You misread that. I'm not talking about the cultists, I'm talking about the Mage Commandos being massively outnumbered by nigh-useless Magical Girls.

Hence why I assume the magical girls died like dogs, comparatively.

Ahhh. Well, the numbers might be surprising, especially if you look over the unit dossier in the front of the log. Guns are more likely to cause fatalities, and the Mage Commandos caught a lot of heat when they rounded the corner.

Although, sadly, there are more Magical Girl fatalities than anything the commandos suffered.
And aren't we glad now that we have people voting to have actual armed guards for our massive sprawling base with 400+ non-combatants and children?
And aren't we glad now that we have people voting to have actual armed guards for our massive sprawling base with 400+ non-combatants and children?
What are you going on about? We've tried a couple times to get fighers. The problem with that is that american magic users are desperately needed elsewhere abroad. We had Warmages, but they got taken from us and redeployed elsewhere. We attempted to get Strike Wizards, and were rebuffed by our government needing them deployed elsewhere.

What we're going to have to do is bite the bullet and hire some goddamn muggles. Because the magic users are not on our roster of recuitable forces, but army and marine forces are.
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.
[X] Set up a skirmish line by the Research and Science buildings, and funnel them into the alleys. If you limit the front, you can get good depth of units, and it will be easier to coordinate.

Battle's over, but this option won.

*Looks at results*

*Mutters to self*: You cannot save everyone. Harden thy heart...

Well, this is pretty much what I was hoping for. Good news, bad news situation.

The good news is, we won the battle. The bad news is, it was not without cost. This battle was a wake-up call, which we would do well to heed.
The good news is, with a few lucky rolls, we've wiped out the attacking cultists. (The roll that limited damage the most was the failure roll that had the cultist artillery take themselves out; if it had fired successfully on the Barracks, we would have likely caused the deaths of many Magical Girls.)

The bad news is, we took casualties:

Mage Commando Team: 5/7
Mag. Girl Arm 1: 6/10 (got down to 4, currently Fatigued)
Mag. Girl Arm 2: 3/10
Mag. Girl Arm 3: 10/10
Mag. Girl Arm 4: 10/10
Mag. Girl+: 2/10

If I recall correctly, there are normally 10 magical girls per 'unit'. This means we have likely lost 4+7+8=19 girls. Even the Mage Commandos took some damage, costing some of their lives (likely 2, I think), and the unit with Blackstone got hit, putting one of our few heroes at risk. We've lost around 20 lives, if my calculations are correct. Sad to say, my only hope is that no characters that have been named on our side so far perished.

The upside is that we've taken out all 105 of the attackers, around five times our losses.

Slightly good news, we've gotten information about some of the cultists:

Cultist Artillery Team (Wounds: 6 Combat: 6 Magic: 1) (Bombard, Range+)

Cultist War Leader Team (Wounds: 9 Combat: 6 Magic: 2) (Moral+, Stand Your Ground, Rally, Charge)

Cultist Fanatics (Wounds: 15 Combat: 4 Magic: 1) (Fearless, Berzerker, Loud)

I'll add these and add descriptions about them to the Units and Research in the coming days (under Rival Units).

I heavily advise new voters to vote for plan Security First. In it, we're recruiting combat units specifically to prevent this kind of damage to us in the future.

Questions for the future:
  • Can we recruit additional Science and Research teams in order to research multiple subjects at once (one per team)? Or does each additional team simply give a bonus to research?
  • Is it possible to upgrade the Zemlyankas into another building that does not give a penalty to our Base Defense? If so, what?
  • Actually, I never got to cost of creating a Zemlyanka. Is it possible to recieve it to fill in the gaps of my information?
  • Is it possible to request the spending of my organization bonus to uncover where exactly in the Magic tree is Healing Magic? I have a feeling that we're going to want to look into it sometime soon. If I have to choose a specific category to dig into to uncover healing magic, I'd go for Plains Native American in the hope of Native American Shamans with their healing. If Healing Magic is avaliable, just not listed, then can we uncover that branch of the tree, please?
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*Mutters to self*: You cannot save everyone. Harden thy heart...

Questions for the future:
  • Can we recruit additional Science and Research teams in order to research multiple subjects at once (one per team)? Or does each additional team simply give a bonus to research?
  • Is it possible to upgrade the Zemlyankas into another building that does not give a penalty to our Base Defense? If so, what?
  • Actually, I never got to cost of creating a Zemlyanka. Is it possible to recieve it to fill in the gaps of my information?
  • Is it possible to request the spending of my organization bonus to uncover where exactly in the Magic tree is Healing Magic? I have a feeling that we're going to want to look into it sometime soon. If I have to choose a specific category to dig into to uncover healing magic, I'd go for Plains Native American in the hope of Native American Shamans with their healing. If Healing Magic is avaliable, just not listed, then can we uncover that branch of the tree, please?

Just remember this: there is no greater love, than to lay down one's life for a friend. I believe that particular biblical quote is in either Matthew, Mark, or maybe Psalms. Either way, I think it's relevant considering one of @veekie's more flippant- and accurate- remarks.

On the mechanics options,

1- Yes. Two teams can work on two projects in parallel, but they need seperate facilities. If they work together, though, the Research or Science roll goes from 1d75 to 2d75
2- Yes. The Zemlyanka upgrade path is as such: Zemlyanka->Storage Building->Write-in facility of choice (Barracks, Research Lab, Armory, etc.)
3- There is no cost to building a Zemlyanka, provided Catherine is assigned to do the building. Incidently, she's also the only person you have who can build them or a proper Reinforced Bunker.
4- Yep. I'll answer in spoiler below the three ways you can get to a healing magic. Which one you decide to go for is up to you.

- [X] Algonquin Native American
- -[X] Wellness of Body (Grants add. Wounds to certain units, and lowers fatality rates)
- -[X] Wellness of Mind (Grants add. Magic to certain units, and lowers recovery times)
- - -[X] Strength of Soul (Allows combat-level healing and massively lowers fatality rates, requires both Wellness researches be complete)

- [C] Mezoamerican Indian (150/150)
- - [C] Blood Magic I
- - - [X] Blood Magic II (Grants Squadsight and Sympathetic Equipment Science projects, and unlocks Graceful Art for your Research team, a flat +25 to all Tier III or less projects)
- - - - [X] Selfless Ideals (Grants Family of Choice, and Selfless Decision, which heals a unit in combat to full at the cost of the healing unit taking three times as long to recover)

- [X] New England
- -[X] Magical Potions (What it says on the tin- health pots, mana boosts, HP- esque potions, et. all.)
- - -[X] Magical Medicines (Better health pots and reduced recovery time overall.)

- [X] Plains Native American
- -[X] Strong Medicine (Grants rituals to improve many aspects of units)
- - -[X] A Home For All (Gives you a Hogan)
Just remember this: there is no greater love, than to lay down one's life for a friend. I believe that particular biblical quote is in either Matthew, Mark, or maybe Psalms. Either way, I think it's relevant considering one of @veekie's more flippant- and accurate- remarks.
I was being semi serious with the transformation sequence though.

I could see it happening. Magical Girls on one end, Kamen Riders on the other.
What are you going on about? We've tried a couple times to get fighers. The problem with that is that american magic users are desperately needed elsewhere abroad. We had Warmages, but they got taken from us and redeployed elsewhere. We attempted to get Strike Wizards, and were rebuffed by our government needing them deployed elsewhere.

What we're going to have to do is bite the bullet and hire some goddamn muggles. Because the magic users are not on our roster of recuitable forces, but army and marine forces are.
And that was the issue. There was a mono-focus (and all of...I think two[?] recruitment attempts) to get more magical combatants for a mothballed, publicly mapped airbase. Regardless of whether it was a magical base or not, something like that being active should have at least had military or paramilitary guards. Especially after ~400 foreign children and non-combatant refugees were shipped in. There's hardly anyone on the base to keep things from falling apart, never mind actually guarding it.
Just remember this: there is no greater love, than to lay down one's life for a friend. I believe that particular biblical quote is in either Matthew, Mark, or maybe Psalms. Either way, I think it's relevant considering one of @veekie's more flippant- and accurate- remarks.

On the mechanics options,

1- Yes. Two teams can work on two projects in parallel, but they need seperate facilities. If they work together, though, the Research or Science roll goes from 1d75 to 2d75
2- Yes. The Zemlyanka upgrade path is as such: Zemlyanka->Storage Building->Write-in facility of choice (Barracks, Research Lab, Armory, etc.)
3- There is no cost to building a Zemlyanka, provided Catherine is assigned to do the building. Incidently, she's also the only person you have who can build them or a proper Reinforced Bunker.
4- Yep. I'll answer in spoiler below the three ways you can get to a healing magic. Which one you decide to go for is up to you.

- [X] Algonquin Native American
- -[X] Wellness of Body (Grants add. Wounds to certain units, and lowers fatality rates)
- -[X] Wellness of Mind (Grants add. Magic to certain units, and lowers recovery times)
- - -[X] Strength of Soul (Allows combat-level healing and massively lowers fatality rates, requires both Wellness researches be complete)

- [C] Mezoamerican Indian (150/150)
- - [C] Blood Magic I
- - - [X] Blood Magic II (Grants Squadsight and Sympathetic Equipment Science projects, and unlocks Graceful Art for your Research team, a flat +25 to all Tier III or less projects)
- - - - [X] Selfless Ideals (Grants Family of Choice, and Selfless Decision, which heals a unit in combat to full at the cost of the healing unit taking three times as long to recover)

- [X] New England
- -[X] Magical Potions (What it says on the tin- health pots, mana boosts, HP- esque potions, et. all.)
- - -[X] Magical Medicines (Better health pots and reduced recovery time overall.)

- [X] Plains Native American
- -[X] Strong Medicine (Grants rituals to improve many aspects of units)
- - -[X] A Home For All (Gives you a Hogan)

Ah, thank you. This is... much more than I had hoped for.
  1. Hmmm... considering how slowly we've been going through the trees, more researchers for both magic and tech may be a good idea.
  2. Excellent! So we can start getting rid of the Zemlyanka and turning them into more useful buildings in coming months.
  3. Thank you. That lack of information was driving me nuts. Also information about Reinforced Bunkers is interesting; once she gets off intel, she may be busy for a bit.
  4. The meat... and many interesting paths we could go.

I've updated the April 1973 Units and Research Dossier with the new information. Note that I will NOT be updating it further during the month of April (unless something big happens, like another event), and will not be releasing another for a couple of in-game months; I'll likely put up a base status during the month of May, and alternate between Units and Research Dossiers and Base Dossiers until the end of the quest or I disappear.

Units and Research Dossier:

(Current as of April 1973)

Research Trees:
(X = Valid Option)
(C = Research Complete; do not reselect this option)
(L = Research for this option is locked; select one of the prerequisites and complete it first before researching this option!)
(The more '-' there is in a research subject, the deeper in the research tree it is)

Ethnic Magics and Related Magics: (Includes Magics unlocked by researching Ethnic Magics)
- [X] Algonquin Native American
- -[L] Wellness of Body (Grants add. Wounds to certain units, and lowers fatality rates)
- -[L] Wellness of Mind (Grants add. Magic to certain units, and lowers recovery times)
- - -[L] Strength of Soul (Allows combat-level healing and massively lowers fatality rates, requires both Wellness researches be complete)
- [X] Plains Native American
- -[L] Strong Medicine (Grants rituals to improve many aspects of units)
- - -[L] A Home For All (Gives you a Hogan)
- [X] West Coast Native American
- [C] Mezoamerican Indian (150/150)
- - [C] Blood Magic I (Auto Complete with Mezoamerican Indian)
- - - [X] Blood Magic II (Grants Squadsight and Sympathetic Equipment Science projects, and unlocks Graceful Art for your Research team, a flat +25 to all Tier III or less projects)
- - - - [L] Selfless Ideals (Grants Family of Choice, and Selfless Decision, which heals a unit in combat to full at the cost of the healing unit taking three times as long to recover)
- - [C] Ritual Magic I (125/125)
- - - [X] Eldritch Study
- - - [X] Ritual Signs
- [X] New England
- -[L] Magical Potions (What it says on the tin- health pots, mana boosts, HP- esque potions, et. all.)
- - -[L] Magical Medicines (Better health pots and reduced recovery time overall.)
- [X] Southern
- [X] Midwestern
- [X] Southwestern
- [X] Western
- [X] Oceania
- [X] Continental
- [X] Druidic
- [X] Pagan
- [X] Middle Eastern
- [X] Black
- [X] African

Other Magics:
- [C] Space Manipulation Magic (40/40)
- [X] Common Magic Theory I

[X] Develop new technology
- [C] Material Sciences I (125/125)
- - [C] Magical Properties I (100/100)
- - - [X] Heavy Infantry Armor
- - - [X] Heavy Vehicle Armor
- - - [X] SIGNIT I
- - [X] Material Applications I
- - [X] Material Sciences II

[X] Integrate magic and machines

[X] Perform experiments on magical plants and animals

[X] Other
- [X] Magical Girl Practices (61/100)

- [C] Magic Learnings (60/60)
- - [X] Magic Learnings II (36/150)
- [X] Fighting Learnings (10/50)
- [C] Thinking Learnings (60/60)

- [X] (Unknown Category; Magic Learnings II After decay and +59 in February 1973?) (101/150)

- [C] Japanese I
- - [X] Japanese II
- [X] Teaching Magical Girls
- [X] Training Magical Girls

Base Information:

[]Barracks I (+5 to Max Population)
Cost: 80 Money, 10 Supplies

[]Mess Hall (+10 to Moral, reduces odds of successful enemy infiltration)
Cost: 95 Money, 35 Supplies

[]Intel Shop (+5 to Active Intel, +2 to Infiltration)
Cost: 70 Money, 10 Supplies

[]Firing Range (+5 to Combat Arms, +2 to Base Defense)
Cost: 95 Money, 35 Supplies

[]Magic Workshop (+5 to Research, +2 to Upgrades)
Cost: 80 Money, 10 Supplies

[]Laboratory (+5 to Science, +2 to Upgrades)
Cost: 80 Money, 10 Supplies

[]Fortifications (+10 to Base Defense)
Cost: 105 Money, 55 Supplies

[]Motor Pool (+5 to Combat Arms, +1 to Upgrades, opens Mechanized Warfare research tree)
Cost: 135 Money, 50 Supplies

[]Armory (+5 to Combat Arms, opens Specialist Infantry research tree, opens ability to equip upgrades)
Cost: 95 Money, 50 Supplies

[]Clinic (Bonuses to recovery time, +1 to Research, +1 to Science)
Cost: 80 Money, 15 Supplies

[]EWO Shop (+5 to Active Intel, +2 to Passive Intel)
Cost: 85 Money, 10 Supplies

[]Computer Bay (+1 to Research, Science, Combined Arms, Active Intel, Passive Intel, and Infiltration)
Cost: 80 Money, 10 Supplies

[]Tools Shop (Allows manufacture of any discovered special items)
Cost: 45 Money, 5 Supplies

[]Zemlyanka (Semi-permanent shelter, +5 to Max Population, -1 Base Defense)
Cost: (None; Hero Unit Catherine Fuchs must devote an action to building, can build multiple Zemlyankas at once)

[]Reinforced Bunker (???)
Cost: (UNKNOWN; Hero Unit Catherine Fuchs must devote an action to building)

[] Barracks I+ enc. I (A Barracks I magically enchanted with space expanding charms, +10 Max Population)
Cost: Barracks I, Devoted action of Adult Hero Magic-User OR Magic-Using Team

[] Storage Building (???) (Can be upgraded to another non-Zemlyanka building)
Cost: Zemlyanka, Devoted action of Adult Hero Magic-User OR Magic-Using Team

Units (Groups of People):

[]American Army Team (Combat: 7 Infiltration: 1 Wounds: 8) Cost: 25 Money
Tough, dedicated, and smart. These men can wreck havoc, and in a pinch can fulfill any Base task

[]American Marine Team (Combat: 9 Infiltration: -1 Wounds: 7) Cost: 25 Supply
Incredibly ferocious and deadly. This unit can automatically use any Mechanized Warfare upgrades produced.

[]Strike Wizard Team (Combat: 5 Magic: 7 Wounds: 3) Cost: 65 Money, 15 Supply
An elite Mage team from America. Loaded for bear, they can fight outnumbered and outgunned until the very end.

[]War Mage Team (Combat: 2 Magic: 10 Wounds: 3) Cost: 110 Money, 45 supply
The best in wholesale destruction that America has developed. Honed against Wendigo, capable of dropping a Thin Man from a mile, this is the face of magic death.

[]Infiltration Team (Infiltration: 8 Magic: 1 Intel: 5) Cost: 35 Money, 10 Supply
When you must get a man in, send only the best.

[] Intel Team (Intel: 7 Science: 3 Research: 3) Cost: 35 Money, 10 Supply
The intel screwballs. Letting them out of their caves may result in sudden burning or turning into stone despite being neither Vampire or Norwegian Troll.

[] Mage Commando Team (Combat: 6 Magic: 4 Wounds: 7 Infiltration: 4) Cost: 75 Money, 15 Supply
The subtle knives. They fight like beasts cornered, because if they have to fight then they are.

[] Research Team (Research: 7 Intel: 3 Science: 3) Cost: 35 Money, 10 Supply
The masters of arcane might responsible for teaching and arming your magical troops. Many bear a striking resemblance to one Dr. Faust

[] Science Team (Science: 7 Intel: 3 Research: 3) Cost: 35 Money, 10 Supply
The guys you poached from NASA. They have a handful of jobs, all of which boil down to make more dakka.

[] Mage Training Team (Magic: 12 Research: 3) Cost: 45 Money 25 Supply
The teachers and mentors responsible for honing a mage into a war machine.

[] Gopher Team (None) Cost: 5 Money, 5 Supply
The little busybodies who take care of the base. You don't need them, but their mere presence makes everything run easier.

[] Trained Magical Girls (Combat: 3; Infiltration: 1; Magic: 4; Wounds: 10) (Light Weapons, Potential, ESL) Cost: 1 Magical Girl Unit, Training
A unit of mostly pre-teen magic users who are combat capable.

Greaves' Retinue (Combat: 5 Magic: 5 Infiltration: 2 Intel: 2 Science: 1 Research: 1 Wounds: 6) (Paper Unit, Hero)
Greaves' family and close staff. Only calculated as a unit for Base Defenses and Population.

Magical Girls (Combat: 1 Magic: 1 Infiltration: 1 Wounds: 10) (Noncombatant, Potential, ESL, Untrained)
A unit of mostly pre-teen magic users from Japan who are temporarily displaced. Really, really annoying over long periods. 1/20 chance of having someone semi-fluent in English to translate. Magical Girl refugees from Japan. Probably shouldn't be in England without visas, but oh well.

Magical Girls + Blackstone (Combat: 3; Infiltration: 1; Magic: 4; Wounds: 10) (Steadfast, Moral++, Rally Point, Light Weapons)
BATTLE ONLY. Blackstone temporarily leaves the Greaves's Retinue unit and joins one of four Magical Girls units on base (unit 1, 4, 7, or 14).

Ministry of Magic Auror Unit (Combat: 2; Infiltration: 1; Magic 7; Wounds 7) (Law-Giver, Awe, Teleport)
A team of Aurors from the Ministry of Magic's DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement), responsible for catching, dealing with, and/or hunting down law-breakers of Wizarding Britain.

Death Eater Unit (Combat 4; Infiltration: 2; Magic: 4; Wounds: 10) (Lawless, Shock+, Teleport, Signal++, Detection)
A team of Wizards loyal to the Dark Lord Voldemort. Liable to flee at first sign of being overpowered.

Cultist Artillery Team (Wounds: 6 Combat: 6 Magic: 1) (Bombard, Range+,)
A team of Cultists loyal to the cause of the cult, specializing in long-range bombardment.

Cultist War Leader Team (Wounds: 9 Combat: 6 Magic: 2) (Moral+, Stand Your Ground, Rally, Charge)
A team of Cultists loyal to the cause of the cult. This team is led by one of the war leaders of the cult, but not the main head of the cult.

Cultist Fanatics (Wounds: 15 Combat: 4 Magic: 1) (Fearless, Berzerker, Loud)
A group of Cultists fanatically loyal to the cause of the cult.

And looking at the revealed research...
  • Going down the Algonquin Native American route gives us (reatively) quick access to Wellness of Body, increasing unit health and decreasing fatalities, which is very tempting considering what we just got out of. Going down this path further for Strength of Soul would make our units harder to kill, if we have enough time to devote research here.
  • Selfless Ideals is an all-or-nothing healing, essentially, and while the bonus to research from Blood Magic II is tempting, my personal inclinations makes me desire to give this route a pass. I don't want us to become the next Aztecs; we've delved enough into Blood.
  • The New England magic grants us access to the local HP magic. When in England, do as the English do. Going down this path would grant us a little camouflage going forward, Magical Potions would grant us many effects if we can stock up on enough of them, and Magical Medicines would improve those potions in regards to healing.
  • Exploring the Plains Native American branch gives us rituals to improve our units, which may be useful in strengthening the mundane security when it arrives (as well as anyone else). However, the Hogan from A Home For All, considering that it was revealed when I asked for healing routes, may be an improvement on the Clinic, so it may be something to look into.
Any of Algonquin Native American, Plains Native American, or New England branches may be helpful in giving us a quick boost to improve our capabilities.
Honestly, getting English magic researched has a lot of advantages:

1. Stealth: We can function like the locals. Blend in to some degree.
2. Ease: We can find sources, samples and resources for it quite easily.
3. Counters: Knowing what our opponents are using is instrumental in trying to defeat them more effectively.
And that was the issue. There was a mono-focus (and all of...I think two[?] recruitment attempts) to get more magical combatants for a mothballed, publicly mapped airbase. Regardless of whether it was a magical base or not, something like that being active should have at least had military or paramilitary guards. Especially after ~400 foreign children and non-combatant refugees were shipped in. There's hardly anyone on the base to keep things from falling apart, never mind actually guarding it.

You're right. We've screwed up in not hiring any security for the base. We've made token efforts to make due, but those token efforts were not enough, especially with the restriction on magical units. I've sided with plan Security First this time in order to make up for that missing security, even if it isn't magical.

As I've said before, this battle was a wake-up call that wasn't too costly for us.

As for researching Japanese Magic Theory... let's research it, see what it gives us and unlocks for us (especially since we've got a bunch of girls who'll take to it with ease), and then decide whether to go into it further or duck into another area first.
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There's hardly anyone on the base to keep things from falling apart, never mind actually guarding it.


Seriously, I tried to tell people there were problems. James' chronic lack of sleep and drinking, Blackstone doing matinence jobs, the fact that the girls translator just vanished off the face of the earth and nobody realises it or notes him as an asset...

Well, gonna have to credit @Random Tale for having one good eye here. Bravo. Speaking of...

Ah, thank you. This is... much more than I had hoped for.


I don't want us to become the next Aztecs; we've delved enough into Blood.


However, the Hogan from A Home For All, considering that it was revealed when I asked for healing routes, may be an improvement on the Clinic, so it may be something to look into.

A few things for you.

First, an item on the Aztecs. Despite the amazingly bad rep they get thanks to the very stilted education on them, they're not the worst of the Mezoamericam groups. That honor goes to the Tarscarans and lesser extent the Myans. Part of the problem is that the Aztecs as a nation were a confederate state, and their religion (as an ethnic group) of sacrifice was much more discriminate than the Tarscarans members, who favored quanity over quality. As such, a lot of things about the region are badly distorted, and when you add in the Spanish actions, everything gets very messy indeed.

History lesson aside, the knowledge you gain from research is totally divorced from what you do with it. I don't tell you guys all of what you can do with all the stuff you have for an excellent reason. There's a LOT of ugly shit you could do right now, starting with the good old bag-of-holding bomb, moving up to the Mayan Death Ray, and finishing off with a very small directed-magic weapon that could probably take out Hogwarts if you were willing to turn York into a smoking crater and snap all the Accords.

EDIT: Also, the Hogan is something completely different from a clinic. Do some research- it's not a one-trick building, especially if you can get a medicine man.

And if anyone wants to provide alternative "better translations" of medicine man, please kindly take a piss up a rope. Medicine men are medicine men, and if the term is a blind idiot translation, oh well. That's what they call themselves in English, and I'm not making my spellchecker commit suicide by processing to many Native American words.
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Seriously, I tried to tell people there were problems. James' chronic lack of sleep and drinking, Blackstone doing matinence jobs, the fact that the girls translator just vanished off the face of the earth and nobody realises it or notes him as an asset...
We have been trying. There's no room for the people. There's no actions for the people. We've been spending the last 5 turns working to solve the space problem so we can start to solve the manpower problem.
Base Under Assault! (III) (May 3, 1974)
The answer wasn't obvious, and it took you a bit to figure it out while you were passing out the bullets. While getting more girls armed up and ready to roll was a good plan, you knew that also made you a better target for the rocket-launcher cultists. Likewise, hiding in the Zemlyankas was dead out- either you would get a perfect ambush off, or it would turn into a hand-to-hand brawl at close quarters, and you knew The Enemy had men to spare for that sort of thing. Finally, you settled into a "good" plan- throw some lead while they were crossing the killzone, and then slide back into the alleys around the Research Center. If they came in, you could shred them with a rolling retreat out into the road, and if shit fell all the way through then…

…You had bayonets.

That depressing thought aside, you started yelling and shouting the girls into a rough double line behind you so that if things went wrong en-route you could get a good firing line out. Thankfully, that never happened, so you got the girls into the alley, and then stuck your nose out to find The Enemy.


Yep. That was Cultists, all right. Getting the girls out into a staggered firing line, you instructed each girl to aim for the group to the left of the battered banner sitting up there. It was a muddy thing, the black snakes on it writhing in an incomprehensible snarl. Nobody looked at it longer than they absolutely had to- it broke the brains of those who did. Hopefully, the group your girls were aiming for would be the command group, and your first shots would be your last.

Snapping your fingers loudly, a clear volley rang out as fifty antiquated rifles spat death, and reloaded by the numbers. After some panicked shouting, you saw The Enemy redirect themselves into a loose attack column, prompting you to fall the girls back into the alley at the double. Now came the difficult part. The alley was only about eight girls wide, and you needed every gun at the ready.

"Alright, we're making a three-line fire basket! Squad 1, get prone in a line here, slightly angled! Squad 2, kneeling behind that! Squad 3, standing! Four, get your magic ready- they might try something ugly! Five, fix bayonets and get your Barriers hot! If they hit the line, you're going to buy us enough time to fall back! Move, move, move!"

It was almost scary, the clockwork precision displayed by the girls. The slight tilt to the line was almost unnoticeable in the dark, and you really wished your targets were going to be backlit. This was literally the worst situation to be in unless everything went right- a packed alley, with untrained riflemen, and very eager melee fighters charging into the fray. About the only relief to-

-that was a glint off metal.

"UTE!" you yelled, as a more ragged volley went out. In the back, a banshee scream echoed, reminiscent of rage and hope. The intent behind the magically-infused sound might not have been clear to you, but to the stopped remains of The Enemy's lead unit, the purpose was clear enough. Reloading, their bolts clicked and clacked, little tinkles of brass ringing out against the packed earth. Firing again, this time by row, you hear a series of sounds that makes you blanch. Crinkles and crankles, the sound of jamming guns. It wasn't all of them, mind, but that didn't matter much.

"First squad, fire! Second, fall back through Third! Third, fire! Fourth, advance and kneel, then fire!"

The odd maneuver worked, barely, and the girls in Second grimly fixed bayonets to compensate for their disabled guns. A few slipped bullets in when their guns worked, others growled at their broken tools. Behind the formation, Fifth squad threw up a magical flare to illuminate the battlefield.

You almost wished they hadn't. Blood and gore was on the cold earth, decorating the remaining snow in a macabre light. The heavy rounds of the rifles had stripped any pretense of civility from the battle, and ended lives in torn messes. As one hand flapped in the wind from the charging fanatics, you belatedly realized that not even all of them were dead.

Then you realized you were getting charged, and swore. The prone girls had been smart enough to get up, but it wasn't enough as spears flashed and a soprano scream started. This was no weapon, though. This was terror.

"Second squad, CHARGE!" you yelled, beckoning with a now-glowing arm. As their sisters tried to fight, you heard one voice in there cry out a traditional Banzai, and then they hit home. Bayonets, in your opinion, weren't all that great, especially the antique spikes the girls had. As Third Squad dragged those of First back for medical attention, Fourth did something unexpected, crying out and whipping their hands toward Second Squad. You brushed it off as magic, and Fifth Squad got back far and adopted an echelon stance, ready for the forward girls to fall through them. In the distance, explosions and screams rang out, while you kept your focus on the battle. This was important, critical even. As the swift dance of spear on bayonet continued, you heard some vague shouting before a second unit of fresh Cultists hit the poor girls. The spent ones had gone down like dogs, but these fresh ones were tougher it seemed- that, or your girls were just tired. Either way, their line was damn near broken, and it was time to skedaddle.

First Squad, now behind Second, got up and rolling, passing through Fifth to cover the back of the alley. Third Squad, proving their experience as medics, grabbed what wounded they could of Second to drag back as Second franticly disengaged and ran back. The girls were faster than the baying Enemy, and as the cultists readied themselves for a nice sacking, they were met with more rifle fire. What bare minimum of standing girls behind Five from Two were mad as hell, and ready to go down guns blazing. Alternating their firing and reloading, they burned through a few clips in a hurry.

It wasn't enough, though, and you knew you needed to act now. Charging the light you held on you and in you, a part of you sighed. You then thrust the light out, willing it to become more. Now it wasn't light. It was Light, and when it struck those black-hearted bastards it cut through them like the end it was.

Of course, they tried to charge again. It was all they knew, the damned things. Only now, with their numbers attrited across the seventy-foot long alley, it went from an avalanche of death to a pitiful last stand of the damned. Scraping them off from Life with a slight bit more rifle fire and more of your Burning Light, you smiled a fell smile. They were done.

"Blackstone-dono! Blackstone-dono! Your father and his men are coming!" one of First Squad called out. "The Enemy are defeated!"

Smiling faintly, your legs lost their strength, and you found a brace of strong arms helping to hold you up. You had to tell your father. You had to tell him you had won.

(There may be an epilogue. Either way, voting for May is now resumed!)
Out of curiousity, if anyone who reads this is good with art, shoot me a PM please. I have one particular item that I'd like drawn that's showing up in the next update that might be a good thing to art.
Meadows Of Heaven (May 4, 1973)
Your name was James Greaves, and you were not in good shape. The zemlyankas you had built along the outskirts of your base were originally for emergency housing- not to serve as a temporary morgue. Lied out in state were two of your Mage Commandos, dressed in their full dress uniforms. The dark purple garrison caps had glinting brass bands, red rank insignia on them flashing darkly in the harsh morticians light. Next to them, behind a thin curtain, was the other casualties of the night. You hated that they were there. They shouldn't have been there, in that alley that night. Your son shouldn't have been in that alley, that night, leading them.

Slowly drawing back the entrance curtain, you walked in solemnly. The outside room had been cool, professional. A just reward for a just service. This, though, this was heartrending. As the wave of thin incense washed over you, you made your way into the first bay. Lying next to each other were two beds, draped over with funeral shrouds. God knew there were enough preservation spells on the area that you could take a second and lift the shrouds, but you already knew what you would find. Stately faces, the almost-smiles serene the mortician had left in his wake glimmering up at you. They had been organized in death as they had been in life, next to their friends. Thick white clay might hide the wrenching stabs and deep cuts they had suffered, but to you the wounds still dripped red.

Wrenching yourself away, you took a breath and headed to the next bay. Three cool corpses here, with one of the girls from their unit sitting vigil. Her face was bare of makeup, showing you those eyes that had seen more in three hours than eleven years. As she looked at you and you at her, she smiled bitterly.

"We had seen a little of what they could do before." She said, playing with an unsmoked cigarette. "We chose to come."

You didn't need to say anything to express your feelings. You had failed here. Your face said it all, with the two pale trails down flanking your nose. The girl, anonymous to you, just nodded. Her black dress was plain except for one exception, a small badge at the shoulder. Inside was a series of flowers entwined around a long stock, stylized near to the point of being unrecognizable. Worked in brass, it indicated something, but you hadn't an idea as to what. When the girl shifted to take it off so you could get a better look, you shook your head. You'd seen enough of it, and the grim reminder it was of what happened. Stepping out swiftly, you stumbled coming out, nearly landing on another one of the girls going in to pay her respects. Judging by the harsh limp and bottle of… something… in her hand, she wasn't taking it as sagely as the others. Dodging a universal curse and some hissed Japanese, you let her make her way to one of the bays. Moving on, you sighed as you made your way to the last, worst bay.

Here, you found your son sitting in the middle of the room, focus given entirely to a small fat-lamp burning away on the floor. The air was still, save for the thin plume of smoke curling gently up to the roof. Nodding gently to him, you stepped around him and watched the shrouds carefully. Each one was embroidered artfully, with lines in kanji and the other scripts, while pictures decorated them with that same symbol placed on the right shoulder.

"We plan on holding the wake tomorrow night." Blackstone said, calmly. Too calmly. "After that comes the cremation, some ceremonies, and then the entombment. I staked out the plots last morning. We'll need you to make an appearance during the wake and hand over some condolence money, and later purchase the stone for the family monument."

"They don't want to be interned at home?" you ask, quizzically. Your son's calm started to wear away, and he frowned.

"Not many of the girls who were sent to America were of 'good stock'. And when they heard that this was the furthest place they would be scattered, the selectors gave you the ones that nobody would miss. If I tried to send the remains to Japan, the girls here would revolt. They're family now."

A small part of his voice choked on the next line.

"Besides- they said, this tomb, this shrine, it has more meaning for them than any other at home. They even told me where they want the monument, so that all the girls would know where they would stay."

A part of you cracked, and you left almost crying.
Harsh. Very harsh. No less so for the fact that it is probably the best way this attack could have gone.

You handled that very well, @7734. The update was poignant and evocative.
Harsh. Very harsh. No less so for the fact that it is probably the best way this attack could have gone.

You handled that very well, @7734. The update was poignant and evocative.

Thank you. James, sometimes, is a very difficult character to write. It's at its worst when he and I have philosophical differences over something, like some of the things that come up in the Passive Intel.

Other times like this he just writes himself. This wasn't fun to write, but I feel that I did well. Considering the amount of significance that one post will have later, I'm glad it does the job I picked for it

Alright, so what do we want to accomplish now, everybody? We should start thinking about our plans for the next turn. Recruiting a few units of Army or Marine soldiers is a necessity, I think, since it'll keep this kind of situation from reoccurring. Anything else we need to do?
Alright, so what do we want to accomplish now, everybody? We should start thinking about our plans for the next turn. Recruiting a few units of Army or Marine soldiers is a necessity, I think, since it'll keep this kind of situation from reoccurring. Anything else we need to do?

Honestly we need to look into some magical defenses too. I'm not even sure we are blocking teleportation right now. We fought a bunch of stupid cultists this time but if Death Eaters show up next time thing might go very badly. Especially if they bring their more dangerous monsters with them. AFAIK they have werewolves, giants and dementors like in canon. They could also just use the imperious curse to send hordes of mind controlled civilians at us. It'll be a mess.