Not my idea, just reposting what
Generatednam wrote. Stalin getting hit with the Uno Reverse by having his own playbook turned on him and declared counter-revolutionary & purged appeals to me greatly.
Code Geass/X-Com Crossover Some liberties taken with the Code Geass setting, so I guess it is kinda an AU?
With all that said, all this talk of Raymond and Lily Shen has gotten me thinking more on when and where exactly I *would* introduce them. I had always planned to introduce them in the China arc that I'd started to set up with the India deal, but at what stage I was not yet sure due to that arc still being relatively early in its conceptual stage.
Now though, I believe I have an idea. As usual though, we will have to start with some background.
Raymond Shen, to the best of my knowledge, is Taiwanese. Admittedly, his background isn't listed anywhere in Ufopaedia, so it might have been something I internalized from another fic rather than being anything official, but regardless it works out very well.
Now, to determine where he would fit in, let's look at the history of Taiwan. In our world, Taiwan is where the Kuomintang and ROC military retreated to following the successful Communist uprising under Mao. Before the ROC took it over following the end of WWII though, it was ruled over by Japan as a colonial possession for around 50 years, and before then it was a part of China under the Qing dynasty.
In the world of this fic, however, things played out much differently for China, and it all comes down to Emperor Puyi. One thing to note about Puyi is that he was more or less shoved onto the throne at age 2, and was turned into an ineffective puppet for the entirety of his reign, abdicating in 1912. This would be similar to what was going on in the CG timeline, with the Qing monarchy being effectively dissolved when he was just 6 hears old and him being removed from the throne while still not entirely understanding what the hell was going on.
In our timeline, he would go on to become an ineffective, Opium-addicted puppet of the Japanese, and it's a pretty sad story overall. Perhaps fortunately for him, after the Communist takeover Mao Zedong wanted to flex on the Soviets and demonstrate the superiority of his own interpretetation of Communist philosophy and so decided to make Puyi convert to Communism, while the Soviets had elected to simply kill their own Emperor.
However, there is one key figure in Puyi's life that, in the CG timeline, would have made all the difference, and that is Reginald Johnston. In our timeline, Johnston was a Scottish scholar who was hired as a tutor for Puyi after his abdication, and Puyi in turn developed a great admiration for the man, at one point wishing to leave China entirely in order to study at Oxford... (And incidentally, also introduced Puyi to the Telephone, leading to the Emperor enthusiastically prank-calling people all over Beijing for fun).
In this fic's timeline though... Reginald Johnston would have been Britannian, and he would have brought him a very Britannian mindset towards conquest and rulership. Under his tutelage, Puyi would in turn have been far more militaristic and rulership-minded, and would have grown to see his forced coronation and subsequent abdication as a travesty. Thus, he would begin planning to take back his throne in earnest.
At this point in time, China was a mess. With the Qing dynasty having formally collapsed (though it had been rotten for a while by now), China was firmly in its warlord era. You would have had a plethora of wannabe-despots trying to take over, former provinces and client states declaring independence, and revolutionaries attempting to establish an EU-style Republic. Into this mess, then, come the Communists under Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhughashvili, better known under his pen-name of Stalin, as well as Leon Trotsky. They had just been forced out of Russia after an unsuccessful attempt at government takeover had left Lenin dead and the Tsar restored as a constitutional figurehead of a new Kolchak-led government.
Communist rhetoric, however, would greatly appeal to the peasants of China, and soon enough a new, powerful Communist faction would emerge in the ongoing Chinese civil war. As he watched all this, however, Puyi would realize that the Communists had a critical weakness in their leadership. While communist rhetoric and philosophy greatly appealed to the Chinese peasants, the thought of being led by foreigners from Russia was considerably less palatable to them. They needed legitimacy, and Puyi would exploit this. He would declare himself to be a Communist and insert himself into the Russian leadership of the Chinese Soviet, granting them much needed legitimacy while also giving him the opportunity to start wresting control of the Soviet's affairs from the Russians. In time, he would grow strong enough to no longer need the Russians, and in true Communist fashion would declare that their Marxist-Leninist philosophy was counter-revolutionary and have them all executed. Thus, Puyi would end up taking full control of the Chinese Communist Party and implement his own form of Communism with Chinese Characteristics (Aka more or less what we see in Code Geass).
Now, what does this have to do with Taiwan and Dr. Shen?
I mentioned earlier that there was a faction in the Chinese Civil War that sought to establish an EU-style republic, which would have been roughly analogous to the Kuomintang of our timeline. For a time, this faction would have been the strongest in the civil war, receiving considerable foreign military aid from the EU as EU nations drew down their stocks of war materiel following the end of WWI. However, as military tensions began to rise in Europe, along with economic issues, this support began to dry up, while at home domestic support began to wane as well as Communist ideology grew more widespread.
During this time, in addition to fighting itself, China was also being invaded by the Japanese, who sought to take advantage of Chinese weakness for their own imperial ambitions. The Communists under Puyi were able to mount a fierce defense in Manchuria, ultimately driving the Japanese out, which further increased their popular support. Desiring a victory of their own, the Republic of China would decide to take the fight to Japanese-held Taiwan. Japan, at this point weakened, was unable to defend the island, though taking it still cost the RoC a considerable amount of irreplaceable resources, ultimately leaving it vulnerable to Communist takeover in the mainland. As the Communists took over the entirety of China, establishing the Chinese Federation, the ROC would flee across the Taiwan Straits and proclaim themselves as the legitimate rulers of China.
Unfortunately for them, while in our timeline the US and other Western nations were willing to supply Taiwan with weapons to resist China, here the ROC had no such luck. The Chinese Federation would conquer Taiwan soon afterwards, officially declaring itself the uncontested ruler of all of China. However, ideals don't die so easily, and in the time since Taiwan has been a hotbed of anti-Communist uprisings and unrest. Thus, Taiwan remains a Militarized Zone instead of being turned into an Autonomous Region or fully integrated into the Chinese metropole.
We also know that as of 2017 a.t.b, China is a MASSIVE POWDER KEG. In the decades since Puyi's death, a Eunuch faction has once more managed to take power, and nobody seems to really like them. In fact, we saw just how little people liked them when Zero livestreamed their speech to all of China. While you would expect such a speech to generate a rebellion, the fact that it caused the military to mutiny nationwide, and for the citizens to all rise up more or less simultaneously at the drop of a hat tells you just how tenuous the High Eunuchs' grip on power truly is, and perhaps tells you why they were so eager to sell out to Britannia.
Thus, it is almost certain that the Taiwan Militarized Zone would be just as full of rebels as everywhere else, and that the Shens would be aligned with one such group. Most likely, they would serve as its source of equipment, coordinating with rebel organizations elsewhere in China, as well as with criminal organizations and corrupt/disillusioned military members to acquire, upgrade and produce equipment for an eventual uprising. This is where they would be at the story's start, at least.
As for how they would enter the story, how they would be affected by the Aliens before then and the like... Well, that would have to wait until I can get an Interlude out to look at global events, at least for now.