Let's not give the cultists a heads up that we're onto them, all right?

[X] Plan Troops On Line

Kind of hard to figure out what the hell is going on with our base status.

More or less decided to hold off until someone either figures it out or throws something suicidal in. Not that we can tell the difference.

Ah, I think this would be useful for you. I think its updated; the only squibbles about it could be reduced number of Magical Girls due to losses. If it is unclear about something, please let me know.
I don't want to use the Widows for recon, partly because they could get spotted and raise an alarm, but also because constant flights will increase their upkeep and maintenance.

I'm perfectly happy to use them as gunships for an opening strike on the Cults, though. Once we have our troops, we can organize and launch a strike on the Cults to take out a major chunk of their capability, and the Widows would make for a solid opening strike or even main force, if we think we can get away with using the troops as a mop-up force.
Running air missions inside another country could also get us a lot more attention than we want... The muggles here do have radar. And bombing runs are anything but subtle, especially when you consider 'Smart Bombs' are not a thing that'll exist for another couple of decades yet. I'm not saying it won't turn out necessary at some point but we really want to avoid it if we can, especially on targets in cities.
Running air missions inside another country could also get us a lot more attention than we want... The muggles here do have radar. And bombing runs are anything but subtle, especially when you consider 'Smart Bombs' are not a thing that'll exist for another couple of decades yet. I'm not saying it won't turn out necessary at some point but we really want to avoid it if we can, especially on targets in cities.

These are Cultists. Rural Cultists. Rural Cultists in Wales. Between the fact that it's the middle of freaking nowhere and the fact that a P-62 and a crop duster look amazingly similar to 70's radar at massive ranges before you put the Widow flying at the treetops. Besides, if the Refugee Camp goes through, one of the side effects is that one of the knock-on areas that you gain favor with is the US State Department, who can say: "Oops. Looks like somebody forgot to schedule a training flight" or somesuch bull.
These are Cultists. Rural Cultists. Rural Cultists in Wales. Between the fact that it's the middle of freaking nowhere and the fact that a P-62 and a crop duster look amazingly similar to 70's radar at massive ranges before you put the Widow flying at the treetops. Besides, if the Refugee Camp goes through, one of the side effects is that one of the knock-on areas that you gain favor with is the US State Department, who can say: "Oops. Looks like somebody forgot to schedule a training flight" or somesuch bull.

An unscheduled training flight in another country? During the Cold War? Also flying at treetop height in the dark with the tech level of the time sounds kinda suicidal.

Also while rural is much better than inside a city I must say an area needs to be very scarcely populated before you can toss a aircraft bomb there and have nobody notice. 1000 pound bombs are big and can heard going off from quite far away.
An unscheduled training flight in another country? During the Cold War? Also flying at treetop height in the dark with the tech level of the time sounds kinda suicidal.

Also while rural is much better than inside a city I must say an area needs to be very scarcely populated before you can toss a aircraft bomb there and have nobody notice. 1000 pound bombs are big and can heard going off from quite far away.
AN unscheduled training flight in BRITAIN, where the US has SEVEN AIRBASES. Yes, some poor schmuck is going to lose some stripes and get stuck on scut duties, but there'll be lots of dead cultists to show for it.
AN unscheduled training flight in BRITAIN, where the US has SEVEN AIRBASES. Yes, some poor schmuck is going to lose some stripes and get stuck on scut duties, but there'll be lots of dead cultists to show for it.

If it helps, consider it a Sign from God that This Man obviously played too much politics to get his stripes.

Also, night flying with your nose in the weeds (average AGL 300ft) isn't as dangerous as you'd think. The Widows, as per the BoM regs on using surplus military equipment, have been upgraded with as many civilian-grade items as can be crammed in, resulting in a total redesign of the avionics display system, radar array, and internal control system. Some few military items have been improved slightly, such as the turret and canons, while most are in pristine condition thanks to large amounts of preservative spells.
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Changed my vote for this round to original Troops on Line. Next turn or the turn after though we should begin operations against the Cult. Now that I think about it, we should probably tell our bosses that we're planning on bombing rural Britain to kill cultists.
A Day In The Life Of Blackstone II (Bonus Material)
7:00- Wake up, find out the shower is booked, get dressed anyway.
7:45- Get breakfast, find Tabasco. Make sure Tabasco isn't razzing on anyone.
8:00- Make sure none of the girls get horribly horribly lost, or that anyone is trying to sit vigil at the tomb for a week straight again.
8:15- Go back to the mess hall and get ready to teach some of the girls English, learn they found out about mail-order magazines and quietly despair.
8:30- Start teaching
10:00- Despair quietly after they start asking each other about how to best throw magic, class is dismissed, go back home to relax.
12:30- Wake up after relaxing, go to lunch
12:35- Find out one of the girls stole your chopsticks for some reason, get plain spare set.
13:00- Finish lunch and go study
14:30- Ditch study, go to workshop
16:00- Test out the device of the day
16:30- Finish testing
16:45- Go over to the top corner window over on Barracks four and take potshots at the damn white cat-things that keep prowling around by the tomb and accosting the girls.
18:45- Get a shower before dinner, use soap liberally to remove smell of cordite.
19:00- Dinner With The Family. Remind Catherine that she can't store still parts in the barracks basements forever.
20:30- Go down to the barracks and make sure everything's ok.
20:35- Raise Cain with the maintenance staff because the girls seem physically incapable of filing a Work Requisiton in good English.
20:45- Help Tabasco with [REDACTED]
21:00- Get ready to go to bed.
21:30- Go to sleep
23:35- Get up, let Tabasco curl up on the bed, chase out the Honor Guard, go back to sleep.
6:45- Tell Tabasco she's got to scram so nobody notices, roll eyes when she says no, chase out the Honor guard again, go back to sleep.
7:00- Wake up, get ready to do it all again.
16:45- Go over to the top corner window over on Barracks four and take potshots at the damn white cat-things that keep prowling around by the tomb and accosting the girls..
Well that's new. Didn't show up till after we found out that a number of the girls had already been 'contracted' in Japan.

Probably worth our time to invest in some stuff that deters supernatural interlopers from entering the premises of our base. As well, making sure that information about the deceitful little bastards ends up in the curriculum taught to the magical girls by our mage trainers once they arrive on-base.
So... Did anyone else just read "potential replenishable resource for powering blood magic that nobody will care about" when they noticed we are attracting bunnycats? Or is that just me?
So... Did anyone else just read "potential replenishable resource for powering blood magic that nobody will care about" when they noticed we are attracting bunnycats? Or is that just me?



You all do realise that using magical construct creatures for human blood magic is a few tiers over your current research level.
Well, first we need to learn how to trap them. I think the current research path leads to that.

From there we can actually decide whether to go into large scale Use of Magical Pest Creature products.
They're a known magical creature, so we should be able to just research them and find that out. We need to research the next level of Ritual and Blood magic before we can use them though, probably.
I was napping, when I suddenly remembered this (somewhat urgent) question:

What is the cost of turning a Zemlyanka into a Storage Building?

Depending on what the cost of that is, we could be in deep trouble.
I was napping, when I suddenly remembered this (somewhat urgent) question:

What is the cost of turning a Zemlyanka into a Storage Building?

Depending on what the cost of that is, we could be in deep trouble.
We have not ever been told that, actually.

Of course, we also haven't been told if we can even do multiple buildings with one person, so it's just as likely that we'll only get Fortifications done as we would Catherine trying to build stuff we can't afford.

So long as it doesn't cost more than 10-15 Supply per conversion, though, we should be good.
Now that I've got my question from napping out of the way...

7:00- Wake up, find out the shower is booked, get dressed anyway.
7:45- Get breakfast, find Tabasco. Make sure Tabasco isn't razzing on anyone.
8:00- Make sure none of the girls get horribly horribly lost, or that anyone is trying to sit vigil at the tomb for a week straight again.
8:15- Go back to the mess hall and get ready to teach some of the girls English, learn they found out about mail-order magazines and quietly despair.
8:30- Start teaching
10:00- Despair quietly after they start asking each other about how to best throw magic, class is dismissed, go back home to relax.
12:30- Wake up after relaxing, go to lunch
12:35- Find out one of the girls stole your chopsticks for some reason, get plain spare set.
13:00- Finish lunch and go study
14:30- Ditch study, go to workshop
16:00- Test out the device of the day
16:30- Finish testing
16:45- Go over to the top corner window over on Barracks four and take potshots at the damn white cat-things that keep prowling around by the tomb and accosting the girls.
18:45- Get a shower before dinner, use soap liberally to remove smell of cordite.
19:00- Dinner With The Family. Remind Catherine that she can't store still parts in the barracks basements forever.
20:30- Go down to the barracks and make sure everything's ok.
20:35- Raise Cain with the maintenance staff because the girls seem physically incapable of filing a Work Requisiton in good English.
20:45- Help Tabasco with [REDACTED]
21:00- Get ready to go to bed.
21:30- Go to sleep
23:35- Get up, let Tabasco curl up on the bed, chase out the Honor Guard, go back to sleep.
6:45- Tell Tabasco she's got to scram so nobody notices, roll eyes when she says no, chase out the Honor guard again, go back to sleep.
7:00- Wake up, get ready to do it all again.

A few things to take from this:
  • Vigil at the tomb is new. Apparently, the girls are taking the losses from the attack very hard. Not surprising, but we don't want them to run off to get revenge just yet.
  • We can have Blackstone lay off the teaching in the future; the girls are learning English from other sources. Instead, in future turns, we might want to train them.
  • Chopsticks stolen vs Chopsticks disappearing. Interesting.
  • Going to workshop has been cut short compared to last time by... *Rages Internally*
  • Still parts... Catherine wants alcohol. Hopefully, with the Gopher teams here and coming that need will be lessened.
  • Still problems with the Maintenance staff? I'd have hoped that the Gopher Team present would help out more.
  • [REDACTED]? Still? I thought that was over with.
  • Tabasco going to Blackstone's bed is nothing new. The Honor Guard is. As well as the refusual to leave in the morning.
At this rate, I think we need to have James speak with Tabasco, to try to figure out what's going on over there.

Well that's new. Didn't show up till after we found out that a number of the girls had already been 'contracted' in Japan.

Probably worth our time to invest in some stuff that deters supernatural interlopers from entering the premises of our base. As well, making sure that information about the deceitful little bastards ends up in the curriculum taught to the magical girls by our mage trainers once they arrive on-base.

Ugh... so much to do, and not enough actions to do it with.
  • Incubator Traps. We need them, at least to deal with the current infestation.
  • Teaching the Magical Girls about them may be a good idea, if we can fit it into the curriculum somehow.
  • Repelling future supernatural animals would be beneficial, if only we had the time.

So... Did anyone else just read "potential replenishable resource for powering blood magic that nobody will care about" when they noticed we are attracting bunnycats? Or is that just me?

...Hahaha! When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! This is a wonderful idea!

No, wait. This is a terrible idea. It's still the corruptive Blood Magic. Yes, we're not using the caster's own blood, and using the blood of a pest that we see no value in keeping alive. But how long would it take for one of us to slip and start using the blood of another human being?
Now that I've got my question from napping out of the way...

A few things to take from this:
  • Vigil at the tomb is new. Apparently, the girls are taking the losses from the attack very hard. Not surprising, but we don't want them to run off to get revenge just yet.
  • We can have Blackstone lay off the teaching in the future; the girls are learning English from other sources. Instead, in future turns, we might want to train them.
  • Chopsticks stolen vs Chopsticks disappearing. Interesting.
  • Going to workshop has been cut short compared to last time by... *Rages Internally*
  • Still parts... Catherine wants alcohol. Hopefully, with the Gopher teams here and coming that need will be lessened.
  • Still problems with the Maintenance staff? I'd have hoped that the Gopher Team present would help out more.
  • [REDACTED]? Still? I thought that was over with.
  • Tabasco going to Blackstone's bed is nothing new. The Honor Guard is. As well as the refusual to leave in the morning.
At this rate, I think we need to have James speak with Tabasco, to try to figure out what's going on over there.

Ugh... so much to do, and not enough actions to do it with.
  • Incubator Traps. We need them, at least to deal with the current infestation.
  • Teaching the Magical Girls about them may be a good idea, if we can fit it into the curriculum somehow.
  • Repelling future supernatural animals would be beneficial, if only we had the time.

...Hahaha! When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! This is a wonderful idea!

No, wait. This is a terrible idea. It's still the corruptive Blood Magic. Yes, we're not using the caster's own blood, and using the blood of a pest that we see no value in keeping alive. But how long would it take for one of us to slip and start using the blood of another human being?
Not likely to be an issue. The aztecs and other central american natives were big on industrial human sacrifice because they were trying to appease their deities into blessing their nation, not because it got their jollies off. To safeguard an airforce base (and refugee camp, eventually) shouldn't require much more than the sacrifice of a couple magical troggs every once in awhile.

And considering we're getting them with 200 girls, think how many are gonna swarm around when we've got a fully fledged refugee camp of a thousand or two. We shouldn't ever have to resort to human sacrifice.

As well, there's nothing really saying blood magic is particularly corruptive. Not all of it, anyway. Thw GM said that the thing Lily did with Harry was blood magic.
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Not likely to be an issue. The aztecs and other central american natives were big on industrial human sacrifice because they were trying to appease their deities into blessing their nation, not because it got their jollies off. To safeguard an airforce base (and refugee camp, eventually) shouldn't require much more than the sacrifice of a couple magical troggs every once in awhile.

And considering we're getting them with 200 girls, think how many are gonna swarm around when we've got a fully fledged refugee camp of a thousand or two. We shouldn't ever have to resort to human sacrifice.

As well, there's nothing really saying blood magic is particularly corruptive. Not all of it, anyway. Thw GM said that the thing Lily did with Harry was blood magic.

You likely have a point. I just hope none of our mages jump off the slippery slope.