Regarding the number of black characters in Worm, Wildbow is Canadian and only 2.5% of Canadians are black. This may very well have been him just failing to do the research and assuming, consciously or not, that the percentage of his setting cities were the same as Canada.
Hooooly shit I just realized this. There are so many unfortunate implications here I can't even. I stopped reading it partway through, did the stereotypes get worse later on?
Well, the Yangban definitely hit a lot of Yellow Peril notes. They're a Chinese parahuman unit who forcefully recruit capes into their collectivist pseudo-hivemind and suppress any individual identity with brainwashing. That was... yeah.
Well, the Yangban definitely hit a lot of Yellow Peril notes. They're a Chinese parahuman unit who forcefully recruit capes into their collectivist pseudo-hivemind and suppress any individual identity with brainwashing. That was... yeah.

I can see a lot of parallels with real life political imprisonment in China there, such that I don't think it's really a stretch at all to assume their government would take the chance to do the same to capes. It's uncomfortable to point out but there are some pretty horrific things that go on in China in real life.
I can see a lot of parallels with real life political imprisonment in China there, such that I don't think it's really a stretch at all to assume their government would take the chance to do the same to capes. It's uncomfortable to point out but there are some pretty horrific things that go on in China in real life.
Except that on Earth-Bet, the capes apparently murdered the entire government and established a new Emperor because reasons. They also then cut off all contact with the rest of the human race, with no negative effects on anyone, again for reasons.

RL China is a shitty place, but it's not a literal 1984 hellscape where free will is a crime and the common folk are only allowed to live so they may serve their Imperial masters. Earth-Bet China might as well have come straight out of a shitty Ian Fleming novel (like that one where the bad guy's plan is to breed "Chegroes", who will have the dark cunning of the Chinaman and the brute force of a Negro! Yeah, that happened. Look it up.)
Except that on Earth-Bet, the capes apparently murdered the entire government and established a new Emperor because reasons. They also then cut off all contact with the rest of the human race, with no negative effects on anyone, again for reasons.

RL China is a shitty place, but it's not a literal 1984 hellscape where free will is a crime and the common folk are only allowed to live so they may serve their Imperial masters. Earth-Bet China might as well have come straight out of a shitty Ian Fleming ...

Was there no negative effects? Don't forget our lens for this world is a teenage girl, not a political scientist. Seemed like a lot of their world is pretty crapsack, and the Yangban certainly don't seemed to have helped anyone but the Chinese, and even that's arguable.
We could talk about Worm's various issues and things like the Yangban or how all of the black parahumans apparently have shadow based powers or how Germany is literally ruled by Nazis.

That said, this is not the thread for that discussion.

Back on track, someone else already noted that Ned was Crawler's human name. I'm guessing we're going to have the other members of the canonical Slaughterhouse Nine showing up pretty soon, and then there'll be a big messy confrontation leading to the climax of the story.

The S IX are probably about the most dangerous opponents you can pit Taylor against while still keeping things at the street level. It'll be interesting to see how things shake out, assuming that confronting the S IX is the endgame.
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We could talk about Worm's various issues and things like the Yangban or how all of the black parahumans apparently have shadow based powers or how Germany is literally ruled by Nazis in Earth Bet.

That said, this is not the thread for that discussion.

Back on track, someone else already noted that Ned was Crawler's human name. I'm guessing we're going to have the other members of the canonical Slaughterhouse Nine showing up pretty soon, and then there'll be a big messy confrontation leading to the climax of the story.

The S IX are probably about the most dangerous opponents you can pit Taylor against while still keeping things at the stret level. It'll be interesting to see how things shake out, assuming that them showing up and wreaking havoc is the start of Imago's endgame.

It isn't, actually, but whatever. The actual situation isn't that much more geopolitically plausible, but doesn't involve a fourth Reich.
I have my doubts the canonical Nine will be appearing beyond small hints considering how far away Imago is from canon. My guess is that they'll either be fun little references like good ol' Ned here or mentioned as past members that have been dealt with before.
I have my doubts the canonical Nine will be appearing beyond small hints considering how far away Imago is from canon. My guess is that they'll either be fun little references like good ol' Ned here or mentioned as past members that have been dealt with before.
Yeah the SIX strikes me as something like an Abyssal Intruder. Given Imago's high level of mage-ness and ES' s endless gushing about how good Intruders: Encounters with the Abyss is, it just seems likely.*

On a side note I still can't figure out what sort of evil conspiracy bird lady is a part of yet. Her grey MiB's make me think she leans technocracy, but the state of the world makes me think a Seer analog are the dominant force.

*Intruders really is that good.
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The S IX are probably about the most dangerous opponents you can pit Taylor against while still keeping things at the street level. It'll be interesting to see how things shake out, assuming that confronting the S IX is the endgame.
I dunno, @EarthScorpion has mentioned some fondness for the Endbringers as giant kaiju endbosses, but you do probably have a point in that it's hard to keep things street-level with Leviathan rampaging through the city as anything but a background event.
I dunno, @EarthScorpion has mentioned some fondness for the Endbringers as giant kaiju endbosses, but you do probably have a point in that it's hard to keep things street-level with Leviathan rampaging through the city as anything but a background event.

Taylor: "Okay. So. Do Endbringers feel guilt? Shame? Fear? I can do that."

Armsmaster: "... all indications point to 'No'."

Taylor: "Damn. And I don't think an 'Ignore me' field is going to do much against something that's indiscriminately destroying city blocks."

Taylor: *considers*

Taylor: "Well, bye! Angel, corridor out of here now."
Taylor: "Damn. And I don't think an 'Ignore me' field is going to do much against something that's indiscriminately destroying city blocks."

I bet the Simurgh would find Taylor's attempts to hide herself from it cute. And futile, obviously.

There's also the question of what an Endbringer would look like in Silent Hill vision. There's a risk it could cause Taylor's brain to dribble out of her nose a bit.
Note: A Tsar Bomba is fine too.

Totally serious about this, btw, for anyone who might want to do this in a Mage game. All you need to deliver Tsar Bombas at will is a friendly Moros who can fabricate the components for you, Space to acquire the raw materials and just enough Time to do temporal scrying so you know what you need to get. You don't need to conjure a working bomb out of the aether, you just need to get all the bits, construct a large enough stockpile ahead of time and have fun delivering pocket sunrises to everyone you don't like.

This is doable 54 XP from chargen for a party including both a Mastigos and a Moros.

Disclaimer: If an Archmaster reloads his savegame and deletes you, this is not my fault.
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Totally serious about this, btw, for anyone who might want to do this in a Mage game. All you need to deliver Tsar Bombas at will is a friendly Moros who can fabricate the components for you, Space to acquire the raw materials and just enough Time to do temporal scrying so you know what you need to get. You don't need to conjure a working bomb out of the aether, you just need to get all the bits, construct a large enough stockpile ahead of time and have fun delivering pocket sunrises to everyone you don't like.

This is doable 54 XP from chargen for a party including both a Mastigos and a Moros.

Disclaimer: If an Archmaster reloads his savegame and deletes you, this is not my fault.
Isn't making radioactive material matter 5 forces 5?
I bet the Simurgh would find Taylor's attempts to hide herself from it cute. And futile, obviously.

There's also the question of what an Endbringer would look like in Silent Hill vision. There's a risk it could cause Taylor's brain to dribble out of her nose a bit.
Well, we do know that it rained blood in the other place when Levi attacked, even though it was nowhere near Brockton.
Isn't making radioactive material matter 5 forces 5?

Yes, which is why you aren't making radioactive material from the aether. You're getting raw resources via teleportation and building the device the hard way (except it's not really hard with magic), using Matter 5 to substitute for all the necessary equipment. The resulting bomb should be in all ways indistinguishable from the actual Tsar Bomba which you temporally scryed for assembly instructions except presumably you'd use a different form of detonator since you're delivering via teleport instead of airdrop.

Note: If you build enough Tsar Bombas ahead of time, you can do a MIRV with Tsar Bomba sub-munitions.
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Yes, which is why you aren't making radioactive material from the aether. You're getting raw resources via teleportation and building the device the hard way (except it's not really hard with magic), using Matter 5 to substitute for all the necessary equipment. The resulting bomb should be in all ways indistinguishable from the actual Tsar Bomba which you temporally scryed for assembly instructions except presumably you'd use a different form of detonator since you're delivering via teleport instead of airdrop.

Note: If you build enough Tsar Bombas ahead of time, you can do a MIRV with Tsar Bomba sub-munitions.
Oh ok stealing the bits is arguably easier. I saw Moros to fabricate components and skimmed past the space to steal materials line sorry.
One of the big reasons that the pace of Imago slowed down, sadly, is that the real world overtook some of my old plans for it. It now looks a little childishly naive that the me of 2014 thought you'd need a 10 year economic depression to get people into the mood to start voting for fascists.
Not sure if you don't know what's actually going on over here or if you're just don't know the actual definition of fascism. According to fascism's inventor Bernito Mussolini:
Mussolini said:
Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
It's characterized by government control and regulation of corporations. Basically Communism with cash. America has elected fascists, but it was before 2014.

Trump's been trying to deregulate as much as possible which is pretty much the definition of anti-fascism.

I was kinda hesitant to post this, cause I wasn't sure it was really the place, but I figure if you're gonna include fascism as a theme, you should at least know what it is. It gets misused so much these days.
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Not sure if you don't know what's actually going on over here or if you're just don't know the actual definition of fascism. According to fascism's inventor Bernito Mussolini:

It's characterized by government control and regulation of corporations. Basically Communism with cash. America has elected fascists, but it was before 2014.

Trump's been trying to deregulate as much as possible which is pretty much the definition of anti-fascism.

I was kinda hesitant to post this, cause I wasn't sure it was really the place, but I figure if you're gonna include fascism as a theme, you should at least know what it is. It gets misused so much these days.

I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't know the actual definition of fascism here. Yes, it is a topic which is has long been debated by historians and political philosophers, but your equation of it as synonymous with corporatism is far outside the mainstream (and largely used as a smokescreen by rightwing nationalists as a defence against allegations of ideological sympathy with fascists). While originally Italian fascism was explicitly corporatist, such a definition is obsolete and redundant.

The general consensus as of the present day is that fascism is an ideology of authoritarian nationalism and populist nationalism - or at least in the latter case that is what it cloaks itself in. Corporatism is strongly correlated with it, yes, but it's not integral to it - economically autarky is more important to it and corporatism comes as a byproduct of that with the attempts to force national "independence" from external economic influences. Ideologically it is opposed to multiculturalism; socially it appeals to the petty bourgeois. It focusses on nativist viewpoints, favouring a certain element of the population and excluding all others. Umberto Eco's concept of ur-fascism is a good summation of the modern consensus, at least IMO.

Basically, in summary though fascism is an ideology of nativist, nationalist anti-liberal radical right-wing thought which makes use of populism.
It's characterized by government control and regulation of corporations. Basically Communism with cash. America has elected fascists, but it was before 2014.

Trump's been trying to deregulate as much as possible which is pretty much the definition of anti-fascism.
"Trump isn't a fascist. Obama is a fascist because he bailed out General Motors."

Use your imagination to insert the exasperated gif of your choice.

I was kinda hesitant to post this, cause I wasn't sure it was really the place, but I figure if you're gonna include fascism as a theme, you should at least know what it is. It gets misused so much these days.
"These days" being every day since the mid-1940s, presumably.

...also, source on that quote?
According to fascism's inventor Bernito Mussolini: (...)

It's also worth to point out that "corporation" changed meaning in popular language post WWII and it become source of confusion in that topic. When Alexis de Tocqueville praised corporations of America, he meant any cooperative enterprise with charter and single goal like, for example, building hospital or school for community, not necessary with profit motive.

When fascist writer referred to Corporation as an ideal (with capital letter), he iwas referring to State as all-encompassing organ of Nation working for singular purpose - not anything remotely like current merry international oligarchy backed by USA and Western governments.

It was in that sense where you find references to it before WWII. So even if that quote is directly from Mussolini, its highly misleading without context.

Also, Mussolini didn't invent Fascism, there were Fascist groups before him. That takes us back to southern Italy circa 1893. In that year, a socialist movement among peasant farmers took to rioting and other extralegal actions to try to break the hold of the old feudal gentry on the economy of the region; the armed groups fielded by this movement were called fasci, which might best be translated simply as "group" or "band." Various other groups in the troubled Italian political scene borrowed the label thereafter, and it was also used for special units of shock troops in the First World War—Fasci di Combattimento, "combat groups," which after the war noted Socialist newspaperman and war army veteran named Benito Mussolini borrowed the label Fasci di Combattimento for his new political movement.. and the rest is history.

Best summary (very brief summary!) , like ES pointed out, could be found in Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism .
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