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Anime Adjacent Entry: 046
Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.
Konoe Konoemon was an old man. A very old man, by just about anyone's reckoning. His back was bent, his knees bowed and he was largely bald but for a single patch of long, white hair that he worked tirelessly to retain.
He'd been old when his daughter was finally wed. He'd been older when his granddaughter was born. He'd be even older still when the girl was finally of the age to come to his school.
Konoe Konoemon was an old man and the Dean of Mahora Academy. A job title that carried far, far too many responsibilities. One of the least of which was his role in the governance of the Kanto Magic Association.
And he did mean that it was among the least of his responsibilities. He delegated as much as he could but his academy, servicing students from primary school all the way up to their university education meant that he had to review the paperwork of nearly thirty-thousand individuals.
Not alone, most definitely not. But even if he were only expected to deal with unusual or concerning documents as his various subordinates handled the rather more normal ones? It was still a daunting task.
His role as the leadership for the Kanto Magic Association was much less demanding, thankfully.
Normally, anyway.
Among the classes offered at Mahora, magic was but one of many. An exclusive secret, meant for only a handful of old families and some rare, few talents that were scouted from fresh blood. But still, for all of its mystique and secrecy, just classes.
Among those classes, Divination was actually quite popular.
Konoemon gazed out the window of his office, the streets of his small city lit aglow by the streetlights, and sighed.
Ah, to be young and foolish again. So concerned with the illusion of finding his true love...
A few hours earlier, the students who were tasked with learning to monitor the various scrying and detection spells throughout Tokyo had their spells fail on them. At the same time.
Just one or two would be no cause for concern. Divination magics could be finicky at the best of times. It was a rare gift to find a form of divination that just 'agreed' with a particular sorcerer.
But this happened to every single student that had been learning at the time. And their teachers. The spells hadn't even registered anything special before failing, they'd just cut off entirely.
It was concerning in the extreme.
More baffling, however, was the fact that everyone had been able to get their magics back up and functional without any issue. It... well, if someone was trying to hide something, like the summoning of a great demon or the like? There were places that were well shielded and hidden, even in Tokyo.
Cutting everything off all at once, effectively making the Kanto Magic Association 'blink'? It was either some kind of grand, uncontrolled power or...
Or someone wanted them to be aware.
Konoemon didn't know which, and that worried him immensely. Enough so that he'd cancelled all of the magic courses for the day so he could drum up enough manpower to send out to all of the known, and suspected, magical hotspots that they could reasonably reach.
Some had reported back already, calling to inform his secretary that the various sealed demons and cursed graves were still intact. One, a young man that taught physical education at the girl's high school portion of Mahora, had just come back with his report from the Furinkan city of the Nerima ward of Tokyo.
A hotspot of activity that they... just couldn't get a handle on. At all. For a frustrating but simple reason.
Until a certain point, where someone can externally manifest their power in some way? There was no real difference between Ki and Magic. And the martial arts mecca, where the widows and orphans of the ruined samurai families had settled after the great war, was overflowing with Ki Adepts. And the countless minor magical artifacts that had been sold by those broken families.
Tetsutetsu had come back empty handed, as was expected. He'd heard rumors of some prince from that thrice-cursed valley in China but getting any hard facts about that one was about like trying to thread a needle in a hurricane.
Hopefully, they'd have something come tomorrow. Konoemon would just hate to have to talk to the Kansai Association and tell them they didn't have any answers.
Not that the Kansai Association was doing any better, according to Konoemon's daughter. They kept going on a wild goose chase to the mountains for some reason.
The old man's worries came to a stuttering halt at the sound of a quiet *clink* behind him. Turning around, he saw a steaming cup of tea had been placed on his desk. And, sitting at the other side of his desk, a cup of tea in its hand, was a shadow.
Konoemon's bushy eyebrows rose in consideration as he took in the entity, placidly sitting at the large desk. He hadn't heard them come in...
Nor had the various intruder wards detected anything.
"I believe..." the shadow started to say with the voice of a teenager. "That it's time for us to have a conversation."
"Hoh?" Konoemon said, his long beard dipping slightly as he frowned. "And who might you be?"
"A good question," the shadow said before it lifted its cup to take a small sip. "I haven't decided which name to share with you, yet."
Konoemon had to strain to fully open his eyes, his forehead crinkling over with wrinkles as he tried to look at the shadow, to penetrate its darkness...
But saw only shadows.
"I hope you like oolong," the shadow stated as it dipped its featureless face towards the cup on Konoemon's desk. "I find black tea to be a bit too bitter."
A nameless shadow creature, one that snuck through the wards and was... offering him tea. This... was still better than literally any time that the resident vampirina, sealed to the school's campus and facilities, began making demands.
"Did one of my agents insult you, spirit?" Konoemon asked as he carefully lowered himself into his chair. "If so, I can assure you that-"
"Nothing of the sort," the shadow told him as it shook its head. "I typically try and overlook such matters. If I took offense every time someone interrupted me or interfered? I'd likely never get anything done."
The creature... was not a yokai. And likely not a member of the fae courts.
Not with that attitude.
Picking up the tea, Konoemon brought it up to his face and tried not to make a show of smelling the steam coming from the cup. It... was oolong tea. Konoemon couldn't even smell any sugar in it. Sipping it revealed much the same.
"Normally, it would be considered polite to make an appointment," Konoemon eventually said, testing the waters with this creature.
"I'm not here to ask a polite question."
Konoemon frowned, the expression hidden well by his facial hair.
The creature was definitely not a yokai. Not if it could make such a blunt and straightforward statement. Konoemon motioned towards it with his own teacup, indirectly asking it to speak.
"Why is the matter of Azabu-Juban being handled by a group of teenage girls?" the creature asked. Its tone was... curious, rather than hostile. Searching for an answer rather than placing blame.
"...Because our efforts to contain the Youma saw two full teams of the best I could field being killed. Drained of their life as though by a young and eager succubus." The shadow was right. It was not a polite question. But at least Konoemon could say that he'd tried, could admit that whatever those creatures were, they were beyond the scope of what he could send to challenge them. "Our colleagues from the west lost twice as many before accepting that they could not seal or bind the creatures."
The shadow sat very, very still for a long moment before sitting back and collapsing in its chair.
Clearly, it wanted to hear something very different.
Sadly, Konoemon wished he could say something different.
The shadow raised its right hand and snapped its fingers-
Dispelling the shadows and revealing a young man, a teenager of mixed racial features with curly brown hair and curiously yellow eyes. Those same eyes stared at Konoemon for a long moment before the boy lifted his tea cup and drained it completely, then set the cup down on Konoemon's desk.
"Ginji," the boy said before tilting his head in what could barely be considered a bow.
As far as introductions went?
It was still significantly better than when Konoemon had met Evangeline.