[X] True Believer: You really believe the Jedi Code. Yes it's strange but you found peace in the teachings of the Jedi, even the reliefs given to you by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. There is no passion, there is serenity, there is no chaos, there is harmony, there is no passion, there is peace. There is no death, there is the Force. You are not sure you understand all the ramifications of the words but you believe them. When you meditate you seem to connect with the universe, touching a light who fills you with joy. There is pain, there is darkness but you know in the end things will work out. This Aspect will be used to compel you into acting to the Jedi Code. You can invoke it to resist temptation by evil or increase your status among the Jedi.
[X] Blade of the Jedi: You are a natural with the saber and the masters predict you will be one of the greatest swordmen of the Order. It is good but it has prices. First you aren't a master yet and must train to not let your natural talent go to waste. Then skill with the saber brings rivals even in the hallowed ranks of the Jedi Order. It is also a temptation for violence is not the way of a Jedi Knight but for you it is so easy. Some even whisper your skill with the blade has atrophied your link with the Living Force. This Aspect will be used to compel you into choosing to resort to your blade even if inconvenient. You can invoke it to justify being able to stand or even beat more experienced opponents.