to still your mind by sitting still. Teacher Windu comes up with a solution and bring you to the repair bay where you are invited to work. He guides you along the path of moving meditation, teaching you than to work mindfully is to connect with the greater universe.
[X] You are agile but Teacher Windu contends you must learn some lessons early. Knight Kenobi is called to help whip you into shape through unarmed combat. Perhaps the lesson is not actually for you but for the grieving young Jedi who must face in you a reminder of the death of his master.
[X] You sit with the Jedi delegation while Elder Yoda recounts to young Obi-Wan the tale of the Sith, their greatness and their horror. The tale includes images conjured by the Force, images you risk to take for reality. You are not alone to do this mistake.
[X] You are attacked. Nothing grave, just pirates who have the ill-luck of attacking a ship where Mace Windu and Yoda are traveling. You see the might of the order unleashed in battle and even get to participate either with a training saber or even in the old Tatooine fashion.
[X] While you meditate you don't have much luck to still your mind by sitting still. Teacher Windu comes up with a solution and bring you to the repair bay where you are invited to work. He guides you along the path of moving meditation, teaching you than to work mindfully is to connect with the greater universe.

[X] While you used the Force by instinct your teacher has decided to make you feel it. You will meditate with him and experience what it is to listening to the music of the universe. Even before you walk the gates of the Temple you will have reached to at least one object and make it move by the power of your mind.
[X] Teacher Windu has decided you will build your Padawan's lightsaber before arriving to the Temple. By foresight or chance he carries with him the essential component. Such a lesson will not only enable you to begin training but also be a good demonstration of your mechanic skill
[X] While you meditate you don't have much luck to still your mind by sitting still. Teacher Windu comes up with a solution and bring you to the repair bay where you are invited to work. He guides you along the path of moving meditation, teaching you than to work mindfully is to connect with the greater universe.
[x] While you meditate you don't have much luck to still your mind by sitting still. Teacher Windu comes up with a solution and bring you to the repair bay where you are invited to work. He guides you along the path of moving meditation, teaching you than to work mindfully is to connect with the greater universe.

[x] You are agile but Teacher Windu contends you must learn some lessons early. Knight Kenobi is called to help whip you into shape through unarmed combat. Perhaps the lesson is not actually for you but for the grieving young Jedi who must face in you a reminder of the death of his master.
Journey to Coruscant 2
Journey to Coruscant 2
You sit still. You try to sit still. Your teacher's voice should be all that exist, words guiding you in the heart of yourself. The Code as a mantra declared by the deep voice: "There is no Emotion". Draw the air in, fill your lungs near bursting, stay attentive. "There is peace." Let the air flow through you, release it all. A Jedi should not be attached, even to his own breath for if you kept it hoarded you would die in short order. In and out. In and out. How is your mother? Does she quietly weep for you in the slave quarters of Mos Espa? Your thoughts escape you like chattering flies or womp rats, gnawing at your concentration. You try to herd them but they won't be controlled. You remember the sands swirling even as you sail the sea of stars. You hear the cry of the Banthas herd when they approach the places of hidden water. You remember the chattering of the Jawas come to market. Will you see them again? Will you fulfill the promises of Ar-Amu to your people? You were born to be a storm and the bringer of freedom. Yet you were given to people tied by oaths of peace. After minutes of questioning that seems to be an eternity, you sigh and open your eyes. Your teacher looks at you in understanding.

"You did better than many on their first try. You must let your thoughts fly through you like clouds in the heavens." You do not point out the first time you ever saw a cloud was when you were taken to Coruscant. "Still there are many ways to do so. Do you know how to fight." The non-sequitur takes you aback for a moment before you answer the truth. Like all kids you have been in a scrap or two with your mates but you did not train for you were not made for the pits or the red sands. The second question is more surprising for Mace Windu asks you about dances. These you know, the dances of celebration and rituals and the movements of the body. He smiles at that answer and you begin to notice a pattern. While you don't reveal the secrets of the People to strangers, each snippet of a culture beyond the whips and the screams fill your teacher with joy. "Life always find a way," he says and you understand why. The body can be chained while the mind is both Ekkreth the trickster and Leia the mighty one who breaks all fetters.

You move through the hallways of the ship to one of the holds the Jedi requisitioned to train during the journey. Teacher Yoda does not but you saw the other members of the Council present on Naboo draw their blades and dance in colored light. It was magnificent and Teacher Windu promises to teach you how to duel. After all the Sith are afoot in the galaxy and you heard enough tales to be thoroughly disabused of the notion Jedi are immortal. In the bare room sits Obi-Wan Kenobi. From the few things you understood of Jedi lore, you think you would have been considered like brothers if you had been taught by Qui-Gon. His eyes open as soon as you enter and he rises. Strange how he has no scars from his encounter with the dark warrior. They tried to explain it to you but it seems unnatural. Apparently there are styles with the Jedi weapons where every wound is a fatal blow. Duels are an exercise into not being hit and striking to disable your opponent. You wonder why you are here. You have not been given a saber yet, so it will not be this kind of practice. Your teacher's voice draw you from your thoughts.

"There are two ways to meditate. Either sit still or move and lose yourself in the flow of the body. This exercise will have the advantage of killing two birds with one stone." His features are fixed and his voice terse as in the Council chamber where he stood over your fate. "Knight Kenobi", the younger Jedi tense at the word, from grief or anticipation you don't know. "How is your practice of the katas of Master Fae." Obi-Wan answers curtly and in this moment you are reminded of a guard standing at attention before an officer in the more organized militias. "I trained nearly every day in them Master Windu. Master Qui-Gon was adamant our bodies were to be temples to the Living Force." This time your teacher shows the hint of a smile, perhaps the Jedi who found you had a certain reputation. "Demonstrate them for young Anakin please." And Obi-Wan executes, launching himself in a slow demonstration of postures and poses. Attack and ripostes, the turning of a blow and what you suspect are attempts to turn an opponent strength against them. Lunges then quick withdrawals, strikes at the level of the belly or the throat. Disable and not kill is written in these moves and they seem beautiful in their own ways as they unfold one into another. Your teacher looks at you and says simply: "Now do it."

[Athletic roll Average Difficulty (+1): 3+3: 6; Superb Success]

It should not be possible. You have seen the flurry of moves a single time yet you launch yourself in the dance. At the beginning the voice of your teacher enounces the steps but soon you understand you don't need it. It is the same thing than in the ship or your podracer. Your body moves a second faster than it should and you concentrate on it. Soon the gray room disappears. What counts is you push your right foot forward then bends your upper body to dodge an incoming blow. What counts is you move your head to the left before bringing back your arms to shield your face. What counts is you advance to discourage the coming attack. What attack? You did not see Obi-Wan advances or heard your teacher instruct him. Yet you have to dodge his feet coming for your belly and grab his robed arm to try and off-balance him. He speeds himself, going forwards and backwards and you are forced to move faster than you ever moved. At a moment, fear grips you. You have trouble to dodge now and the maneuvers to take advantage of one's strength are not made with nine-years old fighting adults in mind. What will you do?

Choose 1

[] Compel: Former Slave: You reach in your fear and draw speed and cunning for it, breaking the katas and return to the lessons of Tatooine. Gain 1 Fate point

[] Compel: Padawan of Mace Windu: You do not break the katas, even if you lack in speed or form, you continue the dance as you are instructed to do. Gain 1 Fate point.

[] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point
[X] Compel: Padawan of Mace Windu: You do not break the katas, even if you lack in speed or form, you continue the dance as you are instructed to do. Gain 1 Fate point.
Are we limited to being true believer of main temple version of jedi philosophy? Or we can learn from another versions of Jedi philosophies of other media and force sects excluding sith and dark side users?

You truly believe the Jedi Code. In that you are incredibly different from canon Anakin who never believed any of the tenets. I mean Palpatine had more common ground with the Order than Anakin.

Now the thing is you believe in the Code. You don't necessarily believe in the traditions the Jedi picked up after Ruusan.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.

There are several forms of force lightning that are not fueled by the dark side. And even if this is that just means Mace will know what he is working with to tailor is training to.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel: Padawan of Mace Windu: You do not break the katas, even if you lack in speed or form, you continue the dance as you are instructed to do. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel: Padawan of Mace Windu: You do not break the katas, even if you lack in speed or form, you continue the dance as you are instructed to do. Gain 1 Fate point.

I trust Obi to react accordingly
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point
[X] Compel Child of the Mother: Your name is Anakin bringer of rain and freedom. You dance the katas but you reach to the gifts of the desert. When your hands touch Obi-Wan robes, they are charged with sparks of lightning. Gain 1 Fate point.
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