[X] Determination. You want to know the measure of this Human. Their limits. Their conviction. Obviously a newcomer to the Forest like this can't keep up with you on a hike... but see how far they'll push themselves before they give up and stop trying to.
Holy shit is that Yellow?
Oh, it is! Hell yeah!

[X] Determination. You want to know the measure of this Human. Their limits. Their conviction. Obviously a newcomer to the Forest like this can't keep up with you on a hike... but see how far they'll push themselves before they give up and stop trying to.

I feel like this is the one they need to be tested for the most.
We've seen that they aren't hostile, even if trying to bag a sleeping Pidgey is a bit uncalled for, so their intentions seem nice, and they're certainly friendly despite the fact we wasted what was apparently months of saving, so I'm fine with getting along with them.
But what we don't know how hard they're willing to try.
If they get frustrated and give up following us, then they probably aren't ready to do the whole 'travel the wilds with a Pokemon' thing.
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.

I like this girl.
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.

Many a man has a faltering heart
And a faltering heart is not one that's good for companionship
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.
Pretty sure that Determination is running Yellow through a gamut of punishing trials. Yellow is too much of a cinnamon roll for me to do that.

[X] Intentions.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.

Okay, so, let's particularly look at this. All three of the options are not just a case of what Trixie is looking for, but also how she feels about humans more generally in this moment.

Intentions is the option that leads to the most paranoia, the most fear of them, the instinctive wariness that means she's looking for a reason to mistrust her. I don't want that. I think there's a risk of her getting too one note, especially when interacting with a human who doesn't have any Pokeballs (and given she's using an old, pre-owned one, she's not well off).

Determinations, by contrast, is the passive-aggressive option. It's not just that she's looking for determination; it's that she's pushing the human hard to keep them at arm's distance, because she's an arrogant little thing who expects them to fail her challenges.

Charm is the most attractive to me option at the moment. It says that Trixie is looking for reasons to hang out with this weird human who treats her like Ash does, who is interested in her and talks to her like she's a person. She's willing to contemplate this because she's been disarmed, yes, but she's also curious (especially after finding out more things about the world and all the nice things that can be obtained from PokeMarts) to interact more with a human who can't catch her.

After all, Trixie's just been deprived of her main hobby (tormening trainers in Viridian Forest) and therefore will want a new way to entertain herself.

(also, her little sister is adorable, and Trixie is clearly educating her to be an adrenaline junkie menace too)
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.

The reasoning for voting for Charm makes sense to me. It has my vote.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
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[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.

Have to agree with EarthScorpion here - I think this has the most interesting plotline. And its also a hearkening back to Trixie when she was starting the quest.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely surethis one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.

This'll be the test that can start Trixie's road to healing the best.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.
I was thinking Intentions but looking through, I am convinced to change it to Charm.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Charm. Look, you are a loner by nature. The company of others has never really appealed. This Human might be intriguing, but if you're going to consider striking up a friendship, they're going to have to find a way to convince you they'll be sufficiently fun to spend time around.
[X] Intentions. Trust does not come easily to you where Humans are concerned. You want to be absolutely sure this one isn't playing some kind of long con. Engineer situations that a greedy, selfish Human would take advantage of, and watch carefully for their reaction.