Speaking of the Mongols, I think alt-history has a tendency to assume that the Mongol Empire was inevitable. Crusader Kings 3 is a good example of this: by default, Temüjin always spawns and then gets a whole boatload of bonuses that essentially railroad the Mongol Empire into happening. In other timelines, even if Temüjin gets butterflied away or never becomes Genghis Khan, there's still some nomad leader that conquers enormous swathes of Eurasia.
But it seems to me the Mongol Empire was actually incredibly unlikely. First, Temüjin was a peerless general and leader, and I don't think anyone else could have unified and reorganized the Mongols like he did. Second, political circumstances around Genghis kicked up a perfect storm that enabled several rapid wars of conquest. The Khwarezmian leadership in particular bungled their response to him so badly they might as well have rolled out a red carpet for him. And third, his family managed several successions in a row without a serious civil war, which was itself an incredible feat.
My hot take is that if you change or remove any of those factors, the Mongol Empire is never born.
A large part of why the game has the Mongols always spawn is to provide a late game challenge. It provides you something you have to spend the game preparing for. Ok, for MOST characters on the eastern edge of the map, it is something you spend your time preping for. There is actually a big expection. You can actually force Genghis Khan to spawn as an Adult Tengri Mongolian Culture Tribal Emperor with at least 100 realm size, a capital in the Steppe, and is Exalted Among Men.
And by force, what I actually mean is said character declares themselves Genghis Khan. A far more terrifying Genghis Khan than in OTL because this can be easily done within a century of game start and will likely stop because they conquer the entire map.
CK2 has as requirements for becomin Genghis Khan being an emperor, mongol culture, and having either 35 nomadic counties in the realm with horse lords on or 35 counties as a tribal without. This is actually harder than it appears. Ck2 has all of one lord in most pre-OTL mongol invasion of Mongolian culture on the map. He is almost always surrounded by stronger enemies. As a tribal without horse lords, you basically have no chance of being an emperor if you dont conquer basically the needed number of counties anyways. As a Nomad? All independent Nomads are automatically Emperors...but instead you have to deal with wars on the steppe being a very Win or Die situation. If you are lucky, you might be merely forced to bend the knee to a neighbor. More likely its a restart. Surviving long enough to have a chance at 35 nomadic counties is not easy.
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