Random Tale
The Story-Bound
Alright, so what do we want to accomplish now, everybody? We should start thinking about our plans for the next turn. Recruiting a few units of Army or Marine soldiers is a necessity, I think, since it'll keep this kind of situation from reoccurring. Anything else we need to do?
You might be interested in plan Security First to help with that, if you haven't already voted for any plan.
At any rate...
- Buildings (Near Future): Start converting Zemlyankas into Storage Buildings, so they don't inflict as much of a Base Defense penalty (I'd say convert one of them to a memorial instead, in memory of the lives lost in this battle). Afterwards, start converting the new Storage Buildings into other buildings we need (Armory, Clinic, more Barracks...).
- Buildings (A little further down the line): MORE Barracks, and enchant them to make sure they can hold as many people as possible. Another Magic Laboratory and Science Laboratory, for later. A Firing Range, to improve base defense and Combat Arms (whatever that is). Fortifications (I really want that +10 to Base Defense). Another Mess Hall, to be safe. An EWO Shop and Computer Bay would both prove helpful.
- Units: MORE Research, Science, and muggle defender units. Magic defenders too, if the opprotunity to grab them opens up. Research and Science units to either improve our rate of research (discovering new items twice as fast), or split our research (two different items at once). Muggle Defenders for defense of the base. We've got an Infiltration team incoming already, and if Security First wins, another behind that, so we should be good in that regard. A couple of Intel Teams to man the suggested EWO Shop and Computer Bay above.
- Protection: Cleaning House: search the base for spies (cultists are good at infiltration), look for those who are not supposed to on the base and kick them out. Or, at the very least, make sure they don't get accurate classified information. The translators that came with the girls seem to have disappeared, where did they disappear to?
- Research: ...We're in a bottleneck, and not moving fast enough. We can't really do much here except look for ways to improve research rates (with my suggestions above) to widen that bottleneck.
- Training: Have the incoming Mage Training Squad spend a month on base helping out, doing various tasks (we could use help converting the Zemlyankas, for example) and getting used to being around the girls (and the girls used to them), and then start spending each month training each magical girl squad in turn to combat readiness. Blackstone gets one of three options (that I can see right now): keep teaching the girls so that they are more likely to lose the ESL traits, train the girls alongside the Training Squad to get all of them to combat readiness in half the time, or join one of the squads permanently. Perhaps the Mage Training Squad can take a break from working with the girls sometime in order to work with one or two of the muggle teams to get them used to fighting against magic.