With great power come responsibility except for school bullying,that she need to stand up for herself,No one can help her except herself,Peter know that.
1. Peter doesn't know anything about Taylor. He doesn't know about the bullying.
2. Bullsh*t. There's bullying, and then there's stuffing someone in a locker full of biologically hazardous material for hours and leaving them there. That's a f*cking murder attempt. "Just stand up for yourself" stopped being the solution a long time ago.
3. As someone who was bullied a lot both before and after getting superpowers, Peter not only knows at least a little of what she's going through, but can commiserate about it and give her advice without Taylor being able to write him off as patronizing or as someone who "doesn't get it."
4. Just to head off any argument about it that might come up, I want to clarify that I'm not saying Peter is going to swing in and White Knight all her problems away; I'm saying he's in a unique position to give her advice and support. And that's something every bullying victim deserves to have.
[X] From what Dr. Strange said she survives, and you have more pressing things to do. Like go to this Protectorate and see about getting a job and housing with them.
Taylor just triggered and would be getting over trauma at the hospital. A helpful spider meeting her at this point would not be very useful when she's still pretty traumatized. Better to establish credentials(and money) at the PRT and then do outreach as a recognized hero.
Debatable. Taylor has issues with authority and authority figures, and if we're coming down from on high as a recognized hero, she's going to have a harder time believing we genuinely want to help her. After all, besides her dad, who's
really wanted to help her so far? The school cares far more about what's convenient for them than what's best for her, for instance.
Besides, we can just as easily take her from that locker, make sure she's taken to a hospital, talk to the faculty about the appalling negligence needed on their part for this to happen in the first place, talk to the cops/Protectorate, and then check up on her later when she's woken up, calmed down, and realized she has powers. She'll not only be calm enough to listen to us, she'll already feel a connection and maybe some gratitude.