So with Areru now being aware there is a possible body snatcher or the Masaki's have a supernatural root after his visit with Katsuhito. Along with his knowledge of Ryoko and her current state, the cave and her body and his actions to fix that, how fucked is the normal Tenchi timeline?

As Arere is more likely than not going to act on something, be it if he fucks with Ryoko's seal, just ups and takes the Tenchi sword and frees her or has Katsuhito reveal more than he wants through stuff when Tenchi digs around about what is going on with his grandfather.

Since it kind of feels like we are about to see the premature kick off of the Tenchi plot, something that I wager could be really really bad if it happens considering Kagota is kind of a problem to deal with currently.

The only major divergences so far in the Tenchi Muyo! plot is Ryoko bonding with Areru and Tenchi finding out about his grandfather a bit early. The dominos falling right then aren't too severe, and actually might calm some things down. If Ayeka becomes infatuated with Tenchi, and Ryoko is infatuated with Areru, then those two might have a much calmer relationship this time around. It'll still be rough when Ayeka arrives to Earth, but past that, they have much less to fight over. (Side note, Ryoko being in love with Areru would also probably mean Ryo-Ohki would develop in that direction as well...)

...Now, if Areru is a little shit and tells Ayeka, "Hey, that's Yosho right there!" then it could cause some issues considering Ayeka was betrothed to Yoshi. Yes, they're half-siblings, and yes, their father wanted them to be wed anyways. Royals got to Royal. But Jurai has genetic engineering so the downsides to in-breeding is considered a solved issue, so it's not a taboo for them. I expect Areru to make fun of this practice endlessly, considering Ayeka is literally Tenchi's great aunt.

But Yosho doesn't love Ayeka romantically, only as a sister, and will probably try to let her down gently. He did so later when she found out, but she also thought he was actually as old as he appeared, fooled by the disguise field. So, it could be a bit rougher this time around, but will probably resolve about the same.

As for things that are about to happen... the timeline for Tenchi isn't concrete (Originally, it was believe to start in '92, so we'd actually be a year late into the Tenchi Muyo plot, but the later OVAs went with a sliding time-scale like how comics do so it's thrown things into question), but we do know Ryoko was freed in August, so if she is freed in the last day of June or into July, and this is the July right before that August in particular, then it's a month early. This can have some repercussions since Ryoko's Statute of Limitations doesn't kick in for another month, and her awakening is what ultimately gets the ball rolling for the plot.

Her wake-up is what gets Ayeka's ship to immediately head to Earth, as well as Kagato's. And Kagato's interest in Earth is what involves Mihoshi patrolling the solar system. So that's Ayeka, Sasami/Tsunami, Washu, and Mihoshi heading to Earth just because Ryoko woke up.

There's definitely some potential there for problems due to it being early. It's something that could cause a fight between Ayeka and Areru if he protects Ryoko... but if people just sat down and talked about how she was the mind controlled puppet of Kagato, the renown space criminal, then you could end that situation more peacefully. You'd just have to get through early-Ayeka's thick noggin. (I love Ayeka, please don't hurt her too much, Mr. Author.)

The Tench-Ken will outright refuse to be wielded by Areru, as only those with royal Juraian blood can touch it without it zapping them. I don't think it would be as simple as an Alter-Self to fool it either. Since it's made directly from Tsunami herself and has three of Washu's gems embedded into it, it might even be semi-sentient? It's a big deal for the upcoming arcs, and is as important a macguffin to Tenchi as the Silver Crystal is for Sailor Moon. Getting the gems is Kagato's primary objective coming to Earth, since he plans to use them to take control of Tsunami-no-fune.

Even more so, if you give all three gems to Ryoko (and she's developed to the point of using their full power) she pretty much becomes the strongest non-god character in the universe, no doubt. She'd be stronger than Z and could probably take on all the Sailor Moon villains at the same time. Being able to summon ten Light Hawk Wings is no joke.

After all that, the real dominos falling would be how the greater galactic community reacts towards Areru. If he defeats Kagato himself? He's going to get a lot of attention. GXP might send an officer to try and recruit him, a Jurai noble might try to adopt him if he keeps saying no to Yosho, someone might try to matchmake him with someone tied to Jurai in some ways... Things won't get more dangerous, but they'll definitely get more annoying as Galactic Politics try to interact with him as a major piece on the board.
Now, how does that relate to Japanese construction? Well, we go back to the limitations of materials. Without good iron, they had to limit what they did have to more productive resources such as tools instead of one-time use items like nails. Is that why they came up with their complex joinery practices in woodworking? Can't really say. Bit of a chicken and the egg issue, there.
Well, Eastern Europe and Russia has similar techniques, though most of the time joints themselves are much simpler - temperature changes can go from +30 to -40 in these areas during the year. But any good wooden house won't be built using nails as part of a load bearing construction because they can straight up shatter in some places during winter. Especially if they are made of iron instead of steel. Hell 10-15 degree Celcius changes are a thing that happens within 24 hours sometimes.

A properly done wooden house can easily stick around for 100-150 years. Some manage to stick around for way longer - especially if its oak.
How would the juraian empire react to an obvious void dragon do you think?

Not sure. Magic is a thing in Tenchi Muyo, but is more of a common thing in the Renza Federation. So, there are actual magic dragons in the setting.

They'll probably just treat him as an Outside Context Person, similar to how they treat Tenchi having the ability to conjure Light Hawk Wings on his own or Seina having cosmic-scale bad luck that can be flipped into cosmic-scale good luck based on the astral patterns of women near him.

Which means "He can't be a (potential) enemy of ours if we're in-laws!" and thus they try to matchmake him into the family.
I mean, while Void dragons specifically are (likely) an OCP, it probably wouldn't take them too long to figure out that his species in a space-faring creature born from Cosmic radiation (and space god radiation), so they may actually think he's a lifeform born from Tenchi's existence (once his ability to generate Light Hawk wings is known at least).
I mean, while Void dragons specifically are (likely) an OCP, it probably wouldn't take them too long to figure out that his species in a space-faring creature born from Cosmic radiation (and space god radiation), so they may actually think he's a lifeform born from Tenchi's existence (once his ability to generate Light Hawk wings is known at least).

I don't think anyone would jump to Tenchi being the reason he exists. Tenchi hasn't even awoken his divine powers yet, so there's no space god radiation to emit, and he's never outright created life throughout the series as of yet.

A better guess would be Tokimi. I mean... in a way, she is. She's directly responsible for Areru being here.
A better guess would be Tokimi. I mean... in a way, she is. She's directly responsible for Areru being here.

Strictly speaking, she did alter his existence to put him here. Her magical fingerprints would be all over that for anyone who knew enough to go looking (like say, the other two). She did in a real way create Areru. That could certainly become interesting depending on what assumptions get made.

As for the Void Dragon bit, that'll always be fun, because he's nothing like how their species usually is.
Strictly speaking, she did alter his existence to put him here. Her magical fingerprints would be all over that for anyone who knew enough to go looking (like say, the other two). She did in a real way create Areru. That could certainly become interesting depending on what assumptions get made.

As for the Void Dragon bit, that'll always be fun, because he's nothing like how their species usually is.

If he figures out how to make a Light Hawk Wing on his own, he'll fit into the triangle of divine space critters very neatly.

        Juraian Treeships
         /             \
        /               \
       /                 \
   Cabbits ----------- Void Dragons
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If he figures out how to make a Light Hawk Wing on his own, he'll fit into the triangle of divine space critters very neatly.

        Juraian Treeships
         /             \
        /               \
       /                 \
   Cabbits ----------- Void Dragons
Which is stronger, 10 Light Hawk Wings or a summoned Ark?

Genuine question. I watched a few episodes of Tenchi Muyo when they first came out on Toonami back in the 90s and am really not familiar enough with it to say.

Ark can destroy entire galaxies on its own in a single shot, and that's with a summoner VASTLY weaker than Areru, so the Light Hawk Wings would need to be pretty damn impressive to match that.
If he figures out how to make a Light Hawk Wing on his own

I think it'd be possible. Just hitting up the wiki;

The Light Hawk Wings are stated to be the 'bio-energy of the gods' by Z, and can only be produced by the gods, those granted a portions of the gods power, or anomalies such as Z and Tenchi themselves.

Alec certainly qualifies as an Anomaly, nobody can dispute that. So he's not disqualified out of hand, and his MP system abstracts all kinds of supernatural/magical/other power needs for abilities and spellcasting.

Plus, Ryoko's gems are related, so a chance to study them and/or a tree ship? Maybe even something as cheese tastic as a Mime Materia use(he did devour them all so they're intrinsic abilities at this point) after seeing a set summoned. He's pretty good at copying stuff he's exposed to one way or another.

I'm not saying "he totally could" but I wouldn't say "he totally can't" either.
Would that be such a serious problem? We don't know how many of Alec's perks Areru got, but Alec did have a shit ton of "x damage doesn't hurt me/x damage actually heals me" stuff going on

Do you think those perks matter when it comes to touching a sword that doesn't want you touching it, when it has three omnipotent god gems plugged into it?

And even if he could hold it indefinitely, it doesn't mean the sword would actually let him use it, either as tree-based lightsaber or as a Master Key.

Which is stronger, 10 Light Hawk Wings or a summoned Ark?

Genuine question. I watched a few episodes of Tenchi Muyo when they first came out on Toonami back in the 90s and am really not familiar enough with it to say.

Ark can destroy entire galaxies on its own in a single shot, and that's with a summoner VASTLY weaker than Areru, so the Light Hawk Wings would need to be pretty damn impressive to match that.

Light Hawk Wings are capable of multiplying any energy used against them by zero, allowing them to be a perfect defense. They can defend against both magic, other dimensions, psychic energy, etc. You have to either use another Light Hawk Wing to cancel them out, or use some esoteric methods manipulating Chousin energy to bypass them.

They are also exponential in power. You need more than double the power of a single wing to summon two, and more than double than two to summon three, and so forth. 10 Light Hawk Wings are thus the equivalent of having 1024 single wings. The power of a single Wing can easily tank an entire fleet of ships that can vaporize planets with a single shot indefinitely. Just two Light Hawk Wings managed to fuse two entire universes together seamlessly.

10 Light Hawk Wings are also the maximum amount of power that you can have in single location in the multiverse. If you can summon more than ten, and try to summon more than ten, it will destroy the multiverse.
so the Light Hawk Wings would need to be pretty damn impressive to match that.

It depends on how many you have. They're a powersource the 3 creator Goddess of the setting/cluster are using to try and find somebody stronger than themselves. So 1 isn't reality bending, but 11 will break the universe you're in the same way you can't have all of Tiamat in one place. Over deities aren't allowed to fully exist in one universe without breaking it.
Hmm. Areru sees Tenchi summon all 10 and thinks to himself, "Hmm. Mime sure would be pretty useful around now..." And then the universe breaks from having 20 all in one place.
Wasn't there a something called Shou Sugi Ban where they burn the wood and do some process to make it last longer and protect the wood from fire, rot and insects? I think it was use in 18th or 16th and commonly use in temples... I think
Fire hardening and surface burning. Every inhabited continent has an equivalent. You burn the surface then sand it smooth. The charcoal layer repels insects and fungi. You seal it with lacquer or resin
Light Hawk Wings are capable of multiplying any energy used against them by zero, allowing them to be a perfect defense.

That's certainly very effective against direct force, but anything indirect still works. Power Word Kill. Also mundane effects like Inert Gas Asphyxiation. Environmental hazards. Force = 0 won't stop the desert from dehydrating you.

Then we run into all the classic unstoppable force vs immovable object problems crossovers spill in. One all powerful option works when there's only one setting, but Alec has things like Almighty Damage which explicitly works on everything. Not to mention features like Pierce which explicitly bypass defenses.

Considering he couldn't use Mime against Tokimi, I think it's safe to say he can't use it against Tenchi either.

Say what? We just know he got dunked on, not the details.

He could very well have tried to copy a technique only to have it be ineffective. If someone casts a spell with 10,000,000,000 magic power cause they're a god, and you cast a spell with 10 magic power cause your mortal, copying their mojo doesn't really give you a very impressive attack either way. Similarly status effects or bindings, Tokimi absolutely has enough power on tap to bind Alec. Alec does not have enough power on hand to bind Tokimi. Lack of victory doesn't imply anything about successful use of Mimic.
If you have a stone base to keep the logs off the ground it can last centuries. The first part to rot are usually the logs in contact with the ground and the moisture. That's why traditional Korean and Japanese houses always sit on a stone and not directly on the concrete pad or earth. It's why the loghouses that lasted the longest here in North America have a stone base or sit on stone piers
That's certainly very effective against direct force, but anything indirect still works. Power Word Kill. Also mundane effects like Inert Gas Asphyxiation. Environmental hazards. Force = 0 won't stop the desert from dehydrating you.

Then we run into all the classic unstoppable force vs immovable object problems crossovers spill in. One all powerful option works when there's only one setting, but Alec has things like Almighty Damage which explicitly works on everything. Not to mention features like Pierce which explicitly bypass defenses.

There isn't an indirect way to bypass a Light Hawk Wing. It's not a physical barrier that you can go around. It's a bubble of God Energy that protects its user. I imagine the spell would just dink off a Light Hawk Wing much in the same way a Globe of Invulnerability would prevent spells from working.

Again, Light Hawk Wings in-universe explicitly work against offensive magic.

Besides, Power Word Kill has no effect on beings with more than 100 HP. Pretty much any Tree Ship or Juraian will have more than that.

And Inert Gas Asphyxiation won't really work on any being capable of generating Light Hawk Wings. Through the power of the Wings, Tenchi and Z can talk in space. They don't need to breathe with them.

And any Juraian on their Treeship has the entire local environment controlled by said Tree, not to mention, they have Battle Armor rings that let them fight in the vacuum of space. The Trees are also directly bonded with their pilots, so they can directly energize them too. In a pinch, they don't need to eat or drink, as the tree is all they need to sustain them.

As for what has precedence over the other when it comes to All or Nothing effects, that's entirely up to the author of any given story. I'm biased towards Light Hawk Wings myself as they have better feats, but it can be written either way.

Say what? We just know he got dunked on, not the details.

He could very well have tried to copy a technique only to have it be ineffective. If someone casts a spell with 10,000,000,000 magic power cause they're a god, and you cast a spell with 10 magic power cause your mortal, copying their mojo doesn't really give you a very impressive attack either way. Similarly status effects or bindings, Tokimi absolutely has enough power on tap to bind Alec. Alec does not have enough power on hand to bind Tokimi. Lack of victory doesn't imply anything about successful use of Mimic.

If it's ineffective, there is no practical difference in saying it won't/can't work.

Mimic is not going to magically provide 10 Light Hawk Wings worth of power to anyone using it. You have to provide that energy yourself the hard way.
It blocks three dimensions. Areru's spells and abilities can attack more than three

Light Hawk Wings explicitly extends into more than three dimensions, extending both into subspace and higher dimensions.

There's an entire scene when Tenchi's power goes out of control and its energies breaches into the 10th dimension.
Light Hawk Wings explicitly extends into more than three dimensions, extending both into subspace and higher dimensions.

There's an entire scene when Tenchi's power goes out of control and its energies breaches into the 10th dimension.
Which means it's normally 9 dimensions. Although on the wiki it says 3. Doesn't matter. Areru's attacks have greater range and depth.