@Random Tale Votes are not "closed", they're merely locked for people who made their decisions based on a certain dataset. If you'll look back, I mentioned a warning about Random Events. This one, though, happens to be a lot more interactive than the last, and will undoubtedly cause major shifts in the voting. Once the event is finished, voting will resume as normal.

Base Under Assault! (May 3, 1973)

Your name is Blackstone Greaves, and you're not happy. You've been hauling tools over to your new workshop without messing up the shrine, while simultaneously avoiding the wandering packs of girls. Your Man-Time had been interrupted too much this week, and progress on Black Betty II was not going well. You had avgas to use for propulsion (as soon as you finished siphoning it out of the Widows after they got back from their tuning flights) which meant you needed to make better parts. For example, brakes that didn't lock up like a rusty deadbolt. As much fun as Black Betty I's traumatic death spiral was, you didn't want to repeat it, or get that severe of a tongue-lashing from Dad. Thinking of the pleasant event, you almost miss the first explosion.

Not the next three, though. Ripping through the air, they buried themselves in the killing ground behind the fenceline before detonating, bright flecks in the dark. As the pungent whiff of cordite floated through the air, you gulped. Maybe it was an accident? Your hopes were dashed, though, when you saw four more specs of light and puffs of smoke in the distance. The smoke wafted on the breeze for a second, disappearing shortly after.

This is what shit smells like when it hits the fan. Running like the devil's on your heels, you skidded out of your workshop swearing like a sailor and onto the tar path to the first Barracks building you could get to. Before you enter, though, another set of explosions goes off, and the wailing intensifies. You need to be inside a building, preferably inside a building and underground, right the fuck now. Throwing yourself through the door, you hear it. The start of something too god-damned familiar for words.

A Warcry.

Seething with rage, you clenched your fists together. A fucking Warcry, here. No. Your dreams might be tainted with this filth, but by God you'll let it extend to your family and your home! It was time to act!


[] Gear up.
[] Get backup.
[] Get ready.
[] Write-in (Limitation- due to the trait Hatred (Cultists) that Blackrock has, he refuses to stand by in the face of the attack. Any write-ins to the tune of "run" or "hide" will be met with loud derision and counted as 1/10th​ of a vote.)

(A/N: The rest of the Base Assault is ongoing behind the scenes in what I'm calling Console Mode, and your actions directly influence the entire battle. Don't get killed.)
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Seething with rage, you clenched your fists together. A fucking Warcry, here. No. Your dreams might be tainted with this filth, but by God you'll not let it extend to your family and your home! It was time to act!
Missing a word.

Cultists suck y'all. And Blackstone is gonna personally ruin their day. So I'd like to make sure Blackstone has whatever he considers essential combat equipment, so that any future actions won't suffer from the lack of a critical component. Like a wand, or a flashbang grenade, etc.

[X] Gear up.
...When I heard the music, I got a bad feeling. A few someones are going to die; I just hope the loss won't be too heart-breaking for us.

Anyway, this is what we have to work with:

An American Mage In Wizarding Britain Base Sheet

Starting Property: RAF base
Buildings, in order of establishment
Base Housing (Population +6)
Runway Restoration (Opens up Runway building tree)
Magic Laboratory (Allows for Magical Research)
Science Laboratory (Allows for Scientific Development)
Mess Hall (Allows temp. housing, moral boost)
Barracks I x 1 (Population +5 Units per Barracks)
Barracks I+ enc. I x 4 (Population + 10 Units per Barracks)
Zemlyanka I x 7 (Population +5, Temporary Housing, Base Defense -1)

Total Base Bonuses
Population Max: +51
Moral: +10
Base Defense: -7
Research Bonus: +5
Science Bonus: +5
Upgrade Bonus: +4
Notes: Base Defense is negative, and as such is an active hindrance to open combat in the base proper. Many buildings can be upgraded. No bonuses are above activation thresholds.

James Greaves/White Feathers: Leader of the Base, Main Player Character
Catherine Fuchs: Adjutant to Greaves, Secondary Player Character
Susan Greaves: Adopted daughter of Greaves, Secondary Player Character
Blackstone Greaves: Adopted son of Greaves, Secondary Player Character
Copperfield Greaves: Adopted son of Greaves, Named NPC
Molly Greaves: Adopted daughter of Greaves, Named NPC
"Magnum": Intelligence agent working in the front operation to gather info on the Wizarding World. Named NPC

Greaves' Retinue (Combat: 5 Magic: 5 Infiltration: 2 Intel: 2 Science: 1 Research: 1 Wounds: 6) (Paper Unit, Hero)
Greaves' family and close staff. Only calculated as a unit for Base Defenses and Population.

Magical Girls x40 (Combat: 1 Magic: 1 Infiltration: 1 Wounds: 10) (Noncombatant, Potential, ESL, Untrained)
Magical Girl refugees from Japan. Probably shouldn't be in England without visas, but oh well.

Mage Commandos (Combat: 6 Magic: 4 Infiltration: 4 Wounds: 7) (Stealth, Light Weapons, Lesser Magics+)
America's answer to mixed conventional-magical warfare. Often used as stealth guards and saboteurs.

Intel Team (Intel: 7 Science: 3 Research: 3) (Noncombatant, Operative, Headquarters)
The intel screwballs. Letting them out of their caves may result in sudden burning or turning into stone despite being neither Vampire nor Troll.

Science Team (Science: 7 Intel: 3 Research: 3) (Noncombatant, Headquarters, R&D)
The guys you poached from NASA. They have a handful of jobs, all of which boil down to make more dakka.

Research Team (Research: 7 Intel: 3 Science: 3) (Noncombatant, Headquarters, R&D)
The masters of arcane might responsible for teaching and arming your magical troops. Many bear a striking resemblance to one Dr. Faust

Population Bonuses
Intel +15
Research +14
Science +14
Combat +11
Magic +9
Infiltration +5

Notes: The second set of parentheses shows the unit descriptor tags.

Noncombatant: Does not engage in combat maneuvers unless directly attacked, and does not count for combat bonuses.
R&D: Can conduct a Science/Research Action
Headquarters: Only acts as a full unit during a Base Assaults.
Operative: May be deployed on noncombat missions.
Light Weapons: May carry sidearms, but does not have support weapons
Lesser Magics+: May know one Greater Magic spell and any Lesser Magic spells.
Stealth: A unit not under Hero control will not automatically engage an enemy or be detected.
ESL: English Second Language. Implies a lack of fluidity in English. May cause debuffs
Potential: Does not contribute to bonuses until trained.
Untrained: Needs to be trained.

Honestly, this doesn't look good for us. We are not prepared for combat. Our base is a hinderance for us, due to the Zemlyankas. We only have two combative groups on us, three if we get Blackstone to group up with the girls.

[X] Get backup.
[X] Get backup.

Yeah...not surprised that our undefended, barely hidden base is being attacked. At all.

SIGINT is SIGnals INTelligence, the branch of intelligence that deals with everything from phone taps to satellite surveillance. Generally, if it involves electronic data it can be considered SIGINT.

Its counter-part is HUMINT, or HUMan INTelligence, which deals with what most people would traditionally consider spying. Eavesdropping, cultivating sources, placing moles, and so forth.

IRL, the USA is really, incredibly bad at HUMINT to the point of basically not being able to do it anymore. Shockingly, throwing money at the problems or running facial recognition software is not the only or best answer to all problems.
HUMINT takes a lot of time to get agents in or subvert sources, as well as either sympathy or leverage on the target.

Not likely to look good on performance reviews anyways
IRL, the USA is really, incredibly bad at HUMINT to the point of basically not being able to do it anymore. Shockingly, throwing money at the problems or running facial recognition software is not the only or best answer to all problems.

To be fair, HUMINT is slow, and whenever you use it you run a chance of burning your source and loosing it for good. Most of our HUMINT in Russia got burned during the Cold War in the Soviet annual games of Party Politics, KGB edition, and as for the Middle East...

Well, most of those got burned out in Operation: Desert Clusterfuck, and it is painfully hard to get Americans who can,

One, put their American Morality on the back burner and pick up the local version
Two, learn the language and the dialect and not sound like the King of Pointland
Three, make friends
Four, stay in cover.

all in what the Cretins-Idiots Anonymous and their political overlords consider a suitable time frame. So yeah. There are issues.
Base Under Assault! (II) (May 3, 1973)
Forcing yourself together, you stopped your urge to hit the ground running and get your murder and vengeance on. If this was big enough to get Warcry for, that meant it was big- and that meant that you'd probably drown under a wave of spear-wielding maniacs before you got warmed up. Inglorious and ineffective- thus, off the table. Alright, then, what did you need?

You needed backup

You needed gear

You needed a hardened structure to fortify in.

Considering the fact the only hardened building on base was the fuel dump for the planes, number three was kaput right out of the gate. Number two meant either going to your shop, a no-go, or worse yet the barns. There might, might, be a little something in the basement for you and forty of your closest friends, but you needed friends first. Time to get some.

Blackstone tests Fellowship: 1d8=8+2+2
Critical Success!​

Scrambling up the stairs, you got to the barracks floor and started wailing on the bell hanging by the stairs to get everyone up. Moments later, you scrambled through your head for all the Japanese you knew, and when the last of the girls arrived, you took a breath and started using it.

"Magical Girls of Barracks 3, I have grave news. We are under attack!"

Pause for effect and babbling…

"This building is not secure, and could come under attack. As such, I am rallying you to the defense of you and your sisters. In the basement, in his wisdom, my father put an escape route and a small cache of weapons. The enemy attacking us are savages, barbarians. They have left the light of all that is good, and embraced their most primal desires in their quests for power. Little more than beasts, they trample over all that is bright and well here for vengeance-"

"Vengance for what?" one of the older girls cried out, enraged. You let your voice slow down, and replied.

"For saving me, and my brother, and my sisters. We were components, items in one of their damn rituals. Like cows to the slaughter."

Several asses hit the floor. In the distance, another volley of rocket fire whistled out. Time to stop playing games.

"All who will fight will come with me to the basement to acquire arms. Those who will not will use the work tunnel to travel to the headquarters building, where my father is."

Grinning, you delivered the coup-de-grace with a howl.

"Come and girth yourself in the panoply of war and magic, so that should we fall in battle our revered ancestors might not recognize us as something greater than they made!"

The charge down the two flights of stairs was thunderous, sweeping you onto their shoulders for the duration. Once in the basement, you quickly went over to a pile of crates. Beckoning for a prybar, you popped the top off one and started passing out the contents.

"Ladies, say hello to the Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle and bayonet. They take five-round stripper clips, they kick like angry mules, and they will put anything we see short of a magical summons in the dirt without blinking. If something happens to your gun, fix the bayonet and wrestle with the bolt once we're through with whatever we've run into. Everyone take one, and I'll get the crate with the ammo open."

As you wrestled with the other crate, fifty girls quickly distributed the firearms that were five times older than them and all taller. Soon, you had it opened, and were distributing pouches of clips like clockwork. Once they were all armed, you prepared yourself a rifle and ammo and got to thinking.

Specifically, what next?

[] Booby-trap the Zemlyankas. A few girls with rifles and magic will stop 'em dead if they try for them!
[] Get to another barracks and arm up those girls too. You know the cultists- it'll take a lot of guns to drive them out, especially considering how many times the girls will miss.
[] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.
[]Write-in (Limitation- due to the trait Hatred (Cultists) that Blackrock has, he refuses to stand by in the face of the attack. Any write-ins to the tune of "run" or "hide" will be met with loud derision and counted as 1/10th of a vote.)
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.

Keep them from penetrating, and we'll have the option to rally more. But once they're in the buildings it's a goddamned mess.
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.

It's important here to avoid too pitched of a battle. The girls are inexperienced with these weapons, so try to make a rolling front. Keep the girls moving back, cover to cover and get time for the experienced soldiers to get into action.
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.

Do the girls even know gun usage and safety?

At any rate... I think the recent tags are off a year (1974 instead of 1973).
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.

At any rate... I think the recent tags are off a year (1974 instead of 1973).
We're in 1973, or at least that was the last base summary we got (Jan. 1973). It looks like things started deviating after the April 1973 Base Map.
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Do the girls even know gun usage and safety?

To an extent. Specifically, they know the three big ones:

Only point it at things you don't care about shooting.
Keep the finger off the trigger unless you're aiming at something.
If something goes wrong, get in cover and don't screw with it.

Other than that, there's a reason Blankstone's unit gets Moral++

We're in 1973, or at least that was the last base summary we got (Jan. 1973). It looks like things started deviating after the April 1973 Base Map.

We're in '74. I'll fix the dates tonight, I hope.

Edit: correction: '73. ARG.
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.
Mother of God, this thing was a lot of die rolls.


Blech. Here you go.

You won, by the way. Don't spoil it, please.


1x Cultist Artillery Team (Wounds: 6 Combat: 6 Magic: 1) (Bombard, Range+,)
Weapons: RPG-7 x4 (hit on 60vs buildings or units, d20+5 damage), Lee-Enfield x1 (hit on 55, d8 damage)

1x Cultist War Leader Team (Wounds: 9 Combat: 6 Magic: 2) (Moral+, Stand Your Ground, Rally, Charge)
Weapons: Shotgun x2 (Hit on 45, 60 at range, d12-2 damage) Sword x6 (Hit on 55, d6 damage) Battle Standard (Grants Rally)

6x Cultist Fanatics (Wounds: 15 Combat: 4 Magic: 1) (Fearless, Berzerker, Loud)
Weapons: Spears x15 (Hit on 60, d4+1 damage)


1x Mage Commando Team (Combat: 6 Magic: 4 Wounds: 7 Infiltration: 4) (Stealth+++, Light Weapons, Light Magic)
Weapons: M2 x6 (Hit on 45, d6 damage)
Spells: Light Lance, Thaum-bomb, Arcane Smoke, Fireball

35x Magical Girl Units (Combat: 1 Magic: 1 Infiltration: 1 Wounds: 10) (Noncombatant, Potential, ESL, Untrained)

1x Magical Girls+ (3 Combat 1 Infiltration 4 Magic 10 Wounds) (Steadfast, Moral++, Rally Point, Light Weapons)
Weapons: Mosin-Nagant (Hit on 55, d8 damage)
4x Armed Magical Girls (2 Combat 1 Infiltration 4 Magic 10 Wounds)
Weapons: Mosin-Nagant (Hit on 55, d8 damage)


James Greaves

Catherine Fuchs

Blackrock Greaves

Copperfield Greaves

C.Arty: Fire on {Fenceline}
  1. Leader, C. Fanatics: Advance to Fenceline
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown begins in (2) turns. M. Commandos deploy in (3) turns.
James deploys to {Headquarters}
Blackrock deploys to {Barracks 1}
Copperfield goes to Lockdown
Catherine Fuchs deploys to {Tower}
Arty: Fire on {Fencline}
(1d100=74) {Fencline} breached at North-Northwest
Leader, 6x C. Fanatics: Pass Fencline, begin Warcry.
Mag. Girls+Blackstone enters field
4x Mag. Girls Arm
All BluFor units make for Research Area
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown begins in (1) turns. M. Commandos deploy in (2) turns.
Leader, 6x C. Fanatics: Advance through Killzone
Arty: Overwatch
Mag. Girls+ Blackstone Spotcheck
(1d100=70+5) C. Leader, 6x C. Fanatics spotted in Killzone
Blackstone gives order {Focus Fire}
(1d100=40+2+2) Mag. Girls focus fire on C. Fanatics 3
Mag. Girls+ open fire on C. Fanatics 3
(1d100=92, crit,+1 to dmg) (d8=4+1+3) C. Fanatics 3 down to 7
Mag. Girls Arm 1 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
(1d100=59) (d8=3+2) C. Fanatics 3 down to 2
Mag. Girls Arm 2 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
Mag. Girls Arm 3 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
(1d100=54+2) (1d8=2) C. Fanatics 3 down to 0. Unit killed.
Mag. Girls Arm 4 open fire on C. Fanatics 3
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown Active. M. Commandos deploy in (1) turns.
Leader Spotcheck
Fanatics 1 Spotcheck
(1d100=97+10) Crit!
Fanatics 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 charge BluFor!
Mag. Girls+, Blackstone, Mag. Girls Arm 1, 2, 3, 4 all fall back into ally.
Blackstone gives order {Form Ranks!}
(1d100=66+2+2) Mag. Girls Arm 1-3 form three-rank firing line, Mag. Girls Arm 4 prepare magic, Mag. Girls+ fix bayonets.
All BluFor units go on Overwatch
Alarm Sounds. Lockdown Active. M. Commandos deploy to Headquarters.
Fanatics 1 enters ally:::
Overwatch triggers!
Mag. Girls Arm 1 (1d100=55) (1d8=5+2) C. Fanatics 1 down to 8
Mag. Girls Arm 2 (1d100=73) (1d8=1+2) C. Fanatics 1 down to 5
Mag. Girls Arm 3 (1d100=24+2)
Mag. Girls Arm 4 casts Screech (1d1oo=60+2) C. Fanatics 1 loses Courage and halts!
Fanatics 2 has path blocked!
Fanatics 4 has path blocked!
Fanatics 5 has path blocked!
Fanatics 6 has path blocked, and transitions all units to Tight Formation!
Leader moves around the side of Research Facility!
Mag. Girls Arm 1 opens fire on C. Fanatics 1.
(1d100=79) (1d8=8) Crit! Roll again! (1d8=4+2) C. Fanatics 1 down, C. Fanatics 2 down to 8 due to Tight Fomation!
Mag. Girls Arm 2 opens fire on C. Fanatics 2
(1d100=12) Weapon Jams!
Blackrock gives order {Rotate Formation}- Move Mag. Girls Arm 2 out, put Mag. Girls Arm 4 in
Mag. Girls Arm 2 falls out of position and arms bayonets!
Mag. Girls Arm 3 opens fire on C. Fanatics 2
(1d100=65) (1d8=8) Crit! Roll again! (1d8=2+2) C. Fanatics 2 down, C. Fanatics 4 down to 11.
Mag. Girls Arm 4 opens fire on C. Fanatics 4
Mag. Girls+ casts Flare
(1d100=53+2) Success! HQ now knows battle location!
-BluFor 2-
James and Mag. Commandos dash towards Research Buildings!
Fanatics 4 charge
(1d100=83) (d4=3+1+2) Mag. Girl Arm 1 is engaged in Melee, and down to 4
Fanatics 5 standby
Fanatics 6 exits ally and moves to flank around building
Leader moves around research Building and spots Barracks 2.
Arty fires on Barracks 2
(1d100=5) Missfire! (1d20=15+5) damage to C. Arty team! C. Arty team destroyed!
Mag. Girl Arm 2 counter-charges
(1d100=88) (d4=2+2+1) C. Fanatics 4 down to 6
Mag. Girl Arm 3 casts Heal on Mag. Girl Arm 1
(1d100=41+10) Mag. Girl Arm 1 up to 6, Fatigued.
Mag. Girl Arm 4 casts Faith on Mag. Girl Arm 2
(1d100=75+10) Mag. Girl Arm 2 gains Parry for one round.
Mag. Girl+ readies weapons
-BluFor 2-
James and Mag. Commandos dash around Mess Hall and spot C. Fanatics 6!
James casts Thermal Lance
(1d100=67) (1d12=5+6) C. Fanatics down to 4
Mag. Commandos open fire!
(1d100=38+6) (1d6=5) C. Fanatics down!
Fanatics 4 in melee
(1d100=60) Parry activates! (1d100=70) No damage!
Fanatics 5 moves through C. Fanatics 4 en echelon and enters melee
(1d100=47+4) (1d4=4) Crit! (1d4+2+1) Mag. Girls Arm 2 down to 3.
Leader Overwatches
Mag. Girl Arm 1 reverses position in allyway and readies weapons.
Mag. Girl Arm 3 takes wounded and falls back
Mag. Girl Arm 2 falls back and sets staggered firing line in Overwatch
Mag. Girl Arm 4 falls back behind Mag. Girl+
Mag. Girl+ opens fire, then maneuvers behind Mag. Girl Arm 2
(1d100=59+10) (1d8=3) C. Fanatics 5 down to 12
Blackstone casts Burning Light
(1d100=83) (1d10=8) C. Fanatics 5 down to 4
Mage Commandos go around Mess Hall corner- Overwatch triggers!
(1d100=80) (1d12=5-2) Mage Commandos down to 5
James go around Mess Hall corner and fires on C. Leader
(1d100=69) (2d8=5+6) C. Leader down!
Fanatics 5 charge forward- Overwatch activates!
(1d100=91) (1d8=6) C. Fanatics 5 down to 7
Fanatics 5 enter melee
(1d1oo=60) (1d4=4) Crit! (1d4=3+1) Mag. Girls+ down to 2
Fanatics 4 rests.
Mag. Girls+ fall back en echelon through Mag. Girl Arm 4
Mag. Girls Arm 4 opens fire at point blank!
(1d100=98+10) Minor Crit! (1d8=5+3) C. Fanatics down!
Blackstone advances and casts Burning Light
(1d100=93) (1d10=8) C. Fanatics 4 is down!
All enemy teams are down! Scenario over!
So, just a question to clarify for the readers. When a unit's wounds go down, is that a means for recording all forms of casualties, or only deaths specifically?
So, just a question to clarify for the readers. When a unit's wounds go down, is that a means for recording all forms of casualties, or only deaths specifically?

Casualties. That said, gunfire is much more likely to cause fatalities than melee injuries, and lightly armored units are more likely to get fatalities. A good rule of thumb is that higher combat units and larger units are less likely to have fatalities. Also, on-site medical helps intensely when in doubt about fatality numbers.

And yes, this time everybody had deaths.
Casualties. That said, gunfire is much more likely to cause fatalities than melee injuries, and lightly armored units are more likely to get fatalities. A good rule of thumb is that higher combat units and larger units are less likely to have fatalities. Also, on-site medical helps intensely when in doubt about fatality numbers.

And yes, this time everybody had deaths.
Sad day. Considering the disparity between military combatants and magical girls we have, we probably lost a bunch of the kids.
Sad day. Considering the disparity between military combatants and magical girls we have, we probably lost a bunch of the kids.

Yeah... Phrasing, and not in the Archer reference sense, is fairly important here. These weren't military units. These weren't even close to regular military units. A much better description would be paramilitary, or irregular forces. Hell, militia even could be a better descriptor. There were four guns for the entire attacking force. Four. There's a reason they died like dogs in the alley, and it wasn't because the main character always wins. I'll say it now- I don't like writing trick vote items, but the first option would have been a lot bloodier, and the second one would have been either "everyone has PTSD now!" or "oh fuck incoming rockets" depending on unit reaction speed and die rolls.

Still, though, this went fairly well for you guys. Wait until you get to talk to the Boss, though.
Yeah... Phrasing, and not in the Archer reference sense, is fairly important here. These weren't military units.
You misread that. I'm not talking about the cultists, I'm talking about the Mage Commandos being massively outnumbered by nigh-useless Magical Girls.

Hence why I assume the magical girls died like dogs, comparatively.
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