1x Cultist Artillery Team (Wounds: 6 Combat: 6 Magic: 1) (Bombard, Range+,)
Weapons: RPG-7 x4 (hit on 60vs buildings or units, d20+5 damage), Lee-Enfield x1 (hit on 55, d8 damage)
1x Cultist War Leader Team (Wounds: 9 Combat: 6 Magic: 2) (Moral+, Stand Your Ground, Rally, Charge)
Weapons: Shotgun x2 (Hit on 45, 60 at range, d12-2 damage) Sword x6 (Hit on 55, d6 damage) Battle Standard (Grants
6x Cultist Fanatics (Wounds: 15 Combat: 4 Magic: 1) (Fearless, Berzerker, Loud)
Weapons: Spears x15 (Hit on 60, d4+1 damage)
1x Mage Commando Team (Combat: 6 Magic: 4 Wounds: 7 Infiltration: 4) (Stealth+++, Light Weapons, Light Magic)
Weapons: M2 x6 (Hit on 45, d6 damage)
Spells: Light Lance, Thaum-bomb, Arcane Smoke, Fireball
35x Magical Girl Units (Combat: 1 Magic: 1 Infiltration: 1 Wounds: 10) (Noncombatant, Potential, ESL, Untrained)
1x Magical Girls+ (3 Combat 1 Infiltration 4 Magic 10 Wounds) (Steadfast, Moral++, Rally Point, Light Weapons)
Weapons: Mosin-Nagant (Hit on 55, d8 damage)
4x Armed Magical Girls (2 Combat 1 Infiltration 4 Magic 10 Wounds)
Weapons: Mosin-Nagant (Hit on 55, d8 damage)
James Greaves
Catherine Fuchs
Blackrock Greaves
Copperfield Greaves
C.Arty: Fire on {Fenceline}
- Leader, C. Fanatics: Advance to Fenceline
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown begins in (2) turns. M. Commandos deploy in (3) turns.
James deploys to {Headquarters}
Blackrock deploys to {Barracks 1}
Copperfield goes to Lockdown
Catherine Fuchs deploys to {Tower}
Arty: Fire on {Fencline}
(1d100=74) {Fencline} breached at North-Northwest
Leader, 6x C. Fanatics: Pass Fencline, begin Warcry.
Mag. Girls+Blackstone enters field
4x Mag. Girls Arm
All BluFor units make for Research Area
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown begins in (1) turns. M. Commandos deploy in (2) turns.
Leader, 6x C. Fanatics: Advance through Killzone
Arty: Overwatch
Mag. Girls+ Blackstone Spotcheck
(1d100=70+5) C. Leader, 6x C. Fanatics spotted in Killzone
Blackstone gives order {Focus Fire}
(1d100=40+2+2) Mag. Girls focus fire on C. Fanatics 3
Mag. Girls+ open fire on C. Fanatics 3
(1d100=92, crit,+1 to dmg) (d8=4+1+3) C. Fanatics 3 down to 7
Mag. Girls Arm 1 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
(1d100=59) (d8=3+2) C. Fanatics 3 down to 2
Mag. Girls Arm 2 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
Mag. Girls Arm 3 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
(1d100=54+2) (1d8=2) C. Fanatics 3 down to 0. Unit killed.
Mag. Girls Arm 4 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown Active. M. Commandos deploy in (1) turns.
Leader Spotcheck
Fanatics 1 Spotcheck
(1d100=97+10) Crit!
Fanatics 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 charge BluFor!
Mag. Girls+, Blackstone, Mag. Girls Arm 1, 2, 3, 4 all fall back into ally.
Blackstone gives order {Form Ranks!}
(1d100=66+2+2) Mag. Girls Arm 1-3 form three-rank firing line, Mag. Girls Arm 4 prepare magic, Mag. Girls+ fix bayonets.
All BluFor units go on Overwatch
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown Active. M. Commandos deploy to Headquarters.
Fanatics 1 enters ally:::
Overwatch triggers!
Mag. Girls Arm 1 (1d100=55) (1d8=5+2) C. Fanatics 1 down to 8
Mag. Girls Arm 2 (1d100=73) (1d8=1+2) C. Fanatics 1 down to 5
Mag. Girls Arm 3 (1d100=24+2)
Mag. Girls Arm 4 casts Screech (1d1oo=60+2) C. Fanatics 1 loses Courage and halts!
Fanatics 2 has path blocked!
Fanatics 4 has path blocked!
Fanatics 5 has path blocked!
Fanatics 6 has path blocked, and transitions all units to Tight Formation!
Leader moves around the side of Research Facility!
Mag. Girls Arm 1 opens fire on C. Fanatics 1.
(1d100=79) (1d8=8) Crit! Roll again! (1d8=4+2) C. Fanatics 1 down, C. Fanatics 2 down to 8 due to Tight Fomation!
Mag. Girls Arm 2 opens fire on C. Fanatics 2
(1d100=12) Weapon Jams!
Blackrock gives order {Rotate Formation}- Move Mag. Girls Arm 2 out, put Mag. Girls Arm 4 in
Mag. Girls Arm 2 falls out of position and arms bayonets!
Mag. Girls Arm 3 opens fire on C. Fanatics 2
(1d100=65) (1d8=8) Crit! Roll again! (1d8=2+2) C. Fanatics 2 down, C. Fanatics 4 down to 11.
Mag. Girls Arm 4 opens fire on C. Fanatics 4
Mag. Girls+ casts Flare
(1d100=53+2) Success! HQ now knows battle location!
-BluFor 2-
James and Mag. Commandos dash towards Research Buildings!
Fanatics 4 charge
(1d100=83) (d4=3+1+2) Mag. Girl Arm 1 is engaged in Melee, and down to 4
Fanatics 5 standby
Fanatics 6 exits ally and moves to flank around building
Leader moves around research Building and spots Barracks 2.
Arty fires on Barracks 2
(1d100=5) Missfire! (1d20=15+5) damage to C. Arty team! C. Arty team destroyed!
Mag. Girl Arm 2 counter-charges
(1d100=88) (d4=2+2+1) C. Fanatics 4 down to 6
Mag. Girl Arm 3 casts Heal on Mag. Girl Arm 1
(1d100=41+10) Mag. Girl Arm 1 up to 6,
Mag. Girl Arm 4 casts Faith on Mag. Girl Arm 2
(1d100=75+10) Mag. Girl Arm 2 gains
Parry for one round.
Mag. Girl+ readies weapons
-BluFor 2-
James and Mag. Commandos dash around Mess Hall and spot C. Fanatics 6!
James casts Thermal Lance
(1d100=67) (1d12=5+6) C. Fanatics down to 4
Mag. Commandos open fire!
(1d100=38+6) (1d6=5) C. Fanatics down!
Fanatics 4 in melee
Parry activates! (1d100=70) No damage!
Fanatics 5 moves through C. Fanatics 4 en echelon and enters melee
(1d100=47+4) (1d4=4) Crit! (1d4+2+1) Mag. Girls Arm 2 down to 3.
Leader Overwatches
Mag. Girl Arm 1 reverses position in allyway and readies weapons.
Mag. Girl Arm 3 takes wounded and falls back
Mag. Girl Arm 2 falls back and sets staggered firing line in Overwatch
Mag. Girl Arm 4 falls back behind Mag. Girl+
Mag. Girl+ opens fire, then maneuvers behind Mag. Girl Arm 2
(1d100=59+10) (1d8=3) C. Fanatics 5 down to 12
Blackstone casts Burning Light
(1d100=83) (1d10=8) C. Fanatics 5 down to 4
Mage Commandos go around Mess Hall corner- Overwatch triggers!
(1d100=80) (1d12=5-2) Mage Commandos down to 5
James go around Mess Hall corner and fires on C. Leader
(1d100=69) (2d8=5+6) C. Leader down!
Fanatics 5 charge forward- Overwatch activates!
(1d100=91) (1d8=6) C. Fanatics 5 down to 7
Fanatics 5 enter melee
(1d1oo=60) (1d4=4) Crit! (1d4=3+1) Mag. Girls+ down to 2
Fanatics 4 rests.
Mag. Girls+ fall back en echelon through Mag. Girl Arm 4
Mag. Girls Arm 4 opens fire at point blank!
(1d100=98+10) Minor Crit! (1d8=5+3) C. Fanatics down!
Blackstone advances and casts Burning Light
(1d100=93) (1d10=8) C. Fanatics 4 is down!
All enemy teams are down! Scenario over!